Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Silla Clan primogen change
Last sunday there was a leadership change at Silla Clan. Koohwen stepped down and gave the primogen staff to no other than Akiudo.
Congratulations Primogen Akiudo on your 4th term leading Silla clan of Nagnang.
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan
A Prince is Born in Buya!
At time "Hyul 71, 7th moon 20th Sun 11 AM," Buya experienced the birth of its Prince. A young little baby named Daeso Senshi was born!

Shaman Ellanor was the one who conducted the birthing. She even agreed to become the Royal Nanny!
 Cute little fellow, isn't he?
 And his first word just so happened to be "Buya!" Even from the start, he looks like he's going to be a future leader to lead Buya to glory!
-- -Bocanegra-
Updates from latest server reset
by: Vini
-- 9:45 PM EST
A server reset happened just now and brought few updates for: Ranger subpath Muse subpath Phoenix clan
The chocolate eggs that were spawning for Easter event are gone, but the Red squirrels and strange creatures for the event are still roaming around.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 7~
A special Revels' theme
by: Vini
-- 8:22 PM EST
Poetry Revels this week has a special theme: "Lady of Mystery". It's an homage of the Revels archons to the memory of Sarina, who since the early days supported the hosting of Revels and Story contests.
What is interesting about it is that since "Sarina" is now the name of the memorial NPC in Dae shore, the name can be mentioned at the verses of submitted poems.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 7~
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
KSG Premier
by: Hatiki
-- 11:29 PM EST
It appears a change in leadership has gone unnoticed with the KSG. Premier Aiaya has passed leadership to Offai.
Wishing you the best of luck!
-Hatiki Sudeki
World shouts Vs Sages!
I've seen this time and time again, many folks reply to a world shout with a sage Or a sage replied with a world shout! Today I'm going to Show you how to tell the difference between the two.
1st you'll need to Push your Talk button on the bottom left corner and select Color.
 2nd you need to change the Shout and System Colors!

 And now you'll be able to See the diffrece between the two! World Shout is your Shout color, System is your Sage color.
Weekly photo contest
This weeks winner for the photo contest is Molli thanks for everyone that Submitted a weekly photo! You may start submitting you photos to weeklypics@nexusatlas.com And you might be the next winner!
To see Molli's photo she Submitted, click the link below.
Weekly photos
Easter Kruna Package Info up!
by: Aeris
-- 3:57 AM EST
Want to know what's in those random Easter packages? Head on over to the Kruna section and have a look! Almost all of the items should be up there, but if you see something missing please send me an email !
~ April 17th update, new kru service.
* New Kru Service: We are now offering a new type of name change allowing you to change your character's name to a 3 letter name. As there's only a limited number of 3 letter names, the service costs two (2) 3300 Kruna coupons and comes with an extra 1000 Kruna that will be added to your account.
Updates for: - Heavens clan - SanSin clan - Kurimja clan - Ranger subpath - Do subpath - Spy subpath
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Rains of a sunny day
by: Vini
-- 9:29 PM EST
It was a sunny day in Nexus, but even without clouds there were 4 moments in which rain dropped and wet the soils. A small rainbow could be seen forming from southern parts of Kugnae touching the eastern parts of Dae shore. Seeking to find "gold" in each of the raibow some people rushed to each of the edges, but instead of coins, the shining gold was provided by the recently bloomed Sunflowers.

It's not known how sunflowers would grow so fast without help of Druids, some Diviners say that the rain without clouds represents an omen: it happens the day when mortals weep and even Gods cry.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 4~
Buya Defender Ceremony
by: Hatiki
-- 11:21 PM EST

Hyul 71, 4th Moon, 7th Sun, citizens gather in the Imperial Prominade inside the Buya Palace where Queen Lasahn, General Reon and Imperial Minister Biondeu present the Buya Defender Ceremony.
Former BIA General Tradita was named Head of the Shining Jewel Foundation for the work she did with former Head Warik and all the hard work she has done for the community.
Imperial Minister Biondeu honored the Elendhirin Clan and the tough sacrifice they made for their kindred and for Buya.
General Reon recognized the following soldiers of the Buya Imperial Army with Medals of Honor, Valor and Bravery, for their dedication, loyalty and protection of Buya and the Queen.
Tradita: Medal of Honor Teto: Medal of Valor Supreme: Medal of Bravery BavMorda: Medal of Bravery Living: Medal of Bravery Teto: Medal of Bravery Salo: Medal of Bravery Hommer: Medal of Bravery
The following members of the community were named Affiliate of the Sovereign:
Sage Thameus of Nagnang Prime-Minister Vales of Koguryo Colonel Teto of the BIA Elder Ranei of the Muse Guild Commander BavMorda of the BIA MythicKnight, Founder of SanSin Primarch Demil of Lost Kingdom Clan Primogeness Salise of SanSin Clan Former Primogeness Seasona of Elendhirin Clan Primarch Mogge of SanSin Primogeness Empirico of Heavens Clan Primogeness Meditrina of Lost Kingdom Clan
Queen Lasahn and Imperial Minister Biondeu then presided over the ceremony and blessed the following citizens of Buya.
Elendhirin Clan: Seasona Elendhirin & SanSin Clan: Mogge Dharma Clan: Samadhi and Venagun Heavens Clan: Asamushi and LordFrogz Lost Kingdom Clan: ShadowLust Phoenix Clan: Callaway and Marlo SanSin Clan: Reanalla and Salise Buya Imperial Army: BavMorda and Supreme Muse Guild: Ranei
On behalf of NexusAtlas, we'd like to congratulate all the defenders and affiliates.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 71, 4th Moon
Subpaths' Merchant Midnight Madness

Merchant Midnight madness usually happens every Saturday/Sunday at 12am EST. Yesterday, the market was packed as usually but something was different this time. Subpath bank characters were in the stalls Selling their goods collected in many hunts after so many years later. There were many good prices and a Few prizes from the Muses was given out as a trivia game, seemed like everyone was having a good time.
 Click the 2nd image for an Animation of the action (13MB)
This Merchant Midnight Madness wasn't only for Subpaths, only 5 stalls was reserved for them The rest was for others to sell their goods as well.
Merchant Elder Acera has informed that starting from this point forward that Subpath MMM's will be hosted once a month. Next date will be May 9th.
~ Hyul 71, 4th sun ~linuxkiddy
Termites terminated: boards are back after server reset
by: Vini
-- 8:54 PM EST
About an hour ago the Nexus servers were reset and after that the all boards were restored to normal state, no vital information was lost, but perhaps posts which have been put there between yesterday and today might have been lost.
With reset other minor changes were implemented to the following clans of Buya: Dharma clan SanSin clan Heavens clan
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 3~
Temporary aid to Community Events
by: Vini
-- 2:45 PM EST
While Community events board is still malfunctioning, Nexus Atlas will open an exception to help you promote events being hosted by your clan, subpath, ministry, etc. within the same day: this means – if your event is happening today, it will be posted today, if event is happening tomorrow, it will be posted tomorrow.
You may send it to vini@nexusatlas.com or nmail me.
Current Story Contest theme is: "What if", by Alizarin clan; entries to Iyagi. Current Poetry Revels theme is "My favorite hunting place"; entries to Poems.
Be aware that after Community events board gets fixed all of the C.E. posts will be removed from NA as they should.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 3~
Termites on the boards
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
Since earlier this evening a bug has been affecting many boards in nexus. The lack of information about what was going on got a few citizens a bit too worried and generated a series of sages and world shouts of the "apocaliptical" bug that was "deleting" all nexus history. The "fear" continued to echo through the winds until Archon Primarch Horus shouted informing that board posts will be back soon. After that the community seems to have calmed down and resumed with their normal activities.
Here is a list of the boards currently being affected by the bug: Law - Head Judge Teragg reminded everyone through sage that althought they are not currently visible they're still valid and must be followed throughly. Guide Dream Weaver Whispering Winds Item Shop Announcements Game Masters Book of Help Hunting Community events Dreams Story Contest - Current theme hosted by Alizarin clan is "What if", you can still send your submissions to story contest host Iyagi. Poetry - Current theme hosted is "My favorite hunting place", you can still send your submissions to Poetry Revels host Poems. Scum Immortal's Bounty Drifting Winds (History board) Justice - Head Judge Teragg informed that if case isn't urgent best is to wait for boards to start working again before posting a justice report. If the crime is happening at the moment you should contact a judge or if none aren't around, contact archons. Chronicles of the Winds
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 3~
Mihi responds about Taiisrhaa
by: Vini
-- 4:10 PM EST
The day after Forget-me-Not Ball I sent a letter to Mihi, widow of Mayor Cheyn of Kinung, asking her if she really knew Taiisrhaa as he claimed during the ball. This letter was submitted 1 day prior to the mysterious poisoning of King Geumwa. For a long while Mihi and Mayor Teikari remained didn't reply to the letters sent, but a couple days ago I received the first reply on the matter. Her answer was quite surprising:
Dear Vini, Yes I'm familiar with Taiisrhaa. He's been visiting Kinung recently, and when I was too unwell to go to the ball I bade him to represent me instead. Sincerely, Tae MiHi
> > > > > > Dear Mihi, > Last night a person by the name of Taiisrhaa came to Queen > Yun's ball claiming he was representing you in your absence. Do > you know this man? Could you confirm his words? > > Thanks for your time; > > ~Vini Normad'or~ > ~Chongun Ambassador~ > ~Knight of Koguryo Order~ |
Therefore, the original suspicion over Taiisrhaa's intentions at the Ball were not confirmed. Could it be that he has been telling the truth the whole time? Have we misjudged him for his appearances? I've sent a new letter to Mihi and Teikari in hopes to find more answers.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 2~
Weekly Photo contest =)
This weeks winner for the photo contest is Aeris thanks for everyone that Submitted a weekly photo! You may start submitting you photos to weeklypics@nexusatlas.com And you might be the next winner!
To see Aeris photo he Submitted, click the link below.
Weekly photos
The gods are finally listening.
According to Acera, Elder of the Merchant Guild of Koguryo, The gods have asked him to start thinking about an Oh-San name for the merchant path. They're asking for names from all paths at the end of April so We'll be seeing oh-san.. Faster than Elizabeth assumes of it being released in 1-20 years after hearing this as well. No doubt the gods are finally starting to listen, Next on the check list.. balancing clans.
And now for some Silly commentary.
Lancing quotes "Kru wouldn't be asking for names, if it wasn't already in the works. My suggestion for Oh san Chung-Ryong is Charizard"
Elizabeth quotes" When you acheive oh-san you'll be reset to level 1 and quit"
The Unsolvable Riddle!
Do you ever get tired of recycled events? Of course not we hate new content! Here is a walk through of the current event released involving the mythic rabbits.
This is also posted on Community 1924 by BagOfChips.
(enter mythic rabbit and talk to the master rabbit) (talk to the rabbit outside of mythic rabbit) (talk to the rooster boss in mythic rooster)
He will ask you to find answer to riddle.. You need to visit shamans.
1. Kugnae East Shaman 2. Kugnae West Shaman 3. Kugnae Rogue Guild 4. Buya East Shaman 5. Buya West Shaman 6. Buya Rogue Guild 7. Nagnang Rogue Guild 8. Nagnang Shaman (Northwest of south gate)
After this go to tangun and go to the tent with the shaman *south west of cauldrin*
After this talk to her and she will give you big cauldron. Use creation system with your 8 silver threads and big cauldron to summon a shaman. Talk to her and she will tell you the answer to the riddle. Its PIXEL.
Afterwords return to Mythic rooster and click Juicy Carrot Reward and type in pixel. He will thank you with a juicy carrot.
Now go to the rabbit outside of the Mythic Rabbit Cave and click Bunny's Paradise. He will thank you and give you a "Bunny Amber" and new legend mark.
Side note (not tested but assumed) if you click on the summoned shaman from somebody else it should still work and bypass the whole quest. But you do lose out on karma from each shaman.
Easter Egg Hunting
Our yearly Easter Eggs have started popping up around the world! Some of them cast morphs or even give you Pirate coins, however most of them simply have yolk inside them and will mess up your hand when you open them.

