Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Friday, November 29, 2019
Users List Cleaned up
by: Vini
-- 12:00 AM EST
It seems the Users list has been cleaned up recently, removing the names of people who are no longer around and were making it harder for us to sort through the active ones. The lists of tutors, judges and carnage hosts were even showing the names of past archons and GMs who are no longer around.

The list of judges came from 31 people (27 unregistered) to 10 judges.
The Tutors list went from 20 (11 unregistered) to 10 active ones.
The list of some clans and subpaths also had offline demote of Clan Council and Subpath Guides, helping people find easier who are the active ones.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 4~
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving
by: Vini
-- 12:00 AM EST

On behalf of the Nexus Atlas staff I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoy the holiday with your family and fun stuffing yourselves with all sorts of good food.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 4~
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Augury Visions
by: Vini
-- 11:35 PM EST
Earlier this evening the Diviners have reported having Augury visions. These visions usually reveal something about events to come. So far, 4 Diviners posted what they have seen and heard when they were having their divination. Find below a copy of their notes:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Corporal DATE: 11/27 SUBJECT:Augury Vision
In the end of season, Murky air covers places. A high pressure is moving across the country. Seeing shady person; It could be a thing. Broken bone lies on the ground. Can't hear voices people around. It's just loud.
Walking into deeper of vision. Something like water is leaking from the wooden barrel at the corner. The golden coin is found.
Three Peaks might hide a secret. _ _ -TeufelHunden Lorporal Kugnae Local /)viner |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Yavon DATE: 11/27 SUBJECT:Augury Vision
As I was walking around the Kugnae Taverns I started hearing a lot of voices. Loud voices, disturbing voices. Too many people seemed to be talking at the same time, but none were around me.
I decided to enter the Ginger Tavern to see if they would fade away. They didn't. I could still the voices. Were they singing?
The air in the Tavern seems thick. I could feel the pressure elevating in the room. Something is about to happen. My bones are chilling, I feel they are about to break.
The voices stopped. All I could hear was the sound of something dripping.
I decided to go back to the Palace and get my water basin. I was sure I was experiencing some sort of vision and I needed to try to understand it.
As I looked into the water basin, I could see some shapes forming. It looked like three mountains. In-between them, something seems to shine. I reach for the light and I find a coin. That's intriguing. Did that fall from my pocket?
Yavon Shinseol /) Grey Hyun-jae |{ KRA Lieutenant |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Vesi DATE: 11/27 SUBJECT:Augury Vision
I record my augury vision before the great wisdom fades away.
When I was having mediation on the kingdom's highest hill, I've heard the voice while i was closing my eyes.
The voice was so clear and my body was shaking.
[A wooden barrel is dripping in the corner. The golden coin is found. Three Peaks hide a secret. A broken bone lies on the ground. The air is thick, the pressure is high, and the voices are loud.]
I sanded up from the fatal dizziness.
Yet, not clear what the vision wanted to warn people through me. But the clear thing is something big corrupted war from influence is coming.
I could recognize from the whole sentences. Prepare to fight away the huge disaster. Beware the loud vices.
- Vesi Lahtinen /) Dark Mi-rae |
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: IcePixy DATE: 11/27 SUBJECT:Augury Vision
As I sat within the beautiful hall of Oceana, the waterfall splashing in the distance and a wooden barrel in the corner dripping me into a trance-like state the vision gripped me.
At first I have trouble breathing, the air thick and my head aching from the pressure. I stand atop the highest of three rocky summits, the wind wiping my hair from it's ties. I take a few deep breaths to steady myself when I hear them, an overwhelmingly deafening cacophony of voices chanting in unison. I cover my ears and search the area wildly with my eyes but I can't find where the echoing is coming from. Is it a Cult? My heart races as a feeling of imminent threat rolls over me in a wave. I move quickly to a nearby puddle, using it's surface for lack of a mirror to break myself out of the trance and awaken in the hall once more.
I quickly reach for my quill and ink pot and some fresh parchment when my fingers feel something round and solid in the bottom of the bag.. a golden coin... as I rub it's dirty surface to look at the engravings on it the coin dissolved into dust. I looked around but none else had noticed, was I still in the trance? No, it definitely happened.
I now write this to warn my fellow community members of another crisis we may soon be facing. I'm not certain what all this means but we must be ready to face whatever next befalls us.
*;'IcePixy';* Sea Primogen Oracle of Mirrors
Normally the Augury visions occur a couple of days before an event start. Therefore, we can expect something unusual to happen this weekend. Stay on alert!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 4~
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Finding your Registration or Kruna Codes
by: Vini
-- 10:30 PM EST
As Thanksgiving approaches and members of our community are returning to the lands, there are a few who are encountering problems with Gmail sending the registration codes directly to Spam box. GM Wony recently posted on community addressing how to fix this problem. So if you're trying to register your account and it has been taking longer than usual for the registration code to arrive, check the guidelines below.
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: GM Wony DATE: 11/11 SUBJECT:Reg. & Kruna code email delivery
Recently, many players are not able to receive the code email from us especially if you are using gmail. This is mostsly due to gmail filtering out our mail as spam. Why? We have no idea. It's not consistent. The exact same email is filtered as spam for some players, but for most, it's fine. Must be their state of art AI algorithm in working.
FYI, we've never sold or gave out our players email to anyone, ever. And we haven't sent out mass email in several years. So I can't figure why our email will be filtered out.
Anyways, please do:
- Check your spam mailbox. - Put @kru.com to your mail white list, so our mail will not be filtered out in the future. One instruction for gmail can be found out at:
Thank you.
Wony |
If this still doesn't work send a ticket.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 4~
Monday, November 25, 2019
Thanksgiving Kruna Items
by: Vini
-- 7:30 PM EST
Celebrating Thanksgiving week there are a huge number of new kruna coats and head accessories now available on the Item Shop. Check the list below:

The prices vary from 150 Kruna on some head accessories to 350 Kruna on some coats, which is cheaper than the usual.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 4~
Sunday, November 24, 2019
King ChaeRi's Royal Statement
by: Barter
-- 11:42 PM EST
Yesterday the King of Nagnang published a statement about the attacks occurred during the transfer of Neji a few days ago. King ChaeRi stated that he simply isn't going to tolerate the actions of vigilantes and states Neji will receive a trial. Check his post:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: King ChaeRi DATE: 11/23 SUBJECT:Royal Statement
I am very sorry about Koguryo's loss of former minister Mirfors because of murder by Nangen. Thank you, King Muhyul for agree to hold trial for Nagnen Neji in Nagnang.
Prince Mingjung and his men with Royal guard of Nagnang made transportation for Neji to Nagnang successfully without having any casualties. Well done. However, I am noticed that the convoy had several attacks by some individuals as reported. I am telling you individuals who committed assassinating Neji must stop. Let me find you approaching and threatening Neji out again. You will be end up getting into trouble. I have zero tolerance on any crime and any crime what so ever must be punished. Neji will receive proper trial and he will receive whatever punishment he deserves. Officials from Koguryo will be invited to trial to provide witnesses and evidences.
I hear voices talking about my daughter. Let me be clear, she will not get any arrange marriage. She will live with whoever she loves.
-ChaeRi King of Nagnang |
Interesting turn of events unfolding. As always, it's good to see a father supporting his daughter - even if they are Royals.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Server Reset - Nov 23rd: Ministry + Subpath updates!
Earlier today the servers were reset with the following changes:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/15 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Nov. 23rd, 2019 Updates to: Buya ministry Koguryo ministry Nagnang ministry Nagnang army Monk subpath Druid subpath Ranger subpath
Minor fixes to: Merchant subpath Chongun subpath Do subpath Trees, houses and other objects |
As we find out what this all means we will do our best to update and keep you in the loop! Please reach out to a NexusAtlas reported if you see something we don't!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Friday, November 22, 2019
New form of Barricade?
by: Vini
-- 8:50 PM EST
Earlier today some soldiers of Buya reported a strange finding in the Islets. They found some sacks laying around the eastern border across the covered bridge. While they seem like normal items to pick up, they cannot. Basically we can't pick any of them. They seem to be called "Blockades". ((At first it looks like new map objects but they won't hide with Ctrl+w)).

It seems the Barbarians also got their barricades their arena replaced by these blockades. Sounds like an interesting new option.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 3~
Thursday, November 21, 2019
A Returned Nexus Atlas member
by: Vini
-- 11:20 PM EST
Please welcome back Barter to Nexus Atlas. Barter was one of our oldest staff members, he joined the team back in April 2003, a few months after I did. He's quite experienced and will be helping out feed our database with information for the library and for the handbook sections as well.
 Barter is a guide of the Merchant Guild and a Councilor of Alizarin clan.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 2~
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Prisoner transfer between Koguryo and Nagnang
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
Earlier this evening the Koguryo Royal Army delivered an interstate transfer of the martial prisoner, Neji, who was serving sentence in the Kugnae Palace prison for the murder of Prime Minister Mirfors. He was transferred to the Nagen authorities where he will have a trial for treachery to the Nagnang sovereignty.
To help with the transfer from the Kugnae Palace to Nagnang Palace, the KRA and the Oceana Navy requested the help of Chonguns who joined the Koguryian soldiers in the escort of the prisoner. While they were in Southern Koguryo the convoy was attacked by unidentified mercenaries who wanted Neji's head. Apparently, there is a bounty on Neji's head by the friends of Mirfors.

Despite the attempts, the convoy reached the outskirts of the Nagnang Palace. There, while the Nagnang Army was still occupied guarding the bi-weekly Clan Tribunal, the prisoner saw a chance to escape between the exchange of custody.
Koguryo and Nagnang soldiers joined forces in the search for the prisoner around Nagnang area. The Chonguns were able to track him down and bring him back to the palace. Despite the unplanned delay, the prisoner transfer was finally achieved and both governments were satisfied with the conclusion. Neji now remains as a prisoner of the Nagnang sovereign.

Understand the case: Neji was a General of Nagnang when he committed the murder of the Koguryian official, Prime Minister Mirfors. Due to their high positions in each kingdom's government, this crime created a serious international diplomatic issue between the two kingdoms. However, since King ChaeRi clearly stated that Neji's actions weren't sanctioned or authorized by him, Nagnang government considers Neji as one who betrayed his duties to the kingdom. After months of negotiation, Koguryo finally agreed to transfer the custody to the Nagens.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 2~
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
New Silla Primogen
by: Vini
-- 11:00 PM EST
After 3 weeks under a lockdown process due to a missing Primogen, today the Silla Clan of Nagnang has finally welcomed their newly elected Primogen: SoulHunter.
Primogen Soulhunter is a well-known figure in the community. He is a judge and was a Warrior Tutor, but what he mostly known for is for his status in the warrior powerlist. He is the only in the top 250 that doesn't have a San mark, in fact when you compare him to the people directly above and under him in such list you can see he has the strength that rivals with Sa san warriors the fact he reached that without going through Il san, Ee san and Sam san is quite an extraordinary feat. Let's hope he keeps doing extraordinary things as Silla Primogen as well.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 2~
Monday, November 18, 2019
Users lists clean up from old names
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
It seems that many of the users list have been cleaned up today with offline demotions from players who have been long gone and from archons who were showing up in list they normally shouldn't. So Far the judges, the tutors, the fox hunt hosts, the carnage hosts and a few clans and subpaths had their users list updated to make it easier for people to find who is still active in their positions.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 1~
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Newfound land in the Darkwoods
by: Vini
-- 11:35 PM EST
A new area was discovered recently in the buyan Darkwoods. It's to the east of the Darkwoods Forest entrance.

Could this be linked to the events of the Dark Hunters camp a few weeks ago, or is it something unrelated? There's an open gap in the thickets, but there's not much we can see beyond that. The thickets are still too tall to see beyond. However, it seems like it's something for a possible expansion in the future.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 1~
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mystery solved
by: Vini
-- 12:45 PM EST
While many of us kept trying to find out what was new with Lanwick in the Hausson Hall since yesterday's reset, the answer to the mystery was a more simple one. We were looking at the wrong place.

The "Lanwik" of yesterday's notes wasn't a typo for the NPC Lanwick, but instead when you open the mini-map of Hausson you can find the real answer. The typo was for "Lonwik", the owner of the shop at the southeast of Hausson.

Lonwik used to sell "Sonhi Cloak" and "Sonhi Dress", but now she sells Trunks and Bikini. The Sonhi cloak and dress are now exclusive to Sya's shop at KaMing's Encampment.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 108, Moon 1~
Friday, November 15, 2019
Server Reset: Subpath updates & fixes
Earlier today the servers were updated with the following:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/15 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Nov. 15th, 2019 White amber graphic is updated Kindred talisman stack is now 200
Updates to: Tutors Barbarian subpath Do subpath Druid subpath Ranger subpath Fox Hunt's Janath Hall Sya Lanwik
Fixes to: Barbarian subpath Chongun subpath Druid subpath Little Shop in Kinung |
 White amber graphic updated to resemble other ambers
 Barbarian path spells to show which kindred have forged items. Legend photo credit to Chuk
 Do subpath received their subpath coat, the Dobok
 The Do also received 3 new legend marks. Legend photo credit to Meridius
 Druids received a new mark denoting the amount of Flower readings an individual has received. Also their fix was a pathway through some bushes in their new garden! Legend photo credit to NayPoet
 Sya at Sya's Shop (013, 021 KaMing's Encampment) now sells a Sonhi Fan for 50,000 gold
 Chongun subpath coat, Gijouhei platemail, was updated
 The Do and Chongun showing off their new looks!
List of other updates/fixes: Tutors received a new board in their Haven for clerical work! Little Shop located at 082,070 in Kinung will now let you back inside to complete your Taik Pae quests!
As we find out more info on each of the updates we'll make sure to adjust the post! If you have anything to report on them please reach out to any NexusAtlas reporter!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Huge Random Tournament Unites Community
After the celestial carnage, a tournament between jjang and pachah rung out in Sire pit. Many people from the community came to witness the spectacular battle between the two young rogues (even GM Mir came to spectate the battle). Jjang and Kahoru wins the battle against Pachah and Jenn after a long and gruesome battle.
Congratulations jjang and Kahoru.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Article: What Choson was
by: Vini
-- 12:00 PM EST
To the Historians of the Nations, please help us understand what could have possibly been hidden lying dormant in this Fortress or what Choson was in its greater days.
On Monday BeffyCabeza made a detailed report of her encounter with the mysterious swordsman Dojin and the discoveries she and Living made by their conversations with him. She ended her news post calling the help to the historians of the kingdoms and here is an answer to that call.
There is a very old post by Blight on the Whispering Winds board which reminds us that there have been cases of the monsters escaping from the Woodlands caves before. Unfortunately, I could not find any information about what may lay dormant in the Flooded Fortress (Woodlands Snake cave) or the reason why Chung Ryong would have flooded it. However, I did find some additional information about Choson.
Choson was the name of the ancient kingdom that predated our current era in the Kingdoms of the Winds. Ancient maps show that its territory was vast, coming from the western areas of Mythic Nexus south to the areas around Pae River. Its territory encompassed all what is Koguryo, Buya, Nagnang, the Wilderness, the Woodlands, Hamgyong South Province and part of Shilla kingdom.

To those of us who have ever been in the Bear clan, the name "Choson" is quite familiar. The history of the Bear Clan mentions briefly the legend of how Choson was formed. It's unknown when the ancient kingdom of Choson was formed, some historians claim it was formed over 2000 years before Yuri. We know however when and how Choson fell. The ancient kingdom of Choson fell around a century before Yuri in a war against Han Empire. It was then divided in several territories commanded by Han until centuries later each started regaining their autonomy through their own battles and struggles and eventually became the kingdoms we know of today: Buya, Koguryo and Nagnang.
If anyone would like to add any other relevant information to this article please contact me.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 12~
((Note: Choson is mostly known as 'Gojoseon', 'go' meaning 'ancient', so 'ancient Joseon', Choson & Joseon are different romanizations of the same word, just like 'Koguryo' and 'Goguryeo', or 'Buya' and 'Buyeo' or 'Nagnang' and ' Nakrang' or 'Paekjae' and 'Baekje'. For consistency we utilize the romanized versions established by Nexon and Kru over the years))
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Woodlands is closed for profit & research missions are encouraged
by: Vini
-- 11:21 PM EST
The Forsaken clan has made a bold statement on the current status of the Woodlands. Considering that the premise revealed by Dojin that the barriers of the Woodlands cave are weakening, the Primogen of Forsaken, Aquariuss and the former Sage of Nagnang Sieo went to examine the barriers and confirmed they are weaker, and even causing some of the monsters to escape.
Due to that, since the Forsaken clan claims that the Woodlands is their territory, Primogen Aquariuss took it upon herself to declare that any profit hunts in the Woodlands are for now forbidden. However, she is incentivizing those who wish to help find more information to host research missions and expeditions to the caves and share their findings with the Forsaken clan and the rest of the community.
Here is a copy of her statement on the Chronicles of the Winds:
BOARD TITLE: Chronicles of the Winds FROM: Aquariuss DATE: 11/12 SUBJECT: The Woodlands are Hereby Closed! To All Citizens of the Kingdoms and the Wilderness,
Following the RGN mission hunt on Sunday, it seems the Barriers of the Woodlands are at risk. Merchant Guide Living and Shaman Guide BeffyCazeba had an interaction with one named Dojin. He spoke of a great disturbance of the Woodlands barriers after we had ended the mission hunt. At this time, many of the Takos in the Woodlands Snake cave came running out.
Hearing of this, Diviner Guide Sieo and I went to investigate earlier this morning. Sieo examined the barriers of several caves and confirmed that the wards are indeed fading. Sieo and myself felt some great force growing within the Woodlands and agree that something must be done. Sadly, she must return to her travels but has offered me readings and advice on the next steps we should take.
As Primogen of The Forsaken, and as The Forsaken Clan has been declared owners of the Woodlands by Royal Decree of King ChaeRi, for everyone's safety I am hereby CLOSING all random and profit hunts in the Woodlands.
We will still be allowing small groups to go into the Woodlands for research purposes. However you must make your intentions known publicly via the Community Events Board and let everyone know the intended date and time. It would be best to invite as many people along as possible, for safety, but this way we can send out search and rescue parties if people don't return in time. The Forsaken will happily provide Legend Marks to all who assist with these Research Missions and post their findings on the Event Winners Board appropriately.
We also entreat the Subpaths to come and lend their aid to us in protecting this beautiful land and the people of the Kingdoms. I will be reaching out to you all individually so that we might determine what everyone can do and when.
Additionally, if anyone sees the one who goes by the name Dojin, please try to convince him to reach out to myself, or any member of The Forsaken. Together we can investigate and hopefully solve several mysteries.
Aquariuss Seon-Injang, Knight of Nagnang |
It's unknown if individuals in the community with respect the decree of not hunting for profit in the Woodlands, but the intentions of the Forsaken Primogen in her declaration seem genuinely good. May good fortunes blessed them in their quest to obtain more knowledge of what is going on. If you find anything please share with a Nexus Atlas Staff member, and remember you heard about the instability in the Woodlands here first!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 12~
Monday, November 11, 2019
Woodlands, The Choson Ruins
Yesterday evening, as the Armies of the Tri-Kingdoms finished up a training exercise at the Woodlands Snake cave, where Takos spilled out of the flooded fortress, a strange man seemed to step out of the shadows momentarily. Garbed from head to toe in black he somehow managed to sink back into the oblivion he came from.

Curious Soldiers looked high and low, but to no avail. As each returned to their barracks to clean up and rest from their hard earned battle, myself and my husband, Living, decided to clean up what Takos were still scurrying around.
"What did you take from the Fortress?" The man appeared again, this time very close to where we stood. We both adamantly reassured him that we had not disturbed anything in the fortress.
Dojin, as we've come to know him as, reigns from Buya. He's a devout follower of Hyun Moo. He's been sent because there's been a great disturbance to the barriers in which keep the creatures in the Woodlands in their homes.
He spoke that Chung Ryong flooded the Fortress, burying with it a great evil beneath the water's surface. What evil that is, we do not know. Nor do we know what has been disturbing the barriers in the Woodlands.
We checked the Ruins where the Dogs roam, and also the Raheem Desert, and the Frozen Tundra. The Barriers at the Ruins, Dojin reassured us seemed to be holding. The barriers at the Raheem and Frozen Tundra were weakened.

We ventured back to the Flooded Fortress, where Dojin seemed to call upon the power of Hyun Moo to help heal the barrier. How long it will hold, I'm unsure. We asked if we could help, and the Swordsman replied he didn't think we could, especially not understanding the history of what the Woodlands once was. Living and I looked at each other, a tad confused.
Dojin continued his tale, explaining that the Fortress we knew as Takos, was the last place to fall to Han during The Great War. That prior to the formation of the Tri-Kingdoms, Choson once stood where the kingdoms of Buya, Koguryo and Nagnang are now. Han had conquered it and left it in ruins. I made mention that Lasahn had married Geumwa in the past, to protect her people from Han, and it struck a nerve with the Swordsman. He snapped that Lasahn had made her choice.
Who this mysterious man is, I do not know. But his omen that someone is tampering with the barriers in the Woodlands, and has removed something of powerful origin is troubling.
If anyone runs into the Swordsman again, please contact myself, Living, or another Nexus Atlas reporter. His news is very troubling. To the Historians of the Nations, please help us understand what could have possibly been hidden laying dormant in this Fortress or what Choson was in it's greater days.
Dojin says he works alone, but if the realms are at threat, he may not be able to do this alone.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A strange man spotted
by: Vini
-- 11:00 PM EST
A mysterious man was spotted on the Woodlands when the tri-kingdoms were having a patrol in the area. Not much information is known about him so far. As you can see from his profile, it's unusual to find someone who is a Swordsman around.

BeffyCabeza seems to have talked with him and was able to gain more information about this mysterious person. She'll post her findings here tomorrow. Stay turned!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 11~
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Tri-Kingdom Halloween Ball
by: Vini
-- 3:55 PM EST

The ministries of Buya, Koguryo and Nagnang have organized a massive Halloween Ball to be held today on in the Kugnae Palace's reception Hall.
Food will be served from the best chefs around, and of course the best drinks. There will be dancing, story telling if one wishes to regale us with a tale, and mingling with others. It will be a day full of events, raffle and prizes. The ministries invite you to come on out and dress to impress or terrify. Come join King ChaeRi, Prince Daeso and many others in this event.

Find below the schedule of events:
Guest Arrival Greetings - 3:00 to 3:30PM EST IMB Presents Halloween Would You Rather? - 3:30PM EST First Raffle: 4:20 P.M. EST RMK Presents Murder in the Dark - 4:25 P.M. EST Second Raffle: 5:15 P.M. EST EON Presents Bobbing for Apples - 5:20 P.M. EST Third Raffle: 6:10 P.M. EST Then the Ministers will Judge Our Halloween Costume Contest! Which will start at 6:15 P.M. EST Final BIG Triple Raffle: After the costume contest ends!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 11~
Server Reset - Nov. 9th: The Dark Forest Camp closes
This morning brought the reset to end the Halloween festivities and a slight fix to the Moon shard item!
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/ 9 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Nov. 9th, 2019 Halloween event ended.
Minor fixes to: Moon shard (Item) - Neugdae's Form |
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Oceana's Battleship
by: Vini
-- 11:50 PM EST

Back in August the Oceana clan concluded their long-awaited shipbuilding project. However, it was only recently that the Oceana Navy has added the main vessel of their fleet to be accessible by the community. To visit it go to Hausson and then take a boat to the Temple of Oceana. From there take the ferry boat on the western docks of the shore and after a quick travel you'll be able to enter the newly created battleship.

The Oceana's battleship was named by the clan as "The Convoyer", which means a ship which conveys, conducts, or transports something or someone; a guide, an escort. A convoy ship.

Led by the Oceana Navy's Admiral, the Convoyer is now the largest Battleship of the kingdoms and rivalizes in size with the infamous Hanseong ship. It is now the vanguard of protection to Koguryo in the East Sea.

Due to my history with creating the Oceana Navy, the Oceana Primogen and the Navy Admiral allowed me to be the first to take the helm and sail the Convoyer around Hausson. It was a wonderful experience.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 11~
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Halloween event ending soon!
Earlier a post was made by NexusTK letting us know that the Halloween event and the bow event would be ending soon! If you still haven't gotten to kill the walking dead or Jae the slicer and receive your crossbow upgrades, don't procrastinate!
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/ 7 SUBJECT: Halloween and the bow event will close very soon. |
Update: **The Halloween event has now ended! 11/9**
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Silla Clan election for a new Primogen ends today
by: Vini
-- 5:55 PM EST
The Silla Clan of Nagnang has gone into lockdown status a week ago in result of the Primogen being long absent. During the past week members have been encouraged to vote to elect a new Primogen but the deadline to submit a vote ends today.
So if you're in Silla Clan submit your votes today and help shape the future of the clan.
If you're a Primogen or an Elder please remember how hard it can be for the organization you represent to go through a lockdown process. Leaders need be responsible with choosing the right time to step down so the clans and paths won't suffer.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 11~
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
New Buya Army Rooms
by: Vini
-- 10:10 PM EST
While the Buya Palace renovation was done a few weeks ago, the headquarters of the Buya Imperial Army (BIA) was also updated. Back then we did not show how the new looks of their Buya Army rooms were because the entrance main entrance is restricted to Buya soldiers and the side door still needs to have door lock updated. However, Buya General Teto was kind enough to invite me to visit their new facilities and share how amazing it looks with the Nexus Atlas readers.
 The main room got a new big carpet which says "BIA". The Soldiers' Quarters got a lot of beds and a huge arsenal.
 The Arena had two entrances, one from the headquarters and one that is accessible directly from the outside. The General's office was also updated and has a large meeting table for the General's guests.

The Officers' chamber looks a bit similar to the General's office, but it has the Officers' board on the right. The Buya crafting Devotion was the only room that didn't get an extreme makeover and still looks more like the original one. It still got some minor changes too.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 107, Moon 10~
Hopes and Dreams Answered!
In the last few weeks, both GM Wony and Archon Primarch Horus took to the Dreams board to answer a few of them.
While most of the responses are short and sweet a few of them gave some insight to possible future changes.
You can view the original dreams and responses either in-game or here:
Dreams Board
Keep dreaming Nexus!
*;'IcePixy';* Hyul 107, 10th Moon, 10th Sun
/|\ The Fire Festival Samhain Begins /|\

The Druids invite the community to join us in celebrating Samhain, one of the four Fire Festivals.
Samhain (pronounced sow-en) begins the Wheel of the Year for Druids. It is a time of death and rebirth. We will gather this Sunday, November 3rd, in the Sacred Grove to celebrate. Several subpaths will be hosting festivities as well!
11:30am EST - Opening Ritual 12:00pm EST - /) Fortunes Around The Fire 1:00pm EST - >>>---> Archery Tournament 2:00pm EST - {,S'} Circle of Lore 3:00pm EST - /|\ Potion Explosion 4:00pm EST - (>|<) Barbarians LMA 5:00pm EST - Closing Ritual
The Diviners are also offering I-Ching Readings to all first and second place winners of all events! For the individual prizes for each event, please refer to their Community Events post.
According to the Druids, The Goddess Ceridwen and the Good God, the Dagda, mourn the death of the Sun King Lugh. When the bonfires of Samhain die, the ashes are sprinkled over the fields for protection over the winter months.
For Druids, this is a time to remember and honor those dear to us that have crossed to the Other Side. It is no coincidence that in the kingdoms heroes parade the streets in ghostly sheets and skeleton masks: these traditions we have come to associate with Hallow's Eve find their roots in our Samhain.
However, the Veil is thinnest between the Worlds during this time. If you wish to contact a loved one lost, or call upon an ancestor for guidance or divination, it is an excellent time. Interacting with the Other Side should not be frightening, for one can gain insight and inspiration from these dear spirits.
The Sacred Grove got a nice update with new layout!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Server Reset Nov. 2nd - New Tutor's Haven and Druid's Deity Devotion
This morning the servers were reset with the following changes taking place:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/ 2 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Nov. 2nd, 2019 Updates to: Tutors
Minor fixes to: Druid's Willow |
There was an upgrade to the Tutor's Haven, which the place where the Tutors meet. If you want to have access to that, consider applying to become a Tutor.
The fix to the Druids was to allow them to recognize the community members with deity devotion. When this mark was introduced a couple of years ago it came with a bug that only allowed Druids to be marked.
 You can find more information on the Subpaths board (press 'b') about how to show your devotion to either Brighid, Cernunnos, Diancecht, Druantia, Epona and the Dagda.
If we find out more info about these changes we'll update our post- Stay tuned!
---- theSavior Xing-Normad'or Gray Gwa-gu of Yang
Necromancer's Monster Mash!
by: Maron
-- 1:09 AM EST
This Halloween around 7 PM EST, Necromancer Jieut spontaneously shouted "Rise!" leaving many citizens scrambling to find out where he was attacking.
Turns out he was moving from Darkwoods to his previously claimed territory, beginning waves of undead to be fought in Islets.

Afterward, as some taunted in sage or world shout about the attack, Jieut raised more undead to attack the east gate of Buya.

To continue proving his bold and insufferable abuse of manipulating the dead, Jieut carried out a battle in Sire Pit.

Eventually, those citizens engaged in the onslaught prevailed despite some humiliating setbacks. When this wave of undead was defeated, Jieut retreated for the night.
If you have any further information about this incident with the Necromancer, please notify a NexusAtlas reporter!