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Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Server Reset Introduces Cave 11
by: Vini
-- 10:06 AM EST
Few hours ago the Servers of Nexus had a quick reset that served to adjust orbs effects, insignias requirements and big malga effect. Along with that two important chances were made which cannot be overlooked.
First one is related to Malevolent Clan Houses fighters. They seem to have been tweaked a bit in terms of how strong they were and now made the life of Sa san seekers a little less painful.

Second one is the introduction of the 11th event cave. So far past events in Nexus has had only up to 10 caves, the highest one being for Sa san. Now with the introduction of the 11th one for the re-opened Iron Dungeon, people are wondering if their almost 2 year wait since Oh san was first hinted/mentioned by Immortals is finally about to pay off.

The Split stats seems to start between 2.6 mil vita / 1.3 mil mana and may go up to 3.499 mil vita / 1.749 mil mana accourding to sources. The correct number is still being calculated. Apparently cave 10 monster stats have also been tweaked a bit.
Here's a copy of the Dream Weaver's board official release about today's reset.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/29 SUBJECT: Quick server reset - Nov 28th*, 2016 - Cost and duration adjusted. Applies to the Fragile Orb of Lethal Strike Ripple, Fragile Orb of Restore, & Fragile Orb of Heal for mage. - Restore & Mage heal orb, 3 days -> 7 days - LS orb duration stays same - WW orb removed - Pre L99: Insignia 10 -> 5, Gold 10,000 -> 20,000 - L99 - Il: Insignia 40 -> 20, Gold 50,000 -> 100,000 - Ee: Insignia 70 -> 35, Gold 100,000 -> 200,000 - Sam: Insignia 100 -> 50, 150,000 -> 300,000 - Sa: Insignia 130 -> 75, 250,000 -> 500,000 - There is no big malga option for orb purchase - Iron Dungeon 11 opened - House fighter creatures adjusted |
*Subject of the post says Nov. 28th, but reset happened at 29th around 1am PST.
If you would like to help finding out the correct numbers that being split cave 11 and end the split to only allow cave 11, submit screenshots with the changes. Multiple sources have helped us collect a lot of information, but they're not all matching. A special thanks to SilentS and LinuxKiddy for providing these screenshots.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 84, Moon 5~
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Wild turkey chase - Thrusday to Saturday
by: Vini
-- 12:04 PM EST

This year's Thanksgiving event in Nexus will be a bit different. Instead of a quest, community will have to face a wild turkey chase in Vale. Such hunts will go on from today until Saturday and some great drops may occur during this community hunt. The hunts will happen at different periods of the day each day.
Here's a copy of the event poster as announced by Archon Primogen Alilolelotte on community board:
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Alilolelotte DATE: 11/23 SUBJECT: Turkey Vale Invasion Greetings, Community!
It looks like the news of an eminent western holiday is driving wild turkeys out of their homeland and straight into our lands!
These runaway birds appear to be taking refuge in the serene(?!) fields of Vale. While we sympathize with their plight, their overwhelming quantities are bringing disbalance into Vale's fauna. If we do not act fast, several of endogenous species of Vale wildlife can be gone for good!
Sadly, these wild turkeys are not that easy to spot! Long travels taught them benefits of good camouflage and various other hiding techniques.
So, the only way to success here is for us to combine forces! Gods and Men, unified as one. Together we shall be victorious! We will use our divine magic to bring wild turkeys out of their hiding spots, and you will use your might and skill to reduce their numbers!
Come prepared, I heard a rumor that these wild turkeys stroke an Alliance with Mythic Roosters, so it is quite possible that they will have the support of Mythic dwellers when in danger.
We shall attempt several attacks. I hope many of you will join in our cause!
Wild Turkey Chase Schedule:
THU - November 24th: 1:00 - 3:00pm EST THU - November 24th: 9:00p-11:00pm EST
FRI - November 25th: 3:00 - 5:00pm EST FRI - November 25th: 8:00- 10:00pm EST
SAT - November 26th: 2:00 - 4:00pm EST SAT - November 26th: 7:00 - 9:00pm EST
United we stand! P.S. Event disrupters will be sent to shipwrecked island. |
Worried about the humans' insatiable hunger and greed, the turkey community has already started a new campaign: eat ham.

Have fun everyone and enjoy the holidays!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 84, Moon 3~
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Server Reset and Client Patch - Thanksgiving Minor Quest Competition
by: Vini
-- 9:29 AM EST
Server was reset couple of hours ago to introduce the patch to Nexus client V7.41. The first change was the update and addition of a second page in option tab introducing the button to toggle Orb/Spell target Share.

However, the main introduction with the reset was the new TG daily competitions and Grand TG Competitions, which have hunters competing for who completes more minor quests during the day and during the thanksgiving period.

To participate simply complete minor quests. Each of them awards 10 points in the 'Ranking' Menu, but just the first one awards the experience. Your score is updated automatically after you complete a minor quest.

Here is a copy of the competition instructions as posted on Dream Weaver's board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/23 SUBJECT: Thanksgiving MQ Run Competition Prizes **Grand Competition (total of 5 days)**
- 1st Prize: Bank slot X 3, Item Protection X 3, Gogoon scroll X 5, World shout X 10, 500K Gold, Gift box, Stuffed turkey
- 2nd Prize: Bank slot X 2, Item Protection X 2, Gogoon scroll X 3, World shout X 7, 200K Gold, Stuffed turkey
- 3rd Prize: Bank slot X 1, Item Protection X 1, Gogoon scroll X 2, World shout X 5, 100K Gold, Thanksgiving gift box
**Daily Competition**
- Day 1 1st Prize: 1,000 Dark ambers + 1 Skill modulator 2nd Prize: 800 Dark ambers 3rd Prize: 600 Dark ambers Top 20%: 100 Dark ambers Top 50%: 20 Dark ambers
- Day 2 1st Prize: 1,000 Wool + 1 Skill modulator 2nd Prize: 800 Wool 3rd Prize: 600 Wool Top 20%: 100 Wool Top 50%: 20 Wool
- Day 3 1st Prize: 1,000 Ginko woods + 1 Skill modulator 2nd Prize: 800 Ginko woods 3rd Prize: 600 Ginko woods Top 20%: 100 Ginko woods Top 50%: 20 Ginko woods
- Day 4 1st Prize: 1,000 Medium ore + 1 Skill modulator 2nd Prize: 800 Medium ore 3rd Prize: 600 Medium ore Top 20%: 100 Medium ore Top 50%: 20 Medium ore
- Day 5 1st Prize: 1,000 Dark ambers + 1 Skill modulator 2nd Prize: 800 Dark ambers 3rd Prize: 600 Dark ambers Top 20%: 100 Dark ambers Top 50%: 20 Dark ambers
**Legend Marks** - "The Final and Sole Winner of Grand Thanksgiving Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Won the second place in Grand Thanksgiving Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Won the third place in Grand Thanksgiving Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Won the first place in Thanksgiving Daily Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Won the second place in Thanksgiving Daily Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Won the third place in Thanksgiving Daily Competition (Hyul 84)" - "Excelled in Thanksgiving Competition (Hyul 84)"
* For the grand winners, the system might require you to have many empty slots available, even though you may not need that many. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please have the empty slots available temporarily to receive the prize. |
And here is a copy of the Server reset and client patch notes as posted on Dream Weaver board:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/23 SUBJECT: Server & Client Reset Nov. 23rd, 2016 - Thanksgiving MQ Run Competition begins, lasts until Sunday (See separate post for prizes. MQ NPCs have a little surprise for you, from time to time, as well)
- Targeting option added
- Big malga purchase option for fragile orbs removed. Gold & Malgal insignia purchase remains. Some overpowered experimental orbs may be removed soon. |
The little surprise from time to time that MQ NPCs have was revealed by LazE on community board, who received a Wony's mod and Wony's little modulator from minor quest.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 83, Moon 3~
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Rest in Peace Logorin
by: Vini
-- 9:25 PM EST
 ♩ ♫ It's kind of hard with you not around; know you in heaven smilin' down Watchin' us while we pray for you; everyday we pray for you Till the day we meet again; in my heart is where I'll keep you friend ♬♪Nexus community has suffered another great loss past weekend. It has come to our attention that Logorin has passed away last Friday, Nov. 18th. This is a huge loss for the community overall, even though he hasn't been actively playing on past months, whenever he dropped by he would inspire people with his positive attitudes and dedicated heart. The Chongunate is in mourning as we all lost a brother, a leader and a true friend.  For those who didn't know Logorin, he was Nexus' 5th Head Judge out of 6 who held that position (Hyul 34). He was also Primogen of Tiger clan for a brief period (Hyul 29), a Koguryo Defender (Hyul 21) and a Chongun Guide (Hyul 20) for some years. More than the positions he held, Logorin was known for his reliability. He was a person we always knew we could count with. He was always willing to help and his wisdom has multiple times been very resourceful. If a word could express his presence in our world it would be "solidarity". Flowers in honor of Logorin are being dropped in front of Justice Court at Kugnae and at top of Heavens's Ascent, Chongun's Immortals Gateway.A memorial is being organized to Logorin on December 3rd and more information will be available on community boards. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 83, Moon 3~
Friday, November 18, 2016
New Minister of Nagnang
by: Vini
-- 1:00 PM EST
Last Wednesday evening there was a shift of leadership power at the Nagnang Ministry, commonly known as the "Eternal Order". After the kingdom's biweekly meeting, Minister Sieo stepped down from her position and appointed Wildhair has her successor to the civil government of Nagnang.