Others, though, contain these specialized eggs inside:

*Creme-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Desperate attack (50 Rogue attack). *Honey-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Whirlwind (99 Warrior attack- WARNING: It brings you down to 10 vitality). *Fruit-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Harden body (85 Poet temporary invincibility spell- WARNING: It can fail just like regular Harden body). *White chocolate egg: Casts an invoke which does not give you aethers.
Happy hunting!
P.S.: Thanks to Starmoo (seen in picture above) for letting me use the eggs he had collected for this Nexus Atlas report. ---
Lucky is still around

Lucky can still be found around the kingdoms, so if by any chance you didn't uncover a kettle of gold this year you still have a chance to do it today. Don't wait until later, Easter's event reset might be the "goodbye" for the little green fellow.
Perhaps even capture the lag monsters before the Kettle.
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan
Reset to fix Lag monster count bug
by: Vini
-- 8:20 PM EST
A server reset today fixed the "Scared away lag monster _ times". Here's a copy of GM Stein's post on Dream Weavers board:
I thought everyone knew that the point of scaring away the monsters was to see who could scare the most AND not leave the server. Ok, that's not true. Fixing the bug that prevented numbers from saving across servers.
Also improving the mechanism that gives out the legend marks which should fix most of the issues where people weren't receiving a mark for a scared monster. |
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 1~
Nexus Atlas's April Fools' jokes aftermath
by: Vini
-- 5:04 PM EST
Yesterday was a day with a lot of activity in Nexus, lots of news posts and in-between real news involving Primogen change, Taiisrhaa's visits, Lasahn's posts, server reset, event quest, there were two news that were purely April fools' joke:
A pleasant surprise to older citizens! - The whole news about Yinchuehshan was built for April Fools' day. Those with keen noticed the obvious: his head and armor were old 6.0 graphics, but from what we heard many people believed in the return. Our appologies, but it's most likely that Yinchuehshan will never return. Free Diadem on the floor - This was April fools' joke too, but not created by Nexus Atlas staff. This was done between Merchant guild and Oceana clan. They engraved an oceana helm with **April fools** and threw at the non-reachable spot. The similarity between the clan helm and diadem fooled many who crossed from a kingom to another. Also, for those who were around just before the server reset. The Koguryo Ministry also had an April Fools' joke of their own, but truth is: Vales is still the minister, no shift of power happened.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 71, Moon 1~
Lag Monster mayhem
The recent reset also brought a new quest to fight against the Lag beasts at the wilderness. To start the quest you must find Lady Laga at 80,09 near Wilderness Lobster's cave entrance.
 Lady Laga explains her Little lag monsters are out of control running around causing trouble! and are sprouting their own minions.
 After paying her 10,000 coins she'll Give you a captured troll you'll use To scare Lag monster.
 Find lag monster in Wilderness and use it. It will summon Con And He'll Scare Lag monster.
 If successful you'll Receive a legend mark and can keep capturing lag monster as many times as you want.
 Gm's already know The mark inst marking all the time, They're going to fix it. lag monster casts Bad Lag on you! (Sleep trap) He also casts Lagging Rage (you start to walk around aimlessly, like barbarian's brew and mass vertigo)
It is possible to capture two lag monsters at once

confirmed Dropped items so far
Lag spike from Lag monster
 Durability 4012015/4012015 Damage S 60m100 Damage L 60m100 Armor 100+ hit +3 dam +5 1,000 vita 1,000 mana Casts Naptime in PK (sleep Animation) level 50 to use.
  Lag Rage dropped by Lag minion and DeeCee (max 5 held)
 Casts Kwi-Sin Whirlwind Lag flute dropped by Lag minion and DeeCee (max 5 held)
 makes a player use the sleep Emotion, Casts Naptime.
The cause of all this was found at wildernes sheep field:

April fools reset =)
Just a while ago there was a reset to implement Nexus April's fools event. Here's what GM Stein posted on Dreamweaver's board: The fabled Lag monsters are popping up everywhere (much to dismay of the Nexus populace). However, the enchantment of April Fool's Day will allow everyone once and for all to pay "due respects" to this wild beast. Every Monster has its weakness, and for Lag Monster it's his ... Mother (?!)...

I was looking through my weapon chest today and noticed that one of my basic swords didn't look like it usually does..
 *Images added by Vini
There are also new coats and head accessories that come from an outside realm. They are randomly spawning around the kingdoms, but easiest place to collect your favorite ones is at mythic nexus or at your clan hall.

Free Diadem on the floor
by: Vini
-- 7:39 PM EST
It seems someone dropped a Diadem at Kugnae Gathering's door, if it was accidental or not it's not known, but people have been trying to find ways to grab the item from floor without exiting the room.

If the spells were turned on inside this room it would be easy for Rogues to Filch and take that, but since they can't, people have been breaking their heads trying to obtain this item that can be work more than 100 millions coins.
Have any ideas?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Lasahn's sorrow
by: Vini
-- 5:00 PM EST
Yesterday Queen Lasahn also fixed on Chronicles of the Winds a text she wrote in memory of her dead husband. It's no secret to anyone that Geumwa was far from the ideal spounse and
King... I know it shouldn't be so.. but this is what has become. If maybe we were more cautious but.. we weren't. We had both let our guards down that night.We had both ignored the soldiers advice at times.. Such a slip up..how it can change the future..for all of us.
No, you were not a nice man..not caring in the least it seemed..but Buya shall live on. Buya will be strong. As your Heir shall be born and no one shall take that away. My wish was for you to see the new life that will be born, and maybe that would've woken your cold heart. But it is so..
I was shocked when I found you, and I was still stunned at your funeral. I just couldn't seem to bring myself to accept this. You have met with a terrible fate. Just know King, that it was a beautiful service, there were some kind words told and support from the Kingdoms.
Buya will live strong.
~Queen Lasahn~ ~Head of State of Buya~ |
Despite the beautiful homage Lasahn paid to her husband, there are those who insist that the sorrow of the widow is not genuine. I received a strange whisper today which usually by the content of what said, I would usually ignore, but somehow through whisper I couldn't not indentify which path such person belongs to. Was it a bug or is something else mysteriously involved?

While then, Taiisrhaa paid a visit to last night's Koguryo clan tribunal and was questioned by the General, the Prime Minister and clan representatives. While dodgging most of the questions made to him, he left the tribunal room has after accusing Loxie of trying to poison him. According to Loxie she simply offered him soup, which she drank after the refusal. Taiisrhaa insinuated she was the one who poisoned Geumwa.

What interest people may have in defending Taiisrhaa and accusing the Queen of Buya? What interest does he have on accusing a minister of Koguryo?
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
A pleasant surprise to older citizens!
by: Vini
-- 1:34 AM EST
Yesterday the nexus community was surprised when couple hours ago they found out that Yinchuehshan has returned to the lands with his traditional "Good morning/afternoon/evening ^_^/" shout.

He was found by some people at East Gate Buya and as soon as people realized, a big ground started to gather around him.

For those young ones who don’t what Yinchuehshan represents, he was a Nexon Korea employee who, from time to time, came to US office to help with bug fixes and event creation. With him usually came almost daily Dream Weaver posts, hundreds of bug fixes, and always a great event. This is the first time Yinchuehshan is seen since Nexon US became Kru Interactive.

During this visit Yin did not tell what he would be helping with and avoided most questions about Oh san, Gogoon expansion and major upgrades. He did mention although that he would try to finally get rid of the infamous white horse bug that randomly affects people from time to time.

Yin left after dancing for a while and promised to return later to visit Tangun!
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Change in Oceana Primogen

Just a while ago, SaltyHorse has stepped down and handed the role of Primogen of Oceana to Drucilla (center of picture). Kentetsu (second from right) has been given the role of Primarch.

King M'hul was invited to their clan hall to witness the transition of power along with his soldiers. While the doors were open for visitors, it seems Taiisrhaa also paid a visit to the clan hall at Hausson, as he and his Shaman guide, Salise, were nearby at Dae shore. It's not known if Taiisrhaa had any hidden intentions to his visit to Oceana.

Congratulations to the two, and thanks to the former Primogen for her work!