Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
All Updates
by: Rachel
-- 3:36 PM EST
It looks like we won't have to hunt down every update this time, because the the Nexustk.com news page has a new post detailing us about every change that was made!
Will this become the new policy at Kru? I, for one, would welcome the change. Perhaps they might also tell us a bit more about their future plans!
You can find the entire post of updates by clicking on the Nexustk.com news tab or you can just Click Here.
Thanks to ZokUrA and Baram for notifying us about this.
Server Reset
During today's reset, a couple things have been found. - Renegades Retreat (Rangers) gets two castle-like doorways - Nagnang Barracks main hall renovated - Phoenix has a new clan hall - Lost Kingdom's bugged room is now unbugged - Destiny clan got a new arena - Merchant Grand Hall allows NO spells - Druids gain a new bouquet quest in Elder's Hideaway (public Room)

-Players may now bring their own bows into Elixir wars -Fixed Mythic Alliance bugs -Fixed Tutor Payment bug
- Updated SunMoon Map - Updated Elendhirin Map - Minor fixes for Destiny Clan - Minor fixes for Phoenix Clan - Minor fixes for Lost Kingdom Clan - Minor fixes for Sun Moon Clan
Here are a few pics:

 I guess you could call it Extreme Nexus Make Over - Kru Edition.
Thanks you Jural, Zitchta and many others for sharing this information.
Chongun Pardon Tribunal Postponed
by: Conro
-- 10:08 PM EST
As posted by Silents
Citizens of the Kingdom of the Winds.
I regretfully must inform you that the Chongun Pardon Tribunals will be postponed until further notice. This comes after many efforts to offer our service, but lack of interest from many. As well as from the flack we have recieved from many in conjunction to the Royal Pardons ((Unsigned Scrolls and through the Royal Courts)).
There is no estimated time of return at this time. But rest assured, Pardon Tribunals shall return eventually. If you have any questions or concerns, please ~NMAIL~ them to myself.
I am sorry for any inconvienence this may cause.
Silents Chongun Elder
Blight makes contact
by: Vini
-- 9:51 PM EST
After a few weeks without making contact, General Blight has finally sent a new letter to our community, posted on the Chronicle of the Winds board about the situation with the Shape-shifters and the shamanic ritual.
Here’s a copy of his post on COTW:
Many of you have wondered where I have been, now that the ashes of the four have been collected. A final pocket of resistence was encountered by myself and those who follow me. Their evil taint had been sent out as an advance scout to infiltrate Kaya and knowing that none of these monsters could be left behind, I sought them out and we destroyed them all before yet another portal could be opened.
Yet, that was not enough! For the last one of them I tortured in a mindless rage over the death of my brothers in arms and the taint they tried to inflict on my beloved Nagnang. He talked this one did! *grins menacingly* And it was good he did talk. For some of the ashes were on these cretins, and without the recovery of these nothing we did would have worked to bring The Four back. He also made muttered something about the curse of some Dongbas upon them. These are the Naxi Shamanistic Priests who knew of them and how their taint might be wiped out. I believe The Historian, Qantao, has some knowledge of these foreign priests. Therefore, as I ripped the last of the information from the body and mind of this last abomination, I was able to get an idea of where to look for this man.
After many months of searching and sneaking through enemy territory, I came upon this legendary shaman, he who had a hand in writing the "Ha zhi p'i." His name I cannot reveal, for he placed upon me a price for this knowledge, and one I have willingly paid for the sake of my fallen brethren. Rebirth is possible. And while he said there were things we must do according to our own Holy Ones due to our lands and beliefs, he gave to me the secret ingredient necessary to perfect the rebirth and salvation of The Four.
I am on my way back to you, and I should be there in a few days at the most. I request a meeting be set up between myself, Izabella, StriGoi, our Holy One and the Historian, so that we may discuss the ritual needed and plan for The Four's revival. For those of you brave enough to bear the mark and the retrieval of the ashes, this will be a final compliment to your bravery. It will take many, even those who tried their best but did not receive the mark in time, to be at this ceremony. For the other thing stated by the Shaman Dongbas was that the people of the land are the other ingredient necessary to give rebirth to my fine comrades. Please return this messenger hawk with your reply as to a date a time of meeting, so that we may finish what we've begun.
Love Live Our Beloved Nagnang! Forever may she thrive! General Blight Beast of |\|agnang
The original post of Blight can be found as number 2015.
For those who were asking, there is still no new information about Wony's Challenge yet.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 4~
There is hope! (Revels)
As posted on Poetry board today...
We need time to work out some things with revels, so please be patient. Mean while I will be giving 3 full wins in the story contest till other arrangements have been made for revels. I'm sorry I can't give you a date on this but be assured revels will return.
The Day the Revels Died, Part Deux
As posted by Marama:
As you know we have been having problems with revels because of this we have decided to close down Revels and extend the Story Contests where more then one win will be given. We are still working on this and it will take some time but I wanted to post and let you know what is going on. The poems from last week will still be judged and the winners will be posted.
And an additional post, made later this evening:
Eventually the story mark will have the HM mark but this will take time, but the story wins are a full win which will be given till the mark has been re programmed.
Creative Nexus Relaunch!
by: Nagnag
-- 10:41 AM EST
Mail Me! — Backdoor to Current Cnexus.net site That's right! Creative Nexus will be relaunched sometime this Summer with amazing new features. But I need YOUR HELP! I will be updating the Creat-A-Char with up-to-date items and graphics, including ANYTHING that has EVER existed in the game! Now, how am I going to do this? This is where your help comes in. I need a list of any item that is not already currently on the Creat-A-Char along with BMP screenshots if you can get any.(At the top of this post is a backdoor link to the current site where you can go to the Creat-A-Char). Once I have this list compiled and the screenshots organized and cropped, I will update the creat-a-char! The new Creat-A-Char will have weapons, hopefully, so send all of those ideas too!
"So that's it? That's what you need our help for?" you ask. No! In fact, that's just if you want to. As far as helping me goes, you can send me content and ideas! Content I'll accept is: Portraits, Fan Art,animated gifs, stories, poems, Screenshots(both old, new, and unique!) and anything else that you find to be Creative involving Nexus! And as far as ideas go, send me your ideas on what you'd like to see on Creative Nexus. A new simulator? Auto-Portrait maker? Whatever it may be, send me an idea and I'll see what can be done! Email via the link at the top of this post (it's a diff email now, since the other one is ungodly spammed - HelpNagnag@yahoo.com)
Thanks Guys and I appreciate all your help!
NexusForums Marketplace
by: Rachel
-- 9:39 PM EST
The market forum has returned to NexusForums! It can be found in the Town Square, just below the Community Polls forum.
The market forum has its own rules post. Read it before posting. If you don't like a rule or if you want more rules, reply to the rules topic. The rules will be subject to change in the next couple of weeks.
Please note that the future of this board depends on how frequently it is used and the manner in which it is used. So go there and have fun!
KRA needs assistance!
by: Vini
-- 10:15 PM EST
Last Saturday, the shape-shifters continued their attempted invasion of the kingdoms. They struck the heart of Koguryo, the Kugnae palace in a surprise attack on the KRA barracks. KRA reports show a vast tunnel system being created in Dae shore by the shape-shifters, leading to the palace. Outnumbered, the KRA called for immediate assistance from the kingdoms. Soldiers and citizens of Koguryo, Buya, Nagnang and the wilderness fought for the freedom of their lands.
During the attack, KRA officials began searching battle tactics that can be used to drive away the shape-shifters. They stumbled upon a scroll, containing information about three Ancient Commanders of the Royal Army. General Nykid has concluded that the best course of action will be to locate these commanders, Toshyo, Fuma and Akatsuki, and see if they have additional information.
Tonight, May 18th at 9:45pm EST the KRA will be conducting a search mission in order to locate the Ancient commanders and they are inviting anyone willing to help to join them on the search by meeting on Kugnae Courtyard at the Kogurian Palace. More information about it can be found on Chronicles of the Winds board or asked to a kogurian soldier.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Yuri 74, Moon 1~
New Bracelets
Recently, a new set of items has been crafted by KOFighter. These new hand items are called "Amber Bracelets." It seems to been have made by being a Skilled jeweler, and from what we know, it costs 6 ambers and 50,000 coins per attempt!

In the picture above, the "Amber Bracelets" on the top are 'Luxery Amber Bracelets.' And the Amber Bracelets on the bottum are known as "Plain Amber Bracelets."
Plain amber bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -8 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vitality increase: 100 Mana increase: 100 Might increase: 2 Will increase: 2 Grace increase: 2 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 71
Plain dark bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -8 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vitality increase: 100 Mana increase: 100 Might increase: 2 Will increase: 2 Grace increase: 2 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 76
Plain yellow bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -8 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vitality increase: 100 Mana increase: 100 Might increase: 2 Will increase: 2 Grace increase: 2 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 81
Plain white bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -8 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vitality increase: 100 Mana increase: 100 Might increase: 2 Will increase: 2 Grace increase: 2 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 86
Luxury amber bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -9 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vita increase: 200 Mana increase 200 Might increase: 3 Will increase: 3 Grace increase: 3 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 90
Luxury dark bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -9 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vita increase: 200 Mana increase 200 Might increase: 3 Will increase: 3 Grace increase: 3 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 93
Luxury yellow bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -9 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vita increase: 200 Mana increase 200 Might increase: 3 Will increase: 3 Grace increase: 3 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 96
Luxury white bracelet:  Durability: 40,000 Armor: -9 Hit: 0 Dam: 0 Vita increase: 200 Mana increase 200 Might increase: 3 Will increase: 3 Grace increase: 3 Healing increase: 2 Protection: 2 Peasant level 99
stats and image added by Vini, thanks to KOFighter
Thank you KOFighter for giving us this information.
Plain Yellow Braclet
Moments ago a new item surfaced from the Jeweling skill. This item was called "Plain Yellow Braclet". This new item takes exactly 6 ambers and 50k per attempt. Although KOFighter has not yet released the stats of the item he has told us that it is for level 81 Peasants. A picture of the item can be seen here:

New Buya Mage Tutor
by: Corath
-- 12:00 AM EST
Just a few moments ago, it was announced to the whole kingdoms the new tutor of Buyan mages. After the retirement of Minister Guerrund of the position, SquallMage was the one chosen from the application process to become the newest Buya Mage Tutor.
Congratulations from all of us here at NexusAtlas.
Community Board Guidelines
The following was just posted by Marama on the community board:
If you are posting multiple posts (replies etc.) please don't use all caps in your name it is distracting.
If a law is needed on this I will add it to Community board law.
Contrary to popular belief, which seems to be mostly based on rumors and a general lack of attention span, THIS IS NOT A LAW.
Marama suggests that this may be added to the community board law in the future. The community board laws include rules such as not discussing real life matters and not posting one-line posts. Post that break these rules are usually deleted without punishment to the poster. - Rachel
After reading the following I could not do anything but smile.
Using the filter system to sexually harass a player will not be tolerated; the penalty will be the same as sexual harassment.
It seems Marama is putting a leg up on the rules. And they seem to be for the better =)
Please note the bold term - Rachel
Fox Hunt Hosts needed!
It seems that the Fox hunt host team is a little low so the following post has been provided on the community board!
We are currently looking for Fox hunt hosts. Fox hunt hosts must be willing to host at least 2 hunts a week or 8 a month. They must be team players and not easily discouraged. We are primarily looking for hosts that can host on Sundays - Tues. We will consider others applications, also.
Applications will close after the 3d week of May.
Complete the application below and send to FoxHunt and only Foxhunt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =================================================== 1) Your Schedule. What days/times are you available? (Yes or No, sometimes) Sun Noon- Mon 6 pm- Tue 2 pm- Wed 9 pm- Friday 1 am- Sat 8 pm-
2) Have you ever hosted anything before? Carnages? Events? ((Please provide details))
3) Do you have a good natured personality? As a host you must have a GOOD sense of humour and be prepared to put up with some very unrurly players. ((Only a small percentage of course, but you must be able to keep your calm in the face of insults and threats.))
4) Imagine you are already a fox hunt host. What would your response be to the following statements/questions asked by players?
Can you give me the 1k to get into fox hunts please?
The other team cheated! You are biased!
My team member lagged out, can we wait for them?
What prizes do we get for doing this?
5) Why do you think YOU would make a good host?
6) Any jailings or last justice matter brands? If any, explain.
7) How many Fox hunts have you participated in? (You must have participated in at least 2 hunts to be considered for host.)
Reset Updates
by: Conro
-- 2:15 PM EST
A few changes to note from the recent reset.
- Tutor changes * Award system for Tutors * Bug fix in announce tutorial (Still being worked on)
- Merchant Casino/Merchant market changed to 'Merchant Grand Hall' (Thanks Jural!) 
Any other changes will be reported!
- Conro
News Returned
by: TSWolf
-- 8:34 PM EST
We apologize for the lack of updates. There were some technical issues that needed to be resolved here and they have been fixed by the all powerful Steve.
Koguryo Army General changes
by: Vini
-- 8:27 PM EST
Tonight, at the Royal Army barracks the long lasting General Rowann of the KRA has given her position back to General Nykid.
This is the second time General Nykid will be running the army, so he's quite experienced at it. Thank you Rowann for your many yuris leading the army and congratulations Nykid once again on becoming the General, good luck on getting those duties back.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 11~
Royal Court
by: Conro
-- 5:59 PM EST
As posted on the Guide Board #257:
We are pleased to announce players with criminal brands that cannot be removed at long last there is a way for citizens to plead a case before his or her Royal.
Before one can plead to the royal court you must meet certain requirements.
Brand removal requirements: 1. You must have had the mark 8 Yuri's (one irl year)
2. Any jailing you have had prior to the non-removable brand must all be removed; the Chongun path provides this service.
3. You must not have had any further jailing brands since the time of your non-removable mark.
4. You must have shown devotion so a requirement of karma spirit or higher is required.
If you meet these requirements send Marama or Neul a letter stating what you did to receive the jailing and why you feel the brand should be removed. If we feel you have learned from this experience we will let both you and your Royal know and a special court will be held so you can plead your case before your royal and peers.
Important: When sending your letter use Title: Royal Court Petition any other title will not be read.
Seems those with Unspecified serious crimes, autohunting, Sage abuse, Sexual Harassment and Bug abuse given by Judges or Archons will finally have a way to have their marks removed.
This, however, does NOT remove the 'Last Justice matter handled by' mark, so you still can't get Wisdom robes 'correctly'.
For the neutral people, they also have a chance on this system and must choose one of the 3 royals to go to.
- Conro
Searching the Shaman Witch
by: Vini
-- 11:51 AM EST
A few weeks ago, the nexus community has ventured into the Jangyesik, battled hundreds of vile creatures and found a way to recover the ashes of the four.
Short time after, General Blight posts about the results of his strikes there and after the Wuhu Luanhua General was beaten, there has been no more shape-shifters invading vale.
Yet, the portal with allowed them to invade our lands is still open and people should not give up trying to close it. Here's an incentive post to the community to help again on it displayed on the Chronicles of the Winds board : We still got work to do
The Shaman Witch that Blight mentioned must still be found, until the portal is finally closed, rest we cannot yet.
On other hands, to the ones who have been asking about the Wony's Challenge, it has not happened yet, so there's no information about who won the value item from Wony's Bomb game. That means that those who were willing to attempt it, still have a chance, keep your eyes on the Nexus atlas as it will be announced here as soon as any information if disclosed about this long waited Challenge!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 9~
Kru news and Purge coming today!
by: Vini
-- 6:22 PM EST
The account and support system of Kru Interactive have finally been updated and changed up to their new domain, leaving Nexon.net to the past.
Here is what was posted on Kru Interactive official website news:
Kru Interactive has acquired the domain kru.com and transferred all the contents from krugames.com to the new domain. Additionally, we have successfully consolidated our new Support site and Account Manager site to our company website for easier access. Now customers can just visit www.kru.com and click on the 'Support' or 'Account Manager' buttons rather than typing in each site's address. Or if you'd prefer, you can still go directly to these sites by typing https://support.kru.com (Support) or https://secure.kru.com (Account Manager). These sites can also be accessed through the individual game sites as well. All of us at Kru Interactive would like to thank you, our valued customers, for the support you've shown us during the transition.
On other note, today is the day of the PURGE, so if anyone who wants to keep their characters save, should try to re-register their account NOW, or else it will be too late. It's available on http://www.kru.com
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 9~