Past News
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Friday, December 31, 2010
Retrospective 2010
by: Vini
-- 6:53 PM EST
A memorable year to Nexus. Big changes, great shifts, happy and sad stories. 2010 was surely a year that marked history to the Kingdom of Winds. Like usual, Nexus Atlas has created a list of the most important happening that have been in the headlines of the past 12 months:
Retrospect of 2010:
January: 1. 2010 started with the last applications opened for Kinung council. Ever since then, new councilors are selected by observation. 2. Polar bear mount released. 3. Four times Elder of Rangers, RiaDora steps down in favor of Michike. 4. Blight and The Four questioned ChaeRi's credibility to lead Nagnang. 5. KRU made changes to Tangun: Higher levels can now enter caves, but won't get experience. 6. Mug and his archons held a huge event at Mythic Nexus and Vale. 7. Mihi mysterious arrived at Koguryo. Cheyn met her and invited to stay at Kinung for the night. 8. Yappy became the new Head Tutor of Nexus. 9. Several maps were upgraded to subpaths. 10. Winter snow melted down at the lands of the winds. |
 February: 1. Cheyn proposed to Mihi. A wedding was scheduled! 2. Valentine's Day arrived with bunch of festivities and chocolates. 3. XItachiX took the barbarian torch and leadership of the subpath. 4. Archons held a public forum to answer questions of community. 5. Cheyn and Mihi got married at Kinung Chapel, but the actions of some Shaman against her started a long time crisis between the couple and the subpath. 6. Chongun Logorin took the leadership of Tiger clan. 7. Killashandra became the primogen of Heavens Clan. 8. Players get their dreams responded in a huge list of reply. 9. Sonjok'ada area is opened at Dae shore northwest and The Hanseong is first seen from far. 10. Curious dress is released at Item Shop as a clear reference to Alice in the Wonderlands release. |
 March: 1. The Do announced their new and current elder: Charmie. 2. Capture Lucky event is brought back and citizens get goodies after finding the Kettle of Gold. 3. Beilek took eldership back for Merchant subpath. 4. Information about The Hanseong was released. Captain Kirriin was first spotted. 5. Information about the "Island of Wonder" is released. Pictures of 2005 newsletter confirm it was the same one announced years ago. 6. Boomer becomes primogen of Silla Clan of Nagnang. 7. Easter event is introduced to Nexus. 8. Kinung and Shaman began a conflict that would end in tragedy. 9. Mysterious man Lycurgus stole the Book of Stones from Muse's library. 10. Newsletter announced the opening of Gogoon Island. 11. Captain Kirriin docks The Hanseong at Koguryo shore for the first time. He took a visit to the Merchant area trying to set a deal for selling them goodies.
 April: 1. First trip to Gogoon Island. The long waited new area is finally released. 2. April fool's event changes some of the graphics once again. 3. Caera steps down from elder of Druids in favor of FoxFire who remains as the current Elder. 4. Mage followers of shamanism are declared no longer welcome in Kinung by the late Mayor Cheyn. 5. Elder of Shamans Humma poisoned Mayor Cheyn with the help of Barbarian RarGh. Murder at Kinung Town hall. 6. New themed outfits became obtainable from Gogoon northern area. 7. The spirit Kyushin returns to warn about the danger of the skeleton seal. 8. Dusk Shaman condemned the decision of some shamans to deliver the newly found skeleton seal to Kajang. 9. "Chaos is rising up": All Diviners had the same disturbing Augury vision. 10. The Black Omen post was found on the Legend scroll. A new Spirit Guide was revealed: Abu. 11. Ice Beast escaped from his delimited area and attacked citizens at Dae shore. 12. The Mighty Sute also escaped from his cave and showed why he was called "Mighty" during his attack to Islets. The massive bear, Dhaulagiri also escaped and attacked the Woodlands. 13. Royals meet with Historian Qantao and learned that the Omen was coming true. Nine beasts would attack the community and the last would destroy all. Abu appeared to explain he was not the author of the Omen, it was part of the Nexus. 14. Lord Badak Api and Grand Master Belial escaped and attacked Gogoon. 15. Shoshun and Kiyuu came to mortals’ realm and revealed that the broken portals that were freeing the Immortal beasts were being caused by the Chaos sister Rusuto. WinSong advised the use of subpath stones to safely imprison the Chaos sister. 16. Chief Slog and the Gwangmok attacked the community. 17. Chaos sister Rusuto attacks the wilderness and summons the 8th beast, Chaos Incarnate. Abu shows up and kills the unbeatable immortal beast. 18. Logorin steps down and announces Jasmyn as Primogen of Tiger clan. 19. The four guardians imprison the Chaos sister Rusuto with the use of the 12 subpaths stones. A Chaos stone is created and Abu grabs it. 20. Abu revealed his true intentions to rule Nexus and killed almost all Archons. Mug first showed up to interfere in mortal affairs as this was no longer mortal-only affair. Abu slays his followers and banishes the Nexus God. 21. The Ultimate Gauntlet game was released. 22. Flower cave in Gogoon is found. 23. Archon Primogen Dalnum requested help of mortals to empower Mug. A battle of Gods took place at Vale which ended with the destruction of both. Abu was defeated but at a big sacrifice: Mug's immortality. 24. Gogoon Rhino cave dropped for the first time a new set of armor. 25. Mug's story as Nexus Dream Weaver comes to an end.
 May: 1. A New era begins at Nexus. Citizens feared what would happen without a God ((GM)). 2. Mupa caused a stir in the Garden of Muses, killed all present multiple times and tried to obtain the Book of Stones that was stolen by Lycurgus. 3. Popular kruna is released, such as "The Mug" haircut. 4. First image of the Evil Warlord from Gogoon lore is seen as a Ghostly Warlord appears at Maata village center. 5. Flower cave boss "Trogodyte" was discovered. 6. A letter from mug explaining his leave, and his last attempt against Abu is retrieved by Archon Maiyu, who posted it on the boards. 7. Archon Primogen Dalnum made a statement to tranquilize the community stating that Nexus wouldn't be without a GM. 8. Misled passes his Premier position to Reiko, ends Misled's reign as the Spy Premier. 9. Princess Lasahn found an old letter from her mother "Ling Chun Yung", and brought back old memories. 10. XItachiX resigns as Barbarian Elder, passes it to Kella. 11. Nexus completed 2 weeks without reset, the longest time it remained running and caused much lag. Previous one was done while by Mug. 12. Nagnang Treasury event (scavenger choose your own adventure type event) was held. 13. Memorial for the late mayor of Kinung Cheyn is held and Spades was elected by public vote the new Mayor of Kinung. 14. GM Stein returned. 15. Shining Azure Spiral was first dropped by the boss from the Flower cave in Gogoon. 16. Merchant subpath received their subpath weapon "bullwhip" and this concludes the set of subpath weapons, as their subpath was the only one who still didn't have it.
 June: 1. KRU released a Nexus patch as one of the first measures they took to kill the 3rd party programs for good. 2. KRU announced that Nexus would have daily requests. 3. Kinung has a tribunal to judge the case of murder to late Mayor Cheyn. Shaman Elder Humma and the Barbarian Rargh were put to trial. 4. The tribunal presided by Chongun elder Guldar declared Humma and Rargh guilty of their crime and marked both for their dishonor to the kingdoms. 5. Rargh serves his sentence, but Elder Humma is freed early by Mupa. She warned him he would come back when she needed his "assistance".
 July: 1. Nexus 12th anniversary celebration begins. 2. YeolDooBeunZe wisdom clothes is revealed. 3. Diviner Elder Iruma steps down and Clarrissa's reign began with an augury vision. 4. Kyas steps down from Phoenix primogenship and Dinca takes over the leadership of the clan. 5. Viper clan received their clan helm. 6. Alizarin also had a primogen shift. Crystalice stepped down and Rap took over, who remains primogen to this day. 7. Prince Regent ChaeRi announced the creation of the Ascendant Regiment of Nagnang, the new form of Nagnang Army. 8. Koguryo and Buya held defenders ceremonies. 9. Kinung faire is held with kites and traditional foods. 10. An onyx stone was found by KSG. 11. King Mhul paid homage to the four guardians: InSu, Qantao, WinSong and Kiyuu for their help against the immortal beasts and granted them Koguryo honor medals. 12. The Circus of Stars returned and made a presentation at Kinung, with no suprises from Noblefox this time.
 August: 1. KRU announces that Stein is now official GM of Nexus with two additional GMs: Vyn and Nava. 2. Fixes to Warrior and Mage Sa san spells. 3. Shisitsu is elected Primogen of Covenant clan. 4. Dodgybob becomes primogen of Heavens clan as Killashandra stepped down. 5. Head Judge Teragg steps down and Logorin becomes the new leader of justice. 6. General Mistermage stepped down and indicated Killeh to lead the army. General Killeh still currently leads BIA.
 September: 1. Long time Primogen of Pegasus Drywater stepped down and Nihilism took over. 2. Primogen Boomer steps down from Silla. Dakewlplaya took over, but later used the change name service and is now called Akiudo, and remains the current leader. 3. Yusa pit is released with the premise of crusades. 4. A new board was released at Tangun called "Tangun news". 5. Primogen Sitliths stepped down and Miroshi became the Primogen of Oceana, where he remains sturdy. 6. The Nagnang Queen's murderer, Wiyae, was spotted at Vortex carrying Filia's crown. 7. Rubicant, the Primogen who remained K'urimja leader for longest time stepped down in favor of Scud. 8. Major General YeNaeWi, 2nd in command of Blight forces, came help hunt down Hawkmori and Wiyae.
 October: 1.Prince Regent ChaeRi asked communjity help to find information about Wiyae and Hawkmori. 2. Viper Clan had its first Primogen shift as Arthias stepped down. Hitoshura is the new primogen. 3. Hawkmori invaded KRA barracks and threatned King Mhul. 4. Primogen TygraStarr of Elendhirin stepped down. WiteLightnin is the current primogen in her place. 5. KRU released the service of changing characters name. 6. Wiyae was spotted at his house at East Kasan, killed people and had a private meeting with Hobart. 7. Michike stepped down from a short term as elder of Rangers. Salacia is the new and current Elder. 8. Nexus Halloween is launched and bunch of new Kruna item sets. 9. Dinca steps down after a short term leading Phoenix. Downer became primogen, but also had a short term. 10. Another short term leadership was of Elder Beilek. He stepped down in favor of Living, who didn't keep the position for long either. 11. King SuroKim of Kaya helped with important information about Wiyae. 12. Another short term leadership ended on this month. Logorin stepped down and appointed DavidJM as the new Head Judge of Nexus. DavidJM remains as the leader of judges.
 November: 1. Primogeness FalenAngel stepped down from Enigma head position after a long term leading their clan. Setsunabelle took over and is the current primogen. 2. Aens was elected to replace Rhetoric, who went missing in action, and is now the leader of the Spy Guild. 3. Captain Kirriin learned to navegate The Hanseong better and the risk of shipwrecks reduced significantly. 3. King Mhul visited Prince ChaeRi at Nagnang to discuss matters of national security involving both kingdoms. 4. Shisitsu stepped down from primogenship of Covenant after a short term leading the clan. His sucessor was Lockz who didn't stay long either. 5. Mupa visited tree-Yieta and allowed her to talk momentanly. She concluded that Yieta was not ready to be freed from her curse. 6. KRA places a bounty over Wiyae, Hawkmori and Itsuwari's heads. 7. Another short term leadership in Nexus ends. Kella stepped down in favor to Atilla, who remains leader of the Barbarians to the day. 8. King Mhul requested Oceana clan to hold a ritual to summon Sea Nymph so she could come grab the Chaos stone and keep it safe from human hands. 9. Conjurers, Scholars, Creatures, Commoners, Buccaneers, Warlords and more. The community noticed that event characters no longer have the path "Event 1". 10. Hobart gave up the Onyx in favor of Shaman elder Humma. A mysterious man called Goeyu claimed appeared and claimed Hobart made a big mistake. 11. Oceana held the ritual and summoned SeaNymph. The guardian of the seas took the Chaos stone to a safe location, but after her an old figure appeared: ReShor. 12. ReShor mentioned she found the missing pages of the Journal of the Wizards and Xiou's crew came trying to steal it. 13. Kiyuu tried to convince citizens to give the Journal of the Wizards pages to WinSong, while the Blackgut tried the same, but for the to help Xiou. 14. Keaira became elder of merchants and remains up to the day. 15. SlowSand became primogen of Tiger clan, Hobart became Primogen of Covenant clan and Lauz became Primogeness of The Forsaken. The three of them remain at their positions.
 December: 1. Xiou captured his former betrothed, Princess Lasahn, with the help of Pirate Conjurer Torus. 2. King Mhul and Emperor Aino Senshi declared that those aligning with Pirates and Conjurers would be considered enemies of their kingdoms and requested help to free Lasahn. 3. Lasahn is freed with the help of community. Xiou's ship departures as well as ReShor's. 4. A strange green creature arrives at Kugnae Palace, the grinch who asked help to restore the holiday spirit at the Kingdom of Winds. 5. Corlenah became primogen of Lost Kingdom and Akikan became primogen of Pegasus clan. 6. Santa Mhul event returned with fast lines, santa helpers and the first time participation of Emperor Aino Senshi. 7. A new mount is available at Kruna Item shop: The Tiger mount. 8. Holidays Wisdom star returned with experience boost. 9. Gods Stein and Vyn made their first public appearence.
 As 2011 is a few hours ahead, we can only hope 2011 brings more surprises and much to do in these lands. Stay tuned at Nexus Atlas news daily and learn first hand everything about Nexus: The Kingdom of Winds next year. This site is made by players, for players and will continue for many years as long as you, our readers continue visiting us. Thank you for all your support this year, and special thanks to everyone who helped Nexus be an enjoyable place for all of us in 2010. See you all next year! ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 12~
Wisdom Star
by: Metro
-- 6:19 PM EST
Day one and two of the Wisdom Star have been BOOMING! Sages everywhere around the kingdoms for hunts, many people not going to sleep, and it's all for the experience!
If you would like to be on a report (on this homepage1!) with your hunting group, then send a picture of you all hunting to (metromyoshi@gawab.com). I'll select some pictures to be on a report with screenshots of people hunting! I'll take submissions until the 4th of January.
No prize or anything for getting selected, just a spot on the homepage.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dream Weaver's holiday oufits
by: Vini
-- 1:18 AM EST
Today, December 30th will start the Wisdom star for Nexus holidays, so if you aren't registered, make sure you get back now as none will want to miss the experience fest. The Wisdom star effects will begin as soon as storms hit the kingdoms.
While we're still at holiday spirit, Nexus Atlas would like to give a special gift to our daily readers: since the announcement of the new Dream Weavers, citizens have been curious about how they look like. Today, as you can see below, your wishes came true. The Nexus Atlas proudly presents a peek of how Stein and Vyn looked like during Santa Mhul event:

 After that, we're only missing the look of Dream Weaver Nava, it will be shown when the opportunity to see him is presented. Happy Holidays to all Nexus community! ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 12~ P.S. Happy Holidays to you Mug, if you ever see this message.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Last day of Santa Mhul & a Wisdom Star on the way
by: Caera
-- 10:40 PM EST
Make sure you've got lots of coffee; a long wisdom star is coming our way! For those who haven't experienced a wisdom star before, the experience given by all monsters slowly rises then falls again over a few days, usually up to a maximum of 1.5 or 2x the normal rate.
Also, today is the last day to visit Santa Mhul. Don't miss it. Go to any kingdom gate and click the snow beast.

From the Dream Weaver board:
* The Wisdom will return to Nexus starting tomorrow, December 30 lasting until Wednesday, January 5! * The snow and winter items will linger in the kingdom until the wisdom star disappears * Reminder: Last day of Santa Mhul is today which will happen from 6-8PM PST
Minor Updates: * You can now cleanse from an NPC subpath at level 50 (instead of 60) * The new mounts can no longer be used on the carnage or games server * KRA * Tiger clan * Kurimja clan * Pegasus clan - Ring buy backs and 100 trees for the grove.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
by: Vini
-- 9:47 PM EST
 It is Christmas in Nexus and during this time of the year is time to celebrate with friends and family. Therefore, after the Santa Mhul week of event, it’s time for community to start giving presents to each other. To wrap your gifts you can buy a Brown gift paper or Green gift paper along with a Ribbon at any kingdom messenger and there you have the option to “wrap gift”. The chosen item for wrapping must be at the “a” slot in your inventory.  As the winter snow came, the strange creatures from winter wonderlands were also freed again. Strangely enough, those creatures we thought only existed during our winter dreams actually exist and hit people around streets.   And, by slapping those, you may get one of their drops shown below here:     The holiday’s season also brought new options to Kruna Item shop, including a new mount: the Tiger mount! Besides the tiger mount there's also the Tiger/Tigress hoods and the White tiger hood. But what does Tiger have to do with christmas? Not much, but this year ((2010)) is the year of the Tiger according to Han Empire's calendar.  Here's the other new Kruna items, including the gift boxes which can be traded in the Nexus market. 
 Also, to celebrate the christmas season the Nexus Atlas crew has changed the theme of the site to winter and the top banner to animated Santa. Merry Christmas everyone & enjoy the holidays! ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 12~
Happy Holidays from.. NexusTK!
by: Metro
-- 7:30 PM EST
A few people gathered at South Gate Mythic to celebrate the holidays and take a picture! Here's a snapshot we got of the event -

Good to see everyone rejoice! Happy Holidays to EVERYONE! Whatever you celebrate, we hope you have a great holiday season! :)
In spirit of the holiday season, we have added a wintery theme and a Christmas type banner to the homepage. We hope you enjoy, and thank Rachel for her excellent work (she made it!).
Holiday Free Win TAG sparks participation!
by: Metro
-- 6:31 PM EST
Cerixis and the Carnage department hosted a free win Holiday TAG last night. What was so special about this TAG? The participation! For the first time in a long time, there was over 150 people in a carnage event! People seemed to enjoy the free win, and we all had fun celebrating the holidays!

That doesn't tell all the tale (there were way more, but I kept it simple). It's great to see everyone come together as one, and just have some fun.
Today is Christmas, and to those who celebrate, Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
One more day of Santa!
by: Rachel
-- 4:52 AM EST
If you missed out on Santa Mhul, (Or didn't get all of your characters through the line) don't worry because he'll be back one more time! Vyn posted the following on the Dream Weaver board:
The elf helpers have agreed to host an extra day of Santa Mhul! For those who were unable to attend the set dates, here is your chance to receive a gift. (If you have already received a gift you cannot receive another one.)
Wednesday, Dec. 29th: 6 - 8 PM PST
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The joy of Santa Mhul season
by: Vini
-- 10:04 PM EST
Dancing Santa Mhul
 Faster lines, easier locations, elves and many more peasants; this is what marked most this year of the beloved Santa Mhul event. To reach the cold snowy maze citizens had to talk to one of the snow helpers located at city gates or at Tangun’s entrance.  Frozen GrinOnce entering Cold Snowy Maze, community members had to walk the usual narrow walls to reach the northeast side, but of course, with time to stop for a view of Dream Weaver Grin still frozen on his ice block. Another snow helper threw them to a room called Frozen Walk which was much more simple, since it was pretty much going straight up. The sad part was that citizens couldn’t choose the line they would go to. So Citizens of Koguryo would end up going to Buya royal and vice-versa.  Recovered Princess LasahnPrincess Lasahn made her first public appearance since her kidnapping by Xiou and seemed well recovered. She was accompanied by her Minister, Jolie, and some of her Imperial guards. King Mhul marked presence on the first day of the event, wearing his santa suit; he was well guarded by his KRA soldiers at the western corridor and seemed to be in a good mood, although his line was the longest to get through.  ChaeRi's helperOn the opposite side of the Holiday Workshop was Prince Regent ChaeRi and his guards from Nagnang. The interesting part for this year’s Santa Mhul was that whenever a Royal had to take a break, they could call in their elven helper. The helper would not greet people as well as Royals did, but at least people could click them from far and get their gifts even faster.  Special gift boxThe Santa Mhul gave out over a thousand gift boxes and made hundreds of citizens happier this holiday week. Some lucky ones obtained rare items from their random gift boxes such as Flameblades, Lost mine diamonds, forsaken rings, non-bonded sun waistcoats, sun clothes, vortex hand items, vortex armors and even a diadem. Congratulations to all those lucky ones and, for the rest of us, let’s enjoy whatever we got, it’s a free gift and random, none should be crying over not “winning the lottery”, despite going to through the maze over 8 times. Special thanks to the Royals, Archons and Dream Weavers for putting this event together. Enjoy your holidays! ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 11~
Two New Primogens
by: Vini
-- 8:37 PM EST
Over the past weeks, two clans have had Primogen shifts that went unreported. First was Lost Kingdom that announced Primogen Corlenah will be leading the clan as Primogen Sparkyd stepped down from his position. In Pegasus clan, the previous Primogen Nihilism vanished and clan remained without leadership for over a month. Primarch Akikan was chosen to be the new head to lead the clan from them on.
Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate Primogen Corlenah and Primogen Akikan for their achievements and thank Sparkyd & nihilism for their services to their clan and the Kingdom of Winds overall.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 10~
Friday, December 17, 2010
Help the Palace Grinch restore the Holiday Spirit!
by: Metro
-- 11:24 PM EST
There is a Palace Grinch, and he is very grouchy! He needs your help to restore the holiday spirit!
The first step is to go to the grinch! He is located at (005, 014) in the Kugnae Palace.

Click on him. He will tell you that he is cold (no screenshot available yet, will post soon)
1) The grinch is cold. He needs something hot. Bring him "Hot Coal". You can get Coal by going to the Smith in Sanhae (top building, Sanhae is reachable via the Sanhae Pass - http://nexusatlas.com/50atlas/sanhaepass.php) Once you are there, he is in the top building (http://nexusatlas.com/50atlas/sanhae.php, top top building). Say "Coal" to him, and he will sell you some for 20 coins. You do not need to buy the secrets from him, he will simply tell you that you need Flash dust. Get a Flash dust (buy them in the arenas where you enter Bloodlust, Elixir, etc, in the room where you go to make yourself alive again - http://nexusatlas.com/60atlas/buyaarena.php Pyung Shop). Now, combine the Coal and the Flash Dust using "Shift I" which is the combination method in Nexus.
2) Return to him with the Hot Coal. He will now tell you that he is hungry.

Bring him a Soup bowl. You can get a Soup bowl at any of the inns, by talking to the shopkeeper.
3) Return to him with the Soup bowl. He will now tell you that he needs something that can be roasted on a fire. Bring him 5 Chestnuts. The easiest way to gather them is by going by the Elendhirin Hall in Buya (035, 044) and picking up the ones that are usually on the floor.

4) He will take them from you. Now, he will tell you he needs something for his love. This would be ROSES! Get half a dozen (6) Roses.

5) Return to him, and he will take the Roses. However, he has one more request. Bring him one Mountain Ginseng. He will take the ginseng from you.

6) Click the grinch one more time. He will give you a mark for helping to restore the holiday spirit!

Happy Holidays!
Be sure to thank the Koguryo Ministry for sponsoring this event, and making a fun filled Christmas for everyone! This was NOT a KRU event, it was sponsored by the Ministry.
Server Reset, Friday December 17
by: Metro
-- 8:23 PM EST
There was a reset today (happened around 7 PM EST or so), which is a big Christmas reset!
The reset notes were as follows -
Santa Mhul WILL be happening this year. Check the Community Events soon to see the times and dates that it will happen.
Snow has fallen! There is now snow all over the grounds, with some decorations added in.
The Item Shop Christmas release will be sometime next week.
They mentioned that gift wrapping is now available again! Just see the messenger (parcel place), and get started!
Last, they also mentioned that they got some minor bug fixes in with the reset, but which was obviously not mentioned.

From all of us here at NexusAtlas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
UPDATE - Santa Mhul times -
Dec. 20th: 4 - 8 PM PST Dec. 21st: 7 - 11 PM PST Dec. 22nd: 1-5 PM PST
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Server Reset, Friday December 10th
by: Metro
-- 5:26 PM EST
"Server reset, Friday, December 10, 2010: * The pirate event has concluded (there will be a replay of the event for those who missed it, more will be announced about this later)
Minor updates for: Ranger subpath Shaman subpath Spy subpath LostKingdom clan"
Also, now an hour before the daily reset (the ones that happen every morning).. there is a warning! It will say (The daily reset will happen in the next hour).
Royal decrees by M'hul and Senshi
by: Vini
-- 9:43 PM EST
Recently the monarchs of Koguryo and Buya have posted on the Chronicles of the Winds stating that citizens of their kingdoms should not help empower Xiou. The choice for those who have pledged to defend their nations should be obvious, but it seems some are not taking which side they're helping seriously and may face future consequences for choosing to align with the pirates, instead of trying to help rescue Princess Lasahn. Here's a copy of both posts by King M'hul and Emperor Senshi:
Citizens of Koguryo,
The kidnap of Princess Lasahn by those buccaneers raiding our shores must not be taken lightly. The treaty forged by us years ago constitute that no member of such Alliance shall give aid or succor to any organization harboring ill will and or participating in military action against member states.
Therefore, helping empower Xiou's crew is considered a direct breech to that agreement and will not be tolerated. Koguryo defenders caught doing so will be also signing their will to not bear the mark and dye that assigns them bestowed honor by our kingdom.
I hereby declare the act of piracy and conjuring forbidden by Koguryo and those found aligning with Buccaneers or Conjurers will be deemed enemy just like them. I've contacted Emperor Senshi and we've agreed to allow our armies to work against such enemies with no restriction on our both territories.
MuHyul King of Koguryo | ~| A Message from the Imperial Sovereignty of Buya |~
Citizens of Buya, Her Allies, and neighboring lands,
It is with great distress that I have learned my daughter, Princess Lasahn, had been kidnapped by the very man I once granted her hand. I heard many years ago that Xiou was not only alive, but the son of the late Captain Bluestone. Now this man has come to our palace and, with the help of the Pirate conjurer, weakened my beloved daughter and kidnapped her.
Citizens, the Imperial Sovereignty seeks your aid. Many of you have already pledged to work against Xiou. It is essential to the Princess' safe return that we gather as much information as possible about Xiou and his crew. Buya will not rest until this villain is taken down.
I ask the help of all citizens of Buya, Koguryo, Nagnang and the wilderness dwellers to help restore Princess Lasahn's strength. Citizens of Buya whom decide to empower Xiou's crew instead of helping save their Princess will face heavy consequences.
The pirates' nefarious plans must be stopped and the moment is now.
Aino Senshi ~Emperor of Buya~ |
Be careful with the choices you make.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 6~
Event walkthrough (Part 4)
by: Rachel
-- 11:47 PM EST
Another dilemma. Which side are you on? The captive princess is the victim, but the pirates are only growing stronger every day. Their fate is in your hands. - Whispering Winds
Continued Walkthrough -
 You should now return to WinSong at the Kugnae palace, who will ask for items to make a potion. (Note: You need to give the peg leg and pirate grog to Winsong before he'll start counting your pirate kills) 1. He will first ask for a Peg leg. 
2. He will then ask for a Pirate Grog. 3. He will have you kill 30 pirates (Nothing else!) on the Hausson boat.  4. Now he wants a Parrot Feather.
5. Then he'll have you bring a Totem helm.
Press "S" in game, and the thing next to your "Nation" is your totem. That's the helm you'll need. (It can be bonded to anyone, so if you have 4 Ju jak characters, one of them can get the helms for the other 3)
Hyun moo: Bring 7k and a Fine cloth to Hyun moo shrine (North wilderness)  Chung ryong: Kill a Red wolf (often near barbarian cave) and bring 6k to the Chung Ryong shrine (East wilderness)  Ju jak: Bring Fine metal and 7k to Ju jak shrine (South wilderness)  Baekho: Bring 8k and a fish to the baekho shrine (West wilderness) 
6. Finally he will ask for your path weapon.
(If you are NOT Il san or higher) - Level 95 weapon of your path (Poet-charm, Warrior-Spike, Rogue-Blood, Mage-Surge).
(If you are Il san+) Enchanted level 95 weapon of your path.
Your rank determines what you need to get. Ee san poets need Ee san charms, and so on. Do this by following this quest:
7. He will tell that the potion needs to be brewed for a day and a night. (Estimated to be 3 hours or one nexus day) Return and he will give you a Restorative Drought. 
8. When he gives you the potion he tells you to bring your Xiou event helm (Not equiped) from earlier before starting this step! (If you did the first step of the event but missed the helm, it might be possible that you can get one now, since the red chest is on the way to Lasahn?)
Now you must choose whether to give the potion to Xiou or Lasahn. Xiou is still in his captain's room. Lasahn is in the cells that Xiou sent you to earlier. You can get there from the bottom left corner of Xiou's room.
You will get an upgraded form of your helmet if you keep it in your inventory when you turn in the potion. You will get the same helmet regardless of who you help.
Xiou's enchanted war helmet (warrior) Xiou's enchanted stealth bandana (rogue) Xiou's enchanted magic crown (mage) Xiou's enchanted spiritual hood (poet)
The stats are the same for each path: --------------------------- 50,000 durability -10 ac, +20 regen, +50 vitality, +50 mana, +1 might, +1 will, +1 grace
This is the final part for right now.

(Written by Metro, Edited by Rachel and Vini)
First Sam san Gogoon Female Rogue Armor!
by: Metro
-- 9:58 PM EST
The first Dreadscale Skirt has been discovered! XHalfBakedX was killing the boss by himself, when it dropped! This is the first known Female Gogoon armor. NexusAtlas has gotten possession of the item, to bring you the stats and the look! (Thanks to Riane for modelling!)
First, the stats of this new item!

Now a view of someone wearing it!

Front view

Back view

Side view
And a picture of it in someone's equipment box!

We thank XHalfBakedX for allowing us to make a report on his newly found item, and we congratulate him on having the first known Sam san Female Rogue armor! We'd also like to thank Riane, for being brave and modelling it for everyone to see.
He has the first, but it certainly won't be last!