A short bio of the new nangen minister: Wildhair has a long story of administrative positions. Decades ago, she was appointed the second primogen of Phoenix clan, at their early days, was also the third Elder of the Shamans and served as Elixir Division Head in the past.
Throughout her story, she has lived most of the time in Nagnang kingdom, she moved to the kingdom during the early days of Prince Kija's leadership and only was away from it for short periods to assist friends. At Nagnang she was council of The Forsaken clan and now is member of the Covenant clan. She also serves the local army, where she was awarded a Nagnang Medal of Bravery recently.
 "I hope to serve all the needs of Nagnang, its Clans and people. I plan to bring new changes to our kingdom, but still hold on to the traditions of others before me. I open the ministry to anyone interested in joining it and serving our kingdom's culture, history and traditions, no matter what their lifestyle is", announced Wildhair.
Nexus Atlas congratulates Minister Wildhair in her new position and wishes good luck to Sieo on her new endeavors. Since in Nagnang the position is also known as "Sage", then Congratulations Sage Wildhair!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 84, Moon 2~
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Client Patch V.7.40 - Scavenge Competitive System
by: Vini
-- 9:01 AM EST
Servers were reset this morning to release the patch to client V7.40. It introduced a new competitive system called "Scavenge", which seems to be related to collecting scavenge bones from any regular hunts. The ones who obtain most of such bones during a set period get rewarded.
Here's a copy of the Dream Weaver's post about this new release:
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/16 SUBJECT: Server & Client Patch - Nov. 16th, 2016
We are trying out a new competitive system, Scavenge. Please provide feedback how you like the concept.
The new 'ranking' is added to the menu. Please make sure you 'U'se the Scavenge bone after you pick up.
Thank you.
To access the scavenging hunting period and see the ranking of the scavenging races, click the Menu on bottom right corner of your screen.

It will open a leaders board window in which you can see the duration period of such scavenge hunt. After then, prizes shall be awarded to winners and a new competition will begin.

To check the list of prizes one can obtain, simply click RewardInfo button.

Each scavenge bone is worth 10 points and their drop is rare. So this means you still have plenty of time to join this competition and claim one of the top 10 prizes.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 84, Moon 1~
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Recent Changes
If you haven't been in the kingdoms lately, they have replaced the n-mail expiration system with a text within login.
 Interestingly enough if your about to expire soon you'll receive a popup as well during login.

Seems like a lot more "modern" feature added, just can't wait for that free 2 play. =)
10 Year Kruna Shop Anniversary Gift Quest
With the 10th Anniversary of the Kruna Shop, CoverGirl has decided to surprise us with a fantastic Gift! 
As well as as many of the kruna items as she could get in for the time being ~ Wayyy too many to list, so make sure to take a look!
BOARD TITLE: Item Shop Announcements FROM: CoverGirl DATE: 11/5 SUBJECT: Happy 10th Anniversary!! Hello Kingdoms~
Happy 10th Anniversary!!!!!!!!
As some of you may know, - who doesn't know?? :) - it's 10th year anniversary of the Item Shop. I am really excited about our anniversary, YAY!
Many of you have requested that we would put all the items in the Item Shop, so I am doing that. But you know what? There are soooo~ many items to display, I don't think I can display all of them. But I will try my best to have as many items as possible. And many of them are on special low prices as well. But this won't last very long. So if you are have been wanting some items, the chances are you might be able to find them during this weekend.
We also have new anniversary edition items coming up. Tailors are making the clothes as fast as they can, so they should be available in the shop in a few days. Please make sure you check them out. They look gorgeous!
BTW, have you found me and get the special anniversary gift that I prepared for you? If you haven't, please get your anniversary gift while they last. For those who already brought the wonderful gift to me, I am enjoying it and thank you so much!
So, Happy 10th Item Shop Anniversary, and have a great time in the Kingdoms. Thank you for the last 10 years, thank you for your love. I will see you around.
Love you all!!
** CoverGirl
CoverGirl even popped in for a spell or two to visit with us during the quest! 
BOARD TITLE: Community FROM: Meara DATE: 11/4 SUBJECT: Covergirl She's in the Models runway which is north gate Buya and left. Left when you walk in the door and up the stairs, first door you come to. Walk all the way right and up.
For 10 flowers(I gave her roses) she will give you:
10th Kruna anniversary box:
White 10th Kruna baloom(weapon skin) World shout (5) Item Protection (1) Seraph pendant (1) 10 year Kruna mantle dura 100k any class no added stats
Thanks ~Mea & Weywitb
~ Credit to Meara & Weywitb for the information provided.
Make sure to not forget your ten flowers on your way there ~ should be easy enough to find!

Thank you to CoverGirl for our awesome gifts, enjoy everyone!
Small Server Reset - Nov. 4th, 2016
Seems as though there's just been a small server reset early this morning, also seems, that Kru agreed with many of the dreams post about the new Poet heal orb, Ballad of Miin.
BOARD TITLE: Dream Weaver FROM: NexusTK DATE: 11/4 SUBJECT: Server Reset - Nov 4th, 2016 - Halloween event ends.
- It's 10 year Item Shop anniversary. CoverGirl has something special for you if you find her. During the weekend, Item Shop will have most its entire stock available for your purchase, and some will be on sale prices. New Kruna outfits will be added shortly, as well.
- New Fragile orb of Volcanic blast is available for all paths mages of Il san or higher.
- Fragile orb of Ballad of Miin aether tuned.
Also, like the post mentioned, Kruna Shop got some of our old gift boxes and packages back as well as some of the other items like hair dyes, plus TONS of great items on sale as well!
Take a peek ~ There's more to come!
Valentine Gift Box / Valentine Treat / Valentine Present / Valentine Pink Package / Valentine Purple Package / Valentine Green Package / Female Clover Package / Male Clover Package / Kilt Package / Green Kilt Package / Lucky Gift Box / Decoration Gift Box / Wealth Gift Box / Beach Chest / Romance Gift Box / Easter Gift Box / Easter Basket / Easter Egg
Dyes: Cracked Egg / Swing Clothes / Summer / Palace
Hair: Jewel Loops / Untamed Locks / Feather Cut / The Blowup
Cornucopia Toy Weapon : Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter
Weapons: Devil Fist / Smoke Fury
Head: Tiger Hoods : Blue / Gold / Magenta / Olive / Brown / Purple / White
Items on Sale:
Equipment Restoration : 22 Kruna / Bank Slot : 100 Kruna / Spring Cornucopia : 75 Kruna / Pet Snake: 150 Kruna / The Mug: 75 Kruna / Experience Gem: 35 Kruna / Recall Stone: 45 Kruna / Seraph Pendant: 75 Kruna / Carnage Scroll: 20 Kruna / Kingdom Scroll: 12 Kruna / Mythic Scroll: 15 Kruna / Teleport Scroll: 20 Kruna / Vortex Scroll: 17 kruna / Wilderness Scroll: 17 kruna / Woodlands Scroll: 15 kruna / Cocobolo Hair Potion: 10 Kruna / Pet Centipede: 75 Kruna / Pet Pig: 75 Kruna / Pumpkin Mace: 175 Kruna / Bunny Bat: 225 Kruna / Heart Bat: 225 Kruna / Evil Fire/Red/Blue/Green Skull: 175 Kruna / Purple/Red Pumpkin Hood: 60 Kruna / Green Pumpkin Hood: 75 Kruna / Witches Hat: 175 Kruna / Magenta/Olive Tiger Hood: 150 Kruna / Qi Pao Sets: 495 Kruna / Mandarin Hats: 295 Kruna
And all of this is ON TOP of the items that are still there, don't worry the Halloween items have NOT been removed ~ Enjoy!! =)