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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Royal Friendship Day
Ceremony marked by strong bonds and stronger lances
 Prince-Regent M'hul, flanked by Princess Lasahn of Buya and Prince Kija of Nagnang, join Minister Starrbrite in opening the Royal Friendship Day ceremony.
KUGNAE -- A beckoning call from Prince-Regent M'hul to every citizen in the Samguk to "come and enjoy Royal Friendship Day" filled the Royal Coliseum in Kugnae. Notably in attendance were, in addition to Prince M'hul, Princess Lasahn of Buya, and Prince Kija of Nagnang. Each royal was further represented by a detail of soldiers from their respective armies. In the interests of friendship, compliments were exchanged between Prince Kija of Nagnang and Princess Lasahn of Buya.
Minister Starrbrite's opening speech spoke of the bond of friendship, one which demands more loyalty than anything else. "It is this bond that has made us and our kingdoms strong... The ideal of friendship is that one shows care and emotion for the other in the relationship... To give them a fraction if not all of what you give yourself."
This event was to celebrate friendships that share the ideals of selflessness, tolerance, acceptance, and a desire to grow strong. Thanks were given to the royalty of the kingdoms, to the primogens of every clan who keep their families strong in harmony and comeraderie, to the elders of every subpath, to the judges of the land, and to the staff of Dame Starrbrite's Royal Ministry.
The floor was ceded to Primarch Smoothey of the Destiny Clan, a member of the Royal Ministry, who explained the results of a secret competition that was held. Two young adventurers began their lives, completely lost. Members of the ministry secretly observed those of whom assistance was asked. Unfortunately, none of the winners were present at tonight's ceremony to be properly rewarded.
The selfless Poet Renew was the first recognized tonight for her tireless assistance to the young adventurer who approached her, sparing no details and expecting nothing in return. Her kindness, in fact, paid off with substantial dividends, as she was awarded a Zibong blade and 100,000 coins.
The second-most helpful member of the community recognized tonight was Merchant Daseru. She was awarded an Honor sword and 50,000 coins. The third- and fourth-most helpful members of the community were Warrior SwissChese and Seinne, who, though not present either, were each awarded a Titanium lance and 50,000 coins.
Next, the army generals, clan elders, and subpath elders in attendance were called to the fore. They were each presented with a titanium lance, symbolic of this festival day. Similar gifts were presented to Prince M'hul, Princess Lasahn, and Prince Kija.
Prince M'hul then took the opportunity to share a few words about the meaning of friendship. The soldiers of the kingdoms, the members of the Royal Ministry, the subpath elders, and the clan primogens and primarchs, all of whom devote their lives to the citizens, represent friendship. Finally, Prince Mhul recognized Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija, whose friendship in the form of the treaties is cherished is honoured.
Princess Lasahn raised eyebrows this evening when, after being called to make a presentation, she produced an array of flowers, and promptly it them up and stamped on the remains. "The actions of my own," she stated, "are not dangerous, so long as mutual trust is shared by my friends." Contrary to popular belief, according to Princess Lasahn, a flower does not represent friendship. Rather, "the essence of the flower does." Friendship to her is "an aroma ever-spreading, universal and counteracting."
Prince Kija advocated friendships to have "a strong base," likening them to pyramids.
Best wishes and strong, lasting friendships to you all, on behalf of NexusAtlas.
Friday, February 27, 2004
Upcoming Event: Royal Friendship Day
A message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
The Royal Ministry of Koguryo Celebrates Friendship
Friendship is caring about someone else as much as you care about your own self. It is listening and being listened to. It is accepting and being accepted. Friendship is helping and not being afraid to ask for help.
