Past News
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Monday, December 29, 2008
New Tiger Primogen
Seraphim has decided to step down and pass Primogen to Baliwind last night!
Seraphim was best known for his work and determination within the Tiger clan. He provided an active, strong council and a new room to place within the clan. Seraphim will always be remembered and we wish Baliwind the best on following in the footsteps of such a leader.
Congratulations, Baliwind and thank you Seraphim for your devoted time and effort into the clan, as well as making a fantastic choice on the Tiger Clan's new leader!
Information provided by Destanie UPDATE: Baliwind has made the choice to pass on the title of Primogen once again -- this time to Crash. Congratulations Crash, I can already tell by people's excitement that Baliwind has made a well-thoughtout choice! Thank you for your short time Baliwind! And good luck to the both of you! XoXo Kikoura
New Do Elder
The previous Elder Sinsation, who was given the lead of the Do subpath a little over three months ago, has been replaced. In time of need, the Walkers and Masters of the Do came together, and have elected a replacement. Monchichi is the Elder of Do once again.
Nexus Atlas wishes continued success to the Do.
AllyGator Hyul 20, 12th Moon
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Home for Muse Thalia
Musadan Talos reports that Muse Thalia has moved from the Kugnae Theater to the Kugnae Library. We assume this is just for the holidays since the candle lit trail to the maze blocks the entrance to the Theater. In the meantime, Thalia seems to be enjoying her stay with Pond.
AllyGator Hyul 20, 12th Moon
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Winter Wonderlands Walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 12:44 AM EST
At this time of the year, when the winter storms are too strong, the cold weather in the kingdoms bring some magical forces when we're asleep. Those who take a nap in the inns might enter a dream world called Winter Wonderlands, as it's known by majority over the past long winters.
This year there's 10 mini-quests that can be completed there, each give minor quest experience as reward:
Palkkehada (36, 189) needs a Santa's Suit for the winter.
Kyoul (081, 140) needs a pair of Earrings for his wife.
Chuptta (50, 127) needs a Magical saddle for her daughter.
Shinbal (114, 112) would appreciate a Tool kit.
Param (003 007) would love to get a New Dress.
Satang (096, 176) would love 5 of each Candy Canes (Pizzazz, Red Hot, Dance, Powerhouse and Mistletoe)
Turesu (138, 142) needs 5 Holiday Paint for her husband.
Moja (047, 160) needs to find his Moja's Key.
Yonghwa (135, 30) is collecting 12 Animal Card pieces of Mythic bosses (1 of each) for his son.
Nuni (094, 018) is collecting 5 of each colors of Snowballs again. (white, blue, red, green, yellow, purple frost, love, evil and firework)
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 12~
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
9th leader of The Forsaken
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
A few hours ago, a change in The Forsaken has been announced over the kingdoms. Primogen Blinkeman has stepped down in hopes to give the clan new directions in the upcoming year. His sucessor was chosen among many other long term members, but am proud to say that the one picked is our very own Conro!
Nexus Atlas is happy to congratulate Primogen Conro in his ascension and wishes him good luck with his new duties. Thanks to Blinkeman as well, for the time he has given to lead The Forsaken clan for the past months.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 12~
Monday, December 22, 2008
New Koguryo Minister
by: Vini
-- 9:51 PM EST
KUGNAE -- Last night, was announced through the kingdoms that Hatiki has stepped down from the position of Koguryo Minister and appointed his sucessor. The official announced was to be made by King M'hul at tonight's weekly Clan Tribunal in the royal palace, but due to the holidays, the meeting wasn't held and therefore the announcement wasn't so widely broadcasted. Because of that, Nexus Atlas is proud to make known and congratulate the newest Minister of Koguryo, Lady Vales!!
Minister Vales is the 5th one representing the kingdom of Koguryo since the ministries culture and peace were merged. Congratulations once again Koguryo Minister Vales and thank you Hatiki for all the services you've done to the kingdoms.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 11~
Last week's reset
by: Vini
-- 9:18 PM EST
The storms in the kingdoms get stronger during the winter and with them, lots of changes come to the lands. Here's the list of new things that could be found as of the last big storm ((12/19)):
Elendhirin receives new room "Elenmena", new merchant Vende (Mass exchange, Sells: Yellow scrolls, Obsidian and Limestone), and update to Borealis, SanSin receives new room "SanSin's Sanctuary", new merchant Sam Celestial (Clan summon), updates to Areong (buys wool, cloth), Ero-Latem (buys poor ore and slag), and Chin-Hwa (buys many types of ambers) Lost Kingdom receives updated to Glee (buys Well cftd yw amber), and Armand (buys back Fine steel daggers) Dharma clan receives updated Primogen room, updates to Aria (buys royal waistcoat), a new merchant Dhram, and update to Dharmatic (moved to new location) Destiny clan receives a new room "Prospect Park" Pegasus clan receives updates to Gahn (sells axe), Lumi (buys ancient and earth gowns) Varg (buys back Crafted wt amber) and a few looms. Nagnang ministry receives new map "Memory Garden" and new merchant Shen Xain.
Memory garden entrance is between the statues in north gate Nagnang. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 12~
Sunday, December 21, 2008
1 More Day for Santa M'hul
Monday, 12/22/07 at 3:00AM PST (6:00AM EST)
For those of you who aren't online for the "normal" American prime time hours, the next day may be the best one for you to attend. All of you night owls and Asian landlubbers come out to see the Royals.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Winter Snow Storm
by: Vini
-- 6:36 PM EST
A big snow storm has hit the lands today and together with it many changes happened. The most noticeable ones were:
The Winter Wonderland fills your dreams with candy, snowballs and those weird cartoon characters again. Gain minor quest and experience as you help the town's people with their request. Enjoy your time in dream land and all the holiday cheer!
Sa San Spells have been returned to their former glory with the shorter aethers; however you will no longer be able to use it on players.
The smoke graphic has been removed from the Carnage server so anyone who is cursed you will no longer see the repeated smoke. (This is for Carnage ONLY!)
The spell Hear footsteps no longer allows anyone to see invisible players. You can now only "hear" as was intended.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Silla clan gets new loom in the Silla Clan Hall. * Nagnang Army receives a new Merchant Nagnang Soldier who teaches about the history of the army. They also receive the new merchant Gilmore who does Alchemy and Nagnang captain who reads your karma. * Enigma Clan receives a new portal.
Subpath additions and fixes: * Rangers receive a minor map change for a board * Barbarians Axe is fixed.
Item shop: * New items will be released later today and all the old holiday items are back!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 7~
Sa San attack spell change on the way
by: Conro
-- 1:02 PM EST
Provided the limited options to vote for changes to the Sa san spells, players have apparently overwhelmingly let mug know that the provided aethers in his choices make the spells useless in player killing, opting for the spells to have their full power, five minute aethers, but no ability to use them against other players.
Voting has been closed, and option B has won. The spells will be changed to have five minute aethers, with the original damage formulas, but will lose their ability to be used in player kill environments.
A date for the change has not been set.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
New King of Carnage
by: Aens
-- 4:23 PM EST
Yes it is true, after 2.5 glorious years of being the Head Host of the Carnage Department, Head Host Gnoff has finally decided to step down from his throne and pass the crown. Gnoff has worked endlessly over that past couple years to ensure the Carnage Department ran like a well-oiled machine, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Snoop, who is widely known and the coolest guy in Nexus, was selected to become the new Head Host. Snoop is one of the best hosts to ever step into the arena and has been a Division Head for a long time. With the experience that he has, he will no doubt turn the Carnage Department into the shinning jewel of Nexus. Snoop has a heavy responsibility since PK and Elixir events are arguably the most important part of Nexus, but Snoop being the expert he is will have no trouble taking on his new duties.

Good luck to Head Host Snoop and a big thanks to Gnoff for all his work in the past.
New Judges
by: Vini
-- 9:23 PM EST
Few days ago, it was announce the promotion of two new judges in the lands of nexus. Koyasoto and our very own Gilmore have finished his Judge training (JIT) and as of now may be officially recognized as elected judges of the kingdoms.
Congratulations on becoming judge Gilmore and Koyasoto, may you're devotion to justice serve community well.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 5~
Santa M'hul 2008!
As posted today on the official Nexus TK website...
Each year there is a huge celebration in the lands for the holiday season. Snow has fallen and decorations have been placed all over the Kingdoms.
Santa M'hul, Lasahn and Kija are at it again this year bringing special gifts to each boy and girl. So bring out your Holiday cheer, comfortable shoes and a snack to help you get through those crazy mazes!
Santa M'hul begins: Monday, 12/15/08 at 5:00PM PST (8:00PM EST)
Additional days: Saturday, 12/20/08 at 5:30 PM PST (8:30PM EST) Monday, 12/22/08 at 3:00AM PST (6:00AM EST) Gifts will be handed out once again, but only for a short while. ((Limit one per character)). Those who attempt to receive a second gift will be sent to the inns. Please be courteous to those who have not received a gift by granting them the opportunity to seize one. Once again, Happy Holidays to all and we look forward to continuing the season of gift giving!
((Please keep in mind it is limited to one per character and all gifts are random.))
Server reset, Friday, December 5, 2008
by: Conro
-- 3:26 PM EST
The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Event has ended - Stay tuned for more information in the future.
Ingress Changes: We have made a few changes to the ingress spells. We feel that this will better facilitate fighters at all levels.
Rogues: (NEW) Rogues have received a long overdue ingress at Il san Rogues Ee san and Sam san ingress were increased (NEW) Rogues receive a Sa san ingress
Warriors: (NEW) Warriors receive a Sam san ingress (NEW) Warriors receive a Sa san ingress
Subpaths will be able to use all new Ingress spells. (Rogue: Il, Sa Warrior: Sam, Sa)
You can find these spells located at your Guild Master. You can find the Sa San Ingress spells by visiting the Sa San Hall.
Sa San Spells:
Aethers: Warrior and Rogue: Aethers reduced by half for mana Regeneration Spells
Rogue: Aethers reduced by half on Sa attack Damage has been reduced slightly
Warrior: Reduced aethers by half for Sa attack Damage has been reduced by half
Mage: Slight reduction on 9 way para Attack spell aethers have been reduced by half Damage has been reduced by half
Poet: Slight reduction on aethers for summons of your legend and Full group mana/heal spell All healing amounts remain the same
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: -KRA receives many new crafting reactors and portals. Gyong-Si now sells Scale mail and Rowann has the ability to change your face and gender. -Bear clan receives small update
Subpath additions and fixes: -Barbarians receive new board -Rangers receive new board -Diviners have portal removed
Dreams: -Takes to long to level to 5 in the first part of Tangun. o We have increased the experience for all monsters in the first area of Tangun as well as the Bandit cave. -Please increase the Kindred talisman you can hold. o We have increased the limit to 100 -Please make the mountain goat look like a goat. o We have changed it to a goat
Other: Major work has been started on the Role play town which will be called Kinung. An application will be available soon so players may apply. If you have any questions on this area please send a letter to our RP town archon Sandok.
Ingress changes
by: Conro
-- 3:21 PM EST
Mug reset today to make changes to Rogue ingress spells, as well as add four new spells: Il and Sa san Rogue ingress, Sam and Sa Warrior ingress.
Current Rogue ingress were also modified damage wise. The following are the new formula for weapon damage.
Rogue Il san: 1.5x Ee san: 2.25x Sam san: 3.0x Sa san: 4.0x
Warrior Ee san: 6.0x Sam san: 8.0x Sa san: 10.0x
It's unsure if these changes will help Rogues find hunts, but it seems to be a start.
Special Thanks to Yttribium on figuring the formulas quickly!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Weapon - Nngh'Zan's Fang
 Last night a group killed N'nhg'Zan. That was the first time anyone has seen him drop anything. MartinM proudly shows this new item. Dura: 9,000,000 AC: +5 Vita: 50,000 Mana: 29,500 Hit: +2 Dam: +4 Might, Will: +3 Grace: +4 Healing: +5 Regen: +5 Required level is unknown for now.
More changes in Leadership
Yesterday came with more changes in leadership, Enigma Primogen Obi has decided after 4 Hyuls to step down. Taking on this great responsibility is FalenAngel known for her work in the Koguryo Ministry. Talking with FalenAngel, she would like to thank Obi for all of his hard work over the last year and would like everyone to know that they will be seeing more from Enigma in the future.
Looking to the Ranger subpath now, RiaDora has also decided to step down after the third time being Elder and passed on leadership to Ouned.
Nexus Atlas would like to personally congratulate Engima Primogen FalenAngel & ElderOuned on their new positions. As well as thanking Obi & RiaDora for their hard work and dedication.
Gilmore Hyul 20, 6th Moon