Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News
Sunday, November 30, 2008
New Leaders in the Kingdoms
by: Vini
-- 10:18 PM EST
After 4 years, the longest running Chongun Elder and reference as leader in the kingdoms, Koguryo Defender SilentS decided it was time for him to step down. To replace him, he choose a guide who has served for over 6 years and been a regent for long time as well. As of last friday, Liadriel took the position of Elder of the Chongunate and is the 13th person to step on the position.
Along with the changes in the own path, another Chongun appeared to shine in the politics scenario. The Nagnang Army has had a new General for a few days now: Chongun Anatole who has taken the spot of General Sterben.
Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate Elder Liadriel and General Anatole in their achievements and wish they good luck on their services to the community. Also a special thanks to SilentS and Sterben for their work and contribution leading these two organizations.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 5~
Friday, November 28, 2008
First Legendary Scribe
Miden is the first Legendary Scribe! She says there are no new items at this level but a much better success rate. Please congratulate her on all of her hard work!
AllyGator Hyul 20, 4th Moon
Friday, November 21, 2008
Complete Event Walkthrough
by: Conro
-- 5:00 PM EST
1) Say 'Mupa' to Haggardwitch at East Gate
2) Enter cave below Tree of Reflections. - Gather 10 Onyx Seedlings - Gather 20 Decayed Root
3) Say 'Onyx' to Haggerdwitch - She will take Onyx seedlings (10) and Decayed Root (20) - Say 'Onyx' again (be sure your inventory is NOT full!) - She will give you 'Vacant soul'
4) Take 'Vacant soul' to Tanbae at Northern pass (Arctic) - Say 'Vacant soul' (be sure to have AT LEAST two slots open) - She will take Vacant soul' - Say 'Vacant soul' - She will give you 'Viper's blood'
5) Take Viper's blood to Haggardwitch - Say 'Viper's blood' - Haggardwitch will ask for items, bring her...
- 20 Ginko wood - 10 Yellow amber - 2 Steelthorn - 1 Tao stone - 4 Fragile rose 6) Say 'I am ready', she will take the items above.
7) Say 'I am ready' again.
8) She will begin to chant a spell. She will ask for more...
9) Go back into cave, collect - 25 Dead leaf - 25 Dead soil - 25 Heartwood
10) Say 'Tree remains'.
11) Haggardwitch will create an item for you... I got...
Crowning fan Durability: 9000000/9000000 S: 1m2 L: 1m2 AC - 6 Vitality increase: +10000 Mana increase: +2500 Grace increase: +3 Regen: +10 Protection: +10
12) Say 'Tree Remains' again - *You hear a blood curdling scream into the far distance...!*
13) Go to Tabae in Arctic and ask 'What happened?' and she will give you a Vacant soul.
14) Go back to Haggard Witch and say 'Tabae', she will give you some Minor Quest experience, leave you with your Vacant soul, and a new mark!: ' Witnessed the nefarious deeds of Mupa (Hyul 20, Spring)'

NOTE: I am sure I am missing what you say to at a few step... try to say what she says back to her. It's what I did, when you figure out what I'm missing, PLEASE repost walkthrough adding what needs to be said!!
- Conro - Last steps added by LeAnnder
Sa san Spell Page
The Sa san Spells page has been posted. Much of this information is missing. Each entry has an "Additional Information" section that lists what we still need. Please contact me with the information. I can set up a time in the game to capture spell graphics.
Thanks, AllyGator
The Return of Mupa!
Roving Reporter Musoyen(*) sends in the following report:
The Haggard Witch has returned once again, but this time with the knowledge to revive the Yon and Tae families. As revealed a few evenings ago, Mupa was behind the murderous acts. Mupa's reasons involving the families’ disregard of building a Kingdom for Mupa's "True King." Tabae and Haggard Witch discussed the written laws from the heavens. It is written in these laws that if innocent souls are slain prematurely by an immortal, the victims may be granted second life. This second life is only good if their silver thread was not yet cut by the Fates. Mupa's summoning has caused an imbalance to the kingdoms’ grounds. Onyx trees that re-appeared have soiled their seeds into the earth, thus disturbing the peacefulness nature of the Tree of Reflections and its surroundings.
Click Tree of Reflections to read about how this area was found.
(*) Musoyen isn't home and can't log on. :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Today's Reset
by: Vini
-- 2:47 PM EST
A big storm has hit the lands of nexus today and with it, the winds of change brought the following new features:
Winter has blow cold snow all over the Kingdoms. Even some new places got hit with the snow storm. So bundle up!
The HaggardWitch story continues… can you help save the Yon and Tae families?
She's located in usual place near Tree of Reflections in east gate Kugnae.

The cave south of the tree of reflections was open since the last event there, but now for the first time since the triiofas were freed, the evil tree folks are back to fight with us. Those who choose to fight the menacing trees will enter one of the 10 levels optional to their quest.

Other than that, here's what also changed: Subpath additions and fixes: * Spies receive minor fix * Shaman receive new board * Monk receive new board
Dreams: * Please change the "Snake fangs" graphic for Sa san rogues Granted
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 2~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Free Kruna!
by: Vini
-- 8:50 PM EST
Those who are unregistered by willing to come back to nexus sometime soon should consider re-registering today. The reason behind this suggestion is that tomorrow is the day when KRU will give away free kruna to all players registered in nexus.
These are the bonuses to the accounts depending on the year it was created: 1998 = 900 Kruna 1999 = 800 Kruna 2000 = 700 Kruna 2001 = 600 Kruna 2002 = 500 Kruna 2003 = 400 Kruna 2004 = 300 Kruna 2005 = 250 Kruna 2006 = 200 Kruna 2007-2008 = 150 Kruna
The free KRUNA is useful for everyone, even for those that don't like Kruna items. Who can say they wouldn't have use for a mount or equipment restoration. Think about it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 20, Moon 2~
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Windowed Nexus
For some time now Nexus has been updated so you can use it in windows allowing you to open more than one instance. Here are the instructions:
Switching NexusTk Display options:
For Windows XP:
If you have a desktop icon for Nexus...
1. Right click Nexus Desk top icon (or Nexustk under programs) 2. Click "Properties" 3. Click "find target" (a folder opens) 4. Double click "TLDisplaySelector" 5. Check radio button for "full screen" or "window mode" for smaller screen.
For Windows Vista:
If you have a desktop icon for Nexus...
1. Right click Nexus Desk top icon (or Nexustk under programs) 2. Click "properties" 3. Select "short cut" tab 4. Click "open file location" (a folder opens) 5. Double click "TLDisplaySelector" 6. Check radio button for "full screen" or "window mode" for smaller screen.
Thanks to Raushawna for supplying this information to me.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
As some of you may remember, when the Triiofa first appeared, so did these tiny, plant-like creatures. The Saplings filled the cave just below the Tree of Reflections at Kugnae's east gate - unintentionally creating obstacles for those traveling through.
 The cave, still open since after the revival of the Tree of Reflections still, has had no changes as of yet.  Not only that, but the Saplings that once resided within the cave… are now out of the cave! You can see them roaming the kingdoms in areas such as east Kugnae and even Mythic! Many have attempted to kill the slippery rascals that cannot be paraed or blinded, but can be dozed - groups of four succeeding. What is going on in the kingdoms? What will come next? XoXo Kikoura
Sever Reset: Thurs, Nov 13
Server reset, Thursday, November 13, 2008 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Ancient Training Grounds (ATG) cave 10 experience has been tweaked again as well as the monsters.
Bug with Valor not letting Poets cast new spell should be fixed. Please send ticket for any issues.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Silla clan receives new board "Oasis" * BIA receives new merchant Erucolindo * Phoenix receives update look to merchant Generosity * SanSin receives new merchant Hwa Chu-Wan, Updated to Chin-Hwa, a portal to Forrest Crossroads, and may now purchase a clan helm from Shin-Guarda * Heaven's receives update to merchants: Hanulson, Bebe and Sky as well as many new portals. * Minor update for Sun Moon * Dharma clan receives changes to merchant Aria
Subpath additions and fixes: * Spies receive new board * Major update for Geomancer's Earth's Dragon. -- The Earth Dragon now has the option to -- obtain the famous Keeper of Balance dye! -- Now, if you want a redye, simply go visit -- The dragon in the House of Chi! * Minor update for Subpath Information board
Dreams: * Please add Protection back to Antique drops in Vortex Granted * Please make the Jewellery Legend mark a ring. Granted
Exclusive with Item shop keeper, Cup
by: Conro
-- 3:10 PM EST
Today, Cup announced a few older items coming back to the Item Shop, namely the PJs, Tako and Cat hats.
In celebration of the second year anniversary of the Item Shop, KRU Interactive will be granting each account a specific amount of Kruna, depending on the year they registered their account.
1998 = 900 Kruna 1999 = 800 Kruna 2000 = 700 Kruna 2001 = 600 Kruna 2002 = 500 Kruna 2003 = 400 Kruna 2004 = 300 Kruna 2005 = 250 Kruna 2006 = 200 Kruna 2007-2008 = 150 Kruna
Cup stated that they hope to have the new Item Shop page up and running, where items will be divided into sub categories, instead of all on one page. This will decrease load time and better organize items for sale.
All this is stated to happen on November 20th. Those who wish to share in the Kruna bonus need to have their accounts registered before then.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Murdered of the Yon and Tae Families is Revealed
by: Vini
-- 11:54 PM EST
The screams of fear echoed in the lands of Nexus when the first person announced the appearance of an Onyx tree today. Crowds of people gathered in east gate Kugnae and west gate Nagnang in attempts to destroy the devilish trees. Various young fighters have fallen to the powerful strikes of the mighty creatures, citizens were sure that this was not going to be an ordinary day.
 Onyx trees appeared in different places. People started to get worried about it.Not long after they started being vanquished a familiar voice was heard through the winds. Haggardwitch was back and with her was also Tabae, the witch who stood in front of YuRyang village. The words spread as people found the two witches preparing a ritual in Vale. Haggardwitch claimed she would reveal who was behind the murder of the Yon and Tae families. Yet, despite the questions of people, she proceeded with doing a ritual to revive the two murdered households.
 The two witches gather in the center of the 8 columns surrounded by magical barricades.The rite required the assistance of four people, each representing a kingdom and the fourth representing the wilderness. They were asked to hold out their immortal gems as they would be necessary for the enchantment. The four picked ones were: Sundae of Buya, Sitliths of Koguryo, Maddox of wilderness and Sayomi of Nagnang. Yet, the nangen representative did not carry the special gem and had to be replaced by KerrminatoR.
 The ritual takes a while to begin as one of the chosen representatives didn't carry an immortal gem.Before they started the ritual Sitliths tried to obtain answers of what was going on prior to proceed on helping with something they weren’t sure what would cause. He asked HaggardWitch about who killed the two families and why were there Onyx trees appearing. Both questions were vaguely answered by the witch, who sounded like she had something to hide. She dropped black ashes and white ashes under the immortal gems following a pattern. Then, a she asked the four to repeat the enchantments of the ceremony: Blood of the innocent, Pierced by mortal sin, We stand before you in the land of the living. It is not your time. Your silver thread still dwindles.
 The ashes are dropped under the immortal gems.Haggardwitch took a piece of thread and wrapped around her finger. She proceeded and broke an immortal gem in two. Snakes appeared on top of the gems while the witch announced that slowly the souls were being restored into the abandoned bodies of the Yon and Tae families. “ Myityin” she said. “ Myityin” she repeated louder so everyone could her and continued with “ Meiri…Hiyr..Hnui…” As if was being called by her words, a known enemy of the kingdoms put her face out into the public again. “What nonsense are you muttering? Oh so wise Haggard Witch” asked the evil witch. Mupa is back!
 As the sky grew dark, the feared witch appeared.Surprised by the sudden appearance of the vicious snake, the community soon heard from her own mouth that she was the one responsible for the murder of the two families in Islets. Mupa revealed that Tae and Yon family were once servants of Sagu. Mentioned that they have promised to gather and form a new village as followers of what she claimed to be “ true king”. Yet, as things did not work out as she expected and they didn’t follow her beloved one, she decided then that she would rip their souls of their bodies and use them to be filled by other souls, loyal ones. Tabae and Haggadwitch got furious. “ Unforgivable” said the YuRyang witch. “ You have toyed with the Fate’s silver thread” said the other. Yet, to the surprise of all Mupa known to be quick to strike down their enemies did not express any sort of threat to the ones present. “ Do not fret, my sisters, I will admit defeat for now… The next time I return, however, be rest assured that I will have succeeded”. Using these words, the menacing witch vanished into the winds and kept the community on high alert about her plans. “ What is Mupa planning to do next? Why such powerful witch admitted defeat so easily? Why and how is she summoning Onyx trees?” Many questions are left unanswered for now but while they don’t get covered people still will have trouble cleaning the lands from the new Onyx trees that have sprouted. Tabae and Haggardwitch took their leave too, but not before letting people know that she would return giving the next step to the revival of the Tae and Yon families. ~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 19, Moon 12~
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Portals in Odd Places
by: Vini
-- 11:58 PM EST
Citizens have been talking about the encounter of mysterious new archways in the lands of Nexus. So far, four portals have been spotted in different locations, but none is known to lead anywhere as of yet.

Nagnang west gate (012 102) Kugnae south gate (085 203) Buya inns (033 120) Wilderness near Buya entrance (008 025)
What might these archways bring? Let's hope to soon find it out.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 19, Moon 10~
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sever Reset: Thurs, Nov 6
Server reset, Thursday, November 6, 2008 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Through the chants of the players and the magic of HaggardWitch, the Ancient Training Grounds has become the first 10 level cave to be opened to all players as a permanent addition to the game. The monsters now have new drops and if the magic continues you never know what might happen!
The Spooks have vanished and the joys of Halloween have faded away for another year.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Alizarin receive minor update to portal * Nagnang army's merchant Jidanbou now allows you to do Minor quest
Subpath additions and fixes: Minor update for Barbarian Guide merchant Spy get Sa san blade per request
Other: Minor update for Head Judge
Dreams: * Please make the Black rabbit the right color Granted (we have also corrected the Brown rabbit and the Brown hare) * A dream that neutral players will be able to resurrect when they use silver thread back to the merchant in Wilderness (Rotah) Granted
XoXo Kikoura
The Return of HaggardWitch and the Rising of Blue Moon
by: Vini
-- 10:22 AM EST
Is a witch by definition a bad thing or can a witch be good? That’s the debate that happened last night about the return of HaggardWitch. The Community and Royals suspected that she might be the witch mentioned to those who helped solve the murder of the Yon and Tae families.
The HaggardWitch returned to the lands of Koguryo and saged:
I call upon you King, Princess, and Prince. For in a short while the winds will grow cold and ancient times shall change. Hear me, leaders of the great nations. I will require your warm presence soon.
Later in the day, King M’hul, Princess Lasahn and Prince Kija gathered in East Nagnang to talk with HaggardWitch. Before she say what she wanted, she had to deal with a whole round of accusations. The Royals started questioning her saying that they were looking for a witch; a murderous witch. They did not think the appearance of HaggardWitch could be a coincidence. Apparently they forgot the many peaceful times that she came to the lands only wanting to help. Can a person change that much?
The Community started pointing fingers at her. The Minister of Koguryo and others tried to point out it could be another witch, perhaps Mupa. King Mhyul responded by saying that she at least knew something and the other Royals agreed.
HaggardWitch started to talk about the Winds. A cold, chill Wind in the lands. She mentioned how the Ancient Training Grounds have an unknown purpose which she came to reveal. Worried about greater dangers than just a mere witch, the three Royals extended their hands and began to listen. She made a small cut in the hand of each Royal then started chanting with along with the Community:
Kings and Queens of the long departed, Your great grandchildren stand before you. Fathomed years of great trials, Evoke the request of our Kings and Queens. Blood spills of royal ancestry. Lay low, servants of our foe. Arise, followers of our leaders!
~she wiped the blood from the dagger with her hands~ ~smudges the blood between her palms~
Together, the blood of the royals - Together, the fire of war - Together, the refute of innocent demise - Together, a doorway to honor, valor, and courage. ~she abruptly clasps her hands together~ Great Kings and Queens, we beseech you. It is done.
She spoke of the Blue Moon rising tomorrow (which is actually today) and about a start which permanently fixes lights on mortal dwellings!
Can the community expect the Ancient Training Grounds today? Probably yes. Changes will be made to it? Let’s wait and find out.
~Vini Normad’or~ ~Hyul 19, Moon 10~
NexusForums Upgrade!
by: Rachel
-- 10:54 PM EST
Thanks to those who've donated and AceoStar for all of his help, we've just upgraded our forums. You should start seeing lots of changes, but more will be on their way after they've been tested and set-up properly. (If the board is offline at any point, it probably means that new features are being set up, but there will be a message explaining all of that)
-The most noticable changes so far should be when you write posts.
-There's also a new skin scroll down to the bottom left of the forums, you can click where it says "Classic Blue" and drag that down to see the "IP Pro skin" which is black.
-Small change, but I like it a lot. When you post something, you won't get that annoying "You're being redirected to..." page anymore.
This post will be modified as new features are added or enabled. (I need to go right now and want to get the board up before I do!)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
New Druid & Shaman Elders
After four years of pure dedication and love to the nature’s path, the longest running druid elder has decided it was time for her to step down. Lady Supply ascended in Yuri 68 and is surely the elder which brought most new things to the path. During her time as elder, the Druids have grown to be the subpath with the most features overall. Elder Supply will surely be missed but she has chosen someone who has been quite prepared to succeed her, Lady Caera.
Another elder shift that happened recently was in the Valley of the Mudang. Elder Izabella, who was already on her second term has also decided to step down. To replace her, she picked another shaman who was also a reference in the path and will hopefully stand up to her legacy. Lady Hooje is now Shaman elder.
Congratulations Elder Caera and Elder Hooje and special thanks to Supply and Izabella for their services to nexus overall.