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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
New Monument
by: Loxie
-- 11:48 PM EST
Just as Leodaris's monument became a resting place for many people of the kingdoms, the one placed in honor of Sarina today is already gathering mourners wishing to spend time with her in her new garden. If you wish to visit it, you can find it at 68,65 Dae Shore. Sarina -- Wife, Elder, Archon and friend to many, you will be missed by all you had an impact on.

Bunny mounts are fixed!
by: Loxie
-- 1:46 PM EST
Server Reset April 25, 2011:
Rabbit mounts are now exchangable
Client Patch April 28, 2011:
Patch to fix mount colors.
*** If you are running Windows Vista/7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch ***
Memorial for Sarina
by: Loxie
-- 9:37 PM EST
Just as the Archons lost a dear friend and mentor, so did the Diviners. In honor of all the people who will miss her, the Diviners are hosting a memorial to remember where Nexus and the life of a dedicated woman touched.
Invitation to observe the memorial
Memorial in Honor of S a r i n a Our Lady of Mystery
============================================================== T h e D i v i n e O r d e r
Please join us this Sunday, First of May
at 8:00pm EST
At Dae Shore - around 60,49
As we gather in honor of the greatest Diviner of all Times ---- our Lady Sarina
Everyone is welcome
If you would like to speak your parting words to her - you are most welcome. Please contact me prior or during the event and I will make proper accomodations.
Iruma Grey Gwa-gu Oracle
 Screenshot kindly provided by Iruma.
Sunflowers for Sarina
by: Loxie
-- 9:06 PM EST
Today the Archons bloomed Sunflowers all over the kingdoms in honor of Lady Sarina, AKA Dalnum. Thank you for all of your hard work, whatever name it was under.
Posted by Maiyu:
The NexusTK community is indeed very tight-knit. Yes, there are ups and downs to having a community like ours, but our passion for the game - love or hate - is something to admire. The people we create friendships with, no matter how brief and no matter how far from acquainted they may be, are personalities we recognize and relate to. Some people make bigger impacts on our experience in this game than we would expect, anticipate, or even want them to; but that is the reality of our tightly knit community.
The news of Sarina's death brought many of us to a sense of shock and sorrow, a seemingly foreign mix of personal emotions in a game where reality does not always attribute itself to. Witnessing the flood of support on the Nexus boards for her husband Tip was overwhelming, yet warming. Hearing about the tears shed for this woman, many of whom claimed to have had an undeniable selflessness in helping others, struck me. I, too, cried with you. We lost a great bit of Nexus history, a wonderful woman who had much hope, passion, and patience for our community. Lots and lots of patience.
No words can allow me to express my own personal feelings and how much we, the archons, mourn our loss; but with some very careful thought and with the blessing of her husband, I openly write this note on behalf of the Archons and KRU.
Having been playing the game since its very beginning, she had a soft spot for Nexus and the community. Her game play was fair and simple. Honesty was her best policy. Patience was her motto. Humbleness was her lesson taught through example. Never have I met anyone who took the brunt of the heat so well, yet maintained composure and, still, have a very unchanged, loving heart for people. I say this knowingly and feverously, as I have been honored to work with her, witnessing first hand all that she does. She was our Archon Primogen Dalnum.
Thank you for all that you have done, Dalnum. You tried your best to please everyone, despite the impossibility of that ever being achieved. You will never be forgotten.

"New" Bunny Mount
by: Loxie
-- 1:06 AM EST
Hippity Hoppity, DeeSwyfticuS is on his way on Cadbury, his bunny mount! Not only did he show it off, he also explained how to get one of your very own.
In the new Easter Egg kruna packages there lurks a 'Random Rabbit Mount'. So far people have found white, chocolate, purple and blue rabbit mounts. (Wait! Purple? MUST HAVE!)
They're going for millions, if you're interested in purchasing one in-game.

