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Goodbye, Revels, Story Contest

The Revels poetry contest and Story Contest have been a mainstay of Kingdom culture for decades, where entrants flex their creative chops for a chance of a legend mark, passing the Ee San Trial of Culture, or karma. Those who have been around for decades may even remember when public Revels readings were held in the palaces for fun.
But tonight, the Archon staff announced a closure of these contests, citing the development of AI technology and concerns of the viability of entrees.
Whereas this avenue is closing, the community is encouraged to continue to share their works with each other through other mediums, such as Subpath or Clan contests, or posts on the Chronicles of the Wind board to share their art with the Kingdoms.
Regarding the reason for the closures, Archon Aura posted the following explanation on the Kingdom boards:
It is with great sadness that we must announce that the Revels poetry and story contests are now suspended.
Due to the advancement and growing popularity of AI generated content, it is not possible at this time to ensure the integrity of these contests. Since Revels/Story contests are currently part of Culture trial, it is a temptation and we've noticed instances where entries are not fully "human". This creates an impossible situation where we simply cannot with full assurance guarantee and thus allow or disqualify an entry based on the use of various tools and our own extensive experience.
As we cannot give assurance to those that enter that their entries are being judged against other entries that aren't tempered with the use of AI, we cannot go on with these contests.
The GM team has worked out an additional alternative for the Ee San Culture trial, which has been implemented already.
To those of you that that enjoy poetry/story writing, we apologize for the discontinuation of these contests and appreciate all the beautiful work you've been submitting through the years. Even if they didn't always win, you should know they've been enjoyed by us as we check them and by the judges who were lucky enough to read them. And to those who volunteered their time to judge, know that you will all have my most sincere gratitude for all of your help.
We hope that you understand why these contests had to be suspended and we encourage you to enter Subpath/Clan/Ministry sponsored contests of similar content and to continue to partake in the ever-evolving Roleplay that our Kingdoms offer.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Lucky' day: St. Patrick's Day returns to the Kingdoms
 Dycean uses a disguise and brute force to try to capture Lucky, who just isn't having it.
The storm this morning swept away the yearly migration of butterflies, signaling the end to Valentine season. But, there's always some fun to be had, especially if you're fortunate enough to get Lucky. The adorable red and green scamp has been spotted flitting about the kingdoms for his annual visit! If this is your first time trying to wrangle the critter, here are the steps:
You'll first need a Lucky Net. Mention "Lucky" at Gruff Smith in Sanhae to get started. You'll need 1 Noodles, 1 Wheat, 1 Wolf Pelt, and 1 Wooden Saber to create the Lucky Net. You will need to say "Lucky" again to Gruff to put it together. Remember that the Lucky Net can be reused and shared with other people. Once equipped, prepare yourself for chasing the little guy around the area. Once you've snagged him (by swatting him enough times), don't let him go without pressing him for information!
Once you have his attention, say to him, "Tell me about your Kettle of Gold" and when he messes with you further, press harder with a "Are you kidding? Give me the location now!"
Armed with this knowledge, head to Thane's Cave and purchase a few Lucky Picks. Take a walk around the Wilderness mining field until the Pot of Gold appears. Typical treasures include a random chance of a Emerald Fan, Lucky Staff, Lucky Bouquet, Clover Trinket, Golden Trinket, White Trinket, White Flag, Golden Baloom, Lucky Baloom, Golden Lantern, Lucky Lantern, or Golden Fan. Along with treasure, a legend mark is awarded for the effort.
If you're still looking for more St. Patrick's Day-themed fun, try a sip of the famous Green Ale. Information on this quest can be found in coverage from March 17, 2022.
Moving up in the Mudang Last weekend, the Shaman path celebrated the ascension of their newest Elder, Hatiki. We weren't able to reach him for an interview, but wish him all the best in his new position! May you and your path inspire and awe in this new era! We would also like to thank Bayde for his years of service to the kingdoms.
Much appreciated Thank you Linuxkiddy, for the succinct reporting of the season's events in the past. Hats off to TwitchUser for the image of the legend mark. We also wish to thank the numerous people that dropped the good news tip from the Shaman path.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Current events:' Haean Festival rocks the seas
 Royal Minister KoiMermaiden plays in the rain before the opening ceremony of the Haean Festival, enjoying the wet weather.
Visitors gathered at the rain-barraged Dae Shore to begin the proceedings in the evening hours on Saturday. The community gathered on the sands around a barricade of decorate crab claws and turtle shells, where King Mhul, Queen Yun, and Prince Mobon waited to begin, alongside Royal Minister KoiMermaiden. Despite the wet weather, the mood was light with the promise of merriment and friendship in this new cultural festival centered around reverence of the sea. Many historical events in the Kingdoms have centered around the ocean, as previously discussed in the announcement for the Haean Festival, and it was now time to capitalize on the veneration of the divine influence on Koguryo.
King Mhul began the proceedings with a short note to the crowd of, "I hope everyone enjoys themselves. Thank you to Oceana Clan for supporting, as wellas other participating clans. And of course, thank you to our wonderful Ministry for all the hard work organization and running the fun and games."
The focus then shifted back to the Royal Minister, who offered a wider illustration explaining the reason why all were gathering there to celebrate.
"The word Haean means coastal or seaside. But within it is the word Hae, meaning sun, and is the family name of Koguryo's royal line. Koguryo is a land blessed with a bountiful blue sky and blue seas. Blessed waters permeate our culture and history. Today we celebrate this connection and all that the ocean provides.
"The shores of Koguryo are a place of historical significance. The SeaNymph came to Dae Shore regarding tainted waters and, with the aid of the community, performed the Cleansing Ritual. Chu Rua reached out for assistance to save the Sea King, finding solace on Guol Shore and those willing to lend a hand. Our shores have also seen threats upon them, warded off by our naval power and brave souls willing to stand against raiders.
"As we come together today, we celebrate the many gifts the ocean provides us. From the fish that sustain us to the trade opportunities that have in part fueled our prosperity, the sea plays an essential role in our daily lives. Salt gathered from the ocean flavors our dishes and preserves our foods. Trade made possible by the sea and our gallant crews ensures economic growth and access to materials from far-off lands.
"However, the sea demands respect and is known to punish those who forget such a fact. Those who have been upon it during a storm can speak for the wrath of water. So we honor our waters and offer a day of fun to celebrate!"
Prince Mobon added his piece, emphasizing "I hope that this weekend of friendship rekindles that lost magic, both in regards to our relationship with the sea, and with each other."
With the mood for the weekend now set, the crowd was ushered northward to their next destination. Oceana Clan opened their doors for the festival as the hosting venue, ushering visitors aboard the Convoyer for the first event of the evening.
Left: Tamo reacts with a little sarcasm regarding the extreme opening dice rolls in Sink or Swim from the safety of the life boat aboard the Convoyer. Right: Aamin prepares the sacred water basin before anointing the sacrifices during the Ritual of Divinity at the Temple of Oceana.
It was surprising that the Convoyer didn't start rocking as participants quickly shuffled to and from to display their guess of whether Tamo's next dice roll would be higher or lower than the previous one. A step toward the starboard (upward) suggested a wager on the number being higher, and the bet on a lower roll was signaled by a shimmy portside (downward). This simple, fast-paced game is a function of risk assessment and unadulterated divine luck.
A short wade back to the Temple of Oceana was in order after so much excitement, where Aamin was gathering denizens around the central fountain. He opened the Ritual of Divinity with an explanation of the history of Oceana clan, and its reliance upon the grace of the Sea King. Water was imbued and sanctified by Golden Sunset and Heaven's Bells, and imbued with a grateful essence. Traveling Shoes symbolized the safety granted to overcome hazardous journeys. A handsome Delicious Fish was chosen as the icon of nourishment offered from the sea. A White Amber represented prosperity from the kingdom's relationship with the sea. After anointing these three tokens, they were gently released into the tide as offerings to the Sea King, so that the land may continue to enjoy his blessings.
Left: Corporal chucks an array of heavy projectiles at JianYi in the final round of Cannonball Brawl, hosted by Shoahs aboard the Convoyer. Right: Players react to Corporal being eliminated by sea beast attack (and exploding) during a round of Safe Sailing on the Recreation Deck.
While the ritual was underway, the Convoyer was cleared of the chaos from the last event held there. And more cacophony was inbound as the call to chuck heavy iron spheres (Obsidian and Limestone) rang out for a game of Cannonball Brawl. In this insane retooling of Dodgeball or Stone Toss, players had three rounds to peg their opponent with as many cannonballs as they could while traveling on a horizontal line of six paces. The player with the most points amassed across all the rounds was ushered to the finals.
While the crew repaired the minimal damage to the deck and hull of the ship from mishandled cannonballs, (the reporter apologize for all those eastbound projectiles) KoiMermaiden called for players to join her on the Recreation Deck for a game called Safe Sailing. This activity is a revision of Harvest Hop, and consists of tokens around a square board. Players select a starting token to stand on, and roll 0-4 to dictate how many spaces clockwise they travel while weaving around other players. Landing on a Fish, Eel Grass, or Seaweed was considered safe, but a Dragon's Tooth meant you were eaten by a sea beast, and eliminated from play.
After exhausting ourselves with a day of fun and reflection, the night closed with promise of more coming in the afternoon.
Left: The reporter banters with Neji, who was threatening separation if he loses during KoiMermaiden's game of Foe Fishing held in the Recreation Deck. Right: HealerGuy asks Aliviah a question regarding his inevitable fate of being thrown off the Convoyer prior to the start of a round of Overboard.
The second day
Guests were invited to saunter back into the Oceana Clan's Recreation Deck the next afternoon, where they were met with an empty grid and eagerness to annihilate one's opponents with throws of the dice. It was time to play Foe Fishing, a reskinning of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo's Spice Dice. Each player was allotted 3 Seaweed and 6 Tiny Fish to line up in a column of their choosing, in a narrative of coveting another fisherman's wares. Each player was then asked to roll a number, which corresponded to another opponent. If a fish was at the bottom of their column, it was eliminated from their opponent's resources. However, a seaweed destroyed one of their own. Once a player lost all the items in their column, they were removed from play.
The Convoyer was clearly not battered enough the previous afternoon, as the festival continued its events on board the vessel. A semi-circle of participants awaited their turn to battle Lady Luck in a game of Overboard. In this nautical-themed version of the kingdom game OMGNMP (Oh My God, Not Me Please), players rolled numbers starting from the previous players' result through 100. Reaching 100 meant you were out of line, and thus thrown overboard.
Left: JABS relishes bringing a Fine Cloth back to her stash, after previously hoarding fish for a few rounds during the Shipping Lines event at the Navy Port . Right: Queen Yun expresses her gratitude during the closing ceremony of the Haean Festival at the Oceana Eden.
As most of the party was already jettisoned into the sea, it was only a short swim back to the Navy Port, where Tamo was waiting to host a hearty game of Shipping Lanes. Eager "merchants" waited for their chance to roll the dice to land on a number coordinating with ports (piles of wares), where they would scoop up one to take back to their place. Treasures (Daily Coins, Ambers) counted for 3 points, Textiles (Cloth, Fine Cloth) landed 2 points, and Fish were 1 point. An Expired Fish (Pungent Fish) removed a point. The "merchant" with the most points after all the ports were ravaged won the game.
The tide ebbs and flows
All things come to an end, and so for the closing ceremony, the community gathered in a nook of Oceana Eden for the last remarks. King Mhul, Queen Yun, Prince Mobon, and Prince MingJung huddled with guests from the kingdoms to bid farewell to the proceedings.
Prince Mobon started off, expressing to the community, "I hope you were as thrilled as I was to find the ocean did more than wave this weekend. It brought us together for fun and brotherhood. I am thankful that out of all the places you could be right now, you are here with us in this moment. I admit that it has me emotional. I cannot express enough gratitude for the support of our kingdom and this festival."
King Mhul stepped forward next, echoing the sentiment with a note. "Thank you for all your attendance here at the Haean Festival. I hope that everyone has been able to enjoy themselves. I'd like to offer my thanks to all of our event hosts, as well as Oceana Clan for hosting us here in their hall. Finally, I'd like to again thank Minister KoiMermaiden and all of the RMK for their efforts in bringing this together for the community."
Queen Yun chimed in, adding, "I also wish to express my sincere gratitude for Koi for organizing bringing this all together, and for all others who helped in hosting. Thank you, Koi."
From there, KoiMermaiden offered her final announcements:
"I want to echo the thanks and appreciation to everyone here and those who were around for yesterday. Your presence here has made this festival all the more special and meaningful. Let us not forget all that the ocean does to bless those of Koguryo and beyond.
"Cherish the blue skies and blue seas. They are a reminder of the beauty and wonder that can be found in nature and the environment that sustains us all. Each day is another day we are so fortunate to live alongside a powerful resource.
"So, let us carry the spirit of the Haean Festival with us into our daily lives. Let us work together to ensure future generations can continue to enjoy the bountiful blessings of the ocean.
"I have a small prayer, translated from my native tongue of waterspeech. I hope it reaches you all well. 'Oh Sea, we recognize the gifts you bestow upon us. We respect the ebbs and flows of your tides. We see how the currents shape our world. Your storm and your calm remind us of the fragility of life, as well as the importance of respecting the natural world. May the Kingdom of Koguryo be ever blessed by our sacred waters.'"
Following the prayer, the Royal Minister announced her incoming departure from the position, citing the magic that keeps her in human form is waning, and she will return to her origin as an ordinary koi fish. As all absorbed this sad news, they were instructed to head to the steps of the Koguryo Palace to receive their commemorative legend mark for attending the closing rite.
A heavy rain fell as everyone waited in line, as a bookend to the Haean Festival.
 Ecnor addresses KoiMermaiden as legend marks are offered on the rain-buffeted steps of the Koguryo Palace, with others lingering nearby to offer well-wishes.
Much appreciated Many thanks goes to the event hosts, Ministry members, benefactors and clans that put this festival together. Festivals like these are a unique aspect of the Kingdoms, where players are able to boost the playership experience for all.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'A friend for life' in Bear Clan: Balakirev named Primogen
 Former leaders Astrael and Jeffer flank their newest Primogen, Balakirev, while Snuff observes from behind the fence in the Bear Clan hall. (Screenshot provided by Balakirev)
Early in the morning, the reporter was smuggled in for a pass through Bear Clan hall, where she met with Balakirev, the latest to hold the position of Primogen. The interview took place in a small enclave to the far northeast of the cave, where it was quiet and cozy, but the energy of the new leader could barely be contained. Bear Clan is historically limited to Poets and Warriors, so getting a tour was a treat for the visiting Rogue.
First and foremost, congratulations on your appointment. How do you feel at this moment? I'm very grateful that I was chosen as Primogen. So far, I haven't noticed much of a change in my routine with helping the clan. Once I figure out my duties, and a few more rules, I'll let everyone know of the possible changes I plan on making.
What sort of changes are we thinking about for the clan? It sounds like you've got things already in motion. Well, for starters, I think it's really important to have an active Council, and players with particular talents. We've also always geared toward Warriors and Poets, and we aren't making a change in these class restrictions, in order to keep our current and older members happy. We're the only clan with that "identity," and I plan on keeping it that way.
When it comes to activities from Bear Clan, what can we expect in the future? If you've been to any of my Survival Trivia events, I plan on hosting a lot more of those. I don't plan on changing a great deal within the clan, but I do promise to make an attempt at "more kingdom-wide activity" in the future.
Besides being a clan of Poets and Warriors, what would you say truly makes Bear Clan stand out from other clans? Well, we're more family-oriented, and our members are some of the friendliest people I've ever had the fortune of making friends with. If you've made a friend in Bear, you've made a friend for life, usually.
What initially drew you to Bear? Historically, it was the clan I joined back in 2000, and the members then were a bit different than the members now. But, the unity within the clan remains largely the same. Sometimes, I'm absolutely touched by the friendships and memories I've made, but my history within the clan goes back a lot further than most.
What sort of members do you hope to attract to Bear Clan? Anyone with a heart, and devotion to help other members within the community.
Is there anything you'd like to tell your clan, or to the kingdoms as a whole, as you take on this new role? If you're interested in joining Bear, please let myself or any of the Council members know, thank you!
We wish Bear Clan the best as they look forward to this next chapter in the organization's storied history, and thank Jeffer for their prior time and dedication.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. The reporter is happy to be celebrating her 50th post on Nexus Atlas with this article.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'Change' for Culture: Daily Coin Leaf introduced
 The reporter is met by silence and disassociation after she delivered a terrible pun to WoonSoo and Shredder in the Incubator.
Those that visited the Incubator in Buya after this morning's storms noticed a new, curious option when clicking WoonSoo: Get a Daily Coin Leaf. The item costs 200 Daily Coins, and resembles a golden leaf in one's inventory.
Armed with this new item in the inventory, the mystery arose of just what to do with this expensive trinket. The question would not go unanswered long. A visit to Bonwha reveals a change to the Ee San Trial of Culture. Adeptness in woodworking, metalworking, tailoring, or jeweling with four Daily Coin Leaves is now an additional option for passing the trial.
This augmentation to the Trial of Culture comes days after Archons Aura and Alilolelotte signed a notice on the Poetry board announcing the reduction of the Revels contest, to now take place every two weeks.
As Daily Coins can be obtained every 11.5 hours (real time), these changes may make the Ee San Trial of Culture a less daunting task to complete!
Much appreciated Thank you, Chifchirouge, for the news tip, and appreciation goes to Trillhouse, Sugarbye, and TwitchUser for assistance getting information and clarifications.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Waves of events: RMK announces Haean Festival
 The appropriately-monikered partyboy dances in response to Corporal's comment during some light shenanigans with KoiMermaiden and the reporter aboard the Convoyer, a ship in Oceana Clan's fleet.
The kingdom of Koguryo has a storied, mystical relationship with the sea, reaching further than just the Dae Shore coastline. One can remember the visitations of Chu Rua on the behalf of the ailing Dragon King, or the divine interventions of the SeaNymph and WaterMaiden in ancient legends. Perhaps you recall the affairs of the Bulkkoch kingdom reaching Koguryo's shores in their entanglements with the Taal'yeein. We'd be amiss if we forgot the many invasions of Ilbonese pirates, as well. These are but a few of many examples of land and sea as intertwined in the kingdom.
In an effort to bring awareness and honor this link with the ocean, Koguryo has announced the tentative schedule for an upcoming celebration coined the Haean Festival. Royal Minister KoiMermaiden offered the following, found on the Community Events board:
The sound of waves. The smell of salt in the air. The sea is a place of beauty and bounty. Koguryo's shores are home to many ocean-dwelling allies and resources. It is the land of blue skies and blue seas!
Join us as we celebrate the first Haean Festival honoring Koguryo's longstanding connection with the ocean. Let us remember that our pristine shores have been the grounds of several historical events. Let us honor the sea which provides us with means for travel, commerce, and sustenance. Wander through the waves as we gather to enjoy all the ocean has to offer!
We'll begin on Dae Shore, then travel through the halls of Oceana Clan for festive fun.
Tentative schedule Saturday, March 11, 2023 (All times EST) 4:00PM - Waves and Welcome 5:00PM - Sink or Swim 6:00PM - Divine Ritual 7:00PM - Cannonball Brawl 8:00PM - Safe Sailing
Sunday, March 12, 2023 5:00PM - Foe Fishing 6:00PM - Overboard 7:00PM - Shipping Lanes 8:00PM - Closing Ceremony
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting