Did you miss that important news story? Do you want to read what happened
while you were on vacation. Here's where to get that info!
Our news software, Coranto, has a bug which makes it purge links to news articles more than two years old. What is left of programmers who volunteer their time to support this software do not know why this bug occurs. We manually index older news pages in our Archived News section.
Saturday, November 30, 2002
IRC Server
by: Steve
-- 6:42 PM EST
Hi. You should now be using irc.swirldot.com opposed to irc.swirldot.net. I moved
swirldot.com to my own DNS so you should no
longer be experiencing any non-resolving errors. If you still are please contact me at steve@swirldot.com. I want to see lots of people in the charoom tonight! Comon people!!!!
Steve Corona SwirlDot Hosting
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Happy Thanksgiving!
by: Nagnag
-- 9:52 AM EST
Enjoy your thanksgiving and give thanks to everything that you have in your life today. At least think of a few things to be thankful for and I'm sure you're day will be a lot happier :) I mean just look at who I found enjoying Thanksgiving in Nexus!
  Lasahn and Mhul! o_O

Wednesday, November 27, 2002
RPGMaker 2003
As many of you know, Don Miguel, translator of ASCII's RPGMaker 2000 (the program used for Vegitto's old Nexus Fantasy project as some of you might remember) has been forced to remove his translation from his website. The reason? ASCII is releasing RPGMaker 2k3 next year, and they don't want Don Miguel's page hampering their sales. Well.. I know alot of you people in Nexus are really, REALLY creative, and if RM2k3 comes out in America then we can all make games like crazy.
Seeing as there's nothing else going on in Nexus to post about, here is a questionnaire from Enterbrain. If enough people fill this out, RM2k3 will be released in English! Yay.
The questions are as follows:
1. Which country do you live in?
2. How old are you?
3. How much would you be prepared to pay for products like these?
4. Do you have a credit card?
5. Would you prefer to purchase such products as a software package or as a download? Tell us the best price for a PACKAGE SALE (CD-box version) and the best price for DOWNLOADING SALE (you pay and download your own intall package)
6. What kind of connection do you have? (E.g., analog, ISDN, DSL, CATV, T1, T3)
These questions were prepared by Kenji Sugiuchi, a Senior Assistant Manager at a game software development division at Enterbrain, Inc.
Answer these questions and email them to
Add this string into the subject of your letter: "Foreign Customer's RPGMaker2000 / 2003 Questionnarie" If you would like to buy other products / game makers in English then put the product titles into the comments.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Me, Nexus and Everything
Many of you have Emailed me asking me where I have been and wondering if I was ok. I am fine, things are fine and no, I have not deployed overseas yet. I have made some decisions about Nexus and life in general. My AOL Instant Messenger name is changing to Angoris. You can reach me there if you can ever get ahold of me. As for my decisions about Nexus are concerned, this is the letter I recently sent to Nexon via Email :
Turn off my auto renewal. N32603 is my patron name. Maleficus, Widdershins, Dieb and Khamael are the characters on the account. Original Email address on this account is Xenocypher@aol.com I am done with the poor customer service. I am done with the lack of care for the players. I am done with the lack of follow through on events, promises, upgrades and expansion. I am done with impersonal responses and a lack of quality I have found in games where GM's actually care about their product. I realize your company is only a foothold in America for Nexon Korea. I realize you guys don't get paid enough for what you do. I realize the game is the oldest MMORPG out there. I also realize the customers pay 10$ a month for service they do not recieve. I wrote you about a hacking on my account only to have the result of the research into that hacking take so long I got hacked AGAIN. 1 month passed before anything was done. 1 MONTH of my time. I put alot of effort into your game attempting to promote roleplay, bring news to the players through NexusAtlas.com, bring some sort of seriousness to the storylines... I got slapped in the face by idiot children who are allowed to get away with hacking, cheating, lieing and anything else they want to get away with. You have corrupt political situations in your game. You have people who have been in power so long they ruin the game for everyone else. I will not name names. I have been in the RPT. I have been accepted as the Guide of the Shaman path, TWICE. I was finally accepted as a Carnage host. I have participated in every roleplay event I had time to participate in and all I felt was stress, unhappiness and fatigue. I have moved on, I want my account payments stopped and I hope one day the people who run Nexus wake up and take note of what is happening. I am moving on to a place where I feel appreciated, I feel relaxed and I feel like I am a part of something that people care about. Good luck, good bye and God help you all... Christian B. Coy, (S)Sgt, USAF 58FS 33FW Eglin AFB, FL Support Section Technician / TODA Aircraft Armament Systems Specialist
That letter should basically say it all. There are some of you in Nexus I have not talked to about this and there are some that I wish I would have approached in-game before making this decision, but it is a decision I needed to make on my own. I really hope some of you grow up and stop making it your purpose in life to turn other peoples fun time into stress time. You will not make it through life happy if you continue on your current path. For those of you who I called friend and family, you know who you are, I will miss our time in Nexus together but hope we will still talk in AIM or elsewhere. I hope to talk to some of you soon and hope it is on a good basis because if I recieve any hate spam or any ill-felt verbal abuse from anyone, you will immediatly be ignored. I am sorry to be that way, but I am tired of stress in relation to Nexus. I will no longer be helping with Nexus Atlas in the same ways that I used to unless Ben can find something for me to do that does not deal directly with Nexus. Be well and God bless...
Beta-3.0 THeGRiMLiN 4.0-4.5 Khamael 4.5-? Maleficus
TS' computer was fried several days ago, so he is unable to come on to continue working on the Spells Database and such. He will post once he has his computer fixed.
Sunday, November 24, 2002
I posted this because, well, Yea.
by: TSWolf
-- 4:35 AM EST
This is being posted so you understand something.. We've had a few accusations of people saying we're "hacking their accounts". Well.. Here ya go..
---------------------------------------------- I have very good reason to believe that a member or members of the Nexus Atlas staff have hacked my character. Before you cancel out of this e-mail and delete it, please hear what I have to say. Just this morning, I went to log onto my character, LadyLike, to find that my password had been changed. I recieved a new one from Nexon and logged on to find all 1,450,000c of mine missing... Yes, you may think, Wow! 1.4m Big deal? I've put in 30+ hours of soloing Dark ambers in the past 3 weeks to earn every penny of that money. I am simply depressed that my money is in the pocket of a low-life scammer at the moment... Now, why would I believe that this act has been the wrong-doings of someone on the Nexus Atlas staff? Let me tell you why...
First off, I have never shared my password with ANYONE IRL or in Nexus. Also, I haven't downloaded ANYTHING in the past month or been on any strange websites (Genjiworks, etc.). Only one of my characters was hacked... only one was stolen from... and the ONLY website about Nexus I have sent information to is Nexus atlas' forums. I used the username LadyLike and the same password as I use in Nexus (yes, call me stupid). Although I'm stupid, I don't think it's right to be a part of a website's staff, go through all the passwords and usernames, making an attempt to log onto Nexus with each one until they "hit the jackpot" so to speak. This is wrong morally and in Nexon's User agreement...a member of your staff -will- be banned this weekend, or when Delphi gets around to running a trace of who did it. I am almost 100% positive that I was hacked through your Forums because if it were a true "hacker," they would've stolen from all 4 of my characters. Thank you for making my experience with this game so much more enjoyable, by knowing my last 30 hours spent on Nexus have been a waste.
McKenzie, aka LadyLike ----------------------------------------------- I will reply to this person on news, and mail them concerning this..
I'm personally OFFENDED by this accusation, seeing as we have no possible way to obtain any of your passwords. For you to send out these slanderous remarks because YOU may have been careless with yer password is not our responsibility.. Our passwords are encrypted beyond all reasonable comprehension.. The only thing we can do is MAKE a new password for you.. We have no possible way, ever, of having your password be viewed... Even if we go directly to the mysql logs, we have no possible way of doing it.
You can send your information to Delphi, and I will also welcome Delphi to view our FTP/MySQL and ensure it's 100% safe.
The only 5 people who have access to everything are myself, Steve the Admin, Marstead, Khamael, and Lauz.. Out of them, only Steve and myself have EVER accessed the FTP and MySQL raw data. If you would like more information on why invision board is the SECUREST board on the net, please visit www.invisionboard.com .
I understand yer upset.. I've been hacked before too and know the emotion that goes through it. But to sit here and point fingers at us for something that is "impossible".. well.. I dont know what to say.
Just to make a point clear... I personally use my Nexus password on my NexusForums account to PUT MYSELF in the line of fire...
REGARDLESS of all of the above, let's say that our passwords were insecure.. Let's say it was like the time of Reboot, where he used the passwords to go on Nexus accounts... Using your nexus password for something like this is never a good idea to begin with.. But if for SOME reason I ever found out that a modification was made to the password software on my FTP server, I would be pressing real life charges against that person, using Telefragged as a backing.. I trust my staff..
Please let me know what Delphi says.
Saturday, November 23, 2002
Nexus Atlas Staff... hacking?
by: Corath
-- 11:00 PM EST
I recieved this e-mail today (names removed to protect the person who it happened to):
"I have very good reason to believe that a member or members of the Nexus Atlas staff have hacked my character. Before you cancel out of this e-mail and delete it, please hear what I have to say. Just this morning, I went to log onto my character, ********, to find that my password had been changed. I recieved a new one from Nexon and logged on to find all 1,450,000c of mine missing... Yes, you may think, Wow! 1.4m Big deal? I've put in 30+ hours of soloing Dark ambers in the past 3 weeks to earn every penny of that money. I am simply depressed that my money is in the pocket of a low-life scammer at the moment... Now, why would I believe that this act has been the wrong-doings of someone on the Nexus Atlas staff? Let me tell you why...
First off, I have never shared my password with ANYONE IRL or in Nexus. Also, I haven't downloaded ANYTHING in the past month or been on any strange websites (Genjiworks, etc.). Only one of my characters was hacked... only one was stolen from... and the ONLY website about Nexus I have sent information to is Nexus atlas' forums. I used the username ******** and the same password as I use in Nexus (yes, call me stupid). Although I'm stupid, I don't think it's right to be a part of a website's staff, go through all the passwords and usernames, making an attempt to log onto Nexus with each one until they "hit the jackpot" so to speak. This is wrong morally and in Nexon's User agreement...a member of your staff -will- be banned this weekend, or when Delphi gets around to running a trace of who did it. I am almost 100% positive that I was hacked through your Forums because if it were a true "hacker," they would've stolen from all 4 of my characters. Thank you for making my experience with this game so much more enjoyable, by knowing my last 30 hours spent on Nexus have been a waste."
Now, the passwords that are used in NexusForums are so encrypted that not even Admins or Moderators can see them. The only person who knows it is you and the server. Over the past while since I became a NexusAtlas staff member, I've recieved many e-mails with the name of another staff member. However, why would somebody send you an e-mail that has no text, or a few lines of text, that's over 200k in size? It's because somebody's trying to hack you.
Go to this page (Nexus Archive - Worldwalker's site), and learn how to be safe. Unfortunately, these days it is way too easy to be hacked unknowingly.
I truly am sorry that such a thing could happen to this person, and I hope that this does not happen to anybody else.
In an ammendment to this post, this comes from Steve, the host of NexusForums:
"Password are in an MD5 Hash Algorithm. It's not a method of encryption as encryption can be decrypted. A Hash Algorithm is a one way convert that takes a unique "finger print" of the data contained in a file or a password passed to it. It cannot be unhashed back to it's original form.
It takes a unique finger print, it does not encrypt it. A text file 3GB long will produce the same size finger print as the letter 'a'. In other words there is no way for an administrator, cracker, hacker, or government encryption specialist could see your password. Before you start tossing stones at NF why don't you take a look at yourself. Have you downloaded any files from unknown sources? Have you shared your password with others, etc.
Steve Corona SwirlDot Hosting"
In other words, you don't have to worry about your passwords on NexusForums. Problem solved.
Nexus Legends Guild
by: TSWolf
-- 5:50 AM EST
Due to the massive amount of inquires concerning this guild, I will be posting all the details here. I have about 30 people inquiring about it currently.
This will be a guild on the Everquest server "Terris-Thule". Why there? Because it's a medium sized server that is perfect for us. I have my 33 Ranger there, and in order to run the guild I'm gonna need to stay here =).
Alot of you inquired about joining only if a lot of people were interested.. Well.. Lemme say this.. There are quite a few interested. 30 is a low shot at the number of inquires.
We need at least 10 people to get together and create the guild itself though.. I recommend making a char on the Terris-Thule server, mailing the name of your character to me and we go from there.
We are going to try and make a crack at it Monday night (Nov 25th) at 10 PM EST. We need at least 10 more of you to be interested in order to make the guild! Make SURE you make a char on the terris-thule server and then contact me with yer information by EMAIL.. From there, let me know if you can attend Monday at 10 PM EST (7 PM PST) and we will work from there.
As for officers.. I will decide those based on people who make a difference in the creating phase of the guild.
Reminder : This is for Everquest players only.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Creative Nexus Forum
by: Nagnag
-- 10:09 AM EST
For those who want quick input, and a good say in things that happen on Creative Nexus, visit the Creative Nexus Forums.
Clarification - Stuff Going on
by: TSWolf
-- 9:58 AM EST
So ok... People flipped in several ways over my high school analogy to Nexus... And I think I went about it the wrong way.. So lemme reinterate some stuff I've stated.
I'm not quitting Nexus... I'm simply taking an alternate route as my "major game" to play. I made this clear a week ago. I will still run NexusAtlas, it won't be disappearing.. I will still show up on Nexus.. I will still pay my monthly bill. I am just showing others there ARE alternatives.. Believe it or not, alot of people WANT to leave Nexus and simply don't because they're lost and alone out in the other MMORPGs... since Nexus is so social.. This is why I was posting the stuff I did.
Perhaps it didn't belong on News... but then again, I felt it needed some exposure to show, what seems to be a vastly growing trend of people who are sick and tired of neglect. Besides, I got plenty more positive feedback than negative from it.
So continue to play Nexus. Continue to patronize us for nexus information.. More stuff will be coming later this week (Busy this week).. More NEXUS Info... But a few of my staff members are quitting Nexus/Nexus Atlas this week (NO APPLICATIONS PLEASE. WELL CALL YOU.. DONT CALL US) and it's gonna be pretty busy in that sense.
So I hope you understand that I do care about Nexus still. I've played it for 5 years and have done these websites out of my own money, time, and energy.. Much like everyone who has worked for them..
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
The Merchants
by: Windis
-- 10:14 PM EST
For people who don't like opinions, you know where the x is. I recently quit Nexus, or atleast took my leave. Ilios, the new Merchant elder, seems to be taking the stuff that all the rest did. I served as a Merchant for a long time, I was even a guide. Now the Merchants need support with a new elder, and he isn't getting any.
Ilios was a brother to me...a man of good word(and money!)he was always kind to me, and fair. Never did he turn down a question, and although we didn't always agree, we understood Ilios. I really think that the way he is being treated isn't needed for him. He's a good guy!
I do have some bad things to say now. What happened to myself, TSWulf, and...mostly, the path. I really think that if Ilios was elder, I'd probaly still be in the guild...but the problem is that the guild lost members. Why? I don't know...we were mistreated by Dead though, and I am disapointed to say that other guides either shrugged it off, or rebuked us as well. When you kicked TS, you kicked yourselves. He built your path, and Ilios, or any Merchant, is reading this, you missed out on the best thing to happen to that guild...EVER.
If you guys need help, I'm here...nmail me. I'm closer to the Rangers, but if anyone needs proof that Ilios is not only decent, but a good leader, go ahead, contact me. Good luck Ilios, there is quite a hole that needs repair.
Addition by TSWolf - Right on.... Ilios.. You the man.
The "Nexus Legends" Guild
by: TSWolf
-- 7:21 PM EST
Calling all Nexus players! Wanna come to EQ?
Left because it was boring? Couldn't find anyone?
Well come to Terris-Thule (The Server on EQ)... If ya don't have EQ, you can buy it for 64.99 with ALL The Expansions (The EQ Gold Box.. Limited Edition!).
Once we have enough Nexus players on the server, we plan on setting up a (Nexus Legends) guild on the server.
Contact me at tswulf@earthlink.net or TSWulf on Aim for more info! Title your message (Nexus Legends on Terris-Thule) or if ya aim me, make sure ya state why yer aiming me (I ignore alot of pesky people on AIM).
Why Nexus is Like High School
by: TSWolf
-- 12:38 AM EST
I've said this many times to many people and they've all agreed. Exactly what does this mean? Well.. I'll go deeper into it.
There's the Principal, or in our case, the Gamemaster. He's always right.. He knows how things work... He resolves the situations.. He's just a plain jerk in the thick of things.
Then there's the athletes. The one who everyone is friends with or everyone loathes. In our case, that would be the strong people of the game. They are magnified because of their accomplishments, and stand firmly at the top of our "student body".
The popular woman who are just plain jerks and only hang around the athletes... We could tie them into the class name "Poets" instead of Women. Sure some of the hot women (poets) are nice and spend time with the less popular (Less buff).. But isn't it more productive if they hang with the big shots?
There are the activists. People who stand up for everything and have their word in everything. They may be popular... They may not be.. Depends on what they like to do in their free time. This is what they like to do, and will continue to do.
Extra Cirriculary activities... Such as Clubs (Subpaths) or extra credits (skills) exist. Not nearly as dramatic as the establishments on Nexus.. Unless of course yer in Drama club (Muse Subpath).
Then theres the Sports teams.. Nexus, anyone can participate, like in Gym... But only the real athletes... Buff people.. Get to play in the end...
Detentions... aka Nexus Jail. For being "Naughty"... And swearing.. And "harassing someone".. And stealing someones food in the cafeteria.
There's always a place in the hallway where people like to hang out and make a damn crowd... This happens to be at S Gate Mythic recently (Old times N Gate Kugnae).
Instead of Books we have equipment.. While the book doesn't necessarily decide how well you perform.. It may help.
Getting Levels is like completeing tests... Beating monsters is steps needed to take to complete those tests.
Losing sleep because you have goals to attain. Nuff said.
Now enough of the object analogy. Let's look at the mindframe.
Rumors... Lies.. Deception.... Hearsay.. Wow.. They overwelming control the way people look at you on the Nexus and in high school. If a person wants to be a jerk, they will. In school we have disciplinarions.. In Nexus we have Judges...
You have friends who turn in a blink.. You have devoted friends.. You have your set of relationships (Wives/Engagements)..
The mentality of Nexus is that of high school because most of the people who play Nexus are IN high school... Beyond that, the people who aren't in it anymore either wish they were, or haven't matured enough to lose that friggin mentality. So the Drama of life continues in its endless circles of gossip, lies, and arrogance.
This is why many people suffer the stress of high school problems throughout their Nexus lives. They are the same exact problems.
But theres many levels where its different. In school we have teachers... Folks who are not among us, and whose sole purpose is to teach us... I guess "Elders" and "Tutors" and such could be put here, but they are volutary and alot of them are dumber than rocks.
Another big difference is our perceptions. In school they want us to achieve. Whether we do or not they get paid. It's similiar to Nexon.. But not similar to the Subpaths and such. Elders, Guides, and such (Archons and Judges have their mortals paid via karma/carnage weapons) serve a noble purpose of their path, or an arrogant agenda of their own.
There are people who are full grown adults who have been with Nexus for so long.. And enjoy bossing around kids. You don't know how badly I wanna type some names out here... But seriously.. Get a real life. This is a game where kids are coming to have fun. They don't need to be tied up in the DRAMA of your life... The life YOU'VE created by sitting here playing Nexus and ordering around preteens INSTEAD of MATURING from that High school mentality, and getting a job or going to school.... Much like my life is becoming devoting all my time to making a webpage.. But I'm finally stepping out and admitting I have had that problem.. And I'm resolving it in my own life..
And the major difference.. Quitting Nexus can actually prove benefitical to your life in the end.. Quitting School will prove detremental. So you have to do school if you want to be successful.. Why do we put something as bad as high school on ourselves by choice again, when it's better for our health if we stay away?
People come and go from the Nexus, much like they do in IRL life... But in Nexus they leave more often.. Adding an element of stress that isn't even in High school.
Addiction sucks... But it's cureable. The perscription? Try another MMORPG (Another School), Try going outside.. Try meeting people IRL (People not in this school)..
In the end, school has better incentives than Nexus. Why? Because it ends a diploma. Nexus ends with a Banishment Letter.
Monday, November 18, 2002
New Merchant Elder
by: Corath
-- 10:18 PM EST
Today, Esme has stepped down in favour of Ilios, the new elder of the Merchants.
The Diviners' Predicament
by: Corath
-- 9:12 PM EST
"The Diviners believe they are reliving past events!" -- Marstead.
How might this affect Nexus? We'll see...
This was posted by Sheng on CotW.
"Oh dear.. I was not feeling as I usually do today, I continued to see terrible visions of a frightening future - or so I thought. I called the Community to witness a Water Scrying Divination which I had hoped would show me the real problem. It did... but not as I had expected.
For as I looked into the water, I saw dark clouds circling about a young girl in a white dress.. And as I saw this, Sagu attacked the Palace! Well, not truly.. But I saw it, and it was very real. The pirates followed, and then a wave of horrible leeches... Oh, great Grin, it was terrible!
Twelve Diviners gathered in an attempt to cure whatever was wrong with me.. Sarina began to meditate and then each Diviner put forth their own effort to save me. I began to spin around fiercely, and then the worst happened...
The Diviners vanished into thin air and then reappeared, looking dazzled. I no longer saw the Wind spirits invading the Tao Te Ching, but Gull saw something worse -- Kajang, ready to slay poor ArauraDove! All of the diviners who participated in the ritual, and many other Diviners as well, began to experience the same problem that had plagued me earlier...
Oh dear, how can this come to an end!? I must seek out the Grey Wanderer, Taipin.. He may know what to do. He is very difficult to seek out, though, so it may be a few weeks until I locate him. I will ask his council and I shall see if he can mend the situation.
Until then, be wary of the infected Diviners! They do not know what they see, and there is currently no way of stopping them. I will announce my return immediately once I successfully find Taipin and bring him here."
The Christmas stuff is out in Wal-Mart, and its out here, to!
by: Esterk
-- 4:38 PM EST
It's that time of year again. What time of year you ask? Time to wax out your ears, peel your dead butt cells out of your chairs, and go see the family. That's right, its the holidays. Lord knows theres so many of us who are too busy to go see our family every year. I mean, Nexus is SOOO important, and walking to the dining room is such an oddysey. You people out there know who you are :\
Anyway, In light of this delightfull season, I'm creating graphic icons and themes to be used on the site and forums. Things to be included will be: Thanksgiving/Christmas forum buttons Christmas news icons Christmas lights theme on the website topbar Also making an attempt at a NexusAtlas greeting card.
However, This is something I cannot do on my own! Send in your pictures of Christmas past. You can even send some IRL ones if you want. (just give a discritpion of events and etc) While your at it, send some thanksgiving event ones, too. Your contribution will be paid for with an inclusion of your character on the Holiday greeting card. If you have a funny picture, Please crop it and send it to me. Perhaps I'll post your picture on the News during the Thanksgiving weekend and Christmas break.
Also, feel free to send my your holiday stories for my new monthly editorial. Send all material to, Email: Oz_Triez@hotmail.com AIM: BlueDestinyUnit1 REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR NEXUS IDENTITY!!! Im just in the holiday spirit, folks. Im sure alot of you are like 'SO?! WHO CARES ESTERK, GOD YOUR SUCH A LOSER." Well, to you poor, depressed souls, I say 'Shut up Scrooge, and share 1k of that 8 bil you got!" -SMACK-
Happy Seasons
-Commander(Ret)Esterk Buyian Imperial Army
Sunday, November 17, 2002
The Nexus has you.
by: Nagnag
-- 11:29 AM EST
I've gotten a TON of email regarding "The Nexus" film I'm working on, and I've posted on Creative Nexus a little preview. So click the pixel poster to go see. (It will bring up a new window for you).

A News Story You Don't Wanna Miss
by: TSWolf
-- 4:57 AM EST
I found this rather interesting post on the com boards.. I think it's worth a read.. It was posted by Darkwoods.
------------------------- To get the Max stats of 42,840,109/21,420,054 you would need:
922,321,420,000,000 exp for just the vita
and you'd need the same amount for mana for a total of:
1,844,642,840,000,000 exp
thats nearly 2 Quadrillion so if you hunted 100 Billion exp per day (which would be hunting about 4.17bil per hour, which currently isn't possible, I think the best ppl are doing now is near 2bil per hour) it would take:
18,446,428 days 9 hours and 36 minutes
which would be:
50503 years 208 days 9 hours and 36 minutes
which if you played 80 years of your life and then passed your character onto your children who played for 80 years and so on would take:
632 generations in your family
and paying $10 a month would cost you:
$6,060,430 to Nexon
Happy hunting =) ---------------------------------------------
Why did I post that?
Above 320k vitaand 160k mana, what are the incentives for a higher player... More people you can kill in the SAME pk you've been doing since level 6? The awe and respect (or lack of) from your counterparts? Let's face it.. Sam San spells are hideous.. When you hunt Snake 1, yer doing the same thing as if you were hunting Snake 3... The same actions.. Virtually the same spells... The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Nexus severely lacks any sort of incentive for strong/long time players... While games like Everquest thrive simply because they add additions to their high level players that, even I am tempted to move forth from Nexus.
Currently half of our staff is contemplating moving on from Nexus.. For many reasons... Moving on doesn't necessarily mean quitting. It just means devoting our primary time to another game. I am one of them.. The rest will announce their piece. The 10 top reasons are as follows (In No Particular order):
1. Terrible Customer Service - The BBB report of unsatisfactory was a wakeup call to the entire staff. Why are we working overtime for a company who doesn't do it for themselves?
2. Com Board Wars - The majority of Nexus effort is put forth into negative, malicious com board wars, rather than community events. Sadly these negative affects are undulating throughout the community.
3. Lack of Incentives for Higher / Older Players. See Above.
4. Highest Criminal Rate of All Online Games - Nexus has the highest amount of criminals in any MMORPG.. Why? Because of the social aspect.
5. Social Aspects - While social aspects are a great thing.. One server.. Get to know everyone.. etc.... They have a serious negative downfall. Like a high school student body, the drama is unbearable.. Grudges are held for lifetimes instead of 10 minutes that some person steals a kill from you.. Since we're a constant body of 1000 people on one server, as opposed to hundreds of thousands on dozens of servers, we face serious social problems.. Biased Judges... Corrupt Elders.. Fixed Voting... These are not only undeniable, but UNAVOIDABLE.. While in other games, if in rare chance these problems exist, they do NOT affect gameplay.
6. More on Corruption - Nexon prides itself in establishing a player run heirarchy of Elders, Primogens, and Judges. They pride themselves knowing the players run the players, failing to realize the extreme downfalls (Which I stated heavily last paragraph).
7. Failure to Take Care of Business - We've reported heavy violators of the service agreement who have compromised our own accounts/gameplay. These issues have not only gone ignored (with sufficient evidence provided), but the victims have suffered several times because of it.
8. Nexon's Character Sharing/Macro Laws - No other reasonable game enforces laws as obserd as this. While Nexon feels they lose money if "more than one player plays per account" or "you use a program so you don't get carpel tunnel from constantly pressing de< for skills". Sadly, the victims are again the players.
9. Victims pay.. Criminals Cash in - Hacked? It's yer own fault. Item exchanged to the wrong person? Your fault. Elder kicks you cause they don't like you? Oh well. Jailed for something you didn't do? Tough. Someone reported you for char sharing because you regularly play over yer friends house? Banishment.
10. A TERRIBLE Gamemaster - After seeing his remarks toward us, I felt a motivating force to move away from Nexus. I asked myself why I was paying a person, who simply "yelled at the community" in bad grammar for supporting someone and wishing our condolences. We were called arrogant, stupid, and merely a tabloid.. When in fact.. That seems all he is to us.
-------------------------------------- I'm not a CEO of a company or a Gamemaster, nor do I have the authority to provide solutions for the above problems. I will, however, say this.. Things need to be changed around in Nexus for any further production to continue here.
I will be playign Nexus less than usual, and updating the site even less so. I have begun playing EQ again.. It doesn't take a genious to notice ALL of the above problems are "non-existant or rare" in Everquest.. And hell.. It's a little lonely.. But I'm having fun.
Isn't that what a GAME is all about to begin with?
So continue to expect updates... and such and such.. Just don't expect Nexus devotion for a little while..
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Small Request to Older Players
by: TSWolf
-- 3:42 AM EST
Does anyone still have the Legend of Kajang, the Skeleton King written down anywhere? If you do, please contact me. I want to see if there's any relevance to the current event.
Where is Rukwoo........
by: TSWolf
-- 3:18 AM EST
I did some studying of the past events last night and came up with a few conclusions.. All came to understandable ends except one.. Where is Rukwoo?
Rukwoo... The rogue from the Map Piece (1) quest.. Who worked at the Buyian Palace.. Whom intercepted the Sonhi Box Message.. (Sonhi Message).. Later found "WOUNDED" in the Sonhi Encampment and helped by Gan.. Then assisted by Sword in Nagnang... And later his footprints lead east... where you found information on the Map Piece (1).
The Leviathan who translated said the language was in leviathan, which leads me to believe Rukwoo definatly wasn't a man of ordinary power.. (Perhaps this part is thinking too deep.. but I posted away)
The flags found in the inner tombs... The design on the ground which is the same.. The only other place where this flag exists is waving proudly in front of the Kugnae Palace... Nowhere in sight at the Buya one..
So many questions... I have this gut feeling Rukwoo is involved.. Unless of course he died in the encampment like many of the others.. But.. Don't you think he was TOO big of a character to just... Vanish?
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
What's Up With the Winds?
by: TSWolf
-- 10:34 PM EST
MANY things seem to be broken lately.
1)Some tutor abilities. 2)Some Elder abilities. 3)The F1 thing, as mentioned by MissCasey. 4)The subpath lists...
I wonder what the problem is...
I'm sick.. We're bored..
by: TSWolf
-- 7:14 PM EST
Bored? Sick? Wanna chat?
Come to the NA chat room.
Make sure the server is "irc.swirldot.net" since the .com one gives me and alot of other people trouble.
or connect through mIRC
/server irc.swirldot.net /join #nexusatlas
Mistake on my part? Yes.. Quite..
by: TSWolf
-- 5:19 PM EST
Apparently the spies are not gone..
Talk about a list bug from Nexon.
My apologies ^^
Not gone yet anyway.
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Inner Tomb Map
Well folks, after a few hours of work I have finally finished the map of the Inner Tomb area for you. (Click the thumbnail below for a larger image)I have also posted the Pop-ups you will recieve when stepping next to the black slabs. Nothing has been revealed yet in relation to what we are to do next. There is much speculation but nothing proven. Keep looking... Facts regarding the Tomb:
45 Clouds 22 Huts 17 Flags 4 Large Pillars 4 Small Pillars 3 Cracked Slabs 1 Uncracked Slab 6 Warrior Statues 17 Pits 11 Mounds 1 Odd Marine-looking Archway

Monday, November 11, 2002
House interior!
by: Lauz
-- 9:41 PM EST
Asuza found out how to actually do it without getting a letter!
Heres what you do.
1) Click on your house NPC 2) Click on New interior 3) Click on Change request 4) Click on New interior once again 5) Click on Redesign house 6) When it asks you if you have recieved a letter choose yes (even if you havnt) 7) Click yes to all untill it sends you to the Purgatory 8) Once you are in Purgatory DO NOT GO BACK TO YOUR HOME. Go back to your inn, clan hall, or circle. 9) Wait about 10 minutes and then return home once again.
and There you have it! Your new interior should be complete! Enjoy.
More Tomb Findings!
by: TSWolf
-- 7:33 PM EST
Man this page has been active today eh? Jesus.. Look at the headlines.. All Nov 11! ^^
- Blaaen and richdragon have come upon an observation dealing with the 4 black statues surrounding the Tomb. 3 of the seals seems to have a crack while the other one does not..
I'll post more as i find them.
Market Features
by: Lauz
-- 4:31 PM EST
Seems like Nexon has increased the security in the Mass Exchange feature at the market places. Now, when you Mass exchange something, both people must verify the amount of an item they are selling, and the price also. Here are some screen shots of the new features.

Thanks to Terres for discovering this.
Similar Pattern
Exploring the tombs,you will noticed a Sun-like pattern on the floor,each "ray" points to one of the 24 Huts,as well as the Crustations on the North and South.Thanks to *YOGESHI* he noticed that the Flags also contain the same pattern as the floor does...
This is a image of the Flag that contains the same pattern as the floor.

Now who does this Symbol belong too,what is it origin?
Inside the Inner Tomb
by: Corath
-- 3:10 PM EST
Today, me and a group of... 8 other people went to get to the inner tomb. And, we succeeded. My suggestion is to do Mountain, Thunder, Earth, and Wind first - as they have the most monsters in the rooms.
Once you've unlocked all 8 keys, walk around in the room you unlocked last until you drop. When I got there, there was a Yellow Scroll road leading to the coffin of what some people are saying Orb. I'm not sure yet, but here's a look at it.

The Spies are Locked Out
by: TSWolf
-- 11:45 AM EST
Rumors of a Spy disbandment due to under quota have floated around for weeks.
As of the last reset, the spies have been locked from their circle.
What is to come of this? Only time will tell.
In the Tomb Rests Orb
by: TSWolf
-- 11:37 AM EST
I have many reasons to believe this.. But I will analyze this and explain further. (THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS AND MAY PROVE TO BE COMPLETELY WRONG. Hopefully not though hehe)
Orb is one of the greatest magic users to ever grace our kingdom. His 12 students were the original elders. We taught with him and trained with him personally. He showed us the powers and he was corrupted soon by the power of his very own darkstaff.
Upon entering the deepest of tombs, it told more of this person, this "great magic user" and his corruption, just as the Darkstaff corrupted Orb.
And it speaks of the power leaking out... Which occured during the Shattering.
Nagnag seeks the power of the Darkstaff...
Latest Reset
by: Spift
-- 10:50 AM EST
The reset this morning brought about two noticeable changes. You can now change the interior of your home (http://inns.nexustk.com/rooms/ - About 30 new interiors) and the event works now, apparently. When you drop all the keys you fall into a new room that is apparently pretty crowded with monsters. I have yet to fully verify that and I will keep you updated as I work hard to test it, although I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
Now go and make your house look how you always wanted it to look and have fun in the event.
House Update!
by: Lauz
-- 10:45 AM EST
Finally! We can now choose what the inside of our houses will look like!
With todays reset, nexon has added a grand house feature. At the bottom of your house menu, you can choose what you want your house to look like in the inside. Each house size has different graphics.
You can check them out here...
House Addition
Real Life Harassment Warning
by: TSWolf
-- 5:45 AM EST
I am sending this out as a general warning to all users of Nexus.. Oddly enough today is my birthday and it reached its peak today...
There has been some harassment in real life concerning on game issues by a number of person(s) toward myself. Normally, harassment online is delt with by ignoring a person and leaving it at that. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as the person proceeded to harass me in real life when they were successfully blocked online.
I have contacted Nexon this morning in hopes I could have this issue resolved. If not, I will be contacting the local state police with the cell phone #, the phone number used yesterday to harass myself, as well as plenty of incriminating screenshots I have recieved from this person on Nexus.
This is not meant to scare or alarm anyone, but this is a general warning that some people on the internet are not emotionally stable, and therefore will take it out on you, whatever it will cost them.
I have been told by a Cyber Law enforcement agency where I read up on this to not address the person further, nor to put their name out and deal with it that way. But I am addressing a general warning out that what is happening is REAL and can be backed up by sufficient evidence..
This is to urge people to be more careful about what information they distribute online and where this information ends up.
I thank you for taking the time to read this today.
Happy Birthday TS / Ben!
by: Nagnag
-- 5:43 AM EST
Well - for TS's birthday I've created a dream world for him (see below) - (Notice the status and the titles :P)
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Remeberance Day
by: Corath
-- 11:30 PM EST
84 years ago, on November 11, on the 11th hour, a momentous occasion happened. It was the signing of the Armstice that ended World War 1. Since then, we've been through a lot of wars. WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, various Peacekeeping efforts, and many people have died in order to keep our way of life free.
In Canada, we celebrate November 11th as a national holiday, by remembering those who died for us, that we will be free. Wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever your circumstances may be.
At this time, I'd just ask that everyone take time to remember those sacrifices for us.
~Derek -the guy behind Corath
Happy Birthday TS!
Happy Birthday TS!!!We all love you and wish you the BEST Birthday EVER...
And remember we're always here for ya!!!!!!
Have a GREAT Birthday!
~Eric(The one behind MistPrince)
Everyone spam TS with HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Event (Bugged?)
It appears that, depending on what event level you are in, you cannot trigger some of the messages. Delphi will probably get to fixing this soon as many of us have mailed him.
Updated Tomb Map and Event Information with Bug Info
I have updated the tomb map to include key locations. You must walk into the dead end rooms, get this message: , drop the key appropriate to the room you are in and make sure you get a message telling you that you have sucessfully unlocked that particular room/key. (Images of these messages will be posted as soon as I get them) Aparently the Key to wind room is bugged and people can not get a message for that particular room, however, the rest of the rooms can be unlocked using the appropriate keys. Click the small map below for the large version.

A special thank you to the group that made the screenshots and information possible from my end of the event report (from left to right: Omoshiroi, MrCheek, AqentP, Lovebane, Maleficus, Audi and Yinchuashan
 Melalye has figured out, if you drop a Fire key in the Wind room, you get the same reaction as if you dropped the Fire key in the Fire room. Basically, the Wind room is programmed with the Fire reaction tile instead of the Wind reaction tile. If you folks want proof of what rooms are which key, go look at my large map of the tomb area. You can clearly see on the floor in each dead end room the 8 Trigram patterns. The room listed as being wind is most definitly the room to use the Wind key in. The problem is, Nexon needs to fix a small bug before we can completely unlock the tomb. Nexon, if you are reading this, fix the bug!
Here's what we know about the Tombs
by: TSWolf
-- 5:32 PM EST
See the key rooms below on Khamael's post. His name is Maleficus on Nexus. Give em a little thanks for his hard work on that...
1. Enter the tombs with a key set. It can be borrowed, bought, whatever. It will not be taken (Not as of yet anyway).
2. Go to each of the dead end rooms and drop the appropriate key. If you accidentally drop another key, it will still work. Walk around till you get "a warm feeling under your feet". You do not need to drop on this but it helps to get this message first.
3. The Wind Room (South Eastern Room) is not showing a message. I didn't get one for the Fire room either, but I probably just missed it (Was surrounded and amnesiaing like crazy). The other rooms worked fine for everyone else, except wind..
4. The best way for paths to get through solo - Warriors - Group, You cant solo this one.. Rogues - Amnesia and Run for it Mages - Para and Confuse Poets - Use endear to slaughter yer way through.
The fastest way to get through is via group if you aren't a rogue, otherwise solo your way through by amnesiaing and getting this done. We will keep you posted on whats going on. Maleficus is right on top of it as well as myself for now.
New Whispering Winds Post
This might be referring to the eight trigrams and twelve subpaths, but we shall see.
Dear Citizens,
King Senshi has located this old story amongst his private collection, which he felt might have some bearing on the tomb, which Nagnag has uncovered, and taken cover in. I am not sure what it means yet, but it may help to solve the mystery and he has passed it on to me to share with the community. This story must be hundreds of years old, or even older than that. It dates to a time long before Yuri, long before any record I have ever seen. It speaks of the beginning of our age, the age of magic.
- Sprit Guide Eldridge
The Eight Gates
Deep below the ground in the furthest reaches of the land lays a dark and evil heart that beats eternal. No one knew of the power the decaying body would hold, even this long after death. The crypt alone would not hold the spirit at first, and it started to break free.
The master's students, the guardians who opened the new age of magic, gathered to hold their old mentor in his final resting place. Four mighty seals were placed around the crypt, using magic from each fork of learning.
For decades the seals held tight, and peace was upon the land. The great minds of magic continued to maintain the hold on the crypt, while developing stronger and stronger powers. But the pupils underestimated their teacher; for he knew more about the magic they held than any other soul before, or after him. The crypt began to warm again with power, the seals became weak, and the crypts powers could be felt leaking out.
Once again the four mightiest magic users came together to meet with the leaders of the four kingdoms who sealed the mighty mage. Magic was not the answer any longer, some how deep within the void between life and death his magic was growing. A simple lock had failed in the past as well. Together these eight decided to use a mix of both plans. Each was to forge his or her own key so no one group would have the ability to open the crypt. Each was to hide the gate in the ground so as to be hard to see for anybody who did not know what to look for.
Once the eight gates were in place the crypt grew cold again, and nothing was noticed. Generations went by, and still nobody noticed a change in the dormant master. Still the leaders did not feel comfortable. Each kingdom sent a small tribe to guard the tomb. Each sent equal amounts of men to make sure no one kingdom would have controlling power. In all twelve groups were selected, and remain there to protect the tomb, and the eight gates deep below the ground they slept on.
Nagnag Is Still Missing...
I noticed there has not been much discussion about this on the boards in Nexus and the Nexus Forums, so seeing as how I have a 3 day weekend, I will be getting a small group together (hopefully staff members) and heading into the tombs to see if we can't find some new information for you folks that keep up with news. If anyone has any new information they wish to offer us, we would be happy to hear what you have tried in the dead-end rooms in the tombs. You may Email me this information at Maleficus. If you include an attachment you had better explain it in the Email, otherwise, it will be deleted.
Thursday, November 7, 2002
Banished People from Yesterday
by: TSWolf
-- 9:56 PM EST
This is being posted for no purpose except factual.
Shini Sungodess Crazyfire
Hopefully I wont have to edit this post further.
Eldridge's Com Post Concerning Banishment
by: TSWolf
-- 7:37 PM EST
Yet again it amazes me how some players of this game love to hear their voice and start posting some of the stupidest ideas ever heard on the Nexus boards. Banning for "rumors"? If that were even remotely true then the list of people banned would be a lot larger. To give you an idea I thought it might be interesting to list the top 3 people REPORTED for character sharing (almost every week or two I might add):
Calmwind Devion WorldWalker
Last time I checked these people are still in the game, and have not been banned. You know why? Because we do not ban people for "rumors". When we get a report they are passed on to a special person who will look into every report. We do not count on the players report because we want to make sure what they claim happened really did happen.
A player will be banned however when we receive a report of some action that is a bannable offence that we can verify with our own logs. Once we can verify that a violation has taken place, and then it is given to a second person that will verify it as well. If there is any possibility that the logs do not prove 100% that the person was doing what they were accused of we give the player the opportunity to try to explain what was going on. If we are less than 50% sure we take no action on the account. That is more than fair if you ask me.
As for you wanting Nexon to come and explain quite simple we cannot give out information about other players accounts thanks to the privacy statement that Nexon uses. The person who is banned is given what they need to know, and unfortunately because they are not happy they were caught they will try to lie or deceive the community to look for sympathy and support because they believe the community is gullible enough to believe anything they say, and willing to listen to a sob story about supposed corruption and favoritism. It is obvious from the majority of the posts on the community board that yet again the player has done this, not given the community the correct reasons, and the community has gotten up in arms about it. Yet again you send your letters and requests for me to discuss this matter, so here I am. Will it change anything? I doubt it, you will still write telling me you know he didn't do it even thought you really have absolutely no idea what he did, or even if he did it. You will also continue to write about whatever makes it more interesting and tabloid like to entertain yourselves, which is usually at the cost of Nexon because you know we cannot, and will not, fight back because we are limited to what we can do, and even more limited to what the community will even take the time to read and belive.
- Eldridge
Something to Keep in Mind Today
by: TSWolf
-- 4:12 AM EST
In light of all thats occuring today, here is an exerpt from the Liscense agreement you all agreed to upon downloading the Nexus client :
Nexon may terminate your account at any time, with or without cause. The service charge paid by you, if any, will not be refunded to you if Nexon terminates your account for any reason, or if you cancel it.
Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside don't it?
The Master of Masters - Novatius
by: TSWolf
-- 12:29 AM EST
This story occured a week ago, but I've been working on other projects and it seemed to slip through the cracks.
I'd like to congratulate Novatius on being the first player in Nexus to achieve 7 Masters. This is the maximum number of crafting masters that one can achieve in the Nexus and he is the first to do it.
I asked him a few questions, and here is what he wrote :
Q. Which of the 7 skills did you master? -------------------------------------- 1.Smelter, 2.Miner, 3.Smith, 4.Foodpreparer, 5.Woodcutter, 6.Chef, and 7.Alchemist
Q. What was yer hardest to master? favorite? least fun? most expensive? -------------------------------------- Hardest = Mining Favorite = food preparer Least fun = mining wheat for chef & walking the mountain for alchemy Most expensive = 1. Chef, 2. Alchemy Most profitable = 1. Smith, 2. Food prep, 3. Woodcutting
Q. Which skill did you wish you didn't do? --------------------------------------- Master Miner & maybe also chef
Q. Which ones did you wish you did do? ------------------------------------- Well ? I like the skills more then hunting in this game. I can't master more then 7 skills on Novatius, but the intention is there to try and Master all 12 Skills in this game. So spread & do the other 5 skills on my other 3 chars. This will keep me busy for a few years... more.
Q. How does it feel to be the first 7 master =D? --------------------------------------------- Some people are Samsan, have done a lot of quests or other things in this game. I feel very well now & feel myself a little special, being the first person getting 7 Masters. Especially because I gathered the most ingredients myself, spent a lot of time getting all Masters & I'm really proud of myself getting each one of them.
------------------------------------------ If you see em on Nexus, slap em on the back and give em a congrats! He wrote a longer version, with more detail on his accomplishment which I have posted on NexusForums -
Click here to see it!
Wednesday, November 6, 2002
Early Release on Spell Section
by: TSWolf
-- 8:05 PM EST
Cmon you apes! You wanna live forever?
by: TSWolf
-- 7:24 PM EST
Just a little StarShip Troopers punchline there for ya.. Names in () are who the credit belongs to
Here's what we got for you todaaaaay :
Legend marks - New Legend Marks : Grave Robbers Host Favored by the Spirits (PiKaChuBorg, Lauz) Scouted with Rangers (Dasha, Lauz) Found Mercenary Camp (Many Many People) If you know/see any we dont have, snap a shot and send me it as a GIF or BMP (Please not JPG, it ruins it).
- Druid Section Typo. (OkydOky)
NeX-Files - Cave Requirements : Nagnag changed to Nagnang ^^ (dadoggy)
Quests - Blessed by the Stars is Level 60. (Tordok) - Clarification on what you can/cannot kill in the Mythic Alliances. (Skurikn) - Mage Moon Armor Quest changed to Ox Karma. (Halucin) - Poet Sun Armor "Vow of Silence" clarified thanks to alot of discussion on the boards.
Weapons - Fox Blade Str is 30 to wield. (Grimace)
Back in Action!
by: TSWolf
-- 5:32 PM EST
I'm back in full gear folks. I had to take a couple of weeks off from the site to complete another web project I was on. I took a little time off from nexus, but was still regularly on here or there. Tonight I will be working on something. Hopefully we can release the spell section this week! But first, I plan to nail the bugs.. So keep an eye out!
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
Trick or Treat Ends
Get 3,000 coins, 10 rabbit meat & 10 acorns and go fix your head and relearn gateway because Ox has gotten tired of being a mass annoyance! ^^; Trick or Treating ended at this morning's reset.
by: Steve
-- 8:46 PM EST
Back up. Sorry; The server went down for a 30 second mantinance reboot and I forgot to startup IRCd.
Chatroom Problems
by: Corath
-- 8:36 PM EST
Yes, the chatroom is down. Why? I'm not quite sure... it's Steve's server, so maybe he's been using it for target practice in tennis. I'm not quite sure... but it'll be up eventually. It's down for periods of time, but is up later on.
We'll just have to see... but for future reference, the server goes down sparatically. Hopefully Steve can post to clarify this.
Koguryo Royal Announcement
Yuri 53, 9th Moon, 17th Sun
Our Prince bearing in mind of the great harvest and surplus of goods during His Royal Majesty's Golden Jubilee Year, Yuri 50, has ordered a Colossal extention to the Royal Palace in the Capitol City of Kugnae.
Construction will begin during the Winter of Yuri 53, after the harvest since many hands will be free of the farm. At this moment, our Gracious Prince desires the function of the extention to remain a mystery, although he wishes to assure all of his loyal citizens that both rich and poor, Lord and servant, will be permitted to enjoy it. Current predictions place the completion date during the Summer of Yuri 54.
May the harvest be plentiful and may the gods shine upon Koguryo.
Onward, Azure Koguryo! Long Live King Yuri! Signed, Lady Anjos, Minister of Culture & Lord Muckish, Minister of Peace
Saturday, November 2, 2002
Barbarian Survival Skills
by: Corath
-- 11:29 PM EST
"Due to continous confusion regarding the difference between the previous "Kin to Barbarian" mark and the newer "Heart of Barbarian" mark, the mark has been removed completely.
Barbarians will soon be able to teach interested members of the Community survival skills, and grant a mark telling about your survival skills (("Survived Wilderness training")). Please do not bother Guides regarding this new mark at this time... once a quest is ready, you will all be notified."
-- from Barbarian Elder LocoSam
Druid Items
by: Lauz
-- 8:42 PM EST
Hello Everyone :) I hope you are all having fun getting tricks and treats from Ox :)
Today a Druid contacted me and told me about a certain items druids were handing out for a festival of some sort. The item is called Morrigans Rose. The druid has told me to let you all know, these items dissapear within a few days. Maybe people are selling and buying them. Please do not buy them. They are only temporary items.
Thank you.
Trick or Treat Madness
by: Corath
-- 10:13 PM EST
Over the past few days, as everyone knows, there's been a Trick or Treat fest. So, because of that, I post a pic of how crazy it was on the first day, Thursday. Since it was the first day of it, it was PRETTY crazy...
... then add in random Mass Vertigos, Deaths, etc... you get the picture. If not, here you go.

Congratulations Oceana!
A few evenings ago,Oceana accepted a new god,Kubera,the god of Wealth, into there clan.Esme attended the Ritual and after they made their sacrafices to the Gods.
Congratulations Oceana on your Devotion to Kubera!
Words from Delphi
by: Lauz
-- 8:51 AM EST
Last night, Delphi posted 2 posts on the Dreamweaver board. The first one he posted was to tell us about the changes made to the Buya and Kugnae marketplace.

He also told us about some downtime we will be having early November 4th or possibly early November 5th.

Trick or Treat : Eyecandy
First of all, I am sure everyone wants pumpkins.
 Yes, that one really glows. They are called, in order, from left to right: Dorogom, Dread, Fists, Flame Whisp, Giveni, Hunter, Oneub, Thorn, Witch, Woods Savage and Unseen
There are also Dyes and Morphs that can be obtained through Trick or Treat.
 Starting from the left, the first two have the classic Shaman (or Linskrae) dye. The wind armor is dyed in Immortal Orange. The next three are dyed in Godwar Green. After those we have a Mythic Snake, a Rat, a Knight and a Fox, all of which are morphs. You can also morph into the Totem Avatars (they are HUGE and are affected by whatever dye you are wearing at the time). You can also be forced to cast Mass vertigo on everyone in the inn which causes total chaos if everyone is trying to move around.
 There are other results as well. Immediate Death, Being stripped of your Gateway and Return spell including yellow scrolls and being sent to the middle of vale, a dozen or so rabbits could be spawned, you could be given the head of Eldridge which is shown on the fourth person from the left above. There are other morphs and presumably other dyes to be given, but now that I have had my trick or treat fun, it is time to go search the Tomb area for a clue as to what to do next.
I saw these two ladies standing outside one of the Inns and found it just cute enough to turn into an animated gif and share here... enjoy Halloween, even if it is a day late.