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Client Patch Introduces Green names
by: Vini
-- 10:07 AM EST
Nexus servers were reset today to introduce the patch to client version 7.49. The most noticeable change is that now unregistered characters will have their name in status tab showing up as green and will allow people to quickly identify those who aren't registered yet.

Other changes refers to cave requirements being adjusted to the new balancers introduced last week and bug fixes. Check the complete reset notes below:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 3/27 SUBJECT: Server and Client Reset - Mar. 27th, 2017 - Unregistered character's profile will display the character name in green.
- ATG caves entries are balancer & gear compliant for now.
- Bug fix for where people were able to login to an expired character. |
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 86, Moon 12~
Today's Server Reset Introduced New Stats Balancers
by: Vini
-- 4:43 PM EST
There has been a sever reset this morning and it introduced a test feature that allows people to balance out their stats temporarily by putting a mantle that reduces your vita and mana. Just like crusaders balancers such mantle cannot be unequipped at will, it needs to be done at same place you get it: Oktche and Pegi Shop at Tangun 030,136. Once there talk to the blue beard guy to either get or remove balancer.
 Here are the costs of each: Balancer 25 - reduces vita and mana by 25% - costs 2,500 coins Balancer 50 - reduces vita and mana by 50% costs 10,000 coins Balancer 75 - reduces vita and mana by 75% costs 25,000 coins

Here's a copy of the reset notes on Dream Weaver's board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 3/24 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Mar. 24th, 2017 - Balancers that will reduce your stat by 25%, 50% or 75% are available from the NPC Oktche. This may not be permanent, and there can be some glitches. Please report, but not exploit.
Once you wear the mantle and have the balancer reducers applied you can see it a message on your action box.
 It's not known yet the effects it has on hunt experience sharing.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 86, Moon 11~
LinuxKiddy is now Nexus Forums Administrator
by: Vini
-- 6:25 PM EST
I'm proud to announce that LinuxKiddy has now officially taken the role of Nexus Forums Administrator, something that he has been helping with over the past two years, but without all the powers he would require. Now as Head of Nexus Forums he'll have all tools available to him to handle it with the care the forums requires.
 Over the next days and weeks LinuxKiddy will be revising everything in the forums: the structure, the rules, the validating process and also will be recruiting new moderators to help keep the forums as a civilized place for Nexus community.
Special thanks to Rachel who has handled that work over 10 years, but for the past couple ones she hasn't be around and it was time for the Forums to move on with new and dedicated care. Congratulations Linux, I'm sure you'll do great for NF community!
~Vini Normad'or~
Very Important Reminder
by: Vini
-- 12:45 PM EST
From time to time it is important to remind people about the dangers of using 3rd party programs given to you by questionable sources with intent of 'helping you advance' in Nexus, and claiming to be untraceable. First of all, nothing is untraceable. If you're using programs to cheat Nexus the GMs can find patterns on the system and will eventually catch you. But before that happens you may be suited to even worse fate: being hacked.
The Majority of hacking cases in Nexus has two origins. Either the person was hacked/cheated by someone they know in real life (a friend, a roommate, a family member) or the person has at some point in their life decided to download and use illegal cheating software, which may seem harmless to you at first, but at anytime they can hack you, usually on a silent way so you won't blame them. They may hack into your account or character and take things without you even noticing it. In worse cases they can even hack beyond Nexus. So it really isn't worth the risk.
This isn't the first time we post warnings about how dangerous these programs can be to you, but due to the recent posting of the Head GM himself, it's always good to have a reminder like this. Here's a copy of Wony's recent post on the matter:
BOARD TITLE: Scum FROM: GM Wony DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: Dangers of Bot Programs
If you have ever used one of the questionable cheat programs for Nexus, you are in a great danger. This is not just about Nexus but rather about your entire online security and privacy.
These programs most likely will contain Trojan spy codes, sometimes called keyloggers, that secretly hide in your computer, and will send out your keystrokes, snapshots of your screen and your files to the hackers while you are not aware of any of such activities. This means pretty much all your p*a*s*s*w*o*r*d*s, confidential data and images can, and may already have been exposed and used by someone else.
Looking at the past and current cases, we are positive that several people's characters, accounts, email addresses and credit card information are in the wrong hands. The hackers are not only stealing your Nexus accounts and characters, but they are making fraudulent charges and impersonating you on social media, and could be handing out your confidential information to the world. If you are a member of Nexus related social media, you may find such cases if you look carefully enough.
If you have used such programs and are still playing Nexus, I will do a better job of finding you to protect Nexus. But, in the meantime, do what's necessary to protect yourself IRL.
For others, I can't overemphasize this enough. Please don't use cheat programs, for Nexus and for yourself. |
As obvious at it may sound, if anyone offers you such programs report them through ticket support, even if the source came from outside Nexus, it can still help them find the culprits.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 86, Moon 9~
Close but no cigar.

Some gather around the Merchant booth in Kugnae gathering to see the Huntyr memorial npc named... Huntyr Dan
Not knowing how long they actually spent on working on this NPC there is a few changes that need to be fixed.
An now for your patch notes:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 3/17 SUBJECT: Quick Reset - Mar. 17th, 2017
- NPC 'Pawny' replaced with an NPC in memory of Huntyr. Additional functions may be added later on.
- ATG minor tweak. Will continue.
Huntyr/Dan's Memorial service.

Sunday night was Huntyrs Memorial, as you can see in the picture above it was a huge turnout. Huntyr was loved by the community and now missed by the community.
I'd like to thank everyone that attended and helped with the ceremony, Spoke at the ceremony, and the Archons that lead a hand getting speakers to the stage.
Below is a recording of the entire Memorial if you havn't been able to make it, you may watch it in the embeded view or watch it on youtube to see it in full screen.
Huntyr/Dan's Full Memorial video.
Server Reset adds fixes to Exp. distribution
by: Vini
-- 7:36 PM EST
Another server reset was done this morning to implement more changes to the hunt's experience points distribution revisions that are being done.
Not enough information was collected to understand yet how these changes are affecting the exp points collected in hunts, but initial attempts to understand what may have changed point out to some possible incentives for people to hunt with groups formed by multi-paths, including all 4 of them: warrior, rogue, mage and poet. It is possible that this is one of the measures done to include each of the main paths within hunts.
Here's a copy of the Dream Weaver informing about the reset's purpose: |
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 3/10 SUBJECT: Quick Reset - Mar. 10th, 2017
Ongoing group exp. tuning to help balance the classes, removing some inconsistencies, and bugs. |
More information will be brought to news as details of this change are uncovered.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 86, Moon 7~
A loss of a Legendary Merchant

March 6th 2017This day quickly became sadden with the news of the passing of a beloved member of the community.
Huntyr/Dan Huntyr was a Merchant guide that was head strong in helping the community anyway he could. He would help by giving accurate market prices, helping mass of the community with giving items for events or quests that are currently going on. or go out of his way to assist in anything he could.
Many members of the community voiced their loss of Huntyr/Dan Including Game Master Wony.

He was a friend to all, a reasoning to many, someone you could depend on when you needed help or an engrave.
Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones, He'll be greatly missed.. and forever in our hearts.
The Merchant guild of Koguryo and Alizarin clan will be holding a Memorial ceremony in the Kubera shrine Sunday March 12th at 8pm EST.
( Follow the yellow scrolls south gate kugnae.)
FROM: Foibles ----{--{ @ I N M E M O R I U M @}--}----
The Merchant Guild of Koguryo In cooperation with Alizarin Clan
Will be hosting a memorial service this: Sunday March 12 at 8pm EST. In the Kubera Shrine.
We invite you to join us to bid farewell to an irreplaceable spirit and beloved friend and colleague. Please join us in remembering a true pillar of the community. Whether you knew him best as Huntyr, or Dan, or another name entirely, he will be dearly missed.
----{--{ @
May we see him in every person needing help. In the firm gaze of every soldier, and the thoroughly smitten heart of every lover. May his passion stand always at his wife's shoulder, with arms outstretched forever around his children, and his grandchildren.
May we see him always, in every opportunity to give. In every silly 'Dad Joke' that goes out over shout, and at the bottom of every mug of coffee. Or.... other beverages. May his humor and love of life live on. Forever.
May we know him in every groggy morning, when with aching skull we look to our banks and thank the spirit of a beloved friend that we at least did not overspend while our minds were filled with moon wine. May he guard our unguarded moments, as we guard his memory.
May we remember his sacrifice every time we see a current or former member of the armed forces. Of any country. And may we help to insure that they and their service are never forgotten. May we lend a respectful hand when it's needed, in memory of our fallen friend who would have done the same twice over. |
Lloyd Flynn July 31, 1975-March 6th, 2017
New Primogen for Silla
by: Ferro
-- 12:43 PM EST
Door has stepped down as the primogen of Silla, and Arkanis has taken their place. Here's to the success of the new primogen. Huzzah.
KRU addresses the Group Exp. Redistribution
by: Vini
-- 8:07 PM EST
Opening Match 1st in Rambling Thoughts you can find a series of three posts made by Head GM Wony regarding the changes made to experience distribution in group hunts. To address the many concerns people were having, he wrote answers to frequently asked questions regarding the update that was received with some controversy by most avid hunters.
Wony's reply was a long one as he dedicated a lot of time to it, so we merged the 3 posts as if it was one. Here's a copy of them:
BOARD TITLE: Rambling Thoughts FROM: NexusTK DATE: 3/01 SUBJECT: Exp. and FAQ (I-III)
OK, this is not short, but it's far shorter compared to what I really want to say, but I can't.
Nexus has two major challenges when it comes to stat/exp. One is stat gap, and the other is stat inflation. (I won't explain what they are here) The challenge is there is no magic formula that can address both problems at the same time. So we have to use different measures for different purposes, and many times these measure counteract toward each other.
Both these problems are devastating, but if we have to decide which one is more serious and damaging, I would definitely say the stat inflation is.
I will give you a real example. With the old exp distribution formula, a L80 player was taking 50% of what an extremely buff Sa San player could pull in, in a duo scenario. What does this mean? This means the exp distribution was relevant to the stat of the buffest player in a group, not to each player.
What does this mean in a bigger picture? This means as a small group buff players reach a new level of stat, gaining higher strength and damage, these small number of players can pull up the entire population very quickly. What does this mean in the end? This means regardless what the game provides, new content, new weapon, armor, item, new map, all will be irrelevant quickly. No game can survive this.
Q. So you think the update will fix everything?
A. No. I am saying this problem has to be addressed urgently, and the update was not about fixing all the problems but it was about changing the direction, and this is the beginning. We still have a long way and many things that need to be done.
Q. Is this about leeching? If it was, there are many and much more effective ways to prevent it. You didn't have to hit everybody with this update.
A. Yes, I wanted to prevent extreme leeching, but I hope you can see that my concern was much deeper than just leeching.
Q. But I am not a low level player. I contribute in hunting, and work very hard. I deserve to be paid for my hard work. Why should I get paid any less (or be punished)?
A. I hear you. However, the sense of loss (or the punishment) that you are feeling comes from the distorted reward system over a long period of time.
I will give you an analogy. Imagine a company where everybody demands the CEO level salary, regardless of their history, experience or qualification, saying "I may have joined the company 2 months ago, and I have no experience, but I work hard. Why should I get paid any less than the top guys?" It's a sweet model, but it just can't exist. Nexus is the same way.
Q. Does this mean the stat gap can never be narrowed down, and the older buffer players will always be ahead of new players?
A. Again look at the real world. The richer ones with more resources will always have an advantage over smaller individuals. However, this doesn't mean the end results are fixed. There always are many underdogs who make it big and make the names for themselves.
The function of a healthy society is providing the equal opportunities and being the fair judge of the community, not narrowing down the gap artificially or by force. Nexus is the same way.
Yes it will be tough for the new players to catch up, but depending how hard and smart they work, there always be chances of new players performing excellently. Of course, this doesn't mean I won't do anything to narrow the stat gap, and there are measures to help the situation. I am addressing the principles here. Remember this is about the 'distribution' not 'bonus'.
Q. OK, but why now? It's not the right time. Why couldn't you implement all these measures first then make this shift when things are better. People leech because they are bored. Leeching is the symptom, not the problem. You really need to set your priorities right.
A. Maybe. But I also know that as long as there is a quicker way to get to the top, people will always take that shortcut, maybe not all, but many will. And anything we do will be abused.
If we give incentives to group, they will use that on top of the leech. If we provide more hunting opportunities, they will add that on top of the leech. And so on. In short, as long as there is a fundamental flaw in the system, all the supplemental measures will just be utilized as another layer of abuse.
Q. OK, whatever. But man, you really need to talk more to the community, and ask their opinions before you implement. Many of us here are extremely knowledgeable about Nexus, and willing to provide free services to you. Just open yourself up and ask. We will help you.
A. I agree to all those points and I do appreciate that. However, with all due respect, it's not easy for me to continually communicate with the community for the following reasons.
1. It's time consuming. It's one to many communication. One word of mine will generate 10 words in return, and this keeps on going. And the time I try to convey and convince some players, that's the time lost for me to work on the next update.
2. It's emotionally draining. Most GMs, if not all, get burned rather quickly, and the biggest cause of that fatigue is the quarrel and communication with the players. This is a strong negative aspect to perform adequately, and I am just trying to avoid that pitfall in the long run.
3. Everybody has different opinions and it's very difficult to have the community agree on something. And GMs get criticized for favoritism, etc.
4. Me not speaking much does not mean I don't listen. I do listen. And I appreciate all the voices. Thank you.
Q. So what now? When are you reverting back the exp? Is this all you have to speak about the Exp?
A. Firstly, we are not going back to the old formula. Having said that, we will continue to adjust and tune to accommodate different situations. We need to move on.
I understand this is a hard change to get used to. And I knew I will be burned for this. But sometimes, somethings just need to be done. And, I do have much more thoughts on this, but I will stop here.
My guess is the board will get busy after this post, but most likely I will have to be working on next update. I really apologize that I don't come as the friendliest person in Nexus, and yes, sometimes I show my ego, pretty big inflated one at that.
But, just remember that even my inflated ego will NEVER surpass my love for Nexus and you. Thank you.
Q. Wait! Do you delete some posts?
A. Yes very rarely, but not for the criticism, but when it's a spam, inappropriate, the language, has a weird agenda or ulterior motives, or simply just too wrong or stupid. As long as they are fair and to the point, they will be respected.
Thank you all.
In a long post like this, everything is interesting and required to read, but if we had to elect the two most important messages he gave were:
The changes on experience distribution will not be reverted, but will still be tuned and improved starting from the current point. Leeching and especially people paying or getting paid for leeching is something that really bothers them. This change was the first step to minimize such practice, but from this point they might implement new content to the game that would give people less reasons to feel they "need" to leech.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 86, Moon 5~