Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
A mysterious couple of immigrants: Teuusthra and Tiiluri
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
As it has been noticed by many people, over the past week the Kingdoms of Winds have been handling the constant presence of two foreigners who Apparently came from Ilbon and have taken residence at the new shrine south of west gate Kugnae. They are called Teuusthra and Tiiluri.

This engaged couple has been actively contacting people and at some point even approached a group of hunters who were accompanying King ChaeRi of Nagnang at wilderness lobsters yellow amber gather and later visited Nagnang officials at north gate of the kingdom.
While both seem very friendly, it has been discovered by kogurian soldiers that same day Teeusthra and Tiiluri had been seated on the Koguryo royal thrones, so KRA's General Amatus took the initiative of locking the throne room for a day or two.
Teuusthra was also seen at Buya Royal Court room, witnessing the trial by BIA's Commander Reon to determine the actions and consequences of Guerrund and Kallyssa for opening the portal to Naraka last week. Teuusthra arrived and placed himself in the upper left corner of the court, and remained mostly quiet during the proceeding except that he greeted Teto. After the inquiry was concluded and all but a few left, I sat beside QuiHua who also arrived, and started a brief conversation with them. Shortly after the trial, Tiiluri world shouted complaining about "The doors seem to be locked now" which suggests she meant the throne room doors. When KRA came to the palace courtyard, they discovered Teuusthra and Tiiluri were sure enough standing outside the throne room, and getting ready to leave since they were denied access.
General Amatus then followed them outside the palace and briefly explained that he was the one who locked the doors, that strangers to the kingdom are not allowed to freely sit upon the throne. According to the General, they seemed to show interest in joining the army, but they shall visit all of the Koguryo clans before deciding on a new group to join. Then, following his suggestion the couple has been visiting kogurian clans over the past few days.

As posted by Teuusthra, he and his fiancée (Tiiluri) have been seeking beautiful places around the lands in which they could pull the perfect wedding ceremony. He is a copy of his community post:
Dear Community,
Recently my beloved Tiiluri and I visited a few clans in Kugnae and both offered to host our wedding inside their clan halls, we haven't even seen all the clans yet but it got me thinking. I need to put together the perfect wedding for my perfect woman Tiiluri, so I am reaching out to you, the community for help. We are new to these lands and not familiar with all of your wedding customs so I would like to put together a small committee to assist me in planning the best wedding possible. If you would be willing to lend a hand please write me a letter and I will get back to you.
In appreciation, Teuusthra |
Amatus mentioned to them a little bit about the kingdoms' dealings with Taiisrhaa and Suvola without telling their names, and that the last known whereabouts was at Taiisrhaa's wedding to SkoGul. They voiced that they are different from him. Their eyes do resemble Taiishraa's a bit, although they seem to be scholars, not conjurers converted into shamanism.
When asked why intruders are forcefully teleported to the snake cave and they said because it's the furthest possible location from their home. Very strange that it ends right outside the snake cave.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
A special thanks to Amatus, Teto and few others who provided a lot of information about them and most of the screenshots.
Server Status Report is fixed
by: Vini
-- 10:05 AM EST
Our Nexus TK server status linking to KRU's has been updated and therefore I restored the widget to our main webpage. As some may notice if they click to open the full report on all servers, their uptime report seems to be buggy due to lack of previous reference, but will be automatically fixed as soon as Nexus gets its next servers reset for new in-game features.
We would also like to thank KRU staff for such a fast looking into this matter. This must have been fixed between 2am-6am PST (their local time), surely done predawn. This shows that KRU Inc. is silently putting a lot of effort into Nexus TK and fixing issues fast (when possible).
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
New Nexus Servers - Running smoothly
by: Vini
-- 9:55 PM EST
 Just as promised by GM Stein, today KRU Inc. has moved Nexus to newer and faster servers. This required them to take all servers down for 3 hours between 6pm EST and 9pm EST, the longest period The Kingdom of Winds has been unavailable in years. Considering what is mentioned on Nexus TK official website, the server maintenance has been concluded successfully, but as it was sort of expected by many, on this first few hours with the new servers there has been some instability and server crashes. and along with the new server the problems some people still had with Windows 10 seem to be solved.
If anyone finds any issues with the new servers and we'll update this post. Also by KRU's request if you notice any issues don't hesitate to let us know by sending in a support ticket, but do not worry if they do not reply to each ticket individually on this matter, they will read it and take your collaboration into consideration.
 Also, as some of you may have noticed, the move on servers broke our servers tracker that we have on top right corner of the page. To not scare our readers away from entering Nexus, I temporary removed the Server Status information until we find a way to link to the new servers.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 12~
Servers are ONLINE.
As of approximately 20:00 EST, the Nexus TK servers have been restored.
The upgrade Seems to be a success, things seem smoother But some things will need to be fixed. The Server Status Currently says offline But they're Indeed up. Kru is looking into resolving this issue. (added by Linuxkiddy)
Client patch - Version 7.15 - Faster winds are coming!
by: Vini
-- 6:20 PM EST
The Nexus TK servers are being reset right now for a new client patch of 0.43 Mb. The patch brings a few fixes today, but the post revealed by GM Stein on DreamWeaver's board shows that tomorrow will be a big day for Nexus.
* We are patching the client to fix a few coats that showed feet when they shouldn't, some monsters like skeletons and rats that disappeared if they were facing a certain direction, conflicts with head/face accessories, and the screenshot crash bug.
* Fixing a typo in the Tokki legend mark so it correctly displays the date instead of "r".
* Additionally, tomorrow we are moving Nexus to newer, faster servers! This means that we are going to take the servers down completely for between 2-3hrs, although we're going to be working to make the move as fast as possible. This will be occurring at 3PM PDT/6PM EDT tomorrow, Wednesday, March 30. We will make a post on the website when the move is complete and we apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
*** If you are running a modern version of Windows, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch ***
Just remember that if by any chance your Patch does not work, you do NOT have to uninstall Nexus and risk losing your user profile, assigned spells and screenshots. All you need to do is re-download the full client and install it again. It will replace the previous client with current one without removing the folders and content.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 11~
The Inquiry

March 27th around 3PM EST The buyan Army has held an inquiry for the crimes of Guerrund and Kallyssa.
In question was the ritual preformed by Rekai, Kallyssa, and Guerrund, they wanted to Test if the city of Buya is ready for a worse case scenario of an attack. Commander Reon asked some tough questions related to the incident, he has also quoted the Queen of Buya that their actions could be treason. Roles from the army to ministry and even clans was being scrutinized, but some did not want to hear about the roles.
Kallyssa stated that she wasn't sure what the ritual would do and that Guerrund would know more.
Guerrund sarcastically replied finally reaching the point that they had no idea exactly what kind of evil spirits would cross over with it open, but they knew the protections would be stripped in the process, which allowed the mass murder of Buyan citizens.
During the inquiry, some moments got heated and childish shouts were made. Commander Reon has noted everything during the inquiry and will share them with The Queen of Buya. Only time will tell what the fate of Kallyssa and Guerrund will be.
Reikai was not in attendance, and there is no word from Buya on if she has given testimony.
Tokki's egg collection quest
Happy easter!
Kru has left us with a new quest to seek out and destroy Mysterious Rabbits!

You'll find Tokki outside of Kugnae palace, they've heard a rumor that Mysterious rabbits drop Mysterious eggs.
Tokki collects eggs so they will like you to get them
(20) Mysterious eggs from the Mysterious rabbits.
When you hand in the 20 Mysterious eggs, Tokki will give you... a Pet Pheasant   And will ask you to get 50 more Myseterious eggs now.
After handing in 50 Mysterious eggs, Tokki will give you
a Pet dragon!  
and a new Legend mark  A nice calm simple quest for all to do =) Thank you kru
Bunny Riddle Quest
To do the Bunny quest and get a Bunny's Amber and some karma, do the following:
1. Go to the Mythic Rabbit cave and talk to the big rabbit (Starting the quest).
2. Talk to the shiny rabbit outside the Mythic Rabbit cave.
3. Talk to the big rooster in Mythic Rooster cave.
4. Go to Kugnae East Shaman
5. Go to Kugnae West Shaman
6. Go to Kugnae Rogue Guild
7. Go to Buya East Shaman
8. Go to Buya West Shaman
9. Go to Buya Rogue Guild
10. Go to Nagnang Rogue Guild
11. Go to Nagnang Shaman
12. Go to Tangun Shaman (south-west of the giant green pot)
13. Combint all the Silver threads and the Mini Giant couldron using the Creation system (Shift I)
14. Use the created item, which summons a Shaman. Click on it.
15. Return to the giant rooster in Mythic Rooster cave and click "Juicy Carrot Reward" option. Type in the word, "PIXEL." (You will get a Juicy Carrot)
16. Find the glowing rabbit outside of the Mythic Rabbit cave and click on it. It will take away your Juicy carrot and give you the quest prize, a Bunny's Amber, instead. You will also get a legend mark.
Shrine found in Kugnae west gate.

Elder Reon, General teto and reporter Linuxkiddy came to investigate a beautiful shrine in Kugnae. There has been reports of a Shrine that was put up in Kugnae a few days ago. Its located south of West gate inside the gates.

No information has been release of why this shrine is here but some can speculate. It could be a way to celebrate spring. Maybe this shrine is a sign of ending war talk?
Post your replies on Nexus Forums
Test of the primogen
 On Saturday, March 19, Primogen Guerrund and Primogen Kallyssa revealed their plan to open a portal to the Naraka on Buya in order to test if Buya's defenses would hold. They had grown concerned that Buya may not be able to handle a threat. They had cited that the Imperial army couldn't get an officer back from the Chaos Crew and that Buya had broken alliances just before a potential war broke out just to avoid going to war.
The ritual started with Elder Reikai asking if both Primogens were certain. The crowd was on either side of the fence, with some people pleading with them to stop while others cheering them on. As the spell began, the sky grew clouded and light from the world had faded. The portal opened and demons began spewing out.
Minister Sageri, who is also Kallyssa's mother, had pleaded with her daughter to stop. The ritual was coming to an end when Kallyssa broke out of the trance and began to frantically try to stop the portal. She knew she couldn't stop the portal, but she had an idea... she could change the destination. With the help of Reon, Rylee, Maron, Omegaesculas and many others, she was able to make the portal's destination somewhere else... but where?
As soon as the portal was finished... Reanimated people starting coming forth. The community dispatched them and entered the portal to see what was there.
 It appears that we have stumbled, unknowingly, into one of Alternate Kugnae's areas... and with Alt Kug comes Alt Mupa. She was in the middle of something when she was interrupted by the community. She unleashed Darkchild, who slew many but was beaten in the end. Furious, Mupa lashed out with her classic spells, which finished off the remainder of the people. The portal closed, what will come of this?
 Content and images provided by Guerrund
Famous Green ale quest walk through
1: Go to Artic land on Map selection. Talk to Haeng, Select "Green Ale", and then select "I'd like to help and I promise I won't!"

2: Walk around in Lovers Lake in Artic Village(Southwest of map) until you get a message that water jug is full.

3: Talk to Haeng again, select "Green Ale" once more.
4: Run around to collect (10) Barley from Ssal's Farm in Kugnae(south gate and up)around coords x112, y142.

5: Talk to Haeng again(Green Ale).
6: Say 'Hops' to NPC in Du Mountain(outside Arctic Inn, go down-left, across bridge and up). Select "As a matter of fact, YES! I need some badly." He will give you Dried hops.

 7: Talk to Haeng once again(Green Ale).
8: Say 'Yeast' in Spruce Inn in Sanhae Valley(outside Arctic Inn, go down and right) coords x017, y031. You will recieve "Ale Yeast"
 9a: Talk to Haeng AGAIN(Green Ale).
9b: Walk around near x65, y15 Woodlands to collect 5 Green Algae.
 10: Talk to Haeng again(Green Ale), you will have to wait 15 minutes real time.
11: Talk to Haeng, he will give you Famous green ale and a legend mark: , and some XP(Based on your level/mark).
12: You can either drink the ale to walk dizzy for a few seconds, OR go back to the NPC in Du Mountain and give him the ale for some more XP (Based on your level/mark). Images and Walk through submitted by Aeris
Lucky is back!
Lucky is back wandering around the kingdoms you must make a net first to capture him to get his pot of gold!
This a walkthrough Posted previously on NA by Vini for the St. Patrick's day event in Nexus:
 Making the Lucky net
You'll need only 1 Lucky net as the same one can be shared by multiple characters. So you can either create your own or borrow from a friend. The items needed to create a Lucky net are: Noodles (1)  Wheat (1)  Wolf pelt (1) Wooden saber (1) 
Then go to Gruff smith at Sanhae Village and say "Lucky" twice to him. He'll take the items above and give you a Lucky net.

Getting the Pot of gold
1. Equip the Lucky net and it is time to find Lucky around the kingdoms. The best place to hunt for him is at Mythic Nexus since the place is small and you can easily find when he respawns and there's a Lucky there every time of the day.
 To capture Lucky simply swing at him or zap until it gives a popup. Then after reading the popup, choose the last option "Tell me about your Kettle of Gold" option and then "Are you kidding? Give me the location now!".
 2. After that, head to Artic land via main map and walk south of the Haeng Tavern towards the wilderness mining Area. Go to Thane's cave, purchase a Lucky pick for 5,000 coins, equip it and walk around the mining field until you get the pot of gold. The Lucky pick might break a few times during this process, but after done you can let a friend borrow it.
 3. Once you find the Pot of gold click to open it and receive one of the Twelve possible gifts:
Golden Baloom Lucky Baloom Golden Lantern Luck Lantern Golden fan
Emerald Fan Lucky Staff Lucky Bouque Clover Trinket Golden trinket White Trinket White flag
You'll also get a new legend mark:

Tangun help week

Tangun help week kicks off with General Teto of the Buyan army hosting Oh my god Not me please! Supporters arrive to play this event yet new members are very slowly trickling in.. If you have not done so already please help the cause of making the kingdoms great again and help advertise NexusTK!
last post has the information needed to advertise, Lets make the kingdoms great again.
Historical day in Nagnang: A Princess and a King are introduced!
by: Vini
-- 5:53 PM EST
As was promised by nangen government couple weeks ago, they held a ceremony to introduce the newly discovered daughter of ChaeRi as the royal princess of the kingdom and allow community members to see her in public sighting for the first time.

The Tea Party was held today at the eastern wing of Nagnang Palace, in the ceremonial room known as Josang Hol. As guests to the celebration of Sutsang being officially recognized as a "Royal of Nagnang" counted with the presence of many illustrious members of community, including elders, primogens of the three kingdoms, Generals, judges and many devoted or curious people who would not want to miss this historical moment for Nagnang.

While a bit short, such event counted with efficient catering services and in general was marked by good manners of everyone present. Community had their chance to introduce themselves to the young Princess for the first time and talk a bit to the little royal lady. To avoid overwhelming her with questions she does not have age yet to respond to, her father, ChaeRi and Minister Sieo of Nagnang helped conduct the public.
In the end of the ceremony Prince ChaeRi surprised everyone with an announcement: "For a couple of reasons I will finally be taking the King title for myself. Partly to reduce confusion about the Princess and for other reasons I may publish on the Chronicles of the Winds".
To officialize the upgrade of title, Chongun Guide Spiri, Primarch of Alizarin clan of Nagnang took a step up to bestow the new title to the Royal. The announcement immediately echoed a series of congratulations to ChaeRi on his new title and Nagnang on finally having a king again. The first king and founder of Nagnang was King Zhou, father of Prince Kija and ChaeRi, but the new king already marks a very significant symbolism as ChaeRi was the first royal to be actually born in nangen territory. He did not grow up in Nagnang as he was taken as a baby by Queen Filia during the episodes that resulted in the assassination of King Zhou and exile of Filia back to Kaya.
The ascension of King ChaeRi shall finally allow Nagnang to move past the tragedies of its early history, allowing that all to be water under the bridge now.

Congratulations to King ChaeRi, welcome to Princess Sutsang and good luck to Nagnang kingdom on the writing on of its next pages of history!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 8~
Server reset changes - 3/10
by: Vini
-- 11:38 PM EST
Nexus servers were reset some minutes ago to bring the following updates as listed on the official website:
Fix for Sally's quest that may have caused a monster to be assigned that was not possible to kill. If this happened to you and you're still stuck on it, let us know and we can get you sorted out. Going forward all options should be possible.
Minor updates for: Chongun subpath Monk subpath Barbarian subpath
Besides these additions, DreamWeaver Stein has also given a small preview of what will be done in next week's reset and promised another client patch to fix the recent bugs that insist on sticking around - No more feet showing!
* With St. Patrick's day fast approaching, rumors of Lucky heading back to the kingdoms are making their rounds. Several shop keepers in the kingdom are going to be celebrating the holiday as well with a few tasks they need help with. St. Patrick's seasonal items will also be back. Keep on the lookout next week!
* We've been hard at work fixing those pesky client bugs still lingering. Coming with the next patch will be a fix for the disappearing monsters (enjoy them while they last!), a fix for situations where putting on a head accessory causes a face accessory to disappear, and fixes to address a few coats where feet are still drawn beneath them. Don't see your fix here? Let us know what's still broken and we'll try to get it into the next patch too! |
The information about St. Patrick's event seems quite interesting could it be that Nexus will finally have a different event for the holiday rather than catching Lucky with the net year after year? Time shall tell!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 8~
Sally's pursuit of world peace - quest walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 8:10 AM EST
To those who haven't been able to finish Sally quest yet, some good news: immortals confirmed that this is a permanent weekly quest. Thew walkthrough will soon be added to our quest section, but until then here's a temporary repost of it.
It is not known yet if you can change from hindered to assisted and vice-versa.
Quest walkthrough Sally, the not so crazy girl from the top deck of the Undead pirates ship is at Buya. She is sitting next to Buya inns, where she claims to have gone visit her good friend Spring, the tavern keeper.

1. Once we visit Sally tells us that she has good intel that a select group of people are planning an attack to take over the world and end life as we know it.
2. She asks if you are Are brave enough to infiltrate their ranks and prevent this tragedy from occurring. Choose "Yes I am!" option.
She's afraid of mentioning the group name of who will attack our lands, so she tries to describe them to you with moves. She then asks if you understood her cheerleader attempts to spell out Taal'yeein".
3. Choose "Uh..no. You make no sense"!
She'll give you a glass which captured the last shape of what she thinks she saw. She claims it was rather dark so she doesn't know if the colors will be the accurate ones.
She asks you to hold the looking glass and if you drink of it, theoretically speaking you should get a glimpse of what she saw too.
4. Using the Looking glass will morphs you into a random creature. Pay attention to which one you morph into: Bear, Deer, Rabbit, Raven, Lobster, rat, Panda, fox, wolf, etc.
Here's the list of Known Monster shapes that can fit the profile of what you must kill: (List added by Linuxkiddy)
Raven Kugnae - Fox cave Raven, Spider cave Carrion raven Buya - Fox cave raven, Nagnang - Crow, Woodlands Shadow crow Wilderness- Forever Tree Man-Shik Raven
Scorpion Kugnae - Spider cave Giant scorpion, Massive scorpion, Pale Scorpion Buya - Wood mantis- Sting, Dark mantis Ch'Tan, Ghost mantis Sin-tu Nagnang - Woodlands Dune scorpion
Lobster Kugnae - Hausson Island Lobster Nagnang - Woodlands Sea lobster, Wilderness- Vale - Lobster Lobster cave Sand Lobster, Rock Lobster, Golden Lobster
Fox Kugnae - Fox cave Dark fox, Blood fox, Sun fox Buya - Fox Fox cave Dark fox, Blood fox, Lava fox, Sun fox Wilderness- fox
Rabbit Kugnae - Rabbit/White rabbit, Rabbit cave - Hare/Large hare/Red hare, Buya -Rabbit/White rabbit, rabbit cave hare, large hare Artic ogre Snow rabbit Nagnang - Rabbit, Woodlands - Black rabbit/Brown rabbit/ Brown hare, Rabbit
Bear Vale - Bear Woodlands - Frost bear, Snow bear
Deer Kugnae - Deer, Doe Fox cave Albino Buck Buya - Deer, Doe Rabbit cave Albino buck, Dark deer, Dark buck, Arctic ogres Arctic deer Nagnang - Deer Woodlands - Dark buck Wilderness - Black buck (it's different than dark buck)
Rat Kugnae - rat rat cave rat, White rat Buya - Rat rat cave Rat, white rat Nagnang - rat
Wolf Kugnae- Wolf ,Rabbit cave -Dark wolf, Buya- Wolf , Rabbit cave - Dark wolf, Fox cave - White wolf & Lightning wolf , Du mountain - Mountain wolf Wilderness- Blood wolf Nagnang - Wood wolf |
5. After you use the looking glass go and find the creature you morphed into. That's the hardest part here because the same creature morphing can result in different ones to kill.
Example: some required regular fox, others needed light fox from Buya fox cave. The big quest is finding which is the right creature for your morph.
6. Go back to talk to Sally to test if your kill worked or not. If it doesn't work She'll ask you a question
 PLEASE CHOOSE "No, I will try again!" Or just press the close button to close the popup and try again.
If it does you'll be transported to southwest Buya where the "Supreme Leader" will talk to you. He's very angry about Sally and will say: "That vile woman has no place in this world".

You'll have two options (Be careful choosing it): (a) Yes, I agree with you (b) No, I do not (agree with you)! Now take the edge of my blade!
First option (a) will give you a "Hindered" result:
 The Supreme Leader will give you a bottle called "Drink Me".
Once Sally drinks the "Drink me" bottle she immediately falls to the ground unconscious. While people rush to aid her, you decide to slowly make your way out, or so the fate says you do.
Second option (b) will give you "Assisted" result:

It seems as a gift for completing the quest you get a random item from past events. Confirmed items are: Fancy ilbon vest, tattered Ilbon outfit, Good eye, Red amber, unidentified flame, fresh mold, love potion, red potion, candy box, white amber, yellow amber, black amber, treatise on old poetry, 85 skully sword (cool) and more to add to this list.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 7~
Better call Sally - Quest walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 10:45 PM EST
This walk-through is still under construction.
Sally, the not so crazy girl from the top deck of the Undead pirates ship is at Buya. She is sitting next to Buya inns, where she claims to have gone visit her good friend Spring, the tavern keeper.

1. Once we visit Sally tells us that she has good intel that a select group of people are planning an attack to take over the world and end life as we know it.
2. She asks if you are Are brave enough to infiltrate their ranks and prevent this tragedy from occurring. Choose "Yes I am!" option.
She's afraid of mentioning the group name of who will attack our lands, so she tries to describe them to you with moves. She then asks if you understood her cheerleader attempts to spell out Taal'yeein".
3. Choose "Uh..no. You make no sense"!
She'll give you a glass which captured the last shape of what she thinks she saw. She claims it was rather dark so she doesn't know if the colors will be the accurate ones.
She asks you to hold the looking glass and if you drink of it, theoretically speaking you should get a glimpse of what she saw too.
4. Using the Looking glass will morphs you into a random creature. Pay attention to which one you morph into: Bear, Deer, Rabbit, Raven, Lobster, rat, Panda, fox, wolf, etc.
Here's the list of Known Monster shapes that can fit the profile of what you must kill: (List added by Linuxkiddy)
Raven Kugnae - Fox cave Raven, Spider cave Carrion raven Buya - Fox cave raven, Nagnang - Crow, Woodlands Shadow crow Wilderness- Forever Tree Man-Shik Raven
Scorpion Kugnae - Spider cave Giant scorpion, Massive scorpion, Pale Scorpion Buya - Wood mantis- Sting, Dark mantis Ch'Tan, Ghost mantis Sin-tu Nagnang - Woodlands Dune scorpion
Lobster Kugnae - Hausson Island Lobster Nagnang - Woodlands Sea lobster, Wilderness- Vale - Lobster Lobster cave Sand Lobster, Rock Lobster, Golden Lobster
Fox Kugnae - Fox cave Dark fox, Blood fox, Sun fox Buya - Fox Fox cave Dark fox, Blood fox, Lava fox, Sun fox Wilderness- fox
Rabbit Kugnae - Rabbit/White rabbit, Rabbit cave - Hare/Large hare/Red hare, Buya -Rabbit/White rabbit, rabbit cave hare, large hare Artic ogre Snow rabbit Nagnang - Rabbit, Woodlands - Black rabbit/Brown rabbit/ Brown hare, Rabbit
Bear Vale - Bear Woodlands - Frost bear, Snow bear
Deer Kugnae - Deer, Doe Fox cave Albino Buck Buya - Deer, Doe Rabbit cave Albino buck, Dark deer, Dark buck, Arctic ogres Arctic deer Nagnang - Deer Woodlands - Dark buck Wilderness - Black buck (it's different than dark buck)
Rat Kugnae - rat rat cave rat, White rat Buya - Rat rat cave Rat, white rat Nagnang - rat
Wolf Kugnae- Wolf ,Rabbit cave -Dark wolf, Buya- Wolf , Rabbit cave - Dark wolf, Fox cave - White wolf & Lightning wolf , Du mountain - Mountain wolf Wilderness- Blood wolf Nagnang - Wood wolf |
5. After you use the looking glass go and find the creature you morphed into. That's the hardest part here because the same creature morphing can result in different ones to kill.
Example: some required regular fox, others needed light fox from Buya fox cave. The big quest is finding which is the right creature for your morph.
6. Go back to talk to Sally to test if your kill worked or not. If it doesn't work She'll ask you a question
 PLEASE CHOOSE "No, I will try again!" Or just press the close button to close the popup and try again.
If it does you'll be transported to southwest Buya where the "Supreme Leader" will talk to you. He's very angry about Sally and will say: "That vile woman has no place in this world".

You'll have two options (Be careful choosing it): (a) Yes, I agree with you (b) No, I do not (agree with you)! Now take the edge of my blade!
First option (a) will give you a "Hindered" result:
 The Supreme Leader will give you a bottle called "Drink Me".
Once Sally drinks the "Drink me" bottle she immediately falls to the ground unconscious. While people rush to aid her, you decide to slowly make your way out, or so the fate says you do.
Second option (b) will give you "Assisted" result:

It seems as a gift for completing the quest you get a random item from past events. Confirmed items are: Fancy ilbon vest, tattered Ilbon outfit, Good eye, Red amber, unidentified flame, fresh mold, love potion, red potion, candy box, white amber, yellow amber, black amber, treatise on old poetry, 85 skully sword (cool) and more to add to this list.
Client Patches to V7.13 and V7.14
The Nexus Client got two patches tonight. The first one came to fix most of the graphical bugs caused by the previous one (I.e. holding invisible weapon when wielding a shield) and also added a very useful small cave at north of Vortex which leads straight the to Midnight Weaver (exp seller).

Nexus version 7.13 came with a terrible crashing problem, which basically crashed the Nexus program every few minutes with no cause. People have crashed over 20 times, until Stein did a second reset introducing Version 7.14 that brought connection stability back.
Vortex portal? This will get rid of the reason for Cross server warps Hmm Will members of the community go to Buyan or Kogurian clans?
* The client has been patched to solve all the lingering graphics bugs from the previous patch. Emotions won't turn the character body anymore, shield/no weapon should be working again, helms that previously had no display graphic wont't show up anymore, and a few other things have been fixed. If you notice anything else that seems out of place, just let us know!
* There is now a portal in Vortex that will take people directly to the experience seller. Check it out, just to the right of north gate Vortex.
* All traces of Valentine's day have left the kingdoms. Thank you to everyone who helped with Jeone and Hu!
* Sally is back, and wants to talk to you. Find her by the inns in Buya and see if you can help her.
*** If you are running a modern version of Windows, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch ***
The Client Patch has 70.67 Mb. If by any chance the patch does not work, DO NOT uninstall your client, instead you can simply install the new version on top of the current one and then you'll not lose your current folders and screenshots.
It's confirmed: Prince ChaeRi has a daughter!
by: Vini
-- 9:25 PM EST
A couple weeks ago we of Nexus Atlas got information about Prince ChaeRi having a daughter. Since the Royal of Nagnang is not married, we've been reluctant about making any reports about this until we could be sure that this was a genuine thing. Today his Highness made an official announcement on the Chronicles of the Winds board and confirmed the rumors are real. Here’s a copy of his post:
It is finally time I substantiate the rumors that I have a child. It is true. She has been united with me with a little divine aid.
My beautiful daughter's name is Sutsang, and she has been introduced to Nagnang during last week's Tribunal. I love her very much and she should be treated as you would treat your own.
I understand that kogurians likes to throw mud at each other though, so in the case of Kugnae, I would rather the lot ofyou didn't entreat with her at all.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and may your day be as blessed as mine.
Prince ChaeRi Last Son of House Sukaya |
A mysterious Deity called Providence was the one who introduced Sutsang to the Nagnang government officials. Since she is not one deity we ever heard about before, some were worried if she was truly an immortal and what her role is. "Through the powers of heaven and earth she is here. I bless you child. Your path will never be simple, but you are the future and with you rests the wellness of this land. On this I bid you well, General Arkanis, remember your promise to me", said the Deity.

At this point, it is not known much about Providence, but the story here is about the little girl she introduced to the Nagnang Army's General. Prince ChaeRi was kind enough to enlighten us with more information about his daughter.

Sutsang is a three old child, still very confused about the royalty life as her first years she grew away from her father. She now lives at Nagnang Palace. The Prince does not feel it is the time to share the identity of her mother until he can ensure her safety.

Although ChaeRi is a father now, Nagnang has not yet officially changed his title to King. There will be a tea ceremony soon to introduce Sutsang to general public and perhaps then more information will be shared.
Stay tuned!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 78, Moon 5~
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