Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Note: In January 2006, NexusAtlas moved to a new server and a new ISP. In that
process the software that manages our news archives dropped its links. We do not know exactly why that happened nor are we able to fix it without support from someone who knows the software. Therefore, we are calling news prior to March 2006 "Archived News" and it can be accessed by the link below.
If you want to see archived news, click here.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Bank Slots on 50% Sale
Our beloved GM mug is feeling the Christmas spirit early! For a special time limited offer you can buy Bank Slots from the Item Shop for 50% off! Time to expand your storage capacity in anticipation of gifts to come - or maybe to store all of those gifts you plan to give!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tutor Positions Open!
by: Hatiki
-- 7:33 PM EST
Once again, there are two tutor positions open, Kugnae Poet Tutor and Buya Rogue Tutor. You do not have to live in the kingdom of the open tutor position, but you must be of that path.
Below is the post found on Community Board with more information regarding the two positions.
I am currently looking for the following:
Kugnae Poet Tutor Buya Rogue Tutor
To apply for one of these positions, you must: - You must be a member of the path that you are applying for. - You must have your character's legend listed on the Nexus webpage. - You may not have any justice marks, to be considered for this position.
Note: You do not have to live in the Kingdom you are applying to be a tutor in.
Applications will only be accepted until December 9:th, 12:00am PST. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to TutorApp: ____________________________________________________________
-- Tutor Application --
1) Name:
2) Postition you are applying for:
3) Positive subpath brandings:
4) Negative subpath brandings:
5) Previous leadership experience if any (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references):
6) Subpath (if any):
7) Yuri Born/Real life length of time played (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character): 8) Level or Vita/Mana: 9) Average time and days on Nexus per week: 10) References (You must list at least three references. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them):
11) List all of your alt. characters:
12) The reason why you want to be a tutor:
Comments (Anything important please put here):
NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names and pertinent information will be kept confidential.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Nussan or the Tutor Archon.
-Hatiki Sudeki -Hyul 12, 4th Moon
Monday, November 26, 2007
November 26th Server Reset
by: Hatiki
-- 7:28 PM EST
Server reset, Monday, November 26, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Seems they have gathered up the turkeys and gotten them safely back aboard the boat. DokSoo sends his thanks to all those who helped him prepare food for his family and the Emperor of Buya.
A blanket of snow has fallen upon the Kingdom of the Winds. Some areas are hit harder than others. Shop keepers get ready for the holidays pulling out decorations and singing happy songs.
 Tree of Reflections - East Gate Kugnae
The item shop now has winter coats and scarves to keep you warm. I am sure more winter items will be coming out in the near future.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Finishing touches have been added to the new area for the Buyan Ministry.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Midnight Turkey Madness
In the dark of the night with tummies too full to allow sleep, you could find the turkey fiends fighting it out in the Sire Pit!
 * image submitted by SlagHappy Thanksgiving to all!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wild Turkeys Take Over!
The days are cooler and the nights are longer. The frozen air fills my lungs as I make my way to the Islets. What on earth was that? A turkey coming out of that door? It looks as if there was some sort of ship that crashed and there are wild turkeys everywhere. I walk inside the land of DokSoo and he greets me with a friendly smile. "How are you today?" I ask and he waves to me and asks for my help. He wants to prepare food for the Emperor of Buya. "Well of course I will help!" I said with a smile. I wonder what lies in store for me this brisk felt day.Walk Through1) Find the hut at Islets 18,18 2) Go in to the Preparation Room in DokSoo's Land and say "Hello" to DokSoo (blue NPC). 3) Kill turkeys in the rooms until you gather 30 turkey meat. (Hug the right walls in each room to get to the next room.) 4) Return to DokSoo and say "Turkey meat" and he will take the turkey meat. Then he tells you to help his friends... 5) Say "DokSoo" to YunTi (Male NPC on the left) and he will ask you what he can use to make dumplings. Say "Beef" to him and he will ask for some. He will take 30 Beef (lean beef doesn't work). 6) Say Pork to him and he will ask for some. He will take 30 Pork (rare pork does not work). He now has everything ready on his end and asks you to help his sister YanYi. 7) Go to YanYi (female npc on the right) and say "YunTi." She asks you to go farming for rice, wheat, and peas. Say "Rice" to her first. This is followed by saying "Wheat" and then "Peas". You need 25 each of Rice, Wheat and Peas. 8) Go to Yim in the center of Clear Lake (5th room of DokSoo) and say "YanYi" to him. He will say he's gathering water and needs you to get some for him. Say "YanYi" a second time and he will simply say "Some water please!" 9) Say "I have the full water jugs" He will take 5 full water jugs. 10) Go to DokSoo and say "I have finished helping you." You will get to choose between different colors of remembrance garbs or gowns. ~ All eggs in the event will morph you in to a turkey. Rooms: DokSoo's Land (Preparation Room) Green Grounds Farming Lands (yes you can farm there while dodging roosters) Slaughter Room (pens with bulls and hogs for pork and beef) Clear Lake (Yim)
Happy Thanksgiving!
by: Rachel
-- 2:17 AM EST
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Nexus Atlas!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Experience bonus increases
by: Vini
-- 12:37 AM EST
As the days passes the wisdom star strength gets stronger. As off now it is affecting the experience bonus in 75% increase.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 12, Moon 1~
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wisdom Star approaches and the results of the reset
by: Vini
-- 5:06 PM EST
Around 2 hours ago, the Kingdom of winds experienced strong storms causing some changes. Quite a few new things were noticed as upgraded, as it was posted by Mug in Dream Weaver's board. Here's the list of changes:
The Wisdom Star has gotten even closer and looks to get stronger as the days pass by. The strength of the wisdom star is affecting the experience bonus in 50% increase.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Tiger clan receives 3 new merchants; Keiken (Experience seller, Mass exchange and buy Bear's liver), Heph (Smelting, Smithing, Smith armor and buys Slag), Jill (Scribe sells White paper and Ink), and 2 gemming rituals. * K'urimja clan receives a new board "Dragon's Head Pub" * BIA receives changes to their merchants: Alexisa (Buys Fried egg), DooSan (Sells Scale mail and Spring scale mail), WildZ (Sells Moon powder, Spark powder and Holy dust), TinaDragon (Buys Well crafted amber) and Terinthanas (Buys Fine steel dagger and Steel sabers) * Nagnang Army receives new board "Unit Reports" and new merchant Jiao-Long (Remove Nuisance, Buys; Boiled fish, Crafted amber, Crafted dk amber, Fine steel dagger, Grilled beef, Roast chicken, Slag, Tarnished amber and Sells: Limestone, Mining pick, Mining shovel, Obsidian, Sonhi pipe and Tiger's heart. * Alizarin clan receives new council board "The Source"
Other: * Minor updates for new Carnage area * Minor update for Thanksgiving day event * Major update for new item shop items.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 11, Moon 11~
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Server reset, Thursday, November 15, 2007
Server reset, Thursday, November 15, 2007 The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
The Wisdom Star has slightly returned and will get stronger as the days pass. The strength of the star is affecting the experience bonus in 20% increase.
You may now carry 25 peas.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Moved Oceana to new location. * Minor fixes for Nagnang army
Other: * Special Thanksgiving day event in the works. * Minor additions for new Carnage area * Minor update for Clan Archons
Monday, November 12, 2007
Mages Take on the Vortex
Potan, lastkai, Diskord, AnNeXe, Xuzun, TediAvenger, Gembella, KOlenG, and Eyeless were a group brave mages who set out to challenge The Enchanted Sorcerer in Magus 3. Their successful attack is recorded in a new photoreport. Check out the Team Mage Strike!
The Wisdom Star's Return!
The Whispering Winds posted today:
King MuHyul's astrology and alchemy advisor has heralded the return of the Wisdom Star. In one moon's time, the three celestial minors will be in alignment and the Wisdom Star will wake from its slumber, bathing us all in its pure light.
Scholars and swordsmen alike have always anticipated the coming of the sacred star, as with its light comes good fortune. When the star finds its niche in the night sky, its radiance envelops mortal minds and sharpens their wits, thus inducing all walks of life the ability to gain better experience on the challenges that reside in hunting lairs.
Some of the greatest achievements of the past were made during the high rise of the Wisdom Star, and now, once again, the opportunity to reach great goals is nearing. Let us all rejoice in the Wisdom Star's return!
((The Wisdom Star will be returning on 11/15/07 and will fade away on 11/19/07 so get your accounts registered today!)
Banner Winner Xing-Yu Seong
In October, I asked Nexus Forums users to submit a banner we could use after Halloween and before Thanksgiving; something to bring on the feeling of winter. Xing-Yu Seong made the banner you see above. In the future you can click this link to see his work.
Click here to see a listing of our previous banners.
 Xing-Yu Seong
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Farming skill is here & Other Reset changes
by: Vini
-- 7:33 PM EST
A skill suggested and dreamed for many years is finally available to the citizens of Nexus to expertise in. Right at this moment a large number of new farmers are using their newly bought basic sickle and producing a lot of items. To buy one Ssal has opened a new market in Kugnae 111 137.
 How to farm?First must reach one of the farming fields. There's a few different ones: - Kugnae, south of Koguryo Palace - Woodlands, center of it, northeast of Ancient ruins  To farm must be wielding a basic sickle as weapon. Just walk around the field within the reeds until you find a pop up. There's no need to drop and pick anything nor to swing your weapon around. Just walk walk and walk until you find the pop up which may take a while at the start.

There's quite a few different popup types, but they're easy to know which option to get. Mostly the popup serve as a way to prevent autoing since the options randomly change positions from a try to another.  Once you pick your choice, there is a low chance of picking the farming result. So far there are only 3 of them: Peas  Wheat  Rice
When the first swing of the sickle is successful, the person will receive the first level of farming mark:

Along with this pleasant new option which didn't come much as a surprise to many who have been hearing Mug's sages lately, there's a list posted by him in Dream Weaver's board and Nexus Official website explaining the changes of today's reset:
The spooks have left for the time being and Grandma Tii finally gets to leave for home with Yim at her side. She says thank you to all of you who helped her!
Haengsa and Eaengsa will be back with more quests in the near future.
Ssal has moved to the kingdom of Koguryo and with it he brings a new tool for farming. You might find some new items as well as a new legend mark!
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: * Nagnang Army receives Admissions Chambers and Soldiers' Retreat. Merchants Hyo (Weaving, Smelting, Smith) and Saeng-seon (Fishing, Deposit/Withdraw, Remove Nuisance, Minor quest, Event announcement and Mass exchange). * Alizarin Clan receives new room Nirvana. * Nagnang army receives minor update. * Lost Kingdom receives new update to Lost Springs.
Other: * Large additions for new Carnage area * Corrected color on the Gorevan angel wings * Made changes to some of the monsters in Woodlands so they no longer can be abused.
Happy farming everyone!
~Vini Normad'or~
One Year Anniversary of the Item Shop - 50% OFF - IT ALL MUST GO!
As it was posted by Mug on Dream Weaver board, KRU is slashing prices on everything and bringing back old favorites just for a special ocassion: to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Nexus TK Item Shop!
If you've had your eye on that Green thin scarf or the Melodic braids hair style, a mount or a cool face, now is the time to pick it up.
KRU will also be giving out 100 free Kruna to everyone tomorrow, those who are on Auto-Renewal will receive an extra 100 as well.
This can only mean one thing: Get your account registered NOW so you can enjoy this great opportunity! Kruna is being given out on the 6th, tomorrow - and the sale only lasts one day!
The following is the post on the Official Nexus TK website discussing the sale:
For those of you whom wish to stock up on your item shop goodies, tomorrow is the time! The Item Shop of Nexus is bringing you, the citizens of the winds, an amazing sale that will have your attire sparkling.
Starting tomorrow, November 6th, Item Shop prices will be decreasing to 50% OFF EVERYTHING! All of your favorite items will be returning!
For ONE DAY ONLY you will be able to get your items for half the cost!
This is a way of thanking the patrons of Nexus for supporting our Item Shop. November 6th is also the Item Shop's First Year Anniversary, so let's make it special.
Remember everyone, this sale will only last ONE DAY, so be sure to purchase your coupons now.
Nexus Team
Nexus Atlas would like to wish everyone happy shopping tomorrow!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
New Affliliate
We welcome new affiliate Ixeus' Calculators to Nexus Atlas. For many years older gamers have used Ixeus' scripts to figure out all sorts of information. Nexus Atlas is glad to have his site as an affiliate so newer players can start to use it as well. Ixeus is busy writing the formula for overflow damage and plans to have that calculator available soon.
AllyGator Hyul 11, 9th Moon
Vortex Answers
Euphoria reports that the "strange" happenings in the Vortex are nothing unusual. He said that while he's never seen 3 bosses in one cave that there have often been 2 bosses since the Vortex opened. There is also a good chance of a boss following you outside if it is attacking you and you gateway.
Sigh! Just when I thought there was a good mystery going.
Thanks for information Euphoria!
 AllyGator Hyul 11, 9th Moon
Free Trial expire chaos
by: Vini
-- 1:29 PM EST
Yesterday, the community of nexus have experienced moments of panic when trying to enter the kingdoms. All of a sudden the servers crashed and when trying to get back in, people received the inconvenient message saying their free trial had expired. When trying to check if they were unregistered in users list, people found also that such lists were all messed up as well.
Situation like this happened with many people and scared hundreds for long long minutes. It didn't take long to be fixed but people are still in the dark about what really happened. Normally when things like this happen KRU makes an official note to try to explain what happened and usually gives some compensation. So far, nothing has been explained about this and looks like this would go unnoticed by major of community.
In respect to all who suffered last night and gathered in Tangun waiting to be able to return to their normal lives in Nexus, we of Nexus Atlas are trying to collect most information as possible about this sad incident. So far, we've been informed that some people didn't have trouble to enter the kingdoms and others found their Kruna items on the ground when logged back. Suspect is that the crash and free trial problem was caused by problems with Kruna items. This is just a possibility and there's no way to confirm the veracity of it without hearing directly from KRU.
Since Mug is on vacations, let's hope someone else there will care to explain Nexus what happened last night. Either way, Nexus Atlas is thankful for the fast correction of the problem by KRU part and is only trying to clear out what really happen.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 11, Moon 9~