by: Loxie
-- 12:08 AM EST
Hullo! I'm Loxie, your newest NA Reporter.
Look forwards to not-so-great things on the Loxie front! -Pulls out notepad.-
Nexus 6.90!
by: Vini
-- 8:20 PM EST
Nexus TK servers were reset about an hour ago to introduce a new client version: Nexus 6.90. When you try to open Nexus TK it will automatically start the "auto-patch", but if you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option.
Here's what changes with the reset: * Easter eggs have been found all around the kingdoms in addition to some costumes. Have fun collecting them, but they will eventually disappear!
* Earth Day Event: Bonghwang has appeared in Kugnae and needs your help to save the Tree of Reflections
* We are expanding the default inventory size from 26 to 27 slots and will have additional space for purchase in the itemshop shortly (up to a maximum of 52 slots)
* Item durability notices (50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 1%) will now appear in the text box instead of the status box where they were getting lost
* Easter items will be available in the itemshop shortly including a new rare Easter mount
Minor updates for: * Spy subpath regarding branding spell * Nagnang/Kugnae armies should have the correct dye color for the female army coats now
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 6~
Server Resets which went unreported
by: Vini
-- 12:29 PM EST
Two server resets happened last week which went unreported for too long. Here's what changed in the lands since then, as reported by DreamWeaver Stein:
* An event for Earth day is coming next week * Tutors can now give additional legend marks for class attendance/participation * The Sentai armors have vanished as mysteriously as they appeared...strange.
Minor updates for: * Clan primogens * Chongun subpath * Shaman subpath * Geomancer subpath * Covenant clan
Note: Recently the frequency of people not seeing replies to their support tickets has increased. As always, please check your spam folder to make sure the emails are not being filtered there. If you are still not getting our replies, please write down the ticket ID number that is given on the confirmation page. This can be used to view/reply to the ticket on the support ticket page.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 39, Moon 6~
Nexus Atlas is mourning: Goodbye Lady Sarina
by: Vini
-- 11:49 PM EST
 A leader, a teacher, a mentor, a mother, a founder, a friend, a visionary, a true diviner… There are too many words to describe the Sarina we had the privilege to get to know. Sarina was obviously the most known player Nexus ever had. Many readers here might not have had the pleasure to get to know who and how she truly was. Loved by those who admired her or hated by those who envied her, I dare to say that Sarina was truly the most important player nexus ever had. The passing of Sarina doesn’t represent only a big loss for Diviners; it represents a loss for whole nexus community. Her wisdom and her kindness have touched many and changed many of their way of seeing the world. Learning from Sarina was obviously one of the most important things her friends gained from Nexus. Her lessons will continue with us through our life times and her inspiration will continue alive in our memories. Lady Sarina was elder of Diviners for 9 good long years. She was not only leader of diviners, but also leader and aid to most elders. Her deeds will remain in nexus as long as this realm continues to exist and those of us who stay behind will work hard to honor her way and keep this realm she loved so much and was dedicated to until her last days. Here's a copy of the post that former Head Judge Tip posted on Rambling Thoughts. I am sorry to tell everyone Retired Elder of the Diviners Passed away at about 6:30PM PST. She love this game and all the players please have fond memories of her.
Her rl husband tip | Goodbye mother of us all! Thank you for everything you’ve done to us! Please visit Leodaris, Khaos, Starlite, Hroth, Emit and our or dear friends who are now angels watching over Nexus. You fan, Vini
Dear Sarina, On behalf of the Rangers of the wilderness we will deeply miss you. Thank you for all your hardwork for the kingdoms. Helping the diviners. And helping us all in special ways I can not discuss. You will always be remembered. - Love (\ Rangers (\ N-mail me if you want to pay homage to Sarina and have it posted here on NA
Aliens Invade Fox Hunt
by: Caera
-- 9:22 PM EST
 They're on the move, no longer just in the Woodlands! This new development was reported by LadyLia. Caera
Impending Alien invasion
by: Vini
-- 1:14 AM EST
As posted by Dreamweaver Vyn: A powerful alien race will soon invade and take over Nexus. In order to stop them you will need to find the Sentai Armors that will be falling from space. Use these mighty armors to stop the invasion!
To grab the Sentai armors is simple. Just walk around the kingdoms and you'll find them dropped on the floor (just like easter eggs). They come in 2 pieces (armor and helm) and 5 colors: red, green, blue, gold and pink.

Some people claim they have already seen these aliens roaming the Woodlands of Nagnang and hunting down Lucky which seems to still be around. They seem to look like this:
 Can anyone confirm this with a screenshot?
Special thanks to AkiKan for posting item pictures on Nexus forums.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 38, Moon 12~