Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Server reset, Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Ancient Training Grounds closes.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor update for Alizarin clan
Subpath additions and fixes: * Do receive new merchant Ikameshii (Repair and Reincarnate as well as sells Obsidian, Limestone, Book and buys back Fox blades) * Druid receive new circle
Other: * Major work has been started to set up a new Item shop web page. This new page will help load items faster as well as allowing us to put more items up in the shop. Each category will have its own unique page and we will be separating out the guys and girls clothing so there is less of a mix up. * More work was added for Sa san and there is still much balancing of the paths that must be done before Sa san is released. Mug is currently working with the Warrior and Rogue paths so again please be patient as we work on this area. * With the 10 year anniversary of Nexus we are planning some fun events all month long! So be ready to have fun! * Books and Gift codes were sent out to players who purchased a 3300 Kruna coupon as a thank you from us to you.
Windowed Nexus?
by: Rachel
-- 5:46 PM EST
There have been many threads on NexusForums about playing Nexus in a window, rather than full screen. At one point in time, this was considered bad and we were to delete them. That changed and eventually many players struggled to figure out how to do it. Some were successful, others not. Now you won't have to worry.
Click here to read Mug's latest NF post and see why!
King MuHyul and Mug meet
 This half of a flash design has been put up on the Nexustk website. Upon clicking it, you find all sorts of information on this ordeal. It seems that the picture book that was made for King Muhyul's contest had made quite an infliction on Dreamweaver mug. He really enjoyed its art! So, the artist has agreed to make many more to distribute throught the Nexus realm. However, do to an accident with come coffee...mug has decided to make each book special by adding his signature that includes a lottery code! This lottery code can get you: * an in-game bank slot * an in-game legend mark * an in-game random item! ((Limited to one book per account)) In order to receive this special package, go to the nexustk page and click on the flash "King MuHyul and mug meet" and click the special link "[request book]" It will then ask you to log on your account and make a purchase of 3300 Kruna. And there is also a place to put your lottery code! Requirements:(1) The recipient must provide a US postal address. Limited quantities while supplies last. (2) The lottery code is shipped along with the book XoXo Kikoura
Rising of the Blue Moon
"King MuHyul, Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija in the past deciphered an anonymous scroll. The scroll would lead them to the discovery of the Ancient Training Grounds. With the Blue Moon rising again the Ancient Training Grounds mysteriously open and the cries of men and women can be heard. These grounds seem to thrive off their blood. Do you have what it takes to enter these grounds? Use the special talisman to help as you train for battle!
(( This event will begin Thursday, May 22, 2008 and end Thursday, May 29, 2008. Please keep in mind that all Talisman will be removed once the event has ended. So use them while you have them!))"
Server reset, Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Ancient Training Grounds open! See post for details.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Alizarin receives new room "Scholar Workshop"
Subpath additions and fixes: * A special butterfly is added for Geomancers at the tree of reflections
Carnage, Foxhunt, Elixirs: * Minor update to Buya Stables * New Crusades was moved to the Bloodlust area * Minor update for Fox hunt
Other: * Special lottery code set up for each of the books being sent to players. * Work has been started on a new Event for the game. * Minor corrections to the wisdom test were done. (Removed Nexon added KRU)
New General of Nagnang
Gilmore, 10th General of the Legion of Nagnang, has handed his position to Bezal.
Gilmore is now "High Consul" and hopes the best for the former 6th and now 11th General as should we.
Please congratulate Gilmore for his time and effort and welcome Bezal.
XoXo Kikoura
Tension Amongst the Kingdoms
Recently, tension has been brewing amongst the kingdoms. A lot of Nangen Clans recently have been referencing the past and how the North has still not apologized, or punished anyone. Silla is currently having a council meeting to determine their course of action with the Forsaken and those allied.
As well, another topic that also relates is, do you support the Tri-Kingdom Treaty? Please give your thoughts here.

Nagnang Defenders Ceremony
I apologize for this being late, but during this same time I was hosting the Leodaris Ceremony. Thank you, Romyl, for this information! The following are the Nagnang Defenders who were honored. Congratulations everyone and good work!
Legion of Nagnang:
Gilmore ShadowZack Windbreakerx
Mousie Outtotime
BeffyCabeza Mnementh
Fallyn MaXiangu
The Forsaken:
Contro Nutter Starlly
Ministry of Nagnang: Pishi Magdeline
XoXo Kikoura
Mielu's Search
 Mielu shouts helplessly at Dae ShoreMielu is in search of her husband Haengsa. For those of you who don't know Haengsa, he was a man of many riddles in which required items. People of the kingdom would search for him just to complete them and live up to the challenge. However his own wife Mielu, who he cherishes greatly, seems to be up to the challenge of finding him this time! What could of happened to him? [Thank you JPZonfire for the screen shot] XoXo Kikoura
Creative Nexus & Upcoming Contest
by: Nagnag
-- 8:47 AM EST
Thank you AllyGator for your post and explanation, and it's a great transition into the next bit of news I have. Many of you may or may not know why I have chosen to leave Nexus, and stop hosting Creative Nexus, some of you may not. This front page is not the place to post about it - so I'll keep the reasons behind it unaffiliated with Nexus Atlas. However, I do want to say this. Creative Nexus was for the longest time a website that I created mainly to help people see the creative side of Nexus (hence the name). With it's lack of updates, not only by my laziness but of other obligations, I left it unattended for a while. This was until IceSpadez came along and basically resurrected the CreataChar as we know it. With the design by my me, and the programming by him, we now have one of the best CreataChar ever made.
I'm very glad to see that it gets to live on through Nexus Atlas, and hopefully will have additions built onto it over time. I've had dreams of this day of when I would quit officially - and not come back like so many do after they quit. I've thought to myself how I'd like to go, and with recent happenings between me and the Immortals in game, this is not the way Nagnag should be remembered. He should be remembered for what he gave to the community, regardless of what has been taken from him recently.
Over the years I've planned this moment, and for it to be here is SUCH a relief.
I want you all to prepare for the biggest contest of your life in Nexus. The prizes are unfathomable, the challenges are incredible, and best of all, the winners will be the ultimate winners of Nexus. Call this contest what you want, "I beat Nexus" was one that came to mind. Another was "Nag San". But does it really need a name? Let's just put it this way... everyone's playing field will be leveled and equal, and for the grand prize, the challenges you will be performing will either drive you nuts or push you to another level of insanity. Either way, this contest is something to look forward to.
Keep watching Nexus Atlas for the announcement of when the contest will happen. I might do it tomorrow. I might do it in a month, or a couple months. Maybe even a year. But when I do it, you better be ready. Want a hint? I won't be testing your everyday Nexus skills, this is stuff that goes "unseen".
You'll see me again soon I'm sure, ~n~
Creative Nexus
A long time favorite of most players is Creative Nexus. We all love to experiment and make new images with wild armor and fantastic weapons. Sadly Thou is no longer going to host this site and is starting a web design business. His server will be used for his business.
The good news is that Thou has agreed to let Nexus Atlas host this content. Icespadez (who hosts Nexus Atlas) did the most recent rewrite of Creative Nexus and has moved that site. The Affiliates tab has been updated with the new link. Update your bookmarks! For those who want to find it faster click here.
AllyGator Hyul 16 2nd Moon
Carnage Crusaders!
by: Aens
-- 1:37 PM EST
Along with the huge update that came today, Mug introduced a new Carnage level called Crusade. This is a unique carnage because its not just a new stats range, it caps the maximum base stats allowed in the carnage. What does this mean?
Well as many of people that came to the test today already know, when you enter the carnage doors located in Nagnang arena you must have sub accessories off and as you enter you will be equiped with 2 new sub accessories called Vita Balance and Mana Balance. With these items equiped, the users base stats will be moved to 350k/150k. This is a Il san and above stat carnage (160,000+/80,000+). With the balancing items this makes it so the strongest players in the game are moved down to 350k/150k and have to compete using skills instead of stats.
Mana Balancer
Vitality Balancer
Crusaders Info -------------- *The sub accessories lower your base stats to 350k/150k *If you are below those stats in either category already, the balancers will not affect you. *Items will still add to your stats above the cap. *The Balancers will not raise your stats to 350k/150k if you are below that. *There is no AC cap. *No spells are changed or removed. *Crusaders is Il san (160,000+/80,000+) *Entry fee is 16,000 coins *For now the sub accessories leave with you when you leave the carnage, but should be changed in the future. *If you enter the carnage doors with sub accessories on you will be sent to your home. *You still only get normal carnage prizes/mark for winning.
NOTE! This is not Mugs new Carnage event, this is just a new level idea he has come up with. New carnage event has yet to be released.
Major props to Mug for the good work on this project. Thanks to Adelina and rest of carnage staff for helping me gather information for this post.
Lin Pei's Last Wish
Lin Pei has come to me with both results of the vocal audition and to ask a favor of me. She says that her heart is wary on the fact that once she picks a follower from the auditions that she will have to leave the kingdoms.
However, before she can leave, she must hear her father's dying letter. The problem is that the messanger her father called to his death bed is found to be rather strange with his words. The letter is encoded!
Help Lin Pei Break this code so she can hear his final words!
Send the letter with the proper decoding to LinPei
Kw ecfu Lzw,
Z ydfjr wip biu ydc audfy vftuzutd wip kfec yi guzja kd gfek buik ydc efur echypv ib ydc vcf. Z dvhc wip eijy ucaucy zt gctfpvc Z eijy. Ydc bcn dipuv Z aiy gfem afoc kc ydc tdfjtc yi ycss wip din huine Z fk ib gcfpyzbps, siozja nikfj wipoc gctikc bukc ydc gpuvyzja, gpggsw szyysc azus.
Ndcj ewzja ydc bzkvy tzkc Z hkfwce dje gcaace biu qpvy ijc kiuc tdfjtc, ijc kiuc vdiy fy ycsszjz wip Z sioc wip. Wipuc ydc ocuw gcvy ydzha ydfy dav cocu dfhhcjce yv kc. Biuazoc kc biu jiy gcoja fgsc yi vyfw sijacu.
Wip fuc ib ydc fzk dje Z fk ib ydc vcf, ydcvc fuc ipu csckcnyv, ydcw kfrc zy vi yday nc tfj gc.
Large Server Reset! (May 15)
Today's server reset (May 15th) had brought A LOT of changes... and I mean A LOT!
Things are still being tested and there are still bugs with the new Subpath Updates. Remember to be kind to mug when telling him of these bugs! He obviously has done a lot for Nexus.
The "new carnage game" is known as Crusade! It is still being tested as we speak but I hear it has a little something to do with making stats more stable. Meaning, you have to have three open slots in your inventory to enter and no sub accessories. You will be given two items upon enter that balances both Vita and mana. Hmm.. interesting!
The new Sub Accessories for "Crusade":
Mana Sub Accessory
Vita Sub Accessory
-=-=-=-=- Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: ~ Alizarin receives change in warp and Zooey will now buy back Well cftd dk ambers ~ Kugnae Ministry gets new reactors to keep those bad guys out of their office. ~ Bear clan’s Tangun will now buy back Fried egg ~ Sun Moon’s playground is no longer pk ~ Destiny clan receives 3 new Gem reactors. ~ Buya Army has minor update on board change ~ Kurimja has summon approach turned off inside Shade Pit and Dragon’s Head Pub ~ Forsaken’s Infidelity will now buy back Ginseng piece, Sorrow buys Star gowns, Toadstool will buy Fried egg and Flaps will sell Acorns and Indigo potion.
