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Thursday, February 27, 2020
Balancers Brought to Riches Carnage Brackets
Yes you read that right! What started earlier this week with a test of the Avatars Riches has become the standard as early this morning there was a reset to bring a major update to the Riches Department.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 2/28 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Feb. 27, 2020
Carnages of Riches upper stat limits are removed. Instead stats are balanced at:
-1.28m/640k for Paramount, -640k/320k for Celestial, -160k/80k Avatars, -50k/25k Ancients, |
So what exactly does this mean? It means that Riches Carnages are now based on Mark instead of Stat! So the new participants that can enter each bracket are:
Ancients: Any unmarked player Avatars: Any Il san or unmarked player Celestial: Any Sam san, Ee san, Il san, or unmarked player Paramount: Any player Mayhem: Any player
Mayhem will still be an uncapped carnage, but all the others will now balance players down to the max stats of the bracket, similar to the Crusades bloodlust. This will allow for players waiting on trials such as culture, sage, and minor quests to still actively participate in a maxed bracket. The carnage team has already seen some great participation as a result - the Avatars Riches held Monday night had 25 Il san players and 44 overall players! And the 1:30am Paramount that was impromptu hosted last night as an initial test had 23 Sa sans and 60 overall players! It is certainly a change that brings a lot more participation and a lot more competition to the playing field.
Hope to see you at the next Riches!
----theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang Riches Department Head
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Two Leadership Shifts: A new Elder and a new General appointed
by: Vini
-- 8:20 PM EST
There have been two changes of leadership recently in the Nexus lands: a new Elder and a new Primogen were appointed. The first one happened last week when Elder Meridius stepped down from his position after leading the Do path for the past 5 Hyuls ((7 months)). As his successor, he chose to appoint Hinoyuki to become the new Do Elder.
Hinoyuki is a very known figure within the Do path, he first joined the Do years ago and returned as a guide a couple of years ago. In the past, he served as Primogen of Elendhirin clan of Buya and until last year as Primogen of K'urimja clan of Nagnang. He also had some passages in through the Bear clan, Tiger clan and Buya Army.
While talking about Buya Army, it was there that the second leadership shift occurred this week. BloodOfThor was appointed two days ago as the new General of Buya and he also comes with good baggage of previous leadership positions. Until recently he was Minister of Buya and he also served as Primarch of the Lost Kingdom clan. In the past, he also served as Councilor of Dharma and of the Forsaken Clan.

Nexus Atlas congratulates both Elder Hinoyuki and General BloodOfThor and wishes them good fortune in their new positions. Also, a special thanks to Meridius and Teto for their service to the Nexus community.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 110, Moon 4~
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Save your Dye!
It is finally here! We can now save our favorite rare dyes and also attend events in the kingdoms.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Jera DATE: 2/24 SUBJECT: (\/) A Stash for your Dye (\/)
The (\/)use Guild of Buya is proud to present...
(\/) A Stash for your Dye (\/)
Mnemosyne, mother of the original 9 Muse Goddesses, has been secretly experimenting with ways to bottle our previous dyes. I don't know how she found the time, but she's a mother.. so she somehow managed it!
She assures us that it is mostly painless, but requires us to give an explicit warning that it is in a forever testing state. The many sleepless nights seems to be having a Girl type effect on her..
As a mother, Mnemosyne, feels the best way for you to prove your worth is to learn something from each of her daughters. She devised a plan for you to prove that you are worthy of receiving one of her coveted vials. Each vial is said to be able to save one dye that you simply cannot live without. As a lover of special colors and fabrics, we fully understand your vane need. As someone who has undergone the rigorous tests given by Mnemosyne.. Good luck on your venture.
If you are willing to make the sacrifice, send a letter to one of the Muses listed below. They can help to guide you on the treacherous journey.
(\/) Jera * Aviva * Iliana * Klogg (\/)
Required disclosures: - Not for the faint of heart - Each vial can save a single dye - A vial can only be obtained once per week ((21 hours))
Additional Details: ~ Can only receive 1 every 21 hours (regardless of which Muse makes the previous one for the person) ~ Can hold multiple vials at a time ~ Vials do not stack ~ Vial of Glitter is depositable and does NOT crumble ~ Filled Vial of Glitter is depositable, but CRUMBLES TWELVE (12) hours after saving a dye.
~ Requires ONE "sacrifice" to SAVE the dye: * Karma (Very low) * Money - 200k * Stats - 200 vita & 100 mana

AzNCloudBoi Hyul 110, 3rd Moon, 26th Sun
Friday, February 21, 2020
Man-Shik Wins "Race"
by: Maron
-- 4:18 PM EST
Hey folks! It appears that the old trick for rogues to race past the Forever Tree has finally been foiled.

As you can see I have tested the method of having a Man-Shik raven in front, and cast the Il San Rogue spell "Race" to successfully land on top of Man-Shik.
However, this is the result when you take a step behind the present Man-Shik:

Could the new partnership of Sinister Witch and Necromancer be responsible for this development? Or did Man-Shik take so long to wise up to the shortcut? Well, nothing lasts forever.
- Maron reporting - Hyul 110, 3rd Moon, 7th Sun
Edit: Upon further review, the Sa Rogue spell Precision Blitz is effective in bypassing Man-Shik, and Race allows one to skip the void behind it. This exclusive technique is probably frowned upon, so please do so at your own risk and not for an unfair advantage.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Map of the Darkwoods Thickets
by: Vini
-- 9:11 PM EST
Although traversing through the Darkwoods Thickets doesn't require a compass as there isn't any bifurcations, it's always helpful have a full cave map comprehending the seven rooms of the area, or 8 if you consider the entrance. Therefore, here is the full map of the new event cave, after all, this is Atlas of Nexus TK.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 109, Moon 12~
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
New weapon: Tandanhun demon staff
When the Triiofa were first introduced and these treefolk armies fought off, the demon staffs first came about. This was before the time of Sa san, but now it seems Werrty and TheRighteous have found a new drop for the Sa san level from the boss within the new event cave!
 TheRighteous and Werrty showing off the new Tandanhun demon staff
Here are the updated stats for what is the first drop of the Sa san version of this staff:

If any other drops or new items are found please find your nearest Nexus Atlas reporter and let us know!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Darkwoods Thickets Event Walkthrough
by: Ferro
-- 9:31 AM EST
Courtesy of AznCloudBoi and LinuxKiddy and everyone else that helped with the event, here is the current event walkthrough.- Meet Ara in a cave at Forest Crossroads (16,16) which is east of Islets

- Go to Haggard Witch at Darkwood Field (11,98)

- Say "Help" - Say "Dark Hunters" - Say "Vengeance" - Say "Daughter" - Say "Ara" - Say "Seal" and agree to help
- Head to Darkwoods Thicket's cave and kill Pinamu monsters to collect the following items:
- 25 Onyx Seedlings - 25 Dead leaf - 25 Decayed Root - 25 Heartwood
When you enter the Darkwoods Thickets you'll also get a new legend mark:

- Collect a Valentine's heart from someone. Check the previous post by Vini on how they're created.
- Bring the Valentine heart and the 4 packs of 25 Pinamu drops back to Haggard Witch - Say "Items" and she'll give you a Signet of love.

- Take the Signet of Love to the last room in Darkwood Thicket's cave. Last room at the top will have a opening and just stand there to repeal the dark magic imprisoning the Dark Hunters.

- Head back to Ara and click on her to receive a Woods talisman and an Enriched green manure.
 - The Woods talisman allows you to warp to the Darkwoods Thickets entrance and will disappear in a few weeks.
- Head to Haggard Witch and say ""green manure"" to receive a woods fan depending on your stats.
 Click here for the fans stats
Monday, February 10, 2020
How to send Valentine Hearts
by: Vini
-- 10:10 AM EST

This is a repost from previous years Valentine's Event. A mini walkthrough about how to get the Valentine heart weapons.
1. Go to Baek shop at northwest Kugnae (017,013) and buy a Clear water song, or a Sacred poem, or a War poem.
2. Take the item you just bought to the Islets (051,004) and talk to to the 'Islets Muse' west of the Garden of the Muses.
3. When you give her the poem, she'll allow you to choose the color of a valentine heart for you to send. Blackest heart  Crimson heart  Forest heart  Golden heart  Moon heart  Royal heart  Sky heart  Snow heart  Sun heart  Pink heart 
4. Take the chosen valentine heart to Paryu Message in Buya (096,131), and use the option 'Valentine Card Delivery'. It will cost 5,000 gold coins to send to someone. The person you choose will receive a valentine heart weapon with your name.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 109, Moon 11~
Server Reset - Valentines & Darkwoods Thickets
by: Vini
-- 11:05 PM EST

Today, a couple of hours after the Druid's Festival ended there was a server reset, which introduced many changes.
It brought back the classic Valentine's event with all of the butterflies and Valentine heart weapons that we had in the past years. It also introduced a new event hunting cave located at the northeast of Buya's Darkwoods Field, called "The Darkwoods Thickets". There we can fight some ent-like creatures called 'Pinamu'.

The event area comes with a boost in experience and a new 3-way entrance, where you can choose to go to a easy, a moderate or a hard cave. Here is a copy of GM Wony explanation on how this new system works:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: GM Wony DATE: 2/9 SUBJECT: How the new 3 way split cave system works
You are given 3 choices to enter the caves, easy, moderate and hard one. If your stats are very high or quite low, you may get only 2 or 1 choice(s).
The main difference this time compared to the previous 3 way split caves we tested before is:
- If you choose the hard path, you get 100% of the exp, drops and gold from the monsters you kill.
- If you choose the moderate or easy path, you get reduced exp, drops and gold. Currently they are set up as 35% and 70%. These ratios can individually be adjusted by the mobs and the caves.
- If you do not properly enter the caves, you will get nothing.
To encourage players to participate and see how this goes, we gave about 25% of suggested exp of each mobs. |
The new event cave adds an interesting update on the hunting levels, however it takes away the Ancient Training Grounds. *Note: They temporary removed Malgalod too, but later went back on their decision due to the Orbs for the Warriors, Poets and Rogues. Here is a copy of everything that changed with the reset, as posted on the Dream Weaver board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 2/9 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Feb. 9th, 2020
- Behold the beloved butterflies. Valentine's event is back.
- A new cave event begins, with a new entrance system for testing and tuning. During this time ATG and Malgalod will be closed. Also some mobs in FL3 are quite drastically buffed so be careful.
- There is an exp. boost for the cave event. It begins with +25%. This may fluctuate during the course.
- Valentine chocolates and Chocolate cakes restoration ratio has been adjusted to 20%.
A more detailed explanation on how the new cave system works can be found on the Community Board. The storyline of the event can be found on the Whispering Winds board.
Fixes to:
- Muse Subpath - Spy Subpath - Merchant Subpath |
As you can see, the Dream weaver post also points out to check the Whispering Winds story, where we can find details about the Plea of Love by a warrior of the Dark Hunters Guild called Ara, who is the only who escaped the trap set by the "Sinister Witch". She now needs our help saving her husband and the rest of their comrades. Here is a copy of the Whispering Winds post:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering Winds FROM: NexusTK DATE: 2/9 SUBJECT: A Plea of Love Hyuls ago, the Dark Hunters Guild led a great battle against the army of the dead brought forth by the Necromancer Jieut. After weeks of battle, the reemerging corpses were defeated and the threat at the Darkwoods Forest was neutralized.
They recently reengaged in their war against the Sinister Witch's treefolk army, now only to find that the furious trees have been infused with the blood of the dead. Upon entering the Darkwoods Thickets they all fell into a trap set by the Witch. The only Hunter who is still free is the mighty warrior Ara, but she is in no condition to fight right now.
Will you help her? |
To find Ara, go to the Forest Crossroads and enter the cave in the center of the crossroads. There you'll find a pregnant lady, that's Ara. Talk with her to start the event!

The Nexus Atlas team is working creating a walkthrough as fast as possible. Please come back later to get more information about how to conclude the event quest.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 109, Moon 11~
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Druid's Midwinter Festival - Today & Tomorrow
by: Vini
-- 11:35 AM EST
Today Druids are celebrating opening ceremony of the Imbolc Fire Festival, a yearly celebration, which is taking place at the Sacred Grove located at the south of the Wilderness. This candle festival will be held today and tomorrow. Such ritual is one of the four Fire Festivals they have during the year, each with a different theme:
Imbolc - celebrates warming of weather during midwinter (February)
Beltane - celebrates fertility and growth (May)
Lughnasdh - celebrates beginning of harvest and of many marriage (August)
Samahain - celebrates end of harvest and preparations for new year (October)
Below is a copy of schedule of Imbolc Festival events:
Saturday, February 8th
11:30am - /|\ Opening Ritual 12:00pm - (>|<) Last Man Alive 1:00pm - >>--Archery Tournament--> 2:00pm - -{===> Do Fencing 3:00pm - /|\ Potion Explosion 4:00pm - /> Musadan Maneuvers
Sunday, February 9th
2:00pm - -X- S7 3:00pm - {,S'} Deadliest Poison 4:00pm - [M] Treasure Expedition 5:00pm - /) Tarot Trade 6:00pm - ]V[ Jan Ken Pon 7:00pm - (\/) Roleplay Basics: Special Festival 8:00pm - /|\ Closing Ritual

"The second Fire Festival in the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc, honors Bridit, the Celtic goddess of healing, smithcraft, and poetry. Daylight is slowly increasing and the promise of Spring is in the air. Tiny, tender shoots will soon push through the snow, therefore, Imbolc is considered a time of hope and renewal.
Imbolc means "in the belly". This is the time when baby animals are growing in their mother's womb. It is a quiet, gentle festival, celebrating the Goddess who is now swollen with pregnancy. It is a time to celebrate the light, and focus on the bright times ahead now that winter is dwindling. This is also a time of inspiration and creativity".
To participate go to Sacred Grove at Wilderness at 173,213. Those who participate in the events will be recognized with legend mark acknowledging that they've celebrated a druid festival. The hosts also get a special mark rewarded.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 109, Moon 11~
Love is in the Air? Or He "Royally" Messed up?
by: Barter
-- 11:17 PM EST
It was an interesting night. The young royals seemed like they were up to no good this evening when the Prince MingJung interrupted Buyan Tribunal to sneak out Prince Daeso for some fun. It seems like it wouldn't be a Royal's night out without the Nangen Princess.

Everything seemed to be going pretty well for the young Royals, and it was obvious the boys were enamored by the princess. I believe Prince MingJung took it a little too far...

With the Love Potion mishap by young MingJung, Prince Daeso had to intercede in order for some... Nangen Justice from Princess Sutsang....

With Princess Sutsang's "punishment" assigned, Prince MingJung was a reasonably good sport.

Once the "Glory Run" was completed by Prince MingJung, returning to the palace seemed to stir the interest of King ChaeRi.
Instead of being outraged with a bunch of people in the Princess' chambers, King ChaeRi challenges Princes Daeso and MingJung to a race. Daeso declines but MingJung agrees. In the meantime, Daeso is given a missive from King ChaeRi to bring to Queen Lasahn.

Prince Daeso fears punishment from Queen Lasahn and will spend the night in the Wilderness with the company and careful watch of Ranger friends.
MingJung dismissed his guards but will be joining Daeso for a while to visit a certain Barbarian. MingJung feels responsible because he lured Daeso out of Buya during its Tribunal.

I bet the adventures of Royals Daeso and MingJung will continue...
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Server Reset - Updates to Subpaths and Minor Fixes
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 02/01 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Feb. 1st, 2020
The snow in the kingdoms finally melted. Winter Wonderland and Nightmareland are just memories now.
Updates to: - Merchant subpath - Diviner subpath - Muse subpath - Spy subpath
Fixes to: - Monk subpath - Chongun subpath - Druid subpath - Old Tangun bug - Old clan guests bug
Looks like the merchant subpath were given a few hand items and a backpack to carry their treasure goods.

Diviners have a new community quest, Zodiac Revelations, up on the subpath board (Post #1396)