Did you miss that important news story? Do you
want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's
where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The largest Snowstorm hits the Kingdoms!
by: koinu
-- 4:15 PM EST
It’s Hyul 4, 5th Moon; Moments ago there was a large snow storm that swept through the kingdoms. With this large snowstorm the animals of the kingdoms helped decorate the lands. Christmas is coming soon, Santa is on his way; everyone just waits to see what goodies they'll receive that one fine winter day...
NOTE: With the reset, you cannot hand items and gold to others, you must use exchange now….Be careful and watch your back! There may be a snowball headed your way! Warriors are happy because Ingress works now without having to type the weapon name! Update: Ee san rogue ingress "Baekho's blade" no longer requires you to type in the weapon name!
Here we have two Pictures of the fun~! A photo report will be coming soon!

Spread the joy and love this Holiday season~!
New Geomancer Elder!
Thebestmage has stepped down recently as Elder of the Geomancer path, and has handed the position to Minaku. Thank you for all your work Thebestmage, and we wish Minaku the best of luck!
Also, thank you to Halome for posting about the news on the Nexus Forums News Report board!
Congratulations to Minaku, the 14th Elder of the Geomancers!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Haengsa Riddles SOLVED!
by: Conro
-- 2:10 AM EST
The Haengsa riddle quest has been solved by Kowe and a group of his friends who tried every combination of items possible!
As posted by Kowe (To my NMail anyway =p)
Riddle 8 items:
Nagnang compass(1) Scribe's book(1) Ink(1)
Riddle 9:
My Mielu, my adoring wife Who brings such love into my life Deserves a gift of deep devotion, But nothing large to cause commotion. A rich man would appease with more, But I cannot afford a store. Handmade is best in my opinion What do you think? That's your dominion.
Small amber ring (1) Haengsa doesn't take the ring, you just need to have it on you!
You will recieve 10 Pirate Tokens
- Conro
Monday, November 27, 2006
Phoenix Primogen
by: Cirran
-- 11:41 PM EST
Whether it is temporary or a permanent exchange in power Vano has taken over leading the Phoenix Clan. Good luck to and congratulations to Vano on another term as Primogen.

Haengsa Riddles
by: Conro
-- 9:00 PM EST
Riddle #7 was solved, thanks in part to GM Mug posting two hints as to the requirements!
For Riddle #7 you need - White headband (Sold in same place as Bandana etc) - Fine cloth (5)
On to Riddle #8!
A recap for everyone who hasn't participated in the Quest yet:
In a land of death beyond our walls This being neither swims nor crawls With coloured hues so nice to wear It's large enough for some to share Delicious when it hits my tummy Bring me something really yummy Bird meat
A boring day of catch and throw Can make you lazy, dont you know? But after all is said and done You can't sit down and eat just one Buttered, baked or over hot coals This dish is excellent with big rolls 10 Large fish
As a kid I hated this for dinner Cause eating it will make you thinner It can be seasoned with flair It's all inthe way one prepare. My wife, Mielu and I agree To bring just one of each I need Salt Block(1), Brassica(1)
Wisdom's food upon a fixture Rooted is good in this mixture A recipe that most homes use Calls for the items that I do choose Cooked and cut it is quite tasty Now go and please try to be hasty Flour (1), Water jug[20 sips](1), Apple (20)
Remember when you take a wife You get her mother all your life It's best to please them both you see To make your simple house stress free Her mother craves alot of scents Or sense? Not sure of which presents I'll leave that up to you my friend Either way will blend or mend. Dusk blossom(3), Greater tulip(5), Fallen star(2), Golden sunset(2), Fragile Rose(1)
Han Lee and I banter a lot. Opinions traded on the spot. His bark is much worse than his bite. But he concedes when I am right. Her father's quirks amuse Mielu She loves him dearly through and through. Now and then, he'll swizzle silly. So he'll love his gift. Yes really! Barbarian brew(5)
Mielu's sister has gone crazy To her, past memories are hazy Kinani floats with unseen wings Weaves red scarves and softly sings She lacks two things to bring her joy One of which is not a toy If we can keep her occupied She'll stay in safely from outside Fine cloth(5), White headband(1)
RIDDLE 8 Since Loh was just a tiny tot he'd wander aimlessly a lot Now her brother's tall and lean and yearns for visions still unseen The simple man has much to learn with mental thoughts of which to burn I see assistance from you, friend to bring his restlessness to an end
Any ideas! Check NexusForums, or post on the Community Board in NexusTK!
- Conro
Item Shop Updates
by: Nagnag
-- 5:59 PM EST
There are new items in the KRUNA item shop! Go check them out! They include nerd/geek glasses with all color frames, as well as heart hats!

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Community Celebrates Thanksgiving
by: Nagnag
-- 12:12 PM EST
A group of people at east gate Koguryo gathered around to celebrate Thanksgiving and posed for a memorable photo!
 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!
From the staff here at Nexusatlas, we wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Spending time with family is important, especially during the holidays.
Everyone please remember to eat, drink and, be wary. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and all its festivites.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hoping you have a nice holiday - AllyGator 
New Kruna Items
by: Conro
-- 12:43 AM EST
New items for sale have been announced by GameMaster Mug!
These new items also make use of the new 'Item Shop Announcements' board on the bulletin system.

The Hangbags are labeled with a price, as well as #d, meaning they will only be available in the shop for a limited time!
The Hangbags are equiped as 'Necklances'.
In other accessory news, the original NPC to sell Accessory items is now selling all the original items (Necklace, Little Red Mantle, Bandanna, Headband), so stop paying high prices for those Little red mantles!
NOTE: Little red mantle is unable to be bought, despite it being in the NPC's shop. This will be submit to Kru as a bug.
- Conro
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
New Merchant Elder
by: Cirran
-- 9:26 AM EST
Last night a shift in power occured and Takoda has taken over as elder of the merchant subpath. Good luck and congratulations to Takoda on her new position!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The World Walking Head Carnage Host
by: Vini
-- 4:51 PM EST
As it was posted on community board couple minutes ago by Archon Juste, there's a new Head Carnage host selected after the unfortunate happenings with the staff. A big suprise for some and a big relief as well for many, she's back, the one and only Worldwalker.

Nexus Atlas is very proud to have our very own Worldwalker heading the Carnages department again and would like to extend a big congratulations and welcome back to the new Head Carnage Host Worldwalker.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 4, Moon 2~
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Haengsa Riddle #5 answer!
by: Nagnag
-- 11:46 PM EST
3 dusk blossoms 5 greater tulips 2 fallen stars 2 golden sunsets 1 fragile rose
Thanks to Qwyn for figuring out this insane riddle! Now the next one is... Riddle 6:
Han Lee and I banter a lot. Opinions traded on the spot. His bark is much worse than his bite. But he concedes when I am right. Her father's quirks amuse Mielu She loves him dearly through and through. Now and then, he'll swizzle silly. So he'll love his gift. Yes really!
Woodlands Monster Page Released
Now you can find information you need about the updated Woodlands. The title of each section is a link to the map page. We still need solo, non-totem time experience for several monsters as well as drop information especially for Woodlands Lobster. We also need front and side view BMP screenshots for the new graphic of the Bear boss, Dhaulagiri.
We wish to thank a group of users who have contributed a great deal of this information: Ace, BlackMob, Chifchi, Coolboyman, Euphoria, Forum Troll, Hanayuki, Kittie, linuxkiddy, Revery, TaiPatron, Voyce, and Zetae.
If you wish to add to this information please visit our forum thread, Woodlands Information.
Woodlands Monsters
Saturday, November 18, 2006
New Head of Fox Hunts
by: Nagnag
-- 4:24 PM EST
As it was announced few hours ago in the community board, there's a new official Head Fox hunt host, despite all the passing of powers that have been going on lately. Archon Juste of Fox Hunt/Carnage has selected Fox host XPoetX to be the new head of the staff and also corrected the mistakes done during the power transitions yesterday.

