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Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Bonne fires: Beltane Festival announced
 Supply and the reporter stand under the Tree of Reflections for the announcement of the incoming Beltane Festival.
Beltane, also known as the Gaelic May Day, or Cétshamhain is a festival marking the beginning of the summer season. It is considered one of the four most pertinent festivals of Gaelic tradition, alongside Imbolc, Samhain, and Lughnasadh. Bonfires are the hallmark of Beltane, as the smoke and flames were considered parts of protection rites for crops, cattle, and the celebrants. These sacred fires would also share their flames with area households to maximize the benefits, and cattle would be lead around the pyres for blessings.
A feast would also be prepared from the flames of the sacred bonfire, with libations and food being offered to spirits with want to ward off harmful influences.
In the Kingdoms, the Druids are planning their own version of the traditional festival with a weekend of events and camaraderie to mark the first days of Summer, starting on Saturday, May 6. Druid Elder Supply offered the following statement in welcome to the community:
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Beltane festival! This celebration marks the start of summer and honors the fertility and abundance of the season.
Join us for an enchanting weekend filled with rituals, games, prizes. We will be lighting the sacred fires to deepen our connection with the natural world. This is our time to come together as a community and celebrate the changing seasons. We welcome everyone!
The festival will take place on May 6th and 7th, starting at 4:00 pm EST in our very own Sacred Grove, located in the Wilderness. Follow the apples from north gate Kugnae to get to us.
We can't wait to celebrate Beltane with you and share in the magic of this special time of year!
Blessed be! The Druids
Tentative Schedule (All times EST)
Saturday, May 6, 2023 4:00 PM - Opening Ritual with guests 5:00 PM - Weapon Dance (Do) 6:00 PM - Battle on the Bridge (Merchant) 7:00 PM - Last Man Alive (Barbarian) 8:00 PM - Druid Bingo (Druid) 9:00 PM - Square to Square (Geomancer) Sunday, May 7, 2023 4:00 pm - Shaman & Druid Tales (Tales Around the Fire & Master of the Lore) 5:00 pm - Archery Tournament (Ranger) 6:00 pm - S7 (Spies) 7:00 pm - Grave Robbers (Shaman) 8:00 pm - Beltane Bonfire (Barbarian) 9:00 pm - Closing Ritual
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Hats off: Ecnor returns as Enigma Primogen
 The reporter and Ecnor chat following the announcement of his return as Enigma Clan's Primogen, while the previous Primogen, Loxie, rests to the right. "Always," Ecnor confidently replied to the statement made in reference to his last NexusAtlas interview.
The mysterious organization located to the south end of Kugnae "whispered" an announcement this evening. Enigma Clan of Koguryo is welcoming back Ecnor to the position of Primogen. He is celebrating his fourth turn holding the staff.
"I am looking forward to leading Enigma to great things, and more interaction with other clans," he offered, as a formal statement.
We at NexusAtlas wish Ecnor and Enigma Clan the best of luck and prosperity!
To learn more about Ecnor, his previous interview can be found in the Nexus Atlas archives for August 15, 2022.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Rabbits return to ravage the realm: Easter celebrations begin
 The reporter sharply questions the Easter Bunny Tokki outside the front entrance to the Koguryo Palace, as they appear to be omnipresent, with the ability to simulatneously manifest outside Buya Palace, as well.
Lucky decided to scamper away for this year, and just in time, too. The annual swarm of large, relentlessly multiplying, and bizarre-looking lapines was ushered in this morning, alongside the litter of colorful eggs in the grasses of the three kingdoms and Mythic Nexus.
Cracking open these curiosities leads to the off-chance of treasures locked inside the fragile shells, or having one's hands coated in egg yolk. (We at NexusAtlas would like to caution you in the handling of raw egg.)
In addition, braving the crimson stare of the strange breed of rabbits has the potential to yield a Mysterious Egg. These can be collected and turned in to Tokki, found at the entrance of Koguryo Palace and Buya Palace for some appreciation and recognition.
For more information about these Easter-themed festivities, please see the report from April 17, 2022.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Tamo announced as Royal Minister of Koguryo
 From left: Nykid, Aamin, Prince Mobon, Tamo, the reporter, Dycean, and AndriA cheer at the Koguryo Army Quarters.
Earlier this evening, after the tell-tale hailing of Azure Koguryo to mark the conclusion of their monthly tribunal, the winds erupted a second time with congratulations. Tamo was introduced to the community as the newest Royal Minister, stepping in for KoiMermaiden. The reporter met with Tamo in the Koguryo Army Headquarters, where he and a group of supporters awaited the interview to discuss the event of his promotion.
Royal Minister Tamo, that has a great ring to it. Congratulations on your appointment. You've been a mainstay in Koguryo for quite some time, but I think this is the first time you've performed a role like this one. How are you feeling at the moment? To be honest, I'm a bit sad about it. It makes Koi leaving us feel much more real.
It is always sad to bid farewell to close associates and friends. But, there's potential for growth in this new chapter for your organization. What sort of future do you envision for the Royal Ministry of Koguryo? I am lucky to have the internal framework that Koi has already built up, along with several reliable members. I will be trying to keep those standards, going forward, and continue to assist clans with hosting events and being a positive presence in Koguryo.
What sort of activities do you see the RMK having interest in, or what events would you hope to see? I like having variety. That is another thing Koi has left for us - a considerable amount of different event templates. There are events lots of people enjoy, but most don't like to only go to the same one or two. I'm also hopeful that relations between the three kingdoms can improve. The last time I was around, the alliance between all of us was alive and well. And now, things are sadly neutral, at best.
The Kingdoms would definitely benefit from peaceful communication and collaboration, as well as an array of events to choose from, given all the varying tastes of the community. For this position, what sort of leadership style do you consider yourself adopting? Tamo: I just plan to meet the same requirements as anyone else here. I'm just the one with the keys to the door... And the staff, I guess. If anyone has a question, concern, or idea for the Ministry, we have an open door policy, and have for a while. Dycean: If I know Tamo, he will uphold the tenets of honor, loyalty, and magnanimity that our great nation is built upon. Prince Mobon: As far as I have known him, he has been even-headed and wise. I am sure those traits will translate over as Royal Minister.
What sort of individuals would you want to apply for the RMK? What qualities would you be seeking in their applications? What I look for in applicants is stability and reliability. It's nice if you're creative or fun, but I'm a firm believer that it doesn't matter if you're the best - it matters more that you show up. I am hopeful that we get a variety of members from all of our kingdom's clans, and those who are here to help, rather than just have another title to claim. Service to others is a privilege, and an honor.
Definitely. On that note, is there anything you'd like to say in regards to your new position, either to your organization, or to the Kingdoms as a whole? There will be a farewell party for Koi this Friday evening. I would like anyone who wishes to give her the send-off she deserves to be there. The Ministry wouldn't be what it is today without her.
You amassed quite the group of people supporting you, here. Do any of you have something to add? Dycean: Like Tamo said, we will all miss Koi greatly. To honor her, we will surely look to strengthen our bonds internally within our great nation, and we will extend a hand even further in an outreach to all of our allies across the kingdoms as a whole. People from every nation should feel welcome when they visit Koguryo. Prince Mobon: As stated during tribunal, Tamo has earned the approval of the Gods and Royal family both, and we are confidant he will serve this role to a wonderful capacity. We know he will continue the trend of serving our grand kingdom that KoiMermaiden started.
We wish Tamo and the Koguryo Royal Ministry the best of luck and a good tenure during this transitional period!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Family man: Raymon named new Heavens Primogen
 Raymon smiles as he shows off the Primogen Room of Heavens Clan.
Though the news broke on April 1, it was thankfully not a joke when the announcement hit the air. Raymon has been elected by his clan to be their newest Primogen. The busy Do Master was kind enough to take the time to answer some questions via mail regarding his new position in the clan.
Good morning, Master! Congratulations on your new position! I believe this is the first time you've held one of these staves. How do you feel? First of all, I want to say thank you for trusting me, and entrusting me with such a big responsibility. I plan on performing with attentiveness and care, even more than I have before. Also, I'd like to help those who need it, if it's something I can do.
Going into this new era for Heavens Clan, what sort of changes do you hope to see in the clan? Are there any events we can expect in the near future? Rather than bring about big changes, I think I want to find a way to develop things little by little while maintaining the present status.
We would like to recruit both the current and new members of the council to hold more events. I can't give you a definite answer about hosting an event that you're looking forward to, but I want to tell you that there are various paths open.
What initially brought you to Heavens Clan? Looking back, I think the reason I came to Heavens Clan was because many of my close Korean friends were in Heavens Clan at the time.
What makes Heavens Clan different than any other clan of the Kingdom? My personal opinion is as follows: The other clans consider bonding important, but the Heavens Clan thinks that bond has to go a little deeper than that. In our family bond, we have a respect for tradition, dedication, and trust. And, the Heavens Clan does its best to help struggling people and doesn't turn a blind eye to anyone.
What kind of person do you believe would be a good fit to join your clan? I think the my answer to this question is those who can respect family bonds, or those who have a heart to help community members will fit.
Are there any messages you'd like to tell your clan as its new Primogen, or to the Kingdoms as a whole? What I want to say to the Heavens family is that I want to listen to your various opinions as much as I can and talk with you. I can bring our discussions of these opinions with the Council, and work for a bright future for the Heavens Clan.
The message I want to convey to the whole of the kingdom is as follows: If you have any difficulties or concerns, I hope you don't choose to suffer alone. You are welcome to share your concerns with Heavens Clan. We will try to help you. If you're interested in the Heavens Clan, please find me or a Council member.
Good luck to you, Raymon, and to Heavens Clan! We appreciate your generosity and presence in the Kingdoms.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
A reboot for the Kingdoms?
 Prince MuHyul unleashes righteous indignation in a screencap from footage released by Nexon Korea.
It was announced today that our beloved Kingdoms will see a high-resolution reboot in a 3D, turn-based, action RPG available on most mobile devices.
The story will feature a young Prince MuHyul and his relationship with a pink-haired Princess Yeon (Yun) in ancient fantasy Korea.
Players can look forward to unleashing a world of hurt on enemy combattants in this hack-and-slash adventure. Relive the Blood Wars as it was meant to be experienced, or become emperor of the Three Kingdoms as fate dictates. Gateway and Soothe? Try unleashing the fury of Chung Ryong to wipe out the enemy camp in a blaze of glory. With multiple endings teased, everyone is bound to be satisfied. Shown at left in a screenshot from Nexon Korea, Prince MuHyul and Princess Yeon reunite and share a tender moment.
Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds is scheduled to be released Spring 2024, and available for a one-time purchase of $59.99 via Google Play or the Apple Store.
Much appreciated Thank you, Vini, for the news tip and locating the exciting teaser video. We also thank our visitors to Nexus Atlas for putting up with these April Fools shenanigans. Vini put the reporter up to it.
Now for the real news
 Visitors marvel at Novice Swords being turned into Sevenleaf Swords after the morning storms, at west gate Kugnae.
It's that time of year again, for pranks and funnies, and denizens of the Kingdoms woke up today to find their ordinary Novice Swords high in demand. The common weapon has been temporarily reskinned to resemble the coveted Sevenleaf Sword! Now's your chance to feel what it's like to hold a piece of Kingdoms history. (Thank you, blocker, for pointing out the prank and bringing the reporter a Novice Sword.)
Congrats! Word broke out across the winds last night that Raymon has been elected the new Primogen of Heavens Clan. We have reached out to him about an interview!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting