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want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Alizarin Clan Hall is there...somewhere..
by: Vini
-- 9:33 PM EST
The fifth clan of Nagnang has finally gotten their hall and official clan status. As of today Alizarin has now a garden and a hall for its members and it's just waiting on their Primogeness Gamine to activate it and start adding their members to be fully seen as an official clan in title and in users page webreport.
Their new hall looks very good but to reach it from their garden is rather difficult. The garden is all dark the entrance to the hall is hidden.
Those who are lucky to venture through the dark garden will be able to see this fine hall with two helpers ((NPCs))already, being the one eyed creature the main one.
The location of the garden is to remain secret until we hear from Primogeness Gamine but Nagnang Explorers can try their luck and find it hidden somewhere where the unseen cannot reach. Congratulations to all of Alizarin clan and enjoy your new clan hall!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 81, Moon 1~
Reset changes!
by: Vini
-- 9:00 PM EST
It seems that more trees have disappared during the storms in the kingdoms. Most of Koguryo, Nagnang, Buya and Mythic trees are gone. The reasons for such disapearence is still unknown so the help of the community with the mystery behind the letters on the scrolls delivered by Kabocha is even more important now.
While than, the nexus official website has released the information about the new things released with the reset that happened minutes ago: The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
- Visible Clan Helms - Most clan helms are now visible on the character. Several clans still need to pick a helmet that is able to be seen and will have their helms added when they decide.
- A bug which allowed people to use the Race spell to access forbidden areas has been fixed
- The AI of the mythic bosses has been modified slightly
- Alizarin clan has been added
Minor changes and fixes for the following: - Nagnang Ministy - Tutors - Dharma clan - LostKingdom clan - Silla clan - Tiger clan - Enigma clan - Oceana clan - Pegasus clan - K'urimja clan - Destiny clan - Phoenix clan - Monk subpath - Shaman subpath
Special thanks to the Kru Interactive team on adding such great features! Happy Yuri 81 everyone!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 81, Moon 1~
Wearing Clan Helmets!
by: Vini
-- 8:12 PM EST
Since the reset on the servers 10 minutes ago, every clan helm now has the option to show in the head of the person and obviously it will be worn with pride to all the clan members.
Many members of the community gathered at east gate to show their new helmets, including Oceana members who finally got their new helmet. The Tiger helm looks green in the head but looks black in the inventory.
Members of Oceana, Lost Kingdom, Tiger, Silla and other clans gather to show their helms.
Here's the new look of Oceana helmet:

Congratulations to each of the clans and special thanks to Kru for making this new feature.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 12~
New Ba Gua Readings marks
by: Vini
-- 6:38 PM EST
A few days ago, the Geomancers were granted with a pleasant new mark for their services. Since the most recent reset, the Ba-Gua spell now will come with a legend mark to those who experience it, as it looks on the following image:

Guess that the search for Ba-Gua Readings will raise quite a bit from now on, congratulations to the Geomacers on their new gaining.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 12~
The Mystery Of The Missing Trees
by: Vini
-- 9:55 PM EST
A few days ago, the spectral messenger Kabocha has appeared again in our lands and this time has visited each of the clan halls and army barracks to on the back of his horse to deliver scrolls sent to each primogen and Generals from neighboring lands. Kabocha looked scared when delivering the scrolls, almost in panic, something really bad must be happening.
Here's a copy of one of the scrolls:

The only difference between the scrolls is the bottom right corner letter. Each primogen got a different letter , this case of the image the "A".
Here's a list of all the letter's that each primogen got:
Guerrund (Phoenix) - "S" Vini (Oceana) - "A" Aenea (Bear) - "R" Aceostar (Buya Army) - "N" Pesmergaxv (Elendhirin)- "I" Magnita (Enigma) - "E" Khaos (Sun Moon sect) - "G" Zarkh (Heavens) - "O" Diskord (Destiny) - "E" Devion (The Forsaken) - "T" Gemine (Alizarin) - "Y" Jerzeykat (Dharma) - "L" Kujek (Pegasus) - "W" Zaventh (K'urimja) - "A" Chiajen (Silla) - "I" Nykid (Kugnae Army) - "V" Fpickledog (Tiger) - "T" Arionchui (Lost Kingdom) - "I" Chill (Nagnang Army) - "S"
The scrolls all came damaged on the same part of the paper, the reasons of why each primogen has received a different letter at the bottom right is still unkown but for know it's believed that all of them together in an order may help create a hidden message to assist the community on discovering the secret behind this message. Also, such messages have been sent not long after the Druids started doing rituals near the Tree of Reflections after the sudden disappearance of the messages. They may also be linked to the visions and dreams of Diviners. One of the dreams that Elder Sarina of Diviners had and described on Chronicles of the Winds mentioned this: "I know that something will happen soon involving concern and confusion and it will involve many."
Such mystery behind these scrolls that we don't know where they came from will probably help explain the missing trees around all the three kingdoms and wilderness. Hopefully it will also help explain what happened with the Tree of Reflections that the community care so much about.
After delivering the scroll to each of the clans, Kabocha quickly vanished and wasn't seen since then. There was no change about asking him about who sent these scrolls so hopefully the community will be willing to help uncover the mystery. Anyone who have a guess about it or have found something that could help, feel free to contact any primogen/general about it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 12~
Carnage website and Rental updates
by: Vini
-- 9:15 PM EST
As posted by Archon Ahalya of Carnages just now, the Carnage staff has been working on an official website for the staff and it's officially released at: www.carnages.info
Give a look at it as the site looks very interesting. For Carnage Rentals, please follow the instructions copied bellow: Please copy and paste this form and nmail it to CarnyApp (IN GAME).
Full rental details (themes, etc.) can be found at www.Carnages.info
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the form that you must fill out and NMAIL CARNYAPP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
NAME: The name of your OFFICIAL path, clan or ministry.
DEPARTMENT: Riches, Bloodlust, or Elixir
INVITING: Any other paths or clans you are inviting
TIME: What time you want the doors to close and dying start (Doors open 15 minutes prior to your listed time and close at your listed time)
Choose a time available as indicated below
Very good job of the Carnage Staff and good luck to all who are interesting in joining them!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 12~
About server bug and Reminder of Nagnang Applications
by: Vini
-- 9:11 PM EST
As posted by the Archon Primogen, Kru Interactive is aware of the bug on the servers and is already working on it; most of the servers are back working now, only the Games server seems to be down now. If you lost items due thios bug send in a ticket to the Support System explaining what happened and the time it happened. Also beware that they have their own ways to check it, so don't event attempt lieing about losing an item that you did not actually lose because it will be easy to find out.
A reminder for the Nagnang Poet Tutor applicants, today is the last day to submit your application so hurry up and fill in the application form posted on community board. Nagnang Ministry applications are open as well if anyone is interested as well.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 12~
Nagnag's Armory Maps
There is still a bit of work to do on the Dark Forest and the drops from Mercenaries but if you need to make a run to the armory these maps should be a big help. Hopefully we'll have the quest for this area up soon.
Outdoor Armory Map
Armory Map
Updated Quest Details
At the request of our forum users, we've updated the quests with new graphics and added a few that have been missing for some time.
Some of the quests still use 5.0 graphics if they have not changed much in the new client.
Visit the page to see the updated information. More updates will be completed soon.
Quest Details
New Buyan Defenders Poisoned!
Yesterday with a ceremony planned to announce the new Buyan Defenders, Princess Lasahn was warned by her Court Diviner Triantos to discontinue the ceremony, she refused to cancel because there was little to no evidence. Court Diviner Triantos warned her about envisioning a traitor, but he could not exactly tell who it was. All he could say was that it was someone new to her court..

Princess Lasahn briefly suspected the new Buyan Minister Sebelle, but later found that to be untrue; she then announced him as her newest Defender of Buya.
Today the Buyan Defender Ceremony went on as planned, and Minister Sebelle announced the newest Affiliates of the Sovereign:
Aiyir, Dragolyk, Gilley, LostandFound and Sorriso.
Princess Lasahn then announced her newest Defenders of Buya:
Arionchui, Ciara, CloverLeaf, Eruclindo, MickeyLady, JerzeyKat, Kalina, Kiyone, PesmergaXV and Songa.

After the ceremony, a feast was held within the Buyan Army's barracks. As the Defenders began to eat and drink, several of them began to grow ill.. JerzeyKat, Sebelle, Kalina, and Songa all began to suffer an odd illness, and speak of how the food and drink tasted oddly.

Princess Lasahn asked the Buyan Army's medic to immediately look at them, but they could not discover the problem. They simply came to the conclusion that it was either poison, or bad food. All the while, everyone wondered who exactly prepared the feast??

Princess Lasahn quickly asked the army to bring the ill Defenders into the General Quarters of the Buyan Army. There she sent two guards to watch over them, in hopes of them getting better.
Was this a simple case of bad food.. or are there stranger things afoot?? And who on earth made that feast?! Did it have anything to do with the traitor foreseen by Triantos?!
** Thanks to Songa for this information!
New Buya Minister
by: Vini
-- 12:16 AM EST
As mentioned in the previous news, Minister Guerrund had to step down from his position so he could assume the leadership of Phoenix clan after so many yuris. It did not take long for Princess Lasahn to announce his replacement in the ministry has made an official post about it on the community board. Here's a copy of the original parchment:
~ A Message from The Imperial Sovereign of Buya ~
Dear citizens of Buya and Her trusted allies,
Tonight I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Buya's third-ever Minister:
Minister Sebelle of Buya
It is with the consent of former Minister Guerrund and the Sovereign of Buya that Minister Sebelle represents Buya in cultural affairs in this 80th year of ally-King Yuri's reign. Primogen Guerrund of Phoenix, I thank you for the remarkable work you have done for the entire Buyan populace. The Ministry will surely miss your leadership, but will be in good hands with the talented, newly-appointed Minister Sebelle.
Hail Buya! Shining Jewel of the East!
~Princess Lasahn~ ~Head of State of Buya~
Congratualtions to Minister Sebelle and good luck with your new duties in the Buya Ministry!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 9~
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
New Primogens in the kingdoms
by: Vini
-- 7:48 PM EST
A few minutes ago, Primogeness Kyas of Phoenix clan has announced her step down from the leadership position within her clan and has picked Primarch Guerrund to substitue her. Guerund who was the Minister of Buya had to step down from his position as well so he could assume the primogenship of Phoenix without breaking any ministry rules.
We also contacted Primogen Morick about why he stepped down from his position at Silla clan and left the clan he has founded. The problems that occurred matter only to the clan members but his presence there will surely be missed by all the members. The founder Morick has chosen ChiaJen to continue the work in the clan and has very good wishes for her.
The Nexus Atlas wishes good luck to both Primogen Guerrund and Primogeness ChiaJen with their new duties and thanks Kyas and Morick for all what they’ve contributed to these clans and to nexus overall.
Also, to restore already posted news that was lost with the coranto bug, Primogen Forcer of Dharma clan has stepped down last week and has chosen Jerzeykat to replace him. Good luck to her as well again, and congratulations to all the new primogens!
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Yuri 80, Moon 9~
Press release?
by: Conro
-- 6:34 PM EST
Recently, KruInteractive team has had a live IRC chat, similar to the chats we've had in the past in game (the most recent being held in the StorageRoom of Nagnang).
If you wish to read over this chat, it can be found on the FanSite PlanetDA.
More specificly, a link is located below: http://www.planetda.net/index.php?s=bb6ac908fd35f9c29759d9376784ac67&showtopic=17022
Depsite recent events, this does look promising.
Chat Exceprts In reference to their advertisement of hiring (17:27:14pm) <+DATeam> Our current goal, with the hiring of more people, is to release updates on a more regular and frequent basis.
On balancing classes in DarkAges (17:33:45pm) <+DATeam> This is usually something that does not magically happen over night. Again we are working to add new and different features for each class.
The chat seems to show to me that the ticket system does mean a lot to KruInteractive, as long as it's not abused. If you have a serious request to change something for the better (not take something away etc.), they usually listen.
- Conro
News Problem
by: TSWolf
-- 12:22 PM EST
I've looked into it and it seems as we had a little problem with Coranto being as big as it was. You have to remember, we're going on 3 years worth of news as of this March. Pretty crazy eh?
So for the time being we're going to have the news stay like it is. The archives are available up to March 4th. The other articles are lost until restored by their original authors.
We are working on the space issue right now and once everythnig is ready, I'll make a post.
News Problem o.o
by: Rachel
-- 3:01 AM EST
Someone seems to have misplaced our news.. but it should turn up somewhere!