The Royal Ministry of Koguryo brings to you all this Day of Friendship! Please join us on Saturday, February 28, at 8 p.m., EST/5 p.m., PST in the Royal Coliseum in the Koguryo Palace in Kugnae. When you enter the palace, walk up the steps, enter the middle room (Throne Room), then walk all the way to the far left side of the room, and enter the doors to the coliseum.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Sunday, February 22, 2004
~Nagnang Ceremony~
by: MarekP
-- 10:27 PM EST
<\ Nangen Ceremony! /> ------------------------------------------ \ Greetings citizens of all! | / Prince Kija and General MarekP / coordially invite you to the first of its own | Nangen Ceremony! \ | With Prince Kija in attendance a number / of Nangen citizens will be dubbed as | "Defenders of Nagnang!" \ Will that person be you? | / In attendance of the community, | General MarekP will announce other | pressing matters of Nagnang. \ | Join the night's festivities along | with the Nagnang Army, and Nagnang! / \ When: First Saturday In March | -March 7th 8pm EST / Where: Grand Hall (Nagnang Palace) | \ After the ceremony, citizen's will be | able to mingle with the defenders, and / play a few games like Nangen Ball or | trivia in the Open House Barracks! \_____________________________________
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
New Kugnae Tribunal Hall
by: Vini
-- 12:46 AM EST
Recently Koguryo has gained a new Tribunal now to be able to fit now the 5 clans that reside in the Kingdom and the ones aspiring to become official.
The old Tribunal hall has been there for a GOOD time, not since the start(at really early days, the clans meeting were held in Sun Moon meeting hall) but was a place for good and bad memories (like the declaration of war between Buya and Koguryo was done there).
For those who never saw it here's a picture of it:

For those who were addicted with that old look of the Tribunal, here's the newest creation of the royal builders under Prince Mhul:

Looks really nice, hope everyone will like it.
~Vini Normad'or~
Monday, February 16, 2004
Declaration from the Do
Subpath bolsters its numbers
BUYA (REUTERS) -- The call of "The favor of the gods has fallen from the Do path" rang out across the lands. The gods intended to close the circle, known as the DoJong, as well as the subpath's public areas, until the number of registered members rose to 115. They will be closed again if at any time the numbers drop below that number.
As word spread, help arrived. Students and seekers of the Way came to the training arena to see what aid they might offer to the path. Old friends sent word of a willingness to help in any way possible. Only a handful of guides were present in the kingdoms. A decision was made to bring home all current Students as well as closely watched seekers who wished to endure the hardships of continuing their training within the path.
"The way of the Do will remain as it has since before the time of our beloved King Yuri," declares Elder keely of the Do.
Courtesy of Elder keely.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Royal Valentine's Week: A Schedule of Events
A Message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
We all know that the day for love is coming soon. The Royal Ministry of Koguryo invites all of you to come and celebrate this beautiful day with us.
We have come up with some events for those of the community who wish to show their love for one another, so please come out for our week-long and fun-filled events full of love!
All events will be located in the Royal Colisuem in Kugnae. To find your way, enter the Palace, go up the stairs and enter the middle room (Throne Room), make your way to the back left where you will see a pair of red doors. Royal Valentine's Ball Sunday, February 15 8 p.m., EST/5 p.m., PST Hosted by Minister Starrbrite and Sailortaurus
* Formal Dress should be worn for the Valentine's Ball! No weapons may be worn * Royal Sonnet Contest Winners will be announced! * The Koguryo Minister, Starrbrite, will be giving out the official "Aid to the ways and habits" mark to those who have passed the quest. Please make sure to visit and see these winners.
Make sure you bring someone near and dear to your heart and enjoy yourselves.
Royal Floor Art Contest Monday, February 16 7 p.m., EST/4 p.m., PST Hosted by Smoothey & AznCloudBoi
Royal Portrait Contest Tuesday, February 17 8 p.m., EST/5 p.m., PST Hosted by PrincessVina
Royally Bad Poems Contest Wednesday, February 18 4 p.m., EST/1 p.m., PST Hosted by Kiana, Kieta and Zario
Royal Race Contest Thursday, February 19 7 p.m., EST/4 p.m., PST Hosted by Berrtie & Starrbrite
These events are brought to you by the Royal Ministry of Koguryo. Please read the Community Events board for details regarding each event.
Warning from Justice
by: Vini
-- 4:00 PM EST
This is a letter I got today about a serious matter that will surely be of a good warning to all who like to make things easier in Nexus:
Hello Nexus,
I come to you today to let you all know that the NexusTK 5 in 1 Hack has been submitted to head archon Cerulean and will be looked over by him. I am sure that if those of you whom feel the need to use it dont wish to be banned you would stop using this hack. All it will take is to view the source code of the extra packets being sent by certain players and those players will be flagged. When they are gone thought the users of the Hack will all be banned for Breaking the Nexus User agreement laws.
As stated in the Nexus User Agreement that I know not more than a 1/4 of you have read:
2. You acknowledge that the Client Software contains trade secrets, copyrighted works and other proprietary materials of Nexon. You further agree not to make any unauthorized copies of the Client Software or to decompile, reverse engineer or, in any other manner, disassemble or modify the Client Software.
3. You will not attempt (nor will you assist a third party to attempt) to "hack", access or monitor any Nexon Internet computing facility (e.g. Nexon server) by any means other than those approved in writing by Nexon. The only approved method of accessing an Nexus server is via an unmodified copy of the Client Software as distributed by or for Nexon.
Do not take this as a Threat. Take it as a Warning. You WILL be caught.
Thank you,
Judge Sknyraver
Thanks to Judge Sknyraver for point this out and showing to the ones who were involved or have any wish to be involved in such dishonorable act that, Nexus Justice is watching you, and when he says you will get caught, it's because if you do it, you will, there's NO way to bypass it.
~Vini Normad'or~
Nagnang Training Hall (now with pic of it)
by: Vini
-- 1:23 PM EST
Today after the server reset, the Nagnang Army finally got their Training Hall added. It was a long wait for this Hall to be added and hopefully the General's room won't take much longer to be added also.
General Marekp of Nagnang Army welcomes everyone to go visit their new Training hall which can be found in the Nagnang Barracks, located inside the Nangnang Grand Hall(0084 0025).
If you want a Full view of Nagnang Training Hall just click on this link=).
To not disappoint people thinking the reset was just to bring this, I've been informed that Kru saged today: "Valentines's, blah humbug" Seems that Kru's intentions for today are not to focus on Valentines, maybe he's working on something else, who knows=)
~Vini Normad'or~
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Statement from the Do subpath
Ominous words herald uncertainty
BUYA -- Do Elder Keely, Do of the Red Sun and Master of the Way, issued a sudden, cryptic, foreboding statement tonight: "The favor of the gods has fallen from the Do." It has been reported that the Do subpath circle has been ordered closed by Divine mandate for failing to meet the quota of subpath members. It will remain so until their ranks increase to an adequate amount.
With the recent tensions surrounding the subpaths, a statement such as this may portend future uncertainty or strife. However, keely's resolve remains unshaken in the face of adversity. The following statement was issued:
"The Do path is not disbanding.
The Do path is not being removed by the gods.
Only those who are truely Do at heart will continue to walk the path.
This has always been true. It is true now. It will remain true forever.
Even the gods will not change that."
Further developments with respect to this issue are eagerly awaited.
Barbarian Elder (Edited)
by: Vini
-- 7:43 PM EST
Just now, the long living Barbarian Elder Crumble has passed the Barbarian torch to the hands of Beast Winder. Seems for his private reasons, Crumble has left the Barbarians horde, and will be leaving many people missing him there.
I would like to wish save travels to Crumble and Congratulate Winder on achieving such honor. Good luck to both of you.
~Vini Normad'or~
Edited: Seems Crumble is now back to Barbarian path and back as elder of the path seems Winder was just temporary elder.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Choson's fate
by: Josh
-- 8:49 PM EST
Tonight, the fate of the Choson clan has been decided. After patiently waiting six months of probation, this evening a vote was held by Prince Mhul. It has been decided that Choson will not become offical. Our hearts go out to MotsuSasou and others who have tried so hard.

Purgatory becomes heaven!
by: Josh
-- 9:51 PM EST
Today around 7:35 PST it was saged that Kugnae Purgatory had a free Sun helm. Many rushed to see what all the fuss was about, it appears someone may have perhaps abused a bug?

How this was done is still unknown.
Saturday, February 7, 2004
Tutelage changes
by: Conro
-- 1:44 PM EST
A few changes to speak about with Tutors and Path Halls
- All Rogue path halls have an instant dispell the moment you enter the room. Enacted to prevent those who enter invisable, do damage during a class, then gate to avoid being booted. - Tutors are now given a 'Clear traps' ability - Tougher standards being enacted to help prevent harassment twords tutors. Laws will be much like with Carnage. Any distruption during a class that continues can and will be delt with by justice.
New changes are on the way. Many thanks to Shonen and Cerulean for their hard work on making the job of Tutors easier and much more useful! ^^
- Conro
Polearm change
by: Conro
-- 9:00 AM EST
Though not as drastic as many had once hoped, Polearm weapons have had a change in their armor class. Polearm = +3 Heavy polearm = +4 Military polearm = +5
It puts a small hindrance on the user, though not too major.
*awaits the opening of west Nagnang*
- Conro
Changes with the reset!
Some new exciting changes and signs of whats to come following this mornings reset. First, and foremost, is the major buzz around the new tiles that appeared just south of west gate nagnang.

Also some other minor changes to clans have been added.. Such as some new earned NPCs, NPCs becoming stationary and some bugs fixed. We'll keep ya posted on whatever else we find. 

Special thanks to Portal for notifying the staff of the Nagnang Tiles and xTheifx for being the first REAL post to the News Report Board.
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Ranger Elder Steps Down
Ranger Elder TinaDragon has decided that concerning issues need her attention most. Her eldership was a great eldership, and many walkers will miss her guidance. TinaDragon has decided to step down, to the newest Ranger Elder; RiaDora. Congratulations to RiaDora and her success as Ranger Elder!
TinaDragon will not be leaving Nexus or her position as guide in the Ranger path.
On behalf of Nexus Atlas, I congratulate you both for hard work and dedication!
Market / Justice changes
by: Conro
-- 5:06 PM EST
As posted by Archon Primogen Cerulean on Community board...
In an effort to keep Justice within the laws and Subpath role play maintained we feel it is necessary to divide a few things.
Judges will now patrol the Markets helping those who need assistance with theft and problems within.
The Merchant path's Dishonorable Trader mark will be returned to a Role Play mark as it was ment to be. Those persons marked with this Role Play mark will be allowed to enter the market.
Those persons found to be guilty by a Judge will be jailed and marked with theft or another appropriate mark. Those persons will be barred from entering the market.
To further help us with Justice, the Chongun path will not be removing Jail brands for at least 1 Yuri.
The Dishonorable Trader mark was ment to be just that. To alert people when trading with someone, not used to replace Justice.
Seems the Merchants have been put to rest, and are no longer vigilante justice for those who have been wronged.
- Conro
Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Buyan Mage Tutor
by: Corath
-- 7:53 PM EST
Finally, we have a new Buyan Mage Tutor.
Congratulations to Terres, from all of us here at NexusAtlas.
Just a note, he hasn't recieved any powers yet, so don't all go running to him at once asking to be tutored.
Nagnang Ambassador Chosen!
Prince Kija of Nagnang has announced the Nagnang Ambassador! Prince Kija's post can be found on the Chronicles of the Wind (Located in every palace, and sometimes subpath area's.)
Congratulations to Dominoki as the first Nagnang Ambassador.
I hope that all of Nagnang joins me in wishing you congratulations and the best of luck with your new job! We had a lot of good people who put in for this and am glad that the interest was so high! -Prince Kija