Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Take a trip back to the Aethers.
by: TSWolf
-- 11:40 PM EST
I put up 2 new photo reports today as you probably saw in the "What's New?" thing
above.. Since we got a MASSIVE outcry for new photo reports after the Renewed
Earth ones were very successful, I decided to continue porting the old NexNet
Please welcome the December 2000 :
Carnage Invasion
Wilderness Temple
Reports. Enjoy!
A Requested Feature: To be implemented...
by: Windis
-- 10:34 PM EST
According to Themis's post on the Dreams board, Nexon will soon be implementing a much requested feature: Offline jailing.
For so long, Players Judges(even tip, I do believe!)have been turning a sad face to those who request their help: they cannot jail a person who is offline. Only Archons have this ability.
Now the Archons are testing this new system, and once it is bug free, the Judges will be able to serve justice, whether the lawbreaker is on or offline!(Information from Dreams post 528)
Warning: Bug with Merchant Booths
Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT use the market booths unless you have a guard inside STILL blocking the steps. There is a bug that allows other people to enter WITHOUT being grouped with the individual inside the market booth. You are STILL required to have a guard. Nexon I assume will be correcting this shortly as it has already been reported to Delphi.
Consider yourself warned.
((Thanks to ChrisCruz for reporting this to me.))
Hi everybody
by: Conro
-- 6:03 PM EST
Hello everyone. I'm new to the Nexus Atlas staff. My job here is to give you the news quick and 100% accurate, and I'll do just that. *Smiles*
It's an honor to serve all of ya. If ya'll ever need help, feel free to send me a whisper or N-Mail me. I'm willing to answer any questions you have about the game, and I mean ANY questions =P
Big thanks to TSWulf for adding me to the staff!
Your powerhouse of knowledge,
- Conro
Wilderness Coordinates
by: Windis
-- 4:31 PM EST
Well, with the changes, people have been lost in the Wilderness. Windflare kindly posted the coordinates to many useful areas in the Wilderness on the community board:
Wilderness Coordinates
Weaving hut 44,30 Gemcutting hut 46,40 Orchard grove 91,27 Carpentry hut 137,87 Iron labyrinth 54,168 Lobsters 74,2 Ju jak shrine 116,208 Hyun moo shrine 147,10 Baekho shrine 15,124 Chung ryong shrine 210,96 Trapper's Paradise 52,33 (Ranger area) Sacred grove 52,198 (Druid area) House of Chi 214,107 (Geomancer area) Barbarian cave 3,154 (Barbarian area) Forever Tree 19,92 Great tree 104,6 Old man 57,7 (Restore quest) The Sage 126,7 (Sage spell) Pine grove ? Golden grove 97,209 Orchard grove 91,27 ? grove ? Ohaeng shrine 78,184 Neutral town NPC 206,138 Buya entrance 13,3
If anyone has any other relevant coordinates, or fixes, please contact me and I'll edit the post=-)
New head carnage host
by: Corath
-- 2:10 PM EST
The other day, Aenea stepped down as head carnage host in favour of Llevan, the previous head of the Riches carnages. The new head of the Riches department is Lust.
Thanks for doing a great job, Aenea, and best of luck to everyone in their new positions.
New Gemcutting Option - Updated!
Apperently, now Gemcutting has become alot faster, but not necesserally easier- Now when you say 'Gem' it doesn't bring up a list, but instead just crafts the Ambers in your inventory, from low-level to high-level, meaning that it'll first craft all your regular Ambers, after that it'll craft your Dark Ambers, then the Whites, and lastly the Yellow Ambers.
A tip for anyone that doesn't want to craft low-leveled Ambers- Drop the low Ambers and say 'Gem', it'll craft the higher Ambers in your inventory.
Note- I am not experienced enough to craft Dark Ambers, so when I tried to do that method above it said I have nothing to craft although I had a Dark Amber in my inventory. If someone else gets the same message and he is a good enough of a crafter to craft Dark Ambers, please notify me and Nexon.
(This only seems to work with lower level crafters. My Master Gemcutter is still asked what kind of ambers to cut even if she only has ambers or even if she has an empty inventory.
Also, I have heard that they increased the level requirement to craft Dark ambers - Rachel)
Update- Well, thank you Rachel for that info. ^_^ And thanks for Fender for telling me that he, as a Talented Gemcutter, could not Gemcut Dark Ambers+ in his clan hall. Only regular Ambers. When he tried to cut Dark Ambers+ it didn't do anything. No message in a pop-up, and no message in status box.
by: Rachel
-- 7:28 AM EST
Nagnang is quickly becoming an equal to Kugnae and Buya. In addition to all of the other things listed about it I found out a bit more.
(Tell me if any of this is old, I don't go to Nagnang much ^.^)
-As Vini has said, they have a new palace. It looks as if the city will be building an army soon and perhaps more clans after that with that big Tribunal.
-Nagnang guild halls each have a PK area about double the size of the Kugnae and Buya ones. (West wall)
-This may be a bug, but there is an odd warp from Dagger (Rogue) to Wand (Mage) when entering and exiting the guildmasters' rooms.
-When I click on Dagger's blue rooster option, it says that I already have the robes. This may mean that you can finally relearn the spell, but I do not wish to test it. If you can confirm this, please mail me.
-Nagnang guilds now teach/remove spells, bestow titles.
-There are many boards put up, but no posts on them yet. It is easy to guess what many of them are for, such as CotW, Tutor boards, etc.
-I don't think it was mentioned that a fisherman has been hanging around 46/54 Nagnang.
-There's a building in the northeast of the city that looks like it could teach us something. There are also some unfamiliar armors and weapons sitting in the shops. I think that many new things may come from this city.
As for the reason I visited in the first place, the Dying tree still isn't looking too good. I tried to make him better but it didn't work. =/

Maybe something else still needs to be done.. so keep looking around. I want him to turn into a big golden tree. 
Market Stall Reworkings
by: Spift
-- 10:48 PM EST
While this is just one of many new things that the minor update brought, I didn't see it posted already, so I wanted to take a moment to share some more information about it.
In the marketplace now, if you start walking into an empty stall, you'll get the message
 If you'd like to have a sale with more than one person, those who are grouped with you may also enter your stall. I imagine because of a multiple person sale in one stall, the market display feature is still available, however, no longer necessary.
Now if you try to enter an occupied stall without being grouped with the person inside, you get the message
 and you are pushed back a space outside of the stall.
While this is just a minor change, it's one that people have been asking for for quite a long time and it will certanily help with market security. Just remember to leave you group off when you are selling and/or always use market display.
(If you use market display and then lose your connection, it will not let other people enter enter your booth. However, they CAN block you from returning to your stall until market display has worn off since relogging into the market will send you to the entrance. When you wish to put items of value on display, it would be safest to go in the booth with someone that you can trust. I will send this in as a bug and hopefully they will make an alternative way to return to your items. - Rachel)
What Renew Earth brought new to us.
by: Vini
-- 9:50 PM EST
For all of those who have been wondering with the news that the Earth Renewal brought, here’s a summary of all changes: -Mythic caves graphics changed. -Wilderness graphics changed, including the shrines, caves and Craft NPC places. -Vale graphics changed, including caves and NPC places (not Great Gate) -Northern Ogres (Artic Land) graphics changed. -Marketplace graphics changed. -Kaming’s Encampment graphics changed, including inside building graphics. -Purgatory and Forever Tree place graphics also changed. -Nagnang city graphics changed.
This all you could notice by the previous posts by Tswulf, but here is the few extra things Nagnang has got: -Got Midnight weaver, NPC to sell exp (0036 0002) which is oddly in Koguryo server and has a wrong name. -Got 3 new Groves, being them Isolated Grove (0052 0048), Grove of Shadows (0003 0106) and Kija Grove(0064 0144) -Got Grand hall (0083 0024) which includes 5 rooms: Throne room, Barracks, Tribunal, Library and a Store room.
~Vini Normad’or~
P.S. Dark Forest still there but entrance is north of Grand hall now.

Offline Time For Nexus Website on 5/31
by: Spift
-- 6:07 PM EST
As posted on the Nexus website:
This Saturday -- May 31, 2003 -- Nexon will be moving our web servers to a new service facility. Our web servers will be down from around 7AM to 12PM PST. If you need game information or would like to create or renew your account, please keep in mind the schedule for this downtime. Thank you for your understanding!
Keep in mind that these are the WEB servers, which are different from the game servers.
Seasons Fan
by: Rachel
-- 12:13 AM EST
Thank you to Enemyofall and DrPepperMage for this information.
The fan costs 2 Cloth and 1 Ginko wood to make and can be made by Champion tailors. It can only be held by those Il san and higher.
   (Thanks to BennyBoy for the nicer fan picture ^.^)
All information should be on the Fans page soon.
S'more stories that slipped through the cracks
by: TSWolf
-- 11:26 PM EST
6 new posters and noone posted these.. *sigh*
*cracks whip*
- When Skills go up a level (I.E. Accomplished->Adept and so forth), a popup is seen telling you about the accomplishment! Great way to keep track of raising skills. - Speaking of which "Skill has increased" messages seem to be less so than before in the higher skill ranks. - Popups for Mining (Dropping a Pick) and Voice Command Skills (>Adept and Food Skills) will instruct you what you need to go forth with the proper skill. - More information is being gathered on the "Seasons Fan". - There is a third new grove in nagnang that we did not report.. The name slips me at the moment. - There is also a new Palace in the middle of Nagnang! Check it out! - Mass Exchange has a small bug right now. If you have 100 items in yer bank, and you get massed something that isn't already in yer bank, it will say exchange completed successfully, and the item will disappear from both banks. Im sure this will be fixed asap.
Thanks to the Dozens of people who reported on each of these.. Hopefully some of my other new reporters will decide to post more =) Otherwise I'll need to find even newer ones..
/\/exus Atlas Presents! PostPoned
by: TSWolf
-- 7:01 AM EST
Due to the fact I just got scheduled to work tonight and because of the new kingdoms and people being preoccupied with all the new stuff, I'm postponing the event a couple weeks. I will also be able to give people a fair notice ahead of time so any time complaints can be taken up with me.
Sorry for the Delay but its for the best! 
Archon Visit
by: Rachel
-- 8:45 PM EST
Shonen and Charisse made an appearance at east Buya. While I arrived just before they left, but I did manage to get a picture of what they look like!

Renew Earth event quest is over.
by: Vini
-- 5:51 PM EST
Yes, believe it or not the Help to Renew earth event was closed today with the additions of the MANY new maps for obvious reasons, the new maps are here, so anyone that would do the quest after it wouldn't be actually helping in anything.
Oh well, it was good while it lasted and it brought us some really good things
~Vini Normad'or~
Whats New -Repost-
by: TSWolf
-- 5:01 PM EST
Besides the new graphics.. Whats new?
- New Groves in Nagnang! - New Levithan NPC at N Gate Nagnang! - New EXP Salesperson in Nagnang! - Sam San Ogres released!
Photo Report Part 2 is Up!
by: TSWolf
-- 4:41 PM EST
Check it out! Click the Link above or check out the area in photo reports..
Or click here.
The Monk Blossom Festival!
by: Barter
-- 3:37 PM EST

As posted on Community Events by QuanYin:
Greetings Citizens of Nexus,
Not too long ago, our beloved keeper of the Monk gardens, Tenshi, traveled to Shilla to acquire some seeds for a new variety of Lotus blossoms she heard they possessed. Desiring to bring their special properties back to the lands and share them with the people, she purchased a large quantity of them and quickly returned home to the garden to begin planting. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong. We're not sure what happened, but it would seem that in a night of too much rice wine, she planted too many seeds and after the spring rains the garden was filled with the beautiful new blossoms. As pretty as they are, we need to clear them off so we can again hold our classes and meditations within our peaceful space. So we're asking you to come help us pick the blossoms! There are far too many for us to clear away alone!
We will be holding the Blossom festival today at 5pm EST within the monk gardens in Dae shore (Wisdom's ascent). The rules for picking the flowers are as follows:
-Each person may pick just one flower -You must have a monk pick your flower for you as they are the only ones with the sacred tools to do so -To accomplish this, tell the monk who is assisting you where you would like them to pick it from -You must stand below the scrolls and choose the flower you want from there -Please wait patiently outside of the gardens to be admitted. Everyone will get a chance to pick a blossom ^^
You will get to keep the blossom you choose as well as whatever may come with it.
The event is over, you can now buy Life Blossom and Memory Blossom from the Monk NPC.
Life Blossom costs 600 coins, heals 300 vita, and has 100 petals (Uses) Memory Blossom costs 60 coins, heals 30 mana, and has 200 petals (Uses) - Rachel
New Photo Report Released
by: TSWolf
-- 2:39 PM EST
Go check it out -
Click here or go through the Photo Reports section and clicked Renewed Earth 
Screenshots of New Places
The Delphi Files - Part IV
by: TSWolf
-- 7:41 PM EST
It's been a while since you guys heard from good old Night Delphi... But between messes on Nexus that I had and new events and skills, we haven't got around to it. Till now. I present to you.. Delphi Files Part 4. ------------------------------------------------- Delphi :
So far from your post where you said "I encourage all to read this to reply to Delphi on this issue if you have serious, implementable (realistic) methods that would increase customer security." I have seen just one comment, which was to implement a system where it takes 2 days for spells to be forgotten. Grin once tried that system and because of the uproar from the community who hated the system it was removed. The common complaint by players was that normal people were being "punished" because a few people couldn't keep their own passwords safe.
I will just quickly mention, and leave the comments to your own imagination, the person who suggested that you had to type your password every time you wanted to forget a spell or drop/hand an "expensive" item.
About your comment "But once again I must say there are circumstances were profanity may be slipped and it gives a perfect opportunity for revenge for someone LOOKING for that kind of blackmail". I would simply say that if you were cursing, even intending to keep it "private" your courting disaster. There really is no need to use curse words for any reason. This discussion between you and I has gone on without the need to curse, and we have both been able to express our opinions and needs without the use of a curse word for any reason. You don't need to curse, there is no situation where you HAVE to curse, and if your breaking the rules you should be willing to pay the price no matter what your "intentions" are. Could you imagine a thief saying, "I robbed the bank and just wanted it to be between me and the bank, and not include the police"? If you were not using a curse in the first place, then it would have no chance of it having "slipped", and for "someone LOOKING for that kind of blackmail" to have the opportunity it hear it.
Next about your comment on corruption "But can we doubt that there are some favortism issues with the fact that Judges are married? Or real life friends of judges or whatnot? Shouldn't a case like NinaP's bug abuse have been delt much like someone elses bug abuse? NinaP got off scott free after having them for 3 months and using them. I personally know a person who was punished for having them a few days afterwards.. This isn't a case of hearsay.. This was something I saw."
Now don't take this part wrong, I am using you as the example here because you are the one that this correspondence is with, and you are the one making the claims. My goal here is not to spite you, but to bring to light some important facts that are missing from your debate.
First I think it would be important to mention to everybody reading this that I have gone back over all the e-mail from you for the last year or so and failed to find any report to any official Nexon e-mail address about this matter. At no time did you even take a minute to write to us and say, "Hey, I think this is a problem...." and express what you were thinking. Instead all you did, like most other people, was try to sensationalize the situation. I have no doubt that you, and probably other people on your staff, made plenty of posts on your site trying to get some boost to your site with this news, but at no time took any action to get the problem corrected. It's always more interesting to have a conspiracy that to have things taken care of. Like in real life if the police or we are not aware of something you cannot expect us to do anything about it. Most of the complaints about Nexon not doing something about these situations are not based around Nexon's inaction, but the great story it makes, and some peoples desire to feel downtrodden by "the evil corporation" and the "corrupt government". It's up to us to make the changes and the fixes, but it is far more important for the people who want to see something done to bring it to the attention of those in power. That is an important lesson in life, not just in the game.
In the case (I believe) you are talking about we only actually got reports of 4 people who did the abuse, some reports were multiple times, but still it was only 4 people out of the whole bunch that was reported. We took all the time needed to fully investigate those 4 people and made sure they were punished if in fact they were abusing the system. We did further work to find many other people who had abused the system who were not reported for whatever reason, and they were also punished. We did what we could with the resources we had to find as many people as we could that were involved, and did manage to find many more.
Every day there are about a hundred thousand copies of user files made through the day as backups. Every day that people could abuse the system took place added that hundred thousand files, and to try to go back and compare every backup of every use for every day would have cost Nexon many days, or even weeks, of work to verify every single player. We have to look at the community as a whole, not just at individuals. You have it easy, as by your own words, knowing who to look at, a luxury we didn't have because you did not report it.
If somebody got away with something because you did not take the 2 minutes to write an e-mail to report him or her then who really is at fault?
And before any of the readers jump on the "well if you didn't make bugs there wouldn't be a bug to abuse" bandwagon I will tell them what I tell everybody else that tries to use that with me. The code for Nexus is constantly evolving in many ways, to bring new features, abilities, and content to the game. Every week something is different. Unlike "boxed" games that only have a single player mode, or just have a limited on-line ability, we do not have the luxury of spending years developing and testing the game to a "finished" state. Nexus is not, and never will be, "finished" with development. It is part of what makes Nexus what it is, and there is always the possibility for a bug here and there. Even these "boxed" games have bugs, and require patches, but they don't have to compete with trying to add new content all the time, and when you cheat with a single player game nobody else is hurt. If you don't like the fact that Nexus is always changing, and that there is always the possibility of a mistake or bug, then I would recommend you stop playing games all together. Bugs are a fact of life in programming, and they will always be there. Just because they are there does not make it anybodies fault, and defiantly does not give anybody the right to abuse it and to lessen other player's rights in the game. --------------------------------------------------- Once again I'd like to start my reply by thanking you for taking time out of your day to speak with us. I've recieved tons of mail saying they love to hear from someone at Nexon and their point of view on active subjects.
I'd also like to say im shocked that you haven't recieved more ideas to help save players against hacking! Cmon Guys! Mail Delphi with yer ways to improve security! Now's yer chance to make a real difference!
As for the password suggestion.. I believe that the idea itself is obserd, considering the fact the person will ALREADY KNOW the password to log on their characters name... But I believe that some sort of method to forgetting spells CAN be established off this.
As for your "Curse situation", I think my comments semi-related back to the fact that Judges actually encourage us to use the curse filters, if we HAVE to curse.. But alas, I see your point.. No need to curse avoids the chance of mistakes altogether.. =P Sometimes we think so hard about things, the obvious just flies by us  !
Concerning the corruption, I can see where yer coming from. Sometimes when a story hits big, in the heat of the moment, the pressure gets almost overwelming to post something, even if its against yer better judgement.. Lately, however, I have been able to control what is posted more regularly, and have other people even WATCH ME as I had watched them in the past..
I think part of the reason stuff like this occurs, even moreso than sensationalism, is the fact that sometimes we feel as if there is favortism and a sort of "They're coming to get us!" paranoia. I think after reading yer responses, people will be able to personify you more and see that everyone is given equal treatment in the eyes of the Dreamweavers and Nexon employees. Thats a warming feeling to myself, and im sure quite a few more patrons.. I've noticed that being one of the biggest misconceptions of Nexon... Being that they favor people and ignore their lower level patrons.. Alas, once again you have sat down and showed us something we overlooked and proved a very important point to us all, especially me.
I like the fact that you are upfront and honest with us.. us meaning me, the nexus atlas staff, and the community. I personally want to improve myself and help improve my site, which im sure the staff members are with me on, and the community wants to help improve the situation for them.
But we can't forget that there are people whose intention IS to simply act like the high school jerk.. To get as many red marks as possible until they cease to exist.. And sadly, its human nature to just look at the bad things because they have a "greater emotion" than good emotions. When good things happen, we are too busy enjoying them to take time to say "Good things are happening!"... I.E. Time flies when yer having fun... On the other hand, bad things tend to seem to glare out and take over and consume our view.. Not to say this is Nexon's fault, because after reading your letters, I clearly see that they are doing everything in their power to treat people as equals..
I just feel that theres a negative attitude because of these certain people.. Im not trying to justify the fact this negativity exists.. Just trying to explain further why I think the community in a whole thinks the outlook isn't so hot.
I find it funny and extremely agitating to watch people flame Nexus for the very new events they asked for.. But I guess, like you seem to have done, it's just best to try and take into consideration that these people have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in a fluid programming position, in a game that never stops evolving..
I also feel people see a lot of "exposed" stuff by stuff like NRG and Genjiworks and feel that they are being deprived of something.. Im sure you heard about my incident with the Rangers and what resulted in that... And its impossible to deny that there is a "underground" to Nexus where things occur that the common player doesn't know about... That's how well developed this community aspect is... And when people are deprived of something, they get angry..
And with Dat Rips and Map Editors and everything floating around, some people wanna see every possible graphic used like Baram, not matter the cost to gameplay. These people fail to understand that "variety is a spice of life" not a lifestyle. They also fail to see that Baram and Nexus are seperate entities, just like Exile and Kaze.
Thank you once again for your time =) TS ------------------------ I'd like to take this time here to ask people to send in what they'd like to ask delphi... I will send him a compilation of the questions you guys mail to me or post on NexusForums and then maybe he'll be able to answer them!
Take into consideration that hes not gonna reveal secrets or anything of the sort.. But asking him opinions on certain things, what he liked best working on or whatnot, is more than welcome! In a couple days I will compile an email to send to him, and the reply will be posted on News.
Strength of the Kingdoms event a success!
Months of work pay off with royal dividends
 Prince Mhul of Koguryo addresses a retinue of eminent citizens in the Royal Coliseum.
KUGNAE -- Yesterday, a new room was unveiled in the royal palace. In addition to the coliseum itself, the royal architects constructed an atrium, which serves to funnel spectators up to either one of two balconies of the coliseum, or into its presentation area. Ministers Muckish and Starrbrite were overcome with excitement and anticipation. "Seventeen months come down to two to three hours," said Peace Minister Muckish.
Speeches were read to a pair of packed balconies, and honours were bestowed from both the Ministries of Culture and Peace. Minister Starrbrite recognized three outstanding citizens for aiding to the ways and habits of the land.
 Honoured by the Ministry of Culture: (from left) Oracle ArauraDove, Artisan Sarebare, and Virtuoso Greensky.
In addition, two new members were inducted into the Order of the Knights of Koguryo. In accordance with the virtues and statutes of nobilitas, Inferno CRDF and Assault Jerik were knighted with nobility.
 Prince Mhul dubs CRDF and Jerik as Knights of the Order of Koguryo as Minister Muckish and Senior Councillor Neko look on.
Prince Mhul received gifts and blessings from representatives of the clans loyal Koguryo: Lieutenant-General Nykid of the Koguryo Royal Army, Primogeness Leafe of the Bear Clan, Primogeness khaos of the Sun Moon Sect, Primogen Mandad of the Enigma Clan, and Primarch Vini of the Oceana Clan.
   Left: Prince Mhul is awarded a gold cross from the KRA. Centre: Primogeness Leafe presents an electra, while Minister Starrbrite gets into the Bear spirit. Right: Prince Mhul wears the gifts from his kingdom's clans.
The Ministry of Culture began the festivities of the royal ball with a portrait competition, themed to "the harvest." Rogue Celeriter was chosen as the second runner-up, Chongun Ours was selected as the first runner-up, and Archdruid LordDryn was awarded the grand prize.
  The three winners of the portrait competition stand on scrolls while the crowd looks on (left), and LordDryn's winning portrait.
Owing to the coliseum being provided for by the harvest of eight years before, a harvest competition was held by the Ministry of Culture. Citizens were required to harvest goods which required no slaughter, such as peas, flour, wheat, and chestnuts. The best harvest this year was provided by Rogue Siban, followed by Chongun Exadus and Virtuoso Greensky.
 Rogue Siban is thanked by Minister Starrbrite for having presented the most bountiful harvest.
The Poetry Harvest, where contestants had to present impromptu verse, one line at a time, based on the topics of "the harvest" and "strength of the kingdoms," and Eowyn's Trivia Challenge, rounded out the evening. Each competition yielded three winners.
 The winners of Sailortaurus' Poetry Harvest (from left): Karuna Janken, Geomancer ShadoMagi, and Sammasati Sabot.
 The winners of Eowyn's Trivia Challenge (from left, on scrolls): second runner-up Warrior Audi, first runner-up Assault AzyLan, and grand prize winner Spy Akura.
In all, the event was an absolute success. The Ministries of Culture and Peace are to be commended for their fabulous effort on this spectacular presentation.
 Prince Mhul and Princess Lasahn share a dance at the festival.
Ice Block Problem/NB Il san items
by: Rachel
-- 2:51 AM EST
People were having trouble finding Ice blocks.. I guessed that the random event of getting the blocks were on tiles that were unreachable by foot.
While the problem should be fixed for a while, (Or permanantly once Delphi handles it) all you have to do if it comes back is summon and approch to areas around the river at 34/7 and 31/7 and you will probably find the hidden ice blocks. Update: Delphi posted that this has been fixed
I recieved a few mails about this, so I will post it here.
Non-bonded Il san items can only be worn by Il sans, Ee sans, and Sam sans. All Il sans can make a bonded Il san weapon with only a level 95 weapon and 200 million experience. They do not need a NB Il san weapon.
This is the reason that all NB Il san items are listed as 50k to 100k. They are worthless except to people who collect such things.
/\/exusAtlas Presents!!
by: TSWolf
-- 2:41 AM EST
Welcome everyone to the first ever NexusAtlas Presents Fair!
------------------What exactly is it?---------------------- After some long events and lots of readers, we'd like to take the time out to show to the community just how much we appreciate their patronage.. We do this by hosting trivia, games, and giveaways!
For such a successful new craft event day, we will be hosting a giveaway!
Time : 7:30 PM EST Date : Tuesday, May 27th, 2003 Place : Kugnae East Gate Host(s) : Nexus Atlas Staff!!
So come one, come all to one of our biggest and best giveaways yet!
Sunrise Fan!
by: Vini
-- 9:07 PM EST
Not just the Smiths got a new item to craft, the Grand Master Tailors can now craft Sunrise fans. Thanks Leafe for the informations and letting me taking the screenshots

Hopefully we'll get to know what Carpenters can bring us new=)
~Vini Normado'r~
The Royal Coliseum!
by: Growl
-- 7:55 PM EST
*smiles* Well after tonight's spectacular ceremony ... Here are some screen shots of the new addition to the Koguryan Palace! The Royal Coliseum!
The Coliseum Atrium:

The Royal Coliseum:
Thank you! I cannot wait to see what great things this expansion to the palace will bring!
.:Merchant Growl .:Head Nexus Atlas Reporter
Titanium Blade!
by: Growl
-- 2:47 PM EST
Here is the info on the new Titanium Blade! Thank you LocoSam.

And the stats:

Here is LocoSam's FAQ on the new weapon. It will be updated as we find out more: .
Is it repairable? No (unless this is a bug). Is it bonded? No.
Can it be enchanted? No.
Who can make them? Apparently only Master+ Smiths.
What does it take to make? 10 Fine metal per attempt
How easy is it to succede? Took me 5 or 6 tries.
Who else has one? StryderX and soon other Master smiths
What does it look like? An Electra shape with Chung ryong scale coloring. In inventory it looks like an Anniversary sword.
What's the market price? Right now priceless, I doubt StryderX or I would part with the first 2 blades made.
Can you make more than one? We're not sure... after we're sucessful the option IS gone from our normal smithing options... whether this is a time delay, a bug, or one per smith, we'll find out soon.
LocoSam the Sheep man
Event Walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 2:25 PM EST
To start the Event quest go to Mercenary camp(Chizao's Tomb) in Nagnang.
1. Click on the Dying tree in the middle of the Camp. 2. Say "Tree" or "What's your name?" 3. Say "Evil". 4. Say "Earth". 5. Say "Heal". 6. The tree will ask you to bring 4 elements (fire,earth, water, and air). One item will represent each.
Fire tomb- 1.Go to Nagnang Embassador(west of North gate)and say Fire 2.Get 3 Hot coals, go to Nagnang Smith say Fire twice. (To make Hot coals go to Sanhae smith say coal, buy coal for 20c and use creation system(shift+i) with flash dust to creat it) 3.Return to Nagnang Embassador and say "Fire" again to him. 3.Go to Tavern of Fire(111, 126) and touch the urn to get burning wood. 4. Take burning wood to Nagnang greeter again and say Fire. You'll get Fire Tomb.
Air tomb- 1.Go to Kugnae Palace greeter(Yoni) and say Air. 2.Get 1 Fine cloth, 1 Ginko wood and 1 Sea potion and take it too Cuti seams(83/160) say Air twice. 3.You'll get Air Tomb.

Water tomb- 1.Go to Buya Palace greeter(Honi) and say Water. 2.Go to fisherman NPC, near the palace say Water and click "Definitly" 3.Go to Artic Village and walk around til "Ice" appears on your inventory. 4.Say Water again to give the "Ice" to fisherman NPC. 5.Go to back to Honi, say water and get "Empty Pitcher" 6.Go to Kugnae 43/28, drop your "Empty Pitcher" there to get a "Pitcher" 7.Go back to Honi, say Water and you'll get Water tomb.
Earth Tomb- 1.Go to Blood in Kaming's Encampment(the man of Ice beast quest) and say Earth. 2.Go to Thane(Mining NPC), take White paper and ink with you. Say Book to get Earth Bounty. 3.Go to Blood again give the book and he'll ask for Poor ore. 4.Bring him Poor ore, saying earth and you'll get the Earth Tomb.
Final 1.Go back to the Tree on Mercenary Encampment. 2. Click it and it will take your 4 tombs.
That's it, you'll get this mark for completeting the quest:

Thanks to everyone who helped in the creation of this Walkthrough.
~Vini Normad'or~
Crafting Skill Changes
by: Growl
-- 12:46 PM EST
Here is what we have found out so far as of the latest reset:
~ Fishing is now an skill. To start simply yell "Fish!" as you normally would.
- looks like the icon is bugged.
Here are the new skill levels in the order they are attained:
New skill level "Grand Master" confirmed. Check the screenshot:
New skill level "Champion" confirmed. Check the screenshot:
New skill level "Legendary" confirmed. Check the screenshot:
Special thanks to WhiteDraco, Dochmur, JJangv and Brena for letting us taking the screenshot of their marks.
Notice Of Warning!
by: Growl
-- 12:00 PM EST
As posted on WHISPERING WINDS BOARD by Blight:
As part of my duties to secure and guard the old mercenary encampment that was used by Nagnag we found something strange. We felt it was important to first secure the old entrance to the tomb, and to ensure that it was sealed well. After crushing the stone cave that used to cover the entrance we discovered a very sickly looking tree growing. We were about to chop down the tree when it suddenly gave out a sigh and a groan. I was summoned to look into this tree and he had a very disturbing story to tell me. I recommend that this matter be investigated before we go any further at the old camp. -General Blight -Commander of the Nagnang forces
Crafting Skills Updated!
by: Growl
-- 11:57 AM EST
As posted on the DREAMWEAVERS BOARD by Delphi:
Today we are starting to implement the updates to the crafting skills. They have undergone a complete re-writing from the ground up, and because of such a large change there is always the possibility that there may be a problem with them.
If all goes well you should notice very little change in the normal, day-to-day, crafting. There are also the additions to each of the higher skills, Tailoring, Woodworking, and Metalworking.
If everything doesn't go as well as hoped I will be monitoring them over the weekend and we will be addressing any problems with them (as long as they are reported) fairly quickly.
Sorry if this update causes any inconvenience this may cause you during this update. Once it is working 100% we will have a much better system that we can build on a lot easier in the future.
Event Today!
by: Rachel
-- 11:20 PM EST
(Repost of Sailortaurus' post for those who forgot )
8 years of prosperity later, a new room is unveiled
KUGNAE -- Bearing in mind the surplus of goods from the great harvest during his Royal Majesty's Golden Jubilee, eight years ago, Prince M'hul of Koguryo has ordered a colossal extension to the royal palace in the capital city of Kugnae. All are invited to join in the festivities. His Royal Highness has hereby ordered a great festival to receive his primogens, ministers, noblemen, royal knights, and many citizens to unveil the great extension and honour those who have served him nobly.
Celebration events are slated to include royal oaths, a knighting ceremony, cultural honours, competitions, and a fantastic royal ball.
Date: May 24, 2003 Time: 7 p.m. EST/4 p.m. PST Place: Royal Palace of Koguryo
New Nexus Atlas Staff Center!
by: TSWolf
-- 10:21 PM EST
Im posting this on news to inform my staff members, and members of the community about this great advancement to our team.
I have designed special forums on NexusForums for NexusAtlas members to use to communicate news when it happens, to avoid conflicts and useless posts/info, and mainly WRONG info.. And also to work on new projects together hand in hand..
Basically these new forums will increase the staff communcation 10 fold and help us get new projects up faster than ever before.
All Staff members that aren't board Dreamweavers or Archons have been added to the "NA Staffie" group and have access to these as well as the donation boards to provide feedback.
If you haven't been and are on the staff, please contact me.. If you have been, feel free to start posting!
Good things are coming.
Little bit of a Clarification
by: TSWolf
-- 9:35 PM EST
First and foremost...
- I am not quitting -
Ill go into my own post and go ahead and rip it apart so you can all clearly understand what I was trying to say...
Im writing this note out of emotion,
Note the first sentence. I wrote this right after the occurance that made me extremely upset.
I will be taking an indefinate leave of absense from Nexus.
Indefinate leave of absense from Nexus.. Aka.. I won't be in Nexus for an unknown amount of time. Nothing here implies quitting.
Something occured with me today which I refuse to go into detail about that completely destroyed the very hope in Nexus I once had..
If yer that curious about what really happened, please read my LiveJournal (NonLaw 41 Compliant, so find the journal in my AIM profile or somewhere else ^^).
I wouldn't wish what I feel right now on my worst enemy..
Still stand firmly on that.
I don't want support.. I don't want revenge. I want to leave this behind me for now and concentrate on other things.
I didn't want extra time taken out of peoples days to fix the problem or to make it worse. I wanted to concentrate on OTHER things and get through this situation.
In terms of NA and NF, nothing will change.. You just won't see me around quite as much.
Things have been silent on my part the past few days haven't they?
My point was.. I was not returning to the Nexus or working on my website until all was settled in terms of what happened. If you read my journal, you will see that an agreement has been met. While that doesn't replace the sheer fact that it happened, it did replace the material aspect of the damage.. So yeah.
So please.. Save the "Yer quitting again ?" whispers..
Why did I post on NA? It's very simple.. People have a right to know why I'm not providing them with their daily posts like usual. If I wanted sympathy, I would've wrote out what happened.
So.. Enough of this.. And I am back in comission if that wasn't clear.
Leave of Absense
by: TSWolf
-- 11:54 PM EST
Im writing this note out of emotion, and I believe every person involved in this has achieved what they wanted. They got what they wanted, and I admit defeat.
I will be taking an indefinate leave of absense from Nexus. Something occured with me today which I refuse to go into detail about that completely destroyed the very hope in Nexus I once had.. I was taken on an emotional roller coaster at the expense of my own self dignity, so a couple of people could get a few laughs.
And I can't write in words the pain I'm going through right now.. To be once again played by the people who hate me most, and watching them laugh on top of my broken and fallen body.. I finally got the chance to earn something and bust my ass doing so.. I was finally given the opportunity to stick the past of TSWulf beside and earn my way into something, only to have it taken from me for reasons that even I can't explain.
And I just.. Noone should feel pain like this in a game. Not me, not anyone. I wouldn't wish what I feel right now on my worst enemy..
I don't want support.. I don't want revenge. I want to leave this behind me for now and concentrate on other things. I've worked for 5 years on sites that have been designed to benefit the nexus community, and it seems like I've felt nothing but the horrible wrath of those who hate me in power.
I'm sorry for whatever I did that led me to this day.
In terms of NA and NF, nothing will change.. You just won't see me around quite as much.
Once again, I'm sorry for whatever I did to deserve this. But for whatever it was, you can be sure that I'm feeling ten-fold the agony that was the desired effect of this.
Please don't contact me on this matter. I'm trying very hard not to dwell on it.
Sickness Gone; High Scores
by: Rachel
-- 9:07 PM EST
The rabbit sickness has been cured! I hope they stay healthy this time. 
The top 250 scores in each of the rabbit games are now availible. These scores only reflect the people who have made their scores public (Allowed them to be seen on their legend)
Rabbit invasion
(Thanks to ucantcme for pointing this out)
Level 1-99 path spells are filled with bugs. Please stop writing about it until they have all been gone through. 
Interview Today!
That's right! Today is the day! At 10 PM EST Keely will be joining Nexus Roleplaying Guild's chatroom for a LIVE chatroom question and answer forum! Make sure to bring plenty of questions! However we do ask that you abide by these simple rules:
1- Please only submit your questions to the operators/assistants 
2- Please do not private message the Elder, these will be ignored 
3- Acting in anyway against Nexus laws will result in a kick from the chat, further occurences will result in a ban from the chat 
Everyone is invited and I'm sure we'll have a wonderfull time 
History Update!
by: TSWolf
-- 5:11 PM EST
That cool little Today in Nexus History thing was updated for the FIRST time since the release of Nexus Atlas, today. I almost doubled the entries in there currently and hope to find some I haven't added in their yet within the next few days. I've updated all the way up to the Spies capture of the Elders.
Thanks to Locosam for the inspiration =P 
Oceana Primogen!
by: Growl
-- 2:41 PM EST
Congrats to Jayme, Oceana Founder, on once again holding the title:
Sea Preistess of Oceana
This is the title for the Oceana Primogeness. ^^ Good luck.
.:Merchant Growl .:Master Scribe of Koguryo .:Head Nexus Atlas Reporter
Upcoming Event: Celebrating the Strength of the Kingdoms
8 years of prosperity later, a new room is unveiled
KUGNAE -- Bearing in mind the surplus of goods from the great harvest during his Royal Majesty's Golden Jubilee, eight years ago, Prince M'hul of Koguryo has ordered a colossal extension to the royal palace in the capital city of Kugnae. All are invited to join in the festivities. His Royal Highness has hereby ordered a great festival to receive his primogens, ministers, noblemen, royal knights, and many citizens to unveil the great extension and honour those who have served him nobly.
Celebration events are slated to include royal oaths, a knighting ceremony, cultural honours, competitions, and a fantastic royal ball.
Date: May 24, 2003 Time: 7 p.m. EST/4 p.m. PST Place: Royal Palace of Koguryo
Weapons and Armor 100% Correct
by: Rachel
-- 4:09 AM EST
Yes, I posted something similar to this earlier, but I think it got pushed down from a rush of other news and I want to make sure everyone sees this.
Every wearable item in the game can be found on the armor page or on the weapon page.
All statistics, names, graphics, NPC prices, and current market prices listed are absolutely 100% correct.
Send me an e-mail or post on the bug board if you wish to prove me wrong. 
Elders rescued...but not safe?!
by: Vini
-- 8:55 PM EST
 Looks like all the elders have been rescued but somehow not all of them are a safe, Ilios and Leodaris got sick in Spy Dungeon and need your help, check what was posted by Mynnie on community: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****HELP****
As you all know the Elders were captured by the spies and they were put in cells with no food to eat, or food that would posion them. Two Elders became very sick, Leodaris and Ilios. When they both woke up this morning they felt as weak as ever and they heads were hot and clouted. Ilios feels as if he is poisoned, and Leodaris feels drained and lost. They're both out of it completly and feel they can not do anything to recover. We as the walkers of these paths are worried for they sake, because after yesterday what we saw, anything could happen to our elders. So, we need your help once more community. You all did very, very well in helping us rescue are elders, now to cure them from any sickness we have. After reading a few cure books and scrolls the merchants and ourselves came up with a solution, we are going to need potions and all kinds of restoring foods to the lands. At the bottom will be a list of the following items we need. The person that helps us the most with gathering the most points we be rewarded heavily. Thank you all for taking your time to read this and farewell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When: May 18th - May 23rd at 8:00pm EST
Reward: An Qi-Shard engraved of your choice, Something else very special.
Item List:
- Indigo Potions 1PT Each - Bears Liver 1/2 PT Each - Lime Potions 3PT Each - Tiger Hearts 1PT Each - Eggs 2PT Each - Seaweeds 2PT Each - Grilled Beefs 3PT Each - Roast Chickens 3PT Each - Herb Pipes 1PT Each - Aqua Potion 1PT Each - Apples 1/2PT Each
HOW: All items are going to be collected at the Kugnae Market At 8:00pm Est on May 23rd. Once we have recieved your items through mass exchange we will mark them down and send you a reciept of the points you obtained. Once everyone has given there I will count all the points up and see who had the most and annouce the winner later on that night. So, Please get started and lets help our Elders get better ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Go, hurry up, help the elder get better from this sickness, their lives are at risk...
~Vini Normad'or~
Event Over
by: Rachel
-- 4:24 PM EST
The elders were saved, the spies escaped, and all components of the event were removed. Sorry to those who didn't have a chance to do it.
Well.. not all components. 
Happy belated half birthday, TS!
by: Windis
-- 3:23 PM EST
Well, as things quiet down around here, I thought I'd knock everyone off their feet. May eleventh was mine and TS's half birthday...arg, those silly spies had to ruin it!
Well, I thought I'd bring some minor updates.
The Boreal are sadly not going to continue at the Tribunal. Sorry guys=-(.
Tutor applications also opened, for Warrior and Rogue, I believe both are for Kugnae.
Well, if you have news, please nmail a staff member!
New Hunting Role - Support Rogue - SRogue
by: TSWolf
-- 4:06 AM EST
This is something I've done for a while, but I think publically announcing this may inform others and entice them to look into how extremely effective a SR is a group.
What exactly is a Support Rogue?
Basically it's a rogue who comes to the group exclusively to provide the group with thousands of traps. A good trapper can keep an entire room slept.
How is this benefitical? Sleep is going give warriors and other group members drastically more damage on their attacks over time.. Which means more experience.. It provides a rogue with an alternative to relentlessly attacking.. They can work with the poets to cast "Lethal Strike" from time to time and recieve inspires for Traps here and there.
But isn't this wasting experience? My studies have proven that a Support Rogue is actually something that will INCREASE the amount of experience a group gets over time if the Rogue executes traps well.
What stats should SRogues start at? Higher stats.. In a personal comparison of lower rogues to warriors, there is an almost even killing rate.. While higher rogues tend to fall short of R6's.. They can concentrate pouring their mana after Lethal Strike into sleep traps that will not only provide more damage, but ease the job of a the mages in the group.. Who in turn can venom/hellfire/and do whatever else they wish to do to keep up with the group and have an easier time.
Try a Support Rogue out today if you don't have enough poets. I assure you you will be SHOCKED at the speed experience increases. The strongest rogue in history used sleep traps to make himself powerful. Hell, he soloed using this.
How to be an effective Support Rogue: Learn to trap, and fast. I personally use Shift-z l then Paste "Sleep trap" but some folks may find putting Set trap on macro is more effective..
Sleep traps may not be the only way to do things.. Some may with to use FLash traps and amnesia on bosses, death and spear traps to weaken enemies without risking your own life, Poison darts to second as a mage..
A support rogue becomes extremely effective at Ee san when they recieve Chance and Bladestorm, giving them almost limitless mana and a strong critical attack to weapon up to 5 enemies for the fighters.
Much like the evolution of the moet, the evolution of the Support Rogue is an inevitable event.. Especially with the lack of Rogue hunts because of their durability and lack of power. And when groups see the SHEER EFFECTIVENESS of a Support Rogue, they will understand how powerful a good support rogue is.
-Update- An interesting discussion has formed on this topic over at NF. Check it out!
SRogue Discussion
You Are Invited ...
by: Growl
-- 8:30 PM EST
Greetings Nexus Community!
I would like to invite each and everyone of you to the wedding of Artisan Sarebare, and Merchant Growl! Since we are both very social members in the community .. What better an idea to invite the ENTIRE community to our wedding?!
What: The Wedding of Artisan Sarebare and Merchant Growl
Where: The Koguryan Chapel
When: 7:00 PM ((EST)) Sunday May, 18, 2003!
Please Come and Enjoy!
Pick Your Sides
by: Rachel
-- 8:12 PM EST
Don't want to spend all that time just to save those dumb elders? Go to the Oh-mudum crypt (13/14) in the cemetary just south of Kugnae.
Inside there's a small passage around (10/16) leading to the Stealth grotto. Walk north up to the next room and mention the "key" that others are making.
He'll ask you to bring him Spy's powder and Spy's explosives. (Kugnae arena shop) After you do, mention the "key" again and he will give you a legend mark and a Faded stone (Casts invisible) for your troubles.

After that, walk to the top of the Oh-mudum crypt (16/1) and pay the small fee of 100 coins to laugh at the trapped elders. The creatures here drop Cracked bones (Skeleton morph), Aqua potions (Sanctuary), Fine snake meat, and Rat meat.
I think you can still do the quests for now even though the event is kind of over o.O But remember, you can either help the spies or the rest of the elders.. not both.
Editorial- People's Complaints.
Before you read this, you should know, this is an editorial that only reflects my opinions. This isn't ment to hurt anybody, so if you are hurt after reading this, I am sorry. This wasn't ment to be. And, you do not have to read this. Okay, now that I've gone through that, let's begin.
I've noticed, that alot of people complain in Nexus. That's natural, ofcourse, but it has come to a level which even I cannot stand it, let alone Nexon. The people complain all the time! Look at the past few months, the tomb event. This was, for most people a boring event, so they compained- They said that the Pirate event and the Lost Mines event should return. A month or two after the tomb event was finished, and there you have it! A Pirate Invasion event, and a nice one at that. What do people do? Ofcourse, complain. "This event is boring." "It's too hard." "Stop using old events!". The last one was the most disturbing in my opinion. First, the people ask for.. No, demand that the Pirate event returns, and when it does, they say it sucks how Nexon uses old events over and over again? Nexon worked very hard, probably, to make such a nice event in such a short time, and it is astonishing to see how much can people complain. Another example is that when during Pirate event, people complained about the events not being enough Role Playish, that it's just "go pick up that, and I'll give you the next essential item" events lately. Now, there was a nice Role Play event, held mainly by the spies, and people complain it can't be true, because "haven't Elders heared of Yellow Scrolls?". It's called Role Play, and that's what you wanted, so Nexon gave it to you.
Another issue, that must be addressed, is the Rogue versus Warrior debate going on for a long long while now. Yes, it's true, Rogues and Warriors are unbalanced, and yes, it's true, Warriors get more hunts, are more powerful, and usually are richer because of lower repair costs. But come on! Nexon are working to get this fixed! Rogues, if you haven't noticed, have gotten a durability boost. It's true that this is only for Ee-San+, but it's still un upgrade. And what do people do? Complain even more. It's as though the situation was alot better before the change. Another thing, is that Nexon has tried to make the game more enjoyable, so they've made the Second Sight spell more powerful, it could show invisible people on the map, not in the status box. But soon after, Nexon realized their mistake- Rogues have become much less powerful in Player Kill arenas. They've fixed that, Second sight is now like the original spell. What do people still do? Complain, like Nexon never fixed it. "Oh, you should never have done that! You never think about us!". But they did. They did think about the Rogues, that's why they fixed it.
Now people complain again, "where are crafts?". True, Nexon has promised us new crafts skills, and soon, but the crafts are late. All people do is complain about it... Post on community board about how they hate Nexon, and Nexus especially, how Nexon puts all their efforts into Dark Ages... Come on, Nexon promised, it'll come. Maybe not today, maybe not this week, maybe not even next week, but it will come. They won't do an event for nothing!
To sum it up, alot of people ask for things, get it, and complain about it again. People, you have to realize, that as a community, not everyone can be pleased, and Nexus will be a much more pleasent place if there wouldn't be so many complaints. Please, try to remember Nexon is probably under-staffed and they're all working hard for us, to enjoy.
I would be happy if you all E-Mailed me to continue this debate privatly, and if there would be something interesting, I would probably post it on here.
Subpath Areas Coordinates, Updated.
This is for people that don't know where all the subpath areas are (Including me.. Heheh..)-
Do - (0009 0002) Inside Sanhae Hall (East from Tailoring Place)
Chongun - Dae Shore (0058 0006) Close to Chu Rua
Barbarian - Wilderness (003 153) Close to Baekho temple
Merchant - Koguryo (100 159) Close to Chestnut field
Spy- Oh-mudum crypt (0010 0016) Accessed via kug south gate (You don't have to give them anything)
Ranger - Wilderness (0052 0033)----->Next to the Wilderness weaver
Diviner - Koguryo (0126 0174) Next to Goh place
Geomancer- Wilderness (0214 0106) Up to Neutral Village
Shaman - Islets (0045 0049) Close to covered Bridge
Monk - Dae Shore (0039 0008) Left of Chongun rooms
Druid - Wilderness (0053 0198) Far left from Ju jak Shrine
Muse - Islets (0069 0008) Close acting stage (Fixed thanks to Michaela)
Thanks for Suyo for posting that information.
Update!- Apprently, you don't have to give Fine metal now, this maybe a bug, because Pond says you do have...
Rescue the Elders!
by: Rachel
-- 1:34 AM EST
1. Go to Pond (Kugnae Library) and say "Elder". Then say that you will help, unless you want to be told that you smell like dirty spies. o.O
2. Then go to each of the Subpath areas with the items that they need. Say "Elder" twice to each NPC. If you do not know where the NPCs are, shout out "Elder" and they will often respond. This also means less walking. 
If you want to finish quickly, I suggest that you find all of the items first.
These can visted in any order, this order should save some time:
Diviner: 127/169 Kugnae - Lean beef (Mythic Ox)
Merchant: 100/159 Kugnae - Chicken meat (Roosters in fox cave)
Chongun: 59/6 Dae shore
- Fine snake meat (Mythic snake, Earthworks)
Monk: 39/8 Dae shore
- Tiger's heart (Kaming shop)
Do 10/3 Sanhae (North through the first room) - Rose (Rose bushes near chapel/Might be some in Druid area)
Ranger: 52/33 Wilderness - Spring helmet (Smith)
Druid: 53/198 Wilderness - Ginseng (Bats in rat sewer/Kugane Mantis)
Barbarian: 4/154 Wilderness - Dragon's tooth (Museum gift)
Geomancer: 213/107 Wilderness - Wool (Mythic sheep/Wilderness sheep)
Muse: 68/8 Islets - Horse meat (Mythic horse)
Shaman: 46/50 Islets - I think this one was three rooms in. North for 2nd, then northeast for 3rd.
- Rare pork (Butcher)
3. Return to Pond with Rabbit Meat (Spy's item) and say "Elder"
You will recieve a Legend mark and karma!

Koguryan News Application!
by: Growl
-- 11:03 PM EST
Greetings citizens!
I am Merchant Growl, Master Scribe of Koguryo ... More commonly known as the Koguryan News Editor. My main job is to ... Run and edit the Koguryan Newspaper! But of course ... This is NOT something that I can do alone. I will need YOUR help.
I will be hiring 2-3 news men and women to be member of my staff. Your job will to be of course ... Report news that is of an relevence to the Koguryan Kingdom!
If you are interested ... Please fill out the below form. Send all applications to Growl, and only Growl, through n-mail. The subject must ONLY read:
Koguryan News Application
.: You must be a citizen of Koguryo
Other jobs (carnage host, subpath guide, clan council):
If any justice branding please list them, and why you received them:
Any subpath brandings (both negative and positive - please post WHY you received negative brandings):
Previous experience you have with news reporting?:
What makes you best for this job, over anyone else? Why should I pick you?:
This job will need very sociable people. Do you feel you can work with other easily? Why do you think so?:
Please write me a sample article:
.:Merchant Growl .:Master Scribe of Koguryo
The Elder's captures Continue...
by: Vini
-- 9:12 PM EST
After much efforts, some members of community managed to break in the locked door to enter the Stealth Grotto, where a big fight started. A while before it there was a big fight too in Do Training Area, which ruined their Do Masai Tournament.
Spies were causing Chaos in both Koguryo and Buya, not satisfied with having Ilios, Valdessi, Aiyana, Keely, Sarina and ScreechPU kidnapped along with some guides, the Spies went further. In meeting in the Garden of Muses they've hired the Cook to poison the dinner of the elders of Muse, Chongun and Shaman paths; when elders started feeling sick they appeared offering the antidote but they should go with them somewhere else.
Making their way to Buya, spies were slowly disappearing taking the elders with them, 1st was Alexisa, then Lokira and for the last Masra.
The spies didn't stop there, at the same time there was being a Ceremony of awards from the Geomancers, where the elders of Geomancers and Monk paths. Chonguns gathered there to protect the remaining elders, they've prepared a good defense but Spies played a dirty trick, they've captured a person of each of their paths and proposed an exchange of them for the elders, not giving anyone else a choice. Leodaris and Janken accepted the exchange and went with them, let's home the Spies with honor their word and free this people unharmed.
The Spy's Captivity haven't been found yet, but people who have been kidnapped and could escape found themselves out near the end of one of the Crypts...
The spies now have the control of the 11 elders, what do the Spies want them for? Only time will tell...
~Vini Normad'or~
Spies kidnapping people???
by: Vini
-- 7:12 PM EST
Warning: Today at the Sacred Grove, the Elders of Merchant, Barbarian,Ranger and Druid paths and some of their guides were kidnapped by the Kogurian Spy guild! Also a bit later Keely and Sarina along with some Diviner guides have been captured too.
The Kingdoms are under alarm, the Stealth Grotto seems to be locked but people who have been captured informed that they were in a cell where no one else was for that people believe they are not being kept as captives in Stealth Grotto, so look EVERYWHERE to try to find them, spies have been threating to harm the captives, we don't have much time left.
Even Prince Mhul has expresses his words on the matter as our own Highness has posted on community board: Citizens of the Kingdoms ------------------------------------------------------------ Seems the spy's have kidnapped several of the Elders and many of sub-path guides.
I call upon all the Citizens of the Kingdoms to search all the caves, and forests of The lands and find were they are being held captive.
If they are located let the Kingdom know and a rescue will be mounted with The assistance of the Army and Clan Militias, along with any Citizens who Wishes to assist.
Do not let this evil flourish with in the Kingdom.
All hail King Yuri! Long live Koguryo!
Thank you for your support, M'hul Prince of Koguryo ------------------------------------------------------------ Please join us in this search, the life of these people are in danger...
~Vini Normad'or~
Bug corrections
by: Rachel
-- 6:52 PM EST
Love charm changed to -4 AC (Idris) Star mantle changed to -27 AC (Idris) Star drapery changed to -27 AC (Idris) Ee san charm changed to 5k vita (Idris) Life lance changed to 50k dura (Jay)
Keep finding those bugs! The level 1-99 spell pages will not be done for a while as I have about six papers to write for next week along with some other things , but I will still fix the small things that are sent in. 
More Ghosts and Other Dreams.
by: Rachel
-- 3:19 PM EST
in a post from Themis on the Dream board it says that they have increased the Wicked ghost spawn.
She had this to say: "Some of those dreams were declined for many reasons that Nexon saw. The rest that were approved require further programming and they are being worked on."
Here are some of the remaining dreams that were recently passed on: 1. Add an Experience Selling place in Nagnang. 2. Implement a Sam san fan. 3. Introduce Sam san Arctic Ogres. 4. To be able to hand/drop by typing the number of the item to drop. 5. Implement a way for Poet whip quest to be reseted. 6. Rogue general Issues 7. Justice system 8. Events/New Armor/New spells
Any of these that would not require much programing, such as Sam san fans, were probably declined.
Larger Boards?
by: Rachel
-- 3:12 PM EST
I have been wondering about this for a while, but I might as well post it. There are currently over 2000 posts on the community board, over 7000 on the buy board, and over 7275 on the sell board. I think that these boards used to cut delete old posts much earlier.
I spent a couple minutes scrolling down the Sell board to see if all the old posts were actually there. I gave up at number 4015 which was written 2 Yuris (90 days!) ago. This could just be a bug.. because I see no reason for anyone to read a sell post written that long ago.
Update: I guess that not too long after my post, there was a reset and the boards were cleared out. The oldest Community posts are from 5/14. The oldest Buy/Sell posts are from around 6:00pm cst today.
So whoever is reading this.. Hi ^.^
Revels Update! Updated!
Here's what was posted in Nexus-
The Revel to Riches is a weekly Poetry Event which is open to all members of the community. You are invited to share your poetry and participate in the Revel. There will be four places awarded for the top poems, with prizes consisting of legend marks.
~ Details of this weeks Revel ~ Theme: New beginnings Duration: 15th - 23rd May Entries due by: 8pm est Friday 23rd May Winners announced: Sunday 25th May
Rules of the Revel: * Only four places will be awarded for each Revel. The judges' decisions in this matter are final. 1 First place, 1 Second place and 2 Honorable Mentions. * Entries must be no longer than 40 lines * All entries must be received by 8pm est Friday to be counted * All entries must be sent ONLY to the character POEMS * Only ONE entry per person. * All entries MUST be your own original work and must not have won a Revel before * If you have won a Revel previously, you will not be able to receive another placing (This includes 1st, 2nd and Honorable Mentions) * All entries must comply with Nexon rules, follow the theme and be in character
Should any of these rules be broken, it will result in disqualification, possible banning from future Revels and possible justice consequences.
If you should have any queries about these rules, please contact Charisse or Shajara via nmail.
~ Please remember that entries are to be sent to Poems only ~
~ Good luck with your poetry! We look forward to reading it! ~
The Revels is back and running! Woohoo! And thanks to UCANTCME for posting it on the NexusForums.
Update! Update update!- Poems has posted once again on the Poetry board saying that only people that have won first place cannot participate, so if you need another honorary mention for that Ee trial, you can have it! Yay! But I feel stupid though, I sent Charisse an N-Mail concerning that "problem" about how you can only win one honorary mention and not get Ee like that... -Smacks forehead-
Buyan Imperial Army Medals
by: Growl
-- 12:53 PM EST
- Buya Medal of Bravery
- Buya Medal of Honor
- Buya Medal of Valor
Thank you General Chronno for this information.
.:Merchant Growl .:Master Scribe of Koguryo .:Head Nexus Atlas Reporter
Donation Full Force!
by: TSWolf
-- 3:51 AM EST
The Donation Forums are up.. The donators have got their first sneak peak at whats to come on Nexus Atlas, and their first poll to help decide whats coming next.
All people who have donated have been promoted to their appropriate donation levels on Nexus Forums. If you have NOT, please email me using or Stateing the email you donated with, and also include the amount. If you do not have this info on hand, we can go back to the transactions and you can give yer information so we can get you all squared away.
I have a total of 12 accounts up and running as of 2 minutes ago. 9 People who donated still have no sent me their Name for NexusForums.
The QUICKEST way to get this done is to include your NexusForums name in a Message when you donate like some people did. I had them up and running in a matter of SECONDS.
Also Donators, feel free to use Quick Response. I check it 10+ times a day. I know the mods and other Admins check it quite a bit too.
And if ya haven't donated yet, nows yer chance! Donation amounts and benefits are listed in the Nexus Forum information boards. If you are an international user and wish to donate, please email me and we will work something out. Im aware that Paypal gives you guys a real hard time... I did have some international users get through it but they are far and few between.
Anyway, any questions concerning this can be emailed.. If you donated and aren't setup, email me and we'll set it up as soon as humanly possible.
Subpath Elder Chat Forum!
That's right you heard correctly! The Nexus Roleplaying Guild is going to be proudly bringing to you the first in a series of Subpath Elder Interviews via a LIVE online chat forum!
Who: Keely, Do Elder
Where: irc.swirldot.com (same server as #nexusatlas), #NRG, you may also join via the Java client at the Nexus Roleplaying Guild.
When: Wednesday, May 21st at 10 PM EST
Now how are things going to do down you may ask?! It's simple! The format will be a question and answer format. All those wishing to attend need to use their Nexus Character name. Any questions you'd like to ask?! Simply send them to me! You can send them to my e-mail on the contact page or simply n-mail them to me in game! Please put "Question for Keely" as the subject, and remember, ask anything! Of course, anything not appropriate by Nexus Law will NOT be tolerated. Now get those questions in!
Koguryo Medal of Honour
by: Corath
-- 10:08 AM EST
As Rachel posted yesterday, there's a Medal of Honour, and it's in the shape of a cross.
(Again from Rowann's user page):
- Koguryo Medal of Honour.
New items
by: Rachel
-- 2:41 AM EST
- Koguryo Medal of Valor
- Koguryo Medal of Bravery
There will also be a Koguryo Medal of Honor, most likely a star.
I assume that Buya's army will also have identical medals with Lasahn's dye instead of Mhul's, since the two armies tend to be given the same things at the same times. Thanks to Rowann's user page for the graphics. 
User Webpages Down?!
by: Barter
-- 8:17 PM EST

Yes, it's true. All user webpages are down. When you go the users.nexustk.com route, they are down. When you go to the powerlists, they are also down. I am sure they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Thanks for KintoII for pointing this out to myself.
Also, Congrats to AphroditeXO on becoming the most recent Merchant Mikado. Way to go! ----------------------------------------------------------- 13 May '03 1:11 AM
Follow up: The pages are back up and running. =)
New Revel Information!
by: Corath
-- 7:49 PM EST
This was posted by Charisse today:
Hello everyone,
With the Revels beginning again on 15th May, I wished to share with you all some of the changes that have been made and how the new system will work.
We have asked for theme suggestions and have received a good response. If through-out the Revels you should have further suggestions about themes, please do send them in. While we don't guarantee to use all of them, they will be considered.
We will be keeping to a similar structure such as that used by the Muses for the past Revels. The theme and rules will be posted on the Poetry board each week. You will have until the Friday of each week to have your poems sent in. Please take note of one change however: All Revels entries must now be sent to POEMS.
These poems will be judged late Friday evening and during the Saturday. On Sunday, the winning poems will be announced and posted on the Poetry board. At this point in time there will not be gatherings to announce the winners, but instead winners will be saged, their poems posted on the Poetry board and they will be contacted by nmail.
It will then be the winners' responsibility to contact either Charisse or Shajara to receive their brand. It would be advisable to contact one of us by Nmail and include times you are mostly likely to be found in the Kingdoms.
There will be 4 places awarded each week. 1st, 2nd, and two Honorable Mentions. If you have won first place in a Revels before, you will not be eligible to place in future Revels. You are welcome to send your poems in but you must realize that you will not be able to win any place again if you have already won 1st. This is to make the Revels more fair and allow more people the opportunity to win 1st place.
There have been changes made to how the poems will be judged. Judges will be selected randomly, and will be anonymous. They will be asked to have at least 1-2 hours free in which to read through the poems and judge them. Further rules and guidelines will be provided to chosen judges at the necessary time.
Please be aware that if anyone is caught trying to cheat in any way, they will be banned from future revels and may face jail time. We hope that no one will try to cheat, but this warning is here for those few who might think it would be a good idea to do so.
We hope that this method for the Revels will run smoothly and will cut down on bribery and corruption. We look forward to beginning the Revels and to reading your poetry.
Take care, Charisse
by: Growl
-- 1:29 PM EST
heh, well it does seem Nexon has been a bit busy lately. Perhaps since Themis took over the dream boards..Things have been running very smoothly? Keep up the excellent work Themis.
Gratz to ScreechPU on eldership, I am sure you have earned it. Good luck. 
As for what breserk posted on how you can talk through whisper with people on your friends list, or if you are on their friends list..Yes, it has been around for a 'lil while. Definately helps me out a ton...
As for this new legend mark for n00b's being mentored, I beleive this was posted about some time ago, but I may be wrong.  
Another announcement I would like to make regarding the Phoenix clan of Buya...And their recently appointed new Primogen. Congratulations TinaDragon! You are one of the hardest workers I know...And I am sure you will do excellent! Good luck!
.:Merchant Growl .:Master Scribe of Koguryo
New Barbarian Elder
"Man of action" chosen as elder
WILDERNESS -- Congratulations to ScreechPU, who has been selected by the Barbarians to be their new elder! The torch, however, still rests with Elder Emeritus Wensly. As for how long ScreechPU will remain elder, "It depends on Wensly." In terms of a vision for the path itself, "The future will behold the answers."
On behalf of NA, I extend to him best wishes for a long, prosperous eldership.
Wisdom Test
Seems like it's back on, and it does give karma. Now you get the pop-up, and you don't have to "guess" if you've waited long enough to say 'widom' again. If anyone can tell me if minor quests still give karma I will appreciate it too, because maybe they got wisdom test back due to many complaints and you can't get karma from minor quests anymore.
EDIT- Wow, I've got alot of emails explaining that yes, you can still get karma from minor quests. Thank you Rachel, YamatoDaichi, Chris, SupaLea, TeXans and Dave Shimota.
Clarification on the Sage Timer
by: TSWolf
-- 4:55 AM EST
Apparently the new "Time till you can upgrade sage" thing occurs when you get sage AFTER they added the update. I got sage yesterday on my warrior and I have the countdown timer when I click on the person who gives me sage. If you got sage or any of its upgrades BEFORE they added this update, you will NOT get a countdown.. Once you get yer next sage upgrade you will get a countdown. And it counts down everything from days to seconds.. which is pretty cool.
Some updates..
There has been alot of updates latley! Here's two.
1)Friends can whisper you when your whisper is off. (Thank you Ixeus and Ravenstar! ) EDIT-Phew! Seems like this thing was on for a long time, but was bugged, because I know it didn't work about 4 days ago. Thanks Rachel and Honari!
2)Foxes in Fox hunt no longer spam you... You don't have to ignore them.
Is it just me... Or are Nexon working harder now? It definitley seems so...
Apps Open for Regent of Sanhae!
As posted by Lasahn on the Community Board.
~|From the Imperial Sovereignty of Buya|~
Greetings, honorable citizens.
It is time again to open our applications for the Regent of Sanhae position. But what is the Regent of Sanhae? The chosen one will represent this land, will be in charge of having the division in line, in charge of admissions and of course, events for our community. The only question before us is who we shall assign to such an important position? Hence we are opening applications to the citizens of Buya. Those interested need to meet the following requirements:
1. Be a citizen of Buya willing to move to Sanhae. 2. Be of 99th insight. 3. Have no criminal record. 4. Have a strong Spirit (ie. a profile and picture of good quality). 5. Four references of character (You will need permission from those you wish to list as references).
((Additional note to applicants: This position will require the person to be listed as a member of the Buya Army for programming purposes, but it will not be a military member in roleplay. Those in subpaths with restrictions, contact your Elder before applying.))
Those interested, and meeting the above requirements, are to mail me with a brief summary of why you should be considered for the position, along with a list of your references and qualifications.
The applications will close in two weeks.
~Princess Lasahn~ ~Head of State of Buya~
I'd also like to shout out a CONGRATULATIONS to Mynnie and Braveturtle on their wedding. They make such a cute couple Ravenstar did a wonderful job with the wedding as well 
Barbarian Elder without the Torch.
by: Vini
-- 3:38 PM EST
For those who have been wondering about the Elder of the Barbarians, as you noticed Wensly has been gone for a while and for that the Alton has given them the change to vote for a new or temporary elder, Barbarians have elected Nomad , which has already lead the path before, to be temporary elder until Wensly return. Delphi has given Nomad the Elder's powers for now and Wensly was put back to walker, if/when Wensly return this will get back to as what it were.
Because of that, all Barbaric elder items remain with Wensly, which is why Nomad doesn't have the hold of the Barbarian's torch this time. For now Congratulations Nomad on being voted by the other Barbarians to represent your path.
~Vini Normad'or~
P.S. There are rumors of why Wensly is gone which I preffer to not disclose here since it deals with his real life, which I preffer not getting into.
State of the Marstead Address
Well, after being inactive for so long, I figure it's about time I deliver a State of the Marstead Address. Where've I been? Why aren't I posting? Why did I completely skip the last pirate event?
A very small collection of people (I'm sure you know who they are if you remember the controversy a few months ago) have managed to ruin any fun Nexus ever had for me. It went beyond roleplay, Diviner Marstead was who my character was and is, and I realized that when I tried doing the pirate event and had no fun. I haven't missed a Nexon event in four years, and with this one I just decided not to do it. The fun had been ruined, I'd lost who I was.
Now, I probably won't be gone for a long time, because *everybody* comes back to Nexus eventually, I'll admit that. I need to seriously cool down from it and get my mind off of all the junk that went on there, and wait until Nexon assumes more power rather than allowing players to have so much of it (or until that small group of people quits or is banished). I will still maintain my news account here and I'll *try* to post updates when I see no one else has, but with the recent influx of staff members, don't expect much from me for awhile.
In the mean-time I'll be playing EverQuest: Online Adventures for the PS2 (I can hear the groans about "EverCrack" now, sorry ;p). This should hold be over 'til Final Fantasy 11 comes out, which I'll play until I go into Nexus withdrawl and have to come back, which will happen. Until then, you can contact me via AIM, #nexusatlas, or in EQOA if you need me. I've made a guild there for Nexus players (Called "Nexus Nightfall") so contact me there if you're interested in that. I know MesoCute, ImJoshMan, Corath, Mailyn, Windis, and McDoogle play, as well as some others.
Thanks for all the great times so far everybody. Almost all of you are nice, decent people, but the jerks usually end up with the power and ruin it for everyone.
EQOA Server: Proudpine Outpost Character: Marstead (Wizard) 
Revels update!
Here's what Charisse posted on community board-
Hello everyone,
We are still working hard on the Revels and setting up the best possible system for them. It does take time, but the Revels will begin shortly. The Revels will be open for entries on Thursday 15th May, giving you a little over a week to have your entries in before judging begins.
Following from that, normal Revels will run for -one- week. As this is the first Revels in some time, we are allowing extra time for entries to be submitted. More details on this will be posted on Thursday 15th May, when the theme is given out. I will also post more details as the time draws closer regarding how the Revels will be run and what will be involved.
If you wish to submit some possible ideas for new Revels themes, you are welcome to send them to me in an nmail. I can't guarantee that all themes will be used, but they will be considered.
Thank you for your patience. I am looking forward to hosting the Revels and working with you all.
Take care, Charisse
So, all of ya that have waited for Revels to come back, it looks like it's getting closer...
New Ranger Elder!
by: Vini
-- 12:44 AM EST
A few hours ago, Ranger Elder Angelburn has stepped down from the postion of leader of the Rangers and left the path. Angelburn will be missed by many as Elder and friend in Ranger's path. Now let's hope that Valdessi, the new Elder does as good as the previous ones did... hehe Good luck Elder Valdessi and Congratulations on your new position!

~Vini Normad'or~
More fixes and news
by: Rachel
-- 7:07 PM EST
All surges listed as sheep drops have been turned red (jiggajojo)
Snake3, Sheep3, Tiger3, and Dragon3 item bosses drop both Enchanted and Il san weapons. (Loli)
0 AC to -2 AC for Spirit shard (Ironman)
Unregistered newbies can change their faces, hair dye, and gender at the rogue guild. (DaeE)
Also, gender changes are currently free. This looks like a bug because it will not change your gender if you have less than 12,000 coins on you. I am not sure how long it has been the case, but you must now take off all items before changing gender.
Yes, I AM alive!
by: Corath
-- 11:23 AM EST
I figured that since I haven't posted in a while, I better do so and to let everyone know that I'm still here. On the contact page, it shows me as a board moderator, but I'm still your friendly neighbourhood news poster.
By the way, this new Coranto should turn out to be fun 
As for real news... it's coming! Trust me!
The smallest of updates
Here's a small nice update for you, now when you ask NPC's "What's your name?" they answer back!
What's your name?
Update- Well.. I've got contacted by Espen (this is his/her E-Mail name... Contact me for the Nexus name) that told me this feature is quite old.. Thank you. I have asked a quite alot of people about it and they said it was new, so I've decided to keep this on Nexus Atlas because this certainly shows most of the community doesn't know about this.
Coranto Upgrades
by: TSWolf
-- 6:06 AM EST
This is more technical and staff related, but it's a good read for anyone who has had problems.
We've upgraded to Coranto Unofficial version 1.02. This should fix all archiving bugs and problems people have been having with "Past News". There should be no more missing posts that appear after a few days.
Most of the older members of Nexus Atlas have been given high access today, allowing them to edit other peoples posts.
Hopefully Ill have a couple more features added to this tonight to help our posters add some new things to news.
The Wave Continues!
The Nexus Atlas wave continues by introducing me, your newest news reporter! I won't do anything more special then reporting news usually, but I will pop in a flash or two once in awhile.
Don't think you've heared the last of the new reporters... NexusForums moderators are still to come, so to make the non-news posting time easier, here's a Flash for you all to see.
EDIT- Anyone who've seen my double post, I'm sorry. I've still haven't gotten the full hang of this... Oooo.. Pretty colors... Erm!
Delay on Donation Accounts - May 10th
by: TSWolf
-- 5:36 AM EST
Im delaying the upgrade to the donation accounts until May 10th so we can fully organize everything properly.. I dont feel we had enough time to ensure everything will run smoothly and Id rather you guys get a fully working system instead of having to go in there and have it be a pain in the ass to do anything.
I also wanna get a couple test sections for ya to look at.
Latest Subpath/Clan Events
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Subpath Events~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shaman Story Contest
Starts May 2nd..ends May 9th
See comm event's post #664 for more details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diviner Story Contest
Starts May 2nd..ends May 12
See comm event's post #661 for more details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flower Murals
Date:Friday May 9th 7:00 est What:Flower murals made on 10 x 11 workspace. Where:Sacred Grove
Flowers supplied.
See comm event's post #667 for more details Held by:Druids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Market Excavation Where:Kugnae Market((065,160)) When:Saturday May 17th at 9pm pst/Midnight est
See comm event's post #665 for more details.
Held by:Merchants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acostic Puzzle
See comm event's post #658 Held by:Druids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mudang Sori
What:Story telling contest When:11pm est May 11th Theme:The Travel Where:Valley of the Mudang
See comm. event's post #653 for more details. Held by:Shaman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merchant Story contest
Ends May 11 11:59 est.
See comm event's post #641 for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KSG ROGUE TOURNAMENT
When:May 10th 5pm est Where:Stealth Grotto
See comm event's post #637 for rules and more details. Held by:Spies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clan Events~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bear Clan Portrait Contest
May 11th 9:30 est.
See comm events post #655 for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you'd like to see your Subpath/Clan..or perhaps your own personal event up here..drop me an N-Mail and I'll be sure to post it.
Thats all for now.
Boards expanded?
by: Rachel
-- 8:40 PM EST
I could be wrong about this one, but I think this is a recent change..
There are currently 1434 posts on Community board, 4114 on Buy board, and 3944 on the Sell board. I think it used to old posts at a much lower number.
Experience bug
by: Rachel
-- 8:20 PM EST
Larrydemarco has found a HUGE bug for those of you on greater alliances (GA). If you are allied with the rooster, you must kill 10 rabbit bosses for several of your GAs.
A GA is very strict, you can not kill other creatures. While I have heard that few people who successfully completed a GA after getting 5 exp for a rabbit, there have been many more reports of a single kill ruining the alliance.
Larrydemarco was in the last room of rabbit 3 with a warrior who was killing rabbits so that he could make his way through and Larry got exp for one of these kills. :(
Perhaps a rabbit was attacking Larry as it was killed. So he came back as a ghost and the same thing happened. He got experience points for a kill that he did not make while he was dead.
This has been tested by a few other people, one said that it only took a minute or two before getting experience while dead.
It is suggested that you do not ally with the rooster at this time, should you ever plan to become Sam san. Hopefully, Nexon will either fix this bug or make it so you can kill couple non-bosses for greater alliances.
New Cool Sage Feature
by: TSWolf
-- 11:45 PM EST
Thanks to StealthyAssassin for this one -
"I dunno if you already covered this but when u go to upgrade sage now, it tells you how long you have till you can upgrade again"
Basically if you go to the sage NPC in the wilderness and click him, he will give you an estimate in real life time till you can get Sage upgraded once again!
You bet your sweet bippy!
by: Barter
-- 2:04 PM EST
Yes, you heard right folks... Im on the Nexus Atlas staff as a News Reporter. If there is anything I like to do more than having a good time, it is meeting new people. That's one reason I applied for the job. So, if anyone needs any help with anything, I am here. I also would like to congratulate my fellow staff members here at Nexus Atlas on their new positions. Other than that, I have nothing else to say at the moment, so I'll catch you all on the flip side.
Hello Hello!
by: Growl
-- 12:48 PM EST
Well...First I would like to thank everyone for my promotion to Head News Reporter. I will surely not let any of you down. Next...Welcome all new reporters! I see some familiar faces, and some non familiar faces..I canot wait to start working with every last one of you! I am sure this will be just as an excelellent experience for me, as it will be for you.
Please remember everyone! E-mail me, or AIM (GrowlTK) any news I may miss within the Kingdom of the Winds!
Thank you everyone!
.:Merchant Growl .:Head Nexus Atlas Reporter .:Master Scribe of Koguryo
Bug fixes
by: Rachel
-- 3:19 AM EST
Don't send me bugs on level 1-99 spells, those will be completely redone soon because I know they're filled with problems, half of which I know.
Il san and Ee san spells probably still have a typo here and there.. a few have already been fixed. If the spelling is wrong for any spell, please report that. "Baekho's rage", "Baekhos rage", "Baekho's Rage", and "Baekhos Rage" are all spelt different. I can verify this very quickly using the user pages.
Armors and Weapons are about 99.9% correct. If you think something is wrong, get the armor or weapon from your bank or buy one and send me a screenshot of the blue box (Right click). I only say this because many people have tried to give me information from websites, charts, and nmails that were filled with old, incorrect information. I had around 80% of all existant items in my inventory when I recently went over them, the others I got by checking numerous sources.
Market prices are another story. Those were all my opinion and I've already changed some of them a couple of times. If you do not like any of those prices, please send in suggestions.
Put "NA" or "Nexus Atlas" in all letters.
Bug Fixes!
by: TSWolf
-- 1:06 AM EST
Please send spell / weapon / armor bug info to Rachel via email. We are going to go on a mass bug fix in the next couple of days.
Hiya people
by: aqentp
-- 10:21 PM EST
Just posting my hello to you all. I'm yet another new reporter on the NA team, a last minute recruitment by TSWulf and Spift. They know how much of a dedicated player I am and couldn't resist me ^_^. So yea, expect to see me around and posting! ^_~
A new addition to the ensemble
Hello, faithful readers. I am one of the newest members of this ensemble called NexusAtlas News. I'm David, and I play Master Musician Sailortaurus in NexusTK. As well, my character is the Kugnae Librarian -- much more informational than Pond! -- and a member of the geomancer subpath. TSWulf asked me to join the team as a news reporter, and I was happy to accept. I will keep you updated with regards to news and current events, especially those that are run by the Ministry of Culture. Speaking of which, there is a large upcoming event being planned right now. Stay tuned over the next couple weeks for further details.
That Crazy Nexus Forums Moderator
Hey all how goes it? If you frequent the Forums of Nexus you are sure to recognize the name. How can you forget such a crazy moderator?! I have been a moderator at Nexus Forums for quite some time now and hope to continue in this pursuit. Anyway for those of you that do not know me the name's Josh and you can contact me in game via Ashimata (who is my Hero's Carnage Rogue) or Mayik (who is my main character and a member of the Geomancer family). You may also go to the Contact page and find my there. Questions? Comments? Just give me a shout! ^^; Oh, and...just for the record, Ashimata so ownz DScully....let her know! ^^;
Greetings everyone!
Hi , I am FaeryShivers the undine merchant. You may have seen me or my portraits floating around Nexus. Well now I'm working for Nexus Atlas in the graphics department ! I am here to increase viewing pleasure for our dedicated readers and work with the rest of the staff in making your stay more enjoyable.
Hopefully you'll see new additions soon ! Regards, Faery
Il san and Ee san spells
by: Rachel
-- 8:29 PM EST
Il san and Ee san spells are now complete. They should be added to the alignment page soon, as long as I didn't mess up any of those files o.O
Please read this before asking anything.
If you notice anything wrong, please first check to see if it is really wrong. Some spells are not spelled correctly in the game and that is how they will appear when you see them here. After double checking, either post on the bug board or email me. If a SeNtence has bad capitaLization or speling please report it. ^.^
Some of these spells cannot be learned by those in PC subpaths. Those subpaths have alternate spells that are often quite similar. These paths do not wish for their spells to be shared and we respect that. Ask your Elder or guides for more information on these spells, if they are willing.
Marriage marks
by: Rachel
-- 2:28 AM EST
When you get a divorce, subpath "Married by.." marks are now removed from your legend. I assume that the same goes for subpath blood brothers.
Marks such as Purified marriage do not appear to vanish, but this could also be changed.
Thanks to Kahni for pointing this out. ^.^
11 out of 15 Ee san spells are complete as of this moment, so the page should be up before Wednesday. I changed a typo here and there with the Il san spells and added some unaligned aether information. (Thanks to everyone who gave it ^^)
Il San Spells
by: Spift
-- 9:01 PM EST
The Il San spells have finally been updated and Ee should follow shortly. Check them out by navigating to the spells section of the website.
Updates and Request
by: Rachel
-- 6:16 PM EST
If you are Il san, Ee san, or Sam san and either unaligned or planning to change your alignment, please email or nmail me.
This goes double for any poet or warrior (I think that I have a mage and rogue) planning to change alignments after attaining Sam san.
-Valentine bouquet, Candy box, Rabbit bow added:   -Amensia graphic fixed:
-Ee san blood, Ee san nimble blade, Sam san blood, and Sam san nimble blade updated for Eldridge's small change.
-All versions of Frozen spear break on death (Elric)
-Rogue moon quest works by killing dog item boss in Dog1 in addition to Dog2 and Dog3.
-I may have made a few other minor changes that I cannot seem to remember
-Il san spells should be up today or tomorrow, Ee san spells will be a bit after them.
-We do not work for Nexon. Please send bugs that you find in the game to Delphi@Nexustk.com
Updates This Morning
by: TSWolf
-- 1:30 AM EST
Morning Everyone.. Early one at that for me.. I urge everyone to read last nights post on Donations.. It contains some pretty info on how to help shape the future of NA simply by donating a couple bucks!
Anyway heres what was updated - - The Red Surge and Arctic King Graphics have been uploaded and applied where necessary. - A new graphic pack for our "next" section has been uploaded. Thats hush hush. Ill tell more in my .PLAN file once I have all the donation accounts hooked up.
Thats it so far.. Ill do more and jot it down and try to have a big addition, mostly in the outdated Legend Info section later today.
Donation Appreciation
by: TSWolf
-- 6:51 PM EST
For all the people who donated to the NexusAtlas website, first off, from all of us over here, we would like to express our deepest thanks for helping to cover some of our tabs for previous months. We run a non-profit website and often have to spend our own money and time to run and establish productions.. It's warming to know some are willing to donate their money to our cause.
But that's not it. This evening Spift and I have decided to establish a Donation center on NexusForums. For all people who have donated, you will be recieveing a mail to the email you donated from, listing the amount you donated. From there you will be asked to reply to that email (or using your NexusForums account), and tell us your NexusForums Account Name. People who donated will be added to special Groups on our boards.
These groups known as the Patron, Contributer, and Benefactor Donor groups will give access to donation providers to a set of three boards..
The first board will be a quick response board where only those who are in the special groups can post and recieve a very quick response from the Nexus Atlas staff concerning Nexus or Nexus Atlas issues!
The second board which will be viewable only by those in the special groups will be the official Nexus Atlas .PLAN file of projects being tested, projects to come and more! Contributers and Benefactors can also reply and give their feedback on these issues.
The third board will be a voting forum where the special can vote on the next section of Nexus Atlas without others seeing it. From there we will work with these people to try and give them what they want.
We feel that this will give people an incentive to donate to the website because by providing their donation, they will be given an active role on the testing and further production of our website. It is our way of saying thank you to these people.
If you donated and do not have a NexusForums account, now is the best time to sign up for one! All the people who donated will be contacted via the Email they used when Donating. From there, we ask that you either REPLY to this email saying yer Nexus Forums account, or come on your NexusForums account, give your email and amount donated, and we will add that account to the appropriate group.
The groups are as follows - Patrons - People who Donated 1 to 4 dollars. Contributers - People who Donated 5 to 9 Dollars. Benefactors - People who Donated 10 Dollars and Up.
Their permissions are as follows -
Patrons can post/reply in Quick Response, reply/vote in Polls
Contributers can post/reply in Quick Response, reply/vote in Polls, reply in .PLAN
Benefactors can post/reply in Quick Response, reply/vote/post in Polls, reply in .PLAN
All Donation accounts will have the permissions of Avatars, including special board access and whatnot. Since you have helped us, we in return will help you.
But as always, these accounts are not permanent. Abuse of these accounts, regardless of what you donated, will result in account removal.. While we will be EVEN MORE RELUCTANT to remove Donation based accounts, we do understand that people may attempt to donate a dollar just to act maliciously in our new forums and we will not allow that. All rules still apply.
Thank you once again for your donations! Expect your emails tonight! And if you haven't donated yet... Now is a very good time!
Information Still Needed
by: TSWolf
-- 10:06 PM EST
The new Contact Page is up! But theres a LOT missing! There still info I need from the following people -
Dritz - Email/Avatar Lalia - Email/Avatar Aenea - Email/Avatar Yogeshi - Avatar
Once we have all this information established, up, and on the contact page, we will hold a training session for all the new posters, and send you all email directions on how to post on news.
NexusAtlas : The New Wave
by: TSWolf
-- 2:41 PM EST
As we can see theres an abundance of new stories today, but I think the biggest is the official induction of the new members of the Nexus Atlas staff! Their avatars have been placed on display on our logo. Send them all our congrats! (The only avatar not up there is Yogeshi's because I haven't recieved his yet).
I hope to have these guys up and posting and the new "Team" system on the Staff Page up soon.
Congrats you guys!
Law 41 Success!
by: TSWolf
-- 11:43 AM EST
Congratulations to everyone who signed our petition asking for changes to Law 41.. It seems Nexon has reacted and Nexus Atlas is now considered Law 41 Compliant Once Again!! ------------------------------------- TSWulf,
I am currently working with Delphi and Eldridge to review Law41. They feel the benefits offered by your sites are important to the players and if enough security measures are in place to stop younger members being exposed to offensive material, the site can remain compliant.
There are other issues, such as the discussion of archons and their mortals which should be stopped all together. I noticed you made an effort to do this after my last letter to you.
I will get back to you once I have more details on this issue, but as of now your site is considered compliant. Please continue trying to ensure the site is kept as clean as possible. I know forums are difficult to monitor but it is necessary if the site is to remain compliant.
Thank you for your cooperation,
My Thoughts on the Nexus Roleplaying Guild
by: TSWolf
-- 1:38 AM EST
It has come to my attention that I need to address the official Nexus Atlas position on the website of the Nexus Roleplaying Guild.. Many have requested we publically express our position on this matter and I feel it is necessary.
Currently, NexusAtlas does not support the Nexus Roleplaying Guild. Reporters on their site have taken the liberty of attacking Nexus Atlas for its "Non Law 41 Compliancy" and claim we are bringing them down as well.
Also, and the most major issue, is our severe dislike for their distasteful form of blackmail they intend on using against subpaths. They seem to think that holding a Subpaths spell information hostage until the Elders provide them with Roleplay information is a way to get visitors and attention to their website. NexNet and NexusAtlas have always STRONGLY stood against the revealing of any Information of these natures :
1. Immortal/Archon Information (Spells/Mortals/Etc) 2. Real Life Information of Players 3. Subpath Private Info, Mainly Spells and Item Stats 4. Unreleased Nexon copyrighted images.
Anyone who does so will not be supported by the Nexus Atlas resources...
If I see a problem over this post because of our strong stanze against the Roleplaying Guilds posting of Subpath Spells and Information, I will discontinue the NRGs promotion through any of our websites.
Let me clarify so I don't get misintrepeted.. We have always supported the NRGs strive for roleplay and subpath information to benefit the subpaths. We DO NOT SUPPORT their blatent disrespect of these paths by invading their secrets and placing them on public display in order to get hits.. In addition, we strongly stand against their use of how intensely they will display secret information being affected by the Subpath's participation in their website. The subpaths have enough to worry about and need not to have a webmaster who holds their spells blackmail demand any more information out of them.
I've posted my views on Community towards Tappestry personally, and have discussed them in the Chat room publically, so I feel this should be of no real surprise.
The Delphi Files - Part III
by: TSWolf
-- 12:41 AM EST
We recieved another letter from Delphi yesterday, and here it is.. -------------------------------------------------------- Hi again,
This time I will start off with your comment "But should our security be second hand to events? or to new crafting skills? That's a really tough question." This again suggests, even indirectly, that Nexon in some way is responsible for these hackings. We have done everything we can think of so far to protect players. One major part of my job is making sure that our servers, and network, are secure from hackings. Since the incident you mentioned there has been no further incursions into the security of the Nexon system.
We would love to hear of ideas that players have that are reasonable to help protect players further, but one must come to the realization that at the end of the day there really is only so much we can really do. We can't stand over the players 24/7 in real life and say "No, don't give your password to so-and-so", or "No, don't download that program from xHaxorx". At some point we do have to say that we have really done all we can to protect players, warned them as much as we can, and programmed as much as we can, and now it really is in the players hands alone.
But as I said, if we get some ideas that really are possible to implement that would provide additional security that are reasonable, and not easy to defeat, then we would be interested in hearing them, and implementing them.
You also said that "The community does react on what is said publically", this is all too true, but unfortunately the majority of it is totally out of context, and then warped by a number of people. You mentioned specifically the topic of one of the Delphi's not playing Nexus. I am that Delphi! ((Waits for the players who feel the need to run off and whine about this again to leave.)) My job is specifically technology support. Not Nexus support, but technology support. When a physical server goes down I am the one who goes out and fixes it. When the network is having problems I am the one who trouble shoots it. When a game server is performing poorly I am the one who debugs it. When the code for the server or client needs to be changed I am the one who communicates it. I do not (typically) reply to players e-mails concerning Nexus, that's not my job. I am not the one who writes quests, that's not my job. I am not the one who makes game policy, that is not my job. I do log on to Nexus, I do know how to play Nexus, I do read the boards, I even do some of the quests. What I do not do is log on as a mortal and join groups and go hunting. Because I don't change stats of items, or creatures, write quests or events, or anything like that I have no need to. I do fix problems when and where I can, but I don't need to play to know the problem the players report, I have to be able to read the code, and debug it. I only used the name "Delphi" in the hope that players would relate to it as technical support, and not a game master.
I would like to touch briefly on the "Freedom of Speech" issue as well. One of my favorite sayings is "A little bit of knowledge is dangerous", and I think applies here rather well. Most people believe that the first amendment is titled "Freedom of Speech", in fact the "Freedom of Speech" is only one of the four clauses of the first amendment. I would be surprised if more than a few, if any, people could actually recite the first amendment. To be clear I have included it in this e-mail:
"Amendment I : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
First, while it nice players think Nexon is ready to run America (JOKE), we are not congress, we are a private game company. As such we are not violating the first amendment because we are not a government agency passing a real life civil law.
The next important thing to note is that the first amendment only protects rights in a public forum. Nexus is a private service, produced by a private company. As such we are granted the right to limit use of our service as we see fit so long as it does not violate anybodies rights. The first amendment is not a right in a privately owned area, there for we do not violate it be limiting what is permissible to be said in the game.
Citing from "Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444, 447 (1969)." (I believe this is the correct case)
"The First Amendment by its terms applies only to laws enacted by Congress, and not to the actions of private persons."
Finally, as I try to remind some people, by agreeing to the Nexon "Terms of Service", use of cursing is not permitted, as it can be offensive to other players. While we appreciate that a large number of the players in the community feel they are "mature enough" to hear such language, though not mature enough to not use it, that there is a number of players who are not. Nexon upfront told players that cursing was not permitted in the game, and that they could face punishment for it. Just because they feel that they should be allowed to curse does not make it acceptable (or legal) for them to do so.
Finally this statement "Judges can sell cases... Archons can reveal secrets... And a lot of this still does go unmonitored for whatever reason.. ". The reason it goes "unmonitored" is because for the most part the player making the accusation knows for a fact it is not true, and don't report it. One thing that continues to amaze me about you TS is that you continue to believe people don't lie to you as much as the actually do. Just because somebody says they bought or did something does not make it true, no matter how exciting it would be for you to report. If even a portion of these supposed accusations were true more people would report them. It would be sent to the judge, head judge, archon, head archon, or directly to Nexon, to be looked into instead of remaining just a rumor. What we almost always hear is "my best friend in the whole wide world who would never lie to me told me that his friends did such and such." It's gossip, where what actually started out simple, and innocent, enough gets twisted by players who want to make tabloid sensationalism over the smallest of issues.
Another aspect of this the players who live for nothing more than to cause problems, and to start rumors and complaints for their own recognition or enjoyment. Again, I would refer you to read Eldridge's post on the Dream Weaver board about the whole Flameblade issue. These players know that people like you, who like to believe that they tell the truth, or players who love to hear gossip and tabloid rumors, will pick up the story and spread it around until it becomes a "truth" because "everybody knows it".
>From looking back on the emails I could find around the office I found three reports of corruption that had been sent into Nexon, by players directly, or through the channels such as the head judge or head archon. The first was actually a real incident, and we took the appropriate action against the person, and restored the person's legend/spells/karma that had been affected by that corruption.
The second was one of these "I heard from a friend, who was told by a guy at school, who learnt this from a spy, that so-and-so did this." After looking into the issue there was absolutely no basis for the story, and the story had started with somebody who was jailed for stealing trying to get back at the person for revenge.
The last case was a person sending in screen shot of an Archon supposedly accepting a bribe. The screenshot wasn't modified, and the lines of text were as such:
((Edited for obvious reasons))
Player> Can we talk now? Archon" Sure Player> If I made sure that you got 1mil or more Player> would you arrest somebody for me? Archon" Yes.
This looks pretty damming, on the face of it. But taking the time to actually look into the case we find the reporter "forgot" to include the text before, and after that. The whole story went more like this:
Player> Hi, I need to ask if something my friend Player> said to a judge would be illegal. Archon> Sure, what is it? Player> Can we talk now? Archon" Sure Player> If I made sure that you got 1mil or more Player> would you arrest somebody for me? Archon" Yes. Archon" That would be illegal. Player> Even if he didn't intend to do it? Archon" Yes. Player> Thanks, bye. Archon" Bye.
Something most players do is take everything out of context, and run with it. Going back to me not playing Nexus for example. They don't bother to find out what happened before, or after, the incident, and to get the whole picture before passing judgment. It's almost ironic that players demand their right to "freedom of speech", and then refuse other players the right to be "innocent until proven guilty", all because it makes for better tabloid, and more entertainment for them, even at the expense of another person.
By the way, on a side note, concerning your previous comments that Everquest and Ultima Online "have hundreds of thousands of more accounts" you're a little mistaken. Everquest, the U.S's largest online game, last reported their number of accounts at 85,000.
-------------------------------------------------- I'd like to begin my response to this letter by first thanking you once again for yer email and also for stopping by chat the other night. It was nice communicating with someone who helps to make the decisions behind the game and it gave me a rejuevenated sense of support for the Nexon staff. Sometimes it helps to know that you guys ARE people too =)
It's good to see that Nexon is doing everything concievable for the protection of its customers. I would also be curious to know if any players have any ideas that would assist Nexon in increasing their security. I encourage all to read this to reply to Delphi on this issue if you have serious, implementable (realistic) methods that would increase customer security.
Concerning you being the "Delphi who doesn't play".. From what I read, you certainly do play! I think people were given the impression of a Delphi who has NEVER once logged on Nexus. In fact, even when we talked, you had a favorite place to travel on the Nexus (The Buya Gardens!).. And as you said, you hunt, you do quests and you have fun! THATS what playing Nexus is! We don't expect you to have to be ee san to understand Nexus! But you PLAY Nexus! Clarification on yer role also shows us that you don't need to play Nexus to do what you do.. I can't agree that alot of us got worried because we jumped the gun on what yer job was.. And I apologize for that.
Concerning Freedom of Speech, I could not agree more.. Full understanding of the First Amendment and cases proves that every word of what you said is true.. But once again I must say there are circumstances were profanity may be slipped and it gives a perfect opportunity for revenge for someone LOOKING for that kind of blackmail... Should we have to fear something like this? It's impossible for ANYONE to see that it was an accident... I can agree with that. I just see the complete tarnishing of a person's legend, karma, and lots of lost chances for what could be a potential mistake on their part, as overkill.. Perhaps some sort of "first offense, second offense" system much like the one in 3.0 should be ressurected?
On to your examples of corruption and how people exagerate cases.. I believe you that there are a lot of people whose intention is simply to spring up rumors and claim they discovered them for their 15 seconds of fame.. And I do believe that I myself am guilty of more than one case of believing and trusting people who I shouldn't have.. But can we doubt that there are some favortism issues with the fact that Judges are married? Or real life friends of judges or whatnot? Shouldn't a case like NinaP's bug abuse have been delt much like someone elses bug abuse? NinaP got off scott free after having them for 3 months and using them. I personally know a person who was punished for having them a few days afterwards.. This isn't a case of hearsay.. This was something I saw.
Life isn't fair and I don't expect Nexon to make Nexus anymore fair than they possibly can.. I just feel there are SOME things out there that cause great concern to people in the game.. Some people in positions that have lots of power who do not accurately represent these positions the ways they should be.. And people are concerned by this.. And its not just 12 year old "I dont like you" attitudes.. Its hard working individuals who want to see that the proper people be put in charge.. And I agree a LOT of these reports are exagerated or rumors altogether.. But I do know for a fact that SOME of these are not..
Anyway, Thanks for the email and the chat.. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. The community enjoys the interaction that Nexon is providing with us and I get plenty of emails expressing their gratitude towards you coming and speaking with us in your time.
Thanks again Delphi!