The Nexus Atlas Staff would like to congratulate Head Fox Hunt Host xPoetx in his new position and wish him good luck in restoring such popular game to its glory.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Resolution to Subpath Problems has been Issued.
As posted by Archon Dallum on all Subpath boards:
Elder Removal: (new rule) In the case where there are serious complaints about an Elder your SP archon will look into the issue and take necessary action, if a new Elder is needed then a path vote will be taken by the path (any path member) votes to be sent to your SP archon. No new members at this time will be added to path
Removing inactive walkers: (New rule) The Elder must send any inactive walker a warning letter one month prior to removal to give said walker a chance to become active.
If a vote is required for a new Elder: (New rule) If you were active in your path and removed without proper warning you will also have vote.
A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF It is my honest opinion that the discussion both on the Community Board, and on the NexusForums have helped to reach these new rules, to better throw balance to the power of Elders of the Subpaths.
With enough voices, even the hardest of hearing will be able to detect your presence. If you sense an injustice, or simply wish to make a change, make your voice heard. A mind unopened is a gateway to be explored.
Power to the players of NexusTK: Kingdom of the Winds!
- Conro
Carnage Corruption
by: Conro
-- 4:54 PM EST
As of recent, a rift has occured in the Carnage department, with two major heads being removed from power.
Bloodlust head Sindella was charged with favourtism of players during Bloodlusts, and was stripped of power after an incident of opening Carnage Doors for a fellow friend after they had been closed by another host. Sindella seems to have her hosting powers back now, despite the disagreement of all the head divisions who caught her breaking host rules and might become the new head carnage host.
Carnage Department Head, Dethsgift, was of recent, relieved of her duties as Carnage Department Head after corruption charges against her were proven true. Charged with stealing millions from the Carnage Departments bank character, Dethsgift was jailed for 'Other Serious Crimes' by the Archon of Fox Hunt/Carnage Juste a day after the investigation took place. A investigation has yet to take place as to the news of this information, and how long it has been kept underwraps.
Paired with charges of Corruption in the Fox Hunt ranks -- where Dochmur is accused of transfering Head Host power to an alternate of his in order to retain the rights as Head Host -- the community itself is questioning those given power to run these events.
These recent events, as well as past occurances, raise an important question about the use of outside programs such as Ventrilo and instant messaging services to keep dark deals out of the publics eye, and more importantly for the criminals, out of the view of NexusTK logs. While these programs are undoubtly essential in todays game play, it casts serious doubt on allowing friends to work with friends in an enviroment which encompasses the entire player base.
A discussion thread has been opened on NexusForums to discuss these recent events, as well as post offenses by Department heads and Hosts.
It is the hope of the Community that a consensus can be reached about job preformance in these duties.
Click here to discuss these recent events, or share your own story!
- Conro
Aiy-Ary Charm is BOD
It isn't known yet if the other new drops break on death but TaiPatron who has already had a very bad month, died in Pig2 tonight and broke his new charm. Please be careful!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Mountain's champion
by: Conro
-- 1:02 AM EST
Out of sheer dumb luck (ok, more like hours spent fighting this boss over and over), I finally managed a drop myself from the Woodland caves.
The Sam san Polar Bear cave drops it's own version of the Bear's Promise, named Mountain's champion.

The graphic looks like a 'powered up' Bear's promise, with gold hues and a blue aura about it.

The item is restricted to Sam san+ use only.
I'd like to also say Thank you to everyone who has shared information about the statistics and graphics of the new items. It's your help which makes NexusAtlas' Databases grow!
- Conro
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Haengsa is Back & More Item Shop Goodies!
by: Nagnag
-- 8:35 PM EST
The riddle master is back with another trick up his sleeve. In the past there's been some animosity between websites but I give credit where it is deserved, and I just wanted to thank bravesoul at NexusTK.NET for providing this!
"The riddle goes:
In a land of death beyond our walls This being neither swims nor crawls With coloured hues so nice to wear It's large enough for some to share Delicious when it hits my tummy Bring me something really yummy
Thanks Zetae for writing this down. Answer #1: Bird meat (From Woodlands Phesants)
A boring day of catch and throw Can make you lazy, don't you know? But after all is said and done You can't sit down and eat just one Buttered, baked or over hot coals This dish is excellent with big rolls
Thank you Sympathy for writing this down. Answer #2: 10 Large fish (Thanks Saera)
As a kid I hated this for dinner Cause eating it will make you thinner It can be seasoned with flair It's all in the way one prepare. My wife, Mielu and I agree To bring just one of each I need
Answer #3: Brassica and Salt block
Wisdom's food upon a fixture Rooted is good in this mixture A recipe that most homes use Calls for the items that I do choose Cooked and cut it is quite tasty Now go and please try to be hasty
Thank you Callesh for sharing. Answer #4: 20 apples, one flour, one full water jug...Apple pie
Remember when you take a wife You get her mother all your life It's best to please them both you see To make your simple house stress free Her mother craves alot of scents Or sense? Not sure of which presents I'll leave that up to you my friend Either way will blend or mend.
Answer #5:???
Also, the item shop has new items!
      The long beards are in the ItemShop because they provide new dyes lik3 Lin Skrae (Walnut). When you purchase one of the new facial hairs, you receive a voucher which you then take to the salons:

 Happy shopping!
Woodlands snakes: Aiy-Ary drops again
by: Vini
-- 3:56 PM EST
The Aiy-Ary boss of Flooded Fortress has dropped again. Now, a newer form of Desert spetum, although it comes from a totally different cave, the Aiy-Ary spetum.

Thanks to Trendy for sharing with Nexus Atlas the information and image of this new item.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 4, Moon 1~
Server reset changes
by: Vini
-- 2:45 PM EST
A server reset just happened in the lands of Nexus. So far there has been no official posting by Mug about what changes were brought to the realms, but people could already notice a new board called Item shop announcements and also that Haengsa moved location again which means he has a new challenge for this month.

After a while, GM Mug posted on Dream Weaver's board and the Nexus Official Site the following list of changes brought by reset: The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Haengsa told us he has a new challenge for you.
New Item Shop Announcements board is now located on your "B" button.
Clan, Army & Ministry additions and fixes: Minor update for Buyan Army Corvax is now Crovax.
The new board seems to be empty for now. The accessories bought from Saeroun in Nagnang west (049 089) can all be dropped. This includes, Little red mantle, blue necklace, headbands and bandannas.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 4, Moon 1~
Fire Lobster drops in Woodlands
by: Vini
-- 2:45 PM EST
There has been a new hand item dropped by the woodlands bosses, this time the Il san cave of Lobsters has shared with the community a brand new item, the Burning gauntlet.

Credits and thanks to Hijack for finding the boss and Rubi killing it and sharing with Nexus Atlas his screenshots to prove it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 4, Moon 1~
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Woodlands Rabbit Shee-Lee Ring
Hijack and Newt found a new item, Shee-Lee Ring dropped by the Rabbit Boss.

Monday, November 13, 2006
Nexus User Pages Are Back
They are back but if you are wearing a Yu Ryang outfit no body displays.
Send in Information about Woodlands Creatures
For two days several of you have been contributing information about the revised Woodlands Caves. Thanks go out to Forum Troll, linuxkiddy, Euphoria, Revery, and Hanayuki who have allowed us to almost complete the information for Woodlands Dog. [I don't use the term "Ancient Ruins" because that is just one room in the Woodlands Dog Cave.]
If you have information about which creature drops what item, attacks, spells and solo non-totem experience please visit this FORUM LINK. You'll need to post an image to verify the information!
Each of the main pages for the Woodlands caves has been updated with the latest information as well as the armor pages (for now that is only hand items). When we have as much information as possible I'll make a Woodlands Monster page. Woodlands Dog is the most complete page for now so if you wish to see how that information is shown click the MAP LINK. Each map page has all of the known drop items listed separately until we know where to put them.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"Great White Mountain" drops!
by: Conro
-- 4:40 PM EST
Dhaulagiri, which means 'Great White Mountain', has fallen to the Mage Euphoria. Checking the remains, Euphoria found a Bear's promise, a white band which can be worn on the hands.

This item was unearthed in the Frozen Tundra.
Thanks Euphoria for sharing this information!
Weary Hunters
Quite a large group congregating at Buya South Gate last night. They seemed to be mostly weary hunters but perhaps a few were there to see the newly beheaded TediAvenger! Several there was enjoying his headless dancing moves. I think it had more to do with sheer exhaustion from a hard day's hunt.

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Aiy-Ary charm unearthed
by: Conro
-- 9:29 PM EST
It seems that along with the currently unusable items of the now empowered Woodland caves, that equipment has unearthed as well!
LittleDwarf and Sinderella fought Aiy-Ary and he left behind a charm carrying his name.

Perhaps more is to come as well?
- Conro
Help Us Gather Information
With the new changes to the Woodlands, we are all working madly to get the information you will need in the future. Several staff members are detailing attack spells and drop items right now. If you'd like to contribute to this effort and create some information that will be useful in the years to come please visit this forum link to add to the site. If we can get enough information, we'll create a monster page for the Woodlands. Please remember that we will need screenshots to verify the information you submit. With your help we can make this a better fan site for everyone.
Hunting in the Woodlands
by: Vini
-- 1:09 PM EST
The woodlands seem no longer to be leeching caves and may now serve real purpose of hunting. Their bosses finally drop interesting items, but all of this has a price. The levels to enter each cave raised and the waters around woodlands have been poluted by Blight.
Here's the official post about it found on Nexustk.com: Although the Mongols were defeated their attack served its purpose. General Blight of Nagnang has been busy investigating the Woodlands in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion. He gathered up as many vile vials as he could after the invasion and was seen pouring them into the water of the lands. Discarded vials that once contained this potent poison lie scattered across the rugged terrain. The waters of the still land have been poisoned! Even worse, the monsters that inhabit the Woodlands have grown much stronger. General Blight wonders if anyone would dare to brave the stronger creatures.
General Blight speaks out:
Nagnang is my beloved! I will never stand here and listen to such arrogance. How dare you question my loyalty. My obedience is to her, only her and she commands me firm with an iron fist. You people have grown soft, unattached to her scarred body of settlement and the mediocrity of peace and a combined truce. No peace will be in this land while the idiots fight over her body to make root, no peace as they drink from her streams and fill their bellies on her bountiful fruits and vegetables.
The Mongols thought they could come to my Nagnang and taint her. HA! They fell to their own blades, dance of death. How dare they try to rob her beauty! I understood all to well. The Mongols accomplishment was only a further rooting of one already in place. Quickly they came to burrow themselves in my Nagnang and the idiots that sit aimlessly around as the politics of the kingdom battle with themselves are but an illness, slowly eating away at her...
But no longer will they eat and no longer will they drink for the Woodlands is nobodies land anymore. It belongs to her once more! I doubted her wise whispers in my ears to stir the poisons on to her skin but then clarity within my troubled mind. For it awoke the ancients that lay dormant as there lesser guardians protected the lands. They had guarded well and they will be rewarded by her affections, but now the ancestral line has awoken and all shall fear Nagnangs true champions.
She will protect herself against you all, the parasites eating her from within and you will learn fear, and you will learn to speak her name only in the cold whispers that grant you as you cross over into the nether world.
Enjoy your settlements, enjoy her while you can... she is no longer yours. She is mine and mine alone.
General Blight "Father of Nagnang"
((The woodlands area has been upgraded with stronger monsters that give much more experience. In addition there are many new items to be found, including some very rare items. This is a permanent addition to NexusTK. We expect to have many more to come!))
Here's the locations of the Woodland caves so far and their drops:
Ancient Ruins (073 073) Spells: virulence (poison) Drops: Boxed ectoplasm  Canine tooth  Ghostly essence  Prism amber 
Flooded fortress (101 147) Drops: Beautiful leather  Bottle of venom  Scaled leather  Snake leather  Snake tongue  Tako ink  Tattered leather  Venon sac 
Frozen tundra (013 058) Bear brain  Bear scalp  Bears tooth  Bird wing  Ripped talon 
Rabbits pass (015 016) Spells: Ambush (the rogue's one) Egg cloak (10 seconds blind)  Rabbit glare (attack spell) Drops: Azure silk  Bloodstained quill  Fine silk  Lucky rabbits foot  Magical parchment  Rabbits foot  Silk  Splendid silk 
Sandy Bridges (061 025) Spells: Sand toss (10 seconds blind) Invincibility Drops: Bulk of sand Magical Pincer
Raheem desert (002 131) Drops: Corrupted cloth  Crystal water  Dark essence  Healing water  Focusing water  Plated skin  Poisoned water  Rock  Sacred oil  Scorpions stinger  Sunken silk 
Also Dharani's place seems to permanent now as he buys some of the new drops of woodlands creatures.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 11~
by: Nussan
-- 8:52 AM EST
With the reset this morning, the Woodlands area (located at Nagnang's west gate) moved to the Kugnae server. However, it was later changed back to Nagnang.
It also seems like the level requirement changed on the Woodlands caves. Bear cave and the Desert cave have 4 levels, while the Rabbit cave seems to be avaliable for everyone above level 95, and Dog cave possibly for Il san and higher. Snake/Water cave requirement still isn't known to me.
Also, the area around Snake/Water cave (101, 148) is surrounded with doors which you have to open and close to reach the cave. Don't get stuck!
The Gelapod is Hungry!
With the reset Valexa, Tain and Naypoet found that the Gelapod is starving! He's a very picky eater and turns down almost everything you try to feed him. If you look at him it says he has a large, round mouth and two bulbous eyes. It is ugly, disgusting, covered in a noxious slime and exudes a horrible smell. God only knows why it thinks we'd want to feed it and be picky too! He only wants to eat items from the cash shop. Yes he is a shredder for those lovely items you spent your Kruna on. Now you have a way to clear your inventory! Unfortunately he will not return any Kruna to you or give you any other items in exchange.
If you want to discuss this visit this LINK in the forums.
Logon bug is fixed!
I managed to stay up longer than the bug! All is restored and hopefully stays that way. Thanks to KRU for working through the night. The Invasion of the Noobs is over.
Login Bug
by: Nagnag
-- 2:14 AM EST
Just now there has been an issue with many people logging onto Nexus, saying their free trial has expired. This unfortunate bug has happened in the past, so do not think you're the only one that it is happening to. Do not fear, I'm sure it will be fixed shortly.

The same thing happened to me yesterday around 4:00am CST. I was able to log in about ten minutes later so there's no need to go to sleep just yet! - Rachel
This bug is taking a lot longer than a few minutes to clear up. If you are logged on or manage to get logged on, do not log off or change characters. You will not be able to log on again. Many players are calling this period the "Invasion of the Noobs"! - AllyGator
Friday, November 10, 2006
Purge Restoration 2006
by: Nagnag
-- 8:38 PM EST
As posted on NexusTK.com
Purge Restoration 2006
For a limited time, KRU Interactive is offering a character restoration service for all NexusTK characters that were deleted in the past character purges. If you have requested a purge restoration previously, but were asked to wait, now is the time to send in your tickets. We'll be doing our best to restore any character.
All NexusTK players that are interested in restoring a purged characters, we ask that you please read the instructions (Purged and Deleted Characters)in the Knowledgebase for NexusTK by clicking here before sending in a Support Ticket.
We hope to see some old faces in the Nexus again soon!
So get movin' and get first in line if you have an old face you want to bring back to town!
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
At 12:25pm (EST), an NPC was located in the Wilderness sheep field (128,120).
The NPC name is Gelapod. He is a greenish color and looks like a Tako from the lower level Woodlands area.

So far, the NPC hasn't responded to any voice commands. Many people are beginning to gather to try and trigger a response!
You can see the Forums topic on this news here; The Gelapod
Thank you Vernon and Rowain for all of this information!
More to come, stay tuned!
Experience back to normal
by: Vini
-- 9:35 AM EST
It was good while it lasted. After 4 days of experience bonus in all aspects of the lands of Nexus, with the reset that happened few minutes ago, the experience gain went back to normal.
The hopes from people now is that the Wisdom Star effect may be happening more often. The hunts won't be so good now as they were, hopefully a Thanks giving event will coming to help people overcome the missing of Wisdom star.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 11~
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Wisdom star bonus changes again
by: Vini
-- 11:18 AM EST
As the time passes, the power of the Wisdom star seems to be fading out and the experience gained starts getting back to normal. From the 100% that was yesterday, now the experience increase is of 50%. That's not as good as the hunters found yesterday, but at least there is still bonus experience.
From now on, who will care for eclipes, people will just want to know when will be the next Wisdom star.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 11~
by: Conro
-- 2:51 PM EST
The Item Shop has opened on NexusTK's webpage.
Simply go to www.NexusTK.com and refresh the page to find in the left menu 'Item Shop'.
- Click item shop - Log in using your PatronID and Password
If you wish to purchase Kruna...
- Go to 'Coupon Shop', as you would to reregister. - Go to 'NexusTK' - Select '9.95/1000 Kruna - Finish payment as you would to buy a coupon to register.
To add the Kruna to your account
- Go to the Kruna Account page - Go to 'Recharge Kruna' - Enter your Coupon which will be mailed to your EMail - Process it.
