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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
First Woodlands Armors created
by: Kaleea
-- 8:29 PM EST
 Spiri and Snack make the first two Woodlands Armors inside of Covenant clan halls.
As of February 11, 2025 it has been confirmed that Woodlands Armors and the Woodlands Original Diary Page Quest has been finished. They are path/gender/mark based. They are NOT BOD. They are NOT bonded. They are exchangeable. They are still testing them out to see if they can be dyed.
 Snack showing off the effects of the Poet Woodlands Armor at East Kugnae. Sa Poet "Grand Nalgae plate" Armor -33 Vita +1500 Mana +8500 Will +5 Grace +5 Regan +40 Protection +2
 Spiri showing off the effects of the Warrior Woodlands Armor at East Kugnae. Sa Warrior "Grand Dogsuli armor" Armor -46 Vita +7000 Mana +3000 Might +5 Will +2 Grace +3 Regen +40 Protection +2
 Metora showing off the effects of the Mage Woodlands Armor at East Kugnae. Sa Mage "Grand Kon Ip Armor" Armor -37 Vita +5000 Mana +5000 Might +2 Will +5 Grace +3 Regen +40 Protection +2
 DayKing showing off the first known Rogue Woodlands Armor at East Kugnae. Sa Rogue "Grand Keopjil armor" Armor -42 Vita +3000 Mana +7000 Might +2 Will +3 Grace +5 Regen +40 Protection +2
Original Woodlands Diary Quest Page 1 Original Woodlands Diary Quest 1 creates "Bijou Boots" Plate of metal (4) Magical parchment (10) Magical texts (12) Wings of fury (25) Ink (2) Yellow Amber (20) Tako Ink (5)
Orignial Woodlands Diary Quest Page 2 Original Woodlands Diary Quest 2 creates "Bijou Wrappings" Amber (25) Plate of metal (10) Focused Fire Amber (5) Medium Ju Jak Ring (2) Snake Skin Mesh (20) Tao Stone (4) Tortured Human Soul (15) Winter Potion (12) Yellow amber (5)
Original Woodlands Diary Quest Page 3 Original Woodlands Diary Quest creates "Boxed Bijou Jodhpurs" Plate of metal (25) Lightly stitched shell (10) Heavy Champion Rune (11) Well crafted amber (25) Well crafted white amber (10) Ink (10) Tako ink (4)
Original Woodlands Diary Quest Page 4 Original Woodlands Diary Quest creates "Boxed Bijou Gauntlet" Plate of metal (24) Lightly stitched shell (20) Focused fire amber (10) Winter potion (12) Well ctfd wt amber (10) Yellow amber (20) Amber (40) Tao stone (2)
Original Woodlands Diary Quest Page 5 Original Diary Page 5 creates the "Boxed Bijou Shroud" Amber (50) Heavy Champion Rune (11) Large Ju Jak Ring Medium Ju Jak Ring Plate of metal (25) Ruby Potion (12) The Polished Stone (5) White Amber (10) Yellow Amber (20)
Original Woodlands Diary Quest Page 6 Original Diary Page 6 creates the "Boxed Bijou Cincture" Plate of metal (15) Snake skin mesh (25) Yellow Amber (10) Tao Stone (3) Amber (25) Ruby potion (12)
Once the above 6 items are made, add all 6 and the Original Binding together using the creation system (shift + i) and you'll receive Glowing Unworn Armor. Congratulations you've created your Woodlands Armor.
To create Wings of Fury Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 5 Bird wings and 1 Dragon fan.
To create Lightly Stitched Shell Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 25 Azure silk, 6 Bear's tooth, 6 Canine's tooth, 3 Armored plated skin.
To create Tortured Human Soul Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 4 Fighter essence, 14 Trapped soul, 8 Unleashed anger.
To create Snake Skin Mesh Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 26 Beautiful leather, 15 Cloth, 10 Fine Cloth, 5 Snake Meat, 10 Fine Snake Meat.
To create Heavy Champion rune Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 23 Prism amber, 10 unleashed anger, 3 Amber, 3 Scribes book, 2 scribes pen.
To create Focused Fire Amber Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 25 Dark amber, 15 prism amber, 5 ghostly essence and 3 ambrosia.
To create Plate of metal Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 15 plated skin, 10 fine metal, 8 armor plated skin and 3 hot coal.
To create The Polished Stone Use the creation system (shift + i) and add together: 35 grain of sand, 5 heavy rock and 3 rock.
Spiri wants to thank everyone for working to figure out this quest.
Snack wants to thank people that have contributed to this discovery especially Name and Mac. Name and his dedicated website have kept the Woodland solving mission and passion alive. Mac and his countless combinations have got us to this place. There are a lot more other people involved, and I would like to thank them too!
The staff of NA will update the quest page with further information as it becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact us in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterkaleea[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
<>Kaleea<> Hyul 149
Frosty flees, and hearts aflutter! <3
by: Maron
-- 5:52 PM EST
Hey folks! Happy Valentine's Day from Nexus Atlas!
 Today's server reset and Dream Weaver note, as is obvious when exploring Nexus today, Winter Wonderland and all associated access, quests and items are once again inactive until next time. As you may have noticed, colorful butterflies are commonly fluttering around! Be sure to say "I love you Pink/Purple/Red/White butterfly" to be rewarded with lovely treats! Chocolate Cake - Restores 25% Vita
Valentine Chocolate - Restores 25% Mana
Chocolate heart - Share a kiss with your partner!
Valentines Flower - For holding
Red Candy Box - Dance with your partner!
Valentine Dye - Drops rarely from Purple butterfly; consumable unique pink dye
 Here is a reminder about this apparently permanent necklace quest as posted today on Community board: Spoiler Mini-Quest: Credit to Savannah for walk-through
Go to lover's lake and say "Heart" twice
She will ask for
- Fragile rose (Dog item boss of your Mythic level must be slain)
Say Heart again
- Wedding dress & Wedding cloak (Buya Seamstress)
Say Heart again
- Ruby Potion (From Elixir war)
I received a level 50 Heart shaped pendant with 300 vita, 100 mana

Don't forget you can also send the folks nearest and dearest to your heart a Valentine! Here's how:
a) Purchase a song or poem from the Baek shop in Koguryo (017,012) and bring it to the Muse in Buya Islets (051,005) and she'll simply trade your song/poem for a Valentine of your choice.
b) Take your beautiful Valentine to the messenger in Buya, Paryu (096,130) and use the option Valentine Delivery, it costs 5,000 gold coins to send.
Note: If you send using regular delivery, the Valentine will NOT show whom it was from!
Valentine Color Chart (credit goes to Namie~)
Crimson : Red Blackest : Black Snow : Pale (seems like lighter version of Royal) Forest : Emerald-ish (looks a bit similar to Sky) Royal : Lilac purple Golden : Gold, yellow-ish Sky : Sky blue Sun : Orange-ish gold (looks a bit similar to Golden) Moon : Navy blue Pink(Default in Kinung) : pink
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact us in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 149, 11th Moon, 15th Sun