Past News
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New KRA General
by: Loxie
-- 6:06 PM EST
Elarra was made General of the KRA last week. She is taking xDementiax's place. Thank you for your service, and congratulations to the new General.
Clan Leaders Meeting?
by: Elarra
-- 5:54 PM EST
It seems as though Guerrund of the Phoenix Clan of Buya wants to host a meeting for all Clan Primogens, Army Generals, and Kingdom Ministers. The sage came out only this afternoon for those to read his invitation on the Community Board, Post 2019.
 It seems many Kugnae clans have already posted their RSVP's soon after, including Almalexian of Oceana, DarTanis of Engima, and myself, Elarra, General of Koguryo Army.

Seems as though many of the Primogens are interested! What's to come of this meeting? Which clans will be in attendance? Will this have an impact on the community at large? We'll just have to wait and see! Stay tuned!
-*Elarra Satsuma -*Hyul 62
New Enigma Primogen
by: Loxie
-- 6:25 PM EST
There has been a shift in leadership in Enigma as well. In this round of hot potato, FalenAngel handed over Primogenship to DarTanis.
New Oceana Primogen!
by: Elarra
-- 6:24 AM EST
Seems like March is the month for Primogens! At last night's Tribunal, Oceana announced that Almalexian has returned, and she will resume her position as its Primogen!
Big thanks to AellaX for doing a super job as Oceana's last Primogen! We're sure Almalexian will do a fine job keeping up the pace!
~*Elarra Satsuma ~*Hyul 62
Lucky has returned!
by: Loxie
-- 6:07 PM EST
Welcome back, Lucky. Here is the old quest, in case you forgot it. (And I'll update it if it turns out to be a new quest.)
1) Go to the SANHAE SMITH and say 'Lucky'. The smith will ask if you want to make a net to capture this Lucky fellow, because he makes nice items.
Say yes.
He'll tell you he needs 5,000 coins and 4 items. He won't tell you the item's names, but he gives you four clues.
The items are: - Wooden sabre (buy from any town smith for 1 coin) - Wheat (farm from gardens using a basic sickle) - Noodles (made by chefs) - Wolf pelt (kill wolves in town rabbit caves)
Bring these to him, obtain the "Lucky net."
2) Once you have it, find Lucky! This can take a few tries, as he will trick you. It is a random spawn so you can ride a horse around till you see him. You don't have to have your Lucky net equipped.
Find Lucky and swing at him until you get a pop-up, and hope that you catch him! If you are a mage or poet, zapping Lucky works just as well as swinging your Lucky net. (He can be found in most places; all towns, Mythic, Wilderness)[Vale, Woodlands rumored]
Continually insist that he tell you about the pot of gold: do not let him go, and do not give him any coins!
3) He will tell you about the Lucky pick, which you can now obtain from Thane, in the Wilderness (where you purchase regular picks). Click Thane, select Buy, Lucky pick (costs 1k). Buy a couple of them because they break!
4) Walk around the mining fields until you find the Pot of gold! This can be frustrating, as you will find empty pots of gold (your Lucky pick will break!) or Useless coal.
But keep trying, you will eventually find the true Pot of gold.
New Phoenix Primogen!
by: Elarra
-- 9:49 PM EST
It looks like we have another leadership turnover for the month of March! Nikie has passed the title on to a previous Primogen for the Phoenix Clan. Yes, you guessed it! Guerrund will be resuming his role of Primogen of Phoenix. This will be his 4th stint as Primogen of Phoenix.

And that’s not all. In receiving this honor again for the umpteenth time, Guerrund has a little message for us all left on the Chronicles of the Winds.

A fiery reign? Burning of landscapes with the embers of Phoenix? Sounds like Guerrund intends to instigate a situation among the Kingdoms. Maybe Buya is not the ally we all thought they were. Queen Lasahn and General Tradita may have some things to discuss with the Primogen of their largest clan! What will happen now? Looks like we’ll all just have to wait and see!
-*Elarra Satsuma -*Keeper of Balance -*Hyul 62
Minor Reset
by: Vini
-- 9:58 PM EST
There was a reset last friday which fixed a few small bugs and added minor updates for the Merchant subpath.
If anyone has information about which bugs got fixed and especially which updates were given to Merchants, send me by nmail.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 62, Moon 7~
New Do Elder!
by: Elarra
-- 2:49 PM EST
It seems that we've had yet another shift in power for the year! Aemon has passed the Do Elder staff to our very own FPickleDog!

Congratulations on the new position! We here at NexusAtlas wish you the best, and we know you'll do right by your path!
~*Elarra Satsuma ~*Keeper of Balance ~*Hyul 62