Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Note: In January 2006, NexusAtlas moved to a new server and a new ISP. In that
process the software that manages our news archives dropped its links. We do
not know exactly why that happened nor are we able to fix it without support
from someone who knows the software. Therefore, we are calling news prior to
March 2006 "Archived News" and it can be accessed by the link below.
If you want to see archived news,
click here.
6th Primogen of Silla
by: Hatiki
-- 1:26 AM EST
On May 18, 2007, Primogen Sick stepped down from the position of Primogen and Morick, the founder of Silla has once again assumed the role as Silla's sixth Primogen.

Congratulations Morick on the position of Primogen once again and thank you Sick for your services to your clan and kingdom.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 8, 4th Moon
New Judges
by: Vini
-- 12:35 PM EST
Head Judge Teragg has informed me yesterday that his first batch of new judges has finally been promoted from Judges in training to full judges. The justice system now counts with the help and work of Judge Bardocksu, Judge Geen and Judge Saboth.
Nexus Atlas congratulates the three of them and hopes that they shall keep doing a good job there.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 8, Moon 4~
Staff of the Elements Problem
Last week I was helping a player who could not get his Slave garb while doing the Staff of the Elements quest . We tried several things and nothing worked. Finally he figured out that the Slave master REALLY wants you to remove everything including beards!! Just a note of warning if you are working on that quest. It's been reported to KRU but Nexus Atlas feels you should know about it until it's fixed.
((And because Vini beat up on me about posting the time. . . ))
AllyGator Hyul 8 Moon 4 Sunday 12 8 a.m.
Pegasus Primogen
by: Vini
-- 5:04 PM EST
About one week ago, there has been a shift in leadership of Pegasus clan that went sort of unnoticed. The founder of the clan, Kujek, has once again stepped down from the position, on his 2nd reign, and assumed the position of Primarch in the clan. The new Primogen is no other then Drywater, who helped in the creation of the clan and has been in it since the beginning. Drywater who has been Head Carnage Host for quite a while now assumes Pegasus clan with much experience of leadership and it's quite a promise to Pegasus.
 Congratulations to Pegasus 4th Primogen Drywater and thanks to Kujek for his services to Nexus.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 8, Moon 4~
P.S. No, I'm not back but I still check Nexus Atlas sometimes for news =)
Brief Hello and Upcoming Koguryo Defender Ceremony
by: Hatiki
-- 8:18 AM EST
Hello Nexus Atlas Readers! For those who don't know me, I'm Hatiki, the newest Nexus Atlas reporter.
I'll be reporting news from around the Nexus. With that in mind, read below!
On Friday June 1st, 2007 at 10pm EST, King Mhul and the Royal Ministry of Koguryo will be holding the Koguryo Defender Ceremony in the Royal Coliseum. Nominated Citizens of Koguryo will "Pledge to Defend Koguryo" and be blessed with the Sea Nymph Dye.
Below is Royal Minister Gilley's invitation, as posted on the Chronicles of the Winds board.
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On behalf of King MuHyul and the Royal Kingdom of Koguryo
We request the honor of your presence at the Koguryo Defender Ceremony
On Friday, June 1st at 10:00 pm EST/7:00 pm PST inside the Royal Coliseum of Kugnae Palace.
Those citizens who have shown devotion to Koguryo and its king will be honored this special evening. The Royal Ministry will also be praising the individuals who have completed the Deeds of Citizenship quest.
~ Onward, Azure Koguryo! ~
Please remember that no weapons are allowed.
~Signed this 30th Sunday of Hyul 7,
:Gilley Galea Royal Minister of Koguryo
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 8, Moon 4
Overlord B’Gnngh Legend Mark
On Friday, May 25, 2007 there was a reset. We read the following on the Dream Weaver board.
Overlord B’Gnngh? Who is this? He has been seen deep inside the ogre castle. Perhaps you are strong enough you can find him too.
Nurox sent me the following image of the Overlord B'Gnngh. I also grabbed an image of his new legend mark.

In order to get to the Overlord's room every person in a group needs a Floating ring of substratum. The group needs a total of 100 angry essences. There is a rumor that the Overlord drops a vest. Others say there is no drop. We'll keep you informed as information is available.
KRU posts Mug Contest Images!
I spoke with mug today. He told me that images of all of the winning entries are on NexusTK. Go see all of the amazing winning items. mug said, "I smile here." I can see why too! Simply amazing work from some very talented folks.
Images of the items won:
Bronze tea pot: 
Silver tea pot: 
Golden tea pot: 
Mugs faerie darkness: 
New Muse Elder!
by: Songa
-- 9:28 PM EST
Congratulations are in need for the fabulous, Moon-wine drinking, BEST MUSE EVER.. Soleil on her new position as Muse Maestra!

Thanks to Aelis for all her hardwork!
mug's Mug Event Winners!
As posted by Dream Weaver mug on the Community Board after last nights event...here are the winners!
Grand Prize: KenZi
Best Nexus mug: 1st place: Kenzi 2nd place: Snowberry 3rd place: Winder
Best postcard: 1st place: JubJub 2nd place: Rhew 3rd place: MissPiggie
Best Nexus letter: 1st place: Saera 2nd place: Moondrops 3rd place: Tappestry
Best hand made letter: 1st place: Beyonder 2nd place: Anirak 3rd place: Qwyn
Best in game letter: 1st place: ijji 2nd place: Chantrea 3rd place: Soleil
Best letter: 1st place: Erucolindo 2nd place: RCMP 3rd place: Providian
ZBest paper mug: 1st place: Liora 2nd place: Soleil 3rd place: Chupi
Best Regular mug: 1st place: Allygator 2nd place: Majiko 3rd place: Erucolindo
Best hand made mug: 1st place: Aramachi 2nd place: Oeildutigre 3rd place: SirDerek
Special prizes:
Smallest mug: Vales Largest mug: Liora Maker of left right mug: Thou
Congratulations to everyone that won! According to mug we should be able to look forward to another special event like this in the future!
A special Nexus Atlas congratulations to our very own Allygator and Thou as well! ;P
An Evening With mug
Start grinding that coffee! Start seeping that tea!
Fill your mugs to sip during mugs special award ceremony
for the most outstanding entries
Friday, May 18th
9:00 pm EST/ 6:00 pm PST!
For entrance into this exciting event, look to the Inns!
(More specifically, the Southern Inns of Buya and Nagnang
or the local Inns of Kugnae and the Wilderness.)
You will be transported into mugs personal inspiration lair,
Weaver of Dreams, that sits high in the heavens.
Don't miss this Once-in-a-Lifetime opportunity to share a mug
with mug fans everywhere!
by: Songa
-- 1:45 PM EST
The tally is finally in, and after a long wait .. It has been announced that HanXin has won in his long battle against Bluestone!
Here is what he wrote on the Community board:
Victory is ours! Once again, the good have conquered!
The Han army faced many trials at Sea as the battle raged on against the Blacksails pirates. The elements were on our side this battle, a blessing induced by the supportive prayers made by our allies on land.
The battle ended on a desolate note, however. A large tidal wave engulfed Bluestone's vessel and decimated their entire crew. We assume that Bluestone did not survive this justice of the Sea, for there are no traces linking to his survival.
In celebration of our victory, and in correspondence with your rulers, all those who offered their services to slay the pirates will receive a victory flag to exude their Kingdom's pride during a Victory Parade.
(( Parade date: Monday, May 14th, 7:30pm PST/10:30pm EST ))
The tri-alliance is strong. Han would not have been able to successfully bring justice to the pirates without your efforts. Thank you.
For the Fallen! For the Avenged! Long live Emperor Senshi!
= = General HanXin =
So dust off some confetti, and get ready for the Victory Parade!
In order to get HanXin's gift (a flag,) go to North Gate Buya and you will find an old man..

He will recognize that you helped HanXin battle Bluestone and award you with a flag! Happy flag waving~!

Note: If you helped Bluestone, you will NOT get a flag. Sorry guys!
More Mug Info

The mugs can be worn on either hand . . . doesn't matter if it is left or right. Everyone who sent in a postcard gets a mugs right mug. Those who send in a mug also get a mugs left mug. More mug stats:
mugs Il left mug Dura 125000/125000 Armor -8 Hit +4 Dam +4 Vitality Increase +3000 Mana Increase +1000 Might Increase +3 Grace Increase +3 Will Increase +3 Regen +5 Protection +1
mugs Sam left mug Dura 200000/200000 Armor -10 Hit +5 Dam +5 Vitality Increase +5000 Mana Increase +2500 Might Increase +5 Grace Increase +5 Will Increase +5 Regen +5 Protection +1
The Mugs are Here!
by: Nagnag
-- 6:25 PM EST
Yoni, Honi, & the Nangen Ambassador (all located outside of your Kingdom's Palace) have them ready for you. If you submitted a mug with the postcard, select the "mug" option, otherwise select the postcard option.
Stats are below:
mugs right mug Dura 50000 Armor -6 Hit +2 Dam +2 Vitality Increase +1000 Mana Increase +350 Might Increase +1 Grace Increase +1 Will Increase +1 Regen +5 Protection +1 Any Class Level 11
mugs 50 left mug Dura 75000/75000 Armor -6 Hit +3 Dam +3 Vitality Increase +1500 Mana Increase +500 Might Increase +2 Will Increase +2 Grace +2 Regen +5 Protection +1 Any Class Level 50
mugs 99 left mug Dura: 100000/100000 Armor -7 Hit +3 Dam +3 Vita +2000 Mana +800 Might +2 Will +2 Grace +2 Regen +5 Protection +1 Any Class Level 99
mugs Ee left mug Dura 150000/150000 Armor -9 Hit +5 Dam +5 Vitality Increase +4000 Mana Increase +2000 Might Increase +4 Grace Increase +4 Will Increase +4 Regen +5 Protection +1
If you have Sam San, or Il San mugs, please post the stats in our forums under news reports. Thanks!
Mug's Mugs and More
by: Rachel
-- 8:34 AM EST
Earlier, Mug announced that the mugs will be here today.
If you sent a postcard or a mug you should, "Look for merchants around town to get Mug"
This could mean old or new NPCs.. I would check with the messengers first though
Mug also said that a week from now on Friday the 18th, "We have contest winners in my new room"
If I understood Mug correctly, there should be nine winners in all. First, second, and third place for the best mug, best postcard, and best letter.
Then he went on to say, "I have big event for this day to give away prizes" and "I post more on this soon"
A "big event" and "new room" just give me more questions! Does this have anything to do with the large addition that they hoped to have done by the end of this month?
Free Kruna!
For anyone who is currently registered on the 15th of May we will give you 100 Free Kruna! All players who are on auto renew will receive 100 addition Kruna!
Month to month players – 100 Free Kruna Auto-renew players – 200 Free Kruna.
Thank you for your support!
Nexus Team
KRU site
Thank you to AnimeRage for bringing us this information.
New Silla Primogen!
A recent change in leadership has occurred within the Silla Clan of Nagnang, Primogen Morick has stepped down as head of the clan and has appointed Sick in his place!
Thank you for all of your work, Morick - and congratulations to new Primogen Sick, may your reign be long and prosperous!
 Primogen Sick of Silla!
Thank you xDarkTurtlex for the tip!