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Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Late News: New Bear Primogen; Prince Mobon Ritual
by: Maron
-- 5:54 PM EST
Hey folks! As we close out the month, I would be remiss to not include that on November 5th, we saw a shift in Primogen of Koguryo.

Astrael, who had served as Primogen of Bear Clan for over 5 years, stepped down and passed leadership to Sarie, who is well known for her kind and noble service as Carnage host and beloved as a Muse and for her endearing, friendly qualities.
The new Primogen shared the following statement to her clannies: "I'm happy to be Primogen. Although, Astrael obviously can't be replaced and I just hope I can take the load of responsibility so he can relax some - but, I love our little Oasis and everyone in it. I cherish the clan and I hope, together, we can have fun, plan things, throw events, etc. etc. and just overall keep our safe little Bear haven the Bear we have loved for years."
Congratulations Sarie, and thank you to Astrael for years of dedicated work as Primogen.
There was also an important ritual held in Valley of the Mudang that was previously announced by Taiisrhaa, of which Prince Mobon of Koguryo took part. There were many witnesses as seen below, but I have heard that it was an extraordinary and confusing event to behold!

~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 124, 5th Moon, 10th Sun
Sláinte chugat, Supply!
by: Barter
-- 5:49 PM EST

What a blessed time we've had with Supply as the elder of the Druids. She has served as the leader of the mystics for over two years this recent stint, but spanning for a stunning seven years total.
Supply spoke highly of her successor, Nunu, with the following statement: "Nunu is a brilliant person. She will do her best as the new Elder. She is a lovely girl; fun, smart, and shall serve the other Druids with all of her devotion."
I simply say, what a testament of Supply's faith in Nunu.
When asked to share a few words, Nunu said:
"I am both truly honored and saddened to receive this promotion. I do not know how I can ever hope to lead as well and graciously as Supply has done for so long, but I will do my best to follow her example.
To me, Supply has been the shining beacon and example of what it truly means to be a Druid and she has earned her right to rest and relaxation. I shall carry on the work and toil to the best of my ability, I will do my best to follow her lead."
Nunu - with that kind of spirit, there's no doubt in Supply's choice!
Congratulations to both Nunu, for this wonderful honor - and our dear Supply for her wonderful dedication and love bestowed upon her path and her community.
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Turkey Cages and Mythic Favors!
by: Maron
-- 3:13 PM EST
Hey folks! Happy Thanksgiving! The latest server reset was greeted with the following update to Dream Weaver and delivery of a new event to celebrate the holiday.
Board : Dream Weaver Author : NexusTK Subject : Server Reset - Nov. 25th, 2021 Date : 11/25
- Turkeys are back. Capture a few and talk to WoonSoo. He could trade with you for something you may want.
TigerRyu was able to put together the following post on Community board, shortly after reset, in order to help others with this event quest.
Board : Community Author : TigerRyu Subject : [ Turkey Catching: A Dossier ] Date : 11/25 1. Buy Turkey Cages from Dokami at the northern part of Master Kyun's Enclave. (Kugnae Gathering > Merchant Grand Hall > Master Kyun's Enclave) -2,000 gold each. -You need 1 per turkey -Stacks to 50
2. Buy a Catching Net from Jinhye in the Do Spiritual Garden. (Arctic Land > Northern Pass > Sanhae Pass > Sanhae Valley (33, 19) > Room of Enlightenment (01,03) > Spiritual Garden) -Costs 10,000 gold -Only need 1 -Equippable as a weapon
3. Turkeys can be found south of Nagnang Farms (11,154) at Eung Docks, as well as the the adjacent beaches, Nagnang Coastline, and Nagnang Shore.
4. Catch the turkeys by beating them mercilessly with your net, it needs to be equipped. If you're finding that they're too fast, you can "use" acorns at them and it will stun them momentarily.
Pro-Tip: The turkeys can be slept. (( Press 'u' and then press the slot your acorn is in, it'll throw it. Actually throwing it with 't' doesn't stun them. ))
5. Once they run out of health, it'll consume an Animal Cage and you?ll get a Caged Turkey. -- REWARDS -- You can turn the caged turkeys into Wonsoo at the Incubator Tent (Buya Gathering) by saying "turkey" to him. The rewards are as follows:
- Turkey Modulators cost 20 caged turkeys, and "increase your crafting abilities for the next four hours." - You can turn in 5 caged turkeys per 1 extra minor quest.
(Thanks to Senpai, Amatus and Gisele for helping!)
 Tips for Turkey catching and rewards this year: - While Acorn can be used to stun Slate turkey, there is a 5 second delay as indicated by the status message "Precision requires time.." - Dropping Acorn beneath a player draws Slate turkeys near, making it useful for rounding them up. Slate turkeys that are presently dark green color will devour Acorns on the ground, while red colored Slate turkeys do not. - Mage spells Confuse and Doze are currently ineffective against Slate turkey, so if you encounter a low vita turkey, move on to the next unless you're buff enough to slay it. - Minor quest reward for Caged turkeys is limited to 25 minor quests per day. These simply add to your "minor quests completed" legend mark but offer no experience gains. - Turkey modulator reward for Caged turkeys has a 4 hour duration activated by a second item "Turkey mod timer." This will have a live countdown for the modulator, and the subsequent 24 hour delay before acquiring another.

Additionally, the Archon team announced that they are helping the community to achieve Mythic Alliance quests by opening portals directly to Mythic leaders and summoning additional Mythic lords throughout the caves of Mythic Nexus.
Board : Community Author : Archon Primogen Alilolelotte Subject : Happy Thanksgiving from Archon team! Date : 11/25 Greetings everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! Today only, to celebrate this Holiday, you can access Mythic leaders via warp next to their cave.
Happy allying!
Archon team.

Representatives of Buya Imperial Army and Shining Jewel Foundation have been helping to coordinate groups for slaying Mythic lords and providing their items and keys all morning, so don't miss out if you happen to be reading this today!
Have a terrific Turkey Day and holiday weekend! Please be kind and grateful!
~ "Mark" Maron reporting ~ Hyul 124, 3rd Moon, 30th Sun