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Monday, December 31, 2018
Retrospective 2018
by: Vini
-- 5:15 PM EST
Another great year for Nexus TK has ended replete with unique stories and revelations. In order to make this year's retrospective smaller and less boring, I've decided to summarize only the main happenings of each month, instead of list all. The efforts to make this post smaller than the previous years went well until October & November, which turned out to be longer than I would wish for. I'll revise those two months later to try to cut some parts and stick to the essential. For those of you who weren't around the whole year this is a great opportunity to catch up and for those of you who have been with us during the entire period, now it's a great chance to recap all that happened.
January (Hyul 93): The year started with a reset on day 1 and it marked the end of wisdom stars. A 1-week minor quest run was held and a unique opportunity to use a coupon to finish Ee san culture quest with expert skill instead of master was held. This option is no longer available. Winter Wonderland gained an expansion area called Nightmareland. A huge new event area full of winter quests. Winter Wonderland also got a new quest to calm the ancient snowstorms.
February (Hyul 93-94): Winter wonderland ended and valentine's day event brought the classic valentine's items. Lost Mines was reopened with revamped graphics and a unique new quest with the return of the Mining Clan and a second chance to obtain Geostews from the Geovore circle.
March (Hyul 94): The red-haired imp has returned for another quest for the pots of gold. This year whoever caught him was recognized as Smarter and luckier than Lucky. Renting houses on the kingdoms housing towns became free for accounts on autorenewal. With that, if you keep your account on auto-renewal you can basically permanently own a house now. Client Patch version 7.50 introduced a way to save Nexus mail to the computer. No longer people must worry about mailbox sweeps after reaching around 700-750 letters. the bunny-dressed girl called Tokki returned asking for help with collecting mysterious eggs once more. Supreme became General of Buya Army, PhoenixLi became Primogen of Destiny Clan and Baik became Elder of Rangers.
April (Hyul 95): A "mysterious" mermaid appeared in Mythic Nexus pond promoting people to go to Sire Pit for a fight. There they fought fixes warping through a portal. Later the big fish Aleumdaun appeared and revealed that the mermaid was actually Treilsaare, a Taal'yeein shape-shifter witch and the fishes that got killed in Sire Pit were soldiers of Bulkkoch army who traveled through a portal trying to capture the escaping witch. The Shamans inflicted Diviners with a mysterious illness and that marked the start of a conflict between the two paths with turned into a lengthy war. Guerrund became elder of Shamans, Rehkan became elder of Geomancers, Sieo became elder of Diviners, OmegaEscalus became Primogen of Phoenix, Savannah became Primogen of Heavens Clan and Funfo Primogen of The Forsaken clan.
May (Hyul 95-96): A new Legend was revealed on the libraries scroll. The legend talks about the story of Mount Baekdu a dormant volcano known as the Sacred Mountain. There's a legend of a mean-spirited dragon sleeping inside the mountain. An old pirate foe has returned. The Deathbane pirates led by Captain ChenLee attacked Gogoon Island for a few days. Unlike most would think, ChenLee's crew was enemy of Bluestone crew and continues enemy Bluestone's son, Captain Xiou. Akiudo became primogen of Silla and Shadowlands of Tiger clan.
June (Hyul 96): The attacks of Deathbane Pirates continued in Gogoon, but also reached Koguryo and Nagnang shores. After a huge battle on multiple fronts, they retreated after suffering severe losses to their crew. A parley conference was held between ChenLee and the leaders of Oceana clan and Oceana Navy. His demand was to gain information on how to enter the mysterious sealed temple at Gogoon island. Nagnang held a Defender's ceremony and Kunai became Minister of Buya. The war between Diviners and Shamans intensified. The big fish Aleumdaun had a meeting with General Amatus of Koguryo Royal Army asking his help to capture Treilsaare for once and for all. With help of multiple people, the witch captured and put to jail. However, the shapeshifter tricked the jail keeper by morphing into a fish that looked like Aleumdaun and then freed Treilsaare. The vulpine creature called Suvola was spotted in Mythic Nexus. Once called a pet by Taaishraa, she now roamed alone looking for her 'master'. Freed of her chains, she gained mobility to walk faster. In hiding, she witnessed the escape of Treilsaare and followed them to their enclave.
July (Hyul 97): Nexus 20th anniversary began. New orbs and wony's modulators were given out in exchange for daily coins instead of wisdom star. Koguryo Army and Oceana clan collaborated in getting a supply box to assist Bulkkoch kingdom under the sea which had their army unfairly slain in Sire pit when the community got tricked by Treilsaare. The entrance to Taal'yeein Enclave was discovered inside Kugnae Snake cave. Their people met several more Taal'yeein and were able to learn more about their race. It seems they are not all evil as their queen Taeniuru seems to be. People also found about a woman called Tevae, the Queen of a Faerie Kingdom and also found Taiishraa imprisoned. People finally learned that Taiishraa is the younger brother to Queen Taeniuru of Taal'yeein (instead of son). The community was also able to learn much more about the Taal'yeein history and culture. DaMana became Primogen of Phoenix clan, few months after OmegaEscalus had taken over.
August (Hyul 97-98): Prince Mobon of Koguryo became the first Royal to join a subpath by becoming a Shaman. A new cave creation system was implemented to speed up the creation of events, Ancient Training Ground was used as testing for the new system. The promise is that this will help new caved events to take less time to implement. The Forsaken clan had an issue that caused it to be temporarily disbanded. It was fixed after a couple weeks. All members have been restored.
September (Hyul 98): A secret room was discovered at Kugnae Spider cave with skeletons. Prince MingJung of Koguryo became the second Royal to become part of a subpath. MingJung is now a Chongun. After months infiltrating the Taal'yeein prison and sabotaging their cells, the community finally freed their prisoners including Tevae and Taiishraa. Sayianwar became the new General of Koguryo Royal Army.
October (Hyul 99): Multiple Sonhi Scouts were found in Kugnae Rats cave. Goeyu has returned to Koguryo with grave news to the King. King M'hul was away on a diplomatic trip to Han so Goeyu informed Queen Yun and the Twin Princes about a threat of the Necromancer in the old ruins of Jolbon. The Necromancer was responsible for raising the Gangshi that attacked Changmu Town in Shilla a year ago. Now he had taken base in Jolbon. Prince Mobon and Primogen Maya of Sun Moon joined the White Tiger Warrior in an expedition to the Ruins of Jolbon to investigate. They vanished. Queen Yun lifted the ban of using the old road of Jolbon and community was able to travel back to Koguryo's first capital, or what was left of it. Community ventured to Jolbon, met the necromancer Jieut and fought his army of the Dead. A whole new area was discovered. The Taal'yeein Temple also became accessible, people were finally able to meet with the Taal'yeein priestess that can remove cursed items and people helped a young Taal'yeein girl to reunite with her cat. Living became once more the Elder of Merchants Guild, Moonwater became Primogen of Lost Kingdom Clan, Boomer became Primogen of Pegasus Clan, MagikalPete got elected primogen of The Forsaken clan after the issues that started in August after Funfo vanished. Moss became Primogen of Tiger clan, few months after Shadowlands took over.
November (Hyul 99-100): The war against Jieut's Army of the Dead intensified. With a horde of undead creatures, he took over the Islets and when people thought he was cornered he fled to Forest Crossroads and cast a spell that made all creatures invincible for a couple of hours, enough for him to escape. Some villagers of Changmu came to Jolbon to help. They also revealed it was Elder Grey who stole the records from Changmu Town hall which allowed Jieut to begin his rampage. After days missing, Jieut reappeared in the Vale with a larger horde of undead creatures following him. After a long battle involving the three kingdoms he finally got killed, but even though the host body was destroyed Jieut is a spirit and continued haunting people at the vale by jumping from undead body to another. Searching for a way to defeat Jieut, Prince Mobon used his shaman powers to connect with his deceased uncle, Prince Haemyung, King M'hul's older brother who died defending Jolbon and allowed his father King Yuri to escape to Kugnae Fortress where he made the Koguryo's capital as we known. The ghost of Haemyung revealed to Mobon that he had an amulet that could invoke the power of sunlight and this would destroy the Beacon of Souls that the Necromancer was using to attract lost souls to be part of his army of undead. Prince Mobon was exhausted from using his powers and retreated to Kugnae Palace, his brother Prince MingJung continued the quest to find the lost amulet. Prince MingJung rode the road from Jolbon to Kugnae and found the amulet hidden underneath the Spirit Tree near West Koguryo Gorge. The Prince of Koguryo, accompanied by Prince Daeso of Buya and several of their soldiers and citizens took the amulet back to Jolbon. There they used mirrors and invoked the amulet power to summon the Samjok-o itself. The three-legged bird breathed fire into the hole leading to the Jolbon underground vault and destroyed the Beacon of Souls. Hyul 100 started, but the supplies to the Centennial Feast had not all arrived. Three suppliers were missing and the Chief Decorator Hye Ap needed the community's help. Defeated but not destroyed, the Necromancer took another strike at the community. He raised dwarf shrubs in EumRim Forest east of Buya Islets and Haunted Watermelons in Nagnang Farms. This along with a Turkey hunt in Jolbon was part of the Thanksgiving event. Milana became new Sage (Minister) of Nagnang.
December (Hyul 100): Koguryo held a Defender's ceremony which also gave a start to the Centennial Feast. The Feast lasted for over a week and introduced the community to the Koguryo Art Gallery, which contains paintings that introduce a lot of myths and stories to the Nexus canonical lore. The Centennial Feast also had emissaries of multiple foreign kingdoms interested in the King who had ruled for 100 years. Skum became the new Primogen of Enigma clan, Sadiq became Primogen of Heavens months after Savannah took over and Aquariuss became Primogen of the Forsaken only couple months after MagikalPete got elected.
2018 closes with a great feeling, starting with many events and closing with many events. But a hole was left unfilled which is Oh san, which we all expected to arrive this year and it didn't. We can then only hope that 2019 will be the year of Oh san!
Happy New Year everyone!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 101, Moon 1, 11th Sun~
Friday, December 28, 2018
Extra day for meeting Santas!
Alilolelotte has announced one more visit from the Kingdoms' Santas! It will be on Saturday 12/29 at 6:00am pct (9:00am est) and will run for two hours! Make sure to get your gifts before ringing in the New Year!

---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang Hyul 100, 12th Moon
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Alilana Grande/Wony's modulator Reset
This morning the Kingdoms were given an augmented Wisdom Star that is tradition for the holidays. This year it comes in the form of Alilana Grandes and Wony's modulators.

They are obtained by speaking to WoonSoo in the Incubator tent found at the Buya Gathering. You have to say "Alilana" outloud to buy the Alilana Grande and "Wony" outloud to buy the Wony's modulator.
Alilana Grande details: - costs 2 daily coins - boost of 25% experience and crafting skills - duration of 8 hours
Wony's modulator details: - costs based on mark/stats (99 - 25k, Il - 50k, Ee - 100k, Sam - 150k, Sa - 250k, Oh - 350k, Yuk - 450k) - boost of 25% experience and crafting skills - duration of 8 hours
They may be stacked for a rough boost of 56% to experience!
Thank you to Nobrows for gathering this information and posting it on Community (post #1156)!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang Hyul 100, 12th Moon
Friday, December 21, 2018
Santa Royals are here! Ho ho ho!
With a quick reset, the kingdom is now covered in snow and Santa royals this year goes off with a bang. Every year, the royals come together to give us a gift!
Santa Royal Times:
12/21 - 7:00pm pst - 10:00pm pst (10:00pm est - 1:00am est)
12/22 - 5:00pm pst - 8:00pm pst (8:00pm est - 11:00pm est)
12/23 - 4:00pm pst - 7:00pm pst (7:00pm est - 10:00pm est)
To enter the maze, you'll first to find a "Snowman" at one of the kingdom's gate. Just click him and you'll be teleported to the holiday maze. Once you entered the maze; just follow the maze all the way to the end to meet your Santa Royal for a gift!
After you receive your gift, you will also be teleported to the Holiday Lodge. Once here, you can go talk to the tree and play secret santa!
The table below also allows people to send holiday grams to each other for 50,000 coins! These holiday grams does a nice graphic that lingers for a bit and the person you gift will receive 5 of them.
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 12/21 SUBJECT: Holiday Lodge
There are two activities,
The "Secret Santa" game can be played every hour where you can discretely distribute a gift to another, but note that every person may only receive one gift. Holiday grams will be distributed to a person of your choice. When they wake up in the Nexus, they will receive their Holiday telegram. (( If the receiver is already online, they will need to re-log to receive their telegram. ))
Lodge Gift - when walking in front of the tree you receive a gift that belongs to another character ("Lodge Gift for someone") in the room and you have to give it to the player by facing him and clicking on the item. The receiver can click the gift to receive 1 of 3 possible items. You can only give a gift once every hour. A receiver can only receive a gift once.
Warrior at the North gate Mythic will help you to get there!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 12/21 SUBJECT: Santa Royals tips
Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you for joining us in another year of our traditional Santa Mhul / Lasahn / ChaeRi event.
General notes: *1 gift per person *have two empty inventory slots available to receive your gift
1. Snowmen are located at the each of the Kingdom gates. --> Click to proceed!
2. You will be teleported to the "Cold Snowy Maze" (no worries, it is condensed ;) --> Stand before the snowmen to proceed.
CTRL + R often If there are people that appear to be blocking your way, you may need to refresh your screen (CTRL +R). If CTRL+R doesn't clear them, then you may be possibly dealing with an annoyance. /report to inform us. We have coal.
