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Tuesday, November 28, 2023
On the nice list: Do-cember Festival to be held
 Oppressed, Tsengyu, Cruelty, the reporter, and Neji gather in the Do Combat Hall for the announcement of this year's Do-cember Festival schedule. As Neji is married to the reporter, she is qualified to state that he never will make it off Santa Pickle's Do Elder FPickleDog's naughty list.
Gather your Wooden Sabers, Fox Blades, and festive attire and prepare to hike up to Sanhae for the second annual Do-cember Festival, sponsored by the Do subpath. The usually silent valley east of the Arctic promises a lineup of full-contact sporting events with the occasional break for peaceful activities for those of more scholarly inclination.
"What to expect: Classic games you've come to love, such as Kendo, Kumite, Fencing, and Weapons Dance; creativity abounds with our Poetry and Story contests; learnings from the teachings of O-sensei," lists Do Elder FPickleDog's post on the Community Events board. The festival is scheduled for Saturday, December 9, and Sunday, December 10, 2023. A small block, referred to as the "Do-cember Bonsu," will be an added feature, to give community members abroad an opportunity to come participate, as well.
But what exactly is the Do-cember Festival? The reporter asked a Do directly to answer this question.
"It's a tradition our elder formulated last year that we hope to now do annually. It's an opportunity for the community to visit the Dojong and participate in some fun games and sports. It's also a time where people that aren't familiar with the Do and our ways can come get a glimpse into the strange world that is our path," said Tsengyu, representing the Do subpath as one of the planners behind the festival.
He added, "We hope for this year's festival to even more of a hit than last year's! After all, we Do believe in cultivating strengths in the body, mind, and spirit alike. Celebrating and having fun is good for the spirit, as is formulating relationships in the community. We want to invite everyone to be our brothers and sisters in these events for that reason."
Tentative Schedule Saturday, December 9, 2023 (All times EST) 6:00PM - Opening Ceremony (Kata Demo) 7:00PM - Kendo Royale 8:00PM - Weapons Dance 9:00PM - KenDu Mountain 10:00PM - 1-Hour Story Contest
Sunday, December 10, 2023 "Do-cember Bonsu" 11:00AM - Do Fencing 12:00PM - Do Kendo
Main Festival 6:00PM - Do Fencing 7:00PM - Ask-a-Do 8:00PM - Destiny & Do Bingo 9:00PM - Kumite 10:00PM - Closing Ceremony (Art of Peace)
NexusAtlas will update this schedule as more information becomes available.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Pondering Orbs: What are they, what do they do, and how much?
 One of the Wandering Spirits is pictured in Malgalod. Look for these large figures to purchase Fragile Orbs with Malgalod Insignas and Gold. (Screenshot by Vini.)
Ask and ye shall receive. One of the most common questions the NexusAtlas staff is asked involves the use of Orbs. Miho was kind enough to reach out to the reporter with verified information on these items, what they cost, what they perform, and where to get them. Note that all Orbs call for a minimum level 99 to purchase, with some requiring specific stats or marks.
There are actually three kinds of Orbs the community can enjoy: Fragile Orbs, Mage-Only Orbs, and Damaged Orbs.
Fragile Orbs (Malgalod)
In the Malgalod Encampment, there are three Wandering Spirits. One is to the north near the Buya entrance, one is to the east closer to the Koguryo entrance, and one is to the south corresponding to the Wilderness and Nagnang entrances.
Fragile Orbs can only be used by specific classes, with the breakdown below detailing the Orbs available and their costs.
Rogue Fragile Orb of Lethal Strike Ripple This Orb casts Lethal Strike in front of and behind the caster; the mechanics are standard for the attack, with backflow as appropriate. The damage formula is (0.5 x user's current Vita) yields an attack that is (0.5 x user's current Vita) + (2.5 x user's current Mana), assuming the target is at 0 AC. Each Fragile Orb of Lethal Strike lasts 3 days in the user's inventory, and has 12 seconds of Aethers between casts. Level 99: Costs 5 Malgalod Insignias, 20,000 Gold Il San: Costs 20 Malgalod Insignias, 100,000 Gold Ee San: Costs 35 Malgalod Insignias, 200,000 Gold Sam San: Costs 50 Malgalod Insignias, 300,000 Gold Sa San: Costs 75 Malgalod Insignias, 500,000 Gold
Poet Fragile Orb of Restore This Orb casts a single-target heal. The formula for this restoration is (0.2 x user's Mana) yields a heal that is (1.5 x user's Mana). Note this is less costly in Mana than the standard poet Restore, which costs 0.33 the user's Mana. Each Fragile Orb of Restore lasts 7 days in the user's inventory, and has 6 seconds of Aethers between casts. Level 99: Costs 5 Malgalod Insignias, 20,000 Gold Il San: Costs 20 Malgalod Insignias, 100,000 Gold Ee San: Costs 35 Malgalod Insignias, 200,000 Gold Sam San: Costs 50 Malgalod Insignias, 300,000 Gold Sa San: Costs 75 Malgalod Insignias, 500,000 Gold
Fragile Orb of Ballad of Miin This Orb is a targeted heal spell restoring 100,000 Vita at the cost of 2.5% the user's maximum Mana. Note that you must be over 2,560,000 Vita or 1,280,000 Mana to buy this Orb. Note that this Orb and Poet healing spells can be utilized in conjunction, effectively increasing healing output. The Orb lasts 7 days in the user's inventory, and does not have any Aethers between casts. It does not cost any Malgalod Insignas or Gold, but each one costs 7 Ambers.
Fragile Orb of Inspire This Orb casts a spell identical in usage and formula to the standard Inspire spell, but with 10 second Aethers between casts. Each Orb lasts 72 hours in one's inventory, and costs only 7 Ambers to obtain. No Malgalod Insignias required.
Mage Fragile Orb of Heal for Mage The Orb casts a self-healing spell. The formula is (0.33 x user's current Mana) yields a restoration of (1.5 x user's current Mana) in Vita. This spell is not targetable, and has 5 seconds of Aethers between casts. It lasts 7 days in the user's inventory. Level 99: Costs 5 Malgalod Insignias, 20,000 Gold Il San: Costs 20 Malgalod Insignias, 100,000 Gold Ee San: Costs 35 Malgalod Insignas, 200,000 Gold Sam San: Costs 50 Malgalod Insignias, 300,000 Gold Sa San: Costs 75 Malgalod Insignias, 500,000 Gold
Fragile Orb of Suppress This is a spell casting +55AC on a target. Note this is +5AC more than the standard Suppress. The Orb casts with 1 second of Aethers between spells. No Malgalod Insignias are required, only 7 Ambers instead per Orb. The Mana cost is similar to the standard Suppress, as well as the duration.
Fragile Orb of Volcanic Blast The Orb casts a five-way fire attack, similar to the Dog/JuJak Spell Volcanic Blast. The user is immune to the effects, even in PK zones. At the cost of 550 Mana, 1,500 damage is done to a target, assuming 0AC. Note that this Orb can only be purchased by those marked Il San or above. The spell does not require any Aethers between casts, and the orb lasts 7 days in the user's inventory, at the cost of only 7 Ambers.
Warrior Fragile Orb of Whirlwind Ripple This Orb casts a Vita attack costing all but 10% of the user's current Vita, but yielding damage (1.75 x user's current Vita) to the enemy, assuming 0AC. The overflow mechanic operates similarly to the standard Whirlwind. There are two varieties of this orb - a version lasting 1 day with 15 seconds of Aethers between castings, and one lasting 3 days with 30 seconds of Aethers. Level 99: Costs Malgalod Insignias, 20,000 Gold Il San: Costs 20 Malgalod Insignias, 100,000 Gold Ee San: Costs 35 Malgalod Insignias, 200,000 Gold Sam San: Costs 50 Malgalod Insignias, 300,000 Gold Sa San: Costs 75 Malgalod Insignias, 500,000 Gold
Mage-Only Orbs
Though "Mage Week" was expected to be a temporary event in September 2016, the Mage Orbs have seemingly become a permanent fixture in the Kingdoms. These Orbs can be found by visiting WoonSoo in the Incubator tent of Buya Gathering. These Orbs can be picked up daily at no cost, lasting 24 hours.
Fragile Orb of Sul Slash This targetable Vita attack (colloquially called the "Za" attack) operates on a formula of (.35 x user's current Vita + 970 Mana) yielding (1.7 x user's current Mana) + (0.35 x user's current Vita) of damage onto the enemy, assuming 0AC. It has 12 seconds of Aethers between casts.
Fragile Orb of Mage Invoke Similar to the standard Invoke spell, operating on a different set of Aethers. It will fill 100% of the user's Mana at a cost of 40% the user's maximum Vita. The user is incapable of invoking below 100 Vita in the use of this spell. The Orb utilizes 14 seconds of Aethers between casts.
Fragile Orb of Ripple This targetable spell gives the enemy a pink overlay. For the duration of the graphic being visible, if 100% of the enemy's Vita is dealt in damage, any remaining damage will overflow to surrounding mobs in a mechanic similar to the Warrior's overflow, but with a different damage formula. This spell has 5 seconds of Aethers between casts.
Fragile Orb of Scourge This Orb casts a spell identical to the Poet and Mage Sam San Suppress, with an addition of +50AC to a target, but with 1 second of Aethers between casts.
Damaged Orbs
WoonSoo has more to offer in the Incubator. These Orbs function exactly like the Fragile Orbs from Malgalod in terms of mechanics, except they can be used by any class, last 6 hours in the user's inventory, and cost only 2 Daily Coins.
Note, however, their use comes with some penalties to the hunting experience:
- Using these Orbs results in a 40% reduction in Experience gained from mobs defeated using them; using additional Orbs means further reductions in Experience. - Drop rates from enemies defeated with these Orbs is decreased, by an estimated 40%; use of additional Damaged Orbs means further reductions here as well. - These Orbs can only be used when alone; they do not function if the user is in a group. - Damaged Orb of Ballad of Miin and Damaged Orb of Restore cannot be utilized at the same time.
Available Damaged Orbs Damaged Orb of Invoke Damaged Orb of Suppress Damaged Orb of Whirlwind Ripple Damaged Orb of Lethal Strike Ripple Damaged Orb of Restore Damaged Orb of Ballad of Miin Damaged Orb of Volcanic Blast
As a bonus, don't forget you can get a free Fragile Orb of World Shout from your favorite inn-keeper once every 24 hours that allows you to perform a World Shout for free every 60 minutes.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to Miho for the research and submission of data to NexusAtlas, and to Cruelty for looking behind me and suggesting clarifications. We also appreciate patience and consideration as we continue to perform research on this topic.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Community beats the odds at Golden Harvest Festival
 Xerath calls out turns and failures during Oh My Gourd, Not My Pumpkins in the Buya Palace Courtyard, while Gracey mans the Trial of Culture Raffle in a booth lined with jack-o-lanterns to the right. (Screenshot courtesy of PoeTxi.)
Thanksgiving isn't just about gorging oneself on food and fisticuffs over politics. It's also a time to gather one's family and friends for fellowship and fun, which was the spirit behind the Golden Harvest Festival. The Imperial Ministry of Buya, operating in tandem with the Buya Imperial Army and associated kingdom clans, offered a full day of harvest-themed activities for the community on Saturday afternoon. The organizations provided multitudes of opportunities to go head-to-head against Lady Luck herself and take home a bounty of gold.
Left: Revelers comment and dance on the sidelines during Oh My Gourd, Not My Pumpkins! in the Buya Palace courtyard. (Screenshot courtesy of PoeTxi.) Center: Huna hosts a variety of the Diviner game known as Fickle Fates in the Buya Training Area. (Screenshot courtesy of PoeTxi.) Right: LouiseChan gasps upon hearing how they have either pleased or offended the Muse goddesses during a round of The Ten in the Buya Training Area. (Screenshot courtesy of Kinsley.)
Business began in the Buya Palace Courtyard as soon as the welcoming greetings were dispensed. Buyans have a grand appreciation for high-rolling events of chance, and the Golden Harvest Festival adapted to the need accordingly. Oh My God, Not My Pumpkins was a seasonal variety of the classic game of trying not to roll the dreaded 100, out of fear of losing one's harvest of pumpkins. Those preferring the simpler approach to the game of people lined up for riches and personal doom participated in Heavens Clan's OMGNMP later in the night.
Players wishing to try their luck against Fate itself would file into the Buya Training Area with their six-sided die. In this game hosted by the Diviner representatives, players roll coordinates belonging to various tarot cards or items on a 6 x 6 grid; depending on the result, Fate may smile and award one to three points. Otherwise, their turn is yielded, or a Fortune Cookie shoved in their mouth to lose an additional turn.
Dice Dash in the Buya Training Area placed players in front of an array of Bear Furs, where a roll between 1 and 5 dictated placement of Wheat as they crossed the field. Dropping Wheat on all five Bear Furs in their row meant bragging rights and gold in one's pocket.
Left: Shayloo doles out prizes while some participants mourn and/or cheer after an intense bout of Dice Dash in the Buya Training Area. Center: A group of participants finds themselves close but not quite winning the Three-Legged Race in the Buya Training Area. Right: Raymon cries after announcing a close dice roll in a round of OMGNMP. (Screenshots courtesy of PoeTxi.)
LostKingdom Clan's Three-Legged Race in the Buya Training Area required teams to coordinate dice rolls in order to move along the track. If a pair of players was unfortunate enough to be unable to match their dice results, they were unable to cross the finish line. Players were limited to rolling 1 to 3, but even then, the odds favored only a few.
Farmer's High/Low Yield offered an easy chance of victory or bitter defeat. Players would compare their own dice roll between 0 and 100 against the host's, having prior taken a guess of whether the host's results will be higher or lower than their own. With a prize pot of 400,000 gold (or higher) a round, some went home crying tears of joy, and others, looked around for a pit of despair.
In addition to hourly games of chance with the dice, the organizations offered two raffles to participants and visitors of the festival. The first, an Ee Culture Raffle, invoked tickets purchased for 1,000 gold in exchange for a chance at 4 Daily Coin Leaves and 5,000 Ginko Wood. iBePoet was the lucky winner of this particular bounty. The second raffle was for a purse of Malgalod Insignias, donated by General TwitchUser of the Buya Imperial Army. Five names were drawn to take home 1,000 Malgalod Insignias each: lilpigboy, Rheinzakie, Queequeg, HydraPulse and Kaspar. Both raffles were limited to the purchase of one ticket each.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to the Buyan organizations, hosts, and Archon staff that assisted in putting together this amazing festival. Additional appreciation goes to Kinsley and PoeTxi for providing the information and screenshots for this report. The reporter regrets being unable to attend the festival in person due to real-world obligations.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Friday, November 24, 2023
Turkey time! Grab a net, bag a turkey
 In lieu of a net, the reporter brandishes a comically oversized knife while eyeing the escaped turkeys. Previously, it was reported by Archon Alilolelotte that the Catching Nets had been stolen from the Spiritual Garden; no doubt the old vendor had to make hundreds more for the season. Now that nets are available, the reporter no longer has to chase the avian menaces as a cleaver-brandishing madwoman.
Editor's note: Jihye in the Spiritual Garden (Do subpath area) is now properly supplying the Catching Nets, after they were previously unavailable.
Happy Thanksgiving! It's that time again, where turkeys are fleeing for their lives from the farms in Nagnang. The community is yet again charged with wrangling the feathered beasts and turning them in to WoonSoo in the Incubator for clout, Turkey Modulators, and Minor Quests. Merely yell "Turkey!" at him to start the transaction.
To reach the turkeys, head to the path at (11,154) in Nagnang, and continue south to Eung Docks and the Nagnang Coastline.
For more information about this event, please see the report published Wednesday, November 23, 2022.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Golden Harvest Festival to be held Saturday
 Kinsley, representing the Imperial Ministry of Buya, gives a statement regarding the upcoming festivities. "We're just looking forward to a day of celebration, for everyone to get together, and enjoy all that autumn brings! There's games, prizes, and a BIG raffle you won't want to miss! Don't miss the HUGE raffle!" she said.
Short-notice but with no corners cut, the Golden Harvest Festival is set to be held this Saturday, November 25. The Imperial Ministry of Buya offered the following statement via a Community Events posting:
Come together to rejoice in the extraordinary blessings of the fall season as we welcome in our new Minister to the Imperial Ministry of Buya. Our celebration will commence at 11:45 am ET, featuring hourly events presented by chosen Buyan clans and exclusive subpaths until 7 pm ET. To cap off the festivities, we'll unveil a few more prize winners before bringing the celebration to a close.
In addition to hourly events, visitors to will earn points for participation. The individual that accumulates the most points may be eligible for an exclusive price and gold for their pockets. The IMB will also be offering a special raffle taking place during the festival, with information to be disclosed prior to the event start.
Tentative Schedule: Saturday, November 25, 2023 (All times EST) 11:45AM: Welcome! 12:00PM: Oh My Gourd, Not My Pumpkins! 1:00PM: Fickle Fates 2:00PM: The Ten 3:00PM: Golden Harvest Dice Dash 4:00PM: Three-legged Race 5:00PM: Farmer's High/Low Yield 6:00PM: OMGNMP 7:00PM: Prizes and Closing
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Gummy rolls up her sleeves as Imperial Minister
 Members of the Imperial Ministry of Buya stand in a line in the Buya Palace Courtyard to dance in celebration of the appointment of their newest Imperial Minister, Gummy.
Amid the hustle and bustle of news ongoing in the Kingdoms, there was a mote of positivity coming out of the North this week. On Monday, the Imperial Ministry of Buya welcomed Gummy as their newest leader. Already hard at work, we are very thankful she took some time to answer an interview with NexusAtlas by mail, and break for a little dancing celebration in the foyer of the Buya Palace Courtyard.
Greetings, Imperial Minister of Buya! Congratulations on your appointment! Now that the excitement has calmed down to manageable levels, what's going through your mind right now?
Right now, I'm filled with a sense of joy. I'm truly fortunate to have such an exceptional team. Of course, there's also a bit of nervousness, which I believe is common when taking on a new role within an organization.
Is this the first time you've held such a position, and what sort of Imperial Minister will you be, in terms of leadership?
This marks my second term as the Imperial Minister of Buya. My aspiration is to be a hands-on Minister, actively participating in the planning and execution of events we organize. However, I also intend to grant my team a level of autonomy, enabling them to plan and execute their events and ideas. I believe this approach fosters our collective success. Micro-managing, stifling creativity, and shutting down ideas are counterproductive ways to lead a team.
What sort of changes can we expect to occur in the Imperial Ministry of Buya?
Currently, I would anticipate no immediate changes. My approach is to ease into the role, take the time to get acquainted with everyone, and then proceed from there.
In terms of talent acquisition, what attributes do you look for in your ministry members, and what expectations do you have for them?
I'm looking for individuals who actively engage in the community because our primary purpose is community involvement. I hold high expectations for the group as a whole; I expect everyone to be active and engaged. However, on an individual level, it varies. Each person is unique, and it's a delicate balance of treating everyone the same, yet acknowledging their differences in strengths, capabilities, and time commitments, so learning about each individual's traits will be crucial for effective leadership.
Will you be looking to collaborate and share ideas with other organizations and kingdoms?
Absolutely! I love inter-kingdom role-play, events, and anything related. I want to extend an open invitation to all who read this, encouraging them to contact the IMB with any ideas they have. We're more than willing to explore and collaborate on making it work, whether it's related to role-play or community events.
What kind of events should we be keeping an ear open for in the near future?
Oooo! Get ready for the Golden Harvest Festival on November 25th! It's going to be a day filled with fun events. We have different Clans from Buya and some Subpaths eager to host events. We're taking it one festival at a time, though. No plans to map out the entire year's calendar in advance. While I absolutely enjoy organizing festivals, I don't want to take on too much at once, especially right away.
Do you have any messages you'd like to give the Kingdoms as a whole regarding your appointment or plans?
Just that I'm thrilled to be back in this position and am eagerly anticipating working with my current staff and any new additions to our team. Anyone residing in Buya is welcome to apply to join us. Additionally, if anyone ever needs assistance, the Shining Jewel Foundation is more than willing to offer help to the best of our abilities. I'd also like to express gratitude to my closest group of friends? you know who you are? for all of their support.
Thank you for your time, and we look forward to seeing the Shining Jewel of the East gleam.
Keep an eye out Watch for information on the Community Events Board for the incoming Golden Harvest Festival in Buya on 11/25. NexusAtlas will be looking for assistance in covering this festival; for instructions on sending information and screenshots, see below on how to get in touch.
Much appreciated Thank you, Kinsley, and the Imperial Ministry of Buya for helping facilitate communications in the making of this interview.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Hats off to the Item Shop's 17th year
 Citizens gather around the CoverGirl NPC (seen in white, left of center, holding the balloon) in the northeast corner of the Models Runway. The Kingdoms are invited to participate in the anniversary of the KRU Item Shop by grabbing a special hat from CoverGirl, with some community members modeling theirs.
Today marks the 17th anniversary of the KRU Item Shop, with a minor celebration being held in the form of the annual appearance of CoverGirl. This year, she can be found in the northeast corner of the Models Runway, accessed through the Imperial Runway in Buya. The Archon explained via the Community board this evening:
"You can find me to receive a special anniversary gift. And If you have any requests, please send me a nmail today, and I will do my best to put them on for you, excluding items from the upcoming season that are already on my update list."
However, the chameleon fashionista Archon that is CoverGirl wants some assistance in preparing those special gifts. She first asks for something white, blue, and black (Wool, Blue Ring, Ink) to begin the preparations.
After that, in order to style the hair paired with the hat, she asks for tools, some gold to cover the costs, and a little something extra that's known to be her favorite thing (Fine Weaving Tools, Golden Sunset, 40,000 Gold).
After all the prerequisites are delivered, there are six different hats to choose from as a reward: Blue, black, and white hats with long or short hair versions of each.
Check out the KRU Item shop At the time of this report, CoverGirl is taking requests via mail to offer past items in the KRU Item Shop, and several kingdom favorites are already temporarily back for sale, including past seasonal packages.
Much appreciated A huge thanks goes to Cruelty and Tamo for the news tips. Additional thanks goes to Upallnite, vegas, sspy, Statue, and Cola for submitting research up the chain that contributed to this report. We also appreciate everyone who arrived for the screenshot above. Also, thank you, Archon staff and KRU for the cute celebration.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Sunday, November 12, 2023
First Cross-Kingdom Archery Tournament held
 CloseCombat temporarily blinks out of existence as Princess Sutsang of Nagnang strikes him with an arrow during a round of the Cross-Kingdom Archery Tournament at the Sacred Battlegrounds.
Saturday evening, the Royal Guard of Nagnang, in tandem with the Ranger Subpath, invited the community to participate in the first Cross-Kingdom Archery Tournament. The event was divided into two teams, representing Nagnang and Koguryo. Participants did not have to belong to the specific kingdom; guests from Buya and the Wilderness were also invited, and were allowed to select what team they wanted to join.
The first round of the tournament was decided by each side competing in a one-on-one match. Successfully driving your opponent with a Sleep Arrow earned a point; the first archer to reach two points claimed the match. A successful match was then relayed to a point for the appropriate team.
The preliminary round ended in a score of 7-5, favoring Nagnang. The second round was decided on the basis of eliminating the opposing team's players from the field. Nagnang came out on top with extra archers remaining, meaning the kingdom officially won the tournament.
It was not over, though. The surviving archers representing the Nagnang team would go head-to-head to decide the solo victor (or most valuable player) of the tournament. Baik went home with a whopping 12,000,000 gold prize, and a mark to commemorate his victory. In addition, Nagnang retains the bragging rights of the victory until the next Cross-Kingdom Archery Tournament (or Tri-Kingdom Archery Tournament) is held.
Left: Quotah calls out the points during the first match of the evening, where Nagnang's King ChaeRi and Koguryo's Prince Mobon battled in the tournament. Center: Tamo experiences a forced naptime after Neji misses the mark in a bout against Suyung. Right: Baik and NyKid face off in an elimination round. Baik would move on to be the ultimate victor of the evening, representing Nagnang.
Much appreciated A big thanks goes to the Ranger Subpath, the visiting royals, the Archon assistants, and the various community members that assisted in making the tournament possible. We also would like to thank the other assorted hosts and planners of the Kingdoms that contribute to the vibrant, enriching environment of the game. Your efforts don't go unnoticed. Thank you for making the Kingdoms a busier and enjoyable place to be.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Friday, November 10, 2023
Small medium at large: WillowN elected The Forsaken Primogen
 The Forsaken Primogen WillowN stands with the reporter, Cardboard, and Keiara at the Inn of Iniquity. The reporter responded to baseless accusations from Scar, who insists he "won't be drinking the witch's tea."
Late in the evening, the Land of the Dead roused up for a call to the winds to celebrate the election of The Forsaken's newest Primogen, WillowN. The clan is reopened after a short lockdown, wherein the members were required to vote on their new leader. In a sequel to a prior interview, I met with the Diviner and her compatriots at the Inn of Iniquity to talk about the state and future of the clan.
Am I going mad, or were we here recently? Congratulations on your appointment as The Forsaken's newest Primogen. What is going through your mind right now?
Honestly, I'm just glad the lockdown is over, and that we can get back in business. Relief, mostly.
Now that the doors are open (except for the cells here in the Inn of Iniquity), what do you believe will be the first bit of business to handle?
First order of business is to play a bit of catch-up. I've already started on some of that. once the boring stuff is taken care of, I think the top priority is going to be focusing on revitalizing The Forsaken. We've been pretty quiet for a while. I'd like us to branch back out into the community, focusing on creating engaging content for everyone to interact with, with that trademark Forsaken flare. Once upon a time, The Forsaken managed to find its niche in a beautiful medium between introversion and extroversion, and I'd love for us to find that line and ride it again.
How would you describe The Forsaken's environment in present time, in the context of wanting to attract new members or encouraging older ones to engage?
The Forsaken is a unique group within the kingdoms. We have been a place for people to come to when they don't fit in elsewhere. We have, for a long time, been the place for the misfits, the eccentrics, the free spirits, the weirdos, and the nonconformists to come and find a place where they can belong. I know those people are still out there, floating in the ether, coming and going because they don't like what they've found. I'd like for people to know we're still here. We might have what some people have desperately been searching for and been unable to find.
What would you say is the biggest attractant The Forsaken offers?
Like I said, The Forsaken has a history of being a place where the square peg can fit into a square-shaped hole, rather than trying to fit into a round one. We have amenities, sure, but we also have a family here that manages to remain a family even when things get quiet. Additionally, and I could be partial here, but the lore of The Forsaken is intrinsically woven into the fabric of the Kingdoms, more than any other clan. We have a rich culture and a sprawling history that is embedded into its own unique flavor.
What sort of activities will we be seeing The Forsaken output?
I'm hoping for us to bring some fresh concepts and new forms of engagement to the entirety of the kingdoms that its citizens have never seen before. There is a great deal of stagnancy and repetition, and I think we are in a prime position to try to spice things up. I would like for us to branch out beyond the typical "community events." We have some very... interesting things in the works already, but I can't really say anything more about that right now. Keep an eye out for us, though.
Are there any messages you'd like to give your clan, or to the Kingdoms as a whole, regarding your election into this position or your plans?
I'm more than happy to be here, and more than happy to take this position. I feel optimistic looking into the future for The Forsaken. This clan has been a deep-rooted part of who I am for a long time now. I joined The Forsaken back in Yuri 46 when Infernos was Primogen. And now, I get this enormous opportunity to serve The Forsaken in a higher capacity. It is an honor to be at this point, at this time. To my kindred... Our clan is in good hands. I will take care of The Forsaken, and I will take care of you, in Blight's stead.
Good luck in your endeavor, and we'll be looking forward to seeing The Forsaken bloom in the near future.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Community unites to honor the departed at Jesa Rites in Nagnang
 Princess Sutsang prepares to give the opening remarks at the Jesa Rites taking place in the Valley of the Mudang, with Garamond and Sage Xevu representing the Eternal Order of Nagnang behind her.
"Jesa is love," said YongSu, a former Sage of Nagnang, to the reporter in a private conversation during Friday evening's Jesa Rites. His statement best summarizes what the Jesa Rites are meant to be about - love, in particular, for one's ancestors, and for the departed. In the Kingdoms, these rites serve as opportunities for reflection on those who were with us. This is not only in the sense of acknowledging Kingdom history, but on a personal level of being able to appreciate the influence of those around us, and of those who are no longer with us.
In this spirit, the Eternal Order of Nagnang composed this year's Jesa Rites with three facets: a community-wide recognition of our lost loved ones, a recollection of Nagnang history, and a reflection on our ancestors' lives as a society.
The Princess' speech
The Jesa Rites began with statements offered in the Valley of the Mudang, the Shaman subpath home. Here, visitors were greeted by Sage Xevu and the Eternal Order, and Princess Sutsang gave the opening speech of the occasion:
"Valiant souls of Nagnang, and honored guests from afar, welcome! As we gather here today on the sacred ground of our beloved home, let us cast a light on our past, and illuminate the deeds of those who came before us - those whose spirits still guide us. I stand before you as Princess Sutsang, not just as the daughter of King ChaeRi, but a child of Nagnang, born from the rich and turbulent soils that have fed and nurtured our people through times of peace and conflict.
"Our history is a saga of courage and tenacity, whose legacy is soaked into the grounds we stand on. It's in the blood of King Zhou, my esteemed grandfather, who met his fate through a dark twist of sorcery, to the tragic story of my grandmother, Queen Filia, whose life was a tapestry of love, betrayal, and redemption. I ask that we honor my uncle, the late Prince Kija. His demise plunged our land into the depths of sorrow and rage, igniting the flames of the Blood War. Yet, it was through this fire that we were once again forged anew, our resilience proven through destructive conflict.
"Let us not forget the warriors, the guardians like Blight, whose path has been painted in shades of grey - the men of war, who despite their darkness, have fought with honor for the land they call home. Their spirits, and all those who have shaped our legacy, are with us as we commence the Jesa events tonight.
"To all who join us, I extend the gratitude of my family. Your presence here is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of Nagnang. Through the Shamanic Ritual of Remembrance, we will call upon the wisdom of our ancestors. With every word of the Eulogy for the Fallen Nangens, we will recall their valor. And in the Tao te Ching reflections, we will seek eternal truths that bind us across the veil of life and death.
"Together, we will pay homage to the 'Land of the dead,' as a cradle of heroes whose legacies will never be forgotten!"
The first rite: Shamanic Ritual of Remembrance
Pictured left: Sage Xevu begins the first rite of Jesa by invoking the spirits during proceedings at the Valley of the Mudang.
Once the winds died down from patriotic cries to the winds, the Nangen princess would return the attention back to Sage Xevu, the host of the first rite: The Shamanic Ritual of Remembrance. This rite took the form of a call to the spirits, and a response from the visitors present to offer their soulful thoughts on the topic at hand. First, Xevu would explain the purpose and nature of the Jesa Rites:
"Jesa rituals and ceremonies have been around for centuries. Jesa is a memorial to all of our ancestors. As such, Jesa rites may be performed on the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Other rites will be performed on major holidays as a way to include our ancestors in our current lives. Seasonal rites may also be performed annually, either around the New Year, or on the 10th lunar month, or close to it. Some people will honor their ancestors of the past two generations. Others will honor ancestors that are five or more generations removed. Still, others will honor all their past ancestors regardless of the length of time. Jesa is a ritual and ceremony for family to remember their loved ones, their elders, and all ancestors.
"We are a family here, in these lands. We have lost so many loved ones in and out of these lands. May this be a time to remember them all.
"Let us begin the ritual by welcoming our ancestors! I call forth their spirits, that they may join us in this ritual and enlighten us with the memories that make us laugh, cry, and long to be with them again. May our ancestors help us remember our fondness and our love for them.
"Let us remember the ancestors of these lands... King Aino Senshi of Buya. King Geumwa of Buya. King Yuri of Koguryo. King Zhou of Nagnang. Queen Filia of Nagnang. Prince Kija of Nagnang. These royals are now departed from us. They helped us discover and explore these lands, opening up new possibilities and opportunities. Their actions, directly or indirectly, have brought us closer together."
Sage Xevu opened the rite to the community to share their reflections upon the deceased royalty of the lands. Prince Mobon of Koguryo stepped up to give his thoughts to the ritual:
"We speak of those that came before us. We honor them. You may not have known them. You may not have even agreed with them. But, you cannot deny their presence helped shape the direction of the Kingdoms. We are here due to the labors, the trials, the successes, and the failures of those who came before us. It was my grandfather responsible for he shape of Koguryo. It was my uncle who delivered us from the Necromancer. We recognize their wisdom.
"These are just two examples of thousands we can draw from in the Jesa Rites. It is important to always keep in mind the lessons the departed have to share with us in order to ensure the safety of the lands in the future. Thank you, our departed loved ones, for your grace, even when we forget, even when we try to take credit ourselves. Than you for your protection. May you continue to bless us, our lands, our ways of life, our loved ones."
The rite continued with Sage Xevu reminding the community of our citizens that had passed. Though the departed were recently commemorated in Samhain, it bared repeating that their names be recited again to return the memories to us. Xevu aimed to impart the importance of the Jesa Rites as not only directed to the founders and figureheads of the Kingdoms, but to the community as a whole, and its everyday citizens.
"Leodaris, Izabella, Khaos, Acera, HealerofDoom, BlueHorizon, Huntyr, Maya, Sarina, Tip, Ambrosius, Logorin, Bambi, Blooduster, Starlyte, Ragnus, ConanBarb, LiShen, Kyas, Dexintagi, Lokira, Hroth... It is well-known that our families are not just relatives by blood or marriage. Families are those we care about deeply, and who care deeply for us. We all have friends and loved ones in our lives who are close to us, closer than our own blood relations in many cases. Regardless of our relation to them, love united us and brought us together to form our communities, including this one."
The community was welcomed to speak again. The reporter was offered a turn to give a small speech:
"I've had the honor of knowing quite a few on that list. A couple were close friends of mine. I still mourn them daily. Some, I didn't know at all, except by reputation. But, there are the key words - by reputation.
"Maybe there's a running gag that's echoed through the years, like Huntyr's fondness for getting forcibly ejected out of events. Or, seeing that brown top hat makes you think of HealerofDoom. Maybe when you hear of Mythic Tigers, you think of the old raiding parties with Conanbarb hooting and hollering the entire time. Or maybe you recall hearing Masra and Ambrosius bicker about Kugnae.
"We take for granted how much impact our departed friends have, and the things they left behind - the associations, the jokes...
"I have to ask you all now, if there something missing here now? Was there an energy we had that is gone? Who has passed on that we might not have recognized? And is there something lingering here that reminds you of those people? That's all I have to say, unless you want me to talk for three hours more."
Xevu replied, "Thank you, that won't be necessary." The reporter retorted, "Logorin would've agreed," with a smile. The Sage continued the rite.
"I think the impact people have in our lives and this community is best reflected by the efforts the Dream Weavers will go to help us honor them, and erect memorials to them. Like I said, losing a member of this community is like losing a family member. Dream Weavers, though seldom seen, will make their appearance and do what they can, a fast as they can, on sad days where we are mourning the loss of our friends. To me, that is a reflection of what makes this place so special."
Garamond broke the silence to offer a brief thought on the topic.
"Loss can be a unifier. And, it's a wake-up call to not take each other for granted; a reminder to appreciate one another, because none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow. Love people today. Respect people, today. Don't let those experiences with the community go to waste and fall on deaf ears."
Xevu finalized the first rite with one more message.
"Let us pause for a moment of inner reflection for these people. May we remember and honor all of our loved ones. We will never forget the impact these people have had, and continue to have in our lives. Jesa is a time for us to invite them to feast with us again, as we remember them. We know they are always with us in our hearts and in our minds.
"I will conclude with a blessing, wishing you a heart that's filled with happiness, and joys that grow like blooms all year. May you always have a sunbeam to warm you, good luck to charm you, a guardian angel making sure nothing can harm you, laughter to cheer you up, faithful friends near you, and whenever you pray, someone to hear you."
The second rite: Eulogy for the Fallen Nangens
Pictured left: WillowN leads a history lesson atop the summit at the Nagnang Burial Ground.
The community hiked their way up the northern mountain to the Nagnang Burial Grounds for the next portion of the ceremony. It consisted of a history lesson hosted by WillowN, who recounted the bloodied tale of the origin of the kingdom.
"The Land of the Dead. It's appropriate that we should be the ones observing the Jesa Rites. It is a title we hold with an amalgam of grief and pride.
"Look around you, and witness these unkept graves. It is disgraceful, the condition of our burial ground. Over the many, many years, it has been desecrated by graverobbers, body-snatchers, wild animals, treasure-seekers, even power-hungry sorcerers - yes, more than one. Tonight, I want to draw attention to these graves. I want to share their story with you.
"Long ago, the land of Kaya, to the southeast of Koguryo, was ruled by a tyrannical emperor whose name history has forgotten. The people of Kaya were terrified of their leader - so terrified of the despot, in fact, that many of them felt the only optoin to live in and modicum of peace was to abandon their homeland and find refuge elsewhere. Leading one of the great exoduses from Kaya were Zhou and Filia of the house of Sukaya, a prominent house who took it into their own hands to lead some of the citizens of Kaya to greener pastures.
"Their forces were small, but powerful. Their influence was great. Many Kayan refugees placed their trust in Zhou and Filia, and followed them on the long trek out of Kaya.
"To the northwest, south of Koguryo, they found a largely uninhabited peninsula beside a small tribal village. They found rolling hills and grassy plateaus. The land was rich with a variety of unique flora. There were plenty of animals to hunt. The soil was rich, despite it being coastal, and could grow anything with ease. Fish were aplenty, the waters were clear. Truly, Zhou and Filia had found the land of milk and honey. Zhou besieged the village and assigned the tribal chieftain, a man by the name of Blight, as general of his militia. They called this beautiful new land 'Nagnang', and Zhou and Filia became her king and queen.
"The first people of Nagnang, as a result, were a blend of two very different cultures. They were a blend of Kayans and the natives who had lived there for many years, bringing the culmination of their experiences, technologies, and wisdom to the table. Nagnang closed itself to the outside world and focused inward, and began to blossom. The union of the two disparate groups created a culture bespoke to Nagnang. Over time, they began to bleed into one another, becoming a unique breed of people who were tight-knit, fiercely competent, creative, and self-sufficient.
"The Nangens had everything they needed behind their closed gates. They wanted for nothing. But then, everything changed.
"In Yuri 35, Prince Kija, the eldest son of Queen Filia and Queen Zhou, opened the gates to the north. Buyans and Koguryans alike flooded into Nagnang, not with the intent to trade knowledge or goods, but with greed in their hearts.
"Citizens from the 'Corrupted North,' as they came to be known, came armed to the teeth with weapons and magic. Every day was a fresh new hell for the Nangens, as our northern neighbors butchered the innocent. They slaughtered men, women, and children indiscriminately, pilfering whatever couple of coins they had in their pockets. Their cries for help were ignored. Nangen men were mowed down, even as they fled. Mothers watched their children die right before their eyes. Many children were orphaned, if they were lucky - or unlucky enough to survive.
"For the Nangens, it was pure carnage. Countless Nangen lives were lost in the massacres committed by Buya and Koguryo. General Blight rallied the able-bodied Nangens together to defend their land against the Corrupted North. These patriots became known as The Forsaken. Many more Nangen lives were lost in the battles that ensued, as Blight waged war against the North on the battlefields of Vale, Buya, and the Mythic Nexus. But, the story of Blight and his heroics is for another time.
"Tonight, we are here to honor the fallen Nangen people. Eventually, you could no longer come into Nagnang and find its citizens freely roaming. Today, you don't see them anymore.
"That's because they're all up here. On this mountain. In these graves. These poorly-kept graves. The Land of the Dead.
"Tonight, I want to take some time to think on the Nangens who have perished. I want us to consider King Zhou and Queen Filia, and their courage to lead their kindred from a land consumed by tyranny to greener pastures. I want us to consider the natives of Nagnang, who, reluctantly at first, married their wisdom and technology to the Kayans, to create the first Nangens. On that note, I would like to end by sharing a song written by the infamous Worldwalker:
"Kissed by the sun on summer's morn, Fertile land where I was born. Nagnang - home of the dead.
Merchants carried out their trade, Lovers laughed, children played, in Nagnang, home of the dead.
Then, the grim outsiders came, Robbed and murdered in greed's name, in Nagnang, home of the dead.
King betrayed us with his green, for things we neither want nor need in Nagnang, home of the dead.
All we had, death has consumed, Gravestones stand where gardens bloomed, in Nagnang, home of the dead.
Wealth, homes, lives have all been taken, Exiles now, alone, forsaken, in Nagnang, home of the dead.
Though our hopes have atrophied, Our dreams are blighted, not our pride. Mourn not for those who died, We'll meet them on the other side, when Kugnae is - home of the dead."
The third rite: Tao te Ching Reflections
Pictured left: WinJi asks the two hosts a philosophical question at the Tao te Ching Reflections held in the Memory Garden.
In contrast to the grisly recollections atop the mountain, Diviner Elder BatSheba and Garamond welcomed the ritual attendees to the Memory Garden to share passages from the Tao te Ching.
The evening's passages shared a theme of remembrance. In particular, the three verses of the evening focused on the idea of society having forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors and their ways of life. The recited verses were 15, 16, 39, and 50 of the Tao te Ching.
Key takeaways from the night's lessons involved the idea that human beings are blessed (and cursed) with rational thought, and that separates us from the organic ways of existing we see in the universe. But, in the past, society lived a simpler life, where we were able to coexist and survive in nature, and weren't distracted by superficial things like wealth and status. Because they lived simpler lives, our ancestors were fulfilled.
It is a worry that because we have moved away from living a life in commune with our surroundings, that we wouldn't ever be truly fulfilled. We also stopped listening to the guidance of those who came before us, as our way of living becomes more complicated with each generation.
Another idea was waged of us needing to fully live life, without worrying about premature death. As people, we're unique in our comprehension of consequence and death, and this can hinder our enjoyment of life. It's suggested we remain wise and prepared, but move forward with confidence and joy through obstacles.
In addition, we're asked to remove superficialities of status, wealth, and anxieties about the unknown from our lives, replacing it with awareness of our surroundings and effects on each other. Doing this allows us to be more in tune with the Tao.
The King's speech
Pictured left: King ChaeRi addresses the crowd in the Memory Garden in the Jesa Rites' final moments.
The King of Nagnang emerged from the crowd to deliver the closing remarks for the rites, after the Divine Order finished dispensing commemorative markings. King ChaeRi addressed the community with a small message:
"Esteemed guests from lands near and far, and the resilient heart of Nagnang, our cherished citizens. As we conclude our Jesa rite, we find ourselves intertwined in solemn reflection and a deep communal spirit.
"Let us extend our heartfelt thanks to the event hosts, Elder BatSheba, Garamond, WillowN, and Xevu, for their dedication and hard work.
"Their efforts have allowed us to honor our traditions with the reverence they deserve, uniting us in a shared journey of remembrance and respect.
"In honor of our ancestors, whose wisdom and courage are the cornerstone of our existence, we stand united. Their legacy is not a whisper from the past, but a clarion call that has guided Nagnang through the darkest nights. Our gathering here is not a mere formality, but a deep and sincere veneration of the tenacious spirit that is the lifeboat of our culture.
"To our friends from other kingdoms, you have borne witness to the tapestry of our history, woven with stories of endurance that have protected and defined us. 'The Land of the Dead,' a title is not of despair, but of deepest respect. A kingdom anchored in the timeless wisdom of the ages.
"I am touched by the fidelity you have shown to the rites that unite us. The ceremony ends, but its teachings resonate, calling us to forge ahead, guided by the valor of the souls that have walked before us.
"To our esteemed ancestors, our gratitude knows no bounds. To our guests, we offer a bond of kinship that endures past this day. To my people, I vow to safeguard our heritage with unwavering devotion. May the solidarity we have reinforced here cast light upon our future. Long may we cherish the memories of those who have laid our foundations. Long may the fellowship among our kingdoms flourish. And long may Nagnang's spirit soar high and free.
"I am thankful to you all. As we leave this hallowed place, let us carry with us the profound spirit of this day, united in our journey toward a future graced with peace and prosperity."
With this, the rites ended. Some community members remained to share their thoughts following the conclusion, and heartfelt statements about their own loved ones, moved by statements from the rituals.
The Jesa Rites were never solely about Nagnang. Nagnang was just the conduit and example.
It's about the community. All of us can take a moment to share the love of our fellows, living and departed. And the closeness of the people here in the Kingdoms is a unique one, where every presence is felt, and every one is missed.
Have a memory to share? At the time of this article, Quotah has stated she is still accepting submissions for remembrances, though the official event has ended. Submissions may be forwarded to the Culture board for preservation.
Much appreciated Love goes out to the Eternal Order hosts, the royal families, Archon assistants, and community members that made tonight meaningful and magical. We appreciate your efforts, time, and attendance. It's no coincidence that many of the largescale events and festivals in recent times have doubled as calls for unity in the community, and the message hasn't gone unnoticed.
Know something we don't? Get in touch with the friendly folks at NexusAtlas, or contact Chongde in-game with information, screenshots, or conversation. Got a screenshot? You can submit screenshots to NexusAtlas by writing to reporterchongde[at]gmail.com. Please submit full-size screenshots in a .bmp or .png format. (You can take screenshots in these formats in-game by using the Shift+Ctrl+3 and Shift+Ctrl+4 keys.) Please ensure character names and chat windows are not on display. NexusAtlas staff will maintain your privacy by cropping out your statistics/items/spells.
- Shiori "Chongde" Sato reporting