Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Condolences from kogurian royals
by: Vini
-- 2:40 PM EST
Although the Royals of Koguryo were not present during the funeral of Geumwa, King Muhyul made sure to write a letter of condolence to Quen Lasahn for her loss. Here’s a copy of the letter signed by King M’hul and Queen Yun as posted on Chronicles of the Winds:
There is much sadness with Queen Yun and myself at the loss of King Geumwa. Our condolences go to Queen Lasahn, Buya Kingdom and family.
In the fabric of life if a single threat gets unraveled this affects us all like an infection. My security team is investigating this incident for we know the threat is still among us.
Citizens be wary of the things that have transpired in the Kingdoms. Remember the omens we have seen. There are dark forces working and trying to interweave into our fabric to produce what pattern? I do not know.
One of the goals of this Kingdom is Justice. We will seek justice and implement justice. Life cannot be replaced but justice can be served. King Mhul and Queen Yun of Kuguryo |
As mentioned by the King Mhul, justice must be served and people shall not rest until they reach to the bottom of this situation. Therefore, a taskforce has been announced, in which the KRA and Chongunate both have offered to assist Buya Army in the investigation of the royal assassination. If you have any information that may assist getting to the bottom of this submit to General Reon.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Nexus Memes at Nexus Forums
by: Vini
-- 1:05 AM EST
Are you bored? Want to laugh or make others laugh? Then share your creativity and create your own meme with Nexus themes.
There's a new topic created At Nexus Forums dedicated to that.
But beware trolls! These memes are to be fun and only that. No profanity or in-game illegal themes will be allowed nor personal offenses towards anyone or any group.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Chaos blade revealed!
 Tiffy decided to Withdraw the Chaos blade today to reveal that It in fact is still in NTK. There was Rumors of it being sold/given away and even Blown up is finally over! Tiffy still has the chaos blade And says she'll never sell it so stop asking! Everyone's excited over the chaos blade still being here.

A new primogen is elected for The Forsaken
After a long period without a leader, The Forsaken clan has a new primogen elected today: Millinator. The clan is now officially out of lockdown.
 "I thank my kin for their nomination and votes of confidence. I'm looking forward to restore the clan's prosperity and significance. Any Forsaken need not apply", says the new Forsaken leader.
Congratulations Primogen Millinator!
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan
The Funeral's Ceremony
The ceremony began with Minister Biondeu thanking those who were present and saying that although Geumwa a man that many individuals did not embrace, he was the husband of the Queen, the father of the throne's heir. He envisioned that perhaps upon his death, it is an opportunity for people to remind themselves to try to understand and get to know people before casting a stone at them. Then he opened space to General Reon speak. General Reon admitted that Geumwa might not have been the perfect king they would want for Buya, but that he cared and loved Lasahn on his own way. Besides some misplaced words and disgusting opinions, the General never witnessed true malice from him and therefore mourned his loss with those who can understand the burden Geumwa carried since his first days at Buya until his last as King of Buya.

Queen Lasahn’s sorrow didn't allow her to speak much words. Was too hard for her to say any speech towards the husband she did not choose, but who is giving her a child. General HanXin on other hand had few words to share. “The news of Geuwma’s death has just reached Han, and I was dispatched immediately.
HanXin acknowledged that Geumwa didn't make many friends during his time in Buya, but was a good man (that’s his opinion) and delivered what he promised. “There are different types of men. Some that will speak fancy words to your face, smile, shake your hand and turn around and sell you for a half tarnished gold coin. He wasn't such a man”. Said HanXin. “He may have come on strong and say a bit too much to your face, but what he said, he meant”, completed the General.
HanXin completed his speech saying that the funeral was a sad day for Buya and all who really knew Geuwma and spoke very angry words to the winds, warning that whoever committed the assassination will not go unpunished and that his or her days are numbered.
The ceremony ended with the presence of Shaman ZenRu who held a ritual to the spirits asking them to help guide the soul of the fallen king into the spiritual realm. She asked for peace and healing to the people of Buya, especially to the widow Queen.

After that, those present in the ceremony entered the palace and gathered at the Courtyard for a moment. Then they headed to the palace’s secret garden where citizens could pay their final homage to the dead king and his widow before his body was sent back to be buried at Han, his birthplace.

The ceremony did have some disturbance when couple members of Forsaken clan began shouting and accusing Lasahn of being the person behind the death of her husband. While then, Prince ChaeRi expressed his condolences to the Queen of Buya, while the two royals of Koguryo were not seen during it.

The funeral ended when Lasahn decided to return to her room and soldiers accompanied her. General HanXin tagged along and is supposed to be sleeping at BIA’s barracks for the night. It’s not sure when he’ll return to Han.
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan
~Weekly Photo winner results!
 This weeks winner for the photo contest is Teto thanks for everyone that Submitted a weekly photo! You may start submitting you photos to weeklypics@nexusatlas.com And you might be the next winner!
To see Tetos photo he Submitted, click the link below.
Weekly photos
"Active GM"
Much of the frustrations that many of the players have been having over the years is the lack of communication by the GM. Several players took to the Dreams board to show their frustrations. There's about 52 posts at the moment on the Dreams board with the subject "Active GM" or similar.

This was the first post (by Valandil) that instigated everything.

Will there finally be some change?
--- - Bocanegra -
Funeral of Buya King begins very soon
by: Vini
-- 8:15 PM EST
The Minister of Buya, Biondeu has informed that the funeral of the King will be held today and is starting in a few minutes at the Palace steps. Here's a copy of the original post made at Chronicles of the Winds.
The Imperial Ministry of Buya is saddened to announce the funeral and burial of King Geumwa.
Please gather on the steps of the Buyan Palace on March 29, 2015 at 8:30PM EST.
The Imperial Minister of Buya Biondeu Hogvakten Golden Paladin Garonhi Defender
In respect for Buya's moment, the Koguryo Ministry decided to cancel hosting the Poetry Revels today which occurs weekly at around the same time.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Puzzling out Augury visions
by: Vini
-- 11:46 PM EST
As it’s known, augury visions are presages of things to come in the near future, but as the visions aren't usually clear of what will happen, it's up to us to decipher what they’re anticipating and do that hopefully before it's too late. Interpretations of their visions are posted by Diviners at the Chronicles of the Winds board within kingdom palaces.
With the auguries representations that were posted about two weeks ago people couldn't realize that "the Sun and the Moon” seen in the visions were in fact the representations of the King and Queen of Buya. Phrases like “rejoicing at the sorrow of a sun removed forever” and “The lonely moon will be left to fill the sky on its own” indicated the light of King Geumwa was about to fade out forever, but instead of reading between the lines, most of us simply thought it was something involving Sun Moon Sect instead. Well, now we can see that the “Sun” in the visions was actually the King of Buya, and the “Moon” represents Queen Lasahn.
Yet, not all recent auguries were about the Sun and Moon, Prophet Triantos had a very different forseeing, here are the highlights of his augury vision: “Brother and sister playing in a vast forest”; “A new player emerges. A darkness, creeping through the forest, hunting the bright one”; “As the game continues, the darkness grows until it ensnares the burning one”.
The main new person who emerged since that vision was Taiisrhraa, but there’s no sight of him having a sister, or is he a sibling of Mihi? This would explain why he claims she sent him in her place, but her sudden vanishing is still of big concern.
Keep trying to elucidate these visions. Your help might be essential to avoid any other tragedies.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 12~
Disclaimer: Always double check if the post you see at the board is a true Augury vision. They're usually easily identified because they're highlighted with yellow bold subject, but if not, it's always good to check Diviner's List to double check if the person has indeed learned the abilities of divination.
Rise of the Kruna Database!
by: Aeris
-- 5:07 AM EST
Greetings Aislings! I will be assisting NexusAtlas to create a comprehensive Kruna database! Once this is complete it will hopefully make everyone's life a bit easier if you want to sell/view the Kruna out there!
Here is a quick example:

If you have any input or suggestions on anything you think should be added or modified feel free to nmail me in game, or send me an email at aeristk@gmail.com!
New Primogen of Tiger Clan
by: Vini
-- 2:16 AM EST
Leader of the Tiger clan for the past 6 moons, Primogen Pyroflames decided to step down from his position today and appointed his Primarch to be his successor. The new primogen was one of the original kindred when the clan became official back in Yuri 68, and is our very own LinuxKiddy.
 “I'll do my best to keep tiger strong and we're always welcoming new an old faces”, said Primogen LinuxKiddy.
Nexus Atlas congratulates LinuxKiddy on becoming the newest primogen of Tiger, has faith that his term will be long and prosperous, as well as hopes that this new position won’t steal him from the great help he’s providing to Nexus Atlas content and database.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 11~
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Small server reset
by: Vini
-- 9:31 PM EST
A small reset happened just now to fix the the legend mark given for attending the Forget-Me-Not Ball by removing the duplicate word.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 11~
Taiisrhaa's First Visit With the Shaman
Days ago, Taiisrhaa was seen in the Valley of the Mudang, home of the Shaman path. ZeRu began conversation with the mysterious man, learning about him and his origins while consuming tea together.

When asked about his purpose in visiting the kingdoms, he responded that he is following the request of MiHi: to visit Queen Yun and King Mhul and congratulate them on their matrimony, new offspring, and rebuilding of the palace.
Over the course of the next two days, he had appeared in the Valley on more occasions. In discussion with various Shaman, he learned about the various facets of their culture and history, including their affinity towards snakes and spirits. In fact, Taiisrhaa was even able to take the guise of a slithery reptile, using illusion magic according to him. It was even confirmed that he could hear the spirits too.

It seems that the conjurer has made a temporary home for himself at an undisclosed area in the Valley. Given a Chieko (Shaman scroll) to read, this location offers him a quiet but spirit-filled place to study the Chieko thoroughly.

Several things were uncovered about the mysterious Taiisrhaa during his visit with the Shaman:
We know his previous home was Kinung, but little is known about his location prior to that. It appears he originates from a swampy or marshy place prior to his time in Kinung. Might be why he has a fascination and interest in our plants and herbs. He arrived at the island on a tide when his original home was flooded. When asked about his parents, he said he knew very little about them, and suspiciously darted his eyes away.
He has the ability to converse with snakes and also has a serpent friend of his own. Also, he possesses the ability to take the illusion of a snake, as mentioned and seen above. This adds to the arsenal of powers that he is endowed with; we know about his powerful attacks and healing, but we now see his other abilities as well. Who knows what else he can do?
His knowledge of the Shaman founder (JaydePhoenix) was apparent as well. According to Taiisrhaa, his mother talked about the former Shaman and even talked about the fact that she had a Spirit Shard from when she sacrificed her Sevenleaf sword.
Though these events transpired several days ago, there is still much we do not know about this man and his true intentions here.
A special thanks to ZenRu and the entire Shaman path! (Screenshots taken by ZenRu) ----- -Bocanegra-
Taiisrhaa Leaves His Mark at Kugnae Palace
Amatus of the Koguryo Royal Army (KRA) whispered me with information that there were Mango florets placed throughout the Kugnae palace.
Outside the palace:

Within the palace:

Based on previous observations and information, Amatus and I came to the conclusion that the person responsible for dropping the Mango florets must be the strange-eyed Conjurer, Taiisrhaa. At first, this was just speculation. In a world shout, I asked the community "Anybody drop any Mango florets in Kugnae earlier today?" It was my initial belief that a member of the community may have placed the Mango Florets either to decorate or perhaps even deceive/cause a hoax. The speculation was put to bed though as Taiisrhaa himself responded in a world shout stating that he "placed" the Mango florets in the palace. I proceeded to whisper him and ask him a few questions, as you can see in the below transcript:

So it seems that his interest in Queen Yun is that of friendship rather than anything else; according to him, anyways.
As for his presence in Queen Lasahn's chambers, he claimed to have gone to pay his condolences to the deceased King Guemwa. However, we still do not know whether or not he had a part to play in the King's poisoning and eventual death!
Meanwhile, Taiisrhaa continues to show interest in our lands and the beautiful plants and flowers it produces. He is by far the strangest stranger to visit the Kingdom of the Winds in recent history and has become the main topic of conversation in the community. While some may welcome the conjurer, others have insisted on caution and care while dealing with him.
We still do not know much about his origins and intentions. More information and confrontations are needed!
---------- -Bocanegra-
6th Primogen of SunMoon
by: Hatiki
-- 2:55 AM EST
It appears a change in leadership has gone unnoticed with the SunMoon Sect. Primogen OhBear stepped down from the position of Primogen and has passed leadership to Gummi.

Thank you OhBear, for the work you have contributed to your clan and congratulations to Gummi. May your time as Primogen be of much success.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 70, 10th Moon
Taiisrhaa Spotted in Mythic!
The strange man new to the Kingdoms was seen wandering Mythic Nexus today. Intrigued by a Mango floret on the floor, a conversation was sparked between Conjurer Taiisrhaa and a few citizens, Acemander, Mukica, and Cecella. He kindly requested the two Druids to bloom some more of the Mango florets, which they happily did.

When asked what he was doing in Mythic, Taiisrhaa responded with, "I am merely here to learn about the kindoms and enjoy time with my friends in the palace."
Next, Taiisrhaa proceeded to enter into Rooster 3. Joined by a few citizens, he took on a small group of roosters in the first room. Out of apparently nowhere, he unleashed a powerfully deadly attack only associated with the strongest of Rogues! As if that wasn't shocking enough, his healing abilities were quite powerful as well; Taiisrhaa was seen casting a Kwi-Sin Sa san Poet healing spell (not in photos)!

After the Rooster 3 fun, the Conjurer was asked about where exactly he was from. He said his origins were Kinung, but did not remember where before that. His temporary home, according to him, is the home of the Shaman path in Nagnang's eastern region, claiming to have felt a "connection to [their] home."
The most peculiar thing though was his interest in Queen Yun of Koguryo. His remark "I do enjoy spending time with queen Yun. She is turning out to be quite the kind friend to me," seems to raise a suspicious question about potential feelings he may have towards the Queen. He pulled out a book about birds and mentioned that the Queen herself suggested him to read it. "I felt that if she enjoys [birds], I would like to know more." Perhaps that is a strong indication that he may have a romantic interest in the Queen of Koguryo?
The next part of the Conjurer's visit to Mythic took him to the Barbarian Cave where he spectated the Last Man Alive (LMA) event.

Barbarian elder Skogul offered the man a Barbarian Brew and Bottle of Rage. Admitting the brew was too strong, he promised he would save the Rage for consumption at another time.

A tour of the cave quickly followed. Skogul kindly agreed to show Taiisrhaa around her home. He seemed quite interested about various aspects of the cave, ranging from several objects and structures to the moss growing in Barbarian Legacy!

Taiisrhaa's visit to the Mythic Nexus further shrouds the man in mystery. Who is he? What is the purpose of his visit to our lands? Why are his eyes so bizzare? We know of his tremendous powers, thanks to our experiences in Rooster 3. We allegedly know about his cunning nature as well, if it is proven to be true that he murdered the now late King Guemwa by poison. His apparently deep love towards Queen Yun is out there for all to see. Could his presence spell danger and destruction to the normality of our lives? Or is he simply an everyday person to come and go from the Kingdom of the Winds? One thing is certain though. Taiisrhaa appears to be deeply interested in the traditions, customs, and histories of our subpaths and lands. But is his interest out of curiosity and innocence? Or is there something dark and sinister being plotted? ------------------------ -Bocanegra-
The death of the buyan king
by: Vini
-- 3:00 AM EST

BUYA – King Geuwma is dead, assassinated. The citizens of Buya are in shock. Some simply don’t know if they worry about the poisoning of a royal on their own soil or if they celebrate the end of Geumwa’s tyranny.
“Guards, Guards!” shouted the Buya Queen in agony. Took a while for Imperial Guards and soldiers of Buya to find out where she was. When they finally figured that her majesty was at her chambers, the guards and soldiers found Queen Lasahn anguished about Geumwa’s state. “It appears that my husband is feverish and unresponsive”, was the first words she could say.
As they believed the king had fallen ill, the guards rushed to call for help of a shaman who was reading the Chronicles at the Winds board. It was Shaman ZenRu, the same one who had seen Kyushin few days ago. Upon examining the king’s body, ZenRu knelt beside the King, placing her fingers upon his cold neck to check for a pulse. She then was forced to give the grave news to the Queen: her royal husband is dead.
 Shaman ZenRu examines the body of Geumwa on the floor In shock, Queen Lasahn asked shaman ZenRu if she could determine what the cause of his death was. The shaman examined how the dead king’s veins were also darkened and more visible and found poison inside his mouth, poison that causes the mouth and lips to blacken and chokes the victim to death. The shaman could not determine how the poison was made, only knew that it was foreign toxic substances. ZenRu tried to do a spirit commune with the dead king, but did not work. “Rest in Peace King Geuwma” was the last thing she said after leaving the side of the king’s corpse.
 After confirmation of her husband's death, Queen Lasahn approached his body to close his eyes so he can rest in peace.
The news of King Geumwa’s death echoed through the kingdoms. Some citizens ventured to Lasahn’s chamber to witness that with their very own eyes. The Buya Army and Imperial Guards offered their condolences for her lost and helped clear the room of curious people.
 BIA Colonel comforts the widow Queen in her sorrow.
Upon exiting the chamber, people stumbled upon the man with creepy eyes, Taiisrhaa. The rumored conjurer claimed he was there to offer condolences to the Queen as she had been very kind to him yesterday. The General of BIA questioned Taiisrhaa and said that many assumed that it was his tea that killed the king. Taiisrhaa responded saying it was only but a simple Insam cha, tea made with ginseng, pine nuts, and honey.
HakuDoushi, Intel Commander of BIA then questioned Taiisrhaa saying he had just received intel that the mysterious man had proficiency in alchemy and was in possession of an alchemist kit. Taiisrhaa confirmed he had it. The commander asked if he could inspect the kit and was granted permission. The results of the inspection were inconclusive for the moment; however the suspicions over Taiisrhaa’s have not waned.
 While being accused of murder, Taiisrhaa still didn't lose his politeness. Very cold blooded, it seems.
Liked or not, the death of King Geumwa represents a loss for Buya. Respect the fellow citizens who mourn the passing of a royal. If you wish to read Shaman ZenRu's report of her findings, read her post on Chronicles of the Winds here.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 10~
Weekly Photo's Returning to NexusAtlas!

In the past NexusAtlas has tried doing Daily photo's, They where great! but the community got tired of taking so many photo's to send in. I looked through all the great photo's an decided we should try a Weekly photo contest!
Starting Monday the 23rd! you may start sending in your photo's to weeklypics@nexusatlas.com, On sunday We'll Determine the best Photo out of all the photo's submitted And Will post it!
Winner of the Weekly Photo Will have their Photo posted and receive a check for 50,000 Coins =) How nice!
-Please Read GUIDE board #500 on how to take screenshots properly, Please use the BMP Option since it'll save the screenshot in the best Quality.
- No screenshots showing any sign of Nexus Law violation will be accepted (that includes profanity or harassment in other people's dialogue/sage).
- No screenshots while been jailed will be accepted! So as not to promote wrong doings.
- Do not use Image editing software(s) (ex.photoshop) to edit the picture that you want to submit. We will trim the character information on the right side and the chat log on the bottom for you.
- If similar screenshots are received we will pick out the best one
More Taiisrhaa?
by: Loxie
-- 8:44 PM EST
He's been making appearances all over the place, and now helping the Druids host a Tales Around the Fire. What is he up to and why are his eyes so creepy?
 He's expressed an interest in seeing more of the kingdoms, so keep an eye out. It seems like he might be making more visits to different organizations.
Taiisrhaa appears again
by: Loxie
-- 7:20 PM EST
Forget-Me-Not Ball comes to an end!
by: Loxie
-- 2:42 AM EST
And it's going to be UNFORGETTABLE. Because I said so.
We started off with a speech from the main man himself, King Mhul, welcome everyone to his fantastic ball. Then Queen Yun followed with a surprise announcement...
Koguryo is going to have an heir!

Figures, she'd secure the throne before she had an accident. -Pout.- It's all fair game until a baby is born. During this time King Gummy of Buya began bragging about how well he trained his wife, and that she knows a woman's place is in the kitchen. BOO HISS. To which I valiantly retorted with a face like his, his place is in the closet.
Following the announcement we began a dance contest. Unfortunately a mysterious stranger appeared to interrupt the contest. He apologized for MiHi's absence and said he came in her place, then began hydrating the Royals. You know what they say, always take drinks from strangers. While they were playing brew roulette, Candy won first place in the contest. Washington came in for a close second.

Clever, clever Vini! He outwitted this Taiisrhaa person and asked if Mayor MiHi was sick. Taiisrhaa continued to address MiHi as Mayor, which is funny because she's not.
Taiisrhaa proceeded to flirt with Queen Yun (ooh la la! Maybe Mhuly will be single soon?) and escorted her to our next event...
The Dinner Theater hosted by Muse! Several of us performed A Fantastic Reality, written by Nairwyn. It was a fantastic show, and I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye in the audience.
The Bachelor(ette) auction followed, and I was the first one up for sale. ChaeRi's bid of 1.5m absolutely blew me away! Then again, he always has wanted a part of Koguryo, so why not bid on a member of the ministry? Here is the break down of the auction's proceeds:
Loxie (ministry) 1.5 ChaeRi Vales (koguryo ministry) 3 mil Biondeu Uoiea (kug ministry) 5 mil biondeu
Tyrra (bear) 3 million Mhul Gracey (muse) 2 mil guile GEUWMA (buya ministry) 2.1 mil Kawakami Biondeu (buya ministry) 2.5 mil Lasahn Jolie (Sansin") 3 mil candy
--- total money! 22,100,000
Ministry will receive 9.5 in outright auction funds + fees from other auctions at 10% = 300,000 fee from Tyrra 200,000 fee from Gracey 210,000 fee from Geuwma 250,000 fee from Biondeu 300,000 fee from Jolie 1,260,000 fees total
Bear will receive 2,700,000 coins Muse will receive 1,800,000 coins Buya Ministry will receive 4,140,000 coins SanSin will receive 2,700,000 coins
We're rich! Woohoo! This means the Kugnae Ministry can increase my pay, right? So then we were moving onto the fashion show, when Gummy got sick and dragged his wife back to Buya. He was apparently seen stealing Queen Lasahn's drinks. I can't verify this, as I was busy paying attention to other things...
Like the winners of the fashion show! Hobart won first place, with his colorful description of his Nagnang outfit. Who would have known they're so trendy?
Forget-Me-Not Ceremony happens today!
by: Vini
-- 4:43 PM EST
It finally arrived the day for the Forget-Me-Not ceremony due to which the new coats have been tailored to. The event begins tonight at the renewed Royal Palace of Koguryo (Kugnae Palace), home of King Muhyul and Queen Yun. Prime Minister Vales has posted the announcement of the Ball at the community events board. Here's a copy of it:
 *\|/* From Royal Ministry of Koguryo *\|/* *~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*
We cordially invite you to the momentous occasion of
Our Royal Queen's Ball in honor of our Queen Yun Our celebrations begin at The Palace of Koguryo Welcoming and opening ceremonies will take place there
His Royal Majesty King Mu'Hyul with Queen Yun and her Court! We are celebrating our remarkable triumphs in Our community and Kingdom and surrounding lands Join us as we continue to prosper and grow Here in Koguryo
Itinerary of events: ~*Queen Yun's Ball*~ Opening Ceremonies ((Friday, March 20, 2015)) 9:00 pm est/6:00 pm pst))
Koguryo Palace Yuri's Ball Room ((Friday 9:15 pm est/6:15 pm pst))
~Royal Dance Party~ Dance Contest ~Cash Prizes~ Hosted by: Royal Ministry of Koguryo ((Friday 9:30 pm est/6:30 pm pst))
Today's Fashion The Last 50 Hyul's Koguryo Palace/Yuri's Ball Room
Top Prizes/Kruna Hosted by: Special Guest Host Royal Ministry of Koguryo ((Friday March 20th, 2015 TBA)) A Bachelor/ Bachelorette Auction See separate Poster: Community Events Hosted by: Royal Ministry of Koguryo /Clans of Koguryo ((Friday March 20th, 2015 TBA))
Royal Revels Ceremony Closing & Thank You ((Sunday March 22, 2015 8:00 pm est/5:00 pm pst))
*\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/* Office of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo *\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/*~~~~*\|/*
Lady Vales Prime Minister of Koguryo |
The Ball will count with presence of finest member of Kingdom of Winds aristocracy and it's not something you would like to miss. Therefore, do not dare to forget about this event, afterall, it's claiming for you not to!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 10~
Nexus Forums New Layout
by: Vini
-- 12:26 AM EST
 LinuxKiddy and I have been working on a new layout for Nexus Forums to make it look more Nexus appealing. You’re invited to come check it out by visiting www.nexusforums.com. As you may notice in the next few days is that, some subtle changes are still being made to this new design, but you can already have a look on how it’s turning out and perhaps can even give your opinion about it.

Did you like it? Did you not like it? We’re having a poll on Nexus Forums in which you can opine and suggest changes to be made. Click here to vote!
Do not panic "haters". If you absolutely disliked the new design, you can still go see Nexus Forums with the old blue skin you’re used to or use the Dark blue one which I was using until today.

To revert to old skins, simply login to your account, and scroll down to the bottom of the Forum until you find the option to change the language (which only has option for English) and the option to change the skin.
 Voila! It’s like the change never happened to you!
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 9~
The Shaman Receive a Visitor
Earlier this evening the Shaman Circle was visited by an old friend, Kyushin. On previous visits Kyushin has forewarned of the Moon falling, even appearing to King MuHyul as early as October 2004. Shaman ZenRu was awake to receive his message, and he brought a warning with him. She recounted the visit for us in a post on the Chronicles of the Wind board.
 Posted to the Chronicles of the Wind by ZenRu
 Kyushin speaks a warning to ZenRu.
Some of the previous events following Kyushin's appearance include the fateful sacrifice of Mug in 2010 and the reopening of Lost Mines in 2011. Who knows what he brings with him in this visit, only time will tell, but hopefully the warnings provided by the Diviner and Shaman paths will prepare us for the coming Moons.

---- Dohsa theSavior Xing-Normad'Or ---- Hyul 70, 9th Moon
Another Old Staffer Returns
I am theSavior Xing-Normad'Or, another old face returning to the Nexus Atlas team. I will occupy myself mostly with content editing, but you may read a report from me here or there. If you have news, suggestions, or thoughts for future content, please feel free to contact me whenever you can.
I look forward to helping Nexus Atlas continue in its steady course bringing the best the Kingdoms has to offer.
---- Dohsa theSavior Xing-Normad'Or ---- Hyul 70, 9th Moon
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Server Reset March 18th, 2015
by: Loxie
-- 9:55 PM EST
Server Reset - March 18, 2015
* The pot of gold itemshop bonus is no longer around, congratulations to everyone who found a little extra gold in their itemshop parcels!
* Adding a few things for an upcoming roleplay event
Happy St. Patrick's Day
by: Vini
-- 9:31 PM EST
The Diviners' Visions
by: Hatiki
-- 9:05 PM EST
Lately members of the Diviner path have been receiving Augury Visions. At this moment it is unknown what the visions truly mean, but in due time everything shall start to reveal itself to the community.
Below is the Augury Vision that Diviner Lithium received:

Click one of the links below to read the Augury Visions' from the other Diviners, as posted on Chronicles of the Winds board.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 70, 9th Moon
Hello again!
by: Hatiki
-- 3:19 AM EST
After many years of being away, I have returned to the Nexus Atlas team. While I will help out with reporting news, my main focus will be as one of the Content Editors, helping to update missing information and add new content.
Can't wait to get started and continue to help build Nexus Atlas!
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 70, 9th Moon
Copper snap bow
Hello everyone,
I am Bocanegra, the newest addition to the esteemed Nexus Atlas team. If you have news or information that you feel should be represented on Nexus Atlas, feel free to contact myself or anybody else in the team!
Now onto serious business.
Yesterday evening, somebody had finally earned enough Elixir tokens to redeem the second tier bow from Mountain Arena, the Copper snap bow (30 tokens). Silentmeteor, the man to achieve this honor, is shown below modeling the bow.

According to him, you do NOT surrender your first bow, the Ginko snap bow. You just need to have the 30 Elixir tokens. The stats on the Copper snap bow are identical to that of its predecessor.
To get your hands on these bows, talk to Mountain in Mountain Arena and select the Carnage Token option. Tokens are earned by winning Elixir Wars and are one of the prizes available to claim.
The next tier bow can be attained after acquiring 60 Elixir tokens. Who will be the first to earn it?
- Bocanegra -
Kruna Bank slots price
by: Vini
-- 9:45 PM EST
Since Friday's reset, a lot of new Kruna items have been added to the Item Shop and with every purchase there's a chance of finding a hidden pot of gold containing 100,000 coins upon receiving the parcel. This means that if you're lucky enough, you may earn in-game money for purchasing from Item Shop until March 18th (Wednesday).

This is a good opportunity to stock up on your favorite Kruna items or expand your inventory & bank slots, but beware of a mistake which can be currently found at the item shop. There are now two options to purchase Bank slot. First one has the "regular price", 200 kruna per each new slot. But if you scroll down a bit you'll find you can buy the same slots for 100 kruna each. Therefore, saves you 50% of your kruna spend.
If you find any other duplicate items on the Kruna Shop with different prices please inform a Nexus Atlas reporter.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 8~ |  |
Forget~Me~Not~ Celebration walkthrough

Queen Yun announced today about the upcoming celebration called "Forget Me Not". The Ball name clearly makes allusions to her loss of memories that were caused due to Mupa's curse upon her love life and which community helped break a year ago. Here's a copy of the post the make on community board:
Greetings fair people of the lands far and wide!
As you may be aware the royal "Forget-Me-Not" Ball is scheduled to take place soon.
In honor of this momentous occasion, we've dispatched a royal seamster to accommodate your needs.
So, should you wish for a robe or a gown please make way to the Palace. You will find him situated on the mezzanine.
I trust you will find his skills superb!
Yun Queen of Koguryo |
To get yourself a Nice gown or suit you must go to the Kuguryo palace (109,093) In the Koguryo Palace courtyard head to (022,010) to the Royal Palace Mezzanine, An Old man is waiting there to give you a quest to gather 5 items to make a ball Gown or suit.
 The old man explains that the Forget Me Not Celebration is to celebrate our community and He's here to aid in making a gown or suit for the Queen's royal ball.
you'll need to acquire the following
(10) Wool
(5) fine cloth
(10) Cloth
(5) Metal
(1) Ribbon
after acquiring these items go talk to the old man again and he will Make you a Gown or Suit depending on your gender.
2015 St. Patrick's Day Event Walkthrough
1) Go to the SANHAE SMITH and say 'Lucky'. The smith will ask if you want to make a net to capture this Lucky fellow, because he makes nice items.
Say yes.
He'll tell you he needs 5,000 coins and 4 items. He won't tell you the item's names, but he gives you four clues.
The items are: - Wooden sabre (buy from any town smith for 1 coin) - Wheat (farm from gardens using a basic sickle) - Noodles (made by chefs) - Wolf pelt (kill wolves in town rabbit caves)
Bring these to him, obtain the "Lucky net."
  2) Once you have it, find Lucky! This can take a few tries, as he will trick you. It is a random spawn so you can ride a horse around till you see him. You don't have to have your Lucky net equipped.
Find Lucky and swing at him until you get a pop-up, and hope that you catch him! If you are a mage or poet, zapping Lucky works just as well as swinging your Lucky net. (He can be found in most places; all towns, Mythic, Wilderness)[Vale, Woodlands rumored]
Continually insist that he tell you about the pot of gold: do not let him go, and do not give him any coins!
3) He will tell you about the Lucky pick, which you can now obtain from Thane, in the Wilderness (where you purchase regular picks). Click Thane, select Buy, Lucky pick (costs 1k). Buy a couple of them because they break!
4) Walk around the mining fields until you find the Pot of gold! This can be frustrating, as you will find empty pots of gold (your Lucky pick will break!) or Useless coal.
   But keep trying, you will eventually find the true Pot of gold and obtain one of the following items upon "opening" it:
All "lucky" items have Will +10, Wisdom +10 (no one knows what wisdom is yet), for Peasant Level 0
 Lucky Trinket
 Golden Trinket
 Lucky Staff Dura 5000000 Damage S 20m20 / L 20m20
 You'll also get a Legend Mark,

- Re-Post from the old St. Patricks day Event walkthrough same event.
Lucky is back!
by: Vini
-- 7:39 PM EST
A server Reset that happened just now brought the following changes:
As St. Patrick's day is closing in fast, there are rumors that Lucky has been seen around the kingdoms
March Kruna has been given out to auto-renew accounts and March items as well as some special sale items will be in the itemshop this afternoon

Continuing the tradition, small pots of gold have been hidden inside itemshop packages this year and any item in the shop is eligible. Pots can be found between now and March 18!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 7~
Elendhirin Clan Disbands - Hyul 70

This news comes a few weeks after the fact, but Nexus Atlas had been waiting on an official announcement by the Buyan Government. February 22nd was the last Tribunal in which the Elendhirin Clan was represented. Following that day all members were removed from the clan, titles taken and clan disbanded.
Further proof of the clans disappearance can be seen when you notice it is the only Clan in which its user page has not been updated since February 23rd.
Salise posted the following document on the COTW and Community Board regarding the Clans disbandment.
Many can recall a time when all clans could easily maintain membership quota, even with new clans forming and becoming official. However, as years went by, some clans began to struggle and maintain any sort of membership.
The gods took notice of this and the membership quota for clans was lowered a bit, however the population of Nexus continued to decline and many clans still struggled to maintain membership.
One of those clans was Elendhirin...
When faced with threats of being disbanded by the gods, Elendhirin rose to bring in new membership, but as quick as they were to add to their numbers, they would fall below the quota and face the threat of being disbanded.
It was a constant battle of numbers. Always up and down. Being told they were off probation one month and then back on probation the next month.
Finally Primogeness Seasona and her council took matters into their own hands and made a difficult decision. It was agreed that the constant battles with quota and threats of being disbanded was too much. Seasona and her council would approach the Primogens of Buya at the Buyan Tribunal, requesting that they begin the process to disband Elendhirin.
The Primogens of Buya decided they would honour Elendhirin's request, however not without difficulties from the gods. There were many heated arguments with the gods of the Nexus and the Primogens of Buya in many of the tribunal meetings. At one meeting, Imperial Minister Biondeu would be silenced for an entire week by the gods.
Finally on Hyul 70 ((February 22, 2015)), after a vote by the Priomgens of Buya, the Elendhirin Clan was officially disbanded.
It was a bitter sweet moment for Buya. On one hand, members of Elendhirin would be able to aid other clans in Buya with declining memberships, but on the other, Elendhirin had such a long and rich history within the Empire.
Primogeness Seasona had plans to divide Elendhirin's banked gold and items among the remaining members before being disbanded, but as soon as the announcement was made, the gods quickly dismantled the clan.
Although the last few Hyuls leading up to their final days had been tough, the history of Elendhirin will never be forgotten and those who have sacrificed their time and energy to make it the home it was, will always be remembered.
Salise Janggok Head Master Librarian
Nexus Atlas St. Patrick's themed
by: Vini
-- 12:24 AM EST
Nexus Atlas logo and top banner are now themed for St. Patrick's day. If you're still seeing Valentine's theme, please clear your browser's temporary internet files.
Also, get ready for Lucky hunting!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 7~
White horse bug still exists
by: Vini
-- 11:18 PM EST
 Earlier today, while meeting with Elizabeth to take her pictures for her news reporter icon, I was caught by an old bug known as "White horse bug". For those who were wondering if that bug was ever fixed, sadly no, it's still there.
The main problem with this bug is that no one really knows how it begins, but it all of a sudden hides all your inventory and makes look like you're riding a white horse while others don't see that. This obviously can cause big problem during hunts.
If you have more details about what may cause this bug, we suggest you to submit a ticket with details.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 7~
New Atlas Reporter and Current Staff
by: Vini
-- 2:58 PM EST

Nexus Atlas gained a new reporter today: please welcome Elizabeth to the staff and spam her whenever you find something worthy of being posted at News.
Here's the current Nexus Atlas news staff:
Editors: |  |  |  | | | Vini | Loxie | Donjuan | | Reporters: |  |  |  |  | | Elizabeth | LinuxKiddy | ShuZu | Xaron |
Another staff change was that LinuxKiddy is now a Content Editor and may help fix Nexus Atlas pages with outdated information and as well as adding fresh new content to help guide you and save your time. Congratulations to both LinuxKiddy and Elizabeth!
Have you ever hoped or imagined you being a Nexus News Reporter? Well if you feel you have the skill and time avaliability, you can contact me sending a brief resume of your qualifications and sample of your work. Same offer goes to those who would like being a Content Editor of the site. Old NA staff members should also contact me if they would like to come back to help with news or content information. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 7~
New Elder of Chonguns
by: Vini
-- 1:25 AM EST
After 11 years as Guide and 75 months as Regent (rank equivalent to primarch) of the Chongunate, PyroAce can now finally be called the Chongun Avatar. The long "wait" was recognized by former elder Dokara during the shift of power and shows how Patience is a strong virtue of the new elder.

Questioned about his huge influence in the past over the past decade, Elder PyroAce didn't have problems remembering his deeds. "I think I have been a pretty strong force in the path over the years. I created quite a few of the various ranking and item systems for the path and been in charge of the path library ((website)) for many years. I'd like to think I was trusted by the elders I served as regent for and that they took my advice where they could", said PyroAce.
After speaking with him tonight, I could notice how excited PyroAce is about strenghting the bonds of the path with other subpaths, clans and organizations, but mostly into reaching and assisting the community as a whole. "I just really want to light a fire under the path and get the blood flowing again. I hope I can help us reach the heights we once were at and ascend even further. I suppose my most immediate ambitions are to strength our ties to community and inspire young warriors to strive toward joining our path. And to learn to be a better cook as well", concluded the new Chongun Avatar.
Dokara will remain as a Guide to the Chonguns and an advisor to the new elder, as he does as well as a former Sun Moon Primogen.
Congratulations Ace, and thank you Dokara for your services to the Chonguns and the community as a whole.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 7~
KSG Leadership Changes back
by: Vini
-- 10:15 PM EST
It seems that the Spies had another sudden change of leadership today. Elder Aiaya is back as Premier of KSG and Misled seems to have abandoned the guild after 5 days of returning to eldership. His leave represents a huge loss for the path, as Misled was known to be a legit representation of Spy guild.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 1~
~New Primogen for Lost Kingdom!
 For a long time Warik has been Primogen of LostKingdom and decided it was time for a break. Warik steps down and appoints Meditrina as the new Primogen. Meditrina wished to make a statement of " LostKingdom has always been a welcoming an inviting place, and we'll remain as such until the end of days."
KSG Leadership Change
by: Vini
-- 11:06 PM EST
Four days ago, Elder Aiaya stepped down from her role as Premier of the Spy Path. Former Elder Misled has risen from the ashes and has taken her place as the new Premier. If you don't remember him, he was the 17th Elder of the Spy subpath and stepped down years ago.
Special thanks to our reporting team for collaborating with this news.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 5~
Kugnae Palace new NPCs
by: Vini
-- 11:40 PM EST
A reset that happened couple hours ago brought the following changes to the Kingdoms of Winds as posted by GM Stein: * Kugnae palace merchants have all been trained and can be found around the palace now.
With such reset, there were added 13 new royal palace workers, 34 guards and a prisoner.
First thing you'll notice about the new Koguryo Royal Palace workers is that there are a lot of guards scattered around the many rooms. There are four types of guards which can be found:
Royal Palace Guards & Royal Palace Sentinels, located at most rooms.
Koguryo Guards & Koguryo Wardens, located at Treasury, Throne room and bedrooms.

Minister Assistant can be found at Courtyard and at Mezzanine the Palace Handyman at the Mezzanine.

The Royal Shaman can be found at Throne room and the Jail Guard and Mysterious Prisoner can be found at Palace prison.

The Koguryo Chamberlain can be found at Palace Hall and Koguryo Secretary is located at Mhul's Chamber.

The Royal Maid serves cleaning the King's bedroom and the Royal Nanny cleans the Royal Bedroom. A Nanny? Perhaps a royal baby will come soon.

The Guest room also has its own cleaning lady: the Royal Servant while the Kugnae Palace Baths got its first worker, the Palace Bar Keeper who sells Trunks and Bikinis.

At Dining Room you can find the Palace Waiter, while one floor below can find the Royal Chef and Royal Cook at the Palace Kitchen.

So far there hasn't been any quest found associated to any of these new workers, but some of them look like have more to develop than it appears, like the Mysterious Prisoner.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 6~
Nagnang Ministry is operational again
by: Vini
-- 11:44 PM EST
Since February 24th, Nagnang Ministry has returned to operations under Minister Thameus, who was put again in leadership of the group. The ministry had been non-operational for over a month now due to the sudden disappearance of SilentStep, who was in charge of the office for the past few months.
Congratulations Thameus!
Special thanks to Hatiki for pointing us to this news.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 70, Moon 4~