Tonight's forum was a success and many questions were both asked and answered.
Q: I know we are not allowed to have a mining area update for clans. I'm wondering why?
A: Mining area updates for clans are not approved because you clannies need to get out of your halls and do more stuff outside of your clan. Your clan is not your kingdom!
Q: Are the Archons not allowed to be in public or is that just by choice?
A: Archons go out into the community when they are working on something pertaining to their tasks. We also go out into the public for special occasions but as a rule we do not go out into the community.
Q: When will Nagnang be able to do Defender Ceremonies again?
A: Very soon! With ChaeRi's appearance in the lands things are moving forward and you should see some work in these areas with help from the Order.
Q: When will we get to see the new item shop items that came out with the new patch like the one in the NexusAtlas avatars?
A: Eventually.
Q: Will Kinung be fully taking over RP events or will clans and subpaths still be a part if they request or try to do it?
A: Clans and Subpaths are free to do any RP events they want if they do not require upper-level support, I'm willing to listen to your ideas and try to help, but keep in mind that there are a lot of ideas out there and we can't do everyone's. I do however want to do whatever I can to help you guys improve the state of RP.
Q: If we have an event idea who do we send it to?
A: Well, Daejang pretty much just answered that. He or myself can take the ideas, and as he said, don't be insulted if we cannot use them, as there is a lot going on right now and any event requiring support from mug is very time consuming.
Q: When will the subpaths be able to actually receive their subpath requests and why was it stopped in the first place?
A: Subpath requests were submitted in pages and pages of long nmail and this takes a long time to not only review but also to be implemented. So it would take some time for your request to be done.
Q: Are there any plans to add weapons or clothing with stats to the item shop that players can buy?
A: Not at this time.
Q: Why hasn't the sa san rogue spell been fixed yet?
A: It is being worked on but there have been a lot of problems.
Q: Would you consider lifting the policy on the refusal of applicants to the Ministry when they're affiliated with a clan that has "too many.."?
A: Not at the time.
Q: Will donation NPC's be fixed for clans anytime soon?
A: Still trying to fix it.
Q: Any plans to upgrade spells for non-NPC paths?
A: Not at this time.
Q: Why orange?
A: We live close to the sun and bathe in its rays, and thus we have this characteristic color!
Q: Can you please ask MiSun nicely if she would be so kind as to release some scarlet/blood red wings for this Valentine's day?
A: You'll have to wait and see!
Q: Why did you separate RP from the kingdoms to Kinung? Why not endorse RP outside of it?
A: The intention of Kinung is not to segregate RPers from the rest of the game, but rather to provide a place where RPers can go and know everyone else there who wants to RP. We do not mean for RP to be discouraged outside of Kinung, and in fact our events generally try to involve outside areas and organizations.
Q: Do we have any new carnage mini games planned? Example: Lixir, FH
A: Yes, we are planning to release something new soon, we are currently still testing and adding additional features to it.
Q: Can we ever expect a new subpath for each class to be released/allowed?
A: This might be possible, if you have a good RP background for an idea. However subpaths will undergo more thorough and stricter evaluation before given the green light and it won't be as easy as getting a clan official, if you know how hard that already is.
Q: Will the item creation function have a use besides lanterns? Are there any items that can currently be made besides lanterns right now?
A: There are many more waiting for an existing quest.
Q: About how much time per week do you spend doing Archon duties?
A: This depends on the Archon how many request they have, how much mail they have, and any follow up they need to do I would say most spend several hours a day working on things.
Q: Will it be sold in the Kruna shop?!?
A: Sure, why not.
Q: Will the item shop ever implemented a system to let us try on items before we buy them?
A: As lovely as that might be, it is not something that will be implemented in the neat future.
Q: When will Buya have another Defender Ceremony?
A: It's at the discretion of the Princess and the Ministry.
Q: If there are so many archons, how come I can walk around and see people who buy/sell/bot/ect and never any archons to stop them?
A: If you check the scum board you will see lots of players who are caught doing things by the Archons and most are jailed for bots and third party. As a rule we do not just walk around looking for things. We respond to complaints.
Q: Q: Will subpaths ever get anything up to par with vortex items or others that are more superior? It'd probably help RP if there were a reason to do it other than some useless items/'neat' spells.
A: The game was originally developed with NPC paths to be the 'hunting paths'. Subpaths received lots of updates to 'balance' them over the years.
Q: Who picks who is to be a judge/archon, and is it monitored to stop corruption?
A: The head judge picks the judges, and as far as archons go, it depends on the players themselves.
Q: Who do we report a bad name to?
A: If the player is under level 15, chances are we already got them. If it is a higher level player and you feel it is a bad name it is best to nmail Dalnum or Habaek.
Q: I've noticed the justice system has been really sluggish, taking weeks to follow through on reports and end in jailing.. Why not add more Judges?
A: The number of judges id determined by the Head Judge and the amount of time it takes for them to be trained is very long, also finding judges is not an easy task but they do the best they can.
Q: Are there any plans to make the trip to Tangun cheaper?
A: Yes, we are working very hard to make it cheaper and we are almost there with finding a way to get you there cheaper than the current prize of "free".
Mug: Tangun is free now.
Q: Why does it take so long to approve a map for an upgrade?
A: Quite simply, there are many things that go into a map besides being pretty. Without going into the technicalities, EVERYTHING must be inspected to ensure it not only looks right, but functions in the way it suppose to.
Q: Will carnage's ever be automated?
A: Never
Q: Will clans ever be removed from the game as they slip below the 100 player count?
A: If clans have a member count of less than 50, then yes. If Primogens/council forget to report to tribunal meetings several times w/o notice, YES.
Q: Can we look forward to any brand new events to keep us occupied through the next few months?
A: Yes! We have a few smaller ideas for the near future, including one going on right now. Once the new area is released, we will be able to start executing some larger ideas as well.
Q: Why now is there such a big deal about elders removing members who have been inactive?. Why do they have to go through such a large process just to remove someone?
A: Removal of inactive members are all up to the elders. However, the Elders must inform the removed members in order to make sure that the reason behind the removal is legit.
Q: Will arrow quivers made from crafting ever be able to be sold to NPCs?
A: This is very possible, and should be posted on dreams so work on implementing it can be started on as soon as possible.
Q: Will the little chick eggy things on Saeoh's head ever be released?
A: Yes, at Easter!
Q: When will the Tangun caves policy be set back to where it use to be?
A: Right now the changes were to benefit the newer players into seeing the rest of the game. If you have suggestions please post them on dreams.
Q: Why does an Il San mage have to join a subpath (Dog, Shaman, Diviner, or Geomancer) to be able to learn their spells?
A: This game is built around roleplaying, PC, or NPC. Therefore a player must select a subpath that suits his roleplaying best in order to learn specific spells, or else he'd have to advance without any.
Q: Is it possible to be banned from a PC subpath?
A: Yes, every subpath has their own policy in accepting walkers.
Q: Any plans to allow players to have more than 4 slots per account?
A: Send that idea to business support. It's not an in-game thing we deal with.
- Musoyen
Image contributed by AkiKan :)