Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Temporary Lockdown
by: TSWolf
-- 9:59 PM EST
In the history of Nexus Atlas and Nexus Forums, I have never had to use my lockdown methods like I did today. I will go into a little more detail.
It was to my understanding that someone was brute forcing there way into the website through several different avenues.. Instead of completely preventing it, we left a couple easy avenues for them to get to.. The purpose? To gather information on the person for legality purposes. In order to prove something, you need to provide proof.
Tonight we recieved that proof. Some, bait, was taken and illegal access was caught. No other members of this staff were aware of these procedures occuring because we also felt this could have been an inside job.
For the time being, News on Nexus Atlas and NexusForums have been locked down while we gather logs and submit them to the proper authorities. We thank you for your patience.
Wisdom Clothes Bug
After the server reset some changes have happened to the "Wisdom Clothes" option that you can say to each Kingdom's greeter. For some reason you're not able to get a new pair whether it be five year robes or one year robes. Ahalya is looking into the bug now and trying to fix any other ones with the Wisdom Clothes. Maybe the one year jailing probation period may be changed, maybe not. Time will only tell.
Recent Reset
by: Conro
-- 3:08 PM EST
With the recent Reset at around 4:00 PM EST came the following changes or updates
- Sell/Buy Boards reset. This is seeming to become a standard practice during any reset. - Merchant 'Trustworthy Trader' mark changed to 'Honorary Merchant'. - Merchant 'Dishonorable trader' mark changed to 'Enemy of Merchant guild, scorned by (Name)' Thanks ScraT - Elendhirin clan had an update to their Helm/Helmet graphic - Tiger clan recieved a new NPC as well as Tiger roamning their gardens. Thanks ThreeC! - Sheng, the keeper of the Diviner's lore, will allow you to start the quest to seek Serenity in the Tao again. Thanks Hauke!
 A picture of the new Elendhirin headcovering, a change from Rhianwyn's original crown idea
Any other modifications or updates will be reported
- Conro
4th official Nangen Clan
by: Vini
-- 3:01 PM EST
Today at the Tribunal Hall in Nagnang Palace the 4th official Nangen clan was approved by the other primogens. Primogen Morick, Primarch Chiajen and all their members have successfully made through the probation period and made the Silla clan become the newest Nagnang clan around.
With two new official nangen clans, people have now many options to go and move to Nagnang.
Congratulations Primogen Morick and the Silla clan!
~Vini Normad'or~
Kugnae Warrior Tutor Announced
by: Corath
-- 12:17 PM EST
It brings me great pleasure to announce today that our very own Vini has been named as the new Kugnae Warrior Tutor! (As announced by Neul)
Congratulations from everyone here at NexusAtlas!
Purge coming soon ...
As reposted by Ahalya today:
On Monday, the 2nd day of May, Kru Interactive will be doing an account database purge for Nexus and Dark Ages. At this time we will be removing all inactive accounts from our database. Inactive accounts are any account that has not been active in the last 30 days leading up to the purge date.
When an account is purged all characters on the account will be deleted from our servers, along with any items, abilities, stats and experience the character may have.
We will not be able to restore any account or character that has been purged! To avoid the loss of your character you must make sure your account is actively registered some time between now and May 2nd.
If you plan on re-registering your character and account before the 2nd we recommend that you do it in advance to avoid any possible complications or delays that may result in the loss of your characters.
Don't forget to remind your old Nexus friends to re-register if they have not. Wouldn't want some great faces to disappear.
Signed, Flamethrower Your up-to-date reporter!
Geomancer Elemental Orb update
by: Conro
-- 6:31 PM EST
As posted by Ahalya on Community board
Hello Nexus community,
We wish to inform all users of a specific item change. Sometime over the weekend or maybe next week, all double orbs will be removed from players Inventories, Banks. It was a bug to have 2 orbs and thats why we are going to remove all double ones, letting players to have only 1. Thank you for your understanding, I apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.
- Ahalya
Hopefully those who DID earn the Double Orb, such as Leodaris, get to keep theirs.
- Conro
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Mage and Poet tutor applications
by: Rachel
-- 8:15 PM EST
Neul opened up the Kugnae Poet tutor position, in addition to the Buya mage position, which was previously reported by Vini.
Each position has its own deadline, so make sure you apply in time!
Buya Mage Tutor close on April 22nd 12am PST Kugnae Poet Tutor close on April 27th 12am PST
The entire application, as well as the rules and qualifications for applying, can be found in Neul's post on the community board.
New Primogen!
A new primogen was elected today. Or should say primogeness! Prodigy Quistia has been elected to replace Azelle from her absence by the current members of the clan and has assumed the power right after the tribunal ended. The NexusAtlas wish you good luck, Quistia, on running The Forsaken Clan and hope all goes well.

Signed, Flamethrower
Shadows are back: K'urimja is official!
by: Vini
-- 2:18 PM EST
After 25 Yuris of disband, the Shadows are officially back today. The vote that happened in Nagnang Grand Hall has approved the K'urimja clan to be the newest clan of Nagnang.
They who were there to see their beloved sub-path to be disbanded on Yuri 48 Winter (March 27th 2002) have brought back the spirit of the Shadows, now in a new form to be the 3rd official clan of the kingdom of Nagnang under Prince Kija.
Congratulations primogen Strawbryrain, Primarch Blooduster, Cardioes, Ieyasu, Lightining and good luck on collecting your tribute to get your hall! Congratulations as well to Prince Kija on getting another great clan to your kingdom.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 4~
Wony is serious about it
Wony is on the ball again, he recently has posted on scum board the following new banned ones:
PwnedJoo, FroZone, and alts - multiple arrests
Puer, Aesica, and alts - multiple arrests
Epidemic, Vervain, and alts - multiple arrests, multiple violation
Gensu, Sanjay, and alts - multiple arrests, other violation
thehockeyboy, imaplayer, and alts - multiple arrests
RockDog, LazyCow, and alts - multiple arrests
He also edited his ban note that included syncretic: 'Syncretic' was removed from the Scum board, but still banned permanently. Wony
It's been reported also theat a few other people have been banned recently but names haven't been exposed.
New Merchant Elder
by: Corath
-- 11:28 PM EST
After a short while, a new elder has been elected for the Merchant subpath, and it is AphroditeXO. From all of us here at NexusAtlas, congratulations!
Royal Culture Fair!
As most of you know, the fair will be starting tommorow! (Friday, 4/15/05.)

Here is the line up!
-Friday (7 PM EST): Clan's, Armies and Ministries
-Saturday (4 PM EST): Clan's, Armies and Ministries
-Sunday (4 PM EST): Subpaths, and the weekly Revels will be held at the event at 5:00 EST.

Also, below is a list of the clans and ministries locations when inside the fair grounds!
Oceana - (47/16) Phoenix - (30/27) Heavens - (86/26) Tiger - (9/37) Bear - (9/41) KRA - (109/41) SunMoon - (32/51) Destiny - (88/51) Royal Ministry - (51/62) Enigma - (70/62)
Signed, Flamethrower. Hope to see you at the fair!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Character Purge coming soon!
by: Vini
-- 10:16 PM EST
As informed by Kru Interactive a few weeks ago, there's a purge of characters coming soon. To avoid having old characters deleted forever, the unregistered players should start registering by now if haven't done yet. Do not leave it for the last week, as possible delays or complications may happen which can result in the unwanted loss of characters.
Here is more information about the purge as reporter on Nexus TK Newsletter:
On Monday, the 2nd day of May, Kru Interactive will be doing an account database purge. At this time we will be removing all inactive accounts from our database. Inactive accounts are any account that has not been active in the last 30 days leading up to the purge date.
When an account is purged all characters on the account will be deleted from our servers, along with any items, abilities, stats and experience the character may have.
We will not be able to restore any account or character that has been purged! To avoid the loss of your character you must make sure your account is actively registered some time between now and May 2nd.
If you plan on re-registering your character and account before the 2nd we recommend that you do it in advance to avoid any possible complications or delays that may result in the loss of your characters.
Do not risk losing characters, register again to nexus now!=)
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 4~
Hitting it to Center Field
by: Conro
-- 6:15 PM EST
Apparently some people just don't get it, so Wony has given yet another recap...
Hi, let me emphasize again:
- It is illegal to sell/buy/trade Nexus assets (accounts, stats, items, etc.), outside scope of legitimate in-game activities.
- Any accounts associated with such activities will be permanently blocked.
I wonder how many times it'll have to be said until people get the message?
Also, in Event News, the 'Funeral' area has been closed. News on what the Altar maidens will be doing with the Ashes of the Four has not been reported as of yet.
- Conro
The Second Dharma Primogen
by: Vini
-- 10:15 PM EST
After the dismissal of Primogeness NinaP, the Dharma clan has voted for a new primogen, elected yesterday April 11th. Swift Forcer , who have been in the clan for over 5 years and Primarch for around 2, has been voted by the majority of the clan to become the second primogen to rule it and give start to this new era the clan will have to face.
Congratulations to Primogen Forcer and good luck on your duty to lead the Dharma clan of Buya.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 3~
Heigh-Ho! Come to the Fair!
A message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
Welcome to the Royal Ministry of Koguryo's Culture Fair!
Everyone is invited to this landmark event! Please enter Dae shore and click on the NPC and he will help you find your way to the fair.
Find out everything you ever wanted to know about each Clan, Subpath, Army and Ministry! Friday, April 15, at 7 p.m., EST Culture Fair (Clans List #1)
Saturday, April 16, at 4 p.m., EST Culture Fair (Clans List #2)
Sunday, April 17, at 4 p.m., EST Culture Fair (Subpaths) The Ministry will also be hosting Revels at 5:00 p.m., EST
Enjoy games and fun as well as learning!
Small Note of Return
by: TSWolf
-- 11:01 AM EST
After giving some thought and consideration to some things, I have decided to renew my characters on Nexus. Now before the propaganda begins, and before people are asking why I'm posting here, allow me to explain a little further.
When characters are purged, many people sit there and try to grab as many influential names as possible. More than a few times in history, these names were used maliciously at the expense of the person who lost the name. I believe if anyone got their hands on the names of my character, they could use it to not only to affect parts of my site and its representation, but also could pose a threat to people who trust us and could be easily duped into believeing the person who took the name is someone their not.
So I decided today to renew the account to avoid having the characters purged.
So as to not have it be a total waste, I've sat down and decided that I will this character this month to have a positive impact on the upcoming events in Nexus and on Nexus Atlas. While the characters that I possess are completely broke because I gave away all their items, that has no matter.
Basically what I'm saying is that if anyone needs assistance with certain things on Nexus.. Whether they be a staff member or friend or whatnot, this next month I will be willing to provide that. I expect to be HEAVILY spammed with requests, especially right off the bat, so please be patient. You can email them to me at my nexusatlas.com address, which is tswolf.. or my hotmail or stop by the chatroom and private message me and we'll try and work something out. Or simply, NMail me on TSWulf
Don't ask for money, I don't have it. Don't ask to join NA, I've basically turned recruiting over to other people. Don't ask me to do anything illegal, its not gonna happen.. But if its a genuine request from a person, I will try my best to fulfill it.
Anyway, I won't be on TOO often but from time to time doing odd jobs for people.. I figure why waste the 10 bucks.
This is not "a return". I've made my decision to go elsewhere and I have full intentions of staying there. This is simply an effort to have a positive effect with the money I'm using to reserve my names, rather than just leave them dormant there.
Have a nice day everyone.
Finish Event Bug / Solution
by: Conro
-- 11:03 PM EST
If you wish to finish the event, but still want to go back into "Funeral" all you need to do is redo the first few steps of the event leading up to the discovery of the cave.
This means rebuying an Ogre cider, and starting from the beginning.
Also, it's confirmed you MUST make a new Tomb key each time you want to go further than the 6th room, even if you have the second legend mark.
Perhaps with the collection of the fours ashes, something new will come?
- Conro
by: Steve
-- 8:35 PM EST
The mySQL database crashed. We reverted to our database backup from 3/27, sorry for the trouble. All posts between earlier today and 3/27 have been lost. Get posting to make up for the posts that were lost.
Steve Corona SwirlDot Hosting 1-877-210-3372
Reminder to Kogurian Warriors
by: Vini
-- 7:21 PM EST
As a reminder to the Warriors of Koguryo, the applications to become Koguryo Warrior Tutor close today at midnight PST. Application sent on 11th april will not be accepted.
Thanks to Archon Neul for reminding people of it, the application form can be found on community board number 2062.
Good luck to all applicants, we'll be posting the new tutor's name here when it's chosen.
~Vini Normad'or~
Koguryo Ministry
Today Druidess Amour was elected by the Koguryo Ministry to be their next repersentive. Congradulations to Amour on her new Position!
Merchant Elder and more BANNED
News has just come in that the merchant Elder HIMSELF! Has been breaking serious rules. For this he, Ilios, has been Permently banned, as well as Syncretic. Wony has surly stepped up on the punishments!
Here's a copy of his post on Scum board: Banned permanetly Ilios Doubt Syncretic Several others All of their alts. All of their associated accounts
for committing all or part of the following - illegal Nexus assets trading - embezzlement - money/item laundering - account/character trading/sharing - some others
Saving the Four! Event Walkthrough Update!
1) -Go to bottum right Nam-Do. -Get some Ogre Cider from Ham Do.
2) -Go to the Tavern of Wood in Nagnang. -(South gate and walk up a bit ) -You say Blight to the NPC. (Her name is San-To)
3) -Go to the Library. -(Kugnae, Bottum left of the palace walls) -Then say "Wuhu Luanhua".
4) -Go to Jadespear (Buya Tutorial Person) -Then say Shapeshifter to the NPC.
5) -Make way to Sanhae! -Go into the Mayors office at the top right and say "Tombs" to him. -He replied talking about a place where he ate seafood and heard tombs come up.
6) -Go to Kafa's tavern (Hausson) -(Hausson tavern, where you enter basically) -Then say Ancient.
7) -Go to Guol Divide (Which is Dae Shore, East Gate Kugnae And Up Near The Monk Area) -Keep traveling til you see a stone held up with two other rocks. - Say "Talk" and then he talks about an old Wilderness man.
8) -Go to the cave at 186,20 in the Wilderness (Where you mine and buy mining materials) -Go inside and say "Tombs" he will talk about a place in woodlands. -Jangyesik is its name.
9) -Go to woodlands, west gate Nagnang and then head to (0077, 0001) -There is a small hut that was disabled before, now you can enter after doing ALL these steps.
10) For cave numbers maps, read community board walkthrough.
They apparently drop ambers, dark ambers, surges, and all level 50 hand items, some cases ambrosia.
11) The rooms: Each coordinates lead to the next room. -Geunuel (68,43) -Jugeun (20,12) -Beonchikuy (68, 67) -Geurimja (24, 08) -Jugeum (14, 09) -Busang (03, 05) (Mining Area, NPC can sell items needed) -Namgida (5, 53) -Isanguy (6, 19) -Michada (122,128) -Jeulgidaunim (128, 08) (Boots you back to start)
12) So go back to Busang and buy a Mining pick and shovel and mine away. So far we know you need: -4 Coal -4 Metal (Simjang, Bae, Gan, and Pye..one of each) See number 14!
*NOTE* Every time you "attempt" to forge a key (at your typical fire-place-things spread to the left and right sides of the mining field) You will lose all the items you tried to use to forge it with.
13) -Go to Chul Smith in Nagnang (21,88) and say "Key" to him.
14) Before doing this you must have all the ores. (Bae, Gan, Pye, Simjang) Follow these places..In Order! 1-Go to Arctic land smith (38, 10) and say "Liver" 2-Next go to Kugnae Smith (60, 123) and say "Heart." 3-Go to Buya Smith (18, 103) and say "Stomach" 4-Goto Kaming's "Blood" place, (12, 48). And say "Lungs" With an S.
15) Go and forge your key at the smelting stations in Busang. Then you create a "Hot key." Near the bottum there is a well, stand by it and it cools off.
16) Head into Namigada and wait by the gate (sometimes this happens othertimes it doesn't but if your key is "too hot" you need to wait) your key still needs to cool.
17) Two more rooms, and then yours in last room, the only exception is that it boots you back if you enter the door at the top right.
In the last room, the two monsters drop WB's Charm's Spike's Whisper Bracele'ts ZB's BA's Fireblade Dragon Dagger Ambrosia Cursed Staff Mythic Sabre And much more, these are just the main ones.
These items are ALL confirmed.
18) -Go to Buya's Goh and say "Container" -Then fetch a limestone and an obsidian. (16 of each is needed)
19) Now take your Limestone and Obsidian that was asked of you previously and go to the wilderness gemmer also the person who makes rings. Say "Sculpt" then there is a blank type in "Urn" and hit enter. Repeat that four times until you get all four jars. Go back to lastroom (JeulgidaUnim.) Which means you will need items for another key. 20)After you get the four jars go to the last room. In that room there is four little rooms. Look in each room for pink bottles and walk through it to get ashes. Start at the top left corner, then go clockwise.
EX: _________ | | X1 X2 | | X4 X3 |_________
After you get all four ashes go to chung ryong altar in vale (Buya, then west gate, go to different server and a bit west it lies) and click the lady inside =) (Be careful after you get the mark you cannot enter the event cave again, this might be a bug. )
The Mark is "Gave the Pul-iSara-na-ta of the four"

21) Before, when you recieved your legend mark, you couldn't enter again. Ahalya stated it was a bug and early this morning it was fixed. So if you recieved your mark, you can now enter AGAIN.
***Credits*** Mannequin, Doubt, Flamethrower, LostandFound, YukiSakurai, Krylon, Pyogenes, DarkChild, NewregimeII, WillowN, Conro, JJangv for Korean translation, PrincesReina, Domnu, Protoss, SuJing.
Signed, Flamethrower. Thanks for your help for those who found information!
Item Haven!
In last room of the event caves, monsters drop things left and right on the picture below you just see a "Tad Bit" of what was recovered with my group in one hour. The lowering costs of these items can really give you "new players" (and old I might add!) a good chance for some good items!
Hopefully the spawn rate will die down. Too many Zibong blades to count for!
Signed, Flamethrower Your newest NexusAtlas staff! Enjoy!
Do as I say, not as I do
by: Conro
-- 12:10 AM EST

I made the mistake of venturing into the next room alone, to scout ahead for my group which was taking some time getting to to the end of Michida.
Instantly I was hit with an attack that did 1/5 my vitality in damage, then was body slammed by terror himself, Hyoluinu! He summoned me right by him as I tried to rush twords the door, and proceded to stab at me!
As you can tell, I could only safely snap a picture during the downtime of switching servers. ALWAYS bring a group when traveling through this second valley of the dead.
Also, it's CONFIRMED that if you exit out of the Shendao area, you MUST make another key to get back in.
Hopefully the four are safe...
- Conro
Korean saves the Day!
by: Conro
-- 11:38 PM EST
JJangV did a huge favor to the Nexus by translating the 'Ore' items mined in the First Boss room of the area known as 'Funeral' translated from Korean.
Mine each of the four ores (Bae, Gan, Pye, SimJang), Say Key to Chul Smith Go to Arctic Smith and say 'Liver', the translation of Gan. You'll receive 'Gan metal' Go to Kugnae Smith and say 'Heart', you'll receive SimJang metal. Go to Buya Smith and say 'Stomach', you'll recieve Bae metal. Go to Blood in KaMings encampment and say 'Lungs', and you'll receive Pye metal.
Take these four metals, and four coal and go back to the room where you unearthed the Ore. Take it to a forge, and forge a 'Hot Key'. Take your 'Hot Key' to one of the many wells in the same room and cool it down to get 'Tomb key'. Now, take your key to the next room and cross the maze of earth and bridges to the locked door. Approach it. If it asks you to wait for the key to cool, wait five to ten minutes, then try again.
From here you'll be warped across the blockade, on to the bridge behind (RIGHT NOW THERE IS A BUG. THE TILES YOU LAND ON ARE TILES YOU CAN'T NORMALLY WALK ON, THIS WILL BE FIXED). From here, head up, into the first room.
Navigate the mini maze of Isanguy to the bottom right of the map, into Michida. In Michida...
Head to the upper right until you meet a buddah statue.
At the statue, go below it.
You'll see two 'Portal' looking things. They're decoration. From here go LEFT.
Follow this left and down a bit, then when you reach the bottom, start heading Right.
Final Coords are 122 128, where the next room is. Careful, though, a Vortex AI boss lies in wait for you in the Next Room.
I appologize for the grammar of this news story, it's getting late :)
From here we're not sure what lies ahead! Good luck!
For Blight! For the Forsaken! For the Four!
- Conro
Event Walkthrough, Coordinates
by: Conro
-- 9:07 PM EST
As posted on Community board
-Go to bottum right Nam-Do. -Get some Ogre Cider from Ham Do.
2) -Go to the Tavern of Wood in Nagnang. -(South gate and walk up a bit ) -You say Blight to the NPC. (Her name is San-To)
3) -Go to the Library. -(Kugnae, Bottum left of the palace walls) -Then say "Wuhu Luanhua".
4) -Go to Jadespear (Buya Tutorial Person) -Then say Shapeshifter to the NPC.
5) -Make way to Sanhae! -Go into the Mayors office at the top right and say "Tombs" to him. -He replied talking about a place where he ate seafood and heard tombs come up.
6) -Go to Kafa's tavern (Hausson) -(Hausson tavern, where you enter basically) -Then say Ancient scrolls.
7) -Go to Guol Divide (Which is Dae Shore, East Gate Kugnae And Up Near The Monk Area) -Keep traveling til you see a stone held up with two other rocks. - Say "Talk" He talks about an old Wilderness man.
8) -Go to the cave at 186,20 in the Wilderness -Go inside and say "Tombs" he will talk about a place in woodlands. -Jangyesik is its name. -Says it is ner the wilderness by the water. Be careful!
9) -Go to woodlands, west gate Nagnang and then head to (0077, 0001) -There is a small hutt and a new area.
10) After entering the cave it is set up as this
11) The rooms: Each coordinates lead to the next room. -Geunuel 68,43 -Jugeun 20,12 -Beonchikuy 68, 67 -Geurimja 24, 08 -Jugeum 14, 09 -Busang 03, 05 (Mining Area, NPC can sell items needed) -Namgida 5, 53 -Michada 122,128 -Jeulgidaunim 128, 08 (Boots you back to start)
12) So go back to Busang and buy a Mining pick and shovel and mine away So far we know you need: -4 Coal -4 Metal (Simjang, Bae, Gan, and Pye..one of each) See number 14!
*NOTE* Every time you "attempt" to forge a key (at your typical fire-place-things spread to the left and right sides of the mining field) You will lose all the items you tried to use to forge it with.
13) -Go to Chul Smith in Nagnang (21,88) and say "key" to him.
14) Before doing this you must have all the ores. (Bae, Gan, Pye, Simjang) -Go to Arctic land smith (38, 10) and say "Liver" -Next go to Kugnae Smith (60, 123) and say "Heart." -Go to Buya Smith (18, 103) and say "Stomach" -Goto Kaming's "Blood" place, 12 48. And say "Lungs" with an S.
15) Go and forge your key. Then it is a "Hot key" Near the bottum there is a well, stand by it and it cools off.
16) Head into Namigada and wait by the gate, your key still needs to cool.
17) Two more rooms, and then it boots you back
Recover the Four!
by: Vini
-- 2:18 PM EST
Just like it was promised, the Quest to recover the four was released today. This is what Wony posted on Whispering Winds board:
Terror is poised to strike on the borders of Nagnang! The "Wuhu Luanhua" have an incursion force the likes of which has never been seen in all the Kingdoms. Using the cover of night, and the thick mists of the forest, they have amassed a force of unparalleled size. They lie, hiding in the mists, waiting for the right moment to strike.
However, there has never been a general more tenacious and fearsome than Blight. Newly revived, he is on a suicide mission to find out what happened to his men, the Four. Moving deeper into the enemy trenches, unconcerned for his own survival, Blight stumbles upon a murky cemetery that stinks of unnatural death. The Four call out to him, blood to blood - brothers all. With the spirit of his beloved Nagnang to carry him forth and the song of those who are forsaken up his lips, he moves like the God of War, and prepares to unleash his wrath upon the Wuhu Luanhua. Behold the Blight in all his primal terror, General of the land of the dead! Unstoppable in his quest to resue the Four. He needs every able body to aid him in wiping out this enemy!
The Walkthrough so far:
1. Buy an Ogre cider at Home of Ugh in Hamgyong Nam-Do.
2. Go to Tavern of Wood at south of Nagnang and say “Blight”.
3. Go to Pond’s Library in Kugnae and say “ Wuhu Luanhua ”.
4. Go to Jadespear’s Home in Buya and say “ Shapeshifters”.
5. Go to Sanhae Hall in Sanhae Valley 0033 0018 and say “tombs”.
6. Go to Kafa’s tavern from clicking on Hausson in the map and say “Ancient”.
7. Go to Guol Divide in Guol shore from Dae Shore 0050 0000 and say “talk” to the stone there.
8. Go to Thane’s cave in Wilderness 00185 0018 and say “tombs”.
9. Time to go to Jangyesik. Get a mining shovel and a minig pick and head to Woodlands in Nagnang 0071 0000.
10. Once inside the Jangyesik there will be 7 caves you can enter according to your events level. 1 and 2 are the ones to the south; the north ones go in order from left to right.
11. When you enter your level you’ll be at Geunuel. There will be GyongHae and GyeogGoldu there. Avoid these and move to next room at 0068 0043.
12. The Next room is Jugeun. There will be GyongHae and GyeongSu. The entrance to next room can be found behind a tree northeast of the beach at 0022 0011.
13. Once in Beonchikuy just dodge the GyeongSu and GyeongChong and head to southeast part of it at 0064 0068.
14. In Geurimja there will be new type of vile creatures, stronger ones. In this room there will be JongBuPuren and JongBuBam. Head to 0024 0008 for next room.
15. In Jugeum there will be JongBuBam and JongBuPi. Head west from entrance and walk through this sort of labyrinth to northwest part of it, 0014 0009 to go to next room.
16. Busang is the mining room of the cave.
 There will be JongBuPi and JongBuParan there. Also it’s the boss room where has BulMuso, that has almost all AI of Vortex bosses. The entrance to next room is at 0003 0004.
17. The next room is Namgida, a long room to cross with the vile creatures Geunyukp. Walk south through the bridges and east to reach the gate in 0005 0051 where will need to use the key.
There will be more updates on the walkthrough as soon as we move on into it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 3~
Elections in Dharma
by: Vini
-- 10:18 PM EST
After leading the Dharma clan for so many years, the founder and long lasting primogeness NinaP has been discharged on this wednesday from her duties of Primogen. The reasons for such change are unknown.
For now, Archon Joomi reserves the powers of Primogen of the Dharma clan and will be giving it to the new primogen of the clan after they finish holding their elections.
From April 8th to April 11th, the current registered members of the clan will be able to vote for who they wish to be the new primogen between the nominated members for the position. Until this vote ends, the clan will be closed for new admissions.
The members will be sending their votes to Joomi, who shall announce the new primogen and encharge him/her on the beginning of next week.
May the Dharma clan members have an easeful transition of power in such difficult times and may NinaP finally have a rest after 44 yuris leading the clan.
Special thanks to LordDais for sharing some of this information.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 3~
Prepare for war!
by: Corath
-- 11:01 AM EST
This morning, Prince Kija posted this on the Community board:
*Riderless, a horse appears at the palace gates of Nagnang. The horse is foaming, bloody and carries many scratches. After careful inspection of the animal, a tattered piece of cloth, ripped from some light colored cloak is found bound to the horses mane. Scratched on the surface in hasty letters with some strange colored brown-red ink is a fragmented message for Kija*
No time for niceties. The time is almost at hand. Gather your forces. Inform the Kingdoms! When this is done you owe me a drink of barb brew at some tavern. No time for much. Enemy has set the portal. Tomorrow I must have help or all is lost! The Four... *unintelligible writing* held inside. Still must rescue them, but the monsters... No more time, must send this now. DEFEND NAGNANG - I will return.
Beast of Nagnang
Looks like Kru's going to keep on their schedule. I like that. ^_^
General Blight's new scrolls
by: Vini
-- 5:29 PM EST
As posted on the Chronicles of the Winds today by Prince Kija, General Blight has sent him two scrolls via a hawk, the first one can be found posted there and explains a bit about the true forms of the Wuhu Luanhuas and about a base of operations used with a Magic portal.
The scroll can be found here.
Hopefully, Prince Kija will be posting in near future the 2nd scroll sent by Blight. Until, then the community shall keep preparing to defend themselves from these tribes, they've already shown the powerful shapes they can assume in battle.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 2~
Ministry Matters
by: Vini
-- 9:07 PM EST
Last night Minister Guerrund of Buya has announced on community board the appointments of 5 new ministry members: Druid Jisong Druid LostAndFound Artisan MickeyLady Spy Thiefking Sammasati Triage
Also, last weekend Minister Nayuki of Nagnang announced changes in her ministry and the appointment of new staff members.
There are two returning memembers: Diviner Julia and Mog-Ur xCarbunclex.
As well as 3 new members: Rogue Liselle - Aide to Community and Pursuit Artisan Morteus - Aide to Harmonious Archdruid OkydOky - Aide to Community and Pursuit
And a promotion to Consul of Community and Pursuit has been appointed to Diviner Simbel.
Congratulations to all of you and good luck on your task to bring joy to the whole community of Nagnang.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 2~
Special thanks to Simbel for passing on this news.
New Map Section!
I'm happy to say, we have released a very large number of maps! If you take a look at the sidebar to the left, you'll see a new section for 5.x maps. Every single map from the Buya server has been released. The Buya server includes Buya, the Islets, Sanhae, and the Arctic lands.
It's been a massive amount of work and it should be very useful to you. On each page you will find information about buildings, caves, and even a few other locations!
A new innovation is the creation of the World Map.
Believe it or not, this is just a work in progress. You may see some changes in the weeks ahead. If you find any errors, please post them on the Nexus Forums bug board.
Taketori visiting again
by: Vini
-- 3:51 PM EST
After spending a pleasant night with the citizens in the Royal Coliseum, the Storyteller of Kaya, Taketori, has mentioned he will be visiting the Monk gathering area, the Wisdom Ascent(0040 0008) in Dae shore this monday at 8pm EST.
He invited all Monks, all Muses to be present and everyone else is welcome to join them in another marvelous evening.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 1~
Warrior Tutor applications of Koguryo re-opened
by: Vini
-- 12:44 PM EST
After the sad departure of Archon Charisse, Archon Neul has assumed the post of Tutor of Archons alongside with his previous duty of Justice.
At his start he has already re-opened applications to Koguryo Warrior Tutor position, but be warned that he's only accepting them until April 10th. Here's a copy of his post on community board and the application form: Hello,
I am currently looking for the following:
Kugnae Warrior Tutor
To apply for this position, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until April 10th 12:00am PST. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to Neul: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list at least three references. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
____________________________________________________________ NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names and pertinent information will be kept confidential.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Neul.
Good luck to all the applicants and be sure to do your best during the applications and who ever gets the position.
~Vini Normad'or~
Storyteller from Kaya
by: Vini
-- 3:32 PM EST
In the past week, Taketori, a Storyteller of Kaya has arrived in our lands sent by King SuroKim of Kaya and Jeewon to learn about our people and culture and write stories about us for his kingdom of origin.
He has been visiting the clan halls of our lands, got to learn more about our subpaths, about our costumes but now he feels it's time for him to start telling his stories about Kaya and invites all to hear them.
Here's a copy of what he has posted on the Chronicles of the Winds board:
Kind peoples of these lands:
While I am visiting these three fine kingdoms, I will be visiting the clans and paths of life that reside here. I wish to learn much of your peoples and of your culture, so that I may write stories of them. I extend to you an invitation of utmost sincerity to come and listen to some of the stories of my home land of Kaya, and some stories I have heard in my travels. I have met many people while wandering, and plan on meeting many more.
In the next few moons, (Saturday April 2nd 8pm EST), I will be sharing a story or two at the Royal Coliseum. I invite everyone of these fine kingdoms and wilderness to take part in this time of sharing so that we may all relax to the finer things of life, the pastime that is storytelling. Taketori of Kaya
The Royal Coliseum is located in the Kugnae Palace, the entrance of it is in the northwest door of the Kugnae Throne Room. It should be a interest program to go during this weekened.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 73, Moon 1~