Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
New Nagnang Leadership
by: Ferro
-- 6:34 PM EST
Recently a new Sage and General were appointed in Nagnang. Morick is now the Sage of Nagnang, taking over from Sage Milana. Neji is now the General of Nagnang, taking over from General Ferro. I asked them both about their plans for Nagnang. Sage Morick replied, I look forward to doing great things with General Neji for the land. , and General Neji replied I look forward to working with everybody in power in Nagnang to better the country. They are asking any interested and able-bodied parties to contact them as they could use some fresh talent in their respective organizations. May they be successful in their endeavors. 
The Ancient Inscriptions: More than we think?
One of the Councilors of Kinung has recently posted on the Chronicles of the Winds and to have been immortalized in gold indicates it must have some significance. See below for details:

BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Omyer DATE: 12/25 SUBJECT: Study of the inscriptions
Ever since I heard about the ancient inscriptions that were found by the Mining clan I decided to venture into the Lost Mines and study them further. After days of examining them, I was able to determine that there are seven types of inscriptions, each based on one of the focal points known to the southwestern civilizations as "chakra".
These inscriptions while having similar power, allow us to awaken different energy fields from our body when used. From what I was able to learn the ones that represent chakras closest to the root tend to unveil most of our inner energy at once, while those that are closer to the crown may unleash less energy at the start but have prolonged effects and boost in performance.
If anyone else is interested in helping with the studies of these inscriptions, please share your findings as well.
Signed, Omyer
For those unaware, Kinung was originally created back in August of 2009 and was created to be the hub of role-play for all Nexians.
This is an excerpt from the original posting by KRU when Nexians were invited to apply for the position of Councilor in February of 2009 prior to the areas opening: "Surround yourself with imagination and contribute your creativity to help role-play increase and prosper into the Kingdom of the Winds! Will the winds whisper the legend of your deeds forever? Do you wish to encourage the discovery of the new role-play town (Kinung), share your knowledge with others, and serve your kingdom? We seek you, who will remain true to the Nexus vision and its reason for existence. Such a position will require devotion, so should you have limited time, please do not apply.
The chosen players will become the Councilors of Kinung. They will regulate rules, politics and everything needed to promote role-playing. They will work with players on the literature, history, philosophy, biography of our heroes, and the lore of Nexus. They will work on painting, music, events, stories and poems, magic, politics, economics and much more! This is your chance to get involved in this new and exciting area of the game, with its own system. Get yourself involved in Kinung by overseeing and helping evolve a new society. Many adventures await you and you will make history. Unravel Kinung's mystery and help share its many unique aspects!"
Knowing this, Councilor Omyer of Kinung must be pointing us to some interesting and fun opportunities!
Though, we have not seen any sign of Kinungs Mayor or Councilors since the debacle with Nagnang in October 2017 he now urges those interested to post their own findings on the Chronicles of the Winds. What type of 'effects and/or boosts' have you noticed with the use of your inscription? We look forward to seeing where all this leads!
Sidenote: He is one of the few remaining with the title: 'Commoner' originally given to the Councilors of Kinung.
Condensed Walkthrough - Desolate Mines
Note: Credit to CloudyBoi for putting this walkthrough together on Community board! See his post below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: CloudyBoi DATE: 5/18 SUBJECT: [Event Walkthrough] Desolate Mines
To enter the inner mines, you must complete a side quest in the Gnome Village. You do not have to finish all the quest from the last post.
Pre-Req Quest to enter Desolate MInes:
4 Claystone (Trolls Orange) 4 Marlstone (Trolls White) 4 Siltstone (Trolls Grey) 12 Magically Sealed Note (Gnomes) 10 Floating Essence (Straws)
Gnome Village Quests jail area - Save the Wife: 1) Talk to the Gnome Etiju with a hat 2) Say "Desolate Mine" and bring him 4 Claystone, 4 Maristone, 4 Siltstone, 12 magical notes, 10 floating essence 3) You will get a legend mark and 6 soaring steps
Recent Patch - Desolate Mines (Lost Mines Weapon Quest):
Item List (Items can be gathered before talking to NPC): Carnelian X (Drops by Red Dokkaebi)- Amount dependent on Stats Beryl X (Drops by White Dokkaebi - Amount dependent on Stats Peridots X (Drops by Green Dokkaebi -Amount dependent on Stats 150,000 Gold (99 - 4 each, Il san - 6 each, Ee san - 8 each, Sam san - 12 each, Sa san - 15 each)
1) Bring Soaring Steps (6) to the Well in Deep Mines. The well only have specific stepping stop. Step on that spot and step on it again to get taken into Desolate Mines. 2) Once in Desolate Mines, you will need to head north to Darkened Tunnels. There is a cave room you can enter called Echo Valley there. 3) Once you Echo Valley - head to the right and you'll find the Creepy Goblin and click on him. 4) Say "Dokkaebi" -> "Rescue wife" 5) Say "Macabre ritual" - he will ask you to pay: Donate 150k 6) Say "Weapon" and bring him X of each of the three stones: Beryl, Carnelian, Peridots. The X amount is dependent on your rank (99 - 4 each, Il san - 6 each, Ee san - 8 each, Sam san - 12 each, Sa san - 15 each) 7) You will receive a break on death weapon of your stats. You may choose to get another path if you choose to do so.
Credit to Sadiq, Meridus, TwitchUser, Izuna, Mirari, Ganondorf, Nickatina, NexCarlos, Duboy, NoBrows, and Zariel
Happy Hunting!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 104, 2nd Moon, 11th Sun
Map of the Desolate Mines
by: Vini
-- 11:30 PM EST
To enter the Desolate Mines area you must have finished the quest to gain access to the Desolate Mines at the Gnomes' Village. Here is a complied map of the area at the bottom of the well:

The caves are filled with 4 types of Dokkaebi and 4 types of Leeches.
 Akhan Dokkaebi |  Bulgun Dokkaebi |  Bujok Dokkaebi |  Goesu Dokkaebi |  Night leech |  Lava leech |  Day leech |  Boss leech |
The Dokkaebis drop gemstones required for the weapon quest.

The Leeches drop various weapons such as level 50 weapons, level 95 weapons and such. The confirmed bosses drops so far are Macerated diadem, sub-accessory bones and if lucky people may get moon and sun quality armors.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 1~
Lost Mines 2019 Weapon Rewards
Hello everyone! We are currently working on compiling a list of stats and effects for the 2019 Lost Mines weapon rewards. We have already collected the Sa version stats (Supreme weapons), but if you have any of the other level/class combinations please send an nmail to: theSavior or an email to: theSavior@nexusatlas.com
Check the section of all Lost Mines weapons and stats below: Lost Mines Weapon Stats
Warrior | Rogue | Mage | Poet |  Minor Ironbreaker |  Minor Goldenshiv |  Minor Gemwand |  Minor Mindspire |  Light Ironbreaker |  Light Goldenshiv |  Light Gemwand |  Light Mindspire |  Heavy Ironbreaker |  Heavy Goldenshiv |  Heavy Gemwand |  Heavy Mindspire |  Superior Ironbreaker |  Superior Goldenshiv |  Superior Gemwand |  Superior Mindspire |  Supreme Ironbreaker |  Supreme Goldenshiv |  Supreme Gemwand |  Supreme Mindspire |
Thank you and have fun mining!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Access the Desolate Mines
by: Vini
-- 3:50 PM EST
Earlier today there was a server reset which introduced the third and final part of the Lost Mines event.
As expected, this final now allows all who have concluded the Jailed Gnome quest and obtained the "Gained access to the Desolate Mines" to enter the depths of the Lost Mines where the leeches are located. However, this time it isn't only the usual leeches lurking around the desolate mines. This time a unique new creature is around called "Dokkaebi" and they look scary.

