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Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Monday, November 29, 2010
Three New Primogens!
by: Metro
-- 11:48 PM EST
Three new Primogens have been chosen over the last week or two, and we're here to share them with you!
The first recognition goes to Hobart. Hobart is now the primogen of Covenant. Hobart received his position from Lockz, who we all appreciate (and I'm sure Covenant does too) his work as the Primogen. We wish Hobart the best for many years to come.
The next recognition goes to Lauz. Lauz received this position from Conro, long time Primogen of The Forsaken. Conro is a long time member of Forsaken, and he decided it's time to pass the torch. We wish Lauz the best in her new position as the Primogeness of Forsaken.
Last, but certainly not least, we have a new Primogen of Tiger! SlowSand got the torch from Jasmyn. Jasmyn was a short lived, but a great Primogeness. We wish Merchant SlowSand the best of luck.
 SlowSand, the new Primogen of Tiger!

Hobart, the new Covenant Primogen.

Primogeness of Forsaken, Lauz!
New Merchant Elder
by: Metro
-- 11:28 PM EST
Living has passed his Elder powers over to Keaira. Living's term was short, but we all thank him for his work. I spoke to him, and he told me that he believed he had found the right person for the job. For all of us here at NexusAtlas, we wish Keaira (who is a long time Merchant) the best of luck at her new position as Elder of the Merchant Guild!

Keaira, the newest lady for the job!
Event Part 3 - Lasahn's Rescue!
by: Metro
-- 5:53 PM EST
" Love and Hate, Pride and Forgiveness
Xiou grew impatient with trying to discern the real pages of the Sea Witch's journal from the fake ones, so he decided to seek out the source: ReShor. He taunted her into a duel, and when she faltered, he took the journal and ran without even finishing the duel!
Xiou headed straight for the woman who stole his heart but also killed his father, the princess Lasahn. The ship's mage, a man named Torus, cast the spell, and the princess walked right into their waiting arms, dazed and unable to resist! Xiou must now decide what to do with her. Can she ever love him again? Can he ever forgive her for the death of his father?
WinSong has forgotten his pride and forgiven ReShor after hearing of ReShor's injury and the capture of Lasahn. He will now accept your journal pages, so bring them to him quickly!
Xiou must make his decision soon, so do not delay!
To be continued. "
Note to those who are lost: WinSong is at the Koguryo Palace. Go find him, and give him the Wizard's Journal Page OR the Tampered page. Be adviced that working against WinSong might complicate you with your royal, specially if you're from Buya.

WinSong, take your page to him.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
To trick or not to trick? (Event Continued!)
by: Rachel
-- 9:59 PM EST
"You are now faced with a difficult choice. Which page should you give to Xiou? The page that can make him powerful or the page that can make him a fool?"
1. With the Wizard's Journal, go to Kugnae Palace (110,100) and talk to WinSong (walks around, wears Mhul dye). You will get a "Tampered page". He instructs you to take this to Xiou.

2. Go to Hausson and walk all the way to the right until you see a BlackGut (70,50) and Kiyuu (66,48). Kiyuu will tell you NOT to give the pages to Xiou. BlackGut will tell you that you will be rewarded if you give the page to Xiou. Enter the ship by the docks on the right.

3. Now in the top deck of the ship, go to the first room on the right (79,26). Now that you’re in the "Captain's Room", talk to Xiou. This is where you have to choose what you wish to do.

One theory is that this will determine what kind of weapon you get at the end of the event. You can give him the Tampered page or the Wizard's Journal page.
Based on your choice, you will get one of these legend marks:
"Tried to Help Xiou" or "Tried to Trick Xiou"
Even if you give him the real page, he’ll think it’s a fake. So either way, you’ll be sent to the brig.
4. Click the Bored Rock and answer its riddles. The answer are:
 | a) Circle b) Fallen star c) Yellow scroll |
For answering the riddles you will be released and given a "Brig key".

5. Exit the Ship’s brig at the bottom. Go to the front of the red chest (6,8) BEFORE leaving the room or you won’t get a helmet! You should get a helmet, which you can equip:

 | Warriors: Xiou's war helmet |  | Rogue: Xiou's stealth bandana |  | Mage: Xiou's magic crown |  | Poets: Xiou's spiritual hood |
All helms are 50k dura, -9ac, 50 vita, 50 mana, 20 regen, level 0, not bonded.
Exit the bottom of the room to get back to the Captain's room. He'll ask where you got your key if you click him. This is the part everyone is on for now.
NOTE: You do not have to kill any pirates in the cave. But you can get experience and drops such as: Dice, Pirate grog, Peg legs and Parrot feathers. (Which could be required for some other part of the event)

Stay tuned for more!
(Original walkthrough by Metro, with some additions from Rachel and images contributed by Vini)
Patch to 6.87
by: Rachel
-- 8:43 PM EST
Client Patch, November 24, 2010
Nexus Client patched to 6.87: * Added new item graphics * New items in the item shop * Pirate day 2 is here! (More on that soon! - Rach)
*** If you are running Windows Vista/7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch ***
There's also a new post on Whispering Winds board by Vyn:
WinSong is not the only one interested in the wizards' journal that ReShor brought. Such power would be tempting for anybody seeking great power: somebody like Xiou, the new captain of his father Bluestone's ship. After taking charge of the Golden Coin, Xiou set out to make a fortune and a name for himself, and the quickest way to do this is with the power of the Sea Witch.
WinSong refuses to take ReShor's gifts of diary pages, but he is willing to help defeat Xiou. He has created a clever (but completely useless) spell, and he suggests that you can take it to Xiou for a reward!
You are now faced with a difficult choice. Which page should you give to Xiou? The page that can make him powerful or the page that can make him a fool?
Choose wisely.
To be continued. |
With the reset, new package sets have been released on Kruna Shop to celebrate Thanksgiving. To obtain them players shall purchase a Stuffed Turkey.

Monday, November 22, 2010
ReShor's boat walkthrough
by: Metro
-- 8:17 PM EST
A new pirate crew is found as citizens find their way into ReShor’s boat, but unlike the nasty buccaneers that our community are used to fight against, these do not attack you unless provoked. If you're confused how to proceed in the event, just follow the walkthrough below:
 1) Go to Northern Dae Shore and find the little boat (74/22). Enter it to go to ReShor’s boat.  2) Head to the stern and look for some stairs (84,12). Follow the stairs to ReShor's Cabin.  3) Click the pirate, ReShor (green attire, purple pirate hat). She should give you "ReShor's sealed note".  4) Take the Reshor's sealed note to Tangun. You can go to Tangun by going to any of the inns and saying "Tangun". (If you have a Leviathan fan, bring it with you to skip step 5 and 6)  5) Go outside the Quiet Room. Walk to the right a little bit and you should see Mananana. (34,118. But beware, she does move – Shout “What’s your name?” if you have trouble finding her) Click her. She will take the note and she will instruct you to bring her a "Nagnang fan". (Or she will take it if you already have it)  6) Go to the eastern gate of Nagnang and walk down all the way until you get to the place the Green Squirrels (134,155). Follow the path down then right. Then enter the Hermit’s hut (22,8). To enter the hut, you must have completed the Leviathan Quest: http://www.nexusatlas.com/quests/leviathan.php7) When you enter the hut, say "Dae-Whan", and he will sell you a fan. Beware, depending on your level this can cost up to 150,000 coins. Fans are not bonded, but your level and path have to match the fan your own.  8) When you buy the fan, go back to Mananana in Tangun. She will give you a "Manahana replied note".  9) Give the replied note to ReShor in the cabin (Repeat step 1 and 2) and she will give you a Wizard's Journal Page to be delivered to WinSong. At this stage, this is the end. For day one of this event, that is all that there is to do.  NOTE: You do not have to kill any pirates in the cave and they won’t attack if you leave them alone, that is just purely for experience and Amber drops. I will update this information on this post as I gain more knowledge. This is the stage that everyone is trapped on for the time being. Made by Metro for NexusAtlas and the Community board.
The delivery of Chaos Stone and the return of ReShor
by: Vini
-- 7:38 PM EST
KOGURYO -- Earlier today a beautiful ritual was held by Oceana clan to help summon the SeaNymph to shore. The reason for them to perform such ritual is not secret to anybody: King M’hul wants the chaos stone kept safe and only trusts the SeaNymph to do it. Their past show proves he is right. SeaNymph was the one who kept the Onyx which imprisoned Sagu safe for years and only brought it back by request of the subpath founders who needed it shattered. This time is not different, but hopefully community shall never need to shatter the Chaos stone and free Rusuto ever again.
 The four guardians of the Chaos stone stand together while waiting for SeaNymph to appear. The ritual performed by Mesocute and Zylon involved sea shells, seaweed, fresh salt and purified waters. A series of enchanting were cast but the SeaNymph did not appear. Kiyuu, InSu and WinSong began to wonder if the ritual would actually work. They started looking for the water lady but had no sight of it. Shortly after they found a strange area just north of where the ritual was held which was surrounded by floricades. They jumped over the floricades and were joined by Qantao.  SeaNymph arrives mounted on a sea turtle.After a while of wondering what would happen, the SeaNymph finally appeared. She asked what she was needed for. Kiyuu carefully explained her about the situation with the Chaos stone. Citizens warned her about the existence of another Onyx, but WinSong insisted that the priority was to keep the Chaos stone out of reach. They finally handed the Chaos stone to SeaNymph who departure just after. Before she left she offered a hand for future troubles community might have while the Onyx is still controlled by Humma. “ Just like with the last onyx, if you truly need it, call me again”, said the Nymph as she walked away.  Princess ReShor appears in front of WinSong again after so many years.Shortly after the Nymph left a long forgotten figure reappeared in the lands. It was ReShor, the princess of Pirates and former fiancée of WinSong. She was followed by Koguryo Army and King M’hul. ReShor spoke of redemption and seemed remorseful about her past mistake of hiding her through identity to WinSong. Although she could not regain his love, she is determined to regain his trust. Therefore she offered to return the lost pages of the Wizard’s Journal, including ones WinSong never read before that belonged to the Sea Witch. WinSong and the others didn’t believe she was changed. She still dressed like a pirate, still talked like a pirate; she is still a pirate in fact. King M’hul ordered that no pirate should dwell freely in his lands and therefore a hunt for the pirate began. ReShor ran across the shore and reached her boat. After that a small ship was seen at northeast Dae Shore and from there the heroic citizens can reach ReShor’s ship and face fierce pirates once again.  Here's what was posted on Whispering Winds board just after: InSu, along with his fellow heroes WinSong, Qantao and Kiyuu, passed the Chaos Stone on to the Sea Nymph for safekeeping. Just when the kingdoms were free of the Chaos Stone's uncontrollable power, an old foe returned.
ReShor, the pirate princess, returned with her new crew. She says she only wants to speak with the Sea Nymph about earning WinSong's forgiveness, but WinSong won't even speak to her!
ReShor has retreated to her ship, but she hopes that you will prove worthy of passing along her precious gift to WinSong, the journal of the Sea Witch.
Do not wait long. She will only give each person one page of the journal, and there is a limited number of pages!
To be continued. |
A fierce battle against Pirates is about to begin! ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 3~
The Onyx exchange receives a mysterious visit
by: Vini
-- 7:18 PM EST
KOGURYO -- What was supposed to be a secret meeting became a big dispute as the soldiers from Koguryo, Buya and Nagnang stopped by Il Mudum Crypt to try to stop the exchange of Onyx’s bearer. The supposed farmer known as Hobart, who has held the stone over the past weeks finally started feeling the effects from its magical powers. His figure was pale and his voice was weak. The Onyx consumed and corrupted his very mind up to a point he would lust for power anyway he could achieve.
 The Army Generals confront Hobart about his wrong decisions involving the destiny of the Onyx he carried. Taking advantage of a weakened man is how the elder of Shamans convinced him to give up the onyx for him. With a promise of healing his mind and body and to participate in what could come out of a ritual involving the Onyx, Hobart finally gave up the possession of the stone but ignored the plea of General ThiefOfSouls of Koguryo, General Killeh of Buya and Prince Regent ChaeRi who went to the crypt to try to put reason into the mind of the ones involved.  The mysterious White Tiger Warrior approachs Hobart to warn him of the consequences of his choices. “ Proceeding with this will be the worst mistake you ever do”, echoed a strange voice inside the crypt. It was a strange man, all dressed in white with a scar in his face. Citizens began to wonder if he was a ghost or something of that sort. “ The name is Goeyu said the mysterious folk.  Carrying a white glowing sword and the mark of the white tiger, Goeyu seems to be a powerful Warlord. His words towards Hobart and Humma were not gentle and his warning was blunt: if the onyx falls on the hands of Mupa their family shall all perish for their mistake. Shamans claimed they did not fear death, but the Warlord reminded them that there are things that they should fear more than death itself. Besides the efforts of the army soldiers to capture the elder of shamans bearing the Onyx, they’ve managed to escape in their snake form and head back to the Valley of Mudang in the islets. There they attempted to hold a ritual to empower themselves with the Onyx mystical powers, but nothing happened. Incensed by the lack of power to control the onyx, the shamans decided to expel everyone out of their home. Shortly after Diviners started having augury visions which they decided to share in the Chronicles of the Winds. Here’s a copy of one: The sun shines brightly The winds dancing cheerfully A small hill that no one ever been there For meditation I prepare
The void struck my mind Leaving my body in trance
The winds start to scream Driven the void away Awaken I be under the moonbeam
A voice is heard as the winds screaming again
I still... believe... in second chances... Do you believe...?
Hisha ~ Grey Hyun-Jae ~ |
Last night series of events left many questions unaswered: What will happen to Hobart now that he no longer bears the Onyx? What will be done of the onyx now? Who exactly is Goeyu and why he decided to appear at that very moment? What second chances does the augury vision refers to? Stay tuned with Nexus Atlas because the answer to any of these questions migh be figured out anytime soon. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 2~
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Is this the end of "Event 1" path?
by: Vini
-- 11:29 PM EST
Ever since April 2006, a strange path has been giving headaches to some members of the community who couldn't see a "Event 1" and respect the essence of the important figure they're interacting with. Yet, some watchful citizens such as Cadre have noticed that this may no longer exist. As seen in recent news, some event characters who used to have “Event 1” path have now different path names never seen before:

 Scholars, Conjurers, Creatures and Commoners? I for one am happy with this small change. Nexus Atlas will report if we find any other new path such as these.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 36, Moon 1~
Sunday, November 14, 2010
King's requests are orders
by: Vini
-- 1:53 PM EST
Earlier this afternoon, King M’hul had a private meeting with WinSong in his Royal chambers accompanied by one of his soldiers, Field MajorLifeSong. Stressed with the reports given by WinSong, the koguryian king saged for a councilor of Oceana clan to contact him urgently. Both Primogen Miroshi and I answered his call and joined them at their meeting. King M’hul questioned Primogen Miroshi about the out coming of the contact he requested Oceana to do with the SeaNymph weeks ago. His Majesty was surprised to hear that the ritual to summon her was not ready yet due the recent shifts of leadership in the clan.
  WinSong drops the Chao stone to show he is carrying it now.WinSong showed he was now the bearer of the Chaos Stone as Kiyuu could not take the stone back to ethereal realm. WinSong claimed that since he became the stone bearer he had a strong sense of being followed and thought his life was in danger. Primogen Miroshi promised that the ritual to summon the SeaNymph will be ready soon and the King of Koguryo can be certain that the Chaos stone will not fall on wrong hands nor give him any headaches like the recent Onyx stone found has. ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 35, Moon 12~
Saturday, November 13, 2010
New Barbarian elder!
Few hours ago, the news passed on the winds of the newest Barbarian elder, Atilla, as KeLLa steps down. Atilla has been a Barbarian since 71 and a Guide of the path for about two years. "I hope the position doesn't change me, I still think myself just as any other Barbarian. Everyone in the path is the reason I am who I am today", said Atilla the new carrier of the Torch of Barbarians.
 Congratulations to Atilla on the position, we wish you luck, and thank you KeLLa for all of your hard work for the path! I expect a lot more brew to fly around the Kingdoms than usual, today!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Army's List of Most Wanted
by: Vini
-- 9:39 PM EST
General ThiefOfSouls, the leader of KRA, has posted a list of most wanted men to the kingdoms of Koguryo and Nagnang on all the boards. It seems that the sort of secret meeting King M'hul and Prince Regent ChaeRi had the other day has started to produce some results. Another person has been added to the search list: Itsuwari. But why has this person been brought back to the spotlight of the government issues after so long is not known yet. Perhaps the royals are really concerned that Hobart might uncover the secret powers of the stone with Itsuwari's help. Although her recent appearance at Kugnae, the witch Mupa who was banned from the kingdom, was not added to the most wanted list.
Here's a copy of the post made by ThiefofSouls on the Chronicles of the Winds:
************************* * Koguryo's Most Wanted * ************************* The following men are wanted for questioning involving charges of the murder of Prince Kija, conspiracy to assassinate King M'hul of Koguryo and crimes against the people of Nagnang. All subjects are to be considered extremely dangerous.
Known Associate: Hawkmori Last seen: The Nagnang Border
Known Associate: Wiyae Last seen: The Nagnang Border
Known Associate: Johaih Last seen: Nagnang It is possible that these men could be hiding on Koguryo soil. Any information leading to their capture will result in a sizeable reward. Please report any suspicious activity to the nearest KRA soldier on duty. Due to the severe nature of these crimes no detail should be considered insignificant.
I thank you in advance for your help with this matter.
-General ThiefOfSouls |
If you happen to find any information concerning any of these three enemies of state inform the authorities, but don't forget to document it ((screenshot)) and submit to Nexus Atlas as well!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 35, Moon 12~
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Mupa visits Trapped Yieta
by: Vini
-- 2:36 AM EST
No! Stay away from me! echoed a familiar voice to those who have lived longer than 30 Hyuls. It was the murmur of Yieta, the longtime sorcerer who has been transformed into a tree near Kugnae Mage guild. Upon hearing such scary exclamation, citizens rushed through East gate roads towards the palace and reach out the hill where trapped Yieta lays her roots.
 Upon reaching the area, the curious adventurers stumbled upon an unexpected sight. Mupa was there and talking to the tree. " You fool! I shall silence you again until you learn how to behave", said the witch. When questioned by community members about what she was doing there, Mupa threatened people to transform them in to trees as well and join Yieta for her daily sun bath. When asked to leave Koguryo lands, she ignored the request and questioned who would actually be able to force her out. The evil witch was not in a good mood and after silencing Yieta again, she pushed the Sea Explorer Bunker all across the hill for trying to take a lock of her hair " Don't you ever touch me again!", shouted the cruel snake. Mupa's attention then turned to Hobart who had been insistently waving the onyx stone in his hand to catch her attention. The witch jumped from the hill and quickly stood staring Hobart with her evil look. " Got something to say?", asked Hobart. " Don't play with toys you don't know how to handle", answered Mupa.  Hobart then started teasing her about how knew Itsuwari and with the power of that stone he could bring Kajang back. Mupa ignored his claiming and laughed when he tried to insinuate that Sagu was being held within the Onyx in his possession. " Keep dreaming boy. Just remember you'll need to wake up someday", said Mupa. " You have NO idea of what you're talking about boy. Soon you'll understand you’re nothing but a fool", warned the witch. The evil witch left the place claiming to have more important things to worry about. It is not known why Mupa decided to pay a visit to Yieta today, but it's pretty clear that the reason why she transformed her into a tree instead of killing her is because Mupa has plans for the sorcerer in the future. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 35, Moon 10~
New Covenant Primogen
by: Caera
-- 12:47 AM EST
Primogen Shisitsu of Covenant recently passed power on to Lockz. Lockz was a founding member of the Legion (long before it became Covenant), and he says he has big plans for its future. Best of luck to Lockz as he pursues his vision, and thank you to Shisitsu for your service.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Mhul and ChaeRi join forces against a common enemy
by: Vini
-- 11:01 PM EST
Last night, an important meeting took place in Kija's Chambers as the leaders of Koguryo kingdom and Nagnang met to discuss the potential threat that Hawkmori and Wiyae are currently to the kingdoms.
 According to a source which would prefer to remain anonymous and referred only as "thirteen", Prince Regent ChaeRi and King M'hul have been sending each other messages through the means of a Diviner, Lord Nobu since Hawkmori returned to the kingdoms. They resorted to a third party to deliver the communications due to the threat that the assassin could present if they were to meet in person. Thee koguryian king was escorted into nangen lands by soldiers Aens and LifeSong from the KRA and an unknown group of hired-hands in black attires and daggers. Upon reaching the palace he was received by ChaeRi, Dethsgift, ChiDragon, Primogen Lockz of Covenant clan and Primogen Rap of Alizarin clan. During the meeting the royals agreed that actions need to be taken as soon as possible against these criminals roaming freely through their lands and thus they agreed to sign a term to authorize troops searching for Hawkmori and Wiyaee in each other's kingdom. In the midst of the conversation two reliable figures presented themselves. They came almost simultaneously. First to arrive was Major General YeNaeWi and then Hobart, 2nd in command of the White Mountain. General YeNaeWi was invited to be present as he had additional information about Wiyae’s whereabouts; however he was weary of Hobart's presence in the room. Hobart spoke directly to ChaeRi about the Onyx and about how he is planning on using it with the help of Itsuwari. Both leaders disagreed and said the Onyx must be destroyed. Hobart shortly after left the meeting room and General YeNaeWi advised ChaeRi against revealing of the information in front of such a loud crowd. According to source known as “A”, he was suspicious if one of the many spies in the room could be working for both sides. Both royals parted with promise of ChaeRi constructing a document with the term of peaceful troop investigation. Another meeting like this might be held sometime soon, informed dethsgift. Nexus Atlas will be sure to pay attention to it and give exclusive details on it as well. Special thanks to “Thirteen”, Mr. “A”, Lockz and dethsgift for sharing reliable information about this important moment of Nexus politics. ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 35, Moon 10~
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Server Reset 11/9
by: Caera
-- 7:32 PM EST
* Reduced the chance of being shipwrecked to Gogoon * Ogre mask from the itemshop is now tradeable as was intended * Halloween trick or treat and costumes/spooks are now gone
Minor updates for: - Geomancers - Elixir Sand arena - SunMoon clan - SanSin clan - LostKingdom clan
New Spy Elder
by: Metro
-- 3:46 PM EST
Recently, a new Premier of the Spy Guild has been chosen. Chosen by popular vote from the members in the Guild, Aens was the man elected for the job. Aens has held positions in the Guild before, the highest being Junior Premier. Rhetoric was the previous man in charge, and we thank him for all his work!
 Aens, posing in the Meeting Hall.
We wish Aens the best of luck from all of us here at Nexus Atlas!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
New Enigma Primogen
by: Skum
-- 9:31 AM EST
Last night, after many long years of service, FalenAngel passed on leadership of the Enigma Clan of Koguryo to Setsunabelle. We all thank FalenAngel for all the hard work and dedication she's put forth for Engima and wish the best of luck to Setsunabelle as she steps up into her new position!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Client Patch 11/2
Nexus Client patched to 6.86: * Bugged item tiles should now be fixed * We have made additional changes to hinder the use of third party programs in Nexus * Fixed a bug with the Ogre Council causing people who have killed the council not to receive their legend mark
*** If you are running Windows Vista/7, make sure to run NexusTK as administrator (by right clicking the shortcut and selecting the option) for this patch ***
If you notice any bugs related to this patch, please submit a support ticket and we'll look into it.