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Ready the cattle, Beltane's coming!
 Members of the Druid Subpath revel in Tangun in celebration of the incoming Beltane Festival next weekend.
Whereas the Kingdoms these days have seen no shortage of chaos, not everything is gloomy. The Druid Subpath announced the itinerary for this year's Beltane Festival, which will be held May 4th and 5th.
Also known as the Gaelic May Day Festival, this event marks the start of the summer farming season. As for the Kingdom's version of this pagan holiday, Elder Supply had the following posted on the Community Events board:
Beltane: A time of celebration and renewal. During Beltane, communities come together to honor the fertility of the land, the vitality of the earth, and the bonds of community. Rituals often involve the lighting of bonfires, the weaving of colorful ribbons around maypoles, and the sharing of food and drink. It's a time of joyous revelry, where people dance, sing, and rejoice in the promise of renewal that spring brings.
Beltane serves as a powerful reminder of the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Tentative Schedule Saturday, May 4, 2024 All times EST 4:30PM - Opening Ritual 5:00PM - Food Fight 6:00PM - Archery Tournament 7:00PM - Live Unscramble 8:00PM - Battle on the Bridge 9:00PM - Natures Bounty
Sunday, May 5, 2024 5:00PM - Samurang Showdown 6:00PM - Arrival of Spring & Awards 7:00PM - Diviner/Druid Fortune Revealed 8:00PM - Rage Battle 9:00PM - Art of Peace 10:00PM - KSG Tournament
NexusAtlas will update this schedule if changes are made prior to the festival.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Dusk Shaman answers call to help save Princess Sutsang
 Dusk Shaman explains the nature of the sacrifice Prince Mobon had volunteered for in order to save Princess Sutsang as they stand above Prince Kija's grave in the Nagnang Palace Courtyard.
Whereas the SeaNymph's guidance in bolstering cleansing waters of Buya assisted in purging Queen Lasahn of the curse cast upon her by the Shaman WillowN, Nagnang's Princess Sutsang's case proved more complicated.
In recent months, the spirit of Prince Kija had tethered himself to the princess, having awoken due to the recent chaos and discord that had befallen the kingdom. As a result, the spirit has been unintentionally wearing out the princess' silver thread. Coupled with the curse, this did not provide a favorable prognosis for the young royal.
King ChaeRi had written the esteemed and respected Dusk Shaman for assistance, and she answered the call with a rendezvous in the Nagnang Palace, bringing with her Prince Mobon of Koguryo.
They halted at the burial site of King Zhou, Queen Filia, and Prince Kija, where the wise Dusk Shaman conferred with Druid Elder Supply over the state of the grounds, sensing unrest beneath them. It was then that she was appraised of the recent possession of the princess by Prince Kija.
Dusk Shaman asked the Royal Guards to escort the princess to her in the Nagnang Courtyard at the grave sites. After an examination of the Princess' state, the shaman offered that the princess was "far too gone," and a sacrifice would need to be made in order to cure her of all the afflictions. King ChaeRi stepped forward to offer himself for the task, but was stopped by Prince Mobon, who insisted on performing the sacrifice for his beloved.
The sacrifice involved a binding of his and Princess Sutsang's silver thread to use as a tether. He would be tasked with locating her spirit in the other realms in his dreams, and pulling her back to this world. Meanwhile, her body would be put in an enchanted rest, for a maximum of 100 years.
Should the prince be unsuccessful within that 100 year span, the princess will be lost forever. Furthermore, Dusk Shaman cautioned that the longer he takes, the more his own spirit will be weakened.
The prince left with his instructions, and Dusk Shaman would linger with the king to meditate at the gravesite. The crowd disbanded.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Winds of change:' COFfan named The Forsaken Primogen
 Itoi mulls his next meal while newly-appointed The Forsaken Primogen considers his answers during an interview taking place in the Taal'yeein Enclave.
Early Saturday evening, The Forsaken bid goodbye to Morrow as their Primogen, as well as their friend and former leader, WillowN. The clan also heralded the appointment of COFfan as the newest Primogen. The fledgling appointee invited the NexusAtlas reporter to the depths of the Taal'yeein Enclave for an interview, alongside a pair of his allies. The Forsaken Clan members Zeten and Itoi chimed into the discussion at intervals, and lended their voice to their latest leader.
Well, this is a nice change of scenery. So, Primogen COFfan, what's going through your mind right now?
That the "winds of change" have arrived rather quickly.
No doubt it's been a fury of confusion. Now that you're in charge of The Forsaken Clan, what do you believe will be your first steps?
I believe working from within the clan is the best course of action, and possibly with other clans for some exciting times, too.
What sort of work are you planning within the clan itself?
I will be making sure everyone inside the clan gets what they need, be it an item, those impossible Minor Quests, or just a plain cheering-up, if needed.
Is morale an issue within the clan right now? [Zeten:] Now, that's a question. [Itoi:] I mean... It sucks when friends leave the Kingdoms, no matter the reason. [COFfan:] It may be a clan problem, it may be a game-wide problem. Perhaps it would vary person to person. 10 people may have 10 different answers, if asked. I am open to hearing concerns, if anyone feels I can do anything positive in that regard. [Zeten:] WillowN and Morrow are going to be missed. They had very strong personalities, and drew a lot of people together. You just can't easily replace that. It's going to take time. [Itoi:] We know and love COFfan... [Zeten:] Absolutely. [Itoi:] But, as Zeten said, losing WillowN shouldn't have been part of the deal. [COFfan:] I also feel WillowN carries a gravity that cannot be escaped.
This community is so small, we feel it every time someone leave us, for sure. Regarding the community, what direction do you feel the clan will be going, in terms of its fellow Nangen organizations?
At this moment, we haven't agreed 100% on a direction, but we are willing to work with other clans. If other clans would prefer a clan hunt, that sounds fun to me. But, each has their own blend of activities to bring to the table that I am interested in experiencing.
Is there anything else you'd like to tell the community about this appointment, or about your clan?
[Itoi:] I'll say that The Forsaken will be in great hands; I'm quite sure of that. COFfan will do what's right to move us forward. [COFfan:] Perhaps. Something such as this is a dream come true, and I would like to say, if I can reach Primogen status, so can you, too. Just keep trying, and stay active. [Zeten:] One more thing! If you're a Nagnang citizen, and out there looking for a home, we could use more foo-... Broodlings! [Itoi:] (Wipes drool.) Broodlings! Yes Broodlings! [COFfan:] Well said. We can only aim to get membership numbers, like K'urimja, though. [Reporter:] You flatter me. I think The Forsaken is bigger than K'urimja, though.
We appreciate your time meeting us down here. As a side question, why did you choose the Taal'yeein Enclave as a meeting place?
The beauty of this cave is unmatched, and is still inhabited by people [NPCs]. It also reminds me of the Primogen who came before me, and the others, all the way back to our founder.
That's true. it's a beautiful place with a lot of history, just like your clan. Well, good luck in your position, and keep the community updated!
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Sage' to chase off bad energy: Pyra appointed leader of EoN
 Sage Pyra is surrounded by supporters, the Nangen royal family, and NexusAtlas staff in the Nagnang Palace Hall following her appointment as the newest leader of the Eternal Order of Nagnang.
Almost hidden in the bustle of Saturday night's busy hour was an announcement over the winds from King ChaeRi. Pyra had been hired as the newest Sage of Nagnang, and the NexusAtlas staff was eager to be the first to greet her in the Nagnang Palace Hall. The reporter and trainees Layne, Kaleea, and PoeTxi would join the throng in greeting and congratulating Nagnang's newest appointee.
Sage Pyra. It has a jingle to it. No doubt everything is coming at you quite fast right now. What's going through your mind?
My current thoughts are on helping to guide Nagnang out of a brief period of chaos, and into a bright future. I know that it may not be an easy task, but I have every confidence that it will be possible if we all work together.
What do you feel will be your first steps as the latest Sage of Nagnang?
There will be some... internal restructuring, at first. However, I'm certain that we'll be moving forward and planning our next big cultural festival in no time!
It's almost defender season, as well, so I imagine you'll have your hands full. So, what do you feel is the ministry's ultimate mission in Nagnang?
Like with any Ministry, the Eternal Order of Nagnang's mission is two-fold - diplomacy and culture. This includes maintaining peaceful relationships within our borders, as well as with our northern neighbors. It also includes the typical cultural events that citizens of the kingdoms have come to expect, including festivals and defender ceremonies.
What would you say encompasses a true citizen of Nagnang, in your own words?
That's quite the question. I imagine that there are many definitions, sometimes conflicting, of what makes a true child of Nagnang. To me, a true Nangen is someone who loves their kingdom. It is someone who will take the time to help their fellow man. Perhaps, most importantly, it is someone who will always do what's best for Nagnang - even if that means letting go of personal biases or ancient grudges to do so.
In the perspective of being the latest Sage, what do you hope to see in terms of the future of Nagnang?
I hope to see a Nagnang that is united in peace. I hope to see a nation not defined by wounds of the past, but one that is willing to work together to build a bright future where every Nangen can thrive, and our vibrant culture can flourish.
Reporter PoeTxi stepped forward to bring a light-hearted question to the interview.
How do you feel about your title being "Sage," and not some other herb like tarragon, thyme, or even lavender?
While all delicious, it's "Sage" that's able to chase away bad energy. She winked.
She's got a little spice to her, for certain. Sage Pyra, do you have any messages you'd like to give the kingdoms about this appointment, or anything else on your mind?
To any who wish to work with the Eternal Order of Nagnang, please feel free to reach out. We are always willing to work together in the spirit of cooperation.
The reporter would ask King ChaeRi and Princess Sutsang if they had anything on their mind to add to the interview.
[ChaeRi:] Only that I have complete confidence in her ability to guide us through any challenges. I am proud to support Pyra as our new Sage, knowing she will bring honor and wisdom to her position.
The staff over at NexusAtlas wishes Pyra and the Eternal Order of Nagnang the best as they acclimate to these new and exciting changes!
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Buya Imperial Army is looking for Volunteers!
by: PoeTxi
-- 9:31 PM EST
 The inaugural group of BIA volunteers from Phoenix Clan, tapped by Primogen Creses, receive their uniforms from Queen Lasahn in the Buya Palace Courtyard.
Exciting news was announced at Buya's Tribunal as Queen Lasahn unveiled the new Buyan Imperial Army Volunteer Program. Now, citizens of Buya can officially join the BIA while retaining membership in their respective clans.
Joining the BIA as a volunteer soldier means more than just wearing a flashy uniform or getting the latest training from Queen Lasahn and Prince Daeso. It's your chance to safeguard and patrol the kingdom of Buya!
Whether you're a seasoned soldier or someone looking to make a difference, there's a place for you!
Contact your Primogen if you would like to sign up to be a .
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
<3, ~ PoeTxi reporting ~Hyul 143, Moon 3, Sun 5~
In case you missed it: New Primogen, renovations, and sanctifications
The Kingdoms have been a whirlwind activity as of late, and NexusAtlas has been hard at work compiling the on-goings of the community. Between the Easter holiday and a March bustling with chaos, here are some news tickets the community may have missed, presented with the assistance of three new reporters-in-training: Kaleea, Layne, and PoeTxi. Also, a welcome back goes to BeffyCabeza as she returns to the Database Editing team.
 Friends and community members join the Bear Clan Primogen Lapin outside the Bear Clan hall in a joyful roar to celebrate his new appointment as the clan's leader.
'Bear = Family:' Lapin named Primogen
A small crowd had gathered outside the Bear Clan hall, eager to celebrate the belated announcement of the newest Primogen of Bear Clan, Lapin. Amid the roaring of the clan's mascot, Pappi, the Primogen and his clan family were gracious enough to take the time to interview with the reporter and her trio of trainees to discuss the status of his clan.
Primogen Lapin! In all this chaos, did you think we had forgotten you?! Congratulations on your appointment! How are you feeling about the position so far?
It's a great honor to be part of such a wonderful clan. The Bear Clan is deep-rooted in the history of these lands. It is a great privilege to be able to speak for the members, which are the heart of this wonderful clan. I am happy to see the clan revived and ready to make the Den shine again.
It's been about a week since you took on the weight of that staff. Have there been any changes to the clan yet, or any plans being made for the future?
As you all know, clans are constantly evolving and changing. Members come and go, but one thing stays, and that is the heart of its members and the ones before them. We have started great conversations on what has worked for us, and what needs adjusting. I have already seen devotion and enthusiasm from the members. Great things lay ahead.
What would you say makes Bear Clan stand out against the rest of the Kingdoms' organizations?
What makes us unique is that our clan is comprised of Poets or Warriors only. This can be a challenge, but also a strength in uniqueness. The interest in the clan is constant, and that speaks to members that call this home. The paths of love and valor represent a courageous unified vanguard.
Outside of the prerequisite of being a Poet or Warrior, what sort of person would find their best home in Bear Clan's halls?
We are Bears, and that translates to family. I have seen help offered freely, words of encouragement when needed, and companionship. Cubs to Grizzlies have a home here. Mutual respect, honesty, and dignity shine here.
It sounds like the clan definitely knows what you're looking for. Do you have any messages you'd like to give the kingdoms regarding your appointment?
[Lapin:] I am but a spokesperson for the wonderful members of the Bear family. [Astraea:] Our Primogen will not say it, but I believe that he is an agent of change for the better of the Bear family. He has already shown great promise for our clan. [Lapin:] I am here to serve the members. All ideas and comments are taken into consideration. We will strive on being transparent and united in purpose. We will also honor our history.
