Past News
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Article: Search for Sturdy Ebony stump
by: Vini
-- 11:50 PM EST
It has been 30 days since Guji began building a new entrance and so far, we haven't seen much progress in his plan to expand the rabbit hole from where Min-hi escaped into a large entrance for adults to enter. I can't help but think we might be overlooking some details and there might still be a missing piece or some missing pieces in the work Guji claims to be doing. Here is a recap of what we know so far.
 From Min-hi: The boy claims to be from the Mining clan and that his family is in danger. He says the Mining clan discovered a gnome village within the mines, which had lots of gold. They saw a small green imp stealing from the gnomes, probably describing Lucky.

Min-hi's father went after the imp towards a dark tunnel captured the imp, but it ended waiting up monsters from their sleep. The monsters attacked everyone in the Mining clan and Min's father died.
 From Guji: Guji lets us know that the regular entrance to the Lost Mines has collapsed. The old entrance used to be close to Woodlands Lobsters cave and now Guji is trying to dig a new entrance in the rocks of the woodlands mining field.
He tells people that he needs to collect some rock pieces and some strong wood to sustain the wall. While he only accepts one type of rock, he seems to be interested in two types of wood. "A Sturdy Ebony stump" or a "bunch of Ginko wood pieces".
 It seems most if not all who assisted him helped by collecting Ginko wood. However, he claims it's not the best type of wood for the purpose of building a new entrance. Could perhaps finding "Sturdy Ebony stumps" be the missing piece to get the new entrance to the Lost Mines done?
Check your deposited items on your banks. Perhaps it's a drop from an old event. In the past, there were items like "Heartwood", "Taun wood" and "Ern wood".

We couldn't find any mention to "ebony" related items in the past news, but there could be unreported item drops from events like "Helped restore Tree of Reflections" when people ventured to the Forest of Punishment and fought off those Cackling and Gasping "Namu" tree-like monsters.

It could also be an unreported drop from those "Hexed Dwarf Shrubs" that were found at the EumRim Forest last year when the community was helping with the preparations for the Centennial Feast. If neither of those, then it's worth exploring the many different locations in the forest east of the Islets.
Ebony is a dense black hardwood so it would make sense if it dropped from "Furious Beol " or could be obtained in the EumRim forest east of Buya or the Dark Forest north of Nagnang. It could be a dead end, but it's worth investigating. Share your findings on the Community board.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 8~
New Nagnang Palace Maps
by: Ferro
-- 6:23 PM EST
Earlier this week the Nagnang Palace received some new maps. The hall leading to ChaeRi's chambers was updated and a new map for Sutsang's chambers was added. Here are some snippets of what they look like now:

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
New Pet Bunny!!!
CoverGirl released a couple more items recently ~ See below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 4/21 SUBJECT: New Pet Bunny
Happy Easter~!
Easter eggs and Easter bunnies are everywhere. Have you ever wanted to have your own Easter bunny? Now you can get your own Pet Bunny! You can name your Pet bunny then you can play with them, you can command to just stay next to you or attack your friends harmlessly to show how friendly they are. They will follow you everywhere you go or simply you can let them stay home until you summon them again. You can choose your favorite color or your Kingdom color.
Enjoy your new Pet Bunny!

They're absolutely adorable ~ Get yours today!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 103, 7th Moon, 11th Sun
HaussonArmy tribe rejected for Clan Probation
by: Vini
-- 1:45 AM EST
A couple hours ago ended a long session of the bi-weekly Koguryo Clan Tribunal presided by King M'hul with the six clans of the kingdom. Such session was an out of the ordinary one since they were deciding whether to allow HaussonArmy tribe to begin a 6 months probation period in attempt to become an official clan. The session in place continued with the presence of Koguryo Royal Army members as well as Koguryo Royal Ministry, but at the end of the session, as usual, only the Primogens of clans can vote. After listening to their leader for hours, the Primogens voted to reject the probation plea to become a clan.
Becoming an official clan isn't an easy task. It's not the first time a tribe was rejected for probation process and many others that applied were rejected after the probation period such as: Boreal tribe, Lothlorien tribe, Choson Tribe, Storm Tribe, Chaos Tribe, Ja Meh Im, Chupi Land and famous ones like Holy Dragon Order and Legends of the Winds.
On the other hand, there have been cases of clans which listened to the advice of other Primogens upon their rejection vote and transformed their unofficial clans into something that later became official. Such was the case of Destiny and SanSin clans. Destiny clan first attempted to become official as "Omisan clan" and failed, but then returned for a second attempt as "Destiny Clan" and it has been here since 2004. A similar situation happened to SanSin clan which at first tried to become "Celestials Clan" and was rejected, but then returned for a second attempt with a better and more unique structure and its new name. Perhaps learning about these two cases may serve as incentive to those hard working people who put their time and devotion towards this over the past month. What shall be the case HaussonArmy depends on whether they'll listen to Primogens advice or keep barking up the same tree.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 7~
Tutor applications and a new Head Tutor
by: Vini
-- 9:35 PM EST
A rare opportunity has been published on the community board as the Tutor department has opened applications for new tutors, looking for interested and knowledge people of all the four hero paths. This is a unique opportunity for experienced people to contribute with their expertise and pass their knowledge on to others. Many of the charts and lists you find here on Nexus Atlas were created in partnership with Tutors Department and over the years they've proven to be of vital importance to our community.

The tutors serve as a beacon of knowledge for new and old members of the Nexus community. If someone is having trouble finding the most effective way to pay for gear, a tutor can help. If someone has just returned and doesn't know what an orb is and how they've changed hunting, a tutor can help with that too. The goal of the tutors is to be helpful and reliable for the others in their path. Sometimes that's holding classes on needed basics like tips on hunting mythic bosses, other times it's hosting hunts for young ones, sometimes it's teaching them about the subpaths and their quests, other times, it's just saying hello to the peasants sitting alone hunting squirrels.
If you feel this would be a rewarding experience for you, or that you're already doing this, then you should apply to become a tutor. A copy of the Tutors' application form has been published by Reon on the community board and they are open only until May 7th, so go ahead and fill it now.
Tutors Application Now Open
Prophet Reon is the new Head Tutor of Nexus, appointed a few weeks ago after Head Tutor Yappy decided to step down from his position after 74 Hyuls ((9 years)) of service leading the Tutors department. Reon is a very well-known figure to our community and has occupied other major positions before as General of Buya Army and Elder of the Diviner Order. He now makes history in Nexus as the 4th Head Tutor since the position was created in 2005 with Nussan. Yappy makes history as one of the people who held a leadership position for the longest time along with other legends like CloverLeaf (Primogen), Foxfire (Elder) and Teragg (Head Judge).

Nexus Atlas wishes good fortune to Head Tutor Reon on his new position and gives a special thanks to Yappy his many years of service to nexus community as a Head Tutor, Druid Guide, and many other contributions.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 7~
Eggs! Eggs! Every where!

Regular Easter Event is back! Many different color eggs spawn on the floor all over the kingdom. Opening them will give you a small surprise sometimes. Things such as pirate coins, regular coins, and some random items were reported. ** WARNING ** When opening some eggs, it can give you stats! Be careful if you are maxed a certain carnage or cave.
Sometimes when cracked open, you may receive something special other than the candy eggs. (Thanks to Lancin)
Rare: Zibong blade, Book of Song
Uncommon: Pirate coin's, Gold, Stats
Common: Creme-filled egg Honey-filled egg Fruit-filled egg White chocolate egg
Special eggs that come from the color eggs include: Creme-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Desperate attack (50 Rogue attack). Honey-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Whirlwind (99 Warrior attack- WARNING: It brings you down to 10 vitality). Fruit-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Harden body (85 Poet temporary invincibility spell- WARNING: It can fail just like regular Harden body). White chocolate egg: Casts an invoke which does not give you aethers.
Event Walkthrough - Tokki is back!
Tokki needs help collecting Mysterious Eggs!

1. Talk to Tokki outside of Buya Palace (76,54)
2. Tokki will ask you for help three times! There are mysterious rabbits all over the kingdoms that drop the eggs. - Collect 1 Mysterious Egg  - Collect 20 Mysterious Egg  - Collect 50 Mysterious Egg  Note* You can only hold 50 Mysterious Egg at one time
3. Once you have helped him three times you will receive a legend mark and depending on your path a new spell for a limited time.

Warrior/Rogue/Mage will receive "Easter Revival" (Self-ressurection spell, 3,000 aethers)
Poets will receive Easter Orb of Sul Slash (60 second, similar to mage's orb)
Credit to Uzeal, siulet, and Nobrows
Server Reset - Easter Arrives with Tokki
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 4/21 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Apr. 21st, 2019
- Easter is here.
- We planned to release the second part of the event with this update, but we weren't able to do so. Our apologies.
- But self rez for non-poets, and Easter Orb of Sul Slash for poets are back, til the next update. We are trying to make this period as short as possible.
- Happy Easter!
New Primogen & New Elder
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
In the past week, there have been two major shifts in leadership in the lands of Nagnang, introducing then a new Primogen and a new Elder.
The first one happened in the K'urimja clan where Primogen IceDFire stepped down from his position without much announcements to the community or clan members. As his successor, IceDFire chose to appoint Hinoyuki, a Do Guide who has been in K'umrija clan since Hyul 85, but who has ascended to council a few months ago.
The second one happened in the Shaman subpath where Elder Guerrund announced he would be stepping down and stepping away for a while, but we can always expect Guerrund to return someday. After 8 Hyuls leading the path, Guerrund appointed Bayde as his successor. Bayde has been a Guide of the path since Guerrund ascended and has been a Shaman since Hyul 92.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Hinoyuki and Elder Bayde in their new positions and hopes that their service may be long and prosperous. Also, a special thanks to IceDFire and Guerrund for all what they did for their kindred, walkers and the community overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 4~
We want you - Staff recruiting
by: Ferro
-- 8:58 PM EST
Attention to the web developers and/or web designers out there! I'm leading a new and exciting project to do a major overhaul in the Nexus Atlas backend and I'm looking for hardworking and passionate people to help shape the near future of our website.
 | With the new Nexus Atlas, we'll have a new codebase to help make faster updates and connect multiple sections altogether. We'll also have a cleaner design suited for the modern browsers while keeping the traditional style that we all recognize from Nexus Atlas. This whole project will take Nexus Atlas into its next era and will allow the database editors to quickly fix the outdated information as well as provide new and more detailed content.
If you have coding skills and web development/design knowledge and would like to help make Nexus Atlas better and faster, please contact me in-game or by email so I can hear from you and share more details on how you can join our staff and provide help. |
The Subpaths Fair Begins
by: Vini
-- 1:32 PM EST

The Subpaths Fair 2019 is open! Embrace a rare opportunity to interact learn about any of the subpaths, meet with their members, play fun games and win amazing prizes.
This two-day fair will harbor events of the 12 subpaths and we're hoping to see you there.
Dates & Times: Saturday April 6 from 3 pm EST to 8 pm EST and Sunday April 7 from 3 pm EST to 10 pm EST
How to enter: Kugnae Entrance via Fair man at Dae Shore Buya Entrance via Fair lady at Islets Nagnang Entrance via Fair person at Woodlands Entrance

Schedule of Events:
Saturday April 6
3:00 pm EST - Diviner: Divine Debates (Booth: 021,080; 022,080) - Warp to Tao Te Ching: 002,085 4:00 pm EST - Do: Do Fencing (Booth: 093,034; 094,034) - Warp to Do Training Area: 112,033 5:00 pm EST - TBD 6:00 pm EST - Chongun: Campaign Trail - (Booth: 057,034; 058,034) - Warp to Immortal's Gateway: 074,024 7:00 pm EST - Barbarian: Wilderness Hunt - (Booth: 021,034; 022,034) - Warp to Barbarian Cave: 037,027 8:00 pm EST - Shaman: Event TBD (Booth: 092,080; 093,080) - Warp to Palingenesis: 106,088
Sunday April 7
3:00 pm EST - Geomancer: Square 2 Square (Booth: 057,080; 058,080) - Warp to Hallow Pass: 046,089 4:00 pm EST - Merchant: Devil's Dance (Booth: 093,057; 094,057) - Warp to Merchant Study: 101,065 5:00 pm EST - An Event TBD (Booth: 021,057; 022,057) - Warp to Stealth Grotto: 003,062 6:00 pm EST - Monk: Jan Ken Pon (Booth: 057,103; 058,103) - Warp to Wisdom's Ascent: 058,113 7:00 pm EST - Druid: Event TBD (Booth: 022,103; 023,103) - Warp to Sacred Grove: 009,112 8:00 pm EST - Muse: The Ten (Booth: 092,103; 093,103) - Warp to Sanctum of Song: 098,111 9:00 pm EST - TBD 10:00 pm EST - Ranger: Archery Tournament(Booth: 057,057; 058,057) - Warp to Rustic Sanctuary: 041,064
We hope to see you all there enjoying these moments with your favorite an non-favorite subpaths. A special thanks to Elder Baik of the Rangers who led the organization of this wonderful fair.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 103, Moon 2~
Event Walkthrough - Ee san Coupon Mastery
Stuck on Ee san culture trial? Not to worry! Get this coupon to speed on right ahead. Ee san coupon will allow you to complete the culture trial with just being expert instead of master.
Bring these items to the Malgalod NPC to receive a coupon - Crafted White Amber x 20 - Wood scraps x 20 - Wool x 25 - Ore [med] x 25 - Malgal Insignia x 50
After you receive your coupon, you can take it to the forever tree and complete your trial.
Event Walkthrough - Getting Ready for Lost Mines
Recently the mage subpaths have been experiencing some strange paranormal phenomena in the kingdoms (check out Chronicles of the Winds). A young boy was found in the woodlands and is seeking help for his whole family.

1. Head to Woodlands (Nagnang 3,114) and talk to Min-hi (the boy)

2. Ask him "What happened?"

3. Click the Guji (the man) nearby and say "Help"

4. He will ask you to collect 10 Rock Pieces (He will take more if you have more than 10). These can be mined around the area using a Mining pick. Make sure to bring a lot, because they will be breaking.

5. After the rock pieces, bring 30 Ginko wood and say "Ginko wood."

6. Say "Assistance" to Min-hi and he will reward you with a new legend mark and substantial amount of karma.

New Legend mark:

Server Reset - What's in the Rabbit Hole? Lost Mines?
A new post on the Whispering Winds board indicates the beginning of a new event. It seems a boy came out of a rabbit hole in the Woodlands mining field.
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 04/01 SUBJECT: Out from the rabbit hole
The mages subpaths have recently experienced some strange paranormal phenomena in the kingdoms, each with their expertise of perception. The epicenter of such occurrences seems to be in the depths of a rabbit hole.
For days a whole family has been trapped, but now a child has escaped and is in need of help. Can you help the boy?

The Dream Weavers board included information for other additions.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 04/01 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Apr. 1st, 2019
- EE Crafting Mastery Coupon available (limited time)
- An introduction part of an event
Also, as an appreciation for the spellcasters, KRU seems to be testing out some new hunting Orbs at the Incubator called Orb of Blizzard and Orb of Terror. They are similar to Fragile Orb of Paralyze Ripple and Fragile Orb of Scourge Ripple, but instead of casting the spells to adjacent monsters, these ones have different effects. The Mages get a 10 seconds mass paralyze called "Freeze Blizzard" and Poets get a 20 seconds mass scourge called "Terrorize".

The NPC says the orbs will last 7 days so get yours now! Just go to the Incubator, grab a Daily coin and say: "Blizzard" for mages who want the Orb of Blizzard "Terror" for Poets who want the Orb of Terror

April 2nd Edit: Most of the most is true, but the new Orbs were the Nexus Atlas' April's fools prank for this year. Hope you had fun with it!