Past News
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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Another Advance in the Diary Quest
by: Guldar
-- 9:25 PM EST
More news with the Diary Pages quest tonight. Another adventurer has been working tirelessly to re-create the work of the other team who has been making so many of these new Diary pieces. However, this selfless citizen has agreed to share his success with the community.
 The Polished StonelwindsenTRYl has released the recipe for this item's creation to NexusAtlas. 35 Grain of sand, 5 Heavy rock, and 3 Rock are combined to make The Polished Stone. We at NexusAtlas thank all who are working to find the solution to this long overdue quest. --Guldar
Nexus Version 7.03
by: Vini
-- 8:53 PM EST
Nexus servers were just reset and with it came a patch to Nexus's version 7.03 which brought the following changes:
* New Easter itemshop items will be in the shop shortly!
* Easter eggs and costumes are back
* Hitting 'f' twice will expand the group window, similar to how the inventory works
* The bug that caused some Yuri's to display incorrectly has been fixed
* A bug that caused the Mandarin hat to not hide hair has been fixed
* Fixed a subpath spell bug that could crash the server in certain instances
Minor updates for: - Druid subpath - Barbarian subpath - Do subpath - Viper clan - Covenant clan - Kurimja clan - Oceana clan - Tiger clan - Ranger subpath - Silla clan - Chongun subpath
 This is the update for the Chongun subpath, a new morph.*** If you are running Windows Vista/7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch *** ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 54, Moon 12~
New Top Banana in the Sangha
by: Guldar
-- 10:40 PM EST
 Monk Elder Kimberlee, NexusAtlas File PhotoJust recently, there has been yet another shift in power in the Nexus. This time with the Monk-eys. Bhavana Collyn has retired from the post of the Head Poo-flinger. In his stead, Bhavana Kimberlee who many of you may know from her work as a Judge will be taking the position of Elder of the Monk Subpath. We at NexusAtlas wish Elder Kimberlee and the Monk Subpath a successful and bright future. --Guldar
How to Catch Lucky 101
by: Guldar
-- 7:45 PM EST
Lucky has returned to the Kingdoms once more, and the furry little leprechaun is up to his shenanigans again! If you wish to catch him, you will need a Lucky net. If you were fortunate enough to save one from last year, blow off the dust and skip ahead to Phase Two.
Phase One - Crafting the Net Ask Gruff the Smith in the Sanhae Village about "Lucky" and he will give you a little riddle about how to make a net. Gather the following items and come back: Wooden sabre, Noodles, Wheat, and a Wolf pelt.
Phase Two - Catching Lucky Track the little fellow down with your Lucky Net in hand, and swing until you catch him. He will try to trick you into letting him go, but don't fall for his shenanigans! Once he gives up the goods, you can go collect his treasure.
Phase Three - Finding the End of the Rainbow Proceed to Thane in the Wilderness and purchase a Lucky pick for 2,000 coins. Equip your fancy new pick, and run around the Mining fields until you find a Pot of Gold.
 For your troubles, you will receive a fancy new Legend mark this year in addition to the standard Lucky and Golden presents. --Guldar
Server Reset - Lucky is Back
by: Guldar
-- 7:07 PM EST
Last night the servers were reset for the following updates as posted by GM Stein:
* Lucky has returned to the kingdoms!
 * New itemshop items are out and back this year is the hidden pot of gold -- with every itemshop purchase from now until Monday evening, there's a chance to receive a hidden pot of gold containing 100,000 coins * March items will be available in the itemshop including new faces * A bug that caused people to have to refresh or change servers for durability to update after using an equipment restoration has been fixed; the durability should update immediately after using the item Minor updates for: * Kurimja clan * Covenant clan * Silla clan * Oceana clan * SanSin clan --Guldar
Raheem Desert drops are now accurate - Happy hunting!
by: Akiudo
-- 6:09 PM EST
I've spent many hours hunting Raheem desert today and I am glad to report that I have fixed the incorrect information and it is now 100% accurate. Obviously the boss drops diary pages 4-6 but until I get the screenshots of those pages I will not be able to add them to the system.
Anyways if you plan to hunt these items, you now know what to go and hunt in order to obtain them.
- Akiudo
New Elder in Trapper's Paradise
by: Guldar
-- 12:50 AM EST
 File Photo: Eireen, Ranger ElderLast night there was a transfer of leadership in the Ranger subpath, as Oakseer retired and passed on the mantle of leadership to Eireen. We here at NexusAtlas wish her good luck as she works to lead the Rangers on to a better tomorrow. Ranger On! --Guldar
Advances in the Diary Quest
by: Guldar
-- 4:31 PM EST
It seems some ambitious citizens have been working on developing the unknown items that are involved in the Diary Pages quest. The mystical Campfire in the Woodlands, as many of you may recall, revealed a number of recipes when the Diary Pages are read next to the fire. There were a total of eight unknown items indicated in these Diary Pages.
Plate of metal, Wings of fury, Focused fire amber, Tortured human soul, Snake skin mesh, Lightly stitched shell, The polished stone, and a Heavy champion rune. The first two on the list we of course already know the proper combinations to create.
 Another development, was when Taik Pae began giving hints about how to craft these items. His hints are very generic in nature, only including a list of items and very vague amounts. This means you need to gather a lot of the items he calls for, and work the Creation System by brute force trying every possible combination which takes several hours of work. If you are curious about his hints, walk into his shop and say one of the items' names. You can only get one hint every twenty minutes. Recently, a team including Brandon, SelFish, CinderZ, Akiudo, Moats, BagofChips, and Ferro have been working on gathering items to create some of these new items. They have created three new items from the list, including the Lightly stitched shell, The polished stone, and the Focused fire amber. For reasons of their own, they are refusing to share some of the exact recipe combinations at this time.  New items from Left to Right: Lightly stitched shell, The polished stone, and Focused fire amberLightly stitched shell recipe: 25 Azure silk, 6 Bear's tooth, 6 Canine tooth, 3 Armored plated skins--Guldar
15th General of Buya
Few days ago the buyans welcomed the 15th General of Buya Imperial Army: lady Dekato.

General Janken, who led the army for the past 3 months has decided to step down after successfully attracting enough people to serve as Buya soldier and doubled the numbers of registered members.
We of Nexus Atlas wish good luck on your new duties General Dekato and thank you for your services to Buya former General Janken.
Brought to you by, -,-@ Donjuan