Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas
by: TSWolf
-- 10:42 PM EST
On behalf of everyone here at Nexus Atlas, I'd like to extend my warmest holiday wishes to you and your families on this Christmas day.
For a moment today, take some time to remember those who cannot spend the times with their families, such as those fighting in foreign countries, working across the country or globe, or in some other way inhibited and cannot be with them today.
But most of all, enjoy today. Have a fun and safe holiday.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
KRA vs KSG/LoN??
Earlyer today Prince Mhul Posted a letter about newly found actions the spys have commited against Koguryo.
Prince Mhul's Letter:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Citizens of Koguryo
It has come to my attention the Koguryo Spy guild has taken it upon It's self to attempt to weaken the Koguryo Royal Army with slanderous words against the Koguryo Royal Army and its General.
The Koguryo Spy Guild has attack the good character of the General of my Army they have made attempts to bribe players sage and post to the Community continuous insults showing they have no respect and are trying to undermine the Royal Koguryo army.
Further the Koguryo Spy Guild has threatened to take over the Kingdom and "Burn it down". This shows they no longer Support the Kingdom or its Prince.
The Koguryo Spy Guild is unable to support the Army, thus They are not able to support King Yuri.
With this being the case, I am calling upon all the Clans and Other sub paths of the Kingdom to have no further association, With said Guild.
I am requesting the Gods assist in the removal of the Guild from The Kingdom and if no other Kingdom will accept them perhaps Give them a new home in the wilderness.
All hail King Yuri! Long live Koguryo!
Thank you for your support, M'hul Prince of Koguryo
After reading this news the LoN's(Legion of Nagnang's) General, General Jadedskies, Swiftly responded a letter of her own.
Her letter as follows:
I will not Speak for Nagnang, the clans or the people. I will however speak for myself and the Army I lead.
*Opens The Art of War by Sun-Tzu*
Only the wisest ruler can use spies;
only the most benevolent and upright general can use spies, and only the most alert and observant person can get the truth using spies.
There is nowhere that spies cannot be used.
If a spy's activities are leaked before they are to begin, the spy and those who know should be put to death.
Generally, if you want to attack an army, besiege a walled city, assassinate individuals, you must know the identities of the defending generals, assistants, associates, gate guards, and officers.
You must have spies seek and learn them.
Therefore, you must treat them with the utmost generosity.
Therefore, enlightened rulers and good generals who are able to obtain intelligent agents as spies are certain for great achievements.
This is essential for warfare, and what the army depends on to move.
*Closes the book*
All those in the 'KSG' may find welcome here in Nagnang, among her army. The Legions of Nagnang reconize the importance of their nature, & their abilities and accept them as a great asset.
General JadedSkies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is rather interesting news indeed! But the question still lurks...... "What effect will this endever hold on the Tri-Kingdom Treaty?". Although there is no solid answer there is a faint idea in everyones mind. More to come when these shocking events contine.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Christmas Events
by: Vini
-- 11:22 PM EST
As Christmas night approaches, more and more christmas events are being held by the clans and subpaths of these lands. Even the KSG is participating this year, giving out over 5 mil in events.
The Sun Moon sect and the Lost Kingdom are also in the spirit of Christmas as well. Both are hosting events to celebrate the holidays coming and much more can be found in the Community events board.
Looks like the great success of the Santa M'hul this year has only inspired everyone to try to bring Charitable and joyful events.
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy this wonderful week.
~Vini Normad'or~
Sunday, December 19, 2004
It's Christmas in Koguryo!
Prince-Regent's gift-laden sleigh touches down for the sixth time
 Santa M'hul bestows gifts upon the public.
KUGNAE -- Marking the return of the Christmas season to the Three Kingdoms, a festive time of year that occurs once every eight yearly cycles, was the sixth edition of Santa M'hul. This event was organized by Santa Starrbrite and her elves from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo, and supported by archons, a detail from the Koguryo Royal Army, and members of the chongunate. This year, Prince-Regent "Santa" M'hul, clad in a red velvet suit trimmed with white fur -- a departure from his regular platemail -- handed out hundreds of special gift boxes to a waiting crowd, hundreds strong.
In the interest of processing the massive crowd in an effective manner, tight security rules were enforced: citizens were restricted to receiving only one present each, and although the quick pace afforded little interaction with His Highness, the atmosphere remained magical and festive. Archons and guards kept watch for would-be repeat customers, as those who took more than one present, either while visiting Santa M'hul or through making a second trip, were sentenced to spend their holidays in the Kugnae Donjon for the crime of theft. However, those who braved the line were rewarded handsomely, with elves and Scramblers keeping the crowds entertained as a prelude to receiving a gift from Santa himself. Inside each of the special gift boxes from the prince was one of many random presents, including weapons, various items, fans, experience and karma bonuses, and mysterious rags.
From us in the Ministry and Santa M'hul, As we sing with hearts aglow, This message to you to make your hearts and ears full: It's Christmas in Koguryo!
On behalf of NexusAtlas, I would like to extend a heartfelt word of thanks to those who organized this wonderful event and helped to make it run smoothly. We look forward to the next Santa M'hul!
From all of us at NexusAtlas to all of you, Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Happy Holidays
by: Vini
-- 12:35 PM EST
As Christmas approaches, the Santa suits, Santa's caps, Stockings and Hollys are back!
Just need to go to a tavern and say "Happy Holidays" to Ox.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Reindeer-drawn sleigh sighted above Koguryo
A message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
The Royal Ministry of Koguryo proudly presents the annual return of Santa M'hul!
Santa M'hul sleigh's will touch down at the Kugnae Palace on Saturday, the 18th of December, at 7 p.m., EST.
Once again, this year, whether you've been naughty or nice, Santa M'hul has gifts for everyone. So come and meet Santa M'hul and claim your gift. Santa's Ministry elves and the KRA will also be there to entertain those waiting in line. We will ensure everyone is on their best behavior and to spread holiday cheer! We will have games and trivia so come with empty pockets to fill up on wins!
Please remember the lines are going to be very long and we know that it is a long wait, however, we expect everyone to be good and wait your turn because things always work out better when you can come get a gift!
Cutting the line or visiting Santa M'hul more than once will not be allowed and you will be removed from the line. Disruption of the event will lead to jail time, so please be good!
To put you in the holiday spirit and fill you with cheer and joy, the Ministry encourages you to listen to a carol composed by Sir Lord Master Musician Sailortaurus, "Christmas in Koguryo" (the site has a midi and a downloadable mp3).
We, the staff of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo, wish everyone and their families a Happy Holiday!
King Yuri's crown
by: Vini
-- 1:00 AM EST
Last night was a glorious night for Koguryo. Many people gathered at the Royal Coliseum where Kiyuu has met with Prince Mhul and Minister Starrbrite to give them the Crown of Koguryo.
Not many expected but instead of Prince Mhul getting the crown to his father, it was the own Majesty, King of Koguryo who came to receive it from the hands of Kiyuu.
 Prince Mhul greets his father
A short ceremony was held, kind words were shared and many eyes were shinning to see King Yuri for the first time in their lives.
 Kiyuu told King Yuri that the crown was forged in the fires of Han
 Kiyuu dropped the crown for King Yuri to get
 King Yuri thanks Kiyuu for his wonderful gift
After regretting what happened with the circus, he explained what went on and thanked Caemyoun for restoring the crown from the hands of Noblefox. King Yuri asked Kiyuu to give the circus people a scroll his majesty wrote it himself.

Short while after receiving the crown and wearing it, King Yuri took his leave. As he said farewell, Yuri mentioned that he is looking forward to the 75th Yuri Jubilee. Will it rival the 50th?

Prince Mhul stayed a bit more and thanked everyone for coming. He welcomed Kiyuu in Koguryo once again and thanked him for the surprise to his father. Prince Mhul instead said he awaits the 100th yuri. Seems he doesn’t want to be King anytime soon.
Yuri 75 will be in about 4.2 Yuris, sometime around late June or early July. July 1st is also the 7th Anniversary of Nexus. A combination of these two events could mean that something great is on its way. ^.^
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 70, Moon 9~
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Temporary Nexus Atlas Chat Room
by: TSWolf
-- 10:00 PM EST
I will be updating the javaclient shortly to handle this.
Thanks for your understanding on this issue.
Kugnae Tribunal Hall re-done
by: Vini
-- 11:59 AM EST
It was not only the crown that was dedicated to the 70th Yuri celebration but also a brand new Kugnae Tribunal Hall. The Tribunal Hall is where the representants of the Kogurian clans meet weekly yo dicuss clan and kingdom matters.

This one looks much more alike Mhul's chamber, matches well the new combination of the palace. Hopefully the Primogens and Primarchs will adapt well to it.
~Vini Normad'or~
The Crown's thief found
by: Vini
-- 11:12 AM EST
Did not take long for Sanvu to read the post of Kiyuu on the board and got furious about it. Last night he went to palace and got really offended by the circus people being accused of thieves.

Chanchu followed his brother to the palace and got furious to hear the news.
They both returned to the circus grand tent where there were a few members of community waiting and the others appeared as well. It was decided they should leave Koguryo right away.
 People await the arrival of the circus members
Chanchu and Sanvu were really exalted, Caemyoun was just sad about the situation and Malou was the only one calm there. They stayed there for a while talking about how this accusation could bring a bad image of the circus to the public.
 Sanvu discuss the situation with the others
Soon, Kiyuu appeared in the circus and joined them in the stage. All of them showed their indignation and rage because the accusations of Kiyuu against them. Kiyuu tried to calm them down but did not remove his accusations. He insisted that no one could have entered the backstage besides them.
People in the public started saying that it would be Cazell that stole the crown. Kiyuu didn’t understand much of that and asked Sanvu to give the Crown back. Sanvu got furious that he was accused but Malou joined it and accused Sanvu too. He instead accused Malou back for his fascination for money could be the reason for stealing the crown of Koguryo.
 Sanvu tells Malou that he noticed how the Illusionist was looking to the crown
Suddenly all started accusing each other and havoc took place in the Grand Tent. Chanchu was really furious, so Sanvu told him to go to the backstage and start packing for leaving.
While packing, a loud noise frightened everyone and every animal in the cages. “Why are all the foxes shaking except that one?” saged Chanchu.
When he went to see that, the community heard “Thanks for letting me out!”. It was Noblefox, the famous for stealing crowns and items from the Museum in the past and never been caught in jail.

Noblefox dashed out the circus, the Circus people and Kiyuu were all confused about it. They took a while to realize what happened. The community warned them about the fame of the Noblefox and so everyone went to look for the fox.
After a while Noblefox was found in southern Koguryo, hidden in a place where citizens could not reach him. The Circus people couldn’t do much about it, Kiyuu got really upset as the crown would never be returned. Noblefox convicted of his victory started showing off his “prize”. Sanvu, Malou, Chanchu all shouted at him to give it back, nothing was working, but where was Caemyoun?
For that Noblefox wasn’t expecting, Caemyoun jumped from the hills on top of the fox and with her weight she forced him to give back the crown. Noblefox had no other choice than leave the crown and flee. The fox escaped for now, but the crown of King Yuri was returned thanks to Caemyoun.
She returned the crown to the hands of Kiyuu and the mystery of the Crown’s thief was solved. Kiyuu apologized to all of them for accusing them in vain. They all forgave that, in the situation Kiyuu was caught they understood his actions; no one was expecting that the fox was there to steal it.
 Sanvu thanks for the community finally believing that the Circus people were no thieves
Malou seemed to be the only who didn’t take the apologies so well. Either way, Sanvu still said it was time for them to go. They were disappointed that the community has accused them of thief while they were there to bring joy.
Kiyuu asked if they would ever come back someday in better terms. Sanvu said they would think about it, but was glad that in the end everything went well. The Circus people left again, Kiyuu stayed a bit more. “I still have to present the Crown to King Yuri, sad that it wasn’t like I wanted.” - He saged.

When community asked if there would be a ceremony for the crown, Kiyuu mentioned that he planned that the Circus was the way he dreamed to have the crown given to the King, but since the crown was stolen during it, his plans were ruined.
Seems we’ll still see more of Kiyuu and hopefully this time everything will go right when giving the crown to the King.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Who's the Thief of the Crown?
by: Vini
-- 5:47 PM EST
This post was pinned on the Chronicles of the Winds by Kiyuu just a few hours ago:
Dear Citizens, After investigating the tents and the circus backstage, I have formed some conclusions about how the crown might have been stolen. There was no way a normal citizen could have slipped past the backstage without being noticed so I can only presume that it was one of the 4 Circus members who did it.
The culprit must have entered the backstage during the presentation and hidden the crown somewhere and afterwards taking it to another place.
I am sorry about the unforeseen circumstance, I wish I could have brought along nice entertainment but this unexpected incident has interrupted it all.
I request the community to help me figure out who was the thief who had stolen the crown to be presented to King Yuri to celebrate his 70th reign.
I thank each and every citizen who come forward to assist.
Signed, Kiyuu
Seems the speculations of the community might be right and one of the Circus members is the thief of the crown.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 70, Moon 9~
by: Rachel
-- 12:12 PM EST
Winroute has found that the Staff of the Elements allows him to cast a very powerful new spell called Annihilate. Since so many people are unable to cast the spell, it is suspected that you must have at least 1,000,000 mana.
The spell uses up all mana that you have on you. Winroute says that it takes him two sips of wine to return to 30 mana after casting the spell, meaning that the spell takes him down to NEGATIVE 30 mana.
The spell's graphic is the same as hellfire/inferno. Based on Pebbles' post, it seems that the attack pattern is like this:
* P** *
P would be the player and the *s would be creatures. (Or players, if in a PK area)
The damage formula is currently unknown.
Also, Tamo says that he created a Staff of the Elements without ever recieving Panda's letter. That should save you some time. ^.^
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Circus people appear again
by: Vini
-- 8:22 PM EST
Tonight the Circus people appeared again in Koguryo but seems their appearance started with much tension between the Circus brothers. Sanvu and Chanchu were found talking near the usual entrance of the circus. Chanchu mentioned that since they were stuck in Koguryo they should go walk around to get to know more of the culture of the lands. Sanvu made fun of his brother by asking what a bunch of muscles would care about the culture of the kingdom.
They started a quarrel that soon turned into a bet. Chanchu wanted to bet who knew more about Koguryo. Hatiki tried offering some suggestions but Sanvu saged a quite simple question for his brother: Who is the Ambassador of Koguryo? Err…ummm.. I knew that one. Chanchu saged back.
Sanvu made fun of his brother again, since Chanchu was just talking to the Ambassador of Koguryo, Hatiki. Chanchu got angry about that but his brother said he wouldn’t lose more time discussing with him and went back to the tents.
 Sanvu says he will go back to the tents. Chanchu turns back on him.
Chanchu said it was fine for Sanvu to go, and then he would be able to walk freely to get to know the city and meet some ladies. Chanchu took some time to talk with Winder about finding strong people to fight with him, asked where would be the best place to fight and when people suggested the Arena he asked them to lead him there. He just didn’t go because his attention was caught when he saw Adella. “What a beautiful lady” he said. Strange or not, she was the only there holding a Staff of Elements.
He saged he was happy to see beautiful women around but Caemyoun saged back upset with it. Chanchu tried to hide with Adella near the Chapel from Caemyoun but didn't work. She found him with the lady and got jealous about it. Chanchu used the excuse that she was just a fan, but Caemyoun didn't buy that. She got really frustrated with this and started screaming on Chanchu.
 Caemyoun declares herself to Chanchu while he was trying to get something with Adella
Chanchu got annoyed with that and decided to go visit another kingdom, Caemyoun told he was not allowed to. The KRA told him they would not let him pass, but he ignored the threats and said no one could stop him.
Chanchu left for Buya but Caemyoun didn’t go after him. Instead she said she wanted to go around getting to know more of the city of Kugnae and get to know more of the famous people in the Kingdom of Koguryo. She went to the palace looking for important people there. She talked about the Prince being her fan and she would love to be with him. She also recognized Minister Starrbrite and greeted her.
 Caemyoun talks with the public while looking for famous people
After talking with a few people in Koguryo Palace Courtyard she decided to take her leave and go back to the Circus tents. It was over for the night apparently.
The only missing circus member took some time but also showed up. He instead appeared directly at the east gate of Kugnae. There Malou started talking about how rich the people there looked like. When he saw someone with a Flameblade he ran to him saying “I would surely love to get one of those”. Suddenly people started donating him money and items.
 Malou gets money that SunKara dropped on the ground
He was acted rude towards each of them, he only got nice when he saw Arionchui carrying a Sevenleaf sword. He instead acted very polite with her but since she didn’t give it to him he returned being rude with people.
 Malou asks for the 7-leaf sword
Finally he got what he wanted; LuciusX was kind enough to give his Flameblade to Malou who left the view of the people by going south just as he got the Flameblade in his hands.
 Malou gets a Flameblade
Malou concluded saying he didn’t expect to gain so much from that night but was happy that he could help the finances of the Circus.

Something really suspicious inspires each of these people. Could be one of them the responsible for the theft of the Crown?
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 70, Moon 9~
Staff of the Elements Quest - Complete?
by: Rachel
-- 5:36 PM EST
It's been discovered that the random merchant knows what your combination is for your Staff of the Elements.
-You may need Angel Tear karma to find this random pop-up (The lowest karma that anyone has made one with is Angel Tear) -You may need Panda's letter -The information costs 50,000 coins.
Thank you to Devion for this image:
 (Everyone has a different combination, don't use his!)
To see the full image (bmp) Click Here
If you have recieved the pop-up or a Staff of the Elements with LESS than Angel Tear karma or without Panda's letter, please tell us about it either on NexusForums or you can e-mail me at Rachel_NA@hotmail.com
Thank you to everyone that helped make the community aware of this: LifeSpark, Iseecows, Devion and others. ^.^
Monday, December 13, 2004
Staff of the Elements
by: Rachel
-- 9:27 AM EST
As some of know by now, the first Staff of the Elements has been created.
 On the left you can see Barry with the first SOE, thanks to Mandad for sending the screenshot. ^.^ On the right are some animated images, which are currently located on the extinct weapons page of NA.
Due to the many possible combinations at the last step of the quest, we still can't tell you how to make one. If you tried to make one, please go to NexusForums and post the information it asks for in Conro's post. Hopefully we can figure this one out.
Do NOT attempt to make a staff unless you have a very high karma level. We aren't sure how much you need, but it's probably Angel, maybe Angel tear.
I'll move the SOE from the extinct weapons pages to the staff page shortly. The staff is level 99 to wear and bonded to the creator.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
"Bail system"
Today Archon Ahalya posted that the "Bail system" is finally up in her following letter, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Nexus Community,
The "Bail system" is now functioning properly. Players wishing to make payment for a friend in jail may do so at this time. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this problem.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Chongun steps down as Oceana Primogen
by: Conro
-- 6:45 PM EST
As posted by Vini on the Community board
Greetings members of the community,
As many know already, I am stepping down today,Friday Dec. 10th, from my position of Primogen of Oceana.
I have to say that these past 18 months I have been working in this position were really great and I cannot express how much I enjoyed it, but nothing lasts forever. My step down have been being announced for a few months now, not because I disliked it, not stepping down in bad terms with anyone, simply because I think it's time for Oceana to move on and get even better with a new fresh blood leading it.
I wanted to express my gratitude to all who supported me through this time and all who worked with me to create what Oceana clan is today. Thank you all the past members, current members, council members, primogens, past and current Ministers, Prince Mhul, Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija, the Generals and Elders who supported us, the Archons and GMs who helped with our new facilities and each and everyone who cared for Oceana one day.
I'll be leaving Oceana leadership in good hands, I'm sure. I hope you all welcome Primogen SSVegito with warm arms like you had with me, I have faith that he will do a great job and hope he'll do better than I did.
Best wishes to Primogen SSVegito and good luck! ~Vini Normad'or~
The Nexus thanks Vini for his unwavering help for the communtiy as Primogen of Oceana, and best wishes to SSVegito on taking care of the Oceana kin.
Congratulations SSVegito!
- Conro
Friday, December 10, 2004
Thane speaks!
by: Conro
-- 3:15 AM EST
A huge thanks to Earl for finding this next part!
After collecting the elemental items, go to Thane and say
Cazell Machine Repair Staff of Elements
Thane first rambles about Cazell getting what he deserves, then speaks of a machine, a forge, of which they created a Staff of the Elements in. Cazell later destoryed the Forge, and ran off with the staff...
After this, say 'repair' again, and offer him 20 Ginko wood to help repair the machine!
From here, we are stuck, and trying new possibilities/waiting. Keep trying!
- Conro
by: Rachel
-- 12:26 AM EST
The following list of dreams has been passed on to the GM. The full list can be found here: http://boards.nexustk.com/Dreams/Ahalya%2012090540.html
Some of them look like great ideas; others, not so much. I personally like this one best: "Make any Curse spell to be visible on Monsters"
Just a sample of what may be out on the horizon..
Thursday, December 9, 2004
The Day at the Circus
by: Vini
-- 8:50 PM EST
The day of the Circus presentation came, many people were excited and joined together when Kiyuu invited all to go to the 'Grand Circus Tent'.
Kiyuu announced the Circus performers, Sanvu, Chanchu, Malou and Caemyoun. Sanvu stepped up front for the annoucements.
Many performances were done, Sanvu's tiger taming, Chanchu throwing knives at Caemyoun, Malou turning the lights off and on, summoning peasants, rabbits and failed summoning of a dragon. Malou also played turning Chanchu and Caemyoun invisible.
Things seeemed to be going well, despite the discussions of Sanvu with Chanchu who always wanted to bring someone from the public to the stage. Sanvu also seemed to have a problem with Kiyuu about who would be hosting.
The things were going well, each performer did their part well, while the others waited on backstage. During the acrobacy of Chanchu and Sanvu, Kiyuu went to the back stage and returned shouting to stop everything.
Kiyuu saged that he had brought a Crown to give to King Yuri as a surprise to celebrate the 70th yuri but it was stolen. The public was shocked, as well as the circus people.
Kiyuu asked the help of the Koguryo Royal Army and asked the 4 Circus people to not leave the city of Kugnae until he was done with his investigation of the stolen crown. The circus people left angry, specially Chanchu. Malou stayed behind and complained they had to go to other kingdoms after Koguryo.
They all left for the night, including Kiyuu as well. People kept thinking it was one of them who stole it. Could be one of the circus people a thief?
An interesting fact that people noticed was thay Wony could be found right there in the middle of the audience, watching the perfomance as well.
Screenshots are still needed from this event and thanks to all who nmailed me information about it.
~Vini Normad'or~
Jewelry crafting
by: Conro
-- 8:14 PM EST
This just in!! A new crafting ability?? Oh yes, Jeweler. Today NexusTk posted on its news site that they made a new crafting ability. Jeweler.

Uncovered by Flamethrower/Azoom, they found that you had to go to the Wilderness Gemmer (Sel NPC) and click on him. After that click on the last tab (Jeweler Devotion) , and donate 1,ooo coins. Bring alot of Ambers, you need to craft them.
After. say 'Jewel' to Sel, he replies back
Amber Dark Amber White Amber Yellow Amber
Click on the one in which you gemmed the ambers, and if you're lucky you will create a ring. Depending on what you gemmed you can get
Small Rings (Type of amber) Medium Rings (Type of Amber) Large Rings (Type of Amber)
Some rings also include the name of a Totem animal.
They have great stats for newcommers, and semi-good for poets. Also they variously sell for 1,500 coins at the Kugnae gemmer.
Once again thank you Flamethrower for uncovering this new skill.
- Conro
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
The others arrive to the Circus
by: Vini
-- 9:48 PM EST
Last night, the other 3 members of the Circus of Stars arrived back in Koguryo. Chanchu, Malou and Caemyoun came from Han like Sanvu said they would and took a few moments to speak with the public.
Princess Lasahn of Buya was one of the many who went to the Circus entrance to see them, her highness said she was amazed with the Tents and excited to see the day of the presentation of the Circus.
The 3 of them stayed over the barricades of the door to the main tent and answered many questions of the community.
 When I asked where Sanvu was, Chanchu sounded a bit upset that people always look for his brother and not him. “but I’m the strong one” he said.
The bearded lady Caemyoun saged about how she would feel great if she was the Princess of Koguryo when she saw Princess Lasahn. Malou kept showing his passion for money, most of the time he had comments about money or valuable things.
Some members of the community, including Primogens, Generals and Elders expressed the discomfort towards those people. Some think they are not to be trusted others even expressed the possibility that they may be involved somehow with Cazell. Seems the great mystery over the whereabouts of Cazell is bringing much suspicion even to ones who come here to entertain us.
Before leaving for the night, Malou announced that the Circus performances will happen tomorrow ( which is today Thursday 9th) and asked people to bring money, maybe they are charging for the presentation.
Let’s wait and see what happens...
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Circus Door Open...Rest Still Blocked
Sanvu has returned to Koguryo to check how the Circus Tents were set. He showed the community where it was located, it is in Kugnae 0162 0201.
The Circus entrance has 4 small tents and a door leading somewhere else blocked by barricades. There were Lilac buttlerflies there as well.
Once in there people asked Sanvu about the other Circus members. He said he came early to check if the tents were ready for the performance and also said that Caemyoun was a bit ill so that's why the other three stayed behind. When asked about Kiyuu, he only said: "Ah, that guy".
People kept asking if the circus was being held today, Sanvu said it wasn't but said it would be pretty soon but there wasn't a set date yet.
Over 50 people came to see the Circus Entrance, Sanvu said he was amazed with so many people coming to see it and explained that when the circus started they didn't have enough money for tents to they had to do it on open air. At nights, our performances were illuminated by the stars, that's why the Circus is called 'Circus of Stars' - He said.
After a while talking with people, Sanvu said he was tired and went to rest. He said the barricades would be blocking the doors until the day of the Circus performance.
Right now, the entrance to the Circus is closed again, if people try to go to the location of it they'll not find anything there.
Hopefully there will be more of the Circus in next few days.
Panda's Scroll / Clues to the Staff?
by: Conro
-- 3:24 PM EST
This hasn't been posted before, mostly because it seemed rather detached from the rest of the event.
Panda's Scroll To obtain a Panda's scroll, travel into the Temple, and allow yourself to be slain by the Ogres (This is a NON PLAYER KILL DEATH, SO DEPOSIT ALL BREAK ON DEATH ITEMS AND ANYTHING OF WORTH). Proceed to travel through the temple, going back and forth between 30 random rooms, until you get to the Temple clearing. Seek out the Hut at the South East, and click on Panda, she will bring you back to life...
 ...Panda's power to return spirits to the living plain also creates an item...
She will give you a "Panda's scroll". When used it says "Nothing happens...", instead the usual 'You cannot use this.' that many items usually display.
As more information is gathered, we'll keep you posted!
- Conro
SoE quest?
by: Rachel
-- 3:07 PM EST
This post has been made by "Terrax" on Dream Weaver:
Hello Everyone,
The final chapter of the event has been completed and is now a permanent quest.
Since Nexon has turned it into a quest, I am even MORE inclined to believe that this quest will result in the creation of a Staff of Elements.
We will finish this quest as soon as possible. Please post any and all leads you have on NexusForums.
If you find any bugs, please send in a ticket or contact Ahalya as soon as possible, since we would all like to complete the quest and get these items out of our inventories. ^.^
-Thank you to Pyogenes for posting about this this on NF
Fox Hunt information
by: Conro
-- 5:06 AM EST
Effective immediately: Selling spots on a team or losing on purpose is a bannable offense. If you as a player know of this and have evidence in the form of screenshots please contact one of the hosts at the fox hunt you are attending.
Head FoxHunt Host -Ecnor
To add, as well, starting December 19th, there will be one extra Fox Hunt added on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM EST. This makes 7 Fox hunts a week, spread evenly through time zones, with more focus on those in the Americas.
Good luck to those who participate (or are forced to, anyway =p)
- Conro
Kiyuu Announces Soon To Open Circus
A few moments ago Kiyuu announced that the circus is soon to open! This was exciting news indeed. In fact his arrival in the kingdoms was a shock to many. Many joined him by the Lotus Chapel where he presented the site at which the circus will open. The place is shown below:
 This is a close-up shot of him:

He is currently staying with Prince M'hul until the circus is ready. Updates on the situation soon to come.
Saturday, December 4, 2004
IRC Down
by: TSWolf
-- 8:52 AM EST
Due to some processing issues, our IRC server is currently down. Pending some investigation being conducted by Paypal, we may need to find a new IRC server.. Suggestions are welcome.
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
And the winners are....
Prince Kija announced his challenge, and the people of nexus heard his call.There were many who came, I wouldent be surprized if this was the biggest Bloodlust ever but it was no doubt one of the funnest.But wait!! Winner*s*?,thats right there was no winner...but there were winners. In the first round Buya gave it their all. This brought the score to 1-0-0-0 BUT!!! in the next and final round Nagnang made an amazing win,this was very unexpected. All three of the Royals from each army attended (as seen in show below) This would Include Prince Mhul of Koguryo ,Princess Lasahn of Buya, and of corse Price Kija Of nagnang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A shot from the battle:
