Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
More Santa Mhul to Come
If you weren't able to make the full event, mug saged that you will have 3 more chances. The dates and times will be announced later. The times will vary so hopefully everyone will have an opportunity to celebrate with King M'hyul.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Santa Mhul Tonight!
o/` You better watch out! You better not cry! Better not pout! I'm telling you why.. o/`
Date: Saturday, December 15th Time: 7 pm EST - 11 pm EST// 4 pm PST - 8 pm PST Dress: Comfortable shoes and Santa hats Mood: Holiday Cheer preferred! ** Doors will close promptly at 11:00 pm EST!!! ** Have YOU been good this year?? Note: All characters must be registered to enter Workshop Registered TANGUN players can enjoy this event by entering the cave near their inn (Quiet Room).

Friday, December 14, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
by: Rachel
-- 6:19 PM EST
I wanted to have this all up sooner, but I haven't had loads of time lately.. Keep watching because I might add a few things here and there. (Like the one image I already made, but can't figure out where it's hosted..)
Thanks to Bullmunk and LordMoses for modeling!
In case you forgot, or never knew, Santa Mhul will be here tomorrow from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm EST (4:00 pm to 8:00 pm PST)
I've heard it's been changed a bit this year to make the whole event work better. See you there!
Winter Wonderlands
by: Vini
-- 1:46 PM EST
It is time to take a good nap during the cold days of winter. Nothing better than a warm bed to embrace the happiest dreams of each one. To celebrate the holidays, the community are able to travel to the Winter Wonderland once again.
 To enter Wonderlands, just keep trying to take a nap in one of the tavern beds.
There in the dream lands, the villagers are asking for help with supplies to their needs and each reward with a good amount of experience. It is time to collect some holiday items!
Here's the walkthrough: Hyuil (004 191) gives free karma. Palkkehada (030,190) is in need of a Santa suit.  Satang (092 177) asks for 12 Red hot candycanes.  Kyoul (081 140) would want a Flower vase and 6 Hollies.  Param (004 006) wants to have a good laugh with a Yeti mark and Yeti suit. Shinbal (110 110) requires Santa boots, a Hammer and Heavy red leather.  Chuptta (050 127)is needing a Pend full floater and Holliday stocking.   Moja (040 155) needs a Santa hat and Santa Mittens.  Yonghwa (140 030) is asking for Drum and a pair of Drum sticks.  Nuni (096 015) is collecting snowballs, bring her one of each of these types: - Blue snowball  - Evil snowball  - Firework snowball  - Frozen snowball  - Green snowball  - Love snowball  - Purple snowball  - Red snowball  - White snowball  - Yellow snowball 
Yonghwa (140 140) wants 2 slippers.
In the end, there's quite good amount of experience collected and much fun slaying those weird creatures.
Happy Holidays!!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 12, Moon 7~
Thursday, December 6, 2007
With Christmas time... Come Gifts!
As usual during Christmas time in Nexus, You are given the possibility to wrap gifts to give to your loved ones. It would seem the option has been reactivated again, however only Tinbae, the Nagnang Messenger, will give you the opportunity as of now.
All you will need to do is to buy a Ribbon (10 coins) and either Brown or Green gift paper (10 coins as well), place the item you wish the wrap in the "a" slot of your inventory, and click the messenger!

The item to be wraped must however abide to certain conditions :

Once wrapped, all you need to do is to use your gift to unwrap it !

Enjoy Christmas everyone!
Moraghul Hyul 12, 6th Moon, 17th Sun.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
News Reporter Applications -OPEN-
by: Vini
-- 11:28 PM EST
The Nexus Atlas news team is in need of new active members to help keep the news of nexus always up to date. While the current team is doing a very good job, I think we could add a few more to it. Therefore I'm opening applications to news reporters of Nexus Atlas. To do so, I'll be hiring people after a few stages, first one will be to email me your applications answering the following information:
What is the name of all your characters (old ones too)?
What's your real life age?
How long have you played NexusTK?
Have you done work like this before? (explain, show examples):
What do you think you can add to NexusAtlas news and NexusForums?
Do you hold any positions in Nexus? If so, which?
Do you have any real life activities (school, job, etc)?
What do you like best about NexusTK?
Write a news report involving a recent happening in the Kingdom of Winds.
Re-write an event news post from Nexus atlas in your own way.
I'll be accepting applications until December 17th and few days later I'll be posting the results. Get your pen and paper ready because although you have plenty of time until the deadline, I'll be considering the speed process of each applicant and speed and good writing do count in this job. Please check your spelling because it does count. Good luck to everyone interested!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Head Editor of Nexus Atlas~
December 5th Server Reset and Patch!
As posted on the official Nexus TK website today...
Server reset, Wednesday, December 05, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
A small patch to fix the "p" emotion for all hairs that had the issue. If anyone finds a problem with any hairs they currently have (such as moving the wrong way or it looks like their hair is falling off) please send a support ticket in with a screenshot (.jpg is fine) of the problem.
Other: * Major updates for Winter event that will release early next week. * Major updates for Santa M’hul event.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Be like Santa!
by: Vini
-- 8:19 PM EST
While it wasn't posted in Item Shop Announcements board, there's a new type of item available to celebrate the holiday season of the end of the year. There are four colors of Burly beard available in Kruna item shop for a very special price of 200 kruna.

Enjoy the new items of Kruna shop!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 12, Moon 6~
Kru's Gift
by: Rachel
-- 1:09 AM EST
The following message was posted on NexusTk.com and the Dream Weaver board. Thanks to Musoyan for reporting it.
Tis the season!
mug and KRU Interactive, Inc are in the spirit of giving this holiday season! Register your account before the 20th of December and receive a wonderful gift!
On Thursday, December 20th, Nexus, The Kingdom Of The Winds will release a large amount of Kruna to all registered players.
What is the Item shop? Items from the Item Shop are obtained by exchanging Kruna (the new KRU currency) that you can earn or buy. You can earn or buy Kruna in several ways. Special Kruna coupons will be available from the Coupon Shop. Autorenewal accounts will receive a small allotment of Kruna each month. All registered accounts will receive some Kruna during random events.
How do I find the Item shop? Just log into https://secure.kru.com/account/itemshop/login.asp and find many great items to customize your character!
Depending on the length of time your character's account has been with us will determine the amount of Kruna you will receive. Here is the list below.
1998 = 800 Kruna 1999 = 700 Kruna 2000 = 600 Kruna 2001 = 500 Kruna 2002 = 400 Kruna 2003 = 300 Kruna 2004 = 250 Kruna 2005 = 200 Kruna 2006-2007 = 150 Kruna
Please read the License Agreement carefully by going to the "Download" section of the website if you have any questions.
All accounts must be registered by the 20th of December in order to receive the Kruna. Anything past this date will not be eligible for the bonus Kruna.
20th Merchant Elder!
by: Hatiki
-- 2:25 AM EST
On December 2nd, 2007, the Merchant's 19th Elder, Living, has stepped down and passed leadership to Paladino once again.

Congratulations Paladino, may your time as Elder once again be of much success and thank you Living for all your hard work and dedication to your path.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 12, 5th Moon