Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
CoverGirl posts on Item Shop Announcements board
by: Vini
-- 11:12 PM EST
It seems that the new ItemShop manager CoverGirl has made a post today at Item Shop Announcements board. It seems after years of disuse they're finally going to use that board again to announce new releases. A duplicate of the post is available the Dream Weaver's board. Here's a copy of it: |
Hello Kingdom !!
It is my honor to serve you and the Kingdom as a shop manager. I enjoy my job very much, working with wonderful people here and I love trying on all these pretty dresses :)) You know what I am wearing right now? Wedding gown!! lol Who can wear a wedding gown at work?? I CAN!! I am very lucky ~~ Why am I trying this beautiful wedding gown...hmmm.. Maybe I will put this gown on the item shop? Yes, I will.
Spring is in the air~~ Did you find your love? I know there are always young ladies who are planning (or hoping) to be a beautiful bride soon!! Hey guys, for those ladies, you need a haircut and to dress up too to make the day perfect for your love.
I am wearing this shiny white wedding gown but my office is very messy right now :( with all the clothes that I tried on, wigs and bats...sigh... I can even hear the tigers roaring at the corner of my office. I am getting ready to display new items next week. We usually update once a month but I will try to update more often.
Oh.. and you were to busy hunting? Didn't have a chance to stop by the item shop? Check it out ASAP. Some of those cool items will be gone and you don't want to miss them.
If you have any concerns and suggestions, please nmail me. (Thank you for those who sent me nmails and I am sorry I can't reply to all of them. BUT I am reading them all!)
Hope you enjoy this beautiful Spring in the Kingdom~
** CoverGirl |
Special thanks to Candy for submitting the images she took from CoverGirl wearing it!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 8~
New Patch causes trouble for some
Mir has Updated Nexus again with a new patch!
- Snore sound on/off added - All stat. real time update in status tab - Bug fix for notification of item condition/durability upon death - Bug fix for exp. loss notification upon death - Minor updates for Sun Moon Clan and Oceana Clan
Warning! A lot of users are reporting this message with the patch

Unfortunately you'll have to re-download NexusTK.
NexusTK Download Link
Before you uninstall Please Copy your Map, User and Screenshot folder to your desktop or another location so it won't be deleted.
After re-installing NexusTK Put the folders back into your NexusTK directory.
If you're running windows 8 or 10 Please install it to My documents.
Also if you're running Windows 8 or 10 don't forget to change the compatibility settings.

these settings Fix the mouse lag bug and administrator bug.
Meeting mir
by: Loxie
-- 10:36 PM EST
Yesterday really late at night, while adventuring with the Koguryo Ministry, General Amatus came upon a sleeping mir at the Kugnae palace's throne room on top of the treasury. When the ministry joined Amatus to greet the sleeping GM, Paranoid noticed mir's group was 'ON' and thought it would be a good idea to try to group him. Incredibly enough, mir remained grouped and was kind enough to speak with us regarding their plans for the future of TK. While vague, he seemed very hopeful. Someone get them a keiku!

During the course of the conversation mir did not reveal anything that they'll be working on, but he has expressed that Dream Weavers are especially concerned about path balance. Two other ideas that stood out amount many questions being done to him were: A way to make spell casting targeting to work by clicking in the names of people in group to take loads of stress from casters. Mir "agreed", but without saying if this is a change they'll pursue. Updates to game interface like quest log and adding mini-map of the room person is at. Mir confirmed that she is planning on that one "Yeah, I'm planning about map system. I think one of the important part".
Upon hearing about mir being grouped and lively talking to people others also joined the group to get their first chance to speak with the new GM. He remained awake talking to people until about 2 A.M PST, few hours later he was already awake doing yesterday's morning reset. An important part of the conversation was when mir confirmed that he will be working just for Nexus TK.
A Morning reset with evening notes
by: Vini
-- 9:25 PM EST
Earlier morning today the servers of Nexus have been reset to implement some fixes, but just now GM Mir has released the upgrade notes to the Kingdoms of Winds. In the list of updates there's also the long waited fix for the Users lists, which have been broken since move of servers. Here is a copy his post on Dream Weaver board:
- User List, Clan/Subpath Update Bug: This was caused by the server move, which is actually still going on, and will be completed before coming Sunday. User List should be working now, and the Clan/Subpath update will be working when the move is complete. We apologize for this.
- Sage wait time announcement bug (for the people who had less than 45 days of wait time when the change was implement): The fix was already planted and will be implemented with the next server reset.
- Incineration spells bug: Fix is planted and will be implemented with the next server reset.
Thank you. |
The Nexus: TK Server Information which we have here in Nexus Atlas is also working properly again, if you check it now you'll see the server reset happened 15 hours ago.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 6~
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
A new Nexus Judge
by: Vini
-- 11:46 PM EST
Moments ago Head Judge Teragg has announced through the winds that Spiri has concluded his judge training after 2 months of of preparation, observation, studying and coaching.

Congratulations Judge Spiri, may your service to community be a path of fairness and hope.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 6~
Nexus Atlas is Recruiting!
by: Vini
-- 10:05 AM EST

Do you have interest in helping the Nexus community beyond the realm of the Kingdoms of the Winds? Do you have knowledge and skills that could bring useful new content to majority of our readers? Then here is your opportunity to help as part of NA team; Nexus TK's #1 source for information. We are currently recruiting helping hands for the following projects:
Programmer specialist A system to monitor Bank Chars daily changes. A system to calculate real dates vs nexus dates. A system to monitor daily users list changes.
Kruna specialist manage the list of all wearable items sold at Kruna shop. manage the list of all usable items sold at shop. manage the list of all mounts. collect and disclose the information on packages. Post on news whenever a new item is released.
Competition games specialist Update Carnage games with new prizes and a full guide to modes Create page about House & Game server games Update the monthly carnage schedule
Database Specialist Update the database of weapons, armors and especially of items, which are not listed. Create a new section for Nexus NPCs, listing locations and their basic features. Special details will be listed if a NPC has ever been used as a part of an event Quest.
If you have interest in helping out with any of these projects, please contact me through vini@nexusatlas.com and if possible provide a description of your experiences and qualifications which would assist on the project of your choice.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 6~
Screenshot feature update
by: Vini
-- 2:00 AM EST
Reanalla and ZenRu found an useful change that was added with yesterday's reset and new client, which went unnoticed by Dream Weavers' reset report. Now every time you take a screenshot there will be a message showing at your chat window showing that a screenshot was taken and giving the new directions of where such screenshot will be stored.

It's either "MyDocuments" or "Documents" folder and the rest is the same for everyone. Now, it seems that you would not lose all your screenshots stored on that folder if you uninstall nexus for any reason, like in example your auto-patching did not conclude well. The ones stored on old folder will still need to be copied before any uninstall.
Did you forget how to take Nexus Screenshots and been using Print Screen? Here's a reminder how to do it:
Taking .BMP screenshot (full resolution, 1.5mb size)
Press Ctrl+Shift+3 OR Shift + Scroll lock | Taking a .JPG screenshot (low resolution, 200-250kb size)
Press Ctrl+Shift+4 OR Scroll lock |
Another useful change involving screenshots which did not come on this client patch, but the last one is related to screenshot file names. Now they're named after real life date. So the screenshot I took above, if you check the name of it it shows I took it on 2016.04.18 (april 18th) at 22:53:22 (TK_20160418225322.bmp).
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 6~
Client Patch to Nexus V7.16
by: Vini
-- 10:05 PM EST
Less than a month after the release of Nexus client version 7.15, today a new patch with 0.84 Mb was introduced to release the V7.16. Here is a copy of the list of all changes that came with this patch and reset as posted by GM Mir on Dream Weaver board:
- Fix for macros not being saved for some people (Actual files will be saved in your documents folder)
- Pressing 's' will cycle through your character status pages
- Minor fixes for the Royal Ministry
- Removal of squirrels in Buya. Ugh.. sorry. Wony is making me eat those squirrels..
- Improvements in delays and map loading in certain OS and system |
On another note, some people have been wondering about GM Stein since he hasn't posted since 3 weeks. There's no official information about if he is or isn't with Nexus anymore, so far just rumors and gossip running. There's a good chance Stein is still around and just got new helping hands to work with him.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 5~
NA images updated - Merchant Price List added
Some of the images on NA left menu have been updates. A new new button with Merchant price list has been added to Affiliates tab so you can consult the most updated price list whenever you are willing to purchase or sell an item that you don't know how much it's worth.

If you can't find the new button on that tab it may please refresh your browser cached images to see these changes. Here is how to do it on the main browsers used by our readers:
Internet Explorer / Edge -click on safety -click Delete browsing history -un-tick all options except for temporary internet files -click Delete.
Firefox -Firefox/Tools -Options -Advanced -Network -Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
Google chrome -Click on the three dashes in the top right corner. -Click on settings in the menu. -Click on History in the menu on the left. -Click on Clear browsing data -Select Empty the cache from the list. -Click on Clear browsing data on the bottom. Your browser cache is now empty.
Safari -Click on the ALT -key, when the menubar on top of the screen isn't visible. -Click on Edit in the menubar. -Click on Empty Cache in the menu. -Click on Empty in the pop-up box.
A deceitful protest at Buya
by: Vini
-- 7:14 AM EST
Yesterday evening a group of 5 people started a protest in front of Buya Palace. The commotion they claimed to be fighting for was for equal rights between genders. In a kingdom where the head of state is a woman, they began shouting that Buya had an anti-woman government and were trying to implement new legislation about the type of work women could do.

While trying to make sense to that misplaced protest, Minister of Buya Sageri went outside the palace to talk to try to reason with the militants. She tried to explain that never in history of Buya women were treated with less respect, opportunity and dignity then men.
While the agitation continued, a robbery was happening at Shining Jewel Foundation. A masked men, dressing as a woman fled the palace carrying a a sword named ** Golden Destiny **. Immediately when Minister Sageri noticed it she shouted that SJF had been stolen, but people who tried to help could not find the burglar anywhere in Buya territory. Some witnesses claim they saw a masked person rushing through southern gate to the wilderness.
Shortly after the robbery happened all the agitators quit their protest and left. Seems it was all a distraction after all.

Minister Sageri made a public post on Chronicles of the Winds requesting help of people to retrieve the stolen sword.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 6~
Kugnae Market Royal visit and new Price list
by: Vini
-- 7:31 PM EST
Yesterday night during "Merchant Midnight Madness" at a crowded Kugnae Market, the sellers, buyers and visitants were surprised with the presence of King M'hul. While escorted by soldiers of KRA, the kogurian royal greeted the citizens and neighbour visitors and browsed the goods. M'hul was looking to purchase toys for his twin sons, Prince MingJung and Prince Mobon. His Majesty bought two wind toys from a saleswoman called WiKi.

During the merchant event, Elder Acera also took the time to announce that the Merchant Price List has been updated. Click here to view the price list
LinuxKiddy is working on adding a new button button directly to the price list at Library 2nd tab.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 5~
Ultimate Running Matches
by: Vini
-- 11:10 PM EST
Now with the easy access to know when the next Ultimate Gauntlet is, citizens have been going more often to the room to consult with the Gauntlet keeper and when it's close to start often someone world shouts.

During today at least 3-4 gauntlet games were played, last one was one by Cherry.
If you never played the Ultimate Gauntlet before or don't remember how to play it: click here.
Remember two things: it requires minimum of 8 people to begin and every time you enter is free!
Are ready to run for the win?
Next Gauntlet starts 9pm PST / Midnight EST (in 50 minutes). At least 10 people are waiting in the room already.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 5~
Morning server reset done by new GM
by: Vini
-- 10:50 AM EST
A server reset happened sometime early this morning and the report on updates was done today by a new GM called Mir. The reset brought some small changes which may bring a lot of positive impact as they are things players have been asking for many years.
- The Ultimate Gauntlet has a new NPC that will announce the time of the next event.
- Wisdom Share waiting time has been reduced to 45 days.
- The April Fool's day event has come to an end. |
That's right. The waiting period between each shared wisdom level is now 1 Hyul (45 days), not 2 Hyuls (90 days) anymore, therefore now takes 6 months from shared wisdom (level 1) to Sage's Wisdom (level 5). Such change has a great impact for Sam san quest as having the 5th level of sage is the requirement to pass third trial of wisdom.

The timer on the Ultimate Gauntlet game will also allow people to program themselves better to go play that automatic game, instead of having to sit there and wait for hours or minutes to randomly see the in-room announcement that Gauntlet is starting in 30 or 10 minutes.

The only not "change" that wasn't that good of this reset is the fact that April's fools day event peanut creatures and peanuts items are still around. The only removed things were the fun coats & head accessories and the wooden sword graphic is back to normal. Buya is anxious to get rid of the squirrel corporals who attack people randomly. Easter Eggs are still around to collect, Quests are around as well! don't forget to do the quests.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 5~
Meet CoverGirl
by: Vini
-- 11:35 PM EST
This evening some people had the pleasure to get to meet the new manager of the Kruna Item Shop: CoverGirl.
 Her legend is blank
She revealed that she was just sneaking out of the office before her boss said she could, so she asked people who were at east gate of Kugnae, "so .. shhhh" said the mysterious in hopes that no one would broadcast her presence through the winds and avoid having the "boss" knowing she was out in the community.
 Nexus' Kruna Shop new manager
CoverGirl seemed very delighted with various different models of coats and clothing she saw. "I love to see all the old robes, dresses... I worked so hard in the storage today. Lots and lots of stuff there"
Kasner asked if she had any new outfits to show us. She said it will take some time to sort out everything, but it seems like Kruna Item Shop has been updated already with some new options.

At some point, CoverGirl expressed a desire to do fashion shows, so ZenRu showed her the Imperial Runway in Buya near Warrior Guild. The new Shop Manager seemed excited by the "Model's Runway" that has models displaying kruna outfits. She said she'd make a note of it so people might see new things displayed in there again.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 4~
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Wony Hires new Programers and more!
Wony has responded to the dreamweaver board again this time with good news! Seems like we're getting TWO programmers this time! Here's what he had to say.
Dear Nexus community. Please let me introduce new programmers of Kru, Wiz and Kit. Wiz and Kit have strong extensive knowledge and background in MMO server and client programming. And yes, they are strong in mobile platform, too. ;) They already have been working hard under the hood for some time. Wiz was one of the original creators of Nexus and Baram. I am very excited about this reunion.
We also have two new GM's in training, and the community will see them at work soon. One of them will be assigned to the item shop management, which will gradually take a bigger role in Nexus.
We want to take this opportunity to convey our determination to revamp and revitalize Nexus, one of the longest run MMO games, if not the longest. The world of MMORPG has circled around in a big motion, and after almost two decades, many of us are wholeheartedly feeling and seeing the beauty and the potential of Nexus. And the new modern technologies and environment are enabling small companies like us to do things that were not possible just a few years ago. We are seeing this as a new big opportunity.
Thank you for all the suggestions that you have given us for the last few days. Many of the suggestions are incredibly well structured and valuable. We take them very seriously. Please do understand that, for these suggestions really work, there has to be a significant amount of groundwork performed beforehand. It's a tedious and consuming process, and all of us here at Kru are working, studying, and re-learning Nexus. We won't be able to deliver the final outcome overnight, but like many things in life, the work itself would be as rewarding as the outcome itself, and I am sure all of us will enjoy every step of that process in Nexus.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for staying with us all this time. We intend to see you for many more moons and suns to come.
PS. Yes, this is real Wony. It has never been sold, loaned, rented, exchange for monetary value, or hacked. |
Now if only Wony listens to the community about a new map editor that's badly needed.
New Covenant Primogen
by: Loxie
-- 12:51 AM EST
There has been a shift of power in the Covenant clan. After being over a month without a leader, the clan has elected Anrak has accepted the position of Primogen. Here are some words regarding the change.
Greetings Community,
It is with great sadness I report Covenant Clan had been put in Lockdown status following the absence of our great Primogen, Bidam. In order to appreciate what we have today, we must give thanks to all the Primogens we have had before, including Bidam.
Bidam led with fairness and honesty. It was clear he never just "gave" someone Council, instead he watched to see you earn it. He was great at delegating tasks to the appropriate Council member and trusting them enough to handle the job. He was great at communication, if you ever needed to send him a note he would reply in a day or less. He always brought a positive attitude to everything he did. I would like to first take the time to thank Bidam for his service and say that he always has a place in the Covenant Clan.
Sadly, the lockdown process has forced our Clan to need to vote on a list of volunteers. I want to next thank everyone who has put their trust in me. I also want to thank the Covenant Clan, as a whole, for holding together as a family through this whole process. Everyone has been very professional and it was nice to see that this vote did not tear us apart.
In closing, I would like to pledge my ongoing support of Covenant Clan as Primogen. I have talked to many people inside the Clan over the last week to get a more clear idea what Covenant Clan Members want. Moving forward I plan to continue listening to these voices. If I am anything more than a half way decent Primogen, it will take the help of each and every Clan member.
Thank you for your time, and support on this matter,
Primogen of Covenant, Anrak |
Sire Pit is Active Again
Sire Pit is active again with community members engaged in friendly combat, with the occasional trash-talking. Ah yes, it looks like Nexus's Sire Pit scene is alive and booming again.

"Let's build Nexus TOGETHER"
by: Vini
-- 11:40 PM EST
Two days after asking for community's feedback, Head GM Wony has already posted his first impressions on what people has been doing it. It will of course take longer than that for him to read and deep analyze the major groups of suggestions and ponder them along with GM Stein. According to him the two main reasons to love Nexus are:
People feel this is more than just a game, but part of their lives. The unique aspect of the game which has players helping create the majority of the Nexus' world and history. That's right. Nexus TK invented world-building concept long before someone came up with a ugly game-engine of breaking and placing blocks to "craft mines".
On the "what you hate/dislike about Nexus", according to Wony the two most trending topics (which not necessary mean they are the most important ones) were Tangun and weak high level mages, but the proposed solutions have all been different, so to try to drive people closer to a majority's consensus (which will be quite hard to) he suggested people to open a discussion on these two topics at Dreams board and people have already began posting their opinions there.
Here is copy of his post on Dream Weaver's board:
Thank you so much for the overwhelming responses to my request. I am sinking in them. As I am reading the game issues, I realize how strongly you love and care about Nexus, I am almost having an emotional trip here. :) For many of us, Nexus isn't just a game, but it rather has been a part of life.
I/We will share more after we analyze what you told us, and even though I haven't counted, 'the community' seems to be the number one reason why you love Nexus. I am sure you could have guessed that. I think the next one would be the unique aspect of the player driven world and history. (Of course, this can be a double edged sword. Many expressed their concern about this part as well. We can talk about this later on)
And two of the most dominant problems brought up are the Tangun area, and the weak high level mages (followed rogues, too).
But the problem is that what the players suggest to solve these problems are all different, from slightly to vastly.
So... I'd like to suggest the following. Let's openly discuss, identify the problems, and come up with a consensus on how to fix these problems, and KRU will implement them!
Usually this is a very risky approach to operate MMO games, but I do believe that Nexus is different in a sense that our players truly care about Nexus, and are mature enough to pave a great path that no single company can do. Of course, there are limits on what can be done and what not, but these two could be a good starting point.
Let's use the 'Dreams' board for this for now. We can prepare more permanent and suitable boards if needed. Examples of suggested format of the posts are:
TANGUN MAGE Problems MAGE Suggestions TANGUN Re: Wony
This way, readers can know what the post is about and whom it is addressed or replied to.
Let's stay on topic and to the point, and please include a brief info. of your character so the other players may know where you are coming from. And let's not lose a sense of humor in any case.
As we know, open discussions can be chaotic, and some problems are bound to rise, but we will learn and improve as we move along. GM's will moderate if needed. Let's not forget this is new to all of us. Let's stay constructive, cooperative and positive.
Let's build Nexus TOGETHER!
wony |
The invitation is done; Wony is asking everyone to now, more than ever, help build Nexus together. So start reading the Dreams board and after considering if anyone else has already posted your ideas, either post your reply agreeing, disagreeing (explaining why) and proposing additional things of your own.
This whole collaborative attitude that KRU Inc. seems to be taken is something never seen before, at least not in this level. Some people seem to be very skeptical about this bringing real results while others are very excited with the confirmation that their opinions are at least being heard. Let's be both. Get excited even if you're skeptical, within time we'll start seeing results coming out of this initiative (or not) and start to believe more in having better Kingdoms of the Winds.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 3~
Wony's office!
by: Vini
-- 8:40 PM EST
KRU Interactive staff was kind enough to send Nexus Atlas an exclusive picture for our readers and Nexus fans to see how Wony's office looks like. This will be the headquarters of all upcoming improvements that Nexus gets this year!
 As it can be noticed, the screenshots were taken by Wony himself! Thank you Wony!
This initiative taken by the head of the company shows that, to the contrary of some people's beliefs, Nexus is not going down, and it will get better. It is the first step to a series of improvements our beloved realm will get in upcoming months.
The community will continue trying to help and doing their part to assist in the growth of interest people. Initiatives like the "Tangun help week" were one of the many things that we can do. Sending your feedback to Wony, like mentioned on previous news is another one.
#SaveNexusTK is upon us!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 2~
Head GM Wony wants your feedback!
by: Vini
-- 11:40 PM EST
Just a while ago a surprising feedback request was posted on Dream Weaver's board by Wony, the Head GM of Nexus ((owner of KRU inc.)). His post is very direct: Wony wants/needs to hear positive and negative feedback from Nexus community.
He is asking all interested players to send an nmail to Wony about how we feel about Nexus and suggested the following format:
A. 3 things you love about Nexus (You might say "what love?", but I need it before you slap me)
B. 3 things you hate about Nexus (Yes, you can slap me hard, but I need some constructive input, too)
C. 3 desperately needed changes/fixes/improvements for Nexus (No, we are not putting Nexus on your Apple Watch, yet)
I may not be able to reply all the mail, but I will surely read every mail.
We want to make things better. And I know we don't say this often enough, but we thank you for being in Nexus with us all this time. Thank you.
wony |
Setting expectations: Due to the amount of nmails Wony will receive (hopefully many), the possibility of him responding to your letter individually is very unlikely. Do not get frustrated if he doesn't respond, he promised to read ALL of the nmails, so he will (might take a while). Wony will probably need to prioritize. He won't be able to fix all things everyone submits as "hates" or urgent matters. Also realize that some of the things you dislike, might be stuff that are needed to keep nexus running. I.e. Someone says they think all laws should be removed, or all archons, elders, primogens positions should be disbanded; this kind of things can/should surely get improvement, but they are vital to keep nexus alive. This is a game mostly made by its own players after all.
What is most important from Wony's post is to see that winds of changes and chances are blowing towards Nexus. Although 2016 started very slow, for the past couple months KRU inc. started moving forward again with the game, bringing back small quest events, bringing back subpath and clan requests and introducing new roleplaying elements.
Wony at Koguryo Palace Treasury room
Nexus is very much alive and growing! Thank you for taking your time to listen to us, Wony!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 2~
Royal Pranks on April 1st
by: Vini
-- 2:14 PM EST
Those who open the Chronicles of the Winds board today might find two recently hightlighted posts very confusing, one posted by King ChaeRi of Nagnang and other by Queen Lasahn of Buya. Since COTW shows Nexus dates it may be more difficult to understand that these two posts were also posted on April's Fools day. That's right, Royals are making pranks too. Check out the copy of their funny and very different prank statements:
All this time I have hidden these thoughts and feelings I perceived as forbidden and wrong. I believe it is time I right things and cleared the air. Ever since my first trip in Kugnae I was in love. I am sorry to admit that I used Loxie in order to get closer to the apple of my eye, Mhul.
Free me, King! Hear my words and know they are as real as our destiny to be together. When I lay eyes upon your oblong ears and receeding hair line my heart sings of true love! Please do not take my words in jest, for I mean them seriously. Take me now you unibrowed love monkey!
King ChaeRi Last Son of House Sukaya | Community,
Due to an increasing number of nuts in the Empire of Buya, I, Queen and Empress Lasahn, formally declare the species known as Squirrel Corporal to be a protected species in Buya.
This species, which last time it invaded was wiped out before it could gain a foot hold, has thankfully once again migrated to our Empire. As most know, this species aggressively hunts down nuts, and devours them.
Due to an imbalance from the sheer number of nuts, not only in the clans, but also in our very own army and ministry, I encourage you to join me in protecting this regal and necessary species.
~Signed into law by Queen Lasahn, On the fourth moon, 1st Sun, In the first year of Squirrel Corporal Prominence (SCP) ~
~ Queen Lasahn ~ ~ Head of State of Buya ~ |
Such posts came as a surprise because normally Royals don't engage in April's fools jokes. The Nexus date vs. RL date confusion might tricked people further. The funniest part is that even posts from Rambling Thoughts, showing the date of 4/1 (April's Fools) like ElfGifts' post ended up fooling people up.
The day of pranking others is over, so let's get back to real business!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 1~
NA's 2016 April Fools' jokes aftermath
by: Vini
-- 1:56 PM EST
It is time for our annual April's fools aftermath report! Have you been fooled? Which news from yesterday were pranks and which news were real? Check the descriptions below:
Late night Friday's Server Reset -> 100% true As it was clear to most, an information about a server reset, posted late in the day would probably not be this year's prank by Nexus Atlas. Some people did seem worried if this news were true because of the lack of reset information officially posted by GMs.
Wony returns .... but gets jailed? -> 50% true Well technically the word "returns" already indicated something wrong in that news. Someone cannot return if technically they never left. To those who don't know who Wony is, he is the Head DreamWeaver, the top of the toppest, the main God of Nexus who existed since day 1. Since he roams between various realms, some in dark ages, others in a galaxy shattered, we do not see him much. His last public sighting was around 8 years ago.
Although some people thought it was someone impersonating Wony, it was not. The hello post was written by someone at KRU at least as they even approved the usage of Wony's post/name in this post we created to divert the April's fools focus from the real prank this year.
So clearing up. Wony's post on community board is real! The jailing itself was not true. Obviously because 1-line posting does not warrant jailing (unless to spam boards multiple times), according to the rules 1-line posting simply result in post deletion with no warning. Although first phrase of Spiri's fake statement is a true one, the second wasn't, because as mentioned, this would only be considered a minor violation. The whole set of archons vs. judges jailing was a prank too. Both groups continue working together to keep justice running the smoothest way possible. When noticing my name was amount the jailed ones Teragg called me a chicken for not putting myself on the stand, haha! And those of you still laughing at Chumlee's participation, stop doing that!
Runaway Nuts - The attack of the Squirrel Corporals -> 100% true This news is absolutely true, but was left out from main news from the day it got implemented so it could serve as another diversion of focus for the real prank this year.
Kugne West Shrine - quest walkthrough -> 5% true
The real prank of this year was this fake walkthrough. The only true part to it is that the shrine at Kugnae west does exists, as reported during previous days and the fact that it does sent you near Kugnae snake cave. The whole 1 to 6 steps plus the ghost screenshot of death due to traps was fake and the real prank!
We saw many people hunting at Kugnae snake cave for runned daggers, lot's of people going to Kugnae Fox cave for fox tail and even more people going to Tangun beginners area to hunt for the ultra-rare skinned gator meats, which as you figured out by now, do not exist.
Yesterday I was also there in the Tagun gator pen and we were able to meet some genuine new players and genuine returning players, so hopefully the whole activity around the beginners area did impress them to understand that Nexus is alive and growing. To those who found me at Gator's area, asked me if it was a prank, I did reveal the truth, and invited them to join the prank with sages and world shouts too, which helped spread it out!
I hope that people had fun hunting at old areas like Kugnae Snake cave and Fox cave, some told me they had a lot of nostalgia going back to those places and hopefully some people got inspired to go more often to Tangun beginner's area to meet new adventurers.
Some people who did not like being pranked with this quest so much are now forcing me to wear this outfit whole day as penitence.

Who is laughing now, huh?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 79, Moon 1~
Late night Friday's Server Reset
by: Vini
-- 10:06 PM EST
Moments ago the Nexus servers have been reset to reintroduce the usual April's fools coats and head accessories set. Since there was no DreamWeavers post or any announcement on the NexusTK official website this temporary update for April's fools event was implemented sort of unoticed. Here are the items you can obtain by walking around the main areas like Mythic nexus, Kugna, Nagnang, etc.

Unliked we were expecting the server reset did not fix the uptime report of each server status on the Nexus TK: Server Information we have here at Nexus Atlas. It's probably something KRU will need to fix on their end.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
Wony returns .... but gets jailed?
by: Vini
-- 1:40 PM EST
Yesterday evening community had a big surprise when they heard that Wony, the Head DreamWeaver of Nexus ((Owner of KRU)) had posted on community board. While some citizens were excited to hear/read from Wony for the first time in years, his post ended up causing a big judicial controversy. Here is a screenshot of the post:
 The post isn't showing on webversion of Nexus boards because they stopped being updated on 3/29/2016, 9:35:00 PM, probably due to server change
Upon hearing complaints from people that Wony's post which violated the 1-line rule, Nexus newest Judge Spiri, took to his hands to handle the situation and ended up jailing GM Wony for inappropriate posting. Judge Spiri's explanation was "A Justice system law enforcement is for everyone, despite of position, rank or immortal status. We cannot ignore a serious violation like this even if it is done by a GM".
The jailing of GM Wony started a big controversy between Immortals and Judges. Seems shortly after Judge Spiri was jailed by GM Stein. Head Judge Teragg then jailed GM Stein for abusive jailing of his judge. Archon Primogen Alilolelotte then jailed Head Judge Teragg, but shortly after she got jailed by Judge Lizette, who later got jailed by Horus. While judges and archons seem to be fighting to see who jails each other faster, Chumlee has been elected by acclamation as the new head of Nexus Justice...
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
Runaway Nuts - The attack of the Squirrel Corporals
by: Vini
-- 9:31 AM EST
It seems that the Runaway Peanuts, Walnuts and Hazelnuts are all back for April's Fools event and along with them the infamous Squirrel Corporal which attacks anyone who dares to sleep at buyan open fields. Their mission is to catch all nuts for themselves and they believe that all our nuts belong to them. Their motto is that "resistance is futile" and will attack anyone at sight, even if they are not carrying any nuts on the inventory. The strange part is that Squirrel corporals aren't chasing the runaway nuts anymore.
 By slaying any of creatures you can obtain Peanuts hat, Hazelnut hat Walnut hat or a variety of costumes too like panda, rabbit, etc.

Shackled Potter is back at south gate Buya, but since he is silent the Golden Bowl of Tranquility quest from April 2014 cannot be redone.

Beware of the Squirrel corporals!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
Kugne West Shrine - quest walthrough
by: Vini
-- 2:15 AM EST
The mystery of the west Kugnae shrine is partially solved. It's actually part of an on-going event quest. The fact that the shrine sents you to Kugnae snake cave was the indicator to the first step of the quest. Check below the first steps of the walkthrough:
1. Go to Kugnae snake cave and grab a Runed dagger from one of the warthogs. 
2. Now go to Kugnae Fox cave and slay a Nine-tailed fox to obtain a fox tail. 
3. Next collect 2 Salt block from dropping clothes at Dae shore. 
4. Finally go back to Tangun initial area and slay Gators to obtain 10 skinned gator meats. 
Be patient because the drop rate on this is very low, should be fixed by next reset.
5. With these items in inventory head to TaikPae's shop at Kinung and say "forge shrine key". He will ignore you if you don't have all items.
6. Once you obtain the shrine key you can now enter the shrine at west kugnae into a room called "The Sanctum", but beware! If you enter it now there is a risk you might die instantly hit by a trap.

We are currently stuck in this part trying to figure how to avoid the traps.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~