3. The snowmen will teleport you to "Frozen Walk." Stand before the next snowman who will then teleport you to the royals' "Holiday Workshop"
4. Walk northward, and stand before the Royal to receive your gift (don't forget to thank them for your time!). If a Helper (NPC) is present instead, click on him.
On behalf of the Archon Staff and KRU, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year =)
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
New Primogen of The Forsaken
This past Friday Primogen MagikalPete of The Forsaken stepped down, passing the reigns to Bhavana Aquariuss as his successor. MagikalPete had a short but storied tenure as Primogen, recovering and growing the clan from accidental disbandment only a few months ago. Now it is Aquariuss's time to lead The Forsaken into its future. She had this to say about taking the helm:
"I look forward to leading The Forsaken down a successful path while keeping the history of our Clan alive. I want to give a special thanks to MagikalPete who saw my energy and love for the clan, and who believed I would make a great Primogen. I look forward to working with Other Nagnang Clans, the EON and of course the King, for we all stand together! Hail Nagnang land of the dead!"
I got a chance to sit down with Primogen Aquariuss and ask a few fun questions about her time in the Kingdoms. She says her favorite memory is the day she met her husband Morick. Her favorite thing to do within the Kingdoms is helping the community in any way she can, and her favorite color is, of course, purple!
Nexus Atlas congratulates Primogen Aquariuss on her new role and thanks MagikalPete for his contributions to The Forsaken clan.
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang Hyul 100, 10th Moon
Monday, December 17, 2018
Public Service Announcement: Royal Centennial Feast!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Mirfors DATE: 12/16 SUBJECT: PSA: Royal Centennial Feast
Our distinguished guests from afar have enjoyed their extended stay in Koguryo's palace, but they will need to return to their homelands to settle border issues, foreign invasions, and even necromantic attacks. They shall remain available for conversation up through...
(( Tuesday, December the 18th, at 10:00 PM EST ))
At that time, we will close off the banquet halls and our art gallery until our next official use for them.
Sincerely, /| Mirfors the Scion Prime Minister of Koguryo |\
We invite everyone to take heed of the above announcement and donate to the Art Gallery whilst they may!
Thank you to Minister Mirfors and the Koguryo Royal Ministry for the heads-up!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 100, 9th Moon, 23rd Sun
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Event - Koguryo's Gratitude and Art Gallery!
Those that have helped Hye Ap with the preparation of the centennial feast a few weeks ago can turn in their Koguryo's gratitude and receive a legend mark.
Hye Ap can be found in Koguryo's Palace. ((Koguryo Palace Courtyard 07 10 -> Royal Palace Mezzanine 14 12 -> Royal Reception Hall 19 29 ))
Note: This is the second part of the event and the first part has already ended. Some of the NPCs from the first part of the event is still around and respond, but you can't complete it.
After Koguryo's Defender Ceremony, the feast continued in the palace. Many new rooms were open to the public! In these rooms, many servants sell new food and drinks to the public. From the Royal Reception Hall head to the room to the right to enter the first room, Royal Feast Hall. It was later announced that these rooms will be closed from the public in just a few days.

Some of the new items sold are Whole Hog Roast, Cranberry Sauce, Glazed turkey, Fist rice, Braised potatoes, and many more. Many of these items recover vita and mana when consumed.
Entering the Royal Palace Pub, you may order a special drink from the bartender.

As you venture through the halls, you will eventually come to the Royal Palace Art Gallery. Many beautiful art is on display and you are able to freely roam to enjoy them. Walking up to the art also displays a description!

After exploring the gallery, Minsoo sits near the exit and manages the gift shop. He sells a the Royal centennial garb/gown (500k each) and also a unique flower called Azure mugunghwa (200 coins each).

You can also donate to the art gallery and receive a new special mark. You do not have to have done the previous event for this part. You can either donate 100,000 coins to be recognized as a Contributor of Art or if you really like Art and enjoyed the gallery you can donate 1,000,000 coins to become a Devout Contributor of Art. The donations are cumulative, so you can donate 100K first and then if you change your mind and want to go for Tier 2 you only need to donate 900k more.

AzNCloudBoi = Hyul 100 =
Monday, December 10, 2018
Santas Are On Their Way!
Santa Schedule is as shown below:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 12/7 SUBJECT: Santas are on the way!
Greetings Community,
Santas shall greet you this year during the following scheduled times:
12/21 - 7:00pm pst - 10:00pm pst (10:00pm est - 1:00am est)
12/22 - 5:00pm pst - 8:00pm pst (8:00pm est - 11:00pm est)
12/23 - 4:00pm pst - 7:00pm pst (7:00pm est - 10:00pm est)
Please mark your calendars and be sure to make an appearance!
There will be something in store for everyone! Even your favorite lump of coal!
Make sure you have two empty spots in your inventory before entering the Maze.
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 100, 7th Moon, 28th Sun
Huge Kruna Release & 12th Item Shop Anniversary Walk-Through!
Yesterday, CoverGirl surprised us by saging 'Find me to get a cake!' Many heroes throughout the lands scattered and finally found what she meant! See below for details:
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 12/7 SUBJECT: 12th Item Shop Anniversary
Hello Kingdoms,
Thank you for the last 12 years, thank you for your love! I tried to put lots more items than usual and many of them are on special low prices as well. I hope you can find your favorite krunas and if you find your favorites, don't miss the chances. I may change some items as needed and this won't last very long because Christmas is coming! :)
So, Happy 12th Item Shop Anniversary and enjoy~
Thank you.
There are way too many items to post - so please check them out either in the actual kruna shop or via (( Shift + f9 )).
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Anani DATE: 12/9 SUBJECT: CoverGirl's 12th Anniversary Cake!
Go to the Yuri's Seamstress in Kugnae (Palace one) Coordinates: 17,3 (Top of the 1st row!)
Bring 10 Stardrops + 30,000 Coins Pick from many colors of cakes! Recieves: Item Protection Seraph Pendant 5 World Shouts (Rare) Random Mount II -- Not everyone gets this! (Color) 12th Kruna Cake
Colors: White (White) Chocolate (Brown) Red Velvet (Red) Blueberry (Blue) Lemon (Orange color) Blackberry (black) Lime (Bright Green) Plum (Purple) Rainbow (Like Old Sute) Faeri (Green Ish Blue)
You may only do ONCE per character!
Huge thank you to Anani for posting it up on community so quickly!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 100, 7th Moon, 28th Sun
Defenders of Koguryo Ceremony!
Last night, many heroes throughout the kingdoms including the entire Koguryian Royal family attended the Defenders of Koguryo Ceremony.

Here is a the list of all who received recognition tonight:
Sun Moon Sect: Luminary Klogg Marksman KobeBryant
Oceana clan: Visionary Corporal Balistraria BabyBooo
Bear clan: Bhavana LilMissM Chung Ryong Balakirev
Destiny clan: Pandemonium Ariella
Tiger Clan: Baekho MsNewBootie Catastrophe justinww
Enigma Clan: DiZhu Xerces Catastrophe Jakie
Nexus Atlas congratulates all the honored people and may their pledge to defend their kingdom be fullfilled for a life time.
More information regarding the after-party to come!
Please check out the new Royal Reception Hall, Ballroom, Pub and Gallery while the doors are still open!!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 100, 7th Moon, 28th Sun
Small Server Reset - The Centennial Feast Begins!
Earlier today there has been a server reset in Nexus TK. With a short and uncommon reset notice this time, we were not able to find reset notes with what's new to the game on the Dream Weavers board. However, AznCloudBoi pointed out that there's a new post at the Whispering Winds board informing that the Centennial Feast will happen tonight:
BOARD TITLE: Whispering winds FROM: Yondung DATE: 12/ 9 SUBJECT: The Centennial Feast
The Centennial Feast is here!
Hye Ap has concluded her work and will have the Feast starting today with the Koguryo Defenders Ceremony.
Due to the hundreds of people who helped with the missing supplies, Hye Ap was able to extend the Feast over the course of a couple of days. Hurry up and tell your friends, after all the food and feast won't last forever.
Congratulations King M'hul!
From the looks of it, while the event starts tonight, it mentions it being around for a couple of days, which can mean just today and tomorrow or consider two full days and go up to Tuesday. Either way, it sounds like a good idea to join the beginning of the feast which will happen tonight at 8 pm EST along with the Koguryo Defender Ceremony as informed on the other post below.
*\|/* Koguryian Defender Ceremony Tonight!

The kingdom of Koguryo would like to invite everyone to participate in celebrating the hundredth anniversary of King MuHyul's rule with our Defender Ceremony, where we shall honor certain citizens of Koguryo who have proven their loyalty to our kingdom. We will have a variety of distinguished guests at our ceremony, not only numerous local and royal leaders but also foreign dignitaries as well. In addition, we will have a banquet following the ceremony, featuring never-before-seen foods, decorative elements, and other unique sights. If you would like to partake in Koguryo's plentiful abundance in this season of cheerful festivity, block out your calendars for ...
Sunday, December the 9th, at 8 PM EST
We eagerly anticipate commemorating this historic event with each and every one of you.