To Purchase items - Browse the Item Pages for what you'd like to have - Click on the item, then click 'Proceed' - Enter amount of item you wish - Enter your characters name, OR if this is a gift enter your friends name - Click Accept. - You should be approved if you have enough Kruna.
To Get your item - Wait 5 minutes after transaction, then relog or change servers. (May take longer...) - Go to Messenger and Accept your parcel.
All Kru Item Shop items are non-bonded, BUT they cannot be transfered to other characters, dropped, exchanged. They CAN be deposited. The items ARE repairable, so don't worry about hunting with them!
Auto-Renewal Accounts start with 150 Kruna, while regular renewal accounts start with 100. I believe that this means that Auto-Renewal accounts will receive 50 Kruna every month. - Rachel
Wisdom Star Double Exp
by: Vini
-- 11:39 AM EST
During the morning there was another reset which resulted in another experience bonus in all aspects of Nexus lands. This time the Wisdom Star is on it's strongest form so the increase was of 100% (2x experience). Enjoy your hunting and experience gathering and let's hope that tomorrow some might still feel the effects of the Wisdom star fading away.
Also, in totem time it's confirmed that the increase of experience is of 110%, as the regular increase is of 5% during those times.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 10~
Kruna Preview?
by: Rachel
-- 7:44 AM EST
It isn't here yet, but I did notice a few changes to the user agreement.
Ownership of Kru Item Shop Assets: Kru Interactive retains exclusive ownership of all items, assets, and other intellectual property displayed in the Kru Item Shop. The payment using Kru Money (a.k.a Kruna) for the items will grant you a limited time usage of the items you checked out. Kru Interactive will not reimburse or refund any items claimed lost, stolen, traded, or in any way transferred to another player. All items licensed through the Item Shop will automatically be reverted back to Kru Interactive once the limited time is up or upon termination of the account, whichever comes first.
It could just be a legal protection for the company, but goods purcharsed from the item shop may decay after a certain period of time. I suggest taking a good look at the terms before making your purchases today.
The agreement also mentions that the items may be transferable from player to player, but this doesn't mean they won't be bonded to a player. (Hopefully they are, because we don't want people to make millions in the game just because they have a large bank account in real life)
That's all for now, expect some updates as soon as Kru sets things in motion!
The King outside his palace
At about 10:15pm (EST), King Mhul was spotted at the northern gates of Kugnae. Upon arriving, many others began to join in, chatting with the king. Some even asked some questions.
About 11:20pm (EST), The King attended a wedding of two defenders of Koguryo - Ninked and Mesocute from Oceana clan. The wedding performed by Shaman Ijimeru was not only blessed by their friends and family, but as well by their primogen and the very own King. A royal blessed wedding is a big and rare honor. Congratulations to both of them in their marriage.

After the wedding, the people were invited to Oceana Eden to play a joint game between the clan and the shamans. The "Sea Treasure robbers" as it was called did not count with talismans and grave robbers marks like the usual ones of shamans do, but have some great other prizes captured by the ones who defeated the treasure robbers.

Mhul just seemed to be visiting the people of his fine lands. Such a great thing for a king to do. Even though the occasional pesimist were present, the king maintained his maturity and managed to inspire happiness in the lands. Perhaps the King is thinking of doing something special....
Only time will tell...
P.S. I posted some more screenshots here in Nexus Forums: ~Mhuls Visit~ For those of you who wish to see some of the events. Enjoy.
*Edit: Vini added some images to compose the content as well.
67% Experience!
by: Nagnag
-- 10:12 AM EST
With the recent reset, exp is now 67% more! (Thanks to Koinu for bringing this up.)
UPDATE:Totem time grants a 75.35% increase!
Thanks to SilentS for help with the calculations.
Saturday, November 4, 2006
A Faint White Light...
Just now, the servers were reset in the lands. Before they were reset, the shouts rang out in all the lands. A message for all to see;
"A faint white light shines in the northern sky"
Upon reentry into the winds, mass histeria spread throughout the kingdoms... Experience had been LOWERED.
Halloween costumes have been removed.
After about 5 minutes, tons of sages and, lots of complaints.
The servers were reset again...
Sages rang out through the kingdoms, an INCREASE in experience has been added! As of right now, the "bonus" is a 32% increase in experience. Thank you Vini!
It has been confirmed. Totem time increase is 58.4%. Wow! Thank you SilentS for figuring this out!
Enjoy the news!
More updates to come as they occur!
Thursday, November 2, 2006
From the Cornershop to the Main Market
by: Conro
-- 5:23 PM EST
As Posted on the NexusTK.com website.
KRU Interactive will soon be opening the new NexusTK Item Shop! On Monday, November 6th, the NexusTK Item Shop will be open for use by registered players of NexusTK. The NexusTK Item Shop will start with a small collection of wacky accessories, but will quickly expand to offer a host of unique decorative items. Customize your character like never before! The NexusTK Item Shop will add a whole new dimension of fun!
Items from the Item Shop are obtained by exchanging Kruna (the new Kru currency) that you can earn or buy. You can earn or buy Kruna in several ways. Special Kruna coupons will be available from the Coupon Shop. Autorenewal accounts will receive a small allotment of Kruna each month. Big amounts of Kruna will be given out regularly as prizes for in-game events! In addition, all NexusTK Accounts that are registered on November 6th will receive a modest amount of Kruna, so make certain you are registered by November 6th!
To mark the occasion of this momentous day, November 6th will have a special event running in-game. The return of the Wisdom Star:
"King MuHyul's astrology and alchemy advisor has heralded the return of the Wisdom Star. In one moon's time, the three celestial minors will be in alignment and the Wisdom Star will wake from its slumber, bathing us all in its pure light. The light of the Wisdom Star will sharpen your wits and make your senses keener, allowing you to learn more. Our greatest achivements have come during the days of the Wisdom Star. Let us all rejoice at its return!"
***The Wisdom Star doubles the experience you recieve. As quoted by kru on NexusForums...
Its a exp bonus.
We used it in Dark Ages, and it was supposed to be the reason behind the previous ones in Nexus, but I guess it wasn't mentioned.
Strange Messages?
by: Conro
-- 5:00 PM EST
Sspy recently had some strange messages appear to him while resting in Haeng's tavern, just outside of Arctic Village.
Four simple words were spoke to him, (displaying in the side status box) in the same manner that the spirit's spoke to members of the community before Yu Ryang Village was revealed.
knowing moon moment acute
It is unknown at the moment what this could mean, but with enough community envolvement, perhaps sense can be made of it.

If anyone else experiences this, please let NexusAtlas and the Community know!
Thank you to Sspy for submitting this information to me!
- Conro
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Server Reset today
by: Vini
-- 1:56 PM EST
The nexus servers were reset just now. Here's a short unofficial list of changes brought by it: Yu Ryang village is closed and the items from there are gone.
The ghosts roaming the lands are all gone.
The halloween costumes are still around but trick or treat won't work anymore.
The Tree of Reflections also grew a bit more, hopefully it will reach it's original size soon.

~Vini Normad'or~ ~Hyul 3, Moon 9~
Nexus Atlas Updates for October 2006
October updates:
1. Various minor updates to Kugnae maps. 2. Various minor updates to Buya maps. 3. Added photoreport for Harvest Fair. 4. Started work on photoreports for various routine weekly and monthly events. 5. Started work to remap Buya and Kugnae with 6.0 graphics. 6. Various minor updates to Vortex map section. 7. Corrected errors for Iron labs. User reported bug. 8. Minor updates to Black Skeleton cave. 9. Release 6.0 version - Southern Koguryo. 10. Updates to Poet's Restore quest and associated maps. 11. Updated format for Quests and Nex-files pages to make them easier to read with the new layout. 12. Updated Minor quests with new information and graphics. 13. Corrections to warrior spell page. User reported bug. 14. Completed new armor pages with 6.0 graphics with references to old armor pages for historical reasons. 15. Hired two new staff members. Koinu to work on upgrading and creating new graphics. KarmaliZe to edit and add content. 16. Created new pages for Halloween event. 17. Updated Tutor's List. User reported bug.