Past News
Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
New Primogen of Destiny clan
by: Vini
-- 7:00 PM EST
About a week ago, Ba-Gua Diskord was given the powers of Primogen of Destiny temporary from the previous Primogen Gabriell Whom took the leadership after Gabe stepped down.
Diskord was thinking about only staying temporary but since he took a strong lead and became a very active leader it was requested to him by the own council members that he should stay as permanent primogen. Therefore, by the request of the own clan, Diskord is the new Primogen of Destiny.
Congratulations Primogen Diskord, may your time as primogen be pleasant and prosperous.
Speicla thanks to Krylon for this information. ~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 4~
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Lost Mines Closed!
by: Cirran
-- 1:20 PM EST
As with all events, they eventually come to an end. A few moments ago a reset came and the lost mines were closed once again leaving us all to enjoy our treasures as well as our new found mining skills!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Lost Mines Walkthrough so far...
by: Vini
-- 1:14 PM EST
Entrance: southewest (008 017) of Northern Pass in Arctic Land. It is indicated to not take expensive BOD items there.
What is needed before entering: -Mining pick (for mining only)
Warning: Mining in Cave 7 isn't working.
What can be mined from Inner and Deep Mines: Amber Dark Amber White amber Yellow Amber Topaz Quartz Diamond Silver Coins (100 coins) Gold coins (10k) Ancient coins (3k) Iron nugget Coal (seems to be bugged at the moment) Clay (seems to be bugged at the moment)
About the Mines: There are 9 different levels of mines, being the stats to all of them different from all the previous events which had this type of split levels.
There are 3 groups of rooms in this cave, the rooms with squirrels and rabbits, the rooms with Ghosts and Skeletons and the room with Leeches.
The First 4 rooms are filled with squirrels and rabbits which hit really hard. Then there are 2 rooms of ghosts and skeletons which hit normally and after it's the room of Leeches which all hit weaker than previous Lost Mines but the Leech boss can 1 hit most people.
Steps: 1- When entering the cave it leads to a room called Mine Entrance. Walk pass the many squirrels until 025 009 for the next room.
2- In Squirrel passage (000 025) walk by the squirrels by any of the 2 ways until reach 034 038 for passage to next room.
3- Once in Inner Mines (053 000) it's available to mine in specific places with colored grounds (can be blue, yellow, purple etc). To reach next room walk until 027 057.
4- The Deep Mines (017 000) is the last room with squirrels and rabbit and also the most safe one. Here each person will need to kill 30 squirrels and 30 rabbits (can be grouped) to be able to move on to the next room. Head to 061 000 and the door will say in action box if there's need to kill more squirrels or rabbit before passing it.
5- When all the squirrels and rabbits are killed and the door allows to pass by there will be a room called Hot Forges with grass ground and no more of the annoying buff little creatures. It will be haunted by Death Guards, Death Huntress and Death Watchman. Just walk past these many creatures to north of this room, kill as many as necessary to pass by.
6- The next room is called Main gate which is a rather small room with a gate at north. To pass by this gate the group(or person) must kill at least 50 undead creatures. Once someone kills more than 50, everytime that this person walk by the gate door will be transported to behind the gate which is safe from creatures attacking. Just northwest of this narrow part it's the room to leeches.
7- In the leeches first room, people must kill at least 50 leeches to proceed to the boss room. These leeches may rarely drop some nice items as flamefangs, scorched bones and others. Once the 50 leeches are killed proceed to the cave in southwest of this room.
8- This is the Leech boss room which is reported to be really buff and able to kill many with one hit. Be careful with hunting it. It's this boss that drops in the higher caves the many sun armories, Brutal shank and Flameblades that everyone want.
This is the maximum point that anyone could get to. No legend mark was provided, no NPCs and no event items were found useful during any part yet. If anyone is able to find anything new about this event please enter in contact to one of Nexus Atlas reporters via nmail, whispers or email.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 4~
Friday, November 25, 2005
Brutal shank
by: Conro
-- 5:14 PM EST
An item has been unearthed in the chaos of the Lost mines, the Brutal shank!

It's an item only those of the Sam san mark or higher can equip, and seems to be only a bit better than the Vortex items for Sam sans (with the drawback of +6 ac). It can be equipped with a shield.
- Conro
New Prime Minister of Nagnang
A Royal Proclamation from the desk of Prince Kija, ruler of Nagnang, has announced his appointment of a new Prime Minister to the Nangen Ministry. The position has passed from Shaman Simbel to Liselle.
NexusAtlas would like to wish her a successful reign as Prime Minister. May the Ministry continue to flourish and prosper.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Forget Turkey, Sun's waiting!
by: Conro
-- 4:30 PM EST
Plenty of riches are being discovered in the inner mines of the Lost Mines. Depending on your cave level, the leechs in the inner rooms may drop great items ranging from:
Celestial equipment [Star, Moon and Sun Armors/Helm(et)s] Zibong blade Flameblade Flamefang Whisper bracelets Scorched bones Leech juice
I had the pleasure of getting together with a group of friends, and help take down the Killer leeches now plaguing this once hidden prison cell for Johaih's army. The souls of his hoarde now haunt the inner areas of the mine, tortured by the Killer Leeches who have apparently rose to power.
 Just a small amount of the bounty collected
As of yet, no legend-marking has taken place, nor any progression past the leeches.
Good luck to everyone venturing these areas!
- Conro
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Event Warning
by: Rachel
-- 11:00 PM EST
Several players have found the event creatures to be very powerful. While hungry leeches have always been able to kill any player in a few hits, it seems that even the squirrels and rabbits in the beginning of the cave are creating some problems. (One player saged that he had the choice of cave 6 and 7 and can't even 1 hit the squirrels in cave 6)
Be sure to remove your BOD items before entering the lost mines even if you rarely die.
Often there have been changes to creatures, experience amounts, and so forth on the second day of an event, so it might be best to wait a day if you have the patience!
Lost Mines are re-opened!
by: Vini
-- 8:56 PM EST
About 1 hour ago, the Nexus servers were reset and brought a great surprise that the community have been missing for so long. The famous lost mines are re-opened once again in the usual place at Arctic Land's Northern Pass.
 Image of the entrance of Lost Mines full of people already.
The even walkthrough is still in the work. Flamethrower is already working on one and its progress will be updated here through the whole process of it. Go enjoy this wonderful event again and remember to take your mining tools as it's a very good oportunity to gain mining skills during it.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 3~
Reminder to Rogues
by: Vini
-- 11:33 AM EST
As a reminder to all the Rogues from these lands, the applications to become Buya Rogue Tutor close today at midnight PST. Application sent after this assigned time will not be accepted, so rush with filling in the requirements of it as soon as possible and send it to TutorApp.
Special Thanks to Head Tutor Nussan for reminding people of it and a copy of the the Rogue Tutor application can be found on community board number 936.
Good luck to all rogue applicants, the name of the new tutor will be posted here as soon as it's chosen.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 3~
More information on Casques and Circlets
by: Vini
-- 11:14 AM EST
With the help of KOFighter more information have been gathered about the new circlets and casques made by Grand Master Jewelers.
It was found that as of now: -Females can not use any casques or circlets -The Dark circlets, not posted on previous report are bugged -existence of totem casques
Being that one confirmed by the creation of the first Ju jak casque:
 The stats of this item are known yet since it's affected by the Value 0 bug
It takes 100k and 8 crafted (types) ambers per attempt to craft it.
Special thanks to KOFighter for once again sharing his knowledge for the good of the community.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 3~
When hair grows back
by: Vini
-- 10:38 AM EST
Last night, Karuna Janken has posted on community his finding about the baldness that has been affecting many citizens lately.
Janken figured out that the fallen hair grows back in the dye that it was before after exactly 10 days. The ones who lost their hair must visit one of the salons to check if the hair can grow back since it's not automatic.
Good luck to all who wish to restore their hair!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 3~
Monday, November 21, 2005
Peasant clothing
by: Conro
-- 6:57 PM EST
With the replacement graphics for the Scale mail and Mail dress Warrior armors, the graphics has been instead granted twords those who are just starting a new character.

All you have to do is click the first old man in the tutorial in order to recieve these two new items, Peasant garb and Peasant dress.
These new pieces of equipment both reduce your AC by 4, and have 3000 durability, mimicing the previous itemed rewarded by the tutorial.
Kudos from me to Kru for not just fixing a graphic, but allowing us to use the older version by creating new items.
- Conro
A loss to all of Nexus
by: Corath
-- 6:15 PM EST
It's with a heavy heart that I post this tonight... this morning, I was looking through the community board when I noticed a post by EbonyIce, about his real life wife, Teje. As some have known, she has had some health problems which have limited her time in Nexus.
This morning, she passed away at 1:30 am CST. Thank you to EbonyIce for letting us know, so we can all extend our sympathies to both him, and to remember Teje as the person she was - a wonderful, kind-hearted, and selfless individual who will always be remembered.
I was fortunate enough to get to know her during my time as a Geomancer, and now I really realize how much of a privilege that was.
I know I speak on behalf of everyone here at NexusAtlas, when we say that we are so sorry for your loss of your wife, EbonyIce, and to the community, at the loss of such a great person. As many others have posted on Community about this, I have to agree on one point: "Heaven must have needed another angel."
Bug fixes are being worked on
by: Vini
-- 12:13 AM EST
Due the big number of people worried about some recent bugs and issues that have been troubling some people of Nexus, Archon Ahalya has made a post in community board explaining about these known issues that are incorrect in nexus, yet aren't all of the known ones.
Here's a copy of her post in community board: Hello Nexus Community,
Here is SOME of the known issues list. Kru Int. is aware of these issues and is working to resolve them as soon as possible.
1) Inspecting items may display Value 0. 2) Total number of players online is incorrect. 3) Carnage schedule board is unreadable. 4) Peasant characters are not visible on hero list. 5) An error that makes all carnage bans, regardless of how long, last forever. 6) Missing NPCs for SoE quest. 7) Shooting a bow with some armors causes your body to disappear. 8) Changing effect settings will reset the current room's lighting. 9) "Invite a friend" option for games doesn't actually invite your friend. 10) "Old" Client doesn't display any carnage dye. 11) Carnage bans can not be removed automatically. 12) If you drop more than one cloth, while gathering Salt, you will lose them all. 13) Several Sub path issues. 14) Several Clan issues. 15) Minor Ghaleb sword graphic error.
We appreciate your patience while these issues are being attended to.
Thank you for your understanding,
Nexustk Archon team Kru Interactive, Inc.
Along with that she has also made another post which explains more about point 3) which talks about the Carnage board.
We are aware that players are unable to read "Carnage schedule" board in Buya. For that reason, an Ox, is at coords : 117,83 in Buya. I am sure he can help you read this board for the time being. " Carnage schedule" boards in Kugnae & Nagnang are working correctly.
We are working on fixing this error.
For the last she also has made a post about what to write when Reporting a bug/error. With the colaboration of many and the patience of all Kru Interactive and the Archons will be able to fix such known issues and others which weren't listed or found yet.
We're looking forward to hear good news about the fixing of these issues, hopefully it will be much faster than we can even notice.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 2~
Friday, November 18, 2005
Grandmaster Jeweler
Due to KOFighter's break period, we weren't able to view the Grandmaster's new helm items. But KOFighter was nice enough to let us take screenshots and view the items. All information needed is provided within the screenshots below:
(Item Stats)

(Item Looks)

Thank you KOFighter for the screenshots. Who knows what will be in store for Legendary Jeweler.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
'Ox' and the Buyan Carnage Board
Due to technical difficulties. Kru and Ahalya summoned Ox to act as the new board for the time being. He is short and chubby, so if you need to get carnage board information, he's your man to go to. Ox is located at (117,83) just west of Buyan's eastern gate.

Vortex Maps are open!
After much hemming and hawing, I've finally completed this project. Many of the drop items are missing and I ask all patrons for help with this information. I need graphics of the item itself and as it is worn. I also need graphics for almost all of the minions summoned by the 12 bosses found in the Vortex. Many thanks in anticipation of information to come.
Now for all of you folks who've never been able to see the Vortex or those who may want to know how to chart a path through the caves, I present:
The Vortex!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Reset Fixes / Bugs
by: Conro
-- 3:48 PM EST
A reset around 5:00 PM EST occured in which the following occured.
Fixes: Scale mail (Male and Female) Updated to graphics suitable for Warriors DoolZe gown changed (Looks like God War armor now, odd) Spirit's gift now becomes a 'Lower accessory', but oddly enough when equip becomes a 'Broken spirit's gift', and cannot be removed. When you die, the item shatters, and gives the message "Your Broken spirit's gift shatters, and covers you in a healing glow". Along with this, an angelic looking woman carrying a fan appears above your character and swings, and restores your life to half of what it was! Huge thanks to SideLine for finding this out and helping test it!
Bugs Script and Script2 are the names for the 'Other Accessories'. Personally I think it should be changed to 'Relic' to keep all the text flush.
(Cunning Bug, Peasant Clothes bug, and others mentioned have been fixed)
 Screen shots of a Broken spirit's gift in action
Updates to be made as more is found out.
Purges with a Warning
by: Conro
-- 2:00 PM EST
Warning to everyone!
With the unpurging of accounts, there is a recent influx of people buying others accounts, and using this maliciously against people the original player was friends with.
If an old friend comes back, question the character. Get to know the person again, or if you already know it's them, make sure it stays them. Don't lend items or cash to someone you're not sure of, especially if they can't answer simple questions or give you an original way to contact them (Old AIM name, EMail etc).
Better to be safe than sorry!
Take care - Conro
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
New Scale mail?
by: Conro
-- 10:49 PM EST
The pictures for Scale mail armors has changed on the User Lists.
 Picture of Sun scale mail in inventory
 Picture of Aryel in Sun mail dress on User Pages
 Picture of Tybaltz in Sun scale mail on User Pages
Perhaps that announced graphical update will be comming soon? :)
- Conro
A Shining Starr evening
by: Vini
-- 2:02 PM EST
This last Saturday evening was very special to the kingdom of Koguryo. After a week of events during Starr Week it was the time to close the celebration with a ball in King Yuri's Jeongwon. Such event was organized by the members of the ministry and Minister Starrbrite wasn't allowed to work on anything of the preparations and lucky her; she has a great staff that made these wonderful events even without her help.
To celebrate this special moment some very special figures have been present to the event. Prince M'hul, Prince Kija, several primogens and the memorable presence of King Yuri who haven't been out in public since the celebrations of Yuri 75.
 King Yuri expresses his appreciation for the Minister of his Kingdom as well.
Such special moment was marked by the speeches of Prince M'hul, Karimita, Imafyrebyrd Ambassador LunaStarling. As Prince M'hul said, it was a moment to show "appreciation for this fine woman, this fine minister, the longest running minister in the history of the Nexus."
(full image) Ambassador LunaStarling of Koguryo has also spoken about the Minister's achievements
Karimita and Imafyrebyrd were the hosts who conducted such beautiful event that night and as a surprise to "the girl who puts the Starr in Ministarr, Minstarr Starrbrite"/i>; Gilley has made a wonderful poem in honor of Starr, the poem goes as the following:
So bright! I gaze upon the stars of night As quiet calm bestirs my restless heart. Such ancient spirits with their glowing light Forever guide - their wisdom to impart. Reminding me of one on earth whose shine Is brighter than the heaven's souls above. Dear Starrbrite, a treasured friend of mine Whose name recalls the stars that I so love. A heart of passion, eyes of changing hues With fiery hair as volatile as life- Her caring ways and liveliness, I choose Inspired by her courage through her strife. Our friendship, deep and loyal to the core Amidst the hardships we so often face. Through all the sadness, anger, lies and more We muddle through together with God's grace. Unlike the stars whose twinkling ends at dawn Her glimmer lasts through each and every day. A gift to cherish 'til my life is gone - An earthbound star to guide me on my way. By Gilley
(full image) Muse Gilley recites her poem to her friend Starrbrite.
Such great moments that happened that night ended with the announcement of the Winners of the Starr week events and afterwards a speech of Minister Starrbrite herself. After her speech the guests were invited for a dance that closed the beautiful night in a great style.
We of Nexus Atlas would like to congratulate and thank Dame Starrbrite in her 24 yuris ((3 rl years)) running the ministry of Koguryo! Once again the ministry has provided another great event to the community.
Special thanks to Karimita for the additional information and images of the event.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 1~
Rogue Tutor applications are open!
by: Vini
-- 11:02 AM EST
Head Tutor Nussan has opened applications for Rogues who wish to become the new Buya Rogue Tutor. Those interested should apply as soon as possible since the day limit of application is next week.
Here's a copy of the application form taken from the community board:
I am currently looking for the following:
Buya Rogue Tutor
To apply for this position, you must be living in, or be willing to move to the town you will be tutor of if you are accepted. You also must be a member of the path that you are applying for.
Applications will only be accepted until November 23:d 12:00am PST. Late applications will be deleted. The subject of the letter should be the position you are trying to obtain (please include the city).
Please send the following information to TutorApp: ____________________________________________________________ -- Tutor Application --
- Name: - Postition You Are Applying For: - Positive Subpath Brandings: - Negative Subpath Brandings: - Jail Brandings/Last Justice Matter Brands: (Please explain these) - Previous leadership experience (Positions held in Kingdom etc. Please include references) - SubPath (if any): - Yuri Born/Real life length of time played: (Time played as this character/total length of time played on any character) - Level or Vita/Mana: - Average Time And Days On Nexus per week: - References: (You must list at least three references. Please check with people you will be using as references before you list them) - Comments: (Anything important Please Put Here)
NOTE: If you plan to use another character's position for any part of your answers (i.e. I was a judge on another character) you must list that character's name. The same applies to comments such as "I've been playing for 4 years on different characters". All character names and pertinent information will be kept confidential.
Once your application has been received, you will receive a follow up letter notifying you of such. Should you have any questions, please contact Nussan.
Filling in all the requirements with most information as possible and answering the question with the best abilities and more completed will give more chances to the applicants through the rounds. Good luck to all who apply to it and hopefully I'll be announcing the new Buya Rogue Tutor here again soon.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 78, Moon 1~
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Grand Master Scribe
Congratulations to Miden on becoming Grand Master Scribe. She told us that she had to make over 22,000 scrolls to reach this goal. Way to go!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Koguryo Royal Grand Ball & Awards Ceremony Today!
by: Vini
-- 10:58 PM EST
To celebrate 24 yuris of having Starrbrite leading the Koguryo Royal Ministry, the other members of the ministry have been holding events during this whole week in honor of her. This saturday will mark the end of the Starr week events with a very special Ball to thank Minister Starrbrite for her hard work during these many yuris.
Here's a copy of the invitation posted on Community Events Board: After a week of events during Starr Week, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo close the week with the Awards Ceremony and Royal Grand Ball.
Everyone is invited to join us in King Yuri's Jeongwon as we open the ball with a speech by Karimita and Imafyrebyrd, followed by words of other Ministry Members and then a speech from Prince Mhul himself.
Then all who may have won prizes from Starr Week Events, will be announced and will receive their prize. After all participants have received their prize, there will be a dance where all can socialize and dance up on the stage with Dame Starrbrite, Prince Mhul and the Ministry.
The Royal Grand Ball and Awards Ceremony is a formal event, so we ask that you please dress up formally. We also ask that you wear at least one of the following colors: PURPLE, WHITE and or BLACK. These colors go with the theme of Starr Week.
Date of Ball: ((Saturday November 12, 2005)) Time of Ball: ((8:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm PST)) Location: King Yuri's Jeongwon, in the Kugnae Palace Coords: 029, 011 -- Kugnae Courtyard -- Inside Palace Why Come: To formally celebrate Dame Starrbrite's 24 Yuri's as Minister of Koguryo ((3 irl years)) and the announcement of all winners of Starr Week events.
Hope to see many of you at the ball on Saturday!
`, Karimita Gi'hung `, Member of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo
Congratulations Minister Starrbrite and a special thanks for all your work in Koguryo Ministry from the Nexus Atlas staff.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 77, Moon 12~
More about restoring purged characters!
by: Vini
-- 10:40 PM EST
This has been posted yesterday on Nexus TK Official website with more information about how to restore purge characters:
KRU Interactive is now offering a character restoration service for characters that were deleted in past character purges. Those interested in recovering an old character please see our instructions by clicking here.
For all players interested in restoring the purged characters, we ask you to read the following carefully before sending in your Support Tickets.
- The restoration is a very lengthy process, from the initial inquiry to the final restoration. Although we realize your desire for quick response from us, please submit your ticket only ONCE. We will process and reply to the tickets in the order they come in. Sending in multiple tickets will only delay your process further. Please note the overall process could take up to a month, so we ask for your patience.
- There is a processing fee for the restoration. As stated in the Knowledgebase, the fee will be 3 coupon codes. Only PURCHASE the coupons AFTER receiving CONFIRMATION from us that the purged character can be restored. Please note that this is a fee, and will not be applied to any game time. To renew your account, you will need to purchase an additional coupon code.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Have any old friends that you would love seeing back in Nexus? This is the chance to see them back in their original form. Don't lose time and share with them about this good news and have back what nexus has best, your friends!
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 77, Moon 12~
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Horse Speed
It seems that the gods may have blessed our horses with agility. After todays reset horses seem to be going some what just as fast as on the older client. Try it out for yourself, good horse locations are at northwest Buya and northwest Kugnae
Aided lost spirits...
After todays reset there have been changes to the "Aided lost spirit to spiritual realm" legend mark

Thank you to Pivot for posting this on the community board.
Nine way pick up!
by: Conro
-- 12:50 AM EST
Dragonboy has discovered a new way to pick up items that are cursed to you. If you press CTRL+, you will pick up ALL items that surround you as long as they are cursed to you.
This could help those who solo for jewels in the Mantis and Ogre hoards by cutting down a few precious seconds on picking up all their items.
This function words in a nine tile radius, picking up all items in a compass around you, as well as underneath you.
Thanks to Zokura for posting this on Community board!
- Conro
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Legion of Nagnang's New General
The Legion of Nagnang has recently experienced a change in leadership; General Gromph stepped down earlier in the week and passed the important position on to Baekho BeZal. Congratulations to The Legion's new general, General BeZal! Good luck in your new role.
Additional thanks go to Chot for the information!
Thursday, November 3, 2005
Kugnae fox cave fixed
The Kugnae fox cave has been fixed and re-opened. Previously, the cave was closed off do to a bug causing one of the doors in the cave to trap people in the first room while preventing them from using any items like yellow scrolls or casting spells like gateway or return.
As posted by Ahalya on the community board:
Hello Nexus community,
We are pleased to announce that "Kugnae Fox cave" is now functioning properly. Users wishing to use "Kugnae fox cave" may do so at this time.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Cunning finally fixed!
by: Conro
-- 3:49 PM EST
As posted by GameMaster Kru on the Community board
We discovered why Baekho's cunning seemed to be doing less damage than before. It is because one of the previous Game Masters secretly increased the damage that Baekho's cunning did. Baekho's cunning's original design specified damage modifiers of x4/x5/x6/x7/x8. Some sneaky GM decided to increase these numbers without any fanfare or announcement (or log message!). When we compiled the new 6.5 server it didn't have these new numbers. It had the original numbers (x4-x8). I was surprised to discover this. But after a quick consideration it seemed ok to put them back.
Baekho's cunning's damage modifiers are now reverted to the same values that it has had for the past year or more. These damage modifiers are x6/x7/x9/x10/x12. This is the damage bonus that Rogues have had for a very long time.
Horrah! Rogues can hunt normally again!
- Conro
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Exciting news: restoring purged characters!
by: Lalia
-- 9:22 PM EST
Kru Interactive has just announced that they WILL be restoring purged characters! Currently, they are are limiting patrons to 1 restoration at a time.
Kru support writes, "Please understand that character restoration is a time-consuming process, and there are many requests in the queue. It may take some time for your character to be restored. Due to the time required to restore a character we require a minimum commitment from you. We will ask that you renew your account for at least 3 months."
For full details, look here.
Thanks go to Kalika in the forums for mentioning this!
Kru Update Notes (Updated)
As posted today on NexusTK.com:
"The Nexus servers were reset with the following changes:
Fixed a bug preventing red beards from being worn by characters. Fixed the "cunning jump" bug that allowed players to skip the early stages of Baekho's cunning. Fixed the "rage + fury" bug that caused warriors to die if Chung Ryong's rage and and a fury spell were cast together. Note: The bonus damage from a fury spell will not stack with Chung Ryong's rage Changed the damage bonus of the Chung Ryong's rage spell from 6/9/12/18/27/81 to 8/14/20/26/36/81."
* UPDATE Nov. 1 @ 8:24pm pst *
"Fixed cunning flank and back attack. Cunning steps 2 and 3 will enable flank attacks. Cunning steps 4 and 5 will enable back and flank attacks. Note: We are investigating the reports that the damage from Baekho's cunning has been reduced. There have been no intentional changes to the damage bonus from Baekho's cunning. Lowered the mana cost of Chung Ryong's rage. The increase to the mana cost of Chung Ryong's rage was an unintended effect of increasing the damage at each step. Increasing the damage of the lower end of Chung Ryong's rage was a necessary step.
The mana costs will be reduced from what it is now. It will be a little bit higher than it was before, but that is necessary because of the new numbers.
For comparison here are the old and new mana costs for each step side-by-side:
old: 7200 / 16200 / 28800 / 64800 / 145800 new: 7200 / 18050 / 33800 / 72200 / 145800 inc: +0 / +1850 / +5000 / +7400 / +0
The end result is a better stepping throughout the spell, with a much better mana:damage ratio than before."
Halloween time is over
by: Vini
-- 1:47 PM EST
The Deadly spirits and Wandering spirits have vanished from the lands again along with Jieut. Hopefully he found his way back to the spirit realm with all the help he got from the community.
The halloween event has also ended short after the reset, about 30 minutes after the spirits were gone. The orbs dropped by the spirits remained for now, but there's still no known use for the Spirit gifts.
~Vini Normad'or~ ~Yuri 77, Moon 9~
*Edited by Vini*