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Monday, February 28, 2011
Minor reset
by: Vini
-- 9:41 PM EST
Last friday Nexus servers had reset with two minor changes:
Valentine's event has been removed
A unrelated bug fix last week caused a delay in the jewelry popup; this has been fixed
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 38, Moon 4~
Friday, February 18, 2011
The Poet Shadow Leader - New K'urimja Primogen
by: Vini
-- 1:18 AM EST
About a week ago the K'urimja clan has experienced a historic moment as for the first time ever, a Poet took the lead of the group. Since Shadow subpath was disbanded, K'urimja blood has been living and passed by the hands of few rogues who remained faithful to their belief. Ever since the creation of K'urimja clan only Rogues had occupied the highest position. But when Primogen Scud stepped down and chose Prodigy Mavelle as his sucessor, a new era began.
Congratulations Primogen Mavelle. May your time there be rewarding and long lasting.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 38, Moon 2~
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Valentine's Items
by: Vini
-- 8:48 PM EST
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Walsuk & Ox Valentine's day Walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 11:57 PM EST
It seems that this Valentine’s Day isn’t being pleasant to the couple Walsuk and Ox at Kugnae inns. The two of them are having some sort of disagreement and it is your job to try to solve this hassle. Go to Kugnae inns near west gate and reach Walsuk tavern. Once you’re there, click her to begin the quest:
 1. Walsuk seems happy about the Valentine’s season and wants you to guess who will bring her chocolates. It is obviously her husband so say "Ox".
2. Walsuk is worried that Ox has forgot about Valentine’s Day and claims that he has been hanging too much with Beard Smith lately. She starts crying so you’ll need to buy a Silk handkerchief from the vendor at north gate Buya and bring to her.  3. After you click her and she takes the handkerchief, she’ll ask if you can check if Ox remembered about Valentine’s Day. Say “Walsuk” to Ox.
4. Ox is busy writing a love poem, but it seems to be to another woman! How dare he? You should click Walsuk and tell her right away. Too bad you’ll ruin her Valentine’s Day. 5. As you read the note Ox was writing, you find out he plans to meet the secret person to the west of the palace during Hyun Moo hours. Walsuk will give you a Wool coat so you can spy on Ox. 
 6. During Hyun Moo hours (22-03), head south from West gate Buya inside the city gates until you hit the south western corner of Buya near SaSin garden. Walk around until you find a pop-up about two cloaked figures meeting. Ox and a giggling woman. You see she giving him a red pouch.
 7. Go back to Walsuk tavern and click on her. She gives you 20k and a Soup Bowl as a reward for spying for her.
8. Click on Ox and choose “Do you like taking long walks?" and you trick him to steal the pouch from his desk drawer.
9. Click on Walsuk again and she opens up the pouch to find her wedding band.
10. Click on Ox and choose "I'm sorry, old man" then "But the letter you wrote!?". Ox will reveal he didn’t write such terrible poem. Beard Smith did for his lady and Ox knew that due the lack of his poetry skills, Beard Smith surely needed a help. He forgives you and gives a new necklace, first set ever to have stats:
 | Heart Chained Emerald Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +300 | mana increase +100 | Regen +0 | Level Requirement: 50 |  | Heart Chained Onyx Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +2000 | mana increase +1000 | Regen +0 | Level Requirement: 99 |  | Heart Chained Ruby Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +3000 | mana increase +1500 | Regen +10 | Level Requirement: Il san |  | Heart Chained Sapphire Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +5000 | mana increase +2500 | Regen +10 | Level Requirement: Ee san |  | Heart Chained Diamond Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +6000 | mana increase +3000 | Regen +10 | Level Requirement: Sam san |  | Heart Chained Pink Diamond Pendant | Durability: 100000 | vita increase +7000 | mana increase +3500 | Regen +10 | Level Requirement: Sa san |
 Besides these items Chatty, the vendor south of North Buya gate is selling other new items such as: Promise ring  Lovers Quarrel  Silk Handkerchief  Rose bouquet  Valetine bouquet 
Hope everyone had a happy Valentine’s day!
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 38, Moon 1~
Monday, February 14, 2011
Shift at the KSG leading role
by: Vini
-- 12:48 AM EST
Few hours ago, the Spy Guild has witnessed a new leadership change. The Premier of the path, Aens has stepped down in favor of Hiahoj.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Spy Premier Hiahoj and thanks former elder Aens for his services to his path and nexus overall.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 37, Moon 12~
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Yusa Supremacy
by: Vini
-- 10:11 PM EST
A place part of the routine of many community members, Sire Pit, looks abandoned since last Friday's reset, all because of a new pvp area released permanently: the Yusa Pit. As of the time of this post, about 40 people were having battles or standing there.
What's so fun about Yusa Pit?
Yusa Pit is like the Crusade Bloodlust, challengers are given balancer sub-accessories upon entering and each can only have 320k vita / 160k mana at maximum. To enter this arena people will need 3 empty inventory slots and have their sub-accessories unequipped.
Here is a list of all other changes that happened with last Friday’s reset: Butterflies are back for Valentine’s Day The pirate event replay is now over The Valentine gift box and Romance gift box are now back in the item shop Some clan maps were accidentally omitted from turning off floor sweep last reset; now all clan maps should correctly not sweep Small updates to Tangun event maps
Minor updates for: Dharma clan Covenant clan Alizarin clan SunMoon clan Oceana clan Geomancer subpath Spy subpath Bug with Diviner Convoke quest Muse subpath
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 37, Moon 12~
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Pirate walkthrough reposted
by: Vini
-- 11:25 PM EST
Here's a compiled version of the pirate walkthrough that can be done all at once now:
1) Go to Northern Dae Shore and find the little boat (74/22). Enter it to go to ReShor’s boat.
2) Head to the stern and look for some stairs (84,12). Follow the stairs to ReShor's Cabin.
3) Click the pirate, ReShor (green attire, purple pirate hat). She should give you "ReShor's sealed note".
4) Take the Reshor's sealed note to Tangun. You can go to Tangun by going to any of the inns and saying "Tangun". (If you have a Leviathan fan, bring it with you to skip step 5 and 6)
5) Go outside the Quiet Room. Walk to the right a little bit and you should see Mananana. (34,118. But beware, she does move – Shout “What’s your name?” if you have trouble finding her) Click her. She will take the note and she will instruct you to bring her a "Nagnang fan". (Or she will take it if you already have it)
6) Go to the eastern gate of Nagnang and walk down all the way until you get to the place the Green Squirrels (134,155). Follow the path down then right. Then enter the Hermit’s hut (22,8). To enter the hut, you must have completed the Leviathan Quest.
7) When you enter the hut, say "Dae-Whan", and he will sell you a fan. Beware, depending on your level this can cost up to 150,000 coins. Fans are not bonded, but your level and path have to match the fan your own.
8) When you buy the fan, go back to Mananana in Tangun. She will give you a "Manahana replied note".
9) Give the replied note to ReShor in the cabin (Repeat step 1 and 2) and she will give you a Wizard's Journal Page to be delivered to WinSong. At this stage, this is the end. For day one of this event, that is all that there is to do.
10) With the Wizard's Journal, go to Kugnae Palace (110,100) and talk to WinSong (walks around, wears Mhul dye). You will get a "Tampered page". He instructs you to take this to Xiou.
11) Go to Hausson and walk all the way to the right until you see a BlackGut (70,50) and Kiyuu (66,48). Kiyuu will tell you NOT to give the pages to Xiou. BlackGut will tell you that you will be rewarded if you give the page to Xiou. Enter the ship by the docks on the right.
12) Now in the top deck of the ship, go to the first room on the right (79,26). Now that you’re in the "Captain's Room", talk to Xiou. This is where you have to choose what you wish to do.
13) 4. Click the Bored Rock and answer its riddles. The answer are: Circle; Fallen star; Yellow scroll
14) Exit the Ship’s brig at the bottom. Go to the front of the red chest (6,8) BEFORE leaving the room or you won’t get a helmet! You should get a helmet, which you can equip.
15) Go talk to WinSong nearby the Kugnae palace and give him a Peg Leg and then a Pirate grog.
16) WinSong will then ask to kill 30 pirates of any type at Xiou's ship.
17) Xiou asks for a Parrot feather, then ask for a totem helm that suits you and a Forever tree enchanted weapon from your path.
18) He will tell that the potion needs to be brewed for a day and a night. (Estimated to be 3 hours or one nexus day) Return and he will give you a Restorative Drought.
19) When he gives you the potion he tells you to bring your Xiou event helm (Not equiped) from earlier before starting this step!
20) Now you must choose whether to give the potion to Xiou or Lasahn. Xiou is still in his captain's room. Lasahn is in the cells that Xiou sent you to earlier. You can get there from the bottom left corner of Xiou's room.
You will get an upgraded form of your helmet if you keep it in your inventory when you turn in the potion. You will get the same helmet regardless of who you help.
This walkthrough is just a joint version of the 3 ones posted by Nexus Atlas during November/december events. Thanks to everyone who worked on those.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 37, Moon 10~
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Server Reset today
by: Vini
-- 9:47 PM EST
Today the Nexus servers were reset and brought back the Pirates. Here's what changed: The most recent pirate event is being replayed for those who missed it the first time around. Those who have already completed the quest will not be able to do it again, but can hunt in the event area New maps in Tangun to provide more space for community members to hold events Fixed bug in Staff of the Elements quest that prevented people with beards from advancing Clan halls will no longer sweep items Subpath scrolls now display real dates instead of game dates
Minor fixes for: * Viper clan * Pegasus clan * Geomancer subpath
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 37, Moon 10~
Three new Primogens
by: Vini
-- 9:23 PM EST
Over the past days Nexus has experienced three Primogen shifts and all happened in Koguryo clans. At Bear clan Primogen Arto took the spot of Sarphendon who stepped down. At Oceana clan, Primogeness Mesocute returned after 3 years to the leading position as Miroshi took a sudden retire. At Tiger clan, Primogen Xzine took over after SlowSand stepped away.
Nexus Atlas congratulates each of the new primogens and thank those who gave their time to help the community.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 37, Moon 9~