After a loud, congenial primal roaring session, rookie reporter PoeTxi would ask the fledgling Primogen the question:
How do you feel about the ATG Hunting Grounds, which target bears, as being the most popular?
They are possessed, not our kind. Look at their eyes next time you are there. We have purge sessions to help contain them. We hope the community will continue to help with that mission, especially with that glowy one.
NexusAtlas wishes Bear Clan and Primogen Lapin the best of luck in this new chapter of the Den's journey.
Left: The renovated Buya Salon. Center: The Kugnae Salon is shown. Right: The Nagnang Salon remodel is displayed. (Screenshots courtesy of PoeTxi)
Kingdom salons get an 'up-do'
As her debut job reporting for NexusAtlas, PoeTxi is excited to announce to the kingdoms that the three salons experienced surprise renovations last week:
Citizens across the kingdoms, looking for a change, were delighted to find a fresh new look for more than just their hair! Kugnae, Buya, and Nagnang's Salons were quietly renovated last week. Check them out - and get a haircut while you're there!
 The deity SeaNymph guides Queen Lasahn through the process of sanctifying a Buyan waterway during a ritual to cure a shamanic affliction cast upon her by WillowN.
SeaNymph blesses public waterway in Buya
As promised during her previous visit on Tuesday, March 26, the deity SeaNymph returned to Buya, where the Druids assisted in preparations to purify the kingdom's waters. The objective was two-fold, with intent to rinse away a curse bestowed upon Queen Lasahn after the monarch had attempted to intervene in a shamanic ritual performed by WillowN, as well as to create a method from which the community could dip in their water jugs and water skins to fill them.
The stairs to descend into the waterway to fill your vessels is found at (41,91).
After the sacred waters relieved Queen Lasahn of her ailments, the public was welcomed to enjoy the cool, refreshing waters.
 The community bands together in the annual tradition of showing off their bounty of Novice Swords Sevenleaf Swords at West Gate Kugnae on April Fools. Pictured below: CronxJr stares into space while modeling his own faux Sevenleaf Sword. (Screenshots courtesy of PoeTxi)
Everyone's rich on April Fool's
Rookie (but loveable) reporter PoeTxi was on the scene on April Fools day to report the annual tomfoolery:
April Fool's Day once again brought joy and excitement to the Kingdoms. After the morning storms, players were shocked that the lowly and familiar Novice Sword had once again taken on the appearance of the rare and illustrious Sevenleaf Sword!
Pranksters gathered around the west gate of Kugnae to pose with a mix of the enchanted Novice Swords and the bonafide article, creating a wave of blue throughout the area. No one knew who was ultra-wealthy or just a humble novice!
Many thanks to Family who took the time to provide Sevenleafs - or were they Novice Swords? - for many of those who didn't have their own. See you next year!
 Druid Elder Supply leads her path representatives, King ChaeRi, Princess Sutsang, and the community in a rite to dispel negativity and strife in the kingdoms. The ritual was designed to encourage the growth of a sacred, tri-color tree that would represent the unity of the three nations. Buya had received a similar tree the week prior, also planted by the elder and her compatriots. Pictured below, the bloomed tri-color tree enjoys its new home, surrounded by frolicking wildlife near the altar close to the southern gate of Nagnang.
Nagnang waters refeshed, 'unity' blooms, roof no longer leaks
A brisk walk through Nagnang at present will lead a familiar yet refreshed scene to behold. The Nagnang waterways, dotted with lilies and assorted flora, offer a serene sensation after a ritual was held on April 4 to purge the stagnation of strife and tension from the land. In this ritual, seeds of the same genus tree planted in Buya the week before were blessed and planted close to the southern gate of Nagnang, and an altar installed to commemorate the location.
Overnight, the seeds would bloom into a tri-colored tree, signaling the kingdom's dedication to a unified and peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. The kingdom's royalty sought to mirror Buya's sentiments in response to the influx of chaos and negativity that had befallen the three nations and Wilderness.
Like Buya, Nagnang also received purified waterways, per the instructions of SeaNymph, though without her intervention this time. Citizens can quench their thirst by descending the stairs next to Kwak at (48,54) in Nagnang, and the location can be used to fill Water Jugs and Water Skins.
While the gods were busy with renovations and repairs in Nagnang, the Nagnang Palace roof received some well-needed love. Previously, the entire upper level of the roof was missing, creating an awkward sight for visitors of the nation.
 Reporters Chongde and PoeTxi enjoy the scenery of the river in Nagnang after the stairs were added to allow people to fill their water vessels.
Much appreciated NexusAtlas is happy to welcome their three new reporters! Also, kudos goes to PoeTxi for assistance in reporting and gathering screenshots.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting