Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Reset December 31st, 2014
by: Loxie
-- 7:38 PM EST
Woah! Who gave KRU a funny bone? Great news, though! Wisdom star is EXTENDED! Heck yeah, Stein. -Fistbump.- ------------------------------------------------------ Server Reset - December 31, 2014
Happy New Years! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year. :)
* WISDOM STAR EXTENSION! YES! The wisdom star is sticking around for the weekend and will run until Monday. Get those last minute hunts in (or just bask in its glow for a few more days)
* Reset to clear out our sklemactochip 15-A's and keep things running lag free for the new year..just kidding, everyone knows sklemaktochips don't cause lag. But the part about resetting to keep things running lag free is true
- A few minor updates to blocked tiles on snow maps
Monday, December 29, 2014
Play Nexus on mobile devices!
by: Vini
-- 10:45 PM EST
Have you ever rushed home to catch carnage hours only to find the doors were just closed as you logged in? Have you arrived late to an important meeting at Nexus due to traffic jam or simply lost one because you didn't have your computer or laptop with by the time of it?
What if you could play nexus through your smartphone, wouldn't it be amazing?
Well.... I'll just tell you then: you can!
Here's a picture of me playing through my phone.

How to do that:
Android Devices Download Chrome remote desktop app to your phone. Login at your Google Gmail account and install the Chrome remote desktop extension app for your desktop/laptop Chrome internet browser. Set up the desktop/laptop configuration with the phone. Setting up the chrome extension: 1. Authorize chrome to grant extended permissions to your computer. 2. Then it will pop-up a screen saying that you need to authorize other permissions. 3. A screen like this will open. Choose Get Started!

4. Then choose enable remote connections and set up a six digit pin. 5. It prompts a screen saying "enabling remote connections for this computer". 6. Shortly after it asks you for the same pin again. 7. Next it asks authorization for offline access. Grant it. 8. Now it's time to open your chrome remote desktop App on your phone. Open it and by your gmail account it will recognize your computer. Simply insert the pin everytime you want to connect to your computer. I'm not sure if the pin security can be strengthened with Google Authenticator app, but if not yet hopefully soon. 9. Open the Nexus software through the phone and you'll be able to use it. Keyboard activation is on top of the screen, but you can hide the controls if you need (like I did on the picture of my phone).
iOS Devices For iPhone/iPad users there are a few VNC (Virtual Network Computing) apps that can be used. Our suggestion is: iTeleport.
Once you do that you'll be able to control your computer through your phone. Of course you'll need the computer with power on and connected to the internet, but that's it. You can connect to nexus through your phone using wifi or 4G LTE.
When I tested it I could walk, chat, cast spells, wear items, read mail. It works for pretty much anything that doesn't require agile typing and a good working mouse. As you don't have arrow keys at smartphone digital keyboards, best way to walk around is by activating click to move at Nexus by pressing Shift + F12. Since the walking controls aren't as good, I don't recommend using this for hunting or PK, but for pretty much everything else it seems to work fine.
With my Moto X's full HD screen, and the resolution was pretty amazing. I could read and use nexus as good as if I was using a computer. Of course if you zoom in you cut a bit of the whole screen but allows a good chat reading. If you connect through a tablet might be even better. You can zoom in or out, move left, right, up or down on your screen to whatever suits best for your reading vs. nexus screen viewing.
What are you waiting for? Try it now!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 68, Moon 12~
P.S. Cooler than this would be playing Nexus on a Nexus Phone or Nexus Tablet! Even more amazing will be when we can connect to Nexus through smarthwatches and Google Glass.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Wisdom Star.
by: ShuZu
-- 1:07 AM EST
Hope everyone is enjoying the 2-day head start on wisdom star and having a Merry Christmas! Remember that there will be a 4th Santa Mhul on December 27th for 2 hours from 6:00-8:00 AM PST (9:00-11:00 AM EST.
Happy hunting and best of luck,
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Bonus Santa!
by: Rachel
-- 12:30 AM EST
Alililoleotte just announced that there will be one last visit from Santa this year!
Greetings Community,
In an attempt to accommodate those of you that could not make it to any one of the three previously-scheduled Santa Workshops, we are going to hold a "mini"workshop this upcoming Saturday, December 27th from 6:00 to 8:00 AM PST (9:00 to 11:00 AM EST).
So, if you haven't gone to see Royal Santas, then this is your chance, take advantage of it!
Alilolelotte Archon Primogen
Monday, December 22, 2014
Merry Christmas!
by: ShuZu
-- 3:32 PM EST

Hope everyone got all the milforks they desired from Santa Mhul this year! Remember that Wisdom Star will be from the 26th to the 2nd.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Curious Information
I was just informed that bagofchips has grown tired of relaying quest information. What quest? I believe it has something to do with the Woodlands. What information? I don't know except that clues can be found in past news from Nexus Atlas. If you are curious (and very smart) scour information and images found around Thanksgiving in November and the Fowl Event posted from May to June. Remember the Fowl said, "25 10 8 5 4 1". Very cryptic!! Then check out mid-September news regarding a smoke screen.
I have no idea what the clues are or what they mean. Just a conversation I listened in on. Don't bug bagofchips about this because he won't discuss it. Curious eh?
AllyGator Semi-retired Admin
Santa Schedule!
by: ShuZu
-- 1:55 PM EST
Greetings Community,
Santas shall greet you this year during the following scheduled times:
12/19 - 7:00pm pst - 11:00pm pst (10:00pm est - 2:00am est) 12/20 - 3:00pm pst - 7:00pm pst (6:00pm est - 10:00pm est) 12/21 - 4:00pm pst - 8:00pm pst (7:00pm est - 11:00pm est)
Please mark your calendars and be sure to make an appearance! There will be something in store for everyone! (From flameblade to a lovely lump of coal)
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Newest NA Reporter!
by: ShuZu
-- 4:54 PM EST
Hello everyone, ShuZu here. Looks like I'm the newest addition to the NexusAtlas reporters team. Hope everyone is having a good December and is ready for Santa MhuChaerSahn. I have a few things I'd like to try and add to bolster the userbase of NA and get the community more involved.
- Tracking the stats of PK events and posting them on NA.
This would basically be similar to how sports have box scores. I would try my best, with some host assistance, to track each and every kill during the round. I would also like to be able to track "assists" which would be how you could quantify the impact of a poet in some way. It would look a little something like this.
Player Y killed by Player X (Clean - Assist: Poet Z) Player A killed by Player X (Tank - Assist: Poet H) Player X killed by Player U (Clean - Assist: Poet H)
Then a tally at the bottom of total kills in a leader board like situation.
- More news regarding interesting community events and happenings.
I think that we have a chance to be able to get a little more community involvement and interest with things that are going on in the kingdoms, even small stuff. Reporting of how a big gamble went down, reporting of who won a grudge match 2v2 situation, reporting of a new service that a subpath is offering can be taken advantage of by the public, etc.
- Get NexusAtlas involved in giving back to the community.
Perhaps this could be a monthly raffle for items or gold, or a contest of sorts that you could send to me through the game of some sort, anything like that. It'd give NA a chance to involve the community as a whole in some really cool stuff, and who doesn't like winning things?
I have some more ideas but those are my three big ones and I would love to hear some feedback on if anyone thought they were good, or if they were terrible, and what I could do to fix or change them in a way that would garner your personal interest. Please feel free to mail me in game about these and any other ideas you'd like to see NexusAtlas take on.
Happy Holidays,
There is a New Chongun Avatar in Koguryo Tonight
by: Guldar
-- 1:12 AM EST
There has been a shift of leadership within the Chongunate tonight. After five long years, this old man has finally retired. Taking my place will be Elder Dokara. You may know him from his years of service with the Carnage Department, or as Primogen of the SunMoon Sect of Koguryo. I believe he will do well to serve his path and carry its legacy of honor into the future.
 The changing of the guard. Dokara receives the Chongun Elder staff from his predecessor.--Guldar