Past News
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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
A heads up
by: Loxie
-- 2:08 AM EST
It's old news, but Akidoshi brought up the "new" features of the main Kru website. For those of you who don't know, when Kru enabled you to change your character name they also added an option to restore deleted characters and transfer characters between two accounts (as long as you own both accounts). So for all you people just waiting for an excuse to shift your characters around, you now have it!
Changes in Forsaken
by: Loxie
-- 9:43 AM EST
Lauz stepped down as Primogen of Forsaken and handed the seat over to Dethsgift. Congratulations to Dethsgift and thank you Lauz for serving time.
New Kruna Merchandise
by: Guldar
-- 10:29 PM EST
The Kruna Shop has a new boxed set in stock with a variety of packages for your wearing pleasure:
Wrangler Package: Modeled by CoBBy
 Eagle Mount: Modeled by Shawnee
 It also contains some oldies but goodies: -Care Package -Random Shadow Boot -Random Decoration Accessory -Random Shozoku Mask (The 5k bandana from Nagnang) If anyone has found additional results, please let me know and I will be happy to update the news posting. Also, if there are any of these new toys that need modeling, please contact me to be featured in NexusAtlas! --Guldar --The Ursine Ronin
Client Patch - 05/27/11
by: Guldar
-- 9:12 PM EST
The Nexus Servers were reset today, for a Client Patch making way for the following changes, as posted on Dream Weaver by Stein:
The spell Spot traps has been fixed and can now be used to see rogue traps again
Patch for new itemshop items
*** If you are running Windows Vista/7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch *** ----------------------
Looks like Kru needs another payday, it's New Kruna time! *rolls eyes*
--Guldar --Ursine Ronin
Server Reset - May 26, 2011
by: Guldar
-- 7:45 PM EST
The Nexus Servers were reset today, with the following changes:
* Screen shifting will no longer prevent you from being hit by ranged spells
* Rouge traps have had their duration increased from 15 minutes to 45 minutes before expiring
* Rogue traps will no longer be removed by ghosts walking over them in PK maps or users walking over them in non-pk maps
* There is a new feature to allow you to remove unwanted pet legend marks
Minor updates for: * Tangun * Muse subpath * Tutors
Wiyae steals from library and Hawkmori ends up being captured
by: Vini
-- 7:03 PM EST
KUGNAE -- Yesterday evening was a day like no other. Burglary, treason, threat to royal’s life and secret alliances revealed. All that ending with the imprisoning of one of the most wanted enemies of the kingdoms: Hawkmori.
 Hawkmori imprisoned at Kugnae Oubliette.The mayhem started as the Librarian Pond screamed asking for guard’s help as someone had broken in the inner library of Koguryo. Citizens rushed to Pond’s library unaware of what was going on and were only able to see the mysterious man walk out of the inner library. The desperate shouts of Pond reached King M’hul’s ears, who demanded explanation for what was going on. It did take long for the first person to report the identity of the library thief: it was Wiyae, the sorcerer responsible for the murder of Nagnang’s King and Queen. Upon hearing the identity of the thief, King M’hul seemed worried of what he could have wanted stealing from books of the royal family sealed from public view. The King offered 10 million coins to the one who retrieved those books and delivered them together with Wiyae’s head. The “generous” offer from the King obviously attracted many people and soon the lands of Kugnae and surroundings became a hunting place for Wiyae. Everyone trying to find where was the fox hole the old man went hiding. It didn’t take long until the first reports arrive with his hidden location. Wiyae had run the hallowed pass east into the cemetery and was trying to escape with help of some members of the KSG. They’ve set sleeping traps everywhere at Stealth Grotto and therefore everyone who tried to cross the grounds would get stuck, but that also included Wiyae. Cornered inside KSG’s meeting hall, Wiyae called for help, revealing a new associate to the mysterious plot. Besides working with Hawkmori, Wiyae is also working with Mupa, or probably, for Mupa. As the feared witch entered Meeting hall, she cleared the way for Wiyae to escape and killed dozens of citizens who stood in her way at Stealth Grotto. They both then went hiding inside Oh Mudum inner’s crypt where Mupa convinced him to give her the books.
 M'hul and citizens cornered Wiyae and Mupa inside Oh Mudum Crypts.Once she had the books, she cleared her wait out of the crypts and escaped through Southern Koguryo. Wiyae in other hand tried to escape using the route Mupa left, but was unsuccessful and got cornered. As soon as Wiyae was out of the inner crypts, citizens of all kingdoms, soldiers from Koguryo and even spies ran after him. But as everyone ran for the enemy, the King himself was left unprotected and when that happens, you open the road to invisible nasty rogues to come unannounced and do stupid stuff: this time it was Hawkmori who crossed the room invisible and appeared with a knife at King M’hul neck. The royal's assassin took the King inside the crypt and threatened to kill him if Wiyae was not let free.
 Soldiers of Koguryo Army tried to negotiate Wiyae's freedom for King M'hul's life.KRA decided to do the trade. Wiyae was let free and so was Mhul. Wiyae escaped as soon as he could. But Hawkmori still had to leave and he had no way to exit. After hours waiting, Hawkmori tried to exit, dodged guards many times, but eventually got captured by the army.
 Hawkmori tried went invisible several times, ambushed, dodges, escaped few times, but did not manage to escape from the cemetery.Once captured, KRA took him to Kugnae Oubliette, at the Royal Palace, where he awaits trial. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 11~
A Changing of the Guard
by: Guldar
-- 7:46 PM EST
This may not exactly be fresh, groundbreaking news, but it's something that has been neglected thus far. The Elendhirin Clan of Buya has a new Primogen.
 The proverbial torch of the Elendhirin Clan has been passed on from Assault Hinoyuki to Rogue WildBeast. We at NexusAtlas offer our thanks to Hinoyuki for his devoted service, and wish WildBeast a long and prosperous tenure as Primogen. --Guldar, The Ursine Ronin
The Ursine Ronin - Reporting from Koguryo
by: Guldar
-- 12:16 AM EST
Good evening, I am Guldar, and I am your newest (un)friendly neighborhood Nexus Atlas Reporter. I will do what I can to help keep you up to your eyeballs in current newsworthy information. In the absence of real news, I can share some of my wonderful recipes that you've smelled coming from the Chongun Kitchen!
Bon Appetit!
--Guldar --Chongun Avatar --Ursine Ronin --He who walks alone
Reset news
by: Vini
-- 1:38 AM EST
Today Nexus servers were reset again for some minor updates. Check below the list of what's new:
Recall stones will no longer allow you to return to a cave that you have leveled out of
Fixed typo in a Monk legend mark
Removed the level cap on tutorial quests like the student's cap quest
Primogen chat that is sent across servers will correctly appear as a broadcast message instead of a clan chat message now
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 10~
Today's reset with many changes
by: Vini
-- 11:24 PM EST
A few hours ago the Nexus servers were reset to add new features to the Kingdom of the Winds. Here's a list of everything that changed today according to GM Stein's post on Dream Weaver board:
* Some clan helms that were repairable were changed to be non-repairable like all the others
* Primogen chat has been fixed so that people on other servers with clan chat off will receive the message
* Some Gogoon cave entrances have been fixed to check base stats instead of incorrectly checking extended stats
* A new stat balancing mechanism is being used for Yusa arena to address people with stats that are too high. If it works there it will be moved over to carnages as well
* Jewelry rings can now be sold to Lan (Buya) and Puyuhan
* Small/Medium/Large totem rings have had their endurance increased by 10,000
* Jewelry love/oath rings now sell to NPCs for 25% more
* Stat balancers for Yusa have been temporarily reverted. Hopefully some people were able to enjoy the bug (briefly)!
* The sam san quest will now double check that you want to sacrifice the stats you have selected
* The clan read karma script will now give the same results as the subpath versions. They would sometimes display two different results for people who happened to be on the threshold between levels.
As part of the constant process of evaluating the balance between classes, we have made the following changes for rogues: * Blood stats (HP/MP) - Sam: 7/14 => 9/18 - Sa: 8/16 => 14/28
* Nimble blade stats (HP/MP) - Sam: 6/6 => 11.5/11.5 - Sa: 8/8 => 17.5/17.5
* Precision blitz aethers (Sa san spell) - 300s => 180s
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 10~
New Monk Elder
by: Loxie
-- 5:50 AM EST
LiShen, Monk Elder of three years, stepped down today. She passed her powers onto Collyn. Congratulations to Collyn and may you serve your path well. Thank you for your dedication, LiShen.
Woodlands Diary Quest
by: Loxie
-- 5:21 AM EST
It's been brought to my attention that a new item has been discovered through the Woodlands Diary Quest. Apparently a few brave people have continued to attempt to solve it long past everyone else forgot or gave up. Here is the post Miroshi sent me from the Community Board:
Plate of metal.
15 Plated armor. 10 fine. 8 Armor. 3 Hot coal.
 - Harem - Tessius - Cadre - Ninebark
~ edited by AllyGator 5/16/11
End of First Annual Archon "Help!" Day
by: Loxie
-- 3:42 AM EST
Just about everyone will agree that the "Help!" day was a huge success, and a great way to honor their lost mentor. Not only did they help mass amounts of people, but they managed to fit what once took days into a few minutes. They summoned and sweated while furiously running around to do our bidding. Now it's time to remember Dalnum, thank her and appreciate the hard muscles these oranges flexed for our benefit. Thank you so much! The outpour of appreciation can be found for your reading pleasure on Rambling Thoughts.
Afterwards the Archons joined the community at South Mythic to say their goodbyes, receive their thanks and do what they do best - slaughter the players.

Archon help day is going on now!
by: Vini
-- 8:24 PM EST
As announced by Immortals and reported by Loxie here on Nexus Atlas, today is the Archon help day. For the first time ever in nexus history the Gods have lifted some rules concerning Immortal law just for one day and archons are allowed to help mortals do their quests, hunts and boss groups.

So far, hundreds of people have had the help of archons and hundreds are hoping to get some. If you have been helped by Immortals today, please send a screenshot to vini@nexusatlas.com so we can make a photo report of this memorable day.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 10~
Finally "Help!" Day!
by: Loxie
-- 4:21 AM EST
Not only do you get Archon help today (be sure to take advantage of the only time this year you'll get their benefits in quests and things), but all carnage games today (Saturday) will be free win. Now to figure out how to get their aid..
New Spy Elder
by: Loxie
-- 7:40 PM EST
Earlier today Spy Elder Hiahoj stepped down in favor of Newsox. Congratulations, Elder Newsox and thank you for your service, Hiahoj.
Celebrity Wedding
by: Loxie
-- 2:12 AM EST
The wedding ceremony of well known ex-Spy turned Primogen Hobart and General Killeh started off well, with several guests present. Unfortunately it was disrupted by a rude guest and finished in the Chapel without the Shaman. I'm sure their second ceremony will go off with better luck with a more selective guest list.

Reset May 3rd, 2011
by: Loxie
-- 8:01 PM EST
* Easter items have been removed from the game
* The tree of reflections has fully recovered
* Rogue traps will now disappear after 15 minutes if they have not been set off
* Fixed dye refunding for Fox hunts. You can also now leave fox hunts from the Stable boy and Stable hand
First Annual "Help!" Day
by: Loxie
-- 5:13 PM EST
Ooh! How nifty. As a tribute to Dalnum you now get a day of Archon slavery! There's limits, of course, but it sounds fun and useful. I've seen plenty of people saging for Archon help on quests before! Thanks, oranges. (I know I intend to use the help day to get an Archon photoshoot. Or maybe an Archon tea party? Hm!)
As posted on the Immortal Bounty:
(( Alt + 5 ))
=============================================== "Help!" Day ===============================================
First Annual Dalnum Help Day
"The Archon Team is here to help you =)" -Quoted from Dalnum's profile
Date: Saturday, May 7th
In her memory, the archons are dedicating a day to assist with mortal affairs -- questing, hunting, and even bloodlusting.
We will assist you with: Greater and lesser alliances Nagnang shield quest run-throughs Forever tree run-throughs Hunting Minor quests and whatever else is deemed appropriate ...
Assistance will not be provided to those who demand help.
Please note that we will NOT: *Provide shortcut summons in long-winded quests (e.g. SoE, Shield Quest) *Participate in Sa san quests (Nngh'zan, council, houses) *Distribute quest items
This is a one-day-only event. Archons will not fulfill these requests prior and subsequent to this event.
On behalf of the entire team, we look forward to seeing you on "Help!" (( "Alt + 5" )) day! ;)
