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Saturday, December 24, 2022
Dreams, nightmares of wonder return
 The reporter's husband, Neji, thwarts her from having a pleasant winter's nap.
Christmas is now upon us, and on this joyous eve, you might just find yourself whisked away to a Winter Wonderland after tucking yourself in for a nice rest at your favorite, cozy tavern. Or perhaps, you'll find yourself lost in a Nightmareland fantasy. We at NexusAtlas do not judge your preference of favorite dreamscape.
For information on the various quests and features of these two areas and how to access them, please review Dec. 24, 2020's article on this event.
Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Kingdoms mourn passing of Acera
 Acera stands among a line of his peers as they observe everclear addressing an aspiring Walker. (Screenshot courtesy of everclear.)
The Merchant guild announced yesterday afternoon news regarding the December 13th passing of Acera, a long-time member of the path and community. The Kingdoms may remember him as a Kashou that served as Elder of the path from 2013 to 2018, and his myriad and broad contributions to the community over the span of his tenure.
everclear, Elder of the Merchant path, offered in a personal statement about this mournful event. "The Merchant Guild is devastated by the news of Acera's passing. Acera has been a member of the Guild for many years, not just as a leader for much of that time, but more importantly as a genuine friend to so many of us. We all have fond memories chatting and laughing with him as he stood in his usual spots in our circle or at Merchant Midnight Madness, and we will miss his presence terribly."
A memorial service to commemorate Acera will be held Sunday, January 8 at 4:00PM PST (7:00PM EST) at the Merchant Grand Hall.
Left: Acera stands with everclear as they observe a Merchant event in Master Kyun's Enclave. Center: Financier and Acera wait for Merchant Midnight Madness to begin. Right: Acera stands among the crowd at a busy MMM during the event's final announcements. (Screenshots courtesy of everclear.)
About Acera Acera was long considered a living legacy of his path, and a passage can be found about him in the Merchant's "Knowledge of Wealth" scroll:
Acera's reign as Elder began in Hyul 55 and lasted all the way through Hyul 99, making him the longest tenured Elder the Merchant Guild has ever had. Acera played a major role in assisting Blubber in getting the Guild back on track after Aenia's brief and tumultuous tenure ended after she was struck down by the Gods themselves. Perhaps his greatest contribution was assisting in creating the massive number of systems, processes, and automations that help the Guild function.
At the time of passing, Acera was actively serving as Mikado Guide (head Guide) of the Merchant path, and was a known member of Alizarin Clan from 2012-2018 and since 2020. A fixture at the Merchant Midnight Madness, he was known for his dutiful community service without seeking compensation, and being a well-rounded and respectable individual. Easily recognizable in his signature garb consisting of feathered Musketeer hat, black pirate coat, and "Merchant Staff," visitors may have seen him hard at work at various venues.
Barter, a fellow Guide of the Merchant path, spoke in recollection of his friend.
"I have known Acera since Yuri 48... I've known Ace since I've been a Merchant. Though, he went by a different name then. He and I created a group of Treasure Hunters known as the 'Treasure Hunter's Society.' The THS was the precursor to the 'Certified Treasure Hunting' course. We had formal meetings where we talked about Treasure Hunting.
"Acera, known as 'Dead' back then, was literally one of the most humble servant-leaders I had ever met. I'll give you an example about Ace in more recent history.
"When he was Elder, and when he knew he was going to be unavailable, he would literally say, 'Here's how you reach me - I'll make myself available.' The guy was also extremely organized, and he knew how to get a team together and meet goals. He knew how to draw strengths of the individuals to improve the group. So, equipped with his organizational skills and ways with people (specifically, his team) he was able to move the Merchant Guild to a place it had never been before. He paved the way for the Guild we know today."
We offer our condolences to the friends and family mourning this beloved member of the Nexus community. Our world is a small place, and every one of its members is an integral part of the whole; the Kingdoms will miss Acera's place within the walls.
Much appreciated Thank you, everclear, for the information, clarifications, and screenshots, and Barter for your contributions to this article. An additional note of thanks goes to Tamo, Shirakami, Sydnei, and Nocturnal for your assistance.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Not a Carnage, but a bonus Santa Mhul
Missed your chance to see Santa Mhul? Do you still insist you're on the "good boy/girl list" despite everything? Have no fear, you still get one more chance. Archon Alilolelotte announced via the Community board that the Holiday Workshop will be open one more time this year:
Santa, on the way back, decided to visit us one more time. If you didn't get a gift from Santa, please come this coming Friday 12/23/22 at 10:00AM EST (7:00AM PST) and the Maze will be opened again for 2 hours.
It's Christmas... And who knows, maybe you will meet not only Elf in Maze but even a Royal! Elf is a lazy guy and wants you to tab him in order to get a gift.
Please remember that you need to have 2 empty slots in your inventory. The snowman will wait for you ONLY at the North gate of Kugnae.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Monday, December 19, 2022
'A part of this circle:' A weekend of community celebrations
This weekend did not go without a great measure of holiday cheer, not to mention time and effort from the Do, Druids, volunteer hosts, Archons, and Royal families putting it all together. Whether people were sweating alongside the warriors, reveling in the wilderness, or freezing in the Holiday Workshop, there was merriment to go around.
 JianYi lands a clean strike against Cruelty in a Do Kendo match at Do-cember.
Do-cember Festival The celebrations began early with the ringing of Do-cember, which continued on through the day until the first hours of the next morning.
The event was balanced with an array of activities for each interest. Those with a more bloodthirsty tendency were invited to sling knives and pray for the Kamikaze to strike with multiple Kendo matches, or take a swing at an opponent in a Do Fencing bout. Those preferring a more peaceful activity flit about rings of blades in Weapons Dances, or attended one or both of the lectures on the Art of Peace.
Left: Tsengyu asks the Art of Peace lesson attendees where the journey to inner peace begins. Center: Participants clash Ilbon Knives in a rousing Kendo battle. Right: Raymon watches his "students" prepare to claim the summit of Kendu Mountain.
There were folks that pushed to become the king of Kendu Mountain, smiting each other with chilling blades, or dodged arrows while trying to freeze their foes in Saeng Jon. A lucky few beat their chest before brutalizing their opponents in the various Masai tournaments.
Left: Do Elder FPickleDog addresses the winners of a heated match at the Do Masai. Right: Contestants are ejected from a game of Saeng Jon after being chilled by an Ice Sabre and knocked out by a Sleep Arrow.
And some just enjoyed a moment of quiet to watch the Do perform a complex kata ceremony, or write some poetry for a timed contest. Or, they invited some perplexity and confusion with a round of Do-ception, a new game presented for the festival.
All of these activities helped showcase the complexity of the Do path, and the efforts were appreciated in coordinating this festival.
 A case of identity crisis overcomes the Koguryo royal family's station in the Holiday Workshop when santa visits Santa Mhul. (Screenshot courtesy of KoiMermaiden.)
Three days of gift-giving from Santa Mhul The Holiday Workshop cracked open its doors, with the monolithic snowmen beckoning people inside from their stations on the poles of the three kingdoms. Those with the constitution and patience to navigate the icy maze waved by the efigy of a frozen Grin and dodged snowballs from kingdom officials, Royals, and Archons in order to snag a gift from Santa.
Left: Archon Halon, Archon Poems, and Heira watch from the safety of the wall as the first rush of visitors enters the Frozen Maze. Center: The reporter risks the ire of Prince Daeso with a little teasing. Right: Novatius engages in some light discussion with the reporter during an off-hour at the Holiday Lounge.
King ChaeRi, Princess Sutsang, Queen Lasahn, Prince Daeso, Queen Yun, and King Mhul doled out presents alongside jokes, pranks, and well-wishes to the myriad people that made it to their holiday throne. Princes MingJung and Mobon were also afoot in various stalls, adding to the wintry shenanigans, while community officials and volunteers flanked the throne to pelt visitors with frozen fury in the form of snowballs.
After receiving their yearly parcels, the community was invited to either relax at the Holiday Lounge, where they could help pass out Lounge Gifts, or return to the Do-cember or Yule festivities, depending on the day.
 Druid Elder Supply leads the closing ritual of the Yule festival with a strong message.
Yule Festival Whether you call the night Yule, Jul, or Geola, this festival marks the longest night and honors the Pagan god of the hunt. Though the period of Yuletide lasts for the last months of the calendar year, the Druids managed to compact the celebration into one spectacular night.
The Yule festival opened with a brief ceremony, to welcome in the tidings of the season. The Druid path performed a beckoning chant into the winter sky.
"The Wheel has turned once more, and the earth has gone to sleep. The leaves are gone, the crops have returned to the ground. On this darkest of nights, we celebrate the light. Tomorrow, the sun will return, its journey continuing as it always does. Welcome back, warmth! Welcome back, light! Welcome back, life! Shadows go away, darkness is no more, as the light of the sun comes back to us. Warm the ground, warm the earth, warm the sky. Welcome back, sun! Blessed be! We invite the community to light their candles from the Yule fire. Joy to you all on this, the Longest Night!"
Left: Tsirl reacts after a lightning-fast round at the archery tournament. (Screenshot courtesy of Tamo.) Center: Aamin shows little sympathy after a contestant falls into the river at Tarot Rush. Right: Wild Hunt participants exchange some playful smack-talk before the event begins.
Sporting events highlighted the early stage of the festival, with the Spies holding a riveting S7 tournament, and the Rangers loaning their bows for an archery tournament. While the Barbarians prepared game for the Wild Hunt (a staple of Pagan tradition in Yule) in the Wilderness, the Diviners had people racing against not time, but fate itself in a brutal game of Tarot Rush. Not to be satiated, the Last Man Standing was then celebrated in the arena.
Left: A contestant in the Last Man Alive battle manages to heal themselves out of a critical blow. Right: Qian keeps time during a round of Square to Square.
The second half of the festival was brighter in contrast to the sporting violence, with the Do again asking for volunteers to gyrate around the blades in a Weapons Dance. The Geomancers refused to be outdone, pulling out the dice and dancing shoes for a Square-to-Square game. A short break for some music let the festivity wind to a closing.
Elder Supply invited the public to partake in the rite, taking place around a warm fire in the depths of the night. The ritual chant honored those who form our community, and exhibit effort and sacrifice to keep it consistently magical.
"We were here to celebrate community. To honor those who contribute to make this realm better. Each of you has contributed something to this realm. Earth is the land, the home and the foundation of the community, nurturing and solid, stable and firm, full of endurance and strength. Air is the soul, the breath of life in a community, wisdom and intuition, the knowledge we share freely, strong will and energy, the power to get things done. Water is what helps to keep our community whole, cleaning and purifying, washing away ill will."
The observers gathered around the pyre, the illumination of their candles condensing into a greater, consuming light.
"Each of us is a part of this circle, come and join us. Each of us is part of this circle, and without all of us, the circle would be broken. We thank you."
Blessed be.
Much appreciated We wish to thank all the hosts, planners, and attendees of these events, knowing how exhausting and time-consuming it is to put together such a great weekend of activities. Whether you were a subpath representative, clan/army/ministry personnel, Archon, Royal, or a just supportive member of the community, you are very much appreciated. Also, a thank-you goes to Tamo, Aamin, FPickleDog, KoiMermaiden, Supply, and Ikaris for the clarifications and information in the creation of this article.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Fun incoming: Winter festival schedules posted

Santa Pickle Elder FPickleDog shakes and yells in excitement for the coming Do-cember festival, while the reporter freezes from the Arctic air in the Northern Pass.
As promised, NexusAtlas is pleased to announce the schedules for the Do Path's "Do-cember" festival, and the Druid path's Yule festival. We wholeheartedly support the community's efforts in putting together these events.
Do-cember: Dec. 16 (All times EST) 10:00AM - Kendo 11:00AM - Weapon Dance 12:00PM - Kendo Royale 1:00PM - Break 3:00PM - Art of Peace 4:00PM - Saeng Jon 5:00PM - Kendo 6:00PM - KenDu Mountain 7:00PM - Masai (Saeloun - 85) [Glory] 7:00PM - Masai (Jeonseol - 98) [Legends] 7:00PM - Do Fencing 8:00PM - Masai (Jesam) [Celestials] 9:00PM - Break 9:30PM - Do-ception [New Game] 10:30PM - Do Kata Ceremony 11:00PM - Masai (Sujun) [Crusades] 11:00pm - One-Hour Poetry
Do-cember: Dec. 17 (All times EST) 12:00AM - Masai (Yeong-wonhi) [Mayhem] 12:00AM - Do Q&A 1:00AM - Art of Peace
Yule: Dec. 18 (All times EST) 2:00PM - Opening Ritual 2:30PM - S7 [Spy] 3:30PM - Archery Tournament [Ranger] 4:30PM - Tarot Rush [Diviner] 5:30PM - Wild Hunt [Barbarian] 6:30PM - Last Man Alive [Barbarian] 7:30PM - Weapons Dance [Do] 8:30PM - Square to Square [Geomancer] 9:15PM - Musical Number [Muse] 9:30PM - Closing Ritual
* NexusAtlas will update this schedule as information is available.
Reminder: Santa Mhul Santa Mhul is also coming to town on Dec. 16, 17, and 18. Please see the news article from Dec. 2 for more information, and in-game boards.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Revival in the Land of the Dead? BatSheba is named Sage
 The newest Sage, BatSheba, tests the limitations of the Eternal Order of Nagnang staff while the reporter prepares her notes.
Shortly after Nagnang's tribunal adjourned, the air was alight with the tell-tale announcement of "Hail Nagnang, Land of the Dead!" But, there was an additional proclamation, spreading the news of Nagnang welcoming the new Sage of the Eternal Order, BatSheba. I met with her as she was sheltering herself from the joyful noises in the Nagnang Library in the depths of the palace to talk about the staff she was handed.
So, here we are in the Nagnang Library. Are you here hiding from the cheering after the announcement of your appointment as the newest Sage? [She chuckled at that.] Perhaps a little bit. I have never been fond of fanfare.
How are you feeling right now? Whereas I know you've been an active member of the Diviner upper circle, I think this is the first time you've held one of these staves. It is. It's about as heavy as I was expecting! Honestly, though, I'm feeling optimistic, if not somewhat overwhelmed. I know there is a lot to be done, and a reformation of the Eternal Order is ahead of us, but I think we can create something with the right hands to steer the ship!
What sort of reformation are you considering? Perhaps "reformation" is the wrong word. Perhaps "revival" is more apt. I'm hoping to gather more like-minded people within the kingdoms, with a goal of the preservation of Nagnang's culture. And, I want to make that our clear focus, again. I want us to get out into the community and get people talking, sharing, and telling their stories and experiences.
What do you consider to be the "culture" of Nagnang? So much turmoil. To live through such darkness to rise to greatness. It's a true survival story. That is what the Nangen people are - survivors. They might come from varied origins, have different goals, and different talents, but we all have that in common.
Nagnang does have a very rich history. And, with the evolution of the kingdoms, it sometimes feels like it has gone forgotten. Knowing this, what sort of people would you hope to attract for the Eternal Order? Well, to know the history, of course, is a lovely thing; ultimately I hope for members who are open, who are curious, who want to embrace this land and all that has made it what it is - made us who we are. We seek those who are invested, and love this land as much as I do.
What aspirations do you have for the future of the Eternal Order? Any events, or collaborations? Lofty goals, perhaps. [She chuckled a little.] I would like to see the Eternal Order thriving with a variety of events, ideally. I anticipate some baby-steps, at first, of course, as I believe we have our work cut out for us! And yes, collaboration will be essential as we begin to grow, and is perhaps what I am looking forward to most of all.
Do you have any messages to give the Eternal Order, or the kingdoms as a whole, regarding this appointment to Sage? I want to give my thanks to King ChaeRi for his confidence, and to all those who have welcomed me into this position so warmly. I hope that I do everyone proud. And, of course, hail Nagnang, Land of the Dead!
It sounds like you're ready to roll up your sleeves and get to it. We wish you the best in this new journey.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Phoenix rises: Creses named Primogen
 Promise, the mascot of Phoenix Clan, and PhoenixBonk disassociate while Creses charms the audience during the interview.
There is nothing better than starting one's day with some excellent news. Phoenix Clan is celebrating the promotion of their newest Primogen, Creses. I was welcomed back into the Phoenix Clan's hall to speak with the appointee.
Creses! I woke up today to myriad people giving me the scoop that you are now the Primogen of Phoenix Clan. How do you feel? Ha, that's funny. Popular news, I guess. To answer your question, I feel honored that PoeTxi and my clan members have chosen me to lead Phoenix. It is a special place, to me.
Is this the first time you've held the position? I know you have credentials in other organizations. Yes, I've been in Phoenix for most of my life, beginning in Yuri 35, but I've never been Primogen before.
What are your plans for the future of the clan? I plan to continue building the inclusive environment that my predecessors PoeTxi and TheRighteous created. I want to bring many new people into the fold, and build a close-knit clan membership. Recruitment will be a major focus of my efforts over the next few months.
What sort of people do you feel would find Phoenix to be a good home? I think, many sorts of people would find Phoenix to be a suitable home. We have a very diverse membership group, with many older players, but also many newer players call Phoenix home. We are a generous clan that likes to help our own. Additionally, with the focus on inclusivity, we like people to just be themselves.
What sort of recruitment efforts can we look forward to seeing? Any events? Yes, we plan to host an open house for Christmas, hopefully one that would include holiday treats and gifts. We will also use our network of friends across many different Subpaths, Ministries, and other clans to do events for the community.
Sounds great, to me. Do you have anything you'd like to tell your clan or the kingdoms as a whole about your new position? Yes, first, I want to make it clear that the doors of Phoenix are open to everyone, including those who have left in the past, or those new to the kingdoms looking for a new home. Phoenix is a clan of rebirth, and we believe people can rise from the ashes, no matter the situation. If you think Phoenix is a place that can offer you the chance to grow and meet new people, please reach out to me. The environment of Phoenix is one of teamwork, and will remain so under my leadership. People should not expect major changes to our policies, as I believe my predecessors did a wonderful job in building rules that produced this wonderful environment.
I understand you have a special message for your predecessor? I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to thank PoeTxi for her wonderful work leading Phoenix Clan these last few months. The Clan will forever be indebted to her. My goal is to carry on her efforts, and lead in the same way. Thank you, Poe!
It seems to me that you have everything set, Creses, and I wish you and your clan the best!
Much appreciated We wish to thank PoeTxi, and the six or so people today that contacted me about this news. Thanks for the tip! (Apologies, the reporter missed your names in the flurry.)
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Santa's coming, and other holiday joys
 Archon Primogen Alilolelotte is both ready to party, and ready to startle the reporter with exuberance for the holiday season.
What's that noise? It's Santa Mhul! The jovial laughter ringing through the land was not necessarily Santa, but was the announcement coming straight from the gods above that the Workshop would be opening for its annual tradition. Yesterday evening, Archon Primogen Alilolelotte posted this year's schedule for the Santa Mhul event, where citizens are welcomed to receive their annual gifts from the royal families. Traditionally, the public is invited to navigate a maze leading to a member of the royal family, waiting to give everyone mysterious parcels to commemorate the holiday season. The event promises "something in store for everyone! Even your favorite lump of coal! Make sure you have two empty spots in your inventory before entering the Maze."
This year's schedule is as follows: 12/16 - 7:00PM PST - 10:00PM PST (10:00PM EST - 1:00AM EST) 12/17 - 5:00PM PST - 8:00PM PST (8:00PM EST - 11:00PM EST) 12/18 - 4:00PM PST - 7:00PM PST (7:00PM EST - 10:00PM EST)
When asked if she had any additional remarks for the public regarding this exciting and charitable event, Alilolelotte replied, "Everybody best be there, or face my mighty axe." We do not believe she was joking.
Do keep an eye out for Do-cember Do-cember, "A Festival of the Do" is also scheduled during this time period, on 12/16 from 7:00AM PST - 11:00PM PST (10:00AM EST - 2:00AM EST). From the Community Events posting: "In the quiet Valleys of Sanhae, the Dojong is both a place of silent meditation, and roaring discussion. We train our minds, bodies, and spirits to find unity of self and creation. Contrary to myths of old, the Do also like to have fun and celebrate our ways! We invite the community at large to join us anytime throughout the festival for games, learning, prizes, and merriment. All are welcome at Do-cember!"
"Yule" not want to miss it We have also been informed to keep a look-out for Yule festivities, hosted by the Druid path on 12/18, beginning at 11:00AM PST (2:00PM EST). The Community Events announcement states: "As the outside world is at its darkest and the nights at their longest, Yule gives space for our inner realms to expand and come forth. It is a time to bring in new visions and ideas, make resolutions for the year ahead, and dream bold dreams. The Druids will celebrate Yule with you all. We welcome back the Sun and celebrate the fact that the days are going to get lighter from now on."
Finalized schedules for these two community festivals and their associated events are expected in the near future. NexusAtlas will update this posting as information becomes available.
Much appreciated We wish to thank the Archon team for the heads-up, and Supply and FPickleDog for the news tips.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting