Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Have you seen Malady?
Malady has been spotted today near Nagnang Palace during an ARN daily patrol through the kingdom and going towards Dark forest. For those who don't remember or don't know who Malady is, she is actually Blight's sister and was last seen when many years ago when she used a love potion to seduce King Yuri of Koguryo and make him fall in love with her. As posted on Inquiring Minds board, at Nagnang library, she was "banished for committing the highest form of treason against the kingdoms". Since then there has been no official report of seeing her at Nagnang until now.

Soldiers of Ascendant Regiment of Nagnang tried following her into the Dark forest, but the woods are dark and confusing, and her footprints started mixing with the fresh ones of the lost mercenaries. We had to leave and obtain Nagnang compasses before we continued our tracking of Malady's destination. After a short while navegating through the forest we found ourselves at the valley farm. When we arrived there, all tracks we could find were of the farm animals, but no men or women footprint. Malady must have taken a different route.

After concluding that we would not find her tonight, Earthling, Samman and I returned to Nagnang palace to try to find any clues of her motives to go there, if she did in fact go to the palace. Nothing suspect was found, but it was unsual to find Josang Hol lights partially out.

Keep an eye out for Malady. If anyone finds addition information about her please inform us.
-,-@ Donjuan
Last day to submit Tutor application
As posted on community board today is the last day to submit applications for Tutor open positions. Currently Head Tutor Yappy is accepting applications for the following positions: Rogue Tutor, Mage Tutor and Poet Tutor. To apply for one of these positions, you must be a member of the path that you are applying for, must have character's legend listed on users page and may not have any red justice marks.
Click here to access application form.
Applications will only be accepted until tonight, 11:59pm EST. Late applications will be deleted.
-,-@ Donjuan
Ill Tidings, a Spirit's Warning
by: Erii
-- 11:17 PM EST
Dark news greeted the doors of the Shaman tonight. A spirit by the name of Kyushin visited them in the dark of the night, wailing misfortunes and ill tidings for all who could see it. Quite unfortunate, these omens all seem to correspond to the auguries noted by the Diviners..
The Shaman Inrequietus posted a note to the palace boards to tell of what the spirit had said.
A wandering spirit visted the Shaman today.. here are his words. A prophecy? A warning? A harbringiner, nonetheless;
Spirits are welcoming one on threshhold.. One that is soon to cross over... His eyes can see the pale gleam of death... Yet he welcomes us...
It is not yet his time. Old body harbors strong spirit.
It is not yet his time. Spirit torn out from the body With an unfair hand poison flowing through his veins
a strange man but not a stranger
under the shade of night one of you can still save him prevent spirit from early departing
a wise man whos eyes still gleam with his death great disasters will befall on everybody
He is the sanctuary If he is no more, wars will begin
one of you can still save him do not waste time look within he must not perish without him there will be no peace
spirits gather
he will be welcomed as an equal but it will bring ruin to a nation
seek help from the spiritual world, there lay answers
One of you here is destined...
You know him.
I do not have much time, the thread connecting our worlds grows thin...
But, you must prevent this from happening..
Remember, if he joins us, your world will suffer. If he survives, peace prevails
Do not waste your time. He needs your watchful eye for he *staggers*
For he is the *the spirit evaporates into thin air*
Letters have been sent, and we have our suspiciouns.. Has anyone else seen or heard from Kyushin?
`, Shaman Inrequietus
What will become of this ? It seems we all can tell who the spirit might be talking about. Stayed tuned for more, readers !
New Oceana Primogen!
by: LilB
-- 7:21 PM EST
MesoCute has stepped down from her position as Oceana Primogen and given it to the old Primogen, DavidJM! David was an ex-Head Judge and current Judge of our lands, so his name should be familiar to most! He was also an Oceana Primogen before!
We thank MesoCute for her service as Oceana Primogen and wish David the best of luck!

The Light in Darkness Ball: Unveiled
by: Erii
-- 3:00 PM EST
Ohullo, readers ! Were you at the Ball last night ? No ? Well, we've got the scoop here for you on everything that happened in the Ball. Get ready for pictures, stories, and a night that was meant to delight !
We all settled in to take our places at the Ball. Many greeted the Princess as we walked in before taking seats all around the wall and on the dance floor. Soon the Emperor Aino Senshi arrived to greet his daughter. After greetings were exchanged, the Ball was finally off to a rolling start (puns!).

The Imperial Minister RebelMagic then addressed everyone and the lights were dimmed. She asked us all to hold our lanterns high, if we had them, while she recited some beautiful poetry. After she had finished the poetry, she asked Jolie to step out and greet us all ! Former Imperial Minister Jolie was determined not to one-up RebelMagic's performance but she had a few things to say to us: namely that the Shining Jewel Foundation would once again be in full swing. That's wonderful, Buya ! We know we're all excited to see what the Shining Jewel Foundation can do for the community.
Next up, the Musei put on a very special dance for us - the foxtrot! We were very excited to see what they did and by the end of it, poor Songa was ... foxhunted! It was a really great dance and everyone enjoyed it.

Imperial Minister RebelMagic then organized for a kingdom-specific kissing contest! Many lined up from Buya, Nagnang, Koguryo, and the Wilderness to represent their own lands and soon enough, lips were locked in passionate and friendly kisses. The kissing contest, however was cut short by the arrival of some important people!
Although a little late, King MuHyul finally showed up to the Ball with an escort of soldiers and was able to seat himself next to the beautiful Princess Lasahn. Late as well, Prince Regent ChaeRi soon followed behind. He was allowed to sit next to Emperor Aino Senshi but.. what's this!? Prince Regent ChaeRi brought a present for the lady Princess Lasahn! She was overjoyed and thanked the Prince Regent for his kindness, though she joked that she would now hope he was always late if this was the result.

Not only did Prince Regent ChaeRi and King MuHyul show up, but General HanXin also made quite the appearance. He greeted the Royals as they stood and was allowed a place near Emperor Aino Senshi. Princess Lasahn thanked him for his continued friendship toward her father and the Ball was once again under way!
After everyone had been settled into their places again, RebelMagic called for the kingdoms to once again be represented in the kissing contest! Kisses once again were given and by the end of it, Koguryo came out victorious! Dokara was given a reward for puckering his lips the longest and more events were done. However it turns out there was a tie! After much protest, Nagnang also was declared victorious. Congratulations, Bojak!
After a good bout of scrambles, courtesy of Scrambler, we were all allowed a quick trip to the dance floor. King MuHyul was given the honor of having the first dance with Princess Lasahn. After that, the drawing was given for another dance with the Princess and lCevol was given the opportunity! They danced wonderfully and then everyone was allowed a moment to dance.
After the dance, Diviner Uoiea was given the opportunity to perform a ritual of divinity with the Princess. Uoiea performed Kissomancy, stealing a deep kiss from the Princess.. however, unlike the kiss, the tidings were not of good news. He spoke again to confirm what the auguries had said. Afterwards, everyone present was given a mark to show that they had witnessed it. Everything seemed to be coming to an end but..

Suddenly, a strange man appeared in the throne room ! Going by the name of Fei, he seemed to be from Han. He was last sighted during Yuri's Ball. He remained quiet and still throughout the Ball, only speaking to KoohWen. But his presence here was interesting enough!
Finally, things wound down to an end as Imperial Minister RebelMagic recited her poem again and announced the Ball had come to a close! A fun night, with lots of people showed up to the event. Why could Fei have returned to the lands ? What do all these bad foretellings mean for Buya and the other kingdoms ?
We hope you had fun, readers !
`,* Erii N'rin + LilB (collaboration, woo!)
Buya Light in Darkness Ball - TONIGHT
by: Vini
-- 7:31 PM EST
 Today, at 9pm EST, Princess Lasahn and the Imperial Ministry of Buya will hold The Light in Darkness Ball at Buya Palace Throne Room.
The Ball will have the presence of Emperor Senshi and other special guests. Be sure to be there and don't miss this important day at Buya.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 8~
Mysterious Augury visions
by: Vini
-- 2:36 PM EST

It seems two Augury visions posted a few days ago on Chronicles of the Winds went a bit unnoticed. As it is known, when the Diviners have Augury visions it means they’ve perceived something that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the close future. One of the possibilities to try to read between the lines of such premonitions is to try to find common aspects of multiple auguries posts. Here’s a copy of the most recent ones as described by Visionary SMKuru and Oracle Aurorine:
Awoken from my slumber, I heard noisy sound that came to my pocket bag, it was my crystal ball made the noise with its quicken vibration.I wonder what happened, then I put my crystal on the pillow, I sat straight and observe. My both bare hands glared on the crystal ball, finally appeared some images that I saw.
:---: *First attempt, the crystal vibrates slowly*
A two headed purple color snake... :---: *Second attempt, the crystal shaken and he felt a heat*
The blue river rages the sea... :---: *Third attempt, the crystal shaken fast and became more hot*
A compass pointed to east, dark clouds everywhere, the storms booming strong... :---:
The crystal ball couldn't stop shaking and almost broke, I quickly used my water jug and pour up on the crystal ball, it was stopped and the images vanished*
I almost broke my precious crystal ball, with a great body sweat to stop it. As I saw, the earth may not be balanced well, would this be a sign of chaos? We will see...
SMKuru, Grey Mi-Rae of Visionary | I sat with my dear daughter Coralia in the Tai Chi this morning as she taught me another hand shake game she learned from her friends, when she asked to show me her Tarot cards. I was happy to oblige her interest in my work. "All right, have I shown you the... Amber Spread yet?" She nodded. "Then... how about the Tao Spread?" She shook her head, and I laid out the cards. But the results were far more serious than I could have anticipated. [_1_] The first card, a neutral, was the two of Cups. - - Two figures being married beneath a two-headed snake.
|2| |3| It was the card of the shaman. I thought nothing of it till I drew the second and third cards-- The King of Swords, and Death. Death marched slowly down a
|4| line of candles-- the ones before him lit, the ones behind him extinguished. And the King of Swords... I did not want to think of it. I drew the forth card -- |5| |6| the Ace of Swords, showing a sword driving through a crown, with vast bodies of water behind it. By then, [_7_] I knew this was no ordinary reading and I sent Coralia to get her father, Nobu, for me. When she left, I drew the fifth card-- it showed a vast, turbulent, overwhelming storm. It was Judgment. My hands shaking, I drew the sixth card. The Four of Wands reversed. Hope for prosperity that brought disaster to a land. Overcome, I drew the final card, praying for a solution. The Three of Swords. Three Swords, the suit of the East, each stab through a heart engulfed in clouds and rain in the middle of a dark storm.
By this time, Coralia had returned with Nobu, but I was too shaken to move. But one look at my face and at the cards, and Nobu knew what was wrong. "Just breathe," he told me. "Just breathe. Get ahold of yourself. You must tell Buya that its Royalty is in danger."
Aurorine Light Mi-Rae Diviner |
"Two headed snake", "dark clouds", "strong storms". What possible fortelling may these elements of their visions be point to?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 8~
Deceased Players and the Purge
by: Loxie
-- 2:38 AM EST
As previously mentioned there is an upcoming purge. Out of concern for various deceased players and the fates of their characters after the purge I'm collecting a list to petition for their exclusion from the purge. If you have suggestions for the list let me know. It's probably going to be more important that the names are people at risk of being remade and abused..
4/27/12 Here is the updated list! Anyone else? Names already being dealt with will be noted. The deadline is May 9th, by when I must have these names sent to our lovely, helpful Archon of Dreams (thank you so much, Aeons) and Kru. This gives them time to deal with the request.
Deadline: May 9th
Leodaris Sarina (Is being taken care of) khaos Lokira Conanbarb (Is being taken care of) PlagueS DexIntAgi Teje Xara fenderboy emit starlyte jujakman blooduster (Is being taken care of) Liatris BlueHorizon BlackFlash Devion Greta
Thank you to everyone helping with the compilation of this list.
Down Time on Tuesday 5/8/12
Just so you know, our ISP sent this note:
Over the next few weeks we will be performing server migrations within the datacenter where your server is held, and as it will be affected by this maintenance, we would like to notify you of the upcoming maintenance. During this maintenance the server will be powered off, physically moved to another part of the datacenter, and brought back online. There is nothing that needs to be done on your side for this maintenance. IPs will not change, name servers will be the same, etc.
Typically we schedule a 5 hour window to perform the maintenance (e.g., 12:00am to 5:00am); however, we do not anticipate more than 30 minutes of downtime for each affected server. Our technicians have performed this maintenance several times in our other data centers and have established a process to minimize the outage period during the moves.
Maintenance Window: Tuesday 5/8/2012 between 12:01am and 5:00am
AllyGator Still around sort of....
Server Reset - April 23rd, 2012
by: LilB
-- 8:19 PM EST
There was a server reset at 8:00 PM EST today!
The notes:
* Easter items have been removed
* Minor bug fixes
Nothing much, but bye bye eggs for another year!
The results of 2nd Annual Help Day
by: Vini
-- 5:41 PM EST
Yesterday, the Kingdom of Winds experienced a very helpful day, when immortals took their entire saturday to dedicate to helping mortals in various quests. The most requested assistance this year was again with Mythic alliances, but there were also those who were helped with Shield quest, Staff of the Elements quest and Woodlands hunting. Together, they've provided around 20 hours of assistance, almost full day non-stop.
The results? Thousands of tigram keys dropped, dozens of hundreds of Dragon livers, lucky coins, battle helms, and other mythic drops, hundreds of woodlands drops, various new alliances set and trilions of experience points obtained.

At the end of the day, archons gathered at south gate mythic and posed with us mortals for a picture for Nexus Atlas. Together archons and citizens took a moment to remember and thank Sarina for her years of devotion. After the picture, they decided to go to Sarina's memorial sight at Dae Shore and pray for her.
~Vini Normad`or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 6~
Archon Help Day going on NOW!
by: LilB
-- 1:49 PM EST
Note: BE SURE TO READ ABOUT THE PURGE DATE BELOW! (May 15th all chars unregged for a year will be purged, be sure to check the post Vini made or Dreamweaver on TK for more information)
Archon Help Day is going on TODAY! Log on Nexus to find help with lesser/greater/sublime alliances, Nagnang shield quest, and more!

There already is tons of people in Mythic getting assistance!
Use the /report or sage/whisper an Archon to get help on this very special day!
Be sure to post on Rambling Thoughts your thanks to the Archons for the second annual Help Day!
Purge day coming in a few weeks
by: Vini
-- 8:25 PM EST
After many years since last purge day, Nexus is finally will be clearing its servers from old accounts and long non-used names. If you haven't been registered within the last year and don't want to lose your characters’ names, or don't want to let some other player ruin your old character's reputation, now seems like a good time to reregister or at least within the next 25 days.
According to Vyn's post on Dream Weaver's board and Nexus official website, the purge will occur on May 15th. So citizens have until then to spread the word out and the gone friends they should come back for a while.
On May 15th, 2012, Kru will be doing a purge to remove any inactive characters in order to free up names. The purge will affect characters that are on unregistered accounts that have not been registered since May 15th, 2011 and characters that are not on any account. Accounts that have been registered at any time during the last year and characters created within one month of the purge date will not be affected. |

Seems like primogens and elders will have a "good time" cleaning their users lists from purged members after May 15th.
Remember: let your old friends be aware of this purge.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 6~
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Light in Darkness Ball
by: Erii
-- 10:17 AM EST
Ohullo, readers ! Are you as excited about the Light in Darkness Ball as I am ? What ?! You don't know what that is ? Well let me tell you.
The Light in Darkness Ball is a ball sponsored and hosted by The Shining Jewel of the East, Buya, and Her gracious Ministry. Want to know more ? Here, have a look at this snippet written by Imperial Minister RebelMagic !

You might be asking.. what ? The Emperor is attending the Ball ? Why yes, he will be ! Just today Imperial Minister RebelMagic pulled me aside to tell me the wonderful news.

She was incredibly excited when she informed me that word had been sent to Emperor Aino Senshi to tell him of the Ball and that he sent a reply back saying he would attend ! Emperor Aino Senshi has not been seen for many moons, she said, and it will be wonderful to see him again. Further proof showed when Princess Lasahn posted a note on the palace board of her father's return as well.

This will not be a Ball you want to miss, readers !
Reviving a Sage ?
by: Erii
-- 11:27 PM EST
It seems we've discovered what the Book of the Dead, The Seven Bodies, and the Scroll of Transcendence will be used for: to revive the recently-dead Sage of Nagnang, Lady Pitseleh. Lady Pitseleh died mysteriously a Hyul or two ago.
After much investigation into the books themselves, it was discovered that they had been obtained by Guerrund. Tonight, Guerrund and KoohWen gathered in the cemetary of Koguryo, stating that they would be reviving the Sage Pitseleh. Water was laid down and words were said, texts read from the books and the scroll.

Pitseleh's spirit then found itself a home in the small girl Coralia. She responded to questions but was said to be very disoriented and Guerrund took her away. RebelMagic and two Buyan Imperial soldiers followed them, insisting on seeing the girl-Pitseleh.

Words were thrown and debates raged, with Elarra saying that spirits could be deceiving. Could it really be Pitseleh? Guerrund assured them that it was and they were left to go. RebelMagic, however, still moderately unconvinced, insinuated that Mupa may have gotten Pitseleh's soul.
Could this mean that Mupa will return again soon? What will happen to the former Sage's soul? Stay tuned for more, readers!
When Immortals cry

Sunflowers bloomed at Dae shore today. Sarina's memorial was visited by many of her friends who went to pay homage after 1 entire year without her nexus guidance. As the immortals also lost their leader, Dalnum, they announced the "2nd Annual Help day" at Community board and Immortal's bounty.
Here's a copy of the post:
(( Alt + 5 ))
=============================================== "Help!" Day ===============================================
Second Annual Dalnum Help Day "The Archon Team is here to help you =)" -Quoted from Dalnum's profile
Date: Saturday, April 21st
In her memory, the archons are dedicating a day to assist with mortal affairs -- questing, hunting, and even bloodlusting.
We will assist you with: Greater and lesser alliances Nagnang shield quest run-throughs Forever tree run-throughs Hunting Minor quests and whatever else is deemed appropriate ...
Assistance will not be provided to those who demand help.
Please note that we will NOT: *Provide shortcut summons in long-winded quests (e.g. SoE, Shield Quest) *Participate in Sa san quests (Nngh'zan, council, houses) *Distribute quest items
This is a one-day-only event. Archons will not fulfill these requests prior and subsequent to this event.
On behalf of the entire team, we look forward to seeing you on "Help!" (( "Alt + 5" )) day! ;) |
-,-@ Donjuan
Friday 13th effects
by: Vini
-- 9:59 PM EST
Today, the night at Kinung was pitch-dark. Upon hearing the complaints of other citizens through sages, I took my lantern to the free business town determined to investigate. While strolling through the dark road, I heard something was nearby and had the sense that something was watching me. I pretended to drop something and looked behind quickly and then I realized I had actually walked into a well-planned ambush.

Mupa captors assaulted me and dropped my lantern on the ground. Without the lights to help, they attacked me from unexpected sides. I tried to escape but they had me cornered. I did not take my weapons to the island or my shield. I had to defend with bare hands. I had no other choice, in order to survive such onslaught I had to unleash the curse of the wolf that runs in my veins by using the moon shard.
Could Mupa be behind the darkness of Kinung?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 4~
New Merchant Elder
by: LilB
-- 11:04 PM EST
There is a new Merchant Elder! AphroditeXO has stepped down in her position and handed it to Aenia, a promising new Elder with lots of ideas!
A quote from Aenia:
"It is a great honor to serve as Elder of the Merchant path. It will be my goal, and honor, to serve my path, and the community as a whole. I thank AphroditeXO for showing her trust and support in my ascension. Thank you for your great work and unending efforts! Lastly, thank you NA for your continued reporting in the kingdoms."
We thank AphroditeXO for her service as Merchant Elder, and welcome Aenia!

Aenia shown in Dae Shore!
A New Premier ?
by: Erii
-- 10:12 PM EST
Ohello, readers ! Just tonight, there has been a change in the status of the Premier of the elusive Koguryo Spy Guild. Scud, a longstanding member of the community, has stepped down in favor of a hopefully well-known name, Payanes.

Thank you for your work, Scud, and congratulations to Payanes, we know you'll do just great !
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Have you seen the missing books ?
by: Erii
-- 3:14 PM EST
We sure have ! On a personal expedition to Mythic, I discovered Guerrund of the Imperial Buyan Ministry, newly appointed Court Mage (congratulations!), reading some pages from a very worn book. After a few mumblings, he said something about The Seven Bodies .. The Seven Bodies ?!

That's one of those missing books ! I met with him in personal to ask about the books he had been reading there. He said they were too old and he could not discern the covers, but that one book concerned with dealing with the dead and the other reminded him much of the chakra points of the body. Guerrund said that the spirits brought him the books and seemed to have no idea that they might be related to the ones stolen from Pond's Library.

After closer examination, I'm quite certain that these are the missing books ! Guerrund informed me he would be seeking the Monks for their assistance on the matter.
Now that the books have been found, how will they affect the kingdoms ? Stay tuned for more, readers !
Huge Kruna Update and New Items !
by: Erii
-- 6:46 PM EST
Ohallo, everyone ! Are you as excited about the new kruna as I am ? With eggs and bunnies roaming around the kingdoms, there's lots of new outfits and returning ones to help you look snazzy while hunting for coloured eggs !
First up, we've got the new packages ! You can find new items in the Easter Egg and all your returning favorites in the Easter Gift Box.
Next we have the most adorable new outfits and wigs to match ! Boys can dress themselves up in Koromo Robes and a Side Feathered wig to match; girls can don the Koromo Dresses and use a Hair Bun wig to look just as cute !
Also back in the Item Shop: Kites, Purses, Butterfly Hairs, Shisho Spikes, Recess Lids/Buckets, Wavy Tails, Ornate/Adorned Crowns, Ornate Ties, Bonnets, Rosy Crowns, Warrior Ties, Elven Ties/Gale Cuts, Imperial Wraps, White Bear, Spiked Cuts, Masked Kunoichi, Kanmuri, Hair Boxes, Masked Shinobi, Kunoichi/Shinobi Tunics, Uchikake, Long Hanboks, Recess Outfits/Garbs, Long Skirts/Coats, Ornate Gowns, Imperial Gowns/Robes, Elven Bodices/Uniforms, Adorned Mantles, Haori, Warrior Smocks, Baladi Sets, Hanbok Packs/Sets, and Baji Packages/Sets.
Do you love the new kruna or hate it ? I know I just love it !
Server Reset & Easter Hits TK!
by: LilB
-- 9:14 PM EST
There was a reset today at 8:00 PM EST bringing eggs and the suits back to the game!
The eggs and their use:
Honey-filled eggs :: Whirl-wind Creme-filled eggs :: Desperate attack White chocolate eggs :: Invoke Fruit-filled eggs :: Harden body
Additionally, there are colored eggs with effects!
They will either give you Pirate coins, turn you into a chick or rabbit! (If you find any other effects, whisper me ingame)
Along with the resets, returned the Rabbit, Chicken, and Panda suit and hat costumes!

The eggs, all of them! The bottom four are the ones that cast spells like Whirlwind.
Have a good Easter!
A New Law is passed
A new law, involving the use of kruna points, has been passed. Post number 193 of the Law Board, written by Alilolelotte, now states:
All items available for purchase from the Kruna Shop, with Kruna Points, may be sold or traded for In-game items and gold ONLY. This includes items that can be transferred in game, as well as items gifted to another player (see note "1"), but does NOT include actual Kruna Coupon Codes (see note "2").
1. Sales of non-transferable items, via payment in-game, and subsequent gifting of item, will be at player's own risk. Kruna gifting ability was/is not intended for the purpose of generating income to players, and will not, and can not be policed by in game Justice. Repeat ... At players own risk.
2. Under NO conditions may a player sell or trade a Kruna Coupon Code, either in-game for game gold/items, or out of game for actual money.
A. Any player found guilty of violating part 2 will be subject to a Serious Other Jailing, and possible punishment by KRU, up to bannishment of account.
B. Any player found guilty of attempting to violate part 2 will be subject to punishment, from Minor Infraction, up to Serious other, depending on criteria of attempts, or multiple offenses.
In short, this law makes it legal to market anything in the Item shop. The only exception, is the sale of the Kruna coupons themselves.
So, what does this particular reporter think? I would call it a "Lawless Law", to sum it up. It has a good side to it, but it's over-shadowed by the bad, in my opinion.
The good side: It allows those who can't afford to buy Kruna, the ability to obtain the items they desire with gold or items they do have.
The downside is: It allows those who can afford to buy Kruna, a distinct monetary advantage. It could have a very negative impact on the economy. It will also increase dishonorable trades, and in this case, the justice system is not even a factor. The trades are at your own risk...A very high risk indeed, if you ask me.
I advise everyone to exorcise great caution, with buying or selling these items.
How the information of the stolen book was obtained

The information disclosed by Pond yesterday about the books stolen by Wiyae from Kugnae Library was obtained due to a long chain of investigations being worked on by the Ascendant Regiment of Nagnang. The ARN has been working on obtaining Intel surrounding the schemes plotted by most wanted enemies of the state: Wiyae and Hawkmori.
The whole chain of events began as a mission assigned to soldiers Pachua and Izabella to contact Koguryo government and obtain information about the stolen tomes. Izabella and Pachua met with Vales, the Koguryo Minister, and ThiefOfSouls, General of KRA and from him they obtained the information that "Book of the Dead" was among the titles. As of an agreement of their meeting, Minister Vales undertook the task of finding more information about the other missing books and therefore she contacted librarian Pond to obtain such information.
The gathering of Intel on such matter did not stop there. Members of Muse guild and Shamans offered help to unveil the contents of such missing papers.
Shamans revealed that The Book of the Dead is a book of magic on how to animate corpses and resurrect them. It covers a wide variety of knowledge from all over the world, including brutal rituals that could help create an undead army if it falls on wrong hands. Shamans used to hold this book years ago, but they lost it and it was retrieved years later by treasure hunters of Merchant Guild and then was stored in Kugnae inner library to be kept safe from evil purposes.
While then, the Muse guild is studying their scrolls in hopes to obtain more information about the contents of the "The Seven Bodies" and "Power of Transcendence". As this is an ongoing investigation of ARN, if you want to cooperate with it, send any information you may have on it to General StriGoi.
-,-@ Donjuan
Missing books ?
by: Erii
-- 1:53 AM EST
Ohallo ! Have you been in the palaces lately to look at the boards ? It appears that something is being shaken up and we're here to puzzle out the answers !
Most recently, Royal Minister Vales tacked a note to Pond's Library door. In the note, she addressed the librarian:
"Greetings Pond,
It has come to my attention that several books have come up missing from the Koguryo Library. I have been told that the person in question Wiyae, may have taken at least two Books.
I would like to know if you could please confirm this information, and give me the complete details of the situation as it happened.
Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated and I hope you will see it in your best interest to keep this as secure as possible.
Lady Vales Royal Minister of Koguryo" |
What could this mean? The palace boards were then graced by a lengthy letter from Pond, addressing the Royal Minister and announcing that indeed.. books and a scroll had been stolen ! Needless to say, the memories seemed to have pained our dear Pond enough that he did not seem happy to have to discuss what happened.
Nevertheless, Pond confirmed what the Royal Minister had feared: a fearsome man had come in, used some form of magic on Pond, and stole items of value from the library before guards could catch him. Pond ended his letter with these words:
"As of that day, we're missing two forbidden books and one scroll that was kept safe since the days of King Jumong. The books he stole were called "Book of the Dead" and "The Seven bodies". He also stole a scroll which contained information of the forbidden "Power of Transcendence" scroll.
I hope I can help retrieve such books somehow. Keep me informed.
Signed, Pond Kugnae Librarian" |
What could this mean for Koguryo and the other kingdoms ? What did Wiyae want with those specific books .. and what is he planning to do with them ? Stay tuned for more !
April's fool prank
by: Vini
-- 10:57 PM EST
As many of you have guessed, yesterday's post was merely a prank that Nexus Atlas prepared for April's fool day. Therefore, you can conclude that mug did not come back, mug did not give any quest information about Diary quest and none of the new combinations work (although some of those items might probably be used at a point).
Last but not least, Evil Warlord armor did exist at one point, during Nexus 6.0 alpha testing, some testers got the chance to wear it. It is unknown about the results of the Diary quest, but Evil warlord armor is most probably associated with the Evil Warlord from Gogoon island's quests.
We hope you enjoyed our little joke and hope it motivated you to hunt more at Woodlands in order to obtain more clues to the real diary quest.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 1~
Mug shows up and gets us one step closer to finish Diary Quest
by: Vini
-- 2:42 PM EST
Two years after leaving Nexus, Mug paid a visit to the kingdom of winds and offered some help with the Woodlands diary quest which he created years ago and still no one finished. Wearing the final reward called "Evil warlord armor" he refused to give the full walkthrough of the quest, but offered a great help.
 He specifically called for Nexus Atlas reporters which he knew would help spread the information evenly and help others find the complete walkthrough. Here's what he told us:
Wing eye: Crystal fly eye + Prism amber + Unleashed anger = wing eye 
Silk skin: Corrupted cloth + Scaled leather + Splendid silk + wicked wool + Scorpions stinger = silk skin 
Evil Warlord Armor: Wings of Fury + Plate of metal + wing eye + silk skin + fighter essence + dark essence + wind armor = Evil Warlord armor
He mentioned we'll have to sacrifice our wind armor to create it, but doesn't matter which path the wind armor is from, all four should work.
Attention: To avoid raising the price market of these items, Mug informed that the drop rate of these items has been considerably increased after last week's reset. Nexus Atlas suggests you to hunt these items instead of buying them..
Do you need a reminder of how to create Wings of Fury and Plate of Armor? Here's the accurate combination of items to create them: 5 Bird wings + 1 Dragon fan = Wings of Fury 
15 Plated armor + 10 fine metal + 8 Armor Plated Skin + 3 Hot coal = Plate of Metal 
Click here to access the list of Woodlands items to help find out which caves to hunt them in.
Items taken, we just need to figure out the right amounts. Who will be the first one to craft the legendary Evil Warlord Armor?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 47, Moon 1~