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Spring & Green Kruna Release!
Hello all and Happy Belated St.Paddy's Day! With the recent rituals and strange events surrounding what seems to be Lucky's unfortunate circumstances, CoverGirls kruna update went unnoticed til today!
There's oodles of cute and adorable hair pieces, mounts, coats and more! I've posted just a few of them as the release of items is so large but please take a moment to peek at them and don't forget to use your ((shift+f9)) to try things out before purchasing!
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 3/14 SUBJECT: Spring and green
Hello Kingdoms,
Spring is here and the flowers are starting to bloom. I brought back fresh pinned flowers for you to enjoy these beautiful sunny Spring days. Want some more flowers? We also have Goth locks with flowers and ribbons. I chose lots of hair accessories like flower, ribbon, butterfly, band, jewel, clip, crown, tassel... and also try the fashionable light feathers for Spring breeze on the Musketeer hats. Those are my favorite!
For the green week, I put some greens and grins :) Just in case you want to dye your hair green, all green color hair portions are displayed in one place. Make sure that you check the specific color in the Item Shop. Some colors can be off in the fitting room.
Enjoy Spring~
Usable Items: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Mounts: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Weapon Skins: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Face: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Head: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Coats: (pass the cursor over the image to see Item Details)
Enjoy the update and upcoming fun as we work to solve the mystery of Lucky in our new Spring outfits!
Hyul 102, 9th Moon, 27th Sun *;'IcePixy';*
Mage Warnings - Has Lucky's Luck Ran Out?
by: ZenRu
-- 5:38 PM EST
There is something really strange going on in the Kingdoms of the Winds. Last night, members of all three Mage Subpaths felt disturbances in the realm, which when combined point out to something serious going on at this very moment in an undisclosed location nearby.
The Geomancers felt the abnormal energies resonating from the south, as if something was meddling with the natural order and causing shifts in the earth. The Shamans heard a call of a spirit asking for help to protect his family. He or she seemed to have been attacked by huge monsters. What monsters could these be? It seems the Diviners had visions about them. Monsters with hollow eyes and rough skin that lurk in the dark. But not just that, they also saw a green little creature with red hair being imprisoned, it could be that Lucky is in trouble. Could that be why Lucky didn't appear this year?

To delve deeper and try to help find more connections to point out where this event is going on read the posts by the Diviners, Shamans and Geomancers on the Chronicles of the Winds. Here we have copies of them.
Below are the Augury Visions shared by Elder Sieo and Guide Milana:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Sieo DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: Visions Within the Magical Surge As I entered the Diviner Guide Circle, I grabbed at a desk for support just as the visions began. A quick series of images took over my vision. While I tried to shout them out to the community, it is important that we put all the information we have together about the recent magical disturbances. Here, then, are the visions I saw and what I felt.
A spark in the darkness, illuminating a cage where a green creature with red hair sits. Sad, lonely, trapped...
A human stands next to the cage, twirling a key on a ring...
In the darkness, lots of creatures...jubilant in their revelry, they celebrate their victory...
The Diviners will be working with the Shaman and the Geomancers to uncover the truth of this recent magical activity and reveal the next steps we must take as a community.
-Sieo Bijeon Elder of the Divine Order |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Milana DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: A Vision of Dark and Cold Today was a magical day. As my husband of many hyuls and I renewed our marriage vows, Fate came to us and told us that our marriage was meant to be. This jubilant environment would not last long.
I had just retired to my desk to sort through a stack of letters that the mail carrier just delivered when my mind lost control of my body. The universe was taking over my body to deliver a message from beyond.
A felt a wind blowing from the north, chilling my body. My eyes rolled back and all I saw was nothing - darkness. As I tried to peer into the darkness, I could see nothing But I sensed that there was something stirring in it Lurking, ready to pounce... something big. Something monstrous. I could feel it's hollow eyes glaring into mine Even though I could not see them I then felt it brush up against me in the darkness It's skin like a rough, hard and rough.
Then my body snapped back to my control. Sitting before my piles of letters. Something is looming. Responsibilities first though, as I grabbed my pen and began writing.
*signed* Lady Milana Devoura The Sage of Nagnang |
The Shaman also received a warning from the spirits - one of whom seemed to be Lucky himself:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: ZenRu DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: The Spirit's Warning
I was meditating in the circle with Elder Guerrund when a familiar energy crackled around us. As Mudang, we have experienced the sensation of a spirit reaching out many times. This felt different, however... as if the spirit was screaming from behind a glass wall.
Again, the spirit cried out. Guerrund and I looked at each other in silent confirmation. We could not make out the words... but we knew it was a cry for help. Many quieter voices echoed out in tandem with the primary spirit. There were several of them... and they were in trouble.
We took each other's hands and focused our combined energies in an attempt to hone in on the spirit.
"These monsters are huge!"
"Protect my family!"
Invigorated by the desperate pleas, we sent our souls forth to try and find the spirit. Our souls took flight - getting closer and closer to the cries, nearly reaching the source before...
Nothing. We were thrown back into our physical bodies.
Something was trapping these spirits... and a dark orb of void energy was creating a field that blocked our magicks. Whoever (or whatever) this was... they knew what they were doing.
A powerful foe is coming. We must be ready.
-Zen Ru |
Finally, the Geomancers felt a strange shift in the earth's energies:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Quaid DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: (.\') Imbalance of the Earth
After concluding a minor quest to stop a radiant spider, it seemed to me like it was a calm day to meditate. I went back to the Geomancer Circle and found Destanie and Tain also taking their time to ease off their minds. I sat by their side and closed my eyes. I tried to empty my mind of thoughts and to concentrate on my breathing. For a few moments I felt like I was able to concentrate and meditate deeply, but there was something keeping me from concentrating fully. Perhaps was my inexperience when compared to those two, or perhaps it was something else.
I was there for a while and when it sounded like my meditation was ready to go to the next level, I started hearing too many concerned world shouts. I couldn't distinguish much of what they were saying, I wasn't paying attention after all, but when I opened my eyes, I felt something pressing into my chest, felt anguish touching me to the core. I looked around and I saw on Destanie and Tain faces. Although they were in a deeper meditation, I knew they were feeling that too.
We felt a tremor resonating with our energy. It was a tremor coming from the south. As an Earth Mage, I could feel something was meddling with the natural order and I could sense that as the earth fell, the earth was rising.
Abnormal energies seemed to be beginning to form. Something unlike we've ever seen. The pressure against my chest stopped. The tremors stopped. I could finally breathe again.
Signed, Quaid Shinseol Earth Geomancer (.\') Discipline of Tao (.\') |
What is this dark force that is blocking magic and trapping Lucky? Does the creature have a family that is also in danger? What are these supposed huge monsters?
And if the Shaman felt a spirit... could it already be too late for Lucky? Or perhaps he was a spirit all along...
Only time will tell what is to come.
`,Zen Ru Ling `,Hyul 102, 9th Moon, 18th Sun
True Wonders
by: Vini
-- 7:30 PM EST
 | In Nexus you can be a warrior, a rogue, a mage or a poet. You can be a wise Monk like Greta, a powerful Diviner like Silk, a dauntless Ranger like Angelica or an Honorable Chongun like MaDog. You can be a Primogen, a clan founder, a Carnage host, a Judge, a Tutor, a Soldier, a Minister, a librarian, or an almighty Archon like Alilolelotte. Here you can -choose- what you want, instead of having choices made upon you.
Within the Nexus, it doesn't matter if you're man or woman, a man under woman skin or a woman under man's skin, you can be whoever you desire to be. We have the honor and joy of being a part of a community that mostly embraces the ideals of acceptance and equality on a much greater scale than elsewhere does, where gender is much smaller a factor, if at all.
How great the world as a whole could be if only it were filled with more Love and Caring like our little neck of the internet's woods. |
Spread the love & respect. Happy International Women's Day.
A special thanks to CupOfNoodles for helping out shape up this reverence.
Valentine's Event - Complete Walkthrough ((Repost))
It's time for a brand-new Valentine's Day event and here you can find the most complete and illustrative walkthrough for the 'Folk Tale of Love' quest. The quest involves helping a scholar from Paekjae named Nabihye who came to Nagnang to study the butterfly phenomenon that occurs in our lands. She is which is located inside Nagnang Library.

1) Go to Nagnang at 082,028 and enter the Nagnang Palace. Cross the whole palace courtyard and enter the big doors on the top right located at 035,002. There you'll find Nabihye.
2) Click Nabihye to initiate the conversion and type your name when prompted and hear what she has to say. She believes the butterflies might be related to an old folk legend about Kyunwoo and Gikyeo.

3) Therefore, say "folk legend" to continue the conversation with her. She asks if we haven't heard about it yet and clearly, we haven't. She seems surprised that people in our lands don't know about it yet and mocks the fact we don't read legends in the libraries enough. She gives a summarized version of the story and asks us to read about it and come with items that would represent each of them: Kyunwoo and Gikyeo.

4) It seems that after hearing from Nabihye, the Spirit Guide Yondung has decided to help us by posting a more detailed version of the legend of Gikyeo and Kyunwoo titled as ' The bridge over the Silver River'. It's a long, but interesting legend, which seems to be famous in Paekjae, Han, Ilbon, Shilla and all other kingdoms around us. And well, now it should get known here too. If you're curious to learn more about it buy a Legend scroll at Nagnang Library or any other library like Buya Library or Kugnae Library. It costs 2,000 coins.

5) After reading the legend (or not) you can say either "Gikyeo" or "Kyunwoo". Both options work. She'll peek at your inventory and look for items. Most items we bring she'll say are not the item she is looking for, not even the Kruna Item Shop items themed after Gikyeo or Kyunwoo. However, if you bring a piece of wool (1) and a beef (1), she will seem a bit disappointed with our choice but will accept it. The wool represents Gikyeo being 'the weaver girl' and the beef represents Kyunwoo being a cowherd. It's unknown if there are others she might accept as these didn't seem the items she was originally hoping to see, but they work, and we'll move forward with that. They might not be the items deserved, but the items we need. Nabihye does take some time to make fun of us using walkthroughs by asking if we had read the legend or if we just brought the items because we were told to by others.

6) After she takes the wool and beef, she says she may make a barbecue back in Paekjae will all the meat she's receiving. She then sets us for a new challenge if we are serious about studying the matters of the heart. So, say "Heart" to continue on. She'll now set a real challenge. To bring Chocolate hearts and Red candy boxes to her. By "some" she means 50 of each.

7) Go around the kingdoms saying "I love you (color) butterfly" and hope they drop the Chocolate hearts and Red candy boxes for you. However, if they end up dropping Chocolate cake or Valentine chocolate don't panic. Those are very useful hunting items.
Chocolate cake refills 100% of your vita and Valentine Chocolate refills 100% of mana. If they drop Valentine flower then well... you can wield it. Rumor is that wielding one reduces the chance of the butterflies dropping more.

8) Bring the Chocolate hearts (50) and Red candy box (50) to her and she'll finally ask you want to formally help her with her research. Say "I want to help" to join her efforts then. She'll mention there is a flock of magpies flying the Mountain range at the northeast of Nagnang. However, to reach the birds we'll need to create a magical winged-trinket.
She then reveals a formula of how to forge the trinket through creation system:
a. a couple of delicate flowers = 2 Fragile roses
b. an oceanic ornament fixed on the center = 1 Pearl charm
c. a few "things" needed to ascend = 4 Bird wings
d. something special to enchant the whole thing together = 1 Magical dust
She explains that once we have the trinket we need to go to the mountains and drop it around until we find an updraft wind.

9) It's now time to take your recently created Magical winged-trinket to the Mountain Range located at the northeast of Nagnang coords 140,005.

Drop the trinket on the floor in one of the 5 areas of the Mountain range until you get a popup saying you found an updraft. Once you get this popup your Magical winged-trinket will fly and a Kyunwoo's tear will fall. Put it on your inventory.

10) Go back to Nabihye in the Nagnang Library and say "Tear". She'll give her final speech thanking you for helping with her research and will take your Kyunwoo's tear. Before that, she makes a last question and in this part you really need to pay attention because once you make a choice there's no turning back.

Nabihye asks if you believe in eternal love or not. If you choose that you believe you'll get a legend mark that says "Believes in eternal love". If you choose that you do not believe in it you'll get a mark that says "Does not believe in eternal love".
- OR - 
Despite the mark choice you make, you'll also get the event completion mark saying that you "researched a folk tale of love".

You'll also get a new necklace item, the first set of gender-based necklace in Nexus. If you're a female, you'll get a Gikyeo locket.  If you're a male, you'll get Kyunwoo locket. 
Both have the same stats, but different colors. Their stats are: +1 Will, +1 Grace +1 Wisdom +30 Regen. Any class, but the minimum level to wear it is 50.
That's all! If you reached here it means you've concluded the event quest! A special thanks to TigerRyu, Sola, TrowaBarton, Reon, and Nobrows for collaborating into writing the first walkthrough for this event.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 101, Moon 12~
Changes to Diviner services
by: Vini
-- 9:18 PM EST
The Diviner Order led by Elder Sieo has recently announced some interesting changes to the services and marks provided by the path. Moving forward, the community will be able to obtain through quests legend marks and items that were exclusive to the Diviners.

Items that are symbols of the Diviner Order like the Brass Coins, Tarot Cards, and Water Basin can be now be obtained through a certain set of requirements, which are available for consulting at the Subpaths board by pressing 'b. The same thing goes for "Trained in the Ways of the Order" and "Attained Tai Chi" legend marks. Another change was to the "Inner Knowledge" mark, which used to be obtainable by guide nomination only and now it is a mark that people obtain after meeting certain requirements also available at the Subpaths board.
With this change Diviner is one of the few subpaths in which all their existing legend marks are available for all the community, instead of having some marks restricted for path members only. Way to go!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 102, Moon 8~
Druid Elder Shift
by: Vini
-- 6:36 PM EST
After almost 10 hyuls leading the Druids, Elder Jisong has chosen to step down from his position. His decision was announced to the path about a week ago, when he informed the Druids that due to changes in his life, he would be around less frequently than usual and, rather than become an absent figure in the path, he choose to abdicate eldership in order to keep the path lovely, vibrant, and ever growing.
As his successor, Jisong appointed Supply to become elder once again in a second term. Supply is a well-known figure of the Druids. She led the path for 4 years in the past, from Yuri 68 to Hyul 19, therefore, being the second Druid elder in terms of longevity, only under Elder Foxfire who served for 7 years.

Nexus Atlas congratulates Elder Supply on returning to her her old position and wishes her good luck with her new term. Also a special thanks to Jisong for his services not only to the Druid path, but to the whole Nexus community overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 102, Moon 5~