Subpath additions and fixes: ~ Path balance for warriors was issued as per conversation with all Elders (there are still other issues to be dealt with in time and mug will continue to work with you on this) ~ Do weapon color was changed per request from Elder
  ~ All items request from warrior subpaths have been updated upon request. Carnage, Foxhunt, Elixirs:~ Fox hunts now have a 2 week ban added ~ Mish will now eat Carnage keys ~ New yowls were added for Carnage of Champions ~ New yowls were added for Tournament ~ New game added for Carnage ~ Carnage team and Fox hunt team get new helms Carnage Host Helm Fox Hunt Host Helm Other:~ The bug with the some of the vortex monsters (caused players who were using endear type spells to have other monsters kill the boss and give them full experience) has been corrected. If you see any future problems with anything like this please report it to mug immediately so it can be looked into. ~ Mug has finished a new carnage game and will be testing with the carnage department today. If all goes well it will be opened up soon. ~ More work has been added to fix path balancing, this is going to take time to do and we are working on it little by little. Please do not send letters to us about these issues it will be dealt with prior to the release of Sa san making the game more fair. Thank you JuJakMan for your lovely work on the examples/picture updates. This makes our job easier! XoXo Kikoura
by: Aens
-- 10:37 AM EST
It would seem that there have been alot of people being promoted lately through out Nexus. Taking a look at the reporting thread on the forums I realized that I had missed a couple.
First off I would like to extend congratulations to everone listed off below and I hope that you all do a great job in your new positions. Since there are a quite a few to mention I wont get to descriptive.
New Tiger Clan Primogen Ordos has stepped down and has passed on the role to Apollosworld.
New Judge Gilley has been selected to be a new judge in the lands.
New Archon/Pawns Apsara is now a new Pawn for Kugnae and Eleos is a new Pawn for Carnages.
Again congratulations to everyone and goodluck!
Thank you to Hatiki and Gilley for reporting this news.
A Farewell Contest
Sad times have come for Lin Pei. Despite her efforts and the loss of her voice, her father has passed on as of today. She will now be returning to the skies but first she proposes a contest.
She wants to find the finest voice within the lands for this is something she feels her father would have wanted. Please join her at 5:00 PM EST at the Chongun’s Home (Heaven’s Ascent). Here, she will accept auditions.
When you stop by be sure to be courteous for losing a loved one is one of the toughest obstacles.
A song to you~ o/'Keep strong dear Lin Pei, this too shall pass, I will be sure to pray. Keep your head high and smile on through - your future is all up to you. o/'
**Also, in respect to one of our own losses, we hope to see all our readers at the Leodaris Ceremony this Sunday (May 18th, 8PM EST)**
XoXo Kikoura
New Shaman Elder.
by: Aens
-- 8:36 AM EST
The beloved Beffycabeza has recently decided to step down from her honored position as Shaman elder and has passed the reigns on to Shaman Izabella. Beffycabeza has done a great job as elder and we wish the sam for Izabella. Congratulaions.
Thank you to NightStryker and LilBowwow for reporting this news.
An Eye for an Eye
 Lin Pei has made another appearance but this time with the absence of her father. She takes us to Dae shore and sings her distressed rhymes. It seems her father has been lost out at Sea – perhaps victim! In order to save his life, Lin Pei gave her voice to the gods. Father time also made an appearance and made it known that everything happens for a reason. After all, she did say she’d do anything!  She will be returning to Dae Shore, tomorrow (May 14th), around 3-5PM EST. Hopefully, she will have her father with her. ((Special thanks to Logorin for the screen shots and the trouble sending them to me. And the rest who provided other information)) XoXo Kikoura
Vortex bosses removed
by: Conro
-- 5:50 PM EST
As of 11:00 PM EST, May 11th, vortex bosses have been temporarily removed in response to KRU Interactives discovery of a bug pertaining to them.
Mug has not been reached for comment as of yet, so details of the bug will not be discussed on the front page of NexusAtlas, although speculation and or facts are more than welcome on NexusForums.
It is unsure how the bug was finally brought to the attention of the GM, but suffice to say punishment may be handed out for those who abused the bug willingly.
No re-release date for the bosses has been set. We will keep you posted.
- Conro
Cao Pei, Fisherman of the Sea
 Cao Pei and Lin Pei have been searching for a reporter to tell their tale. Finding Aens and I, they decided to share each side with one of us. Cao Pei, a fisherman, wrote his story in words. His daughter Lin Pei, you may have noticed, loves to rhyme and sage songs. She is quite talented and a fine voice to listen too. Did I mention that she thinks my husband is strong and handsome? All in all, they want to let us know that they mean no harm and only want to spread happiness: "My name is Cao Pei, a lone fisherman, the father of Lin pei. My daughter and I come from the Sky, she if the Wind, I of the Sea.
Her dream is to take upon an apprentice as to share her talent and thus create a song immortal, I am to understand, and thus the community has been both supportive and cruel to her purpose. I wish to make it known on behalf of my daughter that we mean no harm to the kingdoms by coming to this land, and her intentions are pure and unadulterated.
My purpose here is to be with my daughter, whom is the only one I have left in my old age, and to spread any tidbits of wisdom I may have to anyone in need. I give my thanks to those who have been hospitable towards my daughter, especially those that would guard her against the threats that have been incoming since our arrival. We have journeyed far, and so far have been unsuccessful in realizing my daughter's dream.
It is my prayer that this kingdom provides what she so earnestly wants to find."
Lin Pei, Songstress of the Sky
by: Aens
-- 3:51 PM EST
A Singing peasant has arrived into our lands recently with a song to tell. At first glance we would consider this person to just another new comer but when you dig a bit deepr there is more to be told. With her multiple sages being prime signal that she is more than ordinary, and for those that dont get it you can't sage until your level 90 and much less sage multiple times in a row, Shuzu decided to meet the self proclaimed "Songstress of the Sky" to see what she wanted. It seemed that LinPei was seeking for a reporter to let the masses know about her arrival. Below is the her song that she sang to Shuzu and I as we listened.

I am not at all important, just a mere slip of a child, from the sky where the air is swift and wild.
My father is a fishermen, whom I love more than, Here is here to guard me, to keep me far from strife.
I am searching high and low for a singer that is pure, to take away to immortality, to a place that is sure.
But people here are so filled with mistrust, They turn what is shiney and promising, into rust.
My name is LinPei, and I am Songstress of the Sky, My fathers name is Cao Pei, and hes got a fisherman's eye.
o/` Although not much is known about the mysterious songstress, I would advise the community to keep a close eye on the Chronicle of the Winds board for more information relating to this story, and possible event.
Thanks to Shuzu for helping me get the story.
Nexus Atlas Community
A few days ago I issued a challenge to Maerin. If he could get a large group of citizens together to show their enthusiasm, then I'd post their picture on Nexus Atlas. It took a bit of co-ordination but here's an image of a lot of happy people! Come join the ranks of dancing folks in the Kingdom of the Winds.

Easy button turn on
by: Conro
-- 2:23 PM EST
It's been reported by the Warrior Tutor of Nagnang, AznCloudBoi, that Chung Ryong's Rage 6 no longer takes a warrior to 10 vitality and 10 mana, it now reduces a warrior solely to 10% of their maximum vitality, and allows the warrior to keep all mana.
A debate is underway on the effects this change has, especially pertaining to a Warriors ability to solo.
Changes have also been made to the spells 'Remove Curse' and 'Atone', as they can now remove all 'Curse' spells which increase AC up to their 'target' (30 Vex, 50 Scourge).
Atone will remove: Scourge, Ju jak curse, Hindrance, Forsake, Corrupt, Curse, Vex, Snare, Taint, Chill, Pestilence.
Remove curse, will remove: Vex, Snare, Taint, Chill, Pestilence.
This is also cause for debate, as it hinders a very important tactic of using low curses for defensive PK purposes.
Oh yeah... I'm back. I'll make a post for discussion on that as well at some point.
- Conro
Something New in Southern Koguryo
If the forums, Doctor reports that there is something new in Southern Koguryo. Obviously the latest reset included this. So what could it be? Maybe the start to new hunting grounds? The special new quest for Sa san? A new event? We'll keep you posted!

AllyGator Hyul 15, 11th Moon
Remembering Hroth
 Historian Qantao has asked that Nexus Atlas remind you all that the Museum needs information from you to mark the passing of our beloved Hroth. Many of you have posted in our forums but Qantao needs brief statements from you about Hroth. The way to keep memories is to record them so all can learn to know him. Hroth was more than a person in the game. He was also the player behind the keyboard just like all of us. Please read this Community post and send your memories to Qantao and keep our history alive! I quote Worldwalker's tribute that she posted on the forums: "I don't know how many people remember Hroth anymore. I doubt if many people even remember me. Before I knew him as Hroth, I knew him as Bob Bledsaw. He was the person who dragged me kicking and screaming into Nexus, and nothing afterwards was quite the same. Archon, Angel, roleplayer, and sometimes pain in the neck ... he was special.
Outside of Nexus, he was even more special -- far more than most Nexus players ever knew. He was one of the Three Great Old Men who created the whole hobby of roleplaying games: Dave Arneson who invented the D&D rules; Gary Gygax who edited and published them; and Bob, whose company, Judges Guild, turned out the reams of support material that made running a game practical for everyone, long before TSR had their first adventure module in print. Without him and what he created, roleplaying games might have been only a passing fad among hardcore wargamers, and what we play today, offline and online, would never have existed. He changed the world.
Bob Bledsaw, my inspiration, my hero, my mentor, and most of all my friend, died on Saturday after a long battle with cancer. There's a link to his obituary in the tribute TSWolf posted on the Nexus Atlas news. (no, that picture is not recent, not within 25 years)
It still hasn't really sunk in that there aren't going to be any more long phone calls to chat for hours about gaming, any more odd boxes arriving in the mail, any more old archon stories or tales of the early days of the RPG industry or frantic pleas for tech support when he hosed his email software yet again. He was Winterhome Webhosting's first client; in fact, very much responsible for it existing at all. Bob was always someone I could go to for advice, or just friendship, and he gave freely of everything he had. He would give you the shirt off his back, even before you asked. He had his flaws, like any of us, but he was one of those rare few people who truly, genuinely wanted to make people happy. For over thirty years, he did that through gaming.
I first knew Bob through his creations -- I saved my baby-sitting money to buy the City-State of the Invincible Overlord back when eight bucks was a lot of money, and I still have my original copy, now in shreds, with notes scribbled all over it, additions made to the maps, and memories of old friends clinging to it everywhere. Then I knew him as a business associate, back when I was a little software company and I first spoke to him about licensing some of the old Judges Guild material. But for the past ten years, I have known him best as a dear friend.
Although Bob moved on from Nexus many years ago, in spirit he never left. He talked often about the players he had known, his friends (and occasionally enemies), the events of the early days, Orb the first GM, and all the history that has now been forgotten, but most of all about the people, especially the young people, he had known there. Nexus and its people were very special to him. So it is here that I have chosen to post my tribute to Bob Bledsaw, Hroth, the Invincible Overlord.
Goodbye, old friend. Save me a seat at the cosmic gaming table. I'll bring cookies.AllyGator Hyul 15
SanSin's Open House
This evening SanSin proudly opened their new clan hall to the public. Primarch Zanna was there to welcome everyone and was happily talking about the renovations they have planned. mug was kind enough to give me a preview of their clan helm! Please take the time to go by and congratulate them on their beautiful new home! Visit their clan list to get a small idea of how much they've grown.

Anniversary Present?
by: Rachel
-- 9:03 AM EST
Among other updates mentioned in the reset post below, they've picked a date for the release of Sa san. At least, they picked a day that they hope they'll be releasing Sa san, "Everything looks like it is on time for July 1st release of Sa san".
I wonder what other surprises they have in store for the 10th anniversary of NexusTK!
Server reset, Thursday, May 8, 2008 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Pegasus moves Smuggle to new location, new Weaver loom for crafting and a new warp to the woodlands. * BIA gets minor map update * SanSin gets new garden, hall, sword, key, merchant "Hwang-Gung" (Clan Admission, banking, sell talisman) and is now official. Congratulations!
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor correction to the Spy mark * Do get new room "Do Combat Hall", New merchant "Kesshi" (Dyes, Reincarnate, Observe/Participate and Do only Options.) Do also get a fix to their Nuisance. * Diviner get minor updated to Circle.
Other: * Continued work for Sa san spells and balance. * Other Additions to the game (will release in near future) More instances for Ogre area, New large hunting area with aggressive AI (Level 99 and up), Special new quest just for those who will be trying to get Sa san and an event. We will try to release all these very soon. Everything looks like it is on time for July 1st release of Sa san. * New summer item shop items are in the works! * Updates to a few maps
New SanSin Clan Hall!
by: Aens
-- 8:06 AM EST
Today Mug announced that the SanSin Clan has finally recieved their clan hall. Although right now they are testing it out, it can be said that they can count on keeping what they have. The entrance is located at 20, 141 Buya which is west of south gate Buya. If you want to check out the new hall you'll either have to join the clan or contact Primogen MythicKnight or Primarch Zanna. Grats again to the young SanSin Clan.
Click the Thumbnail below to see the celebration! 
New Ranger Elder
by: Aens
-- 3:51 AM EST
It seems that the Merchants are not the only ones with change. Here is Aisces post from The Chronicle of the Winds Board.
A page is turned in history as a new elder takes the reigns of the Ranger path. What will Gallum bring in his tenure? Only time will tell.
-signed in green ink- Aisces
MysticSeeker has done a great deal of work in his time as elder. It is sad to see him go. Although he is on his way out he has chosen a suitable Ranger to take his place. Congratulations to Gallum and his newly appointed position, and to many Hyuls of success.
New Merchant Elder
Paladino, elder of the Merchants, has decided to step down. Paladino is a friendly and well respected elder who will get a great pat on the back for all his work.
Beilek will be taking his spot and he has a bumpy road of Eldership ahead of him. Please congratulate him and give him the support he needs and deserves!
XoXo Kikoura
Remembering Leodaris
On the Poetry board, Archon Susanowa made a special post about a special upcoming poetry contest!
" Theme: "Remembering Leodaris"
Lady Leodaris Xing-Normad'Or (Yuri 16 - Hyul 4)
The "Tree of Reflections" was named by Prince Mhul following a winning poem Leodaris wrote. Leodaris was not only a poet but was also one of the first Revels hosts. Her wisdom and guidance are still followed by many in the Kingdoms. Those who don't remember her should ask the Geomancers about this remarkable woman.
"The Geomancer subpath is proud to present a ceremony to honor a loved one - Leodaris. Leodaris has been elder of our Subpath three times and a great help to her community. She spread smiles and shared laughter with many. She was also very talented. Now, in her passing, we ask that you show your talent in her honor!
The person who wins this poetry contest will be asked to recite their poem at the Ceremony on May 18th. So be sure to scribe a copy of your work before sending it in! Good luck and thank you!" "
For further information on the ceremony be sure to watch the Nexus boards!
Reporting News
by: Aens
-- 9:51 AM EST
Hello folks, I've been recieving alot of whispers recently about how to report new on Nexus Atlas. The process is pretty simple.
1. Log on to the Forums and make a post about what you found on the "Report News" section. Please include specific details as well as screen shots if possible.
2. If you are not authorized to make posts on the forums yet you can contact a reporter within nexus. You can find out who reporters are by searching under the "Contact Nexus Atlas" portion of the website which is under the "Community" tab to the left of the site. You can contact these reporters by whispering then in nexus, using Nexus Mail, or possibly emailing them or contacting them on a messenger service. ((last resort))
3. If all else fails, try making a post on the Community Board within Nexus, or even Rambling Thoughts.
Thanks for helping out, Adios!
"Strange Whispers"
by: Aens
-- 7:56 AM EST
Recently it has been reported that various individuals in the kingdom have recieved a pop up with the following message.
"Do you believe in the village?"
after which you are given 2 options to choose from
"Yes I believe" "No I do not"

For now we are still compiling information. If you have screenshots to provide, please post them in the forums or email them to aens.na@hotmail.com
Thanks to Heira and Adelina for reporting on this.