Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Memorial Ceremony
 A memorial service for HealerOfDoom was held last night in the druid sub path area. Many Spoke out their tales and memories, some spoke of the bonds and relationship they had with him.
The ceremony lasted almost 3 hours long which I personally filmed which some bit of complications but those are expected.
HealerofDoom memorial service Youtube Link
Cecella has Posted a lot of Photos that can Sum the memorial service up as well, It was a long ceremony but it was beautiful.
Photos of the Memorial service
~ The gods Care, Server reset 5/29/2015.

The gods have placed a Special Tree at north mythic named "HealerOfDoom"
This tree is not like any other tree, It's special as it can Speak and cast spells on you.
 The following is the spells it may bestow upon you.

1- Resurrect 2- Full Heal/Mana 3- Sa-San Asv 930 (9/30) seconds which is HealerOfDoom's Birthday.
The name of the spell of AVS it gives is the name of HealerofDooms Engraved Armor.
Archon Alilolelotte has confirmed that this Tree will forever stay in the kingdoms as if he's there to help the community still. Such a lovely feature for the kingdoms and grand gesture from the Archons.
============================================================ * A special tree has sprouted at North gate Mythic Nexus to honor a beloved player who recently passed. As the community mourns his passing, let this tree serve as a reminder of all the good times that were shared and may his memory live on
* A few changes for the carnage system: Ancients carnage is now level 6 up to 50/25; if you don't meet the requirements for a carnage entrance it will bump you back instead of sending you back to starting point; if you've won a fox hunt too recently you will get an option to remain instead of being sent back to your starting point
Minor updates for: - Buya Imperial Army <--- New Barracks

- Monk subpath
~New Primogen of Forsaken clan

forsaken clan has a new Primogen and a well known member of the community. Millinator Has retired as Primogen and given it to Emissary Obduracy, He surely will do great for his clan =)
/|\ HealerofDoom's Memorial | )

As we mourn the loss of a important member of the community, a memorial service is going to be held for Healer Of Doom
Saturday May 30th 2015 at 9PM EST.
If you haven't heard the news about HealerofDoom please read vini's post below this one. If you've known healerofDoom, we're encouraging you to attend this memorial event.
DarTanis has made a community event post about the memorial service.

Remembrance board
by: Vini
-- 10:20 PM EST
While often forgotten, there's a very special memorial board at the Museum garden called "Remembrance". Such panel is to be used to remember those community members who were very dear to us, but sadly passed on in real life. With some many beautiful posts written for HealerofDoom on community board, our wishes is that such words on behalf of a beloved friend get preserved forever without board reset.

As it can be notice, this board hasn't been used often, perhaps our recent loss may inspire others to write their memorials in honor of StarLyte, Sarina, Blooduster, PlagueS and others who gave us their blessing of their presence in this realm. If you have any written memorial for these or other people who passed away please submit it to Historian Qantao with the subject "Remembrance of (name)".
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 72, Moon 3~
Nexus is mourning a great loss
by: Vini
-- 8:31 PM EST
 ♩ ♫ It's been a long day without you, my friend And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again ♬♪Nexus community is heartbroken as today we all lost a friend, a brother, a leader, an inspiration. HealerofDoom has past away from an aneurysm, yesterday, may 23rd 2015. It saddens the hearts of many in the community to learn about this, many gather in Destiny's garden and the druid garden to place flowers down as respect of his passing. He has influanced a lot of the community and will forever be in our hearts. Destiny clan and Druids pay homage to their leader, guide and friend.Some might say today is a day to remember as some might have known him and others will learn some about him now: Primogen of Destiny clan of Koguryo since Hyul 21 (over 6 years)and Guide of Druids since Hyul 17 (2008), HealerOfDoom had surely a remarkable history in Nexus, but what he was mostly known for was for his peaceful and serene heart, his amazing sense of humor and smart remarks. His sense of duty to his commitments and the people who he aid was unlike any other. Devotion was his motto and the countless time he dedicated to our community was his gift to us.  As the community mourns they've sent in n-mails and posts to the community which we all wish to share: I wandered through the kingdoms, my eyes filled with tears. I had forgotten to tell you thank you after all these years.
Families are missing their very special one, An uncle, a brother, a friend, and a son.
When your heart is feeling heavy, do not cry. Just know that he is with you, he will be by your side.
This is for Healerofdoom, a Druid of the lands, We have come together to sing, to weep, to hold hands.
Never be forgotten, we love you more than you'll ever know, I will think of you every time I watch the flowers grow.
(\/) ~ Candy | Doomie, I've known you for a very long time and after hearing the news I was so taken aback. I can't believe it was just a few days ago we were joking and laughing together. You have always been so kind to everyone even before I had the chance to know you. I still remember sneaking into your hall just to scatter flowers everywhere and the tribunals where we would joke to each other via whispers.
None of it will be the same without you. Every time I see a flower or a top hat I will think of you. We all will love and miss you dearly. May you be at peace wherever you are now. <3
Tyrra | Doom, you were a great friend. You always had great advice on how to deal with some of the silly situations we must all face at one point or another in our lives, whether that be here in the kingdoms, or outside. You were always kind, high spirited and interested in the overall well being of those around you. You will be sorely missed both inside the Sacred Grove, and all of those lovely places one could randomly find you mingling throughout the kingdoms.
Friend, you will be missed. I hope to feel your presence looking over us as we continue to walk through the forest to visit with the spirits of the ages.
Awen blessed you in this life, And so shall it be in the next, Blessed be, Brother. / | \ Bidam | I have know him for many years....when I returned to pay nexus 4 years ago I did not let out that I already knew him from long ago..
I arrived to the North of the Mythic land and he was standing at the same spot...where he always stood, ....I was asking information for their quest, and after a brief chat he asked me what was my flower? was no no other flower that had impressed me so much ...like the Midnight Reign....he bloomed me a huge bunch of them...I still have them banked to this day....I made my Bouquet and returned to see him....we sat there for hours chatting....we been friends since...he was one of the nicest people I have ever meet in Nexus...OI will truly miss him.
Tradita | You were always such a grand guy. Never a mean bone in your body. I'm so shocked at this news and I don’t even know what to think or say, but I will never forget all the fun times we had and wish I could have one more time to say thanks for everything you have done for this messed up little game we call nexus.
Hatiki | Healerofdoom was such a kind, kind soul. I aspire to be as generous, patient, and caring as he was. I will always remember him for his good heart.
Ranei | I'm not sure what to say, my words are jumbled and my heart hurts.
You have always been a good friend throughout the years, whether it was in Shaman, Druid of Chongun. You were always there to talk to in the wee morning hours, when I never slept when I was supposed to.
Thank you for keeping me sane, thank you for being a friend. I will miss seeing you and your top hat always sending a heal, just to let me know you said hi.
The nexus community has lost a great person, my thoughts and energies are with your family and loved ones. May they find some comfort and solace knowing that you are loved immensely.
There will be a large hole, where you were. That will never be filled. May you rest in peace Doomy.
-BeffyCabeza | I remember Doom from the early days of standing at gates and watching the movement and drama that used to unfold. I must admit, I used to feel intimidated because he was such a great roleplayer and I was not. It wasn't until a mutual muse friend spoke to us together that the ice was broke. We shared a laugh, a smile and I felt at ease to talk with him from then on.
I left the kingdom for quite sometime, came back and from then on we only really had a hello and goodbye type of relationship. I feel awful that we never got to catch up and pick up from where we left. Doom has inspired me to work harder on not letting friendships slip over time and also to continue working on my roleplay abilities, he actually helped me allot in the latter regard.
The kingdom has lost a well known and VERY respected druid, but above all, a great friend. Someone who I consider a gentleman, in the truest definition of the word.
Rest well, Doom.
- Frink | I was home this morning when StriGoi messaged me asking for HoD's real name. I told her. She got back to me telling me that it was true, he had passed away. I couldn't believe that the boy I have known for so many years, since I was Elder of Druids, who had once applied to me to become a druid, who was guided by Maejima, who became a guide of druids and was always, primogen of Destiny, friend of so many, quiet, with an amazing sense of humor, smart and pacific...
OMG OMG he was just taken from his family, from his friends, from us, so young, so very much young. I am heartbroken, looking at his pictures of a young man and his funny and very known avatar.
I am so sorry to see you go HoD. I wish you the best in your new journey, I sure expect there is a new journey to go from the point you are, because I want to meet you someday and perhaps we can talk about Nexus, druids, family, community, sharing, love and friendship, and hairy feet Caera (as only you and I know the joke)
My best wishes to the family, to his dad and mom, to those who shared his friendship and love. We shall remember that life is short, so short, and we must NOT waste time. Be kind and don't take friends for granted.
Supply | I will miss being able to copy your form and make ridiculous jokes about your hat. I will miss your kindness, your warmth, and your overall good nature. You never turned down the chance to help others and you would often stay at the gates of mythic just to lend a hand. I have two very great memories of you, sadly I did not capture them to share.
I joked with you once, "Healer! Please teach me to get tha girls!?" You proceeded to *G* for at least five whole minutes before you decided to speak. You said to me... "Well.... are you getting strong?" "Yes" "Hmm, are you nice to the ladies?!" "Of course.." "Well.. you're missing something.. *tips his hat*" And from there on out every interaction we had was about your hat and how I couldn't take it.. Joke likes "You're all hat and a bag of wood chips!" I got you to remove the hat once.. I really wish I had the screenshot. You will be sorely missed friend. I just wish I had had more time to get to know you better, hindsight being twenty-twenty and all. Its a shame we only had the hat jokes. However, I am grateful for those jokes. Many times did you help me to smile late at night when I needed it most.
-Kawakami | Rest in peace Samuel Price (September 30th, 1986 - May 23rd, 2015)Signed, The Nexus TK Community
Wisdom star!!

* A partial wisdom star? What the heck? Indeed, it appears a partial wisdom star has come upon our kingdom and scared away the Vortex bosses. How long will it last? Nobody knows, but they're thinking until the end of the holiday weekend.
* A new feature has been added that will help out people who die with weapon skins on their BOD (or low durability) items. Now when you die with a weapon skin on an item that breaks, it will know you had a weapon skin applied and automatically free up your skin to add to a new weapon.
Updates for: - Diviner subpath - New community quest for Chongun subpath
A seismic day in Muse Guild history!
A new day dawns on the Buyan Muse Guild. As with every subpath, change takes place; none more profound than a shift in leadership. After a very successful spell as Maestra, Ranei steps down as Elder. Her successor, Candy, is a more than qualified person to continue the Muse Guild on the path to glory!
Many thanks to Ranei for her Eldership, and we wish the best of fortunes and many successes to Candy as the new Maestra of the Muse Guild!
 (Candy seen dancing and shouting "goat cheese!" at center of heart)
------- Bocanegra
may 15th server reset.
* May itemshop items are back in the shop this afternoon, so check it out for some seasonal favorites and sale items
Linuxkiddy "Please have a husky mount
* Capture the Fowl event is back (and you can keep on counting where you left off last time), go see Kiril in the Islets to see how to get started
Minor updates and fixes for: - Druid subpath - Barbarian subpath
The servers have just been reset
by: Vini
-- 7:50 PM EST
A storm in the kingdoms brought another round of changes to the lands. Here is the list of new updates to Nexus as posted by Dream Weaver Stein: Barbarian subpath Covenant clan
Minor fixes for: Heavens clan Shaman subpath SunMoon clan
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 11~
Gruff ring quest walkhrough
by: Vini
-- 5:45 PM EST
Since last reset, Gruff smith, from Sanhae village, has a new sub-accessory quest. To reach his shop, simply go to Arctic Land, then head east to enter Sanhae Valley. When you reach the the village just walk straight north. Once there click to talk to him and choose the last option: Gruff ring.

He tells that he can make you a ring if you're good enough, but to do that you have to go through a quite easy quest with 3 steps:
1. Go to Kugnae Spider cave (080,033), find a Trapdoor spider, slay it and bring a Hunang's axe. Trapdoor spiders only spawn when you step in certain spots. So for a faster find, ask help of a warrior to Watchful Eye ability. The hunang's axe you give Gruff does not have to be dropped by the spider you killed.
2. He asks you to slay the monkey who hold a helmet of battle, but since he asks you to spare the details, you can simply take a Battle helm without bothering to kill the Mythic monkey boss.
3. Go to Lan Shop, which is just southwest of there and purchase two of his most valuable rings. Exorcist rings cost 5,000 coins each.
Once you finish these three steps you obtain the Gruff ring.
 | Durability 20000/20000 Armor -1 Vitality Increase +1000 Mana Increase +500 Might Increase +1 |
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 9~
A Shaman Addition~!
With the reset the Shaman received new abilities.
The Shaman now have the power to recognize alignment devotion as well as train those community members who seek us out in the ways of the Mudang (Acolytes) Each Alignment is comprised of three levels: Learning, Experiencing, Teaching. Quests for these endeavors will soon be on the Subpaths Board under Shaman Services. Below is a glimpse of the scars you may gain.
Darkness: (1)"Neophyte of the Darkness (2)"Master of Darkness (3)"Consumed by Darkness Chaos: (1)"Danced in Chaos (2)"Overcome by Chaos (3)"Unbound by Chaos Neutrality: (1)"Follower of the Neutral Path (2)"Master of Stillness (3)"Sage of the Neutral Path Light: (1)"Embraced by Light (2)"Master of the Light (3)"Blessed by Light
Acolyte - Those community members who train fully in our ways just as young shaman do.
Spirits guide and watch over you!

Thanks to Maevalia for sharing this information!
New Do Ability
by: Loxie
-- 9:52 PM EST
With the reset Do are now able to repair an individual's weapons. Pretty nifty! Head on over to your neighborhood Do if you'd like to find out more.
Server Reset - May 1, 2015
* New subaccessory quest for newer players level 60 and above. Ask Gruff about how you can help him out for a reward.
Minor updates for: - Do subpath - Shaman subpath - Silla clan