Here's a copy of the Whispering Winds post introducing the final part of the event:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 5/8 SUBJECT: The Dokkaebi Menace Turmoil has emerged from the depths of the Lost Mines. After hundreds of citizens laid their floating steps, the path down to the Desolate Mines has been created.
In hopes to retrieve hidden treasures the leeches have been taking from the Gnomes' vault in the Earth's Navel, people have been rushing through the floating stairs. However, the path down towards the leeches revealed a very dangerous new menace: the Dokkaebis. The underground caverns are infested with these vicious creatures and they seem thirsty for your blood.
Descending the well is not recommended, but if you insist on doing so, find yourself a group with other explorers. It's dangerous to go alone.
Those who decide to brave the leeches' lair may also hear a strange voice echoing down from the deep valleys... |
To enter the desolate mines go near the well at the Deep Mines room, marked with red * in the map I provided yesterday. It will taking your soaring steps and give you access to the bottom of the well. Once you use your soaring steps you can enter that area as many times as you want.

It is confirmed that this final part of the event has a quest involving a Hobgoblin who trades gemstones for some powerful weapons.

The Nexus Atlas team is working a walkthrough, a detailed map of the inner mines, a list of weapons rewards and their stats as well as a list of boss drops. Stay tuned for more information, but if you are in a rush to get your new weapon there are some walkthoughs available in the community board already.
A note: The reset seems to have happened as soon as Hyul 104 began. So happy Hyul 104!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 104, Moon 1~
Guji's Mining Shop
by: Vini
-- 9:50 PM EST

Since the Lost Mines opened the good fella Guji has been missing-in-action or so we thought. The little boy has been warning us that Guji seems to have a new shop and after searching for the shop on many random locations we actually found it hiding in plain sight.
 The empty tent near the Woodlands mining field is empty no more.
It seems Guji has established a new shop for miners in the Woodlands. Just like Thane, he sells Mining shovel and Mining pick, which can come up handy for those who wish to mine in the Lost Mines and the Deep Mines rooms. No more need of traveling to the Wilderness to get mining tools if you're mining in the Woodlands or in the Lost Mines. Just head to the Miners' Shop at 150,025.

It seems quite convenient that Guji came up with this shop right when he concluded the new entrance to the Lost Mines. Some may think the reason the new entrance took so long was that he was doing his parallel project to profit from the situation. It's not a bad idea, but if that was the case, Guji's priorities were very poorly chosen, since while we waited the whole mining clan was running out of food in the depths of the Lost Mines.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 12~
Lost in the Mines? No more!
by: Vini
-- 1:00 AM EST

North section: Geovores, Hexed food & Objects (Nuts & Oenunbi) Blocked Entrance The Rabbit Hole Lost Mines
Center: (Geovores, Nuts and Gnomes/Gnomides) Deep Mines
West: Hexed food & objects Supply Tunnel Miners' Refuge (Main quest)
South: Gnomes/Gnomides area South Tunnel South Expansion Gnomes' Village (Jailed Gnome quest) Earth's Navel (Lucky Quest)
East: Trolls area East Tunnel East Expansion Expanded Tunnel Cleft of the Ground
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 12~
Gnome Suit and Gnomide Dress
by: Vini
-- 10:35 PM EST
 The recent discovery of the Gnomes and Gnomides can stir a lot of emotions in the community. While some may find them cute and harmless, others are very angry at them for all the coins they've been stealing.
Whether you find them friendly or a nuisance, there is one thing all can agree which is that these tiny little creatures have style, or better saying, they have swing! With that in mind the seamstress of Koguryo have began weaving some new suits and dresses based on the Gnomes and Gnomides clothing and are called swing suit and swing dress. Here are sets being sold in Kruna Item Shop:

 Remember you can try multiple Kruna shop items combinations in the Nexus Dresser room by pressing Shift+F9. This allows you to test how the items you intend to buy would look on you.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 12~
Get dressed for the Lost Mines
by: Vini
-- 7:47 PM EST

The usual miners clothing set is back at the Kruna Item Shop.
There are 12 colors of Miner's hat available:
 Black, blue, brown, gray, green, grin, lava, magenta, purple, red, white and yellow miner's hat.
There are 11 colors of Miner's tools available:
 Black, blue, brown, gold, green, magenta, pink, purple, red, white and regular miner's tools.
These items are purely cosmetic won't give you any advantage on gaining mining skills faster. However, they do make you look much more suited for the adventures in the Lost Mines.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 12~
Haeng's Tavern - Open for Donations!
Once again, As Huntyr/Dan began, Haeng's Tavern is being used as a donation drop-off point for Event items. Maya recently saged that a few free items were available at the Tavern located in Arctic Lands and the people came and enjoyed!

It's quite a sight to see, so if you need any event items or have some spares to donate, stop by and say hello!
Condensed Walkthrough/Item List
Note: Minor edits were done to the post - Credit to AznCloudboi for putting this together and to everyone who contributed!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: AznCloudBoi DATE: 5/12 SUBJECT: [Event] Full Walkthrough
Walkthrough is broken down into two parts. Putting it all together, because it was hard searching through multiple posts. Here is a full list of items that you will need:
1 Eelgrass (Collected in Underwater of Gogoon Crab Cave) 1 Cloth (weave from wool) 1 Healing water (Brown Skeletons drop in Raheem Desert, Woodlands)
6 Tough rabbit meat (8 Carat Rabbits) 6 Lean rabbit meat (Silvered Rabbits) 2 Empty Bowls (Gnomes/Gnomides in Lost Mines)
1x Flour (prepare from wheat) 1x Rice (Farmed) 1x Peas (Farmed) 1x Kong (Purchased from chongun kitchen in Dae Shore) 1x Salt block (Drop cloth on sand in Dae shore) 50x Chestnut (Collect infront of Buya Warrior Guild)
4 Claystone (Clay Troll - orange) 4 Marlstone (Stone Troll - white) 4 Siltstone (Ore Troll - grey) 12 Magically Sealed Note (Gnomes/Gnomides) 10 Floating Essence (Oneubi)
1 Mud (Mined in Lost Mines) 1 Clay (Mined in Lost Mines) 1 Rock piece (Mined in Lost Mines)
10 Copper Acorns (Silvered Squirrels) 10 Silver Acorns (8 Carat & 24 Carat Squirrels) 10 Earthbound Essences (All Trolls) 1 Oily Ore (Ore Troll) 1 Sturdy old (24 Carat Squirrel, Gnomes/Gnomides, 8 Carat Rabbit)
4 Dry wood (Brooms)
Miner Refuge Quests (Go left from Deep Mines):
Quest 1 - LaPinna: 1) Click LaRockee 2) Say "I want to help" to LaPinna 3) Bring Eel Grass, Cloth, Healing Water
Quest 2 - Food for Refuge: 1) Click Supply Sam 2) Say "I brought food" 3) Bring Flour, Rice, Kong, 50 chestnuts, Saltblock, peas
Quest 3 - Worried Miner (long one): 1) Click on Worried Miner 2) Find Lario (east tunnels) and Muigi (south tunnels) 3) When you reach them both, CLICK them first then say "Brother" 4) Run back to Worried miner and say "Your brothers are alive and safe." 5) Bring him 6 tough rabbit meat, 6 lean rabbit meat, 2 empty bowls and say "your brothers are alive and safe." and you will get two stews. 6) Now run back to Lario and Muigi and say "I have some food for you" - you are done after giving them food.
Quest 4 - Saving Primogen 1) Say "I will rescue Mining primogen" to LaRockee 2) Say "LaRockee sent me" to Min-Seo (south in refuge) 3) Bring 4 Dry wood for her and say 'I brought dry wood' to receive a wooden pick 4) Run to Gnome village (south tunnels) and say "Min-seo sent me" to the Mining primogen 5. Say "undertaking" to receive a legend mark and inscription
Gnome Village Quests (jail area): Quest 1 - Save the Wife: 1) Talk to the Gnome Etiju with a hat 2) Say "Desolate Mine" and bring him 4 Claystone, 4 Maristone, 4 Siltstone, 12 magical notes, 10 floating essence 3) You will get a legend mark and 6 soaring steps
Quest 2 - Help Lucky: 1) Speak to lucky 2) Say "Plan" and then "Ingredients" - bring him 10 copper, 10 silver, 10 earthbound, oily ore, sturdy mold 3) Take the Geognite and drop it in the Earth's Navel (center room of Gnomes village) til you get a pop up 4) Have to have 1 mud, 1 clay, 1 rock piece on you and you'll get a Legend mark and Grande
Credits to all of you
Happy Gathering and Hunting!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 103, 12th Moon, 10th Sun
Monsters & Their Drops in Lost Mines!
Below you will find the Mobs and theirs drops: (hover over image with cursor to see item name!)
Squirrel Corporal - drops: Nothing, however it does steal any Walnuts, Peanuts, Hazelnuts you may have in inventory
Copper Squirrel - drops: 
Silvered Squirrel - drops: 
8 Carat Squirrel - drops: 
24 Carat Squirrel - drops:  
Copper Rabbit - drops:
Silvered Rabbit - drops:
8 Carrot Rabbit - drops: 
| Hexed Food and Objects:
Oenunbi - drops:  
Runaway Walnut- drops: 
Runaway Peanut - drops: 
Runaway Hazelnut - drops: 
| |
Gnomes & Gnomides:
Tende Gnomide - drops: 
Dunaz Gnomide - drops: 
Clion Gnomide - drops: 
Tende Gnome - drops: 
Dunaz Gnome - drops:
Clion Gnome - drops: 
| Trolls:
Ore Troll - drops: 
Stone Troll - drops:  
Clay Troll - drops:   |
See anything missing or anything incorrect? Let me know!
Miner's Clan Starving - In Dire Need of Help!
As we brave the lost mines we come across a variety of new and old characters and mobs.
Our Journey starts in Nagnang Woodlands where we find Min-hi once more as well as the Entrance to the Lost Mines:
You wind your way through the Muddy Rabbit Hole and the Lost Mines you find yourself in the Deep Mines once again!
Upon exploring the area, you find that it leads in three different directions: East leads to the Cleft of the Ground, South leads to the Gnome Village and West leads to the Miner's Refuge.
We decide to check in on the Miner's Clan - they are the reason we entered after all! So we make our way through the Deep Mines we head West and through the Supply Tunnels into the Miner's Refuge.
Upon inspection we notice everyone is looking rather lean and the worse for wear. Curious as to what's going on you begin to ask around. You come across a man named Supply Sam and he tells you that he needs help replenishing their food supplies as they've been destroyed by the Trolls and their nuts and brooms were cursed by the adorable yet devious Gnomes!
Desperately wanting to help, you grab some of the walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts laying right outside and bring them to Supply Sam with a bright smile and say "I brought food". He responds with a list of things they need: Cereals Dry legumes Something to 'dry and preserve' rabbit meat Stack of nuts that won't get hexed You graciously agree to help him and begin to think of what type of foods to bring.
While you ponder you move onto speak to the rest of the members of the Miner's Clan and see a familiar face - LaRockee. However, he seems a bit busy planning his Primogen's rescue and asks if you could help his wife LaPinna who is nursing people below. Being of an agreeable nature you mosey on down and tap her on the shoulder and say "I want to help"
She bustles about while giving you a list of what she needs: Clean cloth  A healing drink A herb that grows in 'muddy bottoms'
You get her the items and chat with the rest of the clan as she suggests. Most of them mention their hatred of the gnomes and offer warnings of their deceit. Some of the miner's swear to defend their refuge with their lives. While others had more interesting things to say. A few noteworthy things mentioned are:
Injured Miner mentions a 'Magic Void Orb' that is currently protecting the Miner's Refuge Recovering Miner tells us of the Prisoners in Gnome Village Miserable Miner expands on the barrier provided by the 'Magic Void Orb' and worries how long it will continue to protect them against the Trolls
You wonder about this orb and magic barrier they speak of and begin to head out to do some more investigating. Along the way you run into a Worried Miner who asks that you check on his brothers:
Of course, you yet again agree to help and say you will check in on them when you get there. With so much at stake for the Miner's Clan I hope we can find the specific items they need before the 'Magic Void Orb' fails!
Updates will be posted as discovered! **Credit to SaltyJack for the word prompts. Credit to Ganondorf, Bommer, SaltyJack, Duboy, Mirari for help with LaPinna quest**
Seen something we haven't? Let a NexusAtlas Reporter know!
*;'IcePixy'; Hyul 103, 11th Moon, 9th Sun
Lost Mines: Side Quests Walk-Thru Part 1
By speaking to those left in the Miner's Refuge we discover that a group of Underground Leaders has been baited, caught and imprisoned by the current Gnome leader!
    Our Journey continues and you wind your way back until you find yourself in the Deep Mines once again!
You decide to make your way South to see what you can do to help the Imprisoned Leaders!
However, you come across the dark and maze-filled South Tunnel, luckily a random fool dropped their map so you find it easy to navigate.

You finally make it to the Gnome Village and weave through all the gnomes and their huts to make your way to the bottom right corner to speak with the Imprisoned Leaders and finally hear what they have to say:

You find your interest piqued by Lucky's claim to having a Plan and ask him about it ~ In response he says:

At this point Lucky asks for the following Ingredients:
10 Copper Acorns
10 Silver Acorns
10 Earthbound Essences
1 Oily Ore
1 Sturdy Mold
Once you turn in the items he requests you'll receive Geognite. Taking your new Geognite you head to the Earth's Navel in the Gnome Village and drop the Geognite until you get a pop-up that asks for:
1 Mud - Mining
1 Clay - Mining
1 Rock Piece - Mining
Upon completion you receive a brand new legend mark: as well as an Grande box.
However... you then remember that the Jailed Gnome Etiju also mentioned something about needing help with his wife so you start to gather the items needed to make the Floating Steps he speaks of:
4 Claystone - Trolls
4 Marlstone - Trolls
4 Siltstone - Trolls
12 Magically Sealed Notes
10 Floating Essences
Once you return to Etiju with the items he rewards you with a new legend mark as well as a set of 6 Floating Steps - Now you wonder how these 6 steps will help you down the deep Well!!
Credit to Stormin <3, NoBrows, Arkanis, Dragoneer, Kayn, Mirari and Jasta for their help!
Updates will be posted as discovered!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 103, 11th Moon, 2nd Sun
Brave the Lost Mines
by: Vini
-- 10:50 AM EST
The new entrance to the Lost Mines is finally ready thanks to the great work of Guji and all who helped with donating materials to build the new entrance.

To enter the Lost Mines go to the Woodlands at 140,005. Having helped with the new entrance does not seem to be a requirement to enter the cave. Upon entering the cave you'll receive a new legend mark.

The post on the Dream Weavers board also mentions that the Easter Event is now gone. Here's a copy of the Whispering Winds post introducing the event:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 5/8 SUBJECT: The Lost Mines rescue After many weeks of work, Guji finally finished constructing on the new entrance to the Lost Mines. It definitely took longer than he expected.
While digging the expanded tunnel around the rabbit hole wasn't that hard for him, Guji ended finding trouble with the muddy walls of the mining cave. He needed to make sure the new entrance would be strong enough to not collapse like the old one.
However, the type of wood people helped him collect wasn't strong enough to create a strong structure enough to sustain the new entrance tunnel, and so, he needed more time for the moisty mud on the walls to dry.
Now that the new entrance was created by Guji, it can also serve as an exit for the trapped miners who have survived for a long time underground.
Yet, before seeing the sunlight again, the Mining clan still needs to treat their wounded co-workers. While most of them have taken refuge in the old Supply Cache, some of them are still in need of rescue.
After enduring for so long together, the miners swore to leave no women or men behind.
Can you help them? |
Once inside you can find old and new Lost Mines creatures. From the usual rabbits and squirrels, to the newly discovered Gnomes & Gnomides, their walking brooms and the menacing Stone Trolls.

Although the reset was done a few hours ago, the Nexus Atlas team has just began exploring the event. So please stay tuned for more information throughout the day.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 10~
Foreboding Forewarning Received After Festival!
After last night's Beltane Festival hosted by the Druids, a few Diviner's gathered in their circle, within moments many were gripped by Augury Visions.
Details of each are below:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Ushallfeerme DATE: 10/5 SUBJECT: Augury Vision. -A white sheet of paper is pinned to the board with a golden pin. The writing covering the face of it is written in a rich black ink.-
I see a group of people. Thirteen.
They appear to have survived a great deal of strife. Darkness. Trapped.
An hour glass running out of sand. Silence. A sigh.
Hungry, the pain is too much to bear. Despair. The end.
Silence broken. Noise from above. First light. Aid? Hope restored.
The begin to question once more; "Will we survive?"
Grey Mi-rae The Fire Starter Ushallfeerme
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Nocsee DATE: 10/9 SUBJECT: Augury Vision As the Beltane fires shrink slowly and die down in the distance, I wake up in the fields nearby from quite the Vision. Beltane is over - but I can not shake what I saw, what I felt.
A feeling of hunger, pain and despair continues to fill me.
The thirteen are not gone. They are huddled together, keeping each other warm. They still have food, but for how long? They must be found soon - to not fade away..
They often look up; hoping for a ray of light to appear, not giving up in the others that will hopefully save them.
This feeling of despair and hope intertwine and continue to resonate, as I gather myself, stand up and walk away from the fields where I spent the night.
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Silvarion DATE: 10/10 SUBJECT: A Vision Darkness, echoes and moans. I can feel the heavy air in there.
Handfuls of.. creatures? The winds carried what I can make out to be whispers that sounded like "food"? It seemed like they are... hungry?
I saw one pair of eyes through the fog, a look of frustration and perhaps despair. Their will to live slowly slipping away with the passage of time.
I snap out of my trance and realize that I was still standing underneath the tree in our circle. I quickly penned down my vision on our boards and prepared myself, ready to set out at a moment's notice.
Perhaps this time, light has gone through the dark curtains we call Fate?
Silvarion Devoura Dark Hyun-Jae
A recurring theme is the number 13, darkness and hunger - is this pointing us towards those in dire need within the Lost Mines or perhaps the bait meant to lure us to a pit of vicious creatures?
We hope the diviners have recovered from their harrowing visions and are doing well.
Let a NA reporter know if you see anything out of the ordinary!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 103, 10th Moon, 15th Sun
Druid's Spring Festival is starting
by: Vini
-- 5:56 PM EST
Today Druids are celebrating opening ceremony of the Fire Festival of Beltane, a yearly celebration which is taking place at the Druid's Mystic Garden.
Such ritual is one of the four Fire Festivals they have during the year, each with a different theme:
Imbolc - celebrates warming of weather during midwinter (February)
Beltane - celebrates fertility and growth (May)
Lughnasdh - celebrates beginning of harvest and of many marriage (Aug)
Samahain - celebrates end of harvest and preparations for new year (Oct)

Below is a copy of schedule of events:
6:00 pm EST - /|\ Opening Ritual 6:30 pm EST - (>|<) Last Man Alive 7:00 pm EST - >>>---> Archery Tournament 7:30 pm EST - /) event TBD 8:00 pm EST - [M] Devil's Dance 8:30 pm EST - o-]===> Kendo 9:00 pm EST - (\/) The Ten 9:30 pm EST - (|)ceana (|)ne Line Story 10:00pm EST - /|\ Tales Around The Fire 11:00pm EST - /|\ Closing Ritual
The Mystic Garden is located inside the Sacred Grove in the Wilderness (172,214). To find the Mystic Garden go northeast inside the Sacred Grove and find the Silent Glade. Once you're inside the Silent Glade enter the cave there.
 Those who participate in the events will be recognized with legend mark acknowledging that they've celebrated a druid festival.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 10~