Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
FYI: Internet Explorer Security Alert!
by: Lalia
-- 8:23 AM EST
Once in a while, we Nexus Atlas reporters will report very important computer-related security issues, even though they're not directly related to Nexus. This happened a while back when the MSBlaster worm hit.
This particular (new) issue becomes even more important to Nexus Atlas readers because quite a few of us use sites like PayPal to pay for our Nexus accounts. Consequently, I thought that I'd report this extremely crucial flaw that has been discovered in the Internet Explorer browser. THIS IS NOT A HOAX. I hate hoaxes and I always check them out first before reporting them to anyone. Rest assured that this is a genuine problem.
From Lockergnome.com:
Newly discovered vulnerabilities that are 'critical' in nature are nothing new for the world's most prolific software maker, Microsoft. Virtually every program made by the giant in Redmond, Washington is the target of Microsoft haters, hackers, crackers, security firms looking for exposure, or script kiddies (hacker wannabes).
The most recent of at least 20 this year, however, is especially troubling for a couple of reasons.
The first is that, because it involves the Internet Explorer browser, it affects about 90% of the Internet public. The second is that it plays on the years of advice given to Internet users for determining whether they are on a trusted Web site, opening the way for massive identity theft and credit card fraud.
The vulnerability allows malicious coders to create Web sites that look exactly like legitimate sites, credit card companies, or online merchants, and 'spoof' the web addresses. When a user is at one of these sites and looks in the address section of IE, it will appear as if they are at that company's site.
Everything from the https:// to the little yellow padlock at the bottom of the 'secure' page can appear complete with the spoofed company's web address or URL (Universal Resource Locator) in the proper places.
This means that you can no longer trust what you see in the address bar, especially if you are clicking on a link from an e-mail message or from another web site. The possibilities are endless and very dangerous for the less technical Internet going public.
You can test your browser for this vulnerability by going to www.secunia.com.
The problem was discovered by someone who goes by the alias 'Zap the Dingbat' that posted the alert on a security mailing list, which did not give Microsoft an opportunity to create a fix for the problem before it was made public.
As a courtesy, most security companies will give software vendors some lead-time with a newly discovered vulnerability so that the company can come up with a fix before the problem is made public.
As of this writing, Microsoft has yet to fix the problem, however, an open source project that is located at Openwares.org has posted a patch. (Editor's note: Panthers e-mailed me and said that the patch worked, so I checked again and now it is working for me too. Good stuff.)
Because of this latest method of tricking users into divulging personal and financial information, it is important that you do not click on any links in e-mail that supposedly come from your bank, eBay, PayPal, Amazon.com or any online merchant or financial institution.
If you receive what you think is a legitimate e-mail message from one of your financial or merchant Web sites, do not click on any link in the e-mail, especially if it is asking you to update your information.
Always go to the company's Web site manually by opening your browser yourself and typing in the actual address for the company. If the information sent in the e-mail is legitimate, then you should be able to access it through the companies Web site when you sign-in or login to your account.
If you want a more technical approach to detecting spoofed addresses and links, someone has posted Microsoft's recommendations at www.datadoctors.com/redir.cfm/spoof.
Monday, December 29, 2003
TSWulf ties the knot!
A glorious day indeed it was in the kingdom of Koguryo today. This occasion was of TSWulf and ChibiStar's wedding. Both are of the Nexus Atlas staff. As a gift to them both, I created a small scrapbook of the memories that took place today. It is also a way to show the community who missed the wedding, how it sort of went.
You can view the wedding Here
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Wedding Details!
by: TSWolf
-- 10:24 PM EST
Here's smore details for the DOZENS of replies I got..
The official ceremony WILL begin at our house (East Masan, 32/36, A Territory of Kugnae) at 9 PM EST! (6 PST) The official Wedding of TSWulf and Chibistar will NOT be until 11 est (8 PST), which will be blessed by the shaman Izabella.
We want you all to be able to enjoy your time before the wedding and we have some amazing surprises in store. Some of the people who nmailed and emailed and posted to come are some REALLY amazing people... And there's one VERY special person that will make an appearence as well =).
I really hope to see you all there. I plan to take pictures for those who cannot make it. And unlike the other weddings, this one WILL become a photo report like it was requested.
See you tommorow night!
Change, even in the dead of winter
by: Conro
-- 9:12 PM EST
Selkie has stepped down today as the Primogen of Heaven's clan and has passed her power to Bingo.
A statement from Bingo will be posted as soon as I recieve it!
- Conro
Buyan News statement
by: Conro
-- 9:17 AM EST
The Buyan Newspaper has offered a statement as to what their progess in the community is as of now. This letter came to me directly from the editor, Halucin, himself!
Hello community!
Many of you have been wondering what has happened to the Buyan community Newspaper! Well, after a long time of a newsless board, the Buyan Imperial Voice will live again!
The Editors IldritchFire and HaLuciN are very pleased to announce that the paper will be returning within the month with a brand new energetic staff! Applications have been opened and closed, and a new team of writers is pending.
Keep your eyes peeled to the News Board (Buya 39,112) and the community board for further details of our path to the paper! We hope to see you at the boards!
- Editor HaLuciN on behalf of IldritchFire
Serving Minister Starrbrite for his Majesty the King, Yuri and the Prince, M'hul
Saturday, December 27, 2003
A Nexus Atlas Wedding!
by: TSWolf
-- 2:02 AM EST
All are welcome to join on Monday evening at 9 PM EST! A Nexus Atlas Wedding between Chibistar and TSWulf will take place..
In addition to a wedding filled with lots of great NA and Nexus personalities, there will be a couple SURPRISE guests that will be sure to shock all who come.
The wedding will be held :
32/36 East Masan ( A Territory of Kugnae ) Monday, December 29th, 2003
TSWulf and Chibistar
The wedding will begin promptly at 9 and will last anywhere from an hour to 3.. Reception will be held in the same area as the wedding.
All who have special ideas planned, or wish to make a guest appearence, special decoration, or participate are encouraged to NMail me on "TSWulf" on Nexus no later than Sunday Night.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Legendary woodcutter!
Congratulations on Daehann! After an astonishing number of 454,864 wood cut since novice, he became the very first Legendary woodcutter! 

Before hitting Legendary he was cutting about 1k wood an hour and kept track of his progress as well as the spawn rate of wood for each grove. Below are the charts -
(How to read the chart) (Skill level - Your proficantcy in the skill. Wood cut - Amount of wood cut during that skill level Old sys - Number of 'Skill increases' in the old system. New sys - Number of 'Skill increases' in the new system.
Skill level-=Wood cut=-=-=-Old sys-=-New sys
Novice -----------13--------?---------1 Apprentice -------82--------?---------7 Accomplished ----945-------?---------48 Adept ---------1,549-------?---------88 Talented ------3,703-------?--------184 Skilled -------9,685-------?--------419 Expert -------14,220-------?--------182 Master -------17,060------63--------N/A Grand Master -54,393-----195--------N/A Champion ----114,065-----366--------N/A Legendary ---239,149-----704--------N/A Total #s 454,864
Groves Size spawn timer Wood yield (as champ) -------- ----- ------------- --------------------- Nagnag______30x30______5-30 mins__________90 wood Northern_____30x30______5-20 mins__________150 wood Pine_________30x30______5-15 mins__________180 wood Orchard______30x30______1-15 mins__________180 wood Golden grove_60x60______5-45 mins__________1100 wood
Thank you Daehann for this information and congratulations once again! 
Slight edits by Conro
Happy Holidays
by: TSWolf
-- 12:01 AM EST
I would like to extend my warmest holiday greetings from everyone here at Nexus Atlas to all Nexus players and their families. May all your holidays, whatever you may celebrate, be full of fun and joy.. And I hope all your Candy Cane Wishes come true (Or at least the REASONABLE ones lol...)
Now get off Nexus and go have some REAL christmas fun folks =P We'll be here tommorow.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Merry Christmas!
by: Conro
-- 11:29 PM EST
Merry Christmas from myself and the NexusAtlas staff!
We hope your holidays are full of cheer, pressies, fun, but most of all... love!!

- Conro
Hiya Everyone =)
Hello, Im Chibistar! I was recently hired as one of the newest reporters to help get the news out faster and more accurately.
If you have any news that isnt posted, don't hesistate to contact me! 
Monday, December 22, 2003
Nagnang Ceremony
by: Vini
-- 11:52 PM EST
Last night in Nagnang Grand Hall there was a Ceremony to celebrate the Defeat of Johaih, which counted with the presence of many people, including Minister Starrbrite and Historian Qantao. In the ceremony, we heard the words of Prince Kija, General MarekP, but the most expressing one, was the speech of Chul:
“As the Sun rose upon the warring state of Nagnang, there was much worry in the heart of all Nangens. Johaih awoke from his deep slumber, and called all of the Kingdoms to battle. Deep down in our hearts, we knew it was time to sacrifice our lives for those poor corrupted beings. We knew it was time to stand up for our Nation, and not let Johaih pass any further. With the Help of Koguryo and Buya, we rushed into his camp and started to attack him. Many of our lives were taken in a single swipe, for Johaih had the ultimate weapon made from the Onyx in his hands. Our prayers were finally answered when the Onyx blade vanished from Johaih's grip. Johaih's power was decreasing, as the power withdrew our soldiers started to mount their attack. Special Forces Veteran StryderX took down Johaih in a mighty blow. Johaih kept coming back, but once again the community as well as StryderX defeated him. Johaih decided that shattering the Onyx was the only way he could make us suffer, with that said he did it. When the onyx was shattered, it took Johaihs life and brought his Evil run to an end. Everyone under Johaih's control was now freed, and no longer under the Onyx.”
 In this Ceremony, Prince Kija graced his General with the most noble of the Nangen’s honor, the first to Pledge to Defend Nagnang.

After the ceremony, an open house was done in Nagnang Army Barracks, which had a fun Trivia, with the presence of many people. Thanks to all of Nagnang who organized such event, and to all who came.

And Congratulations to Marekp on Nagnang Defender!
~Vini Normad’or~
P.S. Nagnang Army is finally on F1 about clans, and their helm there looks really good 
New Druidic Elder
by: Conro
-- 6:58 PM EST
Druid Elder Aiyana has stepped down, and Shyloh has been put in her place.
I wish luck to the Druids, and to Shyloh on her new position!
- Conro
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Mythic Bosses update
by: Wulf
-- 11:48 PM EST
After a few months of testing, I finally confirmed the pattern I suspected.
Apparently, a rare drop for Key Bosses is the Item from the next cave up. For example:
Rooster Key Boss rare drop - Ambrosia Rabbit Key Boss rare drop - Battle helm Snake Key Boss rare drop - Lucky silver coin
Consult the database to see what each Item boss drops, and then you will know the rare drop of the Key Boss in the cave below it. Note: This applies to all 3 levels of caves. Hope it helps!
Clan fair - - today!
by: Conro
-- 1:09 PM EST
Word from beggars and nobles a like is that the Clan fair, an event that has been held back for quite some time, is finally on! The fair grounds have opened for this joyous event, where clans will be able to seek new members to adorn their halls!
 Enter Dae shore from Kugnae's east gate, and hover your grey bird across the fair man's shoulder!
Enjoy the Clan fair! It will begin tonight at 6:00 PM EST, Sunday December 21st!(today!)

Best wishes to all, and a very happy holiday season!
(Thank you to Forsaken Primogeness Azelle for this information!
- Conro
!! Do Not Deposit Wrapped Gifts !!
by: TSWolf
-- 7:19 AM EST
My apologies for not posting this sooner. I did on community and completely forgot to post here.
The depositing of Wrapped Gifts will leave them empty.. Upon withdrawing and attempting to open them, they will say "The Gift was Empty!" leaving whatever you wrapped inside of them trapped in some timeless state somewhere.
Delphi has been notified several times of the bug and we await his reply. For the time being, if you have deposited and wrapped gifts, consider them lost, report the bug to delphi@nexon.net, and hope for the best.
Saturday, December 20, 2003
It's Christmas in Koguryo!
Hundreds gather to receive gifts from Santa M'hul
Though the days are short, and the nights are long, There's a feeling of cheer in the winds that blow, And ev'ryone can tell, even the ogres in Hamgyong, It's Christmas in Koguryo!
KUGNAE -- One of the sure signs that the Christmas season has indeed returned to the kingdoms is the visit of Santa M'hul. In this Royal Ministry-organized event, a Santa suit-clad Prince M'hul received visitors, between two and four at a time, and, in the spirit of "Santa," bestowed gifts of star-staves, steelthorns, and military forks upon them. Hundreds upon hundreds of adventurers formed a line trailing from the Royal Coliseum all the way to the south gate of Kugnae. Indeed, the kingdom of Koguryo was filled with seasonal cheer, rewarding the patience of those who braved the lineup, and the smiling faces of the adventurers in the coliseum were indeed most gratifying. Citizens from all walks of life, from noble lords to barbarians from the wilderness, came to pay Santa M'hul a visit. Prince M'hul, it should be noted, received many kisses under the mistletoe.
 Santa M'hul gets into the holiday spirit as he receives eager adventurers in the newly-renovated, seasonally-decorated Royal Coliseum.
A substantial Christmas present from the gods to the community was the renovation of the coliseum. The event-hall now features seating in a horseshoe pattern, as opposed to two cramped balconies, new floors, walls, and banisters, and a pair of terracotta statues flanking a newly-installed door in the corner of the presentation area which leads to the office of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo.
The massive crowd was kept under control by a team of "Santa's Elves," primarily members from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo and the Koguryo Royal Army. On behalf of NexusAtlas, my heart goes out to everyone who organized and assisted with the Santa Mhul event. NexusAtlas has also been informed that Santa and his elves had their eyes on the crowd; those who have been "especially good" may be hearing from Santa and his elves at a later date.
From all of us at NexusAtlas to all of you, Happy Holidays!
When you wish upon a ... candy cane!?
With all the candy cane and Christmas fuss going around, I decided to have a little fun. With using candy canes, you see new graphics of Nexus! About five new ones that I've seen so far. Including the ever so famous, "wind" spell.
I have created a webpage you can go to to access a bunch of the spell graphics which are cast when you use a candy cane. It's on geocities right now because I'm having troubles with the upload! Please excuse the poor quality of the page! Candy cane graphics - Conro
A while later.. and a few stomache aches too I was promted by a pop up, asking;

 Will my wish come true!? Who knows, we'll wait and see.
 My wish was received by who? The gods perhaps...
As of this point, nothing has been received by Christmas wishes. It is very doubtful that Nexon would flood the market with rare items.. so you may want to try wishing for something more realistic.
In more Christmas news. Prince M'hul was giving out items today at the "Santa M'hul" event in Koguryo. The lines were extremely long, and the gifts that he gave us were well worth the wait... rather in some peoples opinions. Thank you to the Ministry of Culture of Koguryo, and Prince M'hul for the wonderful event!

Merry Christmas everyone!
!!Nagnang Ceremony!!
by: MarekP
-- 8:19 PM EST
Dearest Citizens, On behalf of Nagnang and Prince Kija, we invite you to celebrate with us the defeat of Johaih, the restoration of the Buyan Head of State, and freedom for the Nangen People. We also have a special honor being bestowed on one brave Citizen. After the ceremony, everyone will be invited back into the barracks for trivia! WHEN:Monday, 22nd December, 9pm EST WHERE: Nagnang Grand Hall For Prince For People For Nagnang! Regards, General MarekP, & the Nagnang Army!
Nangen news...
by: Conro
-- 7:46 PM EST
As posted by NangenBoy himself...
I've got so much gratitude for everyone who came to Johaih's camp and helped free me and the others. I'm glad that this nightmare is finally over.
Dad says that we can't stay in Nagnang anymore. It's getting too dangerous even right outside our front door. The guards are still gone, so there's no one around to protect us at all. I'm going to miss Nagnang, but I'm glad that we're going to somewhere safer. Dad says that it's safer than Nagnang will ever be, but he didn't tell me where we were going to. Everyone left in Nagnang is going there, too.
Maybe I'll come back and tell you all a story about my time in this new land that I'm going to one time... wouldn't that be fun? Oh, Dad just finished packing the cart and he's calling me to come. Thank you, everyone.
My eternal gratitude goes out to you all. The Nangen Boy
Also, in other Nangen news, I would like to give a warm welcome to Khani on making Nagnang Mage Tutor! Congratulations! ! !
*So... much... news... going to pass out...!* - Conro
Dream Weaver Post
by: Spift
-- 6:34 PM EST
kru posted this on the Dream Weaver board in Nexus:
As the newest member of the Nexus team I would like to wish all of you happy holidays. Santa suits, caps and stockings will be available from merchants in each kingdom. These suits are very easy to obtain so I do not recommend that you purchase them from players. The santa suits are free each year, and everybody will be able to get one. Candy canes and gift wrapping are also available. These special items are intended to celebrate the holiday season, so they will disappear from the game after the holidays are over.
I am very excited to be working on Nexus, Nexon's flagship and most beloved game. Over the last few weeks we have been working on a large addition to Nexus, with brand new items and monsters. We had hoped to have it ready by now, but unfortunately that did not happen. I am anxious to post more details when they become available.
The Nexus staff will be in office during the holidays. Support email will be answered, and we will continue to work on content additions. As always, we will be watching very closely, and listening to your suggestions.
On behalf of everyone at Nexon I would like to thank you for your patronage and wish you all happy holidays!
Mmm, delicious
by: Conro
-- 3:29 PM EST
The new traders, Harb, have finally opened their wares to the public, and as it turns out, they come from a line of candy makers!
 When you approach one and tap your grey bird on his shoulder, he'll ask if you wish to buy one for your level times 100 coins (a level 99 player would pay 9.9k, level 80 would pay 8k, and so on...) You can choose to pay, but if you tell him it's 'Too rich for your blood', he'll give you one for free. You can do this once every 10 minutes. (Thanks DeadWrath!) GUIDE TO HOLIDAY SHOPPING As posted on Community by JugjiTo get candy canes - Buy them from the harps in buya or Kugnae. They cost your level X 100 coins (ie. lvl 99 cost 9900 coins, lvl 50 cost 5000coins, lvl 25 cost 2500 coins). If you say you won't pay, the harp will give you 1 for free, then you have to pay. You can get a free Candy cane every ten minutes. To get Christmas clothings - You need to get candy canes, then you go to seamster and trade them for Hat/stockings/suit. - To get holly, go to seamstress/seamster and buy them. They are in Other items. Easiest way is to say you want to buy. To wrap presents - Get ribbon from seamstress, in other items menu. - Get paper from messenger, in buy menu - To wrap your gift, speak with the messenger. Your gift must be in the "a" position of your inventory Merry christmas! Jugji - Conro
Friday, December 19, 2003
The 1st Nagnang Rogue Tutor
by: Vini
-- 3:48 PM EST
This Wednesday we had a new tutor being made and going past unnoticed, since Shonen didn't make any official annoucement of the new Tutors yet. Well, if he didn't, I'll have the pleasure to announce the new and 1st tutor of Nagnang, directly from the Rogue's guild: Tutor Conro!! The new tutor speaks about his position: "I'm really honored to have such a position, and I cannot wait to get started with my classes, and I hope that many will find my information both useful and entertaining =). If Rogues wish to have a private tutelage with me, have them read the Rogue board to find more information on how."
The Buyan and Nangen Mage tutors still need to be picked, for now: Congratulations Tutor Conro!
~Vini Normad'or~
Strange new trader
by: Conro
-- 12:15 PM EST
Three NPC in three Nations There are 3 Harbs located in the kingdoms. One at Kugnae Inns -- 0056 0154. Another one at Nagnang Inns -- 0101 0130. And yet, another one at Buya Inns -- 0050 0107.
They are all called "Harb". And the following quote is what they say if you click.
(Thank you to Jeru for this information!)
- Conro
Entire Event Repost - Johaih's Complete Event
by: TSWolf
-- 12:52 AM EST
Much thanks to everyone who contributed.. None of this was written by me, except for some small modifications and updates..
Click here to skip down to the new part! - Coordinates added
These items are required for the FIRST PART of the quest: 1 White paper (Messanger) 1 Muddy potion (Haunted house/Sute cave drop) 10 Chicken meat (Kugnae Fox's Rooster/Mythic Rooster) 15 Rabbit meat (Butcher/Rabbits) 5 Amber (Various Creatures) 10 Ore [poor] (Mining) 5 Wooden saber (Smith's shop) 2 Metal (Smithing) 1 Soup Bowl (Taverns)
The second part (The new one) requires: 10 Chicken meat (Kugnae Fox's Rooster/Mythic Rooster) 20 Beef (Ox 1/Kugnae Snake) 20 Fine cloth (Tailors) 7 Ginko wood (Groves in Wilderness) 2 Cloth (Tailors) 1 Metal (Smelting or Mining) 2 Wool (Sheep)
1. Go to Nagnang 70/80 and walk inside the building.
2. You should be in Secret Passage. Go to 12/0.
3. You should be in Dark Passage. Go to 25/0.
4. You should be in Shadowed Grotto. Go to 39/19.
5. You should be in Guarded Glade. Head north to 30/0.
6. You should be in Johaih’s Forest. Walk along the east path to the right wall. Then go north, then northwest to 10/0.
7. You should be in Guard Camp, the room with the Tents.
8. Go to 11/8, this is Anda’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 1 Muddy potion 1 White paper Anda gives you Anda’s Note.
9. Go to 48/05, this is Tean’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 10 chicken meat 15 rabbit meat Tean will take Anda's note and gives you Teans’s Note.
10. Go to 87/14, this is Hodna’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Amber 10 Ore [poor] Hodna takes Tean's Note and gives you Hodna’s Note.
11. Go to 33/09, this is Blaco’s Tent Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Wooden saber 2 metal Blaco will take Hodna's note.
12. Wait about 10 minutes and click the NPC. You will get Johaih’s Gate key.
13. Walk outside to return to and walk to 78/20. This will take you to Johaih's Forest.
14. Walk west along the path until you are at around 64/xx. Head south from here to reach 64/99. This will take you to the locked gate.
15. Walk to 0/44 and it will take you to a hidden room. Click on the NPC and give him your soup bowl for the second legend mark.

16. Return to the cells. Walk to 14/39 (This may not be required for future parts of the quest, but who knows) Ask "What's your name?" and click on the NPC named "Lost boy". Say that you'll help.

17. Exit to the locked gate and on to Johaih's Forest.
18. Walk east to 99/35 to reach Johaih's camp.
Also, to anyone that was wondering about this:
 I do have a banana (Old event item) and I brought it to him, but he didn't take it. I also asked the ambassador or the "guy in the corner" about bananas but he wouldn't give me one.
NEW PART --------------- Prerequisite: Complete the event up to 'Aided the Ambassador'
1) Head to Johaih's tent (19/12) and click the guard. Accept to help. 2) Take the Volenteer card you are given to Erra's tent (6/14) 3) Give Erra 10 Chicken meat and 20 Beef (Will only take 10); you will then receive his Note 4) Take Erra's note to Alodd (34/15) 5) Give Alodd 20 Fine cloth; receive Alodd's note 6) Give Alodd's note to Tilly (30/27) 7) Give Tilly 4 Ginko wood and 2 Cloth; receive Tilly's note 8) Take Tilly's note to Asho (20/35) 9) Give Asho 1 Metal, 2 Wool, and 3 Ginko wood; receive Asho's note 10) Take Asho's note to Johaih's tent, give it to the guard. Receive your rewards...
Rewards: Legend Mark: 
Item: Onyx arrow  (Changes made thanks to Dalsichvedin)
Addition: Onyx arrows have been found to do 3,000 damage at 0 AC. I reccomend NOT using these arrows (not even one) because they may need to be used if this progresses further, which looks very likely.
Happy Holidays
by: Spift
-- 12:34 AM EST
As you may have noticed, there is now snow falling on our index page, which has become a tradition here at NexusAtlas. On behalf of all of the staff members, I would like to wish everyone safe and happy holidays. Take care and stay safe.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Halloween in December?
"Trick or Treat!" exclaim happy citizens
 Monsters, totem gods, and a host of other creatures paraded through the innyards today.
KUGNAE -- As visions of sugar plums danced in the heads of the local citizenry, monsters and spectres appeared in the innyards. The kingdoms are not under an invasion at this time, but people have been taking the form of the transformations bestowed by the Trick or Treat event.
Contrary to earlier reports from a few archons as well as Head Judge Tip that this unseasonable celebration was indeed a bug, Cerulean, the new archon primogen, saged that we were free to enjoy Trick-or-Treating while it lasted. However, this apparently-accidental return of Halloween was swept from the kingdom with a storm of chaos.
! Elixir and Onyx arrow notice !
by: Conro
-- 9:05 PM EST
A notice from the carnage staff, Elixir department.
Onyx arrows are not being filtered out by the first NPC for Elixir wars, thus allowing people to bring illegal arrows into Elixirs. Anyone caught using Onyx arrows will suffer severe punnishments, from Carnage Bans to Bug abuse jailings, or more.
Please make note of this. Onyx arrows cost 5,000 coins to deposit. If you have used even one arrow, you must either allow a friend to carry your arrows, or place them on another character.
Consider this your first and only warning.
- Conro
Arrows to pierce the light...
by: Conro
-- 11:32 AM EST
Prerequisite: Complete the event up to 'Aided the Ambassador'
1) Head to Johaih's tent and click the guard. Accept to help. 2) Take the Volenteer card you are given to Erra's tent 3) Give Erra 10 Chicken meat and 20 Beef (Will only take 10); you will then receive his Note 4) Take Erra's note to Alodd 5) Give Alodd 20 Fine cloth; receive Alodd's note 6) Give Alodd's note to Tilly 7) Give Tilly 4 Ginko wood and 2 Cloth; receive Tilly's note 8) Take Tilly's note to Asho 9) Give Asho 1 Metal, 2 Wool, and 3 Ginko wood; receive Asho's note 10) Take Asho's note to Johaih's tent, give it to the guard. Receive your rewards...
Rewards: Legend Mark: 
Item: Onyx arrow  (Changes made thanks to Dalsichvedin)
Addition: Onyx arrows have been found to do 3,000 damage at 0 AC. I reccomend NOT using these arrows (not even one) because they may need to be used if this progresses further, which looks very likely.
Santa M'hul is Coming to Town!
A Message from the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
The Royal Ministry of Koguryo proudly presents The Annual Return of Santa M'hul
Santa M'hul's sleigh will touch down at the Kugnae Palace on Saturday, the 20th of December at 7 p.m., EST.
Once again, this year, whether you've been naughty or nice, Santa M'hul has gifts for everyone. So come and meet Santa M'hul and claim your prize. Santa's elves will also be there to entertain those waiting in line and to ensure everyone is on their best behavior. Cutting line or visiting Santa M'hul more than once will not be allowed.
To put you in the holiday spirit and fill you with cheer and joy, the Ministry encourages you to listen to a carol composed by Sir Lord Master Musician Sailortaurus, "Christmas in Koguryo" (the site has an autostarting midi and a downloadable mp3).
We, the staff of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo, want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Wishing to apply for NexusAtlas? and other news...
by: Conro
-- 8:30 PM EST
Since becomming head news poster, I've gotten quite a bit of, uh... spam from people asking how they could become a reporter for NexusAtlas.
The only time we hire is when the staff is running short on picking up stories, or when we really need the extra help. As of today, I've got a wonderful staff working with me, so we're in no need as of yet for any new reporters.
In the future, if applications open, you may apply that way. It will be posted on the main page itself. Asking to become a reporter is one sure bet of never becomming one, especially if you're asking staff members to inform you when applications open.
A few updates to share as well - Items dropped under bombs can now be picked up (Havik) - Polearms again can pass though non-walkable tiles (been like this a few weeks, never reported ) - New Archon on Immortals listing, Pueulla
Santa M'hul will be held this year on the 20th of December at 7pm EST. During this event, you'll get to meet the prince of Koguryo himself, as well as receive a gift! (Event brought to Nexus by the Koguryo Ministry of Culture)
Safe travels!
- Conro
A burn for the wicked
by: Conro
-- 3:59 PM EST
Few things...
As posted by Xian on the Carnage board
Any person that has been jailed will have an automatic ban from carnages from the date of the jailing. The length of the automatic ban for different jail marks is listed below.
1 week ban for Minor infraction 1 month ban for Serious other 2 weeks ban for everything else
Also, through a bit of testing I finally found out why Kwi-Sin rogues cannot get Kwi-Sin Dagger's remedy. You MUST be a citizen of Nagnang to get the spell if you are Kwi-Sin. A bug report of this has already been sent. (Thanks to RadRouge for helping me test this!)
Remember, if you have any news you wish to share, comments, or concerns and wish to contact me, please only do so though NMail :) Thanks! 
- Conro
Monday, December 15, 2003
Nagnang Ceremony!
by: MarekP
-- 7:18 PM EST
Dearest Citizens,
On behalf of Nagnang and Prince Kija, we invite you to celebrate with us the defeat of Johaih, the restoration of the Buyan Head of State, and freedom for the Nangen People.
We also have a special honor being bestowed on one brave Citizen.
After the ceremony, everyone will be invited back into the barracks for trivia!
WHEN: Monday, 22nd December, 9pm EST WHERE: Nagnang Grand Hall
For Prince For People For Nagnang!
Regards, General MarekP, & The Nagnang Army!
Sunday, December 14, 2003
Thank you India~ o/`
by: Conro
-- 8:40 PM EST
First of all, I want to thank the whole lot of you who spammed me with the congratulations. 
Second of all, it's a rather large honor to have this position, and I wish to make it work to the fullest.
If any of you have news stories, comments, suggestions, ideas etc., PLEASE NMail me them. I hardly ever check my EMail, so I almost never see Nexus News sent to me by that method. If it's a concern about not being able to get into Nexus, you can then Email me.
NMail Conro, and I'll reply back as soon as possible!
Again, thank you! 
- Conro Head News Poster!
My Retirement.
by: Growl
-- 7:25 PM EST
Greetings Nexus Players,
I am offially retiring from NexusTK and Nexus Atlas.
Conro will be taking the position as Head of News Posters.
-- Alex
"More notoriously known as Growl"
Yours Truly, `TheWaxTadpole`
New Buyan Rogue Tutor
by: Vini
-- 5:37 PM EST
Long after the applications were closed, the Rogue Tutor was finally chosen yesterday. The new tutor is no one else but the good old Cable who gave us the honor to read his big 1st post on Buyan Rogue board:
Like Mel said in post 61, if you need any help with rogues or nexus in general feel free to N-mail me or whisper me=)
hehe, Congratulations Tutor Cable, we all are counting with you to teach our young rogues for a long time.
~Vini Normad'or~
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Nagnang Army's list
by: Vini
-- 3:00 PM EST
The Nagnang Army list was finally added to the users list in Nexus Users list.
Now will be easier to know who to contact for those who wish to join, or those who want to check up their activity. Hopefully they'll be added in F1 clan list soon.
~Vini Normad'or~
New Subpath/Clan Archon
by: Conro
-- 1:19 PM EST
 Since Shajara's leaving and Themis' unannounced dissapearance and purge, many of the other archons are picking up the slack.
Deiure is now the Subpath and Clan archon for the time being, seeing as Subpaths were carried under Shajara, who has left, and Clans under Themis, who has dissapeared.
Please direct any questions on Clans or Subpaths to Deiure, and not to Shajara or Themis, for they do not exist anymore.
Good luck with your tasks, Deiure!
- Conro
Friday, December 12, 2003
New Dreams Archon
by: Rachel
-- 5:37 AM EST
(This was by Methok on the dreams board. From my interactions with Methok, I can tell you that he is very helpful. ^.^)
Hello everyone,
As of today, I will be taking over the position of Archon of Dreams alongside my current duty as Archon of Events. I will be taking over moderation of the Dreams board, as well as responding to posts on this board as Themis once did.
Please remember that this board is for Dreams and not for general chat; please use the Community board for anything that does not belong on the Dreams board. You can find the rules for the Dreams board on the Law board. In order for me to be able to respond to each of your posts properly and effectively, I am going to have to enforce a few rules.
1. Once I have responded to your post, do not respond to my response on the board. Instead, copy the top line of text (it says Name, Post Number, Date, and ID) and send me an n-mail with that information included. Furthermore, if you wish to respond to or add to someone elses' dream, please also include the top line of information in your post or your n-mail to me. This will allow me to find the original post in my records and will help very much in organization.
For example, I use the following format for responding to posts: NAME: Methok | POST#: 111 | DATE: 12/11 | ID: 1 (My response) ------------------------------------ (Original post by Methok)
2. No more than one post per dream, please. If you have a longer dream you're welcome to n-mail it to me and I'll be happy to give it the same attention that I do to dreams on this board.
Thanks very much for your cooperation. I have replied to messages on the Dreams board dated from 12/7; if your dream is older you'll have to re-post it.
Purged Names
by: Rachel
-- 5:24 AM EST
Archon: kavitha (Purged - Level 0) "Events/Dreams" Archon: shajara (Purged - Level 0) "Archon Primogen" Archon: themis (Purged - Level 0) "Clans/Dreams"
A few of the clan lists also have a few names listed as level 0 purged.
Rusuto, the 5th Daughter of Time.
by: Vini
-- 10:29 PM EST
Last night was a brilliant night for the ones who watched the stars meeting in Dae shore. Kiyuu and Shoshun showed up and like Rusuto confirmed, she appeared too. The people watching saw things that never imagined, like Rusuto kissing Shoshun in the cheek softly. Well, Shoshun, Lady of Spring called for her Father,Ichiji and mother, Ichimei. They showed up and at start they weren't feeling very confortable with the presence of Rusuto there.
After a while, the community convinced Ichiji to hug his daugther Rusuto,(people even saw Chaos Lady crying) and for that they decided to take her with them. Father Time was concerned about how to divide the year to have another season, but it was suggested that would be best to Rusuto appear together with one of the other sisters, from time to time. After deciding that she would go with them when they returned to the Celestial place, they departured for the night. Kiyuu left as well.
Instead of leaving, Rusuto headed to Tao Te Ching with Shoshun, where they were welcomed by the Diviners. There Rusuto showed her sister the Tao, they ate Fortune cookies and learned a bit from the Diviners. There they enjoyed pretty much standing on the water, for that they were invited to get to know Oceana.
Before they left, Rittou and Shuuki appeared in the Tao Te Ching, Rittou really mad with Rusuto started pushing her, Rusuto and Shoshun felt it wasn't the right time to face her sisters yet, so they left in direction of Oceana hall. Winter and Fall sisters stayed in Tao Te Ching with Diviners, where they didn't show very happy to have Rusuto as a sister.
While that, Rusuto and Shoshun had a memorable visit to Oceana Hall, which I believed they enjoyed much. Rusuto even ate a boiled fish to see how it tasted, Shoshun preffered not to. After a while they had to leave because they were long time away from their Father.
They didn't promisse to return this night, but we shall wait and see if they do...
~Vini Normad'or~
Truth hurts...
by: Conro
-- 5:57 PM EST
Koguryo, Dae Shore
Last night Ichiji was in a frantic rush to gather his family at the same hill where they had arrived just a week ago. Eager to leave, Ruttou showed little interest in participating in any type of event with in our lands. Storming out of the Merchant study with Sister Fall, Shuuki, she headed twords the gathering point and met up with her mother, Ichimei. There the sisters discussed plans to convince their father to allow them to stay with in our Nexus for a few more days to study more and even bestow us with more gifts, but Rittou refused. Fighting broke out among the sisters, when ShoShun announced she wanted to stay with her Mortal-love, Kiyuu. ShoShun called forth a gust of wind to bring Kiyuu to her, and at that point much more fighting broke out amongst the sisters. Rittou even went as far as threatening to tell her father the plans the sisters, and even their mother had, of staying.
Father time arrived at the small hill some time later, and announced they would be leaving. Rallying the support of mortals, Rykka asked if they could stay for a few more days, but Ichiji refused. He seemed to be rather hesitant to tell his daughters why he wanted to leave so soon. ShoShun then interupted the agruments amongst the family by asking her father if this had anything to do with Rusuto, their fifth sister. At this point Ichiji had lost his temper, and, screaming at the top of his lungs, denied having more than four daughters. Kiyuu, hiding in some bushes near the family, emmerged and drilled Ichiji to tell his family the truth. ShoShun rang in as well, and eventually Ichimei demanded her husband tell the family the truth about Rusuto.
Ichiji then admitted... his fifth daughter is in fact Rusuto, bride of Chaos. He had kept this a secret from his family for aeons because he was mortally afraid that Rusuto would tear his family appart...
After the revelation, community finally stood by Ichiji's side, but Ruttou couldn't stand to the lies of her father and left in disgust. Rykka went after her, followed by Shuuki. Shoshun decided to stay to talk with Rusuto and convince her to come with them. Ichiji and Ichimei decided not to stay, as they were ashamed of what they did. They all departured to another place, but Shoshun and Kiyuu stayed.
Shoshun called for Rusuto, which appeared in the hill a bit confused with the many people watching them. Shoshun asked the community to give her the good news, but Rusuto didn't accept it very well. She got really mad at Kiyuu and our community, and promissed to show us what is pain. Her sister, Shoshun convinced her to come back today, to meet the whole family, for that, Rusuto postponed the "pain show" that she would be giving.
More to come today, stay tuned...
(Compiled by myself and Vini, thanks Vini =p)
Saturday, December 6, 2003
A new Shaman Elder
by: Vini
-- 11:18 PM EST
As some may have noticed, Lady StriGoi has stepped down from the position of Elder of Shamans. After long and hard work for their path, she had her eldership harmed by a soul invasor, who corrupted her body actions (hacking). Lady StriGoi felt it was best for another one to lead the path, while she'll take a journey to a place far from our Kingdoms. Lady StriGoi will be surely missed.
To lead the Shamans, was chosen a very influent person, who'll surely represent well their path. Congratulations to Lady Izabella on becoming the newest Shaman Elder.
~Vini Normad'or~
The plot thickens...
by: Lalia
-- 11:08 PM EST
Tonight, Rittou asked to speak with her mother and father. Since Ichimei and Ichiji were visiting the Tao Te Ching, Rittou went there to talk to them.
In front of many witnesses, Rittou (evidently against the wishes of her other sisters) told her parents that ShoShun had fallen in love with Kiyuu. The parents were shocked, to say the least:

Also, Rittou cautiously asked her parents about the "seventh star" that people have been telling her about. Both parents (but especially Ichiji) vigorously rebuked Rittou for asking.
Ichiji sent Rittou to find her sister, and then planned to leave the Kingdoms with his family and go somewhere else, because coming to the Kingdoms was a bad idea.
Ichimei seemed to be a little less sure, and started to talk to Ichiji about "HER," (obviously referring to Rusuto) but Ichiji's stern response (he pushed her!) cut the discussion short.
After Ichimei and Ichiji had departed, Rusuto appeared, following her parents' scent. Much discussion ensued, and when Rusuto threatened the Tao Te Ching and the Diviners, saying "I'll do what I have to; over your graves if need be," Sakeo fearlessly stood two inches away from Rusuto's face and marked her Forsaken the Tao. (Go Sakeo! Gutsy move!!)
What will happen next?? Stay tuned!!
Off key, out of tune
by: Conro
-- 8:49 PM EST
Tonight during a gathering of the Muses, Rusuto barged in and began to denounce all mortal activity. Shouting a boiling hatred for family structures, such as the Muse guid, amoung other things, she gave little detail as to what she has planned for the mortal coil. Rusuto burst into a heated argument with Muse Guide Lokira, where she announced that as the fifth season she will see to it that everything on our earth is destroyed.
Fed up, the muses sent away Rusuto, proving that in their home, they are the 'immortals'. Adding insult to injury, Rusuto was branded a discordant note (perhaps all that shouting...?).
Rusuto lost control at that point, and before sweaping away to the clouds, gave a final sage... 
Clans and Subpaths, as well as large organizations, are urged to watch their gathering points. Rusuto seems to have a strong distaste for anything family oriented.
Stay safe...
- Conro
Anti-Spam law
by: Conro
-- 12:57 PM EST
Due to a recent fluctuation in the amount of 'Clan applications' on Commubity board, Archon Deiure has created a new 'ant-spam' law, to help clear the Community board of useless posts...
It has come to my attention that recently the clan applications and repeat posts have become a bit out of hand. I have given this some thought, and I am going to attempt to render a verdict and solution. I fully understand that all intentions are good in nature and are not harmful, however let me take a moment and remind each of you that there are laws already in existance concerning 'spam' on the community board, or any board for that matter. Spam can be defined in several ways, and in this matter it referrs to the continuing posts made by clans recuiting members. Although this spam is not harmful, the laws still need to take effect over them as well.
LAW: Spam is not permitted on the community board.
Solution: I am going to try and be as clearly as possible, so that there is no confusion on any part. I will be allowing a grace period for everyone to adjust to the small changes that are to follow, after this grace period is up I will not be as lenient. For this post/moment forward:
RULE: All Clans (Offical or not offical) are permitted to post their applications, history, information or any other clan matters no more than once daily(real life day). If you have already posted and you wish to move your post up some, then the old post is to be deleted, prior to reposting. This will not be based on a person to person situation. Meaning if another member of your clan has already posted any of the previously stated articals, then you are NOT permitted to post the again. If you choose to do so, and I see that it has been posted twice by two people then the latter of the two people will suffer the consequnce of Board Abuse. I strongly suggest to all clans and subpaths to choose certain members to do the posting, so that no confusion or mishaps will occur.
As I stated previously I will allow a certain grace period for the adjustment to be made, as I am sure not everyone will read this post immediatly.
Thank you for understanding- .:Archon Deiure
Watch the Community board for any further details on this new law.
- Conro
Wednesday, December 3, 2003
The 4 Seasons visit again, What? A 5th?!
by: Vini
-- 10:42 PM EST
The Seasons Ladies have again visited our lands, 1st Shoshun of Spring and Shuuki of Fall came to East gate Koguryo and stayed there with people for a bit. Rykka of Summer and Rittou of Winter went to see Shamans Lore contest.
Then, they changed and Rittou & Rykka ended coming to Heavens Ascent, chongun place in Koguryo. There we could with the sisters and we noticed they were being really hard with each other. After a long talk, I told them one thing that I was concerned. I said that I believe that their father was hiding something from us, because we did see 7 stars.
With that Rittou became really mad, Rykka tried to calm her down, until I asked something like “until when you’ll deny the existence of your brother?” Rittou screamed “I do NOT have a brother” and left, Rykka excused her sister, but said she would not stay to her me insult her father. Both left.
After a while of silence, short before the departure of the sisters, we heard the blue sage, it was from a Lady named Rusuto. At the same place the other 6 stars appeared there she was:
 the 5th Season or better said Lady of Chaos
In fact Rittou wasn’t lieing when she said she didn’t have a brother, in fact she has 4 sisters, being the other one Rusuto She was looking for the other seasons. She could feel by her breath the places they’ve passed through. Many people came to Dae Shore, some even tried to fight with her, like Elder of Spies SpyvsSpy, but she easily pushed him away. People got scared or her, she talked about revenge and coming to get what’s hers. Suddenly she vanished and appeared right away in mythic, saging things like:
Havoc will reign for an entire season upon these lands unless I’m given my dues. You have been warned…DENY me…and deny all. I shall bend Time to my will, turn Nature upon my command. Then she departured to east gate Buya where she gave us her final words: *deeps breath* ...here, they passed this way... If anyone gives them shelter, I cannot held responsibilities for my actions… ‘tis my very nature. These lands will suffer if I do not get what I want.
What shall that be Lady Rusuto? I asked.
My…BIRTHRIGHT! ~sweeps away~
Tuesday, December 2, 2003
6 Falling Stars
Today the weather watcher known as Kiyuu informed us of the new immortals. As Lalia has told us so far, the six that have shown have something to do with nature and the seasons. Except father time, who probably "makes" the seasons.
During the session, I had a chance to talk with winter, Rittou. It seems she is very cold, yet... in her own way I could sit down and have a serious conversation with her. I asked her why she was here, and she simply replied about if they came here deliberatly, or didn't. Not a direct answer unfortunatly. I also had a chance to talk with summer, Rykka. She is a very light hearted person, however before I got to any "serious" talk with her, Father time rushed her on to mingle with her other sisters.
I took a log that may not be quite exact, but it has the main ideas. Click here for the Blue Sage Log on Nexus Forums
Apparently the fliting that ShoShun and Kiyuu have done, may have upset father time as he was very rude to Kiyuu. Pushing him around, and telling him that he in fact is "mortal" in a slang.
Shuuki Shosun Rykka Rittou Ichimei Ichiji Group Kiyuu
The "Stars" visit the Kingdoms
by: Lalia
-- 10:22 PM EST
Apparently, the stars that Prince M'hul saw a few nights ago have manifested themselves as people. The "Stars" all gathered tonight at Dae Shore, and many folks spoke with them. The names of the stars are:
ShoShun, who represents Spring Rittou, who represents Winter Rykka, who represents Summer Shuuki, who represents Fall Ichimei, who represents Mother Nature Ichiji, who represents Father Time
A person named Kiyuu was also present, but he is a mortal, since Father Time called him that a few times. Some people think that Kiyuu represents the seventh, "straggling" star that M'hul saw and is the "seventh" which has been so prominent in the Diviners' visions...
Reports say that ShoShun and Kiyuu seem to like each other. This could confirm that Kiyuu is not actually a member of the immortal family of stars.
It is also said that each "Star" has personality traits which match the season/concept that they represent.
(Thanks to LuciuSx and Blooduster for this info.)
Taoer spoke with Mother Nature, Ichimei. He says that they discussed how long the stars will stay, and that he asked her where her and her family came from. Ichimei replied that they are from the Celestial Plains, a place of Immortals and Gods.
Augury Visions on extreme
by: Vini
-- 8:56 PM EST
Recently many Diviners have been having Augury visions, mainly about Dark things. No one really knows yet why such thing is happening, but seems all Augury visions are connected. They talked about the four, about laughing and chatting then nothing. Talked about two reveal from dark, about the appearance of a fifth and about disharmony, without chaos. Many people over community are trying to figure out the meaning of all these Auguries.
Perhaps the answers will come with the upcoming visions, who knows... Just keep eyes open, as they say The four are nearer than ever
The Augury visions descriptions can be viewed in Chronicles of the Winds board or can be seen here collected by Diviner Airess.
~Vini Normad’or~
A New Archon Primogen
Immortals Webreport
Today the NA staff found a new archon primogen. Congratulations to Cerulean who is now one of the newest Archon Primogens! NA has no information on if Cerulean will take Shajara's place or not. Only time will tell.
Edit by Vini: Also, Kru who was unregistered on their list for a while, is gone now.