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Monday, February 27, 2023
CastleberrY named Phoenix Clan Primogen
 Promise, the mascot of Phoenix Clan, attempts to steal the group's attention during an interview with the clan's new Primogen, CastleberrY, while Jadis listens at the right.
Once the ruckus had died down in Nagnang, there was a round of resounding glee coming from the empire to the north. Phoenix Clan of Buya congratulated their newest Primogen, CastleberrY, who invited me back into their home to talk about the breaking news. The roguish gentleman lead me to the island in the pit of lava, where it has become a custom for the incoming leaders to be interviewed.
So, Primogen CastleberrY. That has a wonderful ring to it. This is the first time you've been a leader of this caliber? Yes, I've served as Council, Primarch, and Guide of Merchant, but never anything of this high caliber.
And the already-warm halls of Phoenix Clan are now welcoming you as their latest leader. How or what are you feeling at this moment? Excitement, for the most part. Maybe a little nervousness... I've been in this family since Yuri 31. I don't want to let anyone down.
It's alright to be nervous. That just means you really do care. So, what do you think your first steps will be in this new role? Right now, I just want to get with my kindred, as a whole, and help grow this family. Whether it be hosting events, or just doing clan hunts, we need to be more active. Hopefully, I can move that along.
You mentioned you've held other positions of responsibility before. How would you describe your particular style of leadership? Well, I'd like to think of myself as always being the "fun" Guide. Hopefully, I can transition that into Primogen, as well. I want people to enjoy their time here, but also to be helpful. If it's fun at the same time, even better.
I've had the honor of interviewing a handful of your past Primogens, and I always ask a similar question. What do you think makes Phoenix Clan stand out from other clans in the kingdom? Well, our longevity is probably our biggest feat. We've been around a very long time, and hopefully we'll be around even longer than I could imagine.
What brought you to Phoenix Clan, originally? I had a friend by the name of Tex that originally asked me to join up. I was a soldier for the BIA before that! It was a long time ago, and times were different. But, one of the main factors that I chose Phoenix for was that they had a "Militia." BIA had loads of members back then, but still needed help defending Buya. So, Phoenix stepped up and did their job.
Do you see Phoenix Clan returning to those roots? It could, but I'm not sure if we will. I'm not certain if Lasahn would be appreciative of it.
What sort of members would you hope to attract to the clan? We're a laid-back family. We like to cut up and have a good time, regardless if what we're doing, so hopefully anyone that is just looking to be a part of a loving family.
Is there anything you'd like to tell your clan about your appointment to this role, or to the kingdoms as a whole? To my Clan, I've got big shoes to fill with Creses stepping down, and I hope to fill those shoes at least halfway. To the KD, I'll be reaching out to the other Primogens soon, to hopefully have some inter-clan cooperation with events, etc.
Thank you for your time and dedication as previous Primogen, Creses, and we hope Phoenix Clan enjoys myriad successes with your new leader!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
'One such treasure:' Community revels at the Surasang Festival
 Above: King ChaeRi explains the pertinence of the fermented cabbage dish serving as a symbol of the Surasang Festival at the opening ceremony. Below: Citizens greet each other in the Nagnang Palace East Hall while waiting for the feast to begin.
On Saturday, Nagnang welcomed the community to celebrate its annual Surasang Feast, promising a weekend of deliciousness and comradery to the kingdoms. As early as an hour before the doors to Josang Hol opened, eager citizens waited for what would certainly be an eventful and wonderful festivity of fun and feasting.
King ChaeRi welcomed the crowd at the opening ceremony, with a passionate speech on what was being celebrated in this feast:
"As we gather here at the annual Surasang Festival, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the rich cultural heritage that unites us all. From the majestic beauty of our natural landscapes, to the warmth and hospitality of our people, there is much to celebrate and cherish about our Kingdom.
"One such treasure that we hold dear is the delicious and versatile dish that has been the mainstay of culinary traditions for generations. Kimchi!
"It is a testament to the ingenuity, resourcefulness and deep connection to the land that our forbearers possessed. The unique blend of flavors, textures, and aromas is a reflection of the diversity and abundance of the natural resources our land has to offer. Throughout the years, we have adapted our kimchi recipes to suit the changing times, while still staying true to our roots. It is a true symbol of our cultural resilience and determination to preserve our traditions while embracing progress.
"So, let us join together today, not only to honor the customs that have brought us to this moment, but also to celebrate the innovations and adaptations that have kept our culture vibrant and alive! Let us take pride in our kimchi, not only for its delicious taste but also for the way it reflects the essence of our identity and spirit!
"Thank you for coming, and may this festival be a time of joy, unity, and of course, plenty of mouth-watering kimchi!"
From there, Sage BatSheba stepped forward to further commemorate the proceedings, offering the following:
"For those unacquainted with Surasang, it is a long-running tradition in the kingdom of Nagnang during the winter months; while winter is nearly over, we have chosen to gather all the same, and usher out the long-barren months behind us as we welcome the upcoming spring.
"Winter has long been a challenge; the summer crops begin to dwindle as the leaves fall and the chill creeps across the lands. Snow descending, our breath catches in our throats and silence falls. Difficult times. We hang in stasis, awaiting the warmth to return to our fingers and our cheeks, and for the first buds of spring to return - for growth and renewal to resume.
"A gift from our ancestors, we gather during Surasang to celebrate their wisdom. Perfecting the art of fermentation, we have found a way to survive, to thrive, during these long, empty months. The cabbage harvested in the fall, spared from the winters freeze, we salt it, we brine it, alongside our late carrots, garlic, onion, radish, peppers... We find a veritable feast that will last until the warmth of the sun returns again.
"We give thanks to our ancestors, and revel in the rare bounty that we have forged in the winter. And now, as spring knocks on our door, we celebrate with what remains! We welcome you to our Surasang Feast!"
The Sage then explained that in additional to an array of visitors and volunteers that had dedicated themselves to the festivities for the weekend, there would be an additional event taking place in the background. A "Kimchi King" and "Kimchi Queen" would be crowned at the end of the festivities on Sunday, having been nominated by a system of periodic peer voting accented by a count of activity through the weekend. Having piqued the interest of the crowd, the first game was ushered forward.
Left: Bollywood reacts in the splash zone as three of the volunteer riders joke about flying spicy food while waiting on the next contestant to be called during the Kimchi Toss event in the Nagnang Palace Courtyard. Center: Dycean engages in light smack-talk during Spice Dice in the Dragon's Head Pub of K'urimja Clan while Shoahs proceeds to be mildly threatening at his right. Right: Nohjis offers an improvised performance during her turn at the Poetry Slam held in the Nagnang Palace Dining Room.
The first day of the Feast
As explained by the King and Sage, the Surasang Feast heavily revolves around kimchi. Therefore, it was highly appropriate that the first event of the afternoon was the Kimchi Toss. The game involves lobbing plates of spicy, fermented vegetables at full force in the direction of three mounted volunteers traveling along set paths. Points were earned by nailing the pivoting riders in this challenging balance of aim and timing.
While the mess in the Palace Courtyard was cleaned up, a special collaboration between the Koguryo Royal Ministry and the Eternal Order of Nagnang took place on the g'oh board of the Dragon's Head Pub. This game asks players to set their playing field in advance, arranging their resources of Fist Rice and Gochu in a line. Dice rolls are then used to decide who among the players loses one of their resources; if a Fist Rice, the dice-holder consumes it with no penalty to their own resources. If it lands on a Gochu, they consume one of their own resources to mitigate the heat. The winner is who remains with any resources.
The Poetry Slam marked a time to calm down after such heated competitions and enjoy some spoken word. While King ChaeRi enjoyed some dinner, he was entertained by performers stepping up to recite limericks and lyrics, some written themselves and some cited by others. The participants were judged on criteria of performance and creativity. The winners of the Slam would not be known until the closing of the festivities, as readers pondered who would win a share of the 2,500,000 pot.
Left: KoiMermaiden announces the spirit of her recipe during Kitchen Wars at the Dragon's Head Pub. Center: Ginsho throws out a jest about the nature of the poison in the kimchi at Deadliest Kimchi in the Palace Courtyard in reference to Underling's performance in the previous event while the volunteering tasters react. Right: Jadis celebrates after rolling the coordinates for a 1,000,000 gold check during the Abundant Gifts giveaway at the Josang Hol.
The Dragon's Head Pub of K'urimja Clan became a battle zone as three contestants threw down with only a short amount of time to mull their plan of action during the classic Chongun event known as Kitchen Wars. The cooks had to propose their recipe, craft it before the audience, and present it to be taste-tested by representatives of the Royal Guard of Nagnang. KoiMermaiden had devised a devilish milkshake of butter and squid ink to punish unsavory people. Nohjis lovingly prepared ink-braised pumpkin and roasted squirrel to feed a hungry Guard. Underling charmed the audience with his subdued performance and dark sense of humor while lovingly preparing a squid ink bun. All three combatants that evening were awarded with an even split of the winnings, as the competition was too close to call.
As all involved then needed a means to get that bitter taste out of their mouth, the crowd was invited back to the Nagnang Palace Courtyard for a hearty round of swallowing poisonous materials in a game of Deadliest Kimchi. The event is a Surasang-themed rehash of the Shaman event known as Deadliest Poison, where players must sustain a dice roll higher than that matching the potency of the poison. Pictured at left, King ChaeRi snatches a vial of the antidote from Xevu as he discovers kimchi flavored with rancid sea water isn't to his liking.
The evening was closed out by Sage BatSheba bringing the festivities back to the Josang Hol, where an array of prizes awaited a line of visitors seeking to roll the appropriate coordinates. In this event, called Abundant Gifts, participants would shake the dice twice to determine which item in the grid they would be taking home, with the numbers rolled coordinating the row and column. This generous giveaway was the bookend of a busy day, with the community leaving the palace both physically full and fulfilled by a day of fun.
 The participants and host of Fickle Feasts respond to KoiMermaiden rolling the coordinates responding to a plate of Mulkkogi.
The second day of the Feast
The energy remained high as the community was welcomed back into the Nagnang Palace to resume the fun, beginning with a hearty serving of Fickle Feasts. This game, consisting of an array of food and beverage in a 6 x 6 grid, is an adaptation of the Diviner path's event called Fickle Fates. The regular variation of this game is played using tarot cards and fortune cookies, where each one has a different point value or consequence from having their coordinates rolled. This version was made fanciful by replacing cards with delicious foods that would either satisfy the players with their consumption, or leave them wanting a beverage to wash down the harsh spice.
After the visitors at the palace had their fill of fish, rice, kimchi, and beans, they were tasked to a quick jog back to the Dragon's Head Pub to observe a tournament of G'oh Eat. This adaptation of the classical game lead players to connect lines of apples and oranges on the grid, rather than the traditional and stoic obsidian and limestone pieces.
Left: xHEALMANx maneuvers around the grid in a game of G'oh Eats versus Nohjis while Mood observes. Right: King ChaeRi admonishes KoiMermaiden for selecting Kong (beans) for his meal after having just run off Shoahs for doing the same during the What's for Dinner event.
What's for Dinner was a brand new event formulated by Sage BatSheba, where King ChaeRi was invited to dine in the Josang Hol. Those that volunteered to join him at the spread were tasked to roll dice to select which combination of dishes the king would taste. But, King ChaeRi is a finicky eater, and would grow cross if asked to eat the same thing repeatedly. When that happened, the unfortunate soul was run out of the game by the roiled Royal. In this game, the kingdom of Nagnang witnessed King ChaeRi growing cross with the insistance of him eating so many beans.
As there were plenty of leftovers to go around, what left was there to go but turn them into projectiles for the sake of entertainment? That was the fundamental truth of Food Fight, held in the Palace Courtyard. Players were limited to vertical lines of limestone to maneuver over while they flung citrus fruits at each other, aiming to beam their opponent for points.
After two days of friendship and tomfoolery, it was then time to sober oneself and reflect back on the meaning behind the festivities. Garamond of the Divine Order lead a small ritual to wind down the Surasang Feast, where he reminded the community of the myriad sacrifices made to let Nagnang enjoy this feast. This was including but not limited to the lives of vegetation and animals that were extinguished to sustain our lives, and the labor and toil required to raise and harvest the food.
Left: Serengeti calls a match between Nohjis and ColdBlood in a round of Food Fight in the Nagnang Palace Courtyard. Right: Sage BatSheba prepares to announce the Kimchi King and Kimchi Queen in the closing of the Feast.
Once light returned to the Josang Hol, it was announced Kaoru was chosen by the Eternal Order to take home the first place prize in the previous day's Poetry Slam, with Nohjis and Spiri tying for second place.
Sage BatSheba reported an estimated 62 individual visitors at this year's Surasang Feast. But only two would be nominated as Surasang Royalty, with xHEALMANx taking the engraved fan naming him Kimchi King, and KoiMermaiden the Kimchi Queen.
King ChaeRi addressed the crowd a final time before the proceedings were dismissed, offering a reminder to all present:
"As we come to the end of the Surasang festival, I am filled with gratitude to all of you who participated in this celebration of our rich culture and traditions. It has been a joy to see so many of you come together to enjoy the food, festivities, and communal spirit of this special event.
"We cannot forget the star of the show, our beloved kimchi, which has been a staple of our cuisine for generations. Our tables have been filled with the best of Nagnang's cuisine, and we have been reminded of the values that have guided our people for generations, such as respect, resilience, and resourcefulness.
"I would also like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers who have dedicated their time, effort, and hard work to make this festival a success. Your contribution has been invaluable and we could not have done it without your unwavering support. Thank you!
"Let us carry the spirit of the Surasang festival with us throughout the year, and let us continue to honor our traditions and our ancestors with reverence and respect. May we continue to cherish and uphold the values that would make Nagnang so special and may we always remember the importance of coming together in celebration. And kimchi. Thank you!"
Much appreciated Thank you, everyone who supported these events this weekend, whether it was with your presence, understanding, participation, donation, preparation, or hosting. Festivals like these are one of the many great things that make the Kingdoms a unique and fun place.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Turning over a new leaf (of cabbage): Surasang Feast set
 Sage BatSheba of Nagnang and the reporter react to the same pun while reviewing dishes reserved for the Surasang Feast in the Nagnang Palace Kitchen.
The King's Surasang Feast, also known as the Surasang Festival or Kimchi Festival, is an annual tradition in the kingdoms. The celebration is hosted by the Eternal Order of Nagnang, and consists on a series of events inspired by the real-world traditions of the Joseon Dynasty royal feast. In the Kingdoms, the Eternal Order's role is to encourage and stimulate Nangen culture, and this festival is one of many ways the organization performs this duty.
The Feast serves as a revitalization of interest in Nagnang's culture, and acts as a sober reminder of Nagnang's love of preserving old ways of life despite the numerous hardships. This idea is contrasted by the whimsical additions of kimchi and kochu pepper-inspired games and competitions to keep things lighthearted around King ChaeRi and Princess Sutsang's dinner table.
Sage BatSheba has posted this year's agenda and invitation, alongside a brief explanation of the festivities on the Community Events board:
Winter's kiss, the lands blanketed under a layer of snow. The crops that sustain our people have withered and died. A long, cold tie ahead, we Nangens are well-equipped for the burden of a barren season. We are survivors. We withstand.
With the knowledge of our ancestors, we have been taught the art of fermentation and kimchi-making; it is in celebration of this wisdom and our perseverance that Surasang has arisen, a glory to the enduring bounty found in difficult times.
Please join His Majesty, the King of Nagnang, His most loyal Eternal Order, and the gracious people of Nagnang at the grand Surasang Feast to celebrate this winter time.
Tentative schedule Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023 (All times EST) 3:30PM - Welcome and Kimchi Pot-Cook 4:00PM - Kimchi Toss 5:00PM - Spice Dice 6:00PM - Feast and Poetry Slam 7:00PM - Kitchen Wars 8:00PM - Deadliest Kimchi 9:00PM - Abundant Gifts
Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023 4:00PM - Fickle FEASTS 5:00PM - G'oh... EAT! 6:00PM - What's for Dinner? 7:00PM - Food Fight 8:00PM - Ritual of Divinity/Wrap-Up (Winner Announcements)
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Monday, February 13, 2023
'We melt the winter:' Druids usher in Imbolc
 Druid Elder Supply leads path members in a call to Brigid at the opening ritual of the Imbolc Festival.
On the evening of February 11th, the Druid path welcomed the community into its home to begin the annual festival of light-bringing to the kingdoms. The proceedings would last until the following evening, with a gauntlet of events to keep the energy circulating.
Creatures scuttled about in the darkness as the masses gathered in the Sacred Grove to mark the beginning of this year's Imbolc festival. Reanimated trees howled in the murk, with a haunting "swooooosh" deafening the visitors the first night. Squirrels, turtles, and alligators snapped and crackled in the dim.
Needless to say, life continues, even through the darkness.
But, it is in that inky, cold environment that light shines the strongest, and we welcome the rush of renewal and clarity that returns with the end of the doldrums.
The opening ritual
Upon arriving at the ritual stones, a wreath was lovingly passed out from the Druid Elder Supply to the visitors as a welcoming gesture. It was not long before the shade was pierced by the bright, warm light of a ceremonial fire, and the call of Supply's voice rang through the evening air.
"Welcome, our friends from the community, the Archons (for their great help), Royals, Primogens, Judges, Elders, and Walkers of all Subpaths. It's great to have you here for the Imbolc Festival, a time of renewal and coming together, and of looking to the future with hope.
"Brigid is the goddess associated with Imbolc, and she represents the flame of inspiration, healing, and renewal. Call upon her presence, and ask for her blessings. Take a moment to give thanks to the earth for its abundance, and its cycles of birth, growth, and rebirth. Spend some time reflecting on your own journey, what you're grateful for, and what you hope to achieve in the coming months. Feel the energy of Imbolc within you, and carry it with you as you go about your day. All the land is folded in winter. The air is chilled, and frost covers the Earth."
Fellow Druids PoeticSpirit, StarArcherie, Foxfire, poeticme, and Galadrial joined Supply in the ritualistic call to Brigid, alternating turns to give their devotion and plea to the public.
"Lord of the Light. Lord of wild things. Unseen, you have been reborn of the gracious Mother Goddess."
"This is the time of burning torches, when every lamp is a bright, strong flame to welcome the triumphs over weakness."
"We celebrate the Goddess and the God. All the Earth celebrates beneath its mantle of sleep."
"The Maiden comes to bring us light. The winter dies, and all is bright. The frozen ground shall disappear, and all shall sprout, for Spring is near!"
"Behold the triple Goddess, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. She is one - yet She is three, together and alone."
"Summer comes not without Spring. Without Summer, comes no Winter chill. Without the Winter, Spring isn't born. The three life cycles, fulfill."
"With this besom filled with power, sweep away the old and sour. Sweep away the chill of death, as Winter draws its last cold breath. Round, round, round about, sweep the old and useless out! Thus we melt the Winter, and warm the breath of Spring!"
"We bid adieu to what is dead, and greet each living thing. Thus, we banish Winter! Thus, we welcome Spring!"
"As we close this ritual of Imbolc, let each of us find joy in the power of the returning Sun! As each new day dawns and the light of day becomes brighter and stronger, remember your inner light should burn as brightly."
"Feel the changes in the earth around you, as the chill of Winter recedes, and all sprouts in the greenness of fresh, new life. Breathe deeply of the harmony of the Earth's new life and rejoice in your own!"
"We once again welcome you to this festival. Druidism encourages a love of each other by fostering the magic of relationship and community, and above all, a love of life."
The opening ceremony concluded with Smokester being honored as a Protector of Nature, commemorating the idea of fostering a relationship between people, and with the natural world.
Left: Incendo and Smokester engage in mutual destruction during the Spies' S7 tournament. Center: Qian encourages the dancers with her singing during the Geomancers' Square-to-Square. Right: The reporter denies killing a skeletal Nykid by stealing his water token during the Balance or Bust game. Below: JuiceWRLD whiffs throwing an acorn at the opposing team during the Do's JJirl event.
The first day of events
What better than a friendly competition to bring about energy and a spirit of community?
The Do path invited the visitors to participate in some consented slinging of objects in a bout of JJirl. The game consists of teams (or singles) throwing apples or acorns across a line to strike the opposing players. The team that lands the most successful strikes is deemed the winner. The competitive spirit started early, as individuals sought to best each other's records.
While the blood was still rushing, the Spies ushered in a S7 tournament. For those unfamiliar, combatants of a fighting nature are tasked to run across a line and joust at their opponents, with the first successful strike landing a point before the round resets. The best out of three matches won the round, and the chance to go home with a prize and bragging rights.
In a pause to violent competition, the Geomancers held a competition of Square-to-Square. This event invokes shenanigans of dancing around an array of four squares marked numbers 1 through 4. As the host's singing ceased, dancers were asked to freeze in place. The die decides who is eliminated, if the square where one stands matches the number rolled.
"There are no friends in this event," said the hosts of the Druid and Geomancer collaboration known as Balance or Bust. The objective was to gather four distinct elements assigned to numbers 1 through 4 on the die. Rolling a 5 meant the player had the potential to steal an element from another player to complete their collection. If you rolled an element you already owned, you were tasked to burden another player with an unwelcome addition to theirs. If you accidentally amassed three of a kind, they were purged in a "bust." Assisting others is not in the rules.
Left: STER exclaims as he watches his opponent win during the Rangers' Snake Attack tournament. Center: Brine and KoiMermaiden face off during the Battle of the Bridge overseen by the Merchants. Right: Death, fire, and carnage rain down in the arena during the Barbarian's Last Man Alive.
The second day of events
Not to be out-done by the passion of the first evening, the second evening began with a few rounds of Snake Attack, hosted by the Rangers. The objective involved filling a square area with a line of Obsidian or Limestone, with the participants dropping numbers of them corresponding to a dice roll. If one's line of stones collided with itself, or ran out of space, they lost the match.
As the community loves games involving playful bloodletting, the Merchants oversaw a Battle on the Bridge tournament. The crowd watched pairs of combattants clash Ilbon Knives on a small bridge, and awaited to see which one would be the first to invoke a Kamakazi on the other. With a promise of gold and a Merchant-sponsord engrave, the stakes were high.
The Barbarian's Last Man Alive is a mainstay of festivals, and Imbolc was no exception. A mass of fighters of all paths swarmed inside a small arena to survive an onslaught of mutual vita attacks, all the while the arena kept shrinking in proportion to the number of survivors. If one was lucky, a well-timed Soothe spell let you remain alive just a little while longer until the next blow arrived.
The Monks chose a more peaceful solution to competition, with a light game of Jan Ken Pon. Also known as Rock, Paper, Scissors, the game of wits and chance sets two players against each other to hope their choice of "weapon" can best the other. Paper beats Rock beats Scissors beats Paper. The choices are whispered to the host in advance to waylay any cheating.
As the excitement settled down, LawAndOrder of the Divine Order offered the community a reciting of her journey for Zodiac Master of the Metal Pig. She retold the story of her discovery of her Zodiac Animal, from having to directly observe the Mythic Creatures, to visions shared with her friends and family.
Left: LawAndOrder and Keiara present a stalemate of Rock during a match of Jan Ken Pon hosted by the Monks. Right: Diviner LawAndOrder succumbs to the will of the Metal Pig during her Zodiac Mastery ritual.
 Frigga leads the ritual chant at the closing of the Imbolc Festival.
The closing ceremony
All good things must come to conclusion, and Imbolc marked the end of the long, eventful weekend with a quiet chant lead by Frigga, Xidus, Galadrial, poeticme, KoiMermaiden, and StarArcherie. The community was invited to thank the spirits for a successful event, and reminded that the meaning of the festivity needs to carry with us indefinitely.
"Thanks to the spirits of the North, East, South, and West for their presence. We bid you farewell." "We gather our kin, tonight we begin to cleanse as the light draw night. Brightest Brigid, sudden flame, be with us tonight. Brightest Brigid, fiery arrow, and aid us in this rite."
"Tonight, we let go my cruelest thought. Tonight, we become kind. Tonight, we gain a leader's courage to better speak our mind."
"Here we listen, here we bend, to heed the softest cries. Here we listen, here we learn, the lessons of the wise."
"Tonight we begin, with all our kin, to live as we've not before. The dawn is dim, its new light thin, as Brigid's fire into us pours."
"Imbolc has come to an end, but its spirit and magic will remain with us throughout the year. May we continue to honor the season and all its gifts, and may we always carry the light of Imbolc within our hearts. Blessed be!"
Much appreciated A special thanks goes to the hosts of the events that made this Imbolc Festival special: Supply, Kazi, Ikaris, Qian, KoiMermaiden, PrincessB, Brine, Baltzen, Rokkeu, LawAndOrder, Jasna, Frigga, and their numerous assistants. We also appreciate the Druid path for the support of this festival, and your generous donation of time and energy.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Welcome revisit, and Valentine's Day celebrations
 The reporter reacts after being dragged to the altar upon a sudden beckoning by Chifchirouge. The episode colliquially known as the "Yangbantai event" has returned to the kingdoms after a seven year absence.
Dreams of Winter Wonderland and Nightmare Land were shuttered with the rush of the winds, and the snow finally cleared away with this morning's storms. But a strange fury filled the kingdoms the moment someone accidentally swatted a squirrel, who surrendered a rarely-seen root. Bizarrely enough, that meant it was time to swarm to the Kugnae Chapel!
This event is a revisiting of a quest offered on February 12, 2016.
Condensed Walkthrough (Courtesy of Chifchirouge and Barter)
1. Click Lotus and "Death Do us Part" 2. Once you reach Chapel Back Room click to talk to Jeone. 3. Go back Lotus. Click her again (Death do us Part) 4. Go to Dusk Shaman's hut at Kugnae 042,090 and click Dusk Shaman 5. Wait 15 minutes. Collect event roots and event fruits while you wait 6. Click Dusk Shaman again. Find Hu and click her. 7. Click Asmodi. 8. Click Asmodi again.
[Option A] Hu deserves to live her life with Jeone A1. Collect 15 Licorice roots from squirrels and bring them to Lotus to create the elixir and bring Hu back to her husband. A2. Bring them to Lotus and click the same option as before. She'll collect the roots and give you a Yangbantai item as reward for helping. A3. After waiting 5 minutes talk to Lotus again and as a reward he will give you a new wig based on your gender: Love Life Dreads (male) or Love Life Locks (female). You will also get a new positive Legend mark "Helped love transcend death to achieve a beautiful life.
[Option B] Let Jeone join her B1. Collect 15 Machineel roots and 5 Machineel apples and bring them to Dusk Shaman to create the poison. B2. Bring them to Dusk Shaman and click her. She'll collect the roots and give you a Yangbantai item as reward for helping. B3. Click Dusk Shaman again and you'll be sent back to Jeone and receive a shamanic death mask called Khuya Rumi when he is clicked. You will also obtain a new red legend Mark: "Help love transcend life to achieve a painful truth".
'I love you, Pink Butterfly' Once you have finished possibly altering time and space again, you might express your affection to the yearly swarm of colorful butterflies. If they love you back, you reap the spoils with candy and tokens. If you still aren't finished spreading love and joy, pick up a few Clear Water Songs and trade them in for a Valentine to be sent to your sweetheart.
An explanation behind the oddities of these flying insects and how to send a Valentine can be found by reviewing the article on February 14, 2022.
Much appreciated Thank you, Chifchirouge and Barter, for the news tips and preliminary research. A nod goes to HwaSan for pointing out the event is a revisiting. I also wish to give a grateful shout-out to the retired and honored staff of NexusAtlas for your thorough reporting and dedication.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Blue vs. purple: Battle of the Kingdoms wages
 Above: Royal Minister KoiMermaiden of Koguryo and MegaHealer of Nagnang face off in an Ilbon knife duel during the second round of the Battle of the Kingdoms. Below: General Heira of the Royal Guard of Nagnang laments the loss of Serengeti during the third round. (Composite screenshot courtesy of CronxJr.)
Over the past week, the community may have overheard some lighthearted smack-talking over the winds. Representatives of Koguryo and Nagnang were witnessed playfully taunting each other on the advent of the highly anticipated Battle of the Kingdoms event.
The two kingdoms held a friendly competition of strategy and luck in the Sacred Battlegrounds Wednesday night, and the community gathered to take in the adrenaline and flash their kingdom's colors. Among the throng of people were King Mhul and Queen Yun standing on Koguryo's side of the arena.
The "Battle of the Kingdoms" is a version of the Chongun game, "Battle of the Generals," with slight augmentations for cross-kingdom collaboration. The game is played in the Sacred Battlegrounds and consists of a team leader (the kingdom's Royal representative or General) rolling dice to see how many spaces they are allowed to move one of their troops. As two opposing players meet on the battlefield, they draw their Ilbon knives and fight until one of the two fighters draws a Kamikaze. The recipient of the wrath leaves the field of battle.
For this event, King ChaeRi and General Heira lead Nagnang's forces, and Prince Mobon and General CronxJr ordered Koguryo's troops. Each combatant left his or her mark on the field in one spectacular display or another. Notable matches included (but were not limited to) multiple takedowns from "Koguryo's secret weapon" KoiMermaiden, and Sersei besting King ChaeRi in a hard-won duel. Nagnang did not stand for that, sending in their own trump card, the cat Kaoru, to sweep the field in the third round.
Thoroughly scraped up, participants lined up to receive their spoils of war. The winnings included a share of a 15,000,000 pot donated by Oceana Clan, the Imperial Ministry of Buya, and the Koguryo Royal Army, as well as a commemorative legend mark for all victors and participants.
The Royal Guard of Nagnang wishes to offer, "A sincere thanks to everyone who came to participate in this game, and therefore helped to make it a great success. All the community members who came to spectate and cheer, and bring warmth to the arena are also greatly appreciated. We also appreciate the generous donations that bolstered the night. We look forward to making this event an annual or biannual tradition in the kingdoms, and hope Buya will join us in the fun next time!"
Winners Round one: Koguryo (Mobon [Leader], KoiMermaiden, Disarray, Dycean, CronxJr) Round two: Koguryo (Mobon [Leader], TheWolf, onystar, Sersei, Dycean, Jahova) Round three: Nagnang (Heira [Leader], ChaeRi, Kaoru, Altar, BatSheba, Serengeti)
Honorable participants Sydnei, Leviticus, JuiceWRLD, MegaHealer, HEMAN, Barter, Zeromus
Bragging rights Koguryo retains the title until the next time the event is hosted.
Much appreciated Thank you, CronxJr, for assistance with the information used to compile this report, as well as the supplied visual.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting