Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Note: In January 2006, NexusAtlas moved to a new server and a new ISP. In that
process the software that manages our news archives dropped its links. We do
not know exactly why that happened nor are we able to fix it without support
from someone who knows the software. Therefore, we are calling news prior to
March 2006 "Archived News" and it can be accessed by the link below.
If you want to see archived news,
click here.
Carnage Vote!
by: Rachel
-- 11:31 PM EST
It seems that there will be two new carnage levels added, but it's up to you to decide what they are! Gnoff made the following post on the carnage board:
Please send an N-MAIL to CARNYAPP with the Subject being "Carnage vote" in the letter put one of the two options, Option A or Option B.
Here are the following Options.
Option A: Celestial:160,000/80,000 - 639,999/319,999 Paramount:640,000/320,000 - 1,279,999/639,999 Mayhem: 1,280,000/640,000+
Option B: Celestial:160,000/80,000 - 449,999/224,999 Paramount:450,000/225,000 - 1,279,999/639,999 MayHem: 1,280,000/640,000+
You may Vote once PER CHARACTER.
Voting ends April 7th at 10pm est.
Remember to follow all instructions carefully!
This sounds similar to something I posted on Gnoff's "Carnage Ideas" thread on NexusForums, so it might be worth posting any other carnage ideas you have on that thread.
I still don't think it's good to keep the cutoff points at the rank requirements. (Meaning that avatars ends at Il san stats of 160/80, Paramount ends at the Sa san stats of 1280/640, and Celestial may or may not end at Sam san stats of 640/320) Isn't it enough that the tops are strongest? I don't think they also need better spells, weapons, and armors than everyone else..
I guess it's not up for too much discussion at this point if it's down to a vote between two choices, but you can still post your thoughts on NexusForums!
March Madness for April Fools
by: Conro
-- 3:46 PM EST
A reset occurred around 3:30 PM EST, bringing the following updates...
Oh no! After days of drinking coffee and no sleep mug has lost his mind! Mug does not remember what monsters go where or what some armor items should really look like! Mug is swearing off coffee for a couple days but until then – Happy April Fools Day!
*mug pours green tea into his favorite new mug*
Per the request of many players we have turned your wisdom clothes into coats. If you are currently wearing your wisdom clothes just remove them and they will now go into the new coat slot. We have removed the -10 ac from them as well. Enjoy!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Alizarin receives new merchant, Keri (Scribe, Alchemy, sells: Limestone, Ink, White paper, Antler and Root liquor) and small update. * Pegasus clan receives new room Kujek's Chambers. * Minor fix for Buyan Imperial Army hall. * Ministers for Buya and Nagnang may now use the lighting feature.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Chongun receive new sword. * Chongun, Do and Barbarian’s receive more durability to their weapons.
April fools brings a lot of changes to the monsters, but more importantly (well, to me anyway!), are the changes made to Wooden saber, Merchant helm, and Spring garb.

These changes show that with the recent 'answers' to posts on Dreams board, that if a dream is reasonable and supported by the player base, mug can make a change in as little as a day. Wisdom clothes as Overcoats was an idea brought up in the past, but it took little less than a week for the dream to come to life!
Other updates will be posted in time, granted we can spot them *smiles and looks at the Chongunate* - Conro
More Madness on the Mad Peasant!
by: Nagnag
-- 8:11 AM EST
Thanks to SoulJure, Laren, IKwiSinI, Knife, Pyogenes, Vinbarton, Lafer, Sanada, Monchichi, SleepyPoo, Retsnom, BeoWulf, ChifChi, and Kleopatra for going out of their way to help out with this incredible mystery. (Also thanks to anyone I may not have mentioned, I got a TON of mails)
There is no such thing as coincidences, or at least that's what I think when it comes to the mad peasant. It seems the word on the peasant is traveling fast and people are gathering Rope quickly to help him out. But it is not only the citizens of Nexus which are helping out with information. A few of the kingdom's best resources have some information as well.
Pond (in the Koguryo Library) seems to give us information if we ask him about a Dragon. He says that he loaned a book out to someone about dragons and has not seen it since. He hints that the person he loaned it to was running from a tiger. Coincidence? How about...
Chonsa (which is the tiger that blesses war platemail as "Tiger mail" just south of east gate Buya). He also responds to keywords, such as Book, saying he hasn't read a book in a long time. If you mention Dragons to him, he tells you he knows a little about them, and says theres the type in Mythic and then there are Special ones. Then if you say Special to him, he responds as well. Coincidence still? How about...
Rabbit in Guol Valley - which responds to Dragon saying he use to have a book about Dragons and how he thinks Dragons are awesome because they wouldn't be afraid of a Tiger. He claims he had a book about Dragons but dropped it down the Well. If you ask about the Well, he says he stays away from it now ever since he's heard strange noises coming from it. Coincidence? I think you get my point.
There is more out there than simply 3 NPCs, a custom map (the well), and a usable item (Rope) to get down into the well. I will continue to post once I get a CHUNK of information regarding this quest/event/mystery. I appreciate everyone's help thus far and keep that information coming! Hopefully with all of us working together we can make some grand progress!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
March 28th Server Reset!
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * New lighting feature added for all Ministries. * KRA receives updated General's office. * Minor addition for Nagnang Ministry (Library boards)
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor fix for Spies
* Minor update for Fox hunt. * Fixed broken map tile in Koguryo. * Other minor updates for item shop.
Mad Peasant Mystery
by: Nagnag
-- 12:43 AM EST
Since the beginning when the Dragon King was first ill, and Chu Rua needed that special ginseng to aid the king's health... we've all had mishaps at one time and taken the wrong path. During those times most of us have taken the right path, even out of curiosity rather than clumsiness... and have noticed a Well. This well at East Guol has mystified many that have been inside. Yes, inside.
You see - inside this well, there is a mad peasant. He stands on a Dragon Book and will not budge. The only way down the well is with a "Rope". If you have a Rope in your inventory and walk up to the well, you'll end up in Guol Well.
I am posting this because it has come to my attention that this mad peasant obviously needs help and has been stuck down there for some time. I am personally asking the community to nmail all information you can find out about this Mad Peasant to "Thou" and hopefully we can find out if this peasant is mad, or... if he's making us go Mad with his Mystery. But I do believe there must be a method to this madness...
New Spy Elder!
by: Youji
-- 9:26 PM EST
Congratulations to the newest Spy Elder, Rhetoric!

May his reign as Premiere be a long and lucrative one. ;)
Haengsa's new story
by: Conro
-- 2:20 PM EST
Haengsa is back, this month in Hausson, to tell a story about pirates. Mug tested the entire story with us there and said it works, and said no answer contains a capital letter.
The story starts...
Long ago, Bluestone's Great Grandfather roamed the seas as a pirate. He was greedy and evil, killing everything in his way. He was also huge and very fat and earned the nickname Captain behemoth
He trusted no one, not even his crew and didn't like sharing any of his special treasure. One summer when his boat was docked at an obscure island,
he snuck off the ship to find a good hiding place for his personal stash. Captain Behemoth discovered a tiny cave beyond some hills.
It was well hidden and covered with climbing vines. He returned to his ship, got his treasure and returned to the cave where he buried it. Taking note of the landmarks, he made a map from the bark of a nearby tree. Occasionally he returned to his special treasure managing to keep it secret from all who know him until he was finally killed in a raid on his ship. It was the Han navy that overtook his crew.
The pirates were imprisoned and and the Admiral of the navy sent his men to search the ship. He would take any gold or treasure in the name of his homeland. The sailors spent days searching all the crooks and cavities of the ship.
One young sailor found the odd tree map hidden in the bed of the Captain. He took it to the Admiral. The Admirals excitement grew as he inspected the map. This was a hidden treasure!. And if he was right he knew the coordinates of the island where it was buried.
He ordered his men to ready their ship by dawn. The navy set sail the next day. The weather was pleasant and the waters were calm.
The Admiral memorized the map every chance he had just in case something should happen to it. During a starry evening three nights later, the ship hit land. The men scrambled around. The Admiral choose 2 men to accompany him while the others stayed behind to guard the ship. With compass in hand, he started off...
in the direction of the treasure. It was hard to find the overgrown vines.
but one of the sailors had brought supplies and it took little time to chop the growth with an axe. Using a shovel brought along, the other sailor started to dig at the place where the Admiral believed the treasure to be. He dug until he hit a hard object. All three men got on their knees and cleared the dirt from the ornate chest.
The two sailors grabbed the side handles to pull it from the hole only to find it wasn't very heavy! Confused, they placed it on the ground. The Admiral swung open the top. Bewildered, the three men stood in shock. Inside the chest were buttons!
This quest awards 10 Pirate tokens this month!
server reset friday
by: koinu
-- 1:55 PM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Haengsa is back with a new quest!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Buyan Army receives merchant upgrade: Crovax now has the ability to Mass exchange. * Silla Clan receives some merchant upgrades: Cabochon (Buys your Tarnished amber, Tarnished dk amber, Crafted ambers, and Crafted dk amber.); Changul (Sells White paper, Ink, and Root liquor); Taho-ri (Sells Axe)
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor update for Druid and small fix on one spell. * Major updates for Shaman's Valley of the Mudang.
We have also added other things for players to see in near future.
Also mug's event has been Extended till the 7th of April. =)
Sharpen those Polearms
by: Conro
-- 4:41 PM EST
As of yesterday's reset, which fixed the "Extra Item Slot" Kruna Item, the Ranger and Spy paths have been given a leveled Fury.
The multipliers of the Fury have not been disclosed at this time, but it is believed they will be a weaker version of Baekho's Cunning.
FireFox Users Rejoice!
by: Conro
-- 4:37 PM EST
The NexusTK website has been fixed, and FireFox Users can now access the website without problems.
Thanks for the quick fix, Kru Interactive :)
FireFox Users - NexusTK Website
by: Conro
-- 2:10 PM EST
Mozilla FireFox users are experiencing problems accessing the NexusTK official website.
Users are being prompted to 'download' the material on the website, instead of view, causing problems with images, linking, etc.
It is advised that until this problem is fixed that FireFox users stray away from the website. NexusAtlas will keep you posted when a fix is made!
- Conro
The best Itemshop release ever!
by: koinu
-- 5:34 PM EST
Today while in mythic I heard Mug shout that a new Item shop item was released! Finally a usable Item that expands your bank up to 50 Slots!! =) 1 ticket allows 1 extra slot says users. Thank you Kru and Mug.
Warning: Please use the Tickets after you receive them from the Mail. if you change servers, the ticket will disappear thus creating a major issue with getting it back via Ticket system.

After using the ticket I get a pop-up box asking me to sign the ticket. seems like you can get 100.. but they said 50.
A few updates
by: Conro
-- 9:17 AM EST
NexusAtlas: Fixed minor problems with spell descriptions and costs. As always, if you see a bug and can show us that it's wrong (Screenshot or otherwise), please let us know! Thanks! :)
NexusTK: Spy subpath weapon Dakashi blade added. This blade can be enchanted.
 Thank you to CuddlyBunny for providing a good screenshot of the Dakashi blade!
At request of players, Mug has updated the HanXin and Pirate weapons. Mage and Poet weapons can endure more damage (Durability changed to 100,000). To aide in repair costs, the repair on these weapons has been changed to 1 coin per 100,000 durability. Many will be able to repair their weapon for free.
Rogue and Warrior weapons were given boosts as well. Rogue weapons were added exactly half as much mana as their weapon has vitality, and the -5 DAM was removed. Warrior weapons had the negative mana removed, as well as the -5 HIT.
Rogue weapons Lv50: 500 Vitality / 250 Mana / +5 Hit / +8 Grace Lv99: 1500 Vitality / 750 Mana / +5 Hit / +8 Grace Il san: 6250 Vitality / 3125 Mana / +5 Hit / +8 Grace Ee san: 12500 Vitality / 6250 Mana / +5 Hit / +8 Grace Sam san: 25000 Vitality / 12500 Mana /+5 Hit / +8 Grace
Warrior weapons Lv50: 500 Vitality / +5 Might / +5 Damage Lv99: 3000 Vitality / +5 Might / +5 Damage Il San: 12500 Vitality / +5 Might / +5 Damage Ee san: 25000 Vitality / +5 Might / +5 Damage Sam san: 50000 Vitality / +5 Might / +5 Damage
Other updates are to be seen in time.
March 16th Server Reset!
As posted on the official Nexus TK website...
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
* Event is over... we will see who the winner is and let you know soon. Changed some stats on the Rogue and Warrior weapons from event and added more endurance to the Poet and Mage weapons. * The Museum is back to normal and Tiyiya thanks all those who helped to rebuild. * Minor update for Tutors * Corrected some bad tiles on the original Hausson map
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Minor fix for KRA
Subpath additions and fixes: * Minor addition and map fixes for Barbarians
Also, every event related item that is not a reward has been removed! Farewell, White rags! Have a good weekend, everyone!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Mug's Special Event
by: Conro
-- 1:45 PM EST
As posted on DreamWeaver...
Here's a mug! There's a mug! Everywhere there's mugs, mugs!
How many times have you wished for a set of mugs, mugs? Do you covet those white ceramic beauties? Would you like others to see how you can hunt, host events or talk while holding a mug? Nows your chance!
Beginning on Friday, March 16th, 2007 through Saturday, March 31st, 2007 if you send a postcard or letter to "mug" at KRU Interactive, you can receive your very own right mug! However, if you send in a letter with a real mug you will receive your very own specialty set of a Left and Right mugs. Sound easy? It is! Be the envy of your family, your friends and mug lovers everywhere! Special prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for best postcard, best letter and best mug. So get those creative minds going and come up with the best of the best to win!! KRU Interactive can't wait to see all the cards and mugs rolling in.
All characters must be registered in order to receive your free in game mug during the contest. All postcards, letters and packages must be postmarked no later than Saturday, March 31st, 2007. Each character on your account must send a separate letter, postcard or mug in order to receive the "In-game" mug.
* You must address the postcards, letters and packages to "mug". * You must make sure your characters name is somewhere on the postcard, letter or package. * You must send one for each character in order to receive an "In-game" mug (or mugs). * You must be registered in order to receive your mug. * You must make sure all entries are postmarked by Saturday, March 31st, 2007.
Send to: Attention: mug KRU Interactive, Inc. 3350 Scott Blvd. #6403 Santa Clara, CA 95054
Make sure to include your "In-game" character name. If your "In-game" name is not indicated on the postcard, letter or package, you will not receive the coveted mug(s). (When sending a mug, please make sure it's wrapped properly if it is ceramic. You may send plastic mugs as well.)
In the immortal words of mug: "I smile here"
Midnight Sword
by: Rachel
-- 11:25 PM EST
A few days ago, Batosai was kind enough to show me the new Midnight Sword he bought with his pirate tokens! Here he is, along with the sword and stats.

New Nagnang Poet Tutor!
by: Nussan
-- 1:14 PM EST
A few days ago, another new Tutor was chosen. It is MoonWater who is the new poet Tutor in Nagnang. Congratulations MoonWater!
Event Server Down
by: Nagnag
-- 8:12 PM EST
If you're getting this message:
or  You're not alone. The event server has been down for 20 minutes now, so if you're not in the event server currently, don't go until you see our Server Status at the top right of our page as "OK" - but double check the Event server by clicking it, or else your character will be lost in the rabbit hole with the rest of ours!
New Scale mail?
by: Conro
-- 8:58 PM EST
Mug premiered a new armor graphic, replacing what he says is the 'Apron like armor', which would be 'War platemail'.
The graphic resembles an updated version of 'Scale mail', the lower version of Warrior armor (quest armor) in 5.x

It is unsure at this point whether the graphic existed in the client or not before the patches.
Thank you to Doctor for giving us a screenshot of the armor!
Dye Chart
by: Conro
-- 3:23 AM EST
We're trying to work a method on NexusAtlas to help provide 'Dye charts' for each armor in the game, but until then I will post dye charts of the new armors for you to reference.
Thank you to FoxFire for her chart of dyes for the Female Pirate Garb.

As always, if you'd like to contribute to NexusAtlas, simply drop me an NMail, or post on our news posting forum! :)
- Conro
Primogen Shift
by: Conro
-- 1:12 AM EST
In the last week two people have been ascended as Primogen of their respected clan.
Congratulations to Cascade, who takes the Place of Vano, as Primogen of the Phoenix clan of Buya.
Also, a welcome back to Kujek, who takes over for Creature, as Primogen of the Pegasus clan of Nagnang. Kujek was the original founder of Pegasus.
Good luck!
Today's Auto-Patch Update
by: Conro
-- 8:48 PM EST
Today's Auto-Patch Updated the following...
Lantern and Poet shields give light again. Invoke spell now shows a graphic. Some zap spells were changed to show graphics as well. Minor updates for things to be premiered. Tests on graphical changes for Armors. (Not seen) Tests on graphical color changes on Item shop items. (Not seen)
As always, if the auto-patcher fails for you, simply redownload and install the latest version of NexusTK.
- Conro
Weapon Stats
by: Rachel
-- 10:08 PM EST
Both versions of the same weapon (Path and Rank) have the same stats, so I'll just post them once each.

 (The Il san warrior graphic is a good example of why you should send a bmp instead of a jpg!)

Thank you to Oxon, YanDaMan, Torsak, Propane, Lusk, Jocker, Rokugo, Hijack, MuffinJuice, Shadowflare, Steelmagus, Alea, Roythedark, Dally, ReiKai, Notdistime, Bertie, Elray, Karyudo, Taipatron, Suceny, Sinderella, vwvwv, Sinderella, Euphoria, HotChiko, Scrye, Patch, Primavera, Kazthewar, and anyone else who helped out. ^.^
Item Shop Additions - Caps!
On March 5th, Cat caps were added into the Item shop, followed by Panda caps today on the 6th! Here are the posts made by mug on the Item Shop Announcement boards.
They come in a very wide array of colors, so be sure to check out the Nexus TK item shop at the official website!
Cat cap:
Bring out the sly and unpredictable in you or the soft and cuddly with our handmade Cat Cap! Wonderful soft fur in an array of colors with two-toned ears for some, come together to create a statement-making hat that tells the world that you're one 'cat' who's ready for anything. This is a must have accessory for you or that curious person in your life!
Country of Origin: Unknown
 Panda Cap:
*Soft sweet coo!* Warning: Our Panda Cap may cause you to get hugs from those who can't help themselves when they see it. Not only is the hat made from a temptingly cuddly, colorful fur, but it has sweet little panda ears that are unabashedly cute yet surprisingly grown-up.
Country of Origin: Unknown
New Tutors!
by: Nussan
-- 8:12 AM EST
This week, 3 new Tutors have been selected. MoonWater is the new Nagnang Poet Tutor. Metora is the new Buya Mage Tutor, and Haedu has been chosen to be the new Nagnang Mage Tutor.
Congratulations on your new positions!
Glimpse of the Pirate Boss
Here are a couple shots of the boss on the pirate side.

Event Weapons and Coats
by: Rachel
-- 6:14 PM EST
This is far from complete! Please send me screenshots (Rachel_NA@hotmail.com), post them on the NexusForums Information Gathering board (you don't need an account), or let me take my own screenshots if you trust me! Also please tell me if I've made any mistakes.
Hanxin's rewards are boss drops on Bluestone's side and Bluestone's rewards are boss drops on Hanxin's side. Pictured here are the pirate boss on the left, Bluestone in the middle, and Hanxin is on the right.
When you complete the quest, you get to choose one of six rewards. A male coat, female coat, or weapon of your level: 99, Il san, Ee san, Sam san (I'm not sure what the levels are on the pre-99 ones, I heard someone say there was a level 85 one) When you click on one of the six options, it will give you a short description.
The Hanxin descriptions are the left side, the pirate descriptions are on the right side:

(The stats have been moved to my new post)
 Torsak is wearing the Jingum Jian. Propane is wearing JiPanEe Tai and Baji jeogori. YanDaMan is wearing Kagum Huan. Lusk is Wearing Kagum Xu. Draw just snuck in there ^.^
 Rokugo is wearing the JiPanEe Xun. Dally is wearing the Hanfu dress. Reikai is wearing the Chima jeogori. Notdistime is wearing the Hanfu garb.
This means WAR!
by: Youji
-- 2:21 AM EST
To start... Enter the Pirate ship, north of Hausson.
On the Pirate ship, battle pirates until you collect... Left binding Right binding White rags Blind fold
With these items EQUIPPED, move to the North of the Pirate Ship dock and enter the Main island
Click the man on the island who will then inform you of the conflict ensuing between Bluestone and HanXin. You get to choose sides!!!!!!
The right path is HanXin The left path is Bluestone
Follow the left path until you reach Bluestone's cave or the right path until you reach HanXin's cave. Talk to which ever leader corresponds to you and you will be prompted to pledge your allegiances.
Once you choose a side there is no turning back, so make sure you know who you want to fight for!
You will be required to gather the following items by slaying either "soilders" (bwahaha!) or Pirates-
Bluestone's Quest (12) Hu Vessels (10) Han Key (4) Soldiers Boots (1) Han Compass
All 6 Maps: (1) Top right map of Han (1) Middle right map of Han (1) Bottom right map of Han (1) Top left map of Han (1) Middle left map of Han (1) Bottom right map of Han
HanXin's Quest (12) Bottles of Rum (10) Pirate Keys (4) Peg legs (1) Pirate compass
All 6 Maps: (1) Top right map of Pirates (1) Middle right map of Pirates (1) Bottom right map of Pirates (1) Top left map of Pirates (1) Middle left map of Pirates (1) Bottom right map of Pirates
After gathering all the items, take them to your respective military leader and he will grant you access to one of the great treasures they have to offer: A male or a female overcoat, or your choice of weapon for each path depending on who's side you chose. Walk to the treasure room (in the top left of whichever cave) and approach one of the chests to claim your booty.
Don't worry- Each item will be described to you before you chose it.
In top of all this, you get a couple of nifty legends marks! WEEHOO! Pictures and item stats are coming, so sit tight!
The Pirate Ship
We haven't had much time to explore the ship but so far it seems to fall within the pattern as many we've seen before. Head to Hausson and walk to the end of the pier in the northeast corner. Aboard the ship you'll find the same old cut throats as we've seen many times before. This time they seem to carry rags, blindfolds and some bindings. Rumor says you must have white rags, blindfold and bindings for your left and right. More information as we find it.
Pirates are here!
As posted on the official Nexus TK website...
The Han army has flanked Bluestone's ship on the Koguryo shoreline and succeeded in discovering the whereabouts of the Blacksails' Captain. Han intelligence reported the sighting of the Blacksails two days ago and, upon return of the ship, executed strategic tactics to locate the pirate infested island where the Captain remains hidden.
As promised, the Empire of Han has relayed this information on first attainment to its sister of State, the Empire of Buya and Her allies, the Kingdom of Koguryo and the Nagnang nation.
The Empire of Han is aware of the wars won over countless foes within the tri-kingdoms, so it is assumed that there is an understanding of what needs to be done in order to acclaim victory. We show no mercy because we have none.
Only the strong will learn the next tactic of pending execution, which will be personally instructed on the island - if you make it that far, that is.
For the Fallen! For the Avenged! Long live Emperor Senshi!
= = General HanXin =
What is to come?
To enter the Pirate ships, enter Hausson and head directly north to the dock!
Female mage wind has also reverted to a style that was shown a few months back but quickly taken away. All new information will be posted as soon as we get it! :)