Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Koguryo's "Ministarr" shines 'brite'ly
Eight years of service feted by the kingdom
 Prince-Regent Mhul and Minister Starrbrite, upper-left, enter the presentation area of the Royal Coliseum to commence this evening's celebration ceremony.
KUGNAE -- An entire week of events dedicated to honour Dame Starrbrite culminated tonight in a ceremony held in Kugnae Palace's Royal Coliseum. She has been known through her life as an honourable member of the Bear Clan and as a devoted councillor and Minister of Culture, and most recently, Dame of the Order of Koguryo and Minister of the Royal Ministry of Koguryo. This evening's celebration was headed by Diviner Eowyn, allowing Minister Starrbrite to relax and be the object of this evening's celebration, a definite break from her usual tireless efforts to provide the best events for the kingdom.
 A barbarian pays a dramatic visit to the coliseum.
The coliseum was filled with representatives from Koguryo's clans and a number of subpaths. A representative from the barbarians, Barbarian Qwertyer, stormed the palace gates and charged into the coliseum. After cleaving his way through the assembled formation of chonguns and assaulting host Eowyn, he was ejected from the coliseum.
Minister Starrbrite was honoured by Chongun Masra, flanked by an honour guard comprised of several members of the chongunate. The elder bestowed the chongunate's highest honour upon Dame Starrbrite, "for selflessness in all you do."
The minister then took centre stage and, alongside Eowyn and the other hosts of this week's events, honoured the winners of Starr Week's games.
Drive for the Stars 1st Place: MysticSeeker 2nd Place: Clarrissa 3rd Place: Vini
Story Contest 1st Place: Remee 2nd Place: BronzeDragon 3rd Place: Trade Honourable Mention: Genesis
Portrait Contest 1st Place: Sabina 2nd Place: Shan 3rd Place: RougeRider
Floor Art 1st Place: Okina 2nd Place: extascy 3rd Place: MysticSeeker
Impromptu Poetry 1st Place: Arayi 2nd Place: Jesuil 3rd Place: Jamira Honourable Mentions: Remee, Resh, Smoothey, and Ravenstar
Starr-Search Found Starrbrite Grand Prize: Gatts
Found the staff of the Ministry Antimodes, Lokira, RixirII, Gatts
Finally, the Royal Ministry of Koguryo was called up to honour their minister. In addition to a seasons fan engraved, "Royal Starr of Koguryo," and words of tribute from her councillors, Minister Starrbrite was presented with a musical ode composed by Sir Lord Master Musician Sailortaurus, Shining Starr, commemorating her eight years as minister.
 Minister Starrbrite, bedecked with her new fan and medal of honour.
On behalf of NexusAtlas, I would like to extend a note of congratulations to Minister Starrbrite for her dedicated service to the kingdom of Koguryo over the years, and a wish for many more years to come.
An omen?
by: Conro
-- 6:54 PM EST
Dear Citizens,
Tonight to my amazement I was watching the night sky when six wondrous stars crossed over the top of the Castle. They seem to be heading for Dae Shore. A few moments passed and another faint star trailed behind.
Seven shooting stars, what could this mean? When watching the stars fall through the sky, I wonder of our own existence and the mystery's of the Universe. The stars shining brilliantly yet falling, makes me wonder what fate this could mean for our Kingdoms.
All hail King Yuri! Long live Koguryo!
Thank you for your support, M'hul Prince of Koguryo
Perhaps this is an Omen of things to come? Many are feeling an imbalance with in the Nexus due to the shattering of our worlds containment of 'Evil'. Do Yin and Yang truly exist, and if so, what will an over flow of Yang do apon our kingdoms...? Keep your eyes open where the sky and the sea meet.
Safe travels!
Friday, November 28, 2003
New Graphics Person
by: Spift
-- 6:18 PM EST
DarkStarfire is our new graphics person. I'm sure he will do well. Make sure to look for his work throughout the atlas. 
Here's his animation of the unaligned blind for those of you that haven't seen it:

All good things come to an end...
She served the Nexus community for many a year...her farewell post...
Members of the community,
Sadly, all things must come to an end.
Over the years I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as your Archon Primogen, through the good times, and yes, even the bad. I will always treasure the many, MANY friendships I have made, and will always remember, with fondness the times I have spent here.
Today, Friday, will be my last as Archon Primogen. I will continue to log on for a day or two more to wrap up any loose ends, but my official role as Archon comes to an end today.
Within a few days Delphi will hand over powers to a new Archon Primogen, and the newly appointed Archon Primogen will post at that time letting you know who my replacement is. I wish my successor much luck. Everyone please be patient as s/he learns the ropes and settles into the new position.
I would like to take this time to give my gratitude and respect the the archons who are currently working to serve the community. I have been honoured to work with all of you, and wish you nothing but the best in the future. Some of you have been with me for years, and have always given 100% of yourselves. Your dedication to the game is inspiring and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I would also like to take this time to offer my gratitude to the hundreds of volunteers who give selflessly of their time to help bring fun and enjoyment to their fellow players. Primogens, Hosts, Judges, Elders, Librarians, Council, Guides, Ministry members, Editors, and anyone who has ever taken a few minutes of their time to help someone out. At times, people may forget to thank you for what you do, but know your efforts are appreciated. Keep up the hard work, and remember that even if it goes unsaid, many of us thank you for your hard work.
Everyone be sure to take the time to look around you, and remember that each of the people you see is a human being, just like yourself, and they deserves your respect. Differences may abound, but it is the similarities that count. Take the time to talk to someone and offer a little help, you will be amazed at how rewarding it can be.
Speaking as a volunteer who knows..
Make sure to give a warm welcome to her replacement 
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving!
by: Nagnag
-- 11:11 AM EST
On behalf of everyone here at Nexus Atlas I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Think of everything you are thankful for today and be sure to show gratitude toward everyone you come across. I personally am thankful for all of the fans that visit this site. So happy thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Database Assistant Application
by: Rachel
-- 10:30 PM EST
Hello everyone!
I'm hiring a few database assistants. You will be expected to find information that we need for the website.
You will have a "NA Staffie" forums account. You will not be a reporter and will not have a news account, however it may not hurt your chances of being selected the next time that applications go out.
If selected, you will have to make a NexusForums account. Anyone that has been banned from NF cannot apply.
Names of all characters:
NexusForums Name (If you have one):
Stats of all characters:
In what Yuri was your first character born?
All paths and subpaths that you have played as:
Anyone can find all of this information. I do it all the time as a level 98 rogue.
If you aren't positive, do NOT guess. This creates bugs on the website that are a pain to fix. It's better to leave an answer blank than to fill in something incorrectly.
Several people will be hired and I need people that can access different areas of the game, so don't be discouraged if you don't know an answer or if you're not very strong. But remember to try your hardest! ^.^
1. What is the name of Ming-Ken's Sam san Whirlwind?
2. What is the name of Ohaeng's Sam san poet heal?
3. What must you pay to learn the Sam san rogue ingress?
4. How much damage does the Sam san rogue ka do?
5. How many aethers does the unaligned Sam san hellfire have?
6. How much durability does Leather dress have?
7. How much Hit and Dam does Battle amulet have?
8. How much money does Horse Do drop?
9. How much experience does Dragon slayer give? (Sorry, I asked for money when I meant exp. >.<)
10. Find as many errors as you can in the Armor, Weapon, Spell, and Monster sections. These do not count if they're already posted on the bug board.
Please e-mail me by clicking here. (If the link doesn't work for you, mail Rachel_NA@hotmail.com with the subject "Database Assistant Application")
Speed is very important, so reply before Saturday at 2:00 AM CST with as many answers as you can.
If you leave some answers blank in that response, you can send a second e-mail by next Tuesday at 2:00 AM CST but try to have at least some of the answers by Saturday. Use the same e-mail for both letters and only mail me twice.
Look Out!
by: Wulf
-- 8:45 PM EST
Thanks to TS and Spift, I'm the newest member of the NexusAtlas News team. I'll be bringing you all the new scoops and stuff, along with the other reporters. Hope to serve you all well!
Beware, Scammers on the Prowl!
A string of scams have been sent to various people in the Nexus kingdom. The most common one, is sending your password/patron information to a Nexon Rep, so they can give you archon powers.
Time and time again people are getting hacked for giving out their passwords for "special options" and such. Do not fall under another statistic of being hacked. Do NOT give your password to anyone!!!
This is a post from Archon Themis posted on the community board.

Monday, November 24, 2003
Patch fix...
by: Conro
-- 6:21 PM EST
Those who complain that Nexus is still being laggy within the game or at the log on screen AND are using a 'Quick Launch' or 'Shortcut' to run Nexus need to do the following.
- Right click your 'NexusTK' shortcut Icon - Select 'Properties' - Go to the 'Short cut' tab above - Change the ending portion of the shortcut's Target to
\NexusTK.exe" 2000
This means deleting everything from \NexusTK.exe", and replacing it with the above Target. This will stop the long wait while you try to connect to the log-in server.
Thanks to IceFalcon for pointing this out and posting!
Starr light, Starrbrite...
by: Conro
-- 5:31 PM EST
The Royal Koguryo Ministry Presents:
****Starr Week****
What is Starr Week you ask? Starr Week is a week long celebration commemorating Starrbrite's 8th Yuri as a Koguryan Minister. She started as the Minister of Culture. Now she is the Royal Koguryo Minister. This event celebrates her 8 yuri's of service as a minister for the kingdom of Kugryo. The week will be filled with the events below, and ends with a party for Minister Starrbrite. Most of the prizes for the events will be given at the party. The prizes will not be dissappointing!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Royal->Drive->For->The->Stars! Hosted by Eowyn Starts Sunday November 23rd Ends Friday November 28th Give items to any ministry member Prizes: 1st - **Keeper of the Stars ** + 50k 2nd - 50k 3rd - 30k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Royal~Oh Starry Night~(Story contest) Hosted by Vales Ends Friday November 28th Send Entries to KugCulture
Royal~*Starry Portait Contest*~ Hosted by Princessvina When: Tuesday Nivember 25th, 8:00PM
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <>Royal Koguryo Floor Art Contest<> Hosted by AznCloudBoi When: Wednesday November 26th, 8:00PM *Stardrops required in the design*
%~`%Royal Koguryo Improptu Poetry%~`% Hosted by Kiana When: Friday November 28th, 4:00PM
***Royal Starr Search*** Hosted by Eowyn When: Saturday November 29th, 3:00PM Minor Prizes will be given during event
Royal Party to Celebrate Starrbrite's 8th Yuri of service When: Sunday November 30th, 8:00PM
((All times above are EST (-5:00 GMT/+3:00PST). As can be seen, there is no event on Thursday November 27th, this is in observence of the American Holiday of Thanksgiving.))
-The Royal Koguryo Ministry-
My congratulations to Starrbrite who has held the position of Koguryo's Royal Minister for a year now! Thank you for all your hard work for the Nexus, Starrbrite!
Enjoy yourselves!
Server Updates(edited)
by: MarekP
-- 9:41 AM EST
Network update - Patch
This morning we had to move the Nexus game servers as part of a network update. During this change the IP addresses of Nexus changed, and this may cause some people to have an extended connection time to our game servers, taking up to 2 minutes.
To speed up your connection to the Nexus game servers we have updated the client download from the Nexus website, and also provided a small patch download of only 350K. To make your client connect to the new server faster you can download and install the patch located here:
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused anybody, but we hope you will understand that these network updates are important.
General MarekP
How does this Patch Works? When you download it, you'll get NetPatch just click on it to start the setup. This will install a new NexusTK.dat, which in some cases may not overwrite your old one. For that you just need to cut the new NexusTK .dat from where ever you installed it and paste it on your NextAeon file, then it will ask if you want to overwrite your old one for this new, say yes and everything will get back working fine. Some people still have to wait a bit to enter the log in page ( I took 2 secs) but it at least logs now=)
Edited by Vini
Graphics Designer Position at Nexusatlas
by: Spift
-- 12:33 AM EST
Since I have lost all contact with the previous graphics designer applicants, I am reopening them now.
The first person to send a correct unaligned blind animation to applications@nexusatlas.com with the subject "Graphics Designer" will get the position.
As a graphics designer you are expected to get acurate graphics in a timely manner on a need basis. All graphics must be clear (take screenshots in .bmp format by holding shift while pressing scroll lock) and acurate. For the mage blind graphic, there are 13 frames. The file should be in the same format as all of the images on the spell pages.
Good luck!
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Changes abound!
by: Conro
-- 9:24 PM EST
As posted on the Community board by Charisse herself...
Hello everyone,
It has been decided that the previous win rule will be lifted from the Revels from this point forward. The rule had stated that those people who had won 1st place in the Revels (from the time it was taken over by the Archons) would not be able to win any place in the Revels again. This was designed to be more fair to all players.
However we feel that as the Revels has been running smoothly for some time now, we are able to lift that rule. All members of the community will be able to participate in the Revels, regardless of previous places won. Bannings from the Revels however will still stand.
It is our hope that you enjoy the Revels, and this lifting of the one-win rule will make it more fair to all involved. Good luck with future Revels. =)
Take care, Charisse
Now those writing under creative names may now go back to becomming known poets again.
Good luck to those who participate!
A congraulations is in order to Yari on becomming the new Primogen of the Lost Kingdom clan. Katia stepped down today, passing power onto Yari.

Judge Seltzer has stepped down as a judge. Please direct any justice concerns to other judges. Thank you for your long term of service, Seltzer, may karmas hand be just as kind as you have for our community.
Save travels to all!
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Server Reset
All the servers were reset today around 5:00pm EST. The first thing when the group of us at Johaih's camp noticed, was the Clan titles. They are now "messed up." Could this be the work of the onyx, or another one of the bugs that seem to be hitting the Nexus.
 Another thing we noticed; Johaih's Camp is no longer a player kill area (PK). The tents are still closed, and locked.
-Update- Credits to RubyMagi for sending in this info. -SunMoon has new NPC features
Thanks to those who posted on the Comm. Board. -Elixir wars are broken. We were all given wins. -Johaih's Camp (cave entrance) tiles are bugged.
-Update- -Server Reset "again" this time at around 5:45 EST -Credits to Valdessi for finding that there are now crafting tables in the Hausson Food Preparation Building
 -Notice the warrior who is stuck in the NPC box ^^ Some Reset Humor for you. -Clan titles are back to normal after the second reset
Friday, November 21, 2003
Back to the Mortal coil
by: Conro
-- 8:40 PM EST
 After a valliant fight where followers of Johaih and followers of Lashan and the Kingdoms fought, Johaih suddenly found himself being rejected by the Onyx's power; first in material form, by having his Onyx blade shattered, then in divine form, by having his immortality stripped.
Johaih found himself in a tough situation, and with his last amounts of energy, he actually smashed the Onyx itself into pieces. Preaching on about how the Onyx was the dark-side of the Nexus itself, he told of an imbalance of power to occur in the future. What this could this mean? With no Yin to the Yang, we may find ourselves living in a stranger world...
Johaih then teleported himself from his own camp, and with that step, hundreds found themselves comming to their senses.
After Johaih had passed, NangenMan appeared to thank the citizens who had given their lives and energy to destory Johaih, and spoke of 'in the future there will be a way to help with restorations'...
Thank you, everyone, for your help in this dire situation... More to come...
Edited By: Growl -- Head of News Posters
Johaih Showdown!
Johaih found a way to challenge the kingdoms of the Nexus today by showing his face at his camp with his minions of evil possessed by their own greed and power thirst of the onyx. Johaih has killed many already, and he wont stop there.

(The Area is PK and lower stat players might want to shy away from the area for now unless they like floating around)
LARGE Market bug/scam
by: Lalia
-- 5:11 PM EST
There is currently a rather large bug/scam going on in the Marketplace. Merchant Guide SparkleY has posted the following note to the in-game Community board, and explains:
For the bug, the scammer would put 360,000 coins. Notice the comma. You DO NOT use a comma when putting in money for exchange nor mass exchange. If you exchange item A for 360,000 coins, when exchanging, you MUST PUT 360000. If there is a comma in any of your exchanges, take a screen-shot and cancel it immediately. Please watch out for yourself.
With care, .:SparkS .:Merchant Guide
Take care while you're in the Marketplace, and pay attention to the number of coins you're receiving!
The above information has been posted with SparkleY's permission.
Edit: After a little research, I have discovered that the bug/scam works with ITEMS as well as coins. So for example, if someone is exchanging you 1,800 wool instead of 1800 wool, CANCEL THE EXCHANGE. If you go through with it, you WILL receive all the usual confirmation messages, but you will NOT receive the coins or items you were expecting. Bottom line: If you see a comma, CANCEL.
Tents locked
by: Rachel
-- 3:24 PM EST
I'm not sure when this happened, but all of the tents in Johaih's Camp have been locked. To be honest, I don't know how you lock something with a cloth door, but I can't seem to get through. 
We may have to wait for another Johaih sighting before the next step of the event is released.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Marks finally received!
by: Conro
-- 3:51 PM EST
Rogues who had joined Dagger's guild in Nagnang before Yuri 61 have now finally been given their marks to show proof of their status. Page through your own legend to find when you completed the tasks Master-Rogue Dagger sent you on!
 A snipet from my own legend...
Thank you to Blubber for pointing this out to me!
Sunday, November 16, 2003
by: Growl
-- 1:53 PM EST
Well.. It has recently come to my attention that someone within the Nexus by the name of "Saintly" is imposing as me.. I would like to make sure you all know, this character is not me. I have not yet come back to NexusTK.. Until I do, do not beleive anyone is me.. Thank you.
.: Growl .: Head of News Posters .: Nexus Atlas Administration
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Entire Event Walkthrough (So far)
by: Rachel
-- 9:22 PM EST
Due to all of the bugs, I didn't start the event until yesterday. I noticed several sages of things like "Help me, I'm lost" ..so I'm putting all of the info from previous posts into this post with slight editing on format, etc. Hopefully it will help out anyone that was confused.
Some information won't be reposted, but you can scroll down to find all of the original posts. Thanks to Vini, Conro, Corath, and everyone that they thanked! 
Also, I'm adding a longer explaination of the next, bugged step of the event. So skip down to that if you aided the ambassador and didn't look around at all.
These items are required for the quest: 1 White paper (Messanger) 1 Muddy potion (Haunted house/Sute cave drop) 10 Chicken meat (Kugnae Fox's Rooster/Mythic Rooster) 15 Rabbit meat (Butcher/Rabbits) 5 Amber 10 Ore [poor] (Mining) 5 Wooden saber (Smith's shop) 2 Metal (Smithing) 1 Soup Bowl (Taverns)
1. Go to Nagnang 70/80
2. You should be in Secret Passage. Go to 12/0.
3. You should be in Dark Passage. Go to 25/0.
4. You should be in Shadowed Grotto. Go to 39/19.
5. You should be in Guarded Glade. Head north to 30/0.
6. You should be in Johaih’s Forest. Walk along the east path to the right wall. Then go north, then northwest to 10/0.
7. You should be in Guard Camp, the room with the Tents.
8. Go to 11/8, this is Anda’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 1 Muddy potion 1 White paper Anda gives you Anda’s Note.
9. Go to 48/05, this is Tean’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 10 chicken meat 15 rabbit meat Tean will take Anda's note and gives you Teans’s Note.
10. Go to 87/14, this is Hodna’s tent Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Amber 10 Ore [poor] Hodna takes Tean's Note and gives you Hodna’s Note.
11. Go to 33/09, this is Blaco’s Tent Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Wooden saber 2 metal Blaco will take Hodna's note.
12. Wait about 10 minutes and click the NPC. You will get Johaih’s Gate key.
13. Walk outside to return to and walk to 78/20. This will take you to Johaih's Forest.
14. Walk west along the path until you are at around 64/xx. Head south from here to reach 64/99. This will take you to the locked gate.
15. Walk to 0/44 and it will take you to a hidden room. Click on the NPC and give him your soup bowl for the second legend mark.

16. Return to the cells. Walk to 14/39 (This may not be required for future parts of the quest, but who knows) Ask "What's your name?" and click on the NPC named "Lost boy". Say that you'll help.

17. Exit to the locked gate and on to Johaih's Forest.
18. Walk east to 99/35 to reach Johaih's camp.
19. When you go to 21/31 Asho tells you to give a note to someone.. however he never actually gives you a note or explains what it's about. This part appears to be bugged. =/

Also, to anyone that was wondering about this:
 I do have a banana (Old event item) and I brought it to him, but he didn't take it. I also asked the ambassador or the "guy in the corner" about bananas but he wouldn't give me one.
Event update
by: Corath
-- 12:24 AM EST
After completing the event thus far on my poet with my BB, we were looking at the various tents in Johaih's camp... and one stuck out as odd.
At 21, 35 in Johaih's camp is Asho's tent. When you click him, he says to go back to Johaih's tent and give his note to his "friend there".
We've tried many text combinations, and nothing's come up so far. Possibly this will lead to something else though... as a number of the other tents are open, with NPC's inside, saying that they're busy with something.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Event fix!
by: Conro
-- 12:54 PM EST
The tents in the event are now able to be opened! This fixes a previous bug where the tiles for the tents did not have an 'open' function before!
This applies for both the Guard camp and Johaihs camp! Good luck exploring!
- Conro
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Xterminator spray
by: Conro
-- 6:14 PM EST
A few bugs are about, as well as a few new helpful changes!
Bugs - Tiles in event are still not set in correct loctions or tents are still not openable (depending on how they fix this) - Changing servers with 'Extra' vitality (Vitality gained from items) removes that extra vitality, thus you need to heal yourself each time to restore back what you lost. [Thanks StriGoi]
Fixes/Changes - Polearms can no longer hit through non-walkable (b-type) tiles. This means no more safe zones for polearm users!  - In carnages, rogues on your team can be seen without having to be grouped with them, VERY USEFUL! (THANK YOU!!! =p) Hosts can also see rogues on both teams [Thanks to Toggo and Rerin for pointing this out!] - The blue clan arrows that show over clan members is no longer visable in Carnages. [Thanks Soyeong!]
If anyone finds any extra information, please NMail or EMail a staff member (I personally prefer NMail). We will credit you with the information if it is new and correct.
- Conro
Halloween ends
by: Vini
-- 10:58 AM EST
After today's server, err crash!? Halloween event is over... yes no more trick or treat nor cool dyes. Those who got the Linskae and Grin one may keep it, but Archon dye goes bye bye.
~Vini Normad'or~
Lending Johaih's key
by: Vini
-- 10:25 AM EST
Looks like the ones who didn't get the key before the bug was fixed and this new bug in guard camp was installed will have to wait a longer while to Aid the Ambassador, that's because it seems the key is bonded to the one that used it or can only be used once. If you pass the gate and exchange it with a friend, it will take it take the key away with the message "You gave Johaih's key" and won't let him pass.
 screenshot submitted by Disturb Keep your keys to yourselves, as it's not possible to make another one right now.
~Vini Normad'or~
Alternate route around Guard camp
by: Conro
-- 10:13 AM EST
If you don't wish to go through the Guard Camp each time you wish to go to Johaih's camp or the Locked Gate, there is an alternate found by Blasphemy. I've tested it myself and it works perfectly.
((This is done when you enter 'Johaihs forest' map for the first time)) [Sorry to those this confused ]
To begin, find your way near the top of the map at the coordinates of 0039, 0006. From here I will explain carefully what direction and how many spaces to move. (Because of length I will abbreviate as follows: Up = U; Down = D; Right = R; and Left = L)
R 4; U 2; L 1; U 2; R 1; U 2; R 12; D 1; R 1; D 1; R 1; D 3; R 3; D 1; R 2; U 5; R 3; D 3; R 3; D 2; R 2; D 9; R 2; D 5; L 3; D 9; R 2; D 6.
Follow these directions exactly, and you'll find yourself on the east side of Johaih's forest! Thank you, Blasphemy!
Also, do not hand your Gate key to anyone. If they try to use it, it will break.
- Conro
Quest Fixed / New information / Bugs
by: Conro
-- 9:19 AM EST
Part of the Johaih's camp quest has been fixed.
When you obtain your 'Johaih's Gate Key', head to the gate that was once unpassable. It will then tell you that the key fits perfectly, and you will pass to the other side. From here, head south into the Prisioner cells. The tiles here seem, well, strange at best. Many Nangens are being held captive, but many more are completely under Johaih's control, and will attack you on sight. If you speak to several of the prisoners, they will speak of a 'rat' who lives in the corner. This rat is none other than the ambassador of Han, secretly spying on the events passing. He has found a small area in the prision where he is taking refuge. Head to 0, 44 in the Prision and you'll come across a secret tunnel; here the Ambaassdor sits, recording notes. If you listen to his story, he'll ask you for a bowl of soup. A heaping bowl of Walsuk's finest, a Soup bowl will be just the kick he was looking for.
If you speak to more prisoners they speak of a secret camp hidden between trees. This is none other than Johaih's camp itself, an area already found by very investigative citizens.
Many of the prisioners speak of a strange weapon that Johaih now holds in his hands, but just barely. Perpare yourselves, Nexus, this will be no ordinary battle.
Rewards: Legend mark 
LOCATIONS Johaih's camp (93, 48 Johaih's forest. Walk north then east until you warp there. You must be on the right side of the forest, which requires you to pass through the Guard camp) Locked Gate (64, 98 Johaih's forest. You must be on the right side of the forest, which requires you to pass through the Guard camp) Secret Tunnel (0, 44 Prision Cell.)
Blasphemy has found that having an Banana in your inventory does not affect any prisioner, including the one begging for a banana.
Bug updates: As of now (10:30 am, EST) it seems that all of the tents in the Guard camp are bugged. You cannot enter them because their warp tiles are not in the right place. I believe when the event was fixed that they were moved back into the tents, but the tents cannot be opened, thus we cannot enter! If you find any other event preventing bugs, please NMail me and EMail Nexon!
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
New NA Staffie Avatars (On Contact Page only)
by: Nagnag
-- 5:50 PM EST
What is it... is it a new event? A new landscape? A new item?! 
No! It's time for the annual Nagnag's suprise, where I suprise the NA Staffers with new avatars! This time I updated them on the contact page only (with Spift's help) because the images are a bit bigger in size. So to view them either visit the contact page or visit the forum thread and tell me what you think of them! ~n~
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Muse Quest changes and specifics
Muse Guide DustofSnow wants this message to be delivered to the community: ___________________________________________________________ As there is some confusion regarding this process, let me inform you of the specifics:
You must be Level 50+ to do this quest.
You need to contact a guide or the Elder, please do so ONLY through nmail, not through whisper.
Also, do NOT contact more than one muse guide. If you do so, you will not be eligible to receive an instrument for two years. Remember we have a lot of people requesting instruments, and if you try to clog up the system we'll put the hurt on ya!
Lastly, please realize this is a quest, and your performace affects your outcome! So bring your best! ____________________________________________________________
(To the roleplay-challenged, 2 years is 2 yuris)
Remembrance Day
by: Corath
-- 4:06 PM EST
For those who don't live in Canada, Remembrance day is something that you've rarely or never heard of before. It's a national holiday here, every November 11th. There is a very important significance to this day... because on November 11th, 1918, an armstice was signed to end World War I.
I ask that on this day, we remember those who have fought for our freedom. At a service I went to this morning, someone spoke some great words: "It is not the minister, but the veteran who gave us freedom to worship. It is not the students' union, but the veteran who gave us freedom to assembly. It is not the journalist, but the veteran who gave us freedom of press."
Remember those who gave their lives so that we can live in peace. Don't take this for granted - we are blessed to live in countries which allow us access to the internet, that you're able to read this right now.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
-Derek ... the guy behind Corath.
Spam TSWolf or Die
by: Eriana
-- 3:18 PM EST
TSWolf is now 20 years old and no longer a punk teenager skallywag. Everyone spam TSWolf because he doesn't get enough spam and he wants it desperately. Every time you spam him you will be sent 1 billion dollars via paypal.
Muse Intrument Quest
Rather than spending a fortune on buying a Muse instrument, Elder SkaDemon encourages everyone to do the quest for their chance to receive one legitimately. So to those of you who have always wanted one, now is your chance!

Come Sit, and Listen, to a Tale, A Tale of Wood, and Glue,
To Forge a Harmony of Sound, Of Danso, and Gonghu.
From lands far away to our homelands, music is a part of our lives. It is there to comfort us when we are sad, or to share joy with others when we ourselves are glad. It has been used to influence emotions and share our inner feelings. Even a single note tells a story and invokes a feeling. As traveling bards may show you, there are many different instruments with amazingly unique sounds. The Tungso, the Chuk, the Eo and Bu, each shows us a new facet of music. A new reprise of emotion. A renewed sense of purpose. Music.
It has been anyone's experience who has picked up an instrument to experience these feelings. From beating on your mother's clay pots to blowing on your father's empty wine flask, the enjoyment that comes from making music is not just for other's benefits. As such, we will support these inspirational tendencies how we can. It is time we made available our finely crafted musical instruments, tended to with an artisan's hand and waiting for the next virtuoso to touch.
Oho, not so quick. First of all, we cannot begin to teach you how to play music yet. While knowledge is power, it is not yet time for the explosion of orchestral proportions. As it is, you will be content to be your own musician, playing by ear and learning the basics. Also, there are only so many instruments we could make for you. The Senap and Maegu require a strong will and a graced hand to manage, and are not easily mastered, so we cannot in good faith allow an inexperienced musician to attempt them. These instruments are also very difficult to make. With the demand so high and the supply so low, our artisans will need to work diligently to keep up. Because of this, we only will allow one person to quest for an instrument every 2 years. Lastly, to receive an instrument, you must prove that you are devoted to the cause and the guild, both in mind and body.
Think of it as a quest for enlightenment, a chance to express yourself.
If you fancy yourself to be a musician, and simply require the tools, please contact the Muse Guild of Buya. One of our Master Muses will be glad to help you in some way, whether it is to begin your quest or show you to someone who can. Simply look for one of us who can guide you and you will be on your way.
On a last note, please be careful. There are many unscrupulous instrument dealers that simply wish to make a quick profit off of you. They will attempt to sell you low quality instruments mass produced in Han for thousands of coins, much more than any rational muse could afford. It is a scam! Do not settle for anything less than a Muse Certified Instrument. They are cheaper, finely created, and designed specifically for you in mind!
The Tale is Done and Duly Fought,
Of Whether Music's Through,
But the Muse Guild has a Say,
Of Danso, and Gonghu.
-Ska the Usurper Muse Maestro Prodigy of the Ages
Johaihs' Camp Event-Bugged
After several hours of waiting Archon Methok finally showed up to let the anxious players now what was going on.
Apparently the map "Johaihs' Camp" is bugged, rendering the event uncompletable until Nexon can correct the problem, He said at most it will take a few days. So keep your heads up, and gather materials in advance. The locked gate map is -not- bugged, meaning you will probably have to make a second key..You'll just have to wait and see. 
Johaih's camp Walkthrough
by: Vini
-- 1:11 PM EST
To start the Events quest you must go to Nagnang 0070 0080 hopefully already with all the items necessary: 1 white paper 1 Muddy potion 10 Chicken meat 15 Rabbit meat 5 Amber 10 Ore [poor] 5 Wooden saber 2 metal
There you enter Johaih’s camp 1st room, it’s quite easy to go throw them, just follow the path. I’ll list the cords of entrance and exit to next room: Secret Passage: enter at-9/28 exit to next room- 12/0 Dark Passage: enter at- 4/28 exit to next room-25/0 Shadowed Grotto: enter at-37/38 exit to next room-39/19 Guarded Glade: enter at- 01/24 follow north path exit to next room-30/0 Johaih’s Forest: enter at-19/98 follow east path then north, then northwest exit to next room-10/0.
After that you enter Guard Camp, the room with the Tents. 1st Tent- Anda’s tent-11/8 Click on NPC and give him your: 1 Muddy potion 1 White paper You’ll get Anda’s note. With that proceed to next one, Tean’s Tent. 2nd Tent- Tean’s tent-48/05 Click on NPC and give him your: 10 chicken meat 15 rabbit meat You’ll get Teans’s note. With that proceed to next one, Hodna’s Tent. 3rd Tent-Hodna’s tent-87/14 Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Amber 10 Ore [poor] You’ll get Hodna’s note. With that proceed to last tent. 4th Tent- Blaco’s Tent-33/09 Click on NPC and give him your: 5 Wooden saber 2 metal You’ll have to wait for about 10 mins to get Johaih’s Gate key.
The other tents there don’t have anything special: Empty tent-41/03 Used Tent-72/07 Vacated Tent-95/18 Abandoned Tent-19/05 -àThis one is good for afking.
After getting Johaih's Gate key, go to 78/20 on Guard camp to get your way back to Johaih's Forest. From there go south then east and venture in the middle of the trees to reach 98/35, the entrance to Johaih's camp. From there we are stuck. There is a Locked Gate in Johaih's Forest 64/99.
The rest of it will be added as soon as we figure out next step, Feel free to contact any Nexus Atlas staffer if you find any relevant information.
Thanks to Marekp, Conro, Vitamin, Ieyasu and all others who helped on doing the walkthrough.
~Vini Normad'or~
Johahs' camp has been found!
At coordinates 70,80 in Northern Nagnang you will find a cave, when entered you will receive the legend mark "Entered Johaihs Camp". I urge all those brave enough to Whisper me and join me in the exploration of Johaihs Camp.
Thank you to ZereX for taking me to the cave and making me aware of its existance.
 Folow the grey path in the forest to Johaih's camp
 One of the many tents
Edited by Vini
Saturday, November 8, 2003
Bugs abound!
by: Conro
-- 9:15 PM EST
A few new bugs have surfaced in the kingdom, most of them having to do with the 'Games server'.
- Inviting a friend to your game room does not warp your friend. - Rabbit invasion arrows do not pass through the tiles you cannot walk on, thus you cannot shoot any rabbits!
I'd steer clear of the Games server for now, due to these bugs, because there could possibly be more which could damage your character (has happened in the past)!
Safe travels!
- Conro
New Ranger Elder!
by: Growl
-- 6:16 AM EST
Hmm.. I am unsure if it has been announced or not.. But congratulations to TinaDragon on ascension to being the newest Ranger Elder!
TinaDragon's Userpage
.: Growl .: Head of News Posters .: Nexus Atlas Administration
Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Hello Everyone!
by: Growl
-- 9:44 PM EST
Well.. I have not been around for a while.. As you all know I have quit NexusTK, and the "Growl Account" has been deleted.. I just wanted to confirm that.. So no, you will not see "Growl" around. As for using alternate characters.. That is not something I will be announcing to the general public just yet.. If ever.
I just wanted to make sure you all knew that yes, I am currently still head of news. So.. You can still contact me about Nexus Atlas issues.. And I will listen.
Here is something that I have compiled once again.. To inform you all of the way you contact staff.
1. Take it to the forums. This applies to all general questions and such..
If you want to have an update posted on the Main Page.. Send it to myself or any news poster. You can do this by e-mail, n-mail, forums PM, or any other contacts such as AIM. ( Use any unless the reporter requests not to. )
2. If you do not like something a reporter does, take it to them. Do not rant about them on the Forums..
3. If the poster fails to do something.. Take it to me. I run the posters. Hence.. I deal with the community and them..
4. If you dislike something I am doing.. Or I cannot help.. Take it to Spift.
5. If it is some kind of database issue that Spift cannot handle.. Or something like it.. TSWolf will be contacted.
.: Growl .: Head of News Posters .: Nexus Atlas Administration
Purge Reminder
by: Rachel
-- 5:11 PM EST
There will be an account purge in less than two weeks! Be sure to tell people that have quit that might not want their characters, items, and money deleted.
Payment sometimes takes a while, and it certianly won't be any easier when everyone is registering at the same time. So be sure to register right away if you don't want your account deleted.
Also, if you're looking for a certian name, remember try looking for it right after the purge.
The following message is from www.nexustk.com
Nexon Accounts purge on the 18th of November:
Hello everybody,
On Tuesday, the 18th of November, Nexon will be doing an account database purge. At this time we will be removing all inactive accounts from our database. Inactive accounts are any account that has not been active in the last 30 days leading up to the purge date.
This purge will free up any unused character names so that they will be available to other players to use in the future.
When an account is purged all characters on the account will be deleted from our servers, along with any items, abilities, stats and experience the character may have.
We will not be able to restore any account or character that has been purged! To avoid the loss of your character you must make sure your account is actively registered some time between now and then 18th of November.
If you plan on re-registering your character and account before the 18th we recommend that you do it in advance to avoid any possible complications or delays that may result in the loss of your characters.
Tuesday, November 4, 2003
Updates and Bug Fixes
by: Rachel
-- 10:30 PM EST
I added and fixed a bunch of things just now. A few bugs have to be tested, some graphics have to be made, and there will be a few more additions soon.
Additions: -Rogue self-heals: Maro’s Remedy, Maso’s Remedy, Dagger’s Remedy (There is a sam san one also, but the sam san spell page is not finished yet) -Single spell rogue traps -Axe added to the weapons page -Dark simitar, Light broadsword, Winter scepter, and Wand of Fire added to their respective pages -Correct Military polearm and Heavy polearm ground/inventory graphics added -Jewel of scholarship added
Please note: If you see a missing graphic, it’s because we haven’t made it yet. We’re finding someone to make them all, so hopefully it shouldn’t be too long from now.
Bug Fixes: -When you abandon a minor quest, you must wait 48 hours to start a new one (RagingSpirit) -Rooster fall name changed to “Angry Roost” (RagingSpirit) -Legends carnage is level 86-98 (Growl) -Buckler was spelt bucker on the shield page (Yokaze) -Arctic hail ogres listed for level 65 and level 70, level 70 was deleted (Twilight) -Dark amber removed as common drop for Slime & Muck ogre, Dirt & Shadow mantis (CorpseKicker) -Karma page descriptions were messed up (Jacro) -Weapons page index had an example of an elixir bow, but elixir bow has 0 AC not 5 (RagingSpirit) -Diviner legend mark change.. good to light and bad to dark (Jugji) -Repeated words on joining NPC subpath page (Yerokii)
Also, thank you to AznUnknownX, Dephiant, Jayfootball, Ayleen, and WhiteLie for information on some weapons graphics.
If you want to be mentioned here, just post NexusAtlas errors on the bug board at the forums and respond to my sages in the game when I'm looking for help. (I would rather that you post on the bug board, but you can also e-mail or n-mail bugs to me)
Correction: Head Judge
by: Corath
-- 8:14 PM EST
Katia is NOT the new Head Judge. She is merely filling in for Tip for the next 10 days, when he'll be absent.
Clean up crew
by: Conro
-- 8:29 AM EST
A few small things to note...
- Adventure and Hero carnages have been meshed together due to lack of participation (less than 30 people average per carnage), and will continue to be together for a period of one month. The ban on Starburst arrows has been lifted for this one month trial period.
- Riches carnage rentals have been suspended until further notice by Xian.
- Sam san ju jak staff gives 45,000 mana (Thanks DrPepperMage and mmcevoy!)
- A festival item by the name of Morrigan's rose should not be bought or sold. They wilt with in a few hours after being plucked from the ground.
- If you want to contact me, please DO NOT e-mail me, but try to N-mail first. If your news is found to be true, and up to date, we will post your information and acredit it to you.
(Edited from saying not to e-mail any staffers.. I check my e-mail several times a day and reply to most of them. Other staffers have their own preferences. If you plan on sending most information to one person, ask on both e-mail and n-mail as to which they prefer. - Rachel)
- Those who have mysteriously lost random items/spells should report what they lost and when they discovered it missing to Delphi@nexustk.com , and not to NexusAtlas staff members
Safe travels! -- Edited By Growl: Head of News Posters
Death Trap Change
by: Corath
-- 5:01 PM EST
Today, Havik informed me of a new change to the Rogue's Death Trap. After testing it myself as well, I now know that it GOES THROUGH HARDEN BODY. So, Poets aren't invulnurable to EVERYTHING now.
Again, thanks to Havik for pointing this out to me, and to Havik and Frogger testing this out before I did.
First Champion Alchemist!
by: Corath
-- 4:26 PM EST
That's right, the same person who was the first Grand Master Alchemist is now the first Champion Alchemist as well! Neuro achieved this recently, and has given me some statistics from what he's made.
56503 purples 4478 limes 34 poisons 65 blacks
... so about 60k potions.
Success rate on purples between 120-140% depending on totem time.
Best batch of 20 tries made 32 purples. Worse batch of 20 tries made 23 purples.
Limes were around 95%
Poison were 200%
Blacks around 80%.
Unfortunately, he hasn't told me about any new potions, so either Nexon hasn't put any in yet, or there aren't any.
New Primogen of The Forsaken
by: Vini
-- 3:56 PM EST
After 10 months honorably leading the Forsaken clan of Nagnang, Borfshwitz has stepped down from the position of Primogen of The Forsaken. As his sucessor was chosen Lady Azelle, to be the new leader of the clan in these new times Nagnang is going through.
Borfshwitz will surely be missed as Primogen by many, a big thank for all his work and a big Congratulations and good luck to Primogeness Azelle.
~Vini Normad'or~
New Judge Ability!
by: Vini
-- 3:31 PM EST
It seems that together with the last reset that started Halloween event and brought many other changes such as the new weapons, judges finally got the ability to jail the crimminals while they are offline. Once they log,they will need to complete their sentence.
Before this, only Head Judge and Archons had the ability to arrest while the crimminal is offline, now all judges do.
This is a great addition for all community, no longer crimminals will be able to hide for their penalty.
Thanks to Judge Sknyraver for giving me this information for Nexus Atlas.
~Vini Normad'or~
Saturday, November 1, 2003
Elixir Wars
It's been brought to my attention that the chances of dyeing someone at an elixir war have been brought from 100% down to about 75% hopefully these changes will satisfy those that weren't pleased with the dye % being raised to 100.
(Thanks to Darkturtle for letting me know about these changes.)