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Happy Easter! Egg-citing time!
by: Maron
-- 5:03 AM EST
Hey folks! Happy Easter Sunday to you all. We have much anticipated returning features that the public can enjoy together in celebrating the spring major event:

Regular Easter Event is back! Many different color eggs spawn on the floor all over the kingdom. Opening them will give you a small surprise sometimes. Things such as pirate coins, regular coins, and some random items were reported. ** WARNING ** When opening some eggs, it can give you stats! Be careful if you are maxed a certain carnage or cave.
Sometimes when cracked open, you may receive something special other than the candy eggs. (Thanks to Lancin)
Rare: Zibong blade, Book of Song
Uncommon: Pirate coin's, Gold, Stats
Common: Creme-filled egg Honey-filled egg Fruit-filled egg White chocolate egg
Special eggs that come from the color eggs include: Creme-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Desperate attack (50 Rogue attack). Honey-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Whirlwind (99 Warrior attack- WARNING: It brings you down to 10 vitality). Fruit-filled egg: Casts [unaligned] Harden body (85 Poet temporary invincibility spell- WARNING: It can fail just like regular Harden body). White chocolate egg: Casts an invoke which does not give you aethers.
Tokki needs help collecting Mysterious Eggs!

1. Talk to Tokki outside of Buya -OR- Kugnae Palace
2. Tokki will ask you for help three times! There are mysterious rabbits all over the kingdoms that drop the eggs. - Collect 1 Mysterious Egg  - Collect 20 Mysterious Egg  - Collect 50 Mysterious Egg  Note* You can only hold 50 Mysterious Egg at one time
3. Once you have helped them three times you will receive a legend mark and depending on your path a new spell for a limited time.

Warrior/Rogue/Mage will receive "Easter Revival" (Self-ressurection spell, 3,000 aethers)
Poets will receive Easter Orb of Sul Slash (60 second, similar to mage's orb)
Credit to Uzeal, siulet, and Nobrows
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting
The Forsaken "do a 360" turn of heads
by: Maron
-- 1:59 AM EST
Hey folks! Happy Good Friday (and Saturday) to you all! Recently there have been serious disputes (most of which can be found from extensive research on the Chronicles of the Winds board) between King ChaeRi and Nagnang's founding clan, The Forsaken.

Due to the escalation of a proclamation by the King for the clan's primarch to be banished, he and the primogen have apparently chosen exile and been replaced by the following charismatic duo:

I was permitted to meet with The Forsaken's new leaders early this evening and, joined with our new reporter Layne, had an impromptu interview inside Inn of Iniquity to discuss the current state and important changes for the clan.

Maron: From what I've gathered, this has been a challenging time for the clan. Any instance in which the leadership is forced to make changes... Morrow: Oh yeah, I did stub my toe the other day. It put me in a really bad mood. I wasn't really all that happy about getting to be Primo-jen on account of my toe. Uhhh, ahem, yes. Leadership is making changes! We did change leadership. Maron: Right, so let's talk about that as much as you wish. What brought this sudden decision to transition Primogen and Primarch roles? Morrow: Oh! Well I am not really sure what all happened, something about people saying Willow summoned some demons and were mad about it? But she just seemed kind of grumpy to me. But if I had demons I'd probably be grumpy too. Anyways, I think her and mr. everclear grumped their way into the Wilderness holding hands or something, I don't know. I don't really know what's going on. A lot of big words on that board in the Palace. All I know is, it's time for change. Big change. Like, we're gonna do a 360 here. Y'know? Maron: It certainly is a big change. Morrow: I do know that Mr. King ChaeRi was getting really grumpy too. And so... it's time for change. Because we want everyone to be happy. Falaris: The Dear Leader must not be unhappy. Morrow: We want to eradic... eradicate...? ALL signs that could even KIND OF be considered us not liking King ChaeRi. Maron: I see, so the King sort of forced this decision to take place? Morrow: I don't think it's fair to say that King ChaeRi "forced" anything. He didn't MAKE Willow hand me the reigns, by any stretch. He is... benelephant. Falaris: The Dear Leader lovingly bequethed separating us from our former primogen and primarch in the name of love and peace. Morrow: Yeah, like, if anything, this is, like, an opportunity! For a whole new era in Nagnang! Where we can all, like... hang out and have snack parties and send each other holiday cards and stuff. Maron: That is excellent news! Morrow: Oh, yeah! We even turned the Forsaken Sword into a stuffed bunny! No violence allowed! EVER! Falaris: And beyond love and peace, this excommunication is for his grand ideal of unity. Morrow: Only support for the Supreme Leader! All hail Mr. King ChaeRi! Falaris: Hail the Dear Leader! Maron: Have you had a chance to speak with how some other clan members feel about this big change coming? Excitement? Disappointment? Morrow: Yeah, like, we're all on the same page. Unitification and all that, one love. All that stuff. We're here for it! Everyone is mega jazzed. A few of them went out into the wilderness with Willow but I bet they'll be back... It's SAVAGE out there! They won't last long. Falaris: As long as they swear off their traitorous ways and submit to re-education, we will gladly welcome back any who left to join the traitor everclear. Morrow: Yes, re-education! OhmyGOD I almost FORGOT about that! Thank you Mr. Falaris!! Yes, all Forsaken members will have to go through our re-education gauntlet. There's even a physical education portion. It's going to be extreme. Like I said.. FORGET all that history stuff. Blight? Who needs 'im?! We're on Team ChaeChae! Falaris: I don't know who that is. Morrow: See. Falaris was our guinea pig. The re-education system works. Falaris: There was only ever the Dear Leader.
At this point in the interview, we enjoyed beverages served by the resident barkeep, Swallow. Afterward, Layne introduced a question of her own.
Layne: Your place is lovely! As new leadershi.. I mean, now that you're in charge.. do you have any plans to change the way things look around here? Morrow: Oh MAN! I'm SO GLAD YOU ASKED! But this was Falaris' pet project. So I'm gonna let him tell you all about it~! Falaris: Thank you, Morrow. As there are still some who may be unswayed of the benevolence of the Dear Leader, and as part of our re-education efforts, it was decided that any references to past hostilities between The Forsaken and the Crown must not be allowed. Statues will be removed, while new art depicting the greatness of the Dear Leader, through imagery such as him riding bears and feeding the children, will be installed throughout the clan hall to constantly remind our kindred of how... how god-like the Dear Leader is. Layne: Wow. That is quite the undertaking.
To commemorate this planned change spoken about by the new primogen and primarch, we moved to the main hall, where they would together demonstrate by toppling one of the aforementioned statues.

Congratulations to Morrow and Falaris on their new roles and responsibility for the big changes with Forsaken Clan! And thank you to Layne for the assistance on this interview! Looking forward to your contributions to Nexus Atlas news!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting
A ritual, prayer for healing: SeaNymph appears
 Above: Dusk falls as preparations began for an urgent ritual of balance taking place on a south-center island of Buya. (Screenshot courtesy of Maron) Below: The crowd turns to SeaNymph, who was the unexpected but welcomed guest at the ritual.
The emergency ritual
*** Editor's note: The following is a description of a KRU-sanctioned spontaneous mini-event. The full write-up of the community-driven event surrounding it will be featured in the future on NexusAtlas.
Recently, the three kingdoms and wilderness people had experienced discord of both the metaphysical and natural senses, with cries for bloodshed, vengeance, and the resurrections of archaic woes causing the land's energies to experience tainting and poisoning.
Buya, in particular, bore a large brunt of the ire. Demonic forces had recently tread the kingdom, summoned by the Shaman (and Forsaken Primogen) WillowN under the banner of revenge for the slaughter of Nangens centuries ago. Though a united front of the three kingdoms' citizens, their Royal representatives, and wilderness allies pushed back those evil forces, the corrupted energy remained in the earth itself.
Even the Geomancers had previously attempted a ritual to restore the balance of chi to the lands, but the energies summoned weren't enough to stave off the influx. The matter was becoming more urgent as the balance of nature was tipping over.
In the hours leading up to nightfall in Buya last Sunday, Druid Elder Supply was found lamenting the poor state of the fauna and flora along the southern border of the kingdom. The stones along the wall had already cracked due to corrupted and chaotic influences, leading to the creation of a chasm large enough for man and beast to walk through. Along this gap, grasses and flowers had begun to rot, with the spread ebbing northward into the town.
She would summon her associates, along with Queen Lasahn, to a small island connected by a foot-bridge near the southern gate of the town. The ritual fire was prepared and sanctified with Yuri's Love, a flower known for its purifying properties. Prince Mobon would join Queen Lasahn on the natural dais, and a curious crowd of assorted citizenry surrounded the creek overlooking the scene.
A prayer is answered
The pleas to the gods were not met with silence this night, as the community experienced a truly special and rare sight. The deity known as SeaNymph, who had not been seen in years, would make herself known in the flesh. She dipped her fingers in the creek, commenting, "Waters have been turbulent as of late. I suspected I might be called on." Druid Elder Supply began the ritual call to explain to the deity what all had transpired.
Supply: "We gather here today in the aftermath of unprecedented events that have shaken the very foundation of our community and our beliefs. As we reflect on the recent occurrences involving our once-beloved Shaman WillowN, and the summoning of Naraka's Demon God Zugrethad, we are confronted with profound questions about the nature of power, vengeance, and redemption."
Kaleea: "Yet, in the midst of this summoning, Princess Sutsang bravely intervened, risking her own safety to prevent further harm. Princess Sutsang fell victim to a curse. Queen Lasahn attempted to restrain WillowN physically, only to be afflicted by the curse herself. The Ranger Yetto intervened but was met with the same curse."
MiniPOCPOET: "Several things were happening at the same time, and thus, Shaman Valravn stole WillowN's ring and returned Specty to the Rangers. She also brought beloved Diviner Narue back."
noots: "The BIA pursued Narue into Nagnang, but lost her trail, ignoring The Forsaken who protested the Buyans' actions on Nangen territory. And just when we thought that nothing else would happen, the walls of Buya crumbled, and the once-beautiful trees now stand lifeless."
The Druids entreated SeaNymph for advice on how to heal the poisoned land. The deity responded in kind:
"Water can offer sanctuary... Revival... Or even a new beginning. Hope. Not all is well in your kingdom..."
"Queen Lasahn, your path has been long and winding. Life presented you with many lessons, and many tests. You've learned well. Strength of your willpower and devotion allowed you to repel the dark curse. The curse could not take hold of you... But, it spread through the air and those closer around you fell to its effects.
"You must share your strength of purpose with the rest of your kingdom. Let the waters flow freely, and once that s done, this river will need to be infused with your strength. The water can wash away the footprints of this curse, and cleanse your land and people.
"Those that were affected will need to keep on drinking this water, water from their homeland. And with time, they will be back to their own selves.
"Find a way to harvest your waters, and make them available to everyone. And, once that is done, I will return again."
The Druids absorbed the cryptic advice and instructions, with Elder Supply giving the following decree:
"SeaNymph, thanks for your presence here, and for the wisdom shared. SeaNymph told us and we shall follow. Lasahn shall bless the water with her strength of purpose, and everyone will have access to the water infused with the Queen's will, allowing them to cleanse themselves and restore harmony.
"Nagnang will get its own water source from Sutsang and Yetto. Everyone shall be urged to follow the Queen's guideship, and build a water source, and soon. We can make it happen in all nations.
"We must plant trees in Buya, in Nagnang, in Kugnae, and why not in the Wilderness, to strengthen our relationship - an ever-growing tree.
"And as the echoes of our chants fade into the night, let us carry the blessings of this ritual in our hearts."
Queen Lasahn and Prince Mobon would agree with this proclamation, intending to honor the advice of the SeaNymph and share the waters of strength with the people in order to stave off the evil effects. But, as the ceremonial fire died, the SeaNymph had already vanished.
The Kingdoms now await the next step in this trial of healing.
Much appreciated The reporter is thankful for the coverage request from Head Archon Alilolelotte, and for Maron in his partnership in gathering information for this article.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'All men are brothers:' Community celebrates Haean Festival
 Koguryo Royal Minister Tamo addresses the crowd gathered at Dae Shore before the opening of the Haean Festival.
On the way to sun and smiles
On Saturday afternoon, the second annual Haean Festival opened with an ethereal echo of the proceeding festival. Rain battered the shoreline where a moderate gathering of citizens listened to Royal Minister Tamo explain the mode of this year's celebration. He stood flanked by Prince Mobon and an array of four Koguryan Royal Ministry members at the periphery. His speech offered a hope that the proceedings would be a pleasant pause in the recent chaos overtaking the kingdom,*** with some time allocated for fun, sun, and honoring the various gifts of the sea. He recited the following, opening with a light jest:
"I am going to say 'sea' a lot. It was unavoidable. Welcome, honored guests, to the second annual Haean Festival. These proceedings are dedicated to the memory of my dear friend, KoiMermaiden. She was as a sister to me. She was the best of us, and is dearly missed.
"The term 'Hae' can mean both 'sea' or 'sun,' depending on the Han characters used. It is also the family name of Koguryo's royal lineage. With blessings of the sun from the great Samjok-O, and blessings of the sea from the Sea King himself, the Hae family has guided and protected these lands since the days of King Jumong.
"The sea has been our benefactor for generations, shaping our culture and history. Its gifts sustain us, providing fish and other resources, and enabling trade routes to connect us with distant lands. The ocean's salt flavors our dishes and preserves our foods, enriching our lives in ways both practical and symbolic.
"But the sea is more than just a source of sustenance. It is a place of stories, where legends of bravery and resilience echo through the waves. It is where the SeaNymph came to cleanse our shores and to imprison Sagu, and where Chu Rua found assistance from many citizens in times of need.
"The waters can be calm, but they can also be treacherous. The ocean demands respect and reverence. That is why we are here to honor it. Our coast has seen challenges and threats, but it has also seen the triumph of our naval power and the bravery of those who defend our shores.
"I understand these are turbulent times. But, I ask all of you, if only for today, to please enjoy the serenity of a fine afternoon by the ocean. Sheathe your swords; bite your tongues if needed. Leave your grudges further inland. Relax. Breathe the salty air and listen to the waves. Just for a little while. As they say in Han, 'between the four seas, all men are brothers.' There are no enemies here.
"So! Let us raise our voices in celebration, honoring the tides that sustain us and the shores that bind us together. May this festival be a joyous occasion filled with laughter, music, and gratitude for all the ocean provides!"
Celebrants were ushered down an illuminated path of glittering gems, shells, and oceanic trinkets toward Hausson, where a ferry was situated by the Gods to allow access to the Temple of Oceana without having to pay a fee to reach the island.
Upon arriving on the shore of the Oceana Clan home, BookKeeper, the Koguryan treasurer, would be perched in a convenient location to welcome visitors. Throughout the evening, she sold raffle tickets for 50,000 gold each. There was no limit on the amount of tickets each visitor could buy, and the night's winner was promised 90% of the profits, with the remainder benefitting the Koguryo Royal Ministry.
Left: Astrael walks participants through the rules of the "Big-brained Bear Fang bluff game" held at the colorful scene known as the Observation Deck in Oceana's clan hall. (Thank you, Dycean, for the quote.) Center: AndriA explains the terms of engagement before folks are inevitably tossed off The Convoyer in the event known as Overboard. Right: Aamin, in socks, stands on cold, dead fish as he hosts Foe Fishing in the Observation Deck. (Screenshot courtesy of Maron)
The games begin
Bear Fang is a new entry into the menagerie of festival activities. Participants were equipped with an array of four cards - three Flower Cards, and one treasured Fang Card. The participants would then choose which to set before them, face-down. Players would then announce a bid of how many cards they believed they could flip face-up without revealing their coveted fang card; the highest or boldest bidder (or bluff) took on the challenge by revealing everyone's cards, starting with their own. Revealing a flower card earned a point, but encountering a Fang Card meant permanently losing a card selected (by a rolling process) from their own set, dictated by the owner of the Fang Card that was revealed.
Overboard consisted of a rehashing of the Kingdom favorite game, OMGNMP (Oh My God, Not Me Please). Rolling down a row of unfortunate souls, the person in line before the participant dictated the lower roll the player would attempt. For example, if Player A rolled 0-100 and received a 54, Player B would roll 54-100. The objective was to not roll an acursed 100, which meant elimination from play (and exile from The Convoyer's upper deck.) House rules add extra flavor, such as certain numbers offering the player a chance to "kill" or "save" another participant, or repeated numbers requiring a reset of the game.
Back on the Observation Deck, folks would waste mass quantities of perfectly good fish and seaweed in order to host a few rounds of Foe Fishing. This variant of Spice Dice requires arranging a column of game pieces - fish or seaweed, beneath the player on display. Each participant will roll a number corresponding to the order of another player in line; getting tangled in seaweed meant utter disaster and a loss of a fish in your line, but everyone enjoys another fish in their basket from another person's folly.
Left: Destiny Clan took over the Observation Deck this week for a game of Bingo, where StarArcherie was captain of the Bingo cards. (Screenshot courtesy of Maron) Center: Rokkeu smites Yvie off the S7 board during a match held in the Oceana Battlefield. Right: Koguryo Treasurer BookKeeper stands with Prince Mobon at her side and other seafaring visitors at the raffle post outside the Temple of Oceana.
Once the seafood and ocean flora was cleaned off the Observation Deck, it was time for Bingo. Rolled coordinates along a grid of assorted Ambers, Tarot Cards, Trigram Keys, and Flowers corresponded to randomly-generated Bingo Cards in the possession of players. Dabbing out matching items on one's card in the correct pattern for the game landed people hefty gold purses. Typically, the Kingdom variety of the game consists of a 3x3 grid Bingo Card, and allows for two winners per round.
Just like every slice of Yin needs a dot of Yang for balance, no festival is complete without at least a little bloodshed. The KSG classic, the S7 tournament, would provide the end-cap of the Haean Festival, with warriors and rogues sliding past each other on seven-space lines in hopes of landing vita-based attacks (Lethal Strike, Desperate Attack, Whirlwind, Berserk) on each other before their opponent can. A successful and clean strike earned a point in the tournament and subsequent bragging rights.
All good things must come to an end
While the crowd was still engaged, Royal Minister Tamo would usher their attention to complete the festivities. The festival's raffle was decided with a roll of a hefty die handed to Prince Mobon. The result was number 52, belonging to Heira, who walked away with a nice change purse.
Before all would say goodbye to this year's festival, Tamo herded the crowd of visitors to the Koguryan Palace steps in order to receive their commemorative markings. He also offered his sincere appreciation to the hosts of the day's events, and to the venue operators, Oceana Clan, for their hospitality.
There is hope that the mode of wanting to relax and enjoy some time of peaceful and consenting competition will continue through the season, even after the doors close on this annual event. After all, the sun still hangs in the sky every day, and reflects on the Moon, even when we can't see it. And, the sea will continue to ebb and flow, even when we don't take the time to witness her waving at us.
*** Editor's note: Expect coverage and explanation of the alluded community-driven story event in the future.
Much appreciated NexusAtlas would like to thank the Royal Ministry of Koguryo and the volunteering Koguryan clans and affiliates for their time and energy dedicated to making this festival a wonderful success. Also, thank you, reporter Maron, for your assistance with capturing screenshots.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented. We also appreciate your patience as the site is updated.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Hey, it's the Haean Festival this Saturday!
 Royal Minister Tamo found himself speechless when cornered on Dae Shore by the reporter. But, he invites everyone to the festival, regardless of the bad pun spouted out on his behalf.
This Saturday, March 23, the 2nd annual Haean Festival is set to be held! This festival, whose name is a nod to the Hae royal family of Koguryo, celebrates the Sun and the kingdom's timeless connection to the ocean.
Following the precedent of last year's Haean Festival, this one will be a collaboration between various Koguryan organizations. This single-day festival is packed with a variety of events for every visitor.
Royal Minister Tamo offered the following on the Community board:
"The sound of waves. The smell of salt in the air. The sea is a place of beauty and bounty. Koguryo's shores are home to many ocean-dwelling allies and resources. It is the land of blue skies and blue seas!
"Join us as we celebrate the second Haean Festival honoring Koguryo's longstanding connection with the ocean. Let us remember that our pristine shores have been the grounds of several historical events. Let us honor the sea which provides us with means for travel, commerce, and sustenance. Wander through the waves as we gather to enjoy all the ocean has to offer!"
Tentative Schedule Saturday, March 23, 2024 All times EST 3:30PM - Opening 4:00PM - Bear Fang 5:00PM - Overboard (OMGNMP) 6:00PM - Foe Fishing (Spice Dice) 7:00PM - Bingo 8:00PM - S7 9:00PM - Closing
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Just a little troll(ing): Happy St. Patrick's Day!
 The reporter calls back to GunShin as they search for the infamous trickster known as Lucky. GunShin was clearly stunned by the reporter's corny jokes and missed the fact the critter was lingering behind him. The reporter would be punished with pinching for not wearing green, after the screenshot was taken.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! The yearly butterfly migration is finished, and we've exhausted all of the Clear Water Songs in Kugnae. It's now time to toast some green ale and slurp up some batches of noodles as the yearly traditions continue here in the Kingdoms!
If this is your first time participating in the St. Patrick's Day celebrations, here's some handy pointers.
How to bag Lucky and rob him of his treasure
So, you want to catch yourself a little man in green. You'll first need a Lucky Net. The recipe for this annual armament is 1 Wooden Saber, 1 Wheat, 1 Wolf pelt, 1 Noodles. Take this to Gruff Smith in Sanhae, and say you want to know about "Lucky" to him.
Armed with the net, it's time to go searching for a striking redhead in a green robe. Once you have him cornered, give him a few swings of the net until he starts talking. Once he's good and desperate to save his life, don't let him get away! Say, "Tell me about your Kettle of Gold!" And when he gives you further sass, respond, "Are you kidding, give me the location now!"
Having thoroughly interrogated the seasonal sprite, make your way to Thane's Cave in the Wilderness and buy some Lucky Picks. Swap out your net for the Lucky Pick and begin running about the Wilderness mining lands, until you stumble upon the Pot of Gold. Note you might find some dummy pots in the process.
If you're particularly fortunate, you might walk away with a prize, such as an Emerald Fan, Golden Fan, Lucky Staff, Lucky Bouquet, Clover Trinket, Golden Trinket, White Trinket, White Flag, Golden Baloom, Lucky Balloom, Golden Lantern, or Luck Lantern. A legend mark is also in store for you, as a reward for all your efforts.
Reminder: Once you're done with your Lucky Net, share the wealth; the net can be loaned to others to use.
Brew some Green Ale
So, you're parched after terrorizing a minute gremlin in green. Head to Haeng in the Arctic Inn and ask him about his famous Green Ale. Tell him "I'd like to help and promise I won't" spill the beans on his secret recipe. He'll hand you a bucket.
Head to Lover's Lake, and walk about the lake until your water jug is full. Report back to Haeng for more instructions on how to brew the Green Ale.
He says he needs Barley, and the scamp planted some among Ssal's farm in Kugnae. Proceed to break the law by jumping the fence at 101,132 and run amok grabbing Barley until you have 10 and get thrown out.
Now that you're a criminal, head back to Haeng, who will tell you he now needs Hops. Haguru at Du Mountain has your back. Walk up to him and ask him about "Hops." He's happy to oblige. After that, back to Haeng you go.
He informs you that you now need Yeast. Over at the Spruce Inn in Sanhae, they just so happen to have what you need. Yell at the Innkeeper that you need some "Yeast" and she will fork it over. Yet again, you run back to Haeng.
You're tasked with a field trip to the Woodlands, where you head to the rocks at 65,15 to scrape off 5 Green Algae. Return with your prizes to Haeng.
And now, the true patience trial begins, as you have to wait 15 minutes for the brew. You can wait patiently or pester him for the entire time, but either way, check back with Haeng to finally get your decanter of Green Ale, and enjoy both the drunkenness and a legend mark.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to NA alumni Vini for his thorough coverage of these annual events in the past.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Change of scenery: Poison Arena discovered
 No, the Lone Ranger Elixir Host Kashi was not banished to a toxic, deserted wasteland. However, is shown exploring the Poison Arena, taking in a sight of the Blue Team base.
Those individuals who live for the thrill of pelting their friends and enemies with dye-laden arrows may experience a change of scenery the next time they sign up for an Elixir War session. The populace discovered the Poison Arena today, which features a dry, desert-like environment laden with skeletal remains and cracked earth. The terrain is interlaced with toxic green waters, providing boundaries and obstacles.
Though the name would suggest a dangerous place to traverse, the land is perfectly safe to engage without fear of being poisoned. The only toxicity the community needs to worry about is the saltiness following a bitter defeat.
Regardless, the NexusAtlas staff does advise not to drink the water. Happy dying, though!
Kashi continues to explore the various angles of the Poison Arena on his lonesome. How he ended up in this predicament is a mystery, but surely his Ranger training ended up saving him from becoming a pile of bleached bones in the sun. (Screenshots courtesy of Kashi)
Much appreciated Thank you, StarArcherie, for the news tip, and Kashi for putting up with the shenanigans and submitting the screenshots used in this report.
See something? Say something As an ongoing project, the reporter is looking to correct errors in NexusAtlas' database. Please N-mail Chongde in-game if you see